Why do you dream of a hole: digging a hole, falling into a hole, ending up in a hole with someone? Basic interpretations - why do you dream about a big or small hole? I dreamed of a hole - what this could mean according to different dream books

One of the worst omens. Falling into a hole in a dream predicts sudden death from an accident.

If you dreamed that you fell into a hole, imagine that your friends quickly pulled you out of it, and together you filled the hole with earth.

If someone you know falls into a hole, this person faces death. To see a hole in a dream and go around it means you will be able to avoid death, but a great loss awaits you. Digging a hole - you will have bitter troubles associated with the funeral. If someone else digs a hole - betrayal loved one will be a blow to you, as a result of which you may become dangerously ill.

Such dreams are very difficult to process. The best way practicing them - imagine a dream situation in comic form. For example, if you (or someone else) falls into a hole, imagine that it is not a hole, but a gutter that is full of manure (see Manure, Excrement). If you see that they are digging a hole, do as the famous aphorism advises: if they are digging a hole for you, do not interfere. Once finished, make a pool!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Pit

Yama - personifies a difficult, difficult situation and is associated with fall. Digging a hole in a dream means you are going through an unlucky period of time, as you are doing something that could harm you later. Dropping something into a hole in a dream means a missed chance. If you see a pit and animals sitting in it in a dream, you have started a business in which you have to deal with people who are tough in character and will have to make considerable efforts to get along with them. Descending into a deep hole on a rope means you have started something that will not bring you anything good.

Interpretation of dreams from

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Pit - “To find yourself in a hole, or in a hole of debt” - trouble, danger, debts; “to dig a hole (grave) for someone” - to prepare trouble for him, to take revenge.

Pit according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Pit - You will die, fear, danger; digging is a grave, an unprofitable business; fall into a hole - trouble will happen, failure, death; if you pass, the matter will end in nothing; if you fall into a hole and get out, you will live, you will get out of trouble; If you don't get out, you'll die.

The meaning of the dream about the Trench (Russian folk dream book)

Yama - Represents a difficult, difficult situation and is associated with fall. Digging a hole in a dream means you are going through an unlucky period of time, as you are doing something that could harm you later. Dropping something into a hole in a dream means a missed chance. If you see a pit and animals sitting in it in a dream, you have started a business in which you have to deal with people who are tough in character and will have to make considerable efforts to get along with them. Descending into a deep hole on a rope means you have started something that will not bring you anything good.

The pit is a danger.

Why do you dream about Yama according to signs (Slavic dream book)

Pit is a grave. Pluto. 4th house of the horoscope.

Seeing the Pit in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

The pit is a danger.

The meaning of the dream about Falling Down (Jewish Dream Book)

I dreamed of a Pit - Falling into a hole A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will find yourself in a situation that only at first glance seems hopeless, but in reality it is not so difficult to get out of it; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to minor troubles that will not have significant consequences and will soon be forgotten; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means failure or misfortune. Climb out of a deep hole A dream you had on Monday night means changes in life for the better; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that your self-confidence will return; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night foretells that you will be able to avoid big trouble. Sleeping in a hole A dream you had on Monday night warns that you should not take on any serious business for a while; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday says that you need rest; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will have to retire for a short time or move to another apartment for a while. Digging a hole A dream you had on Monday night - to hard and unpleasant work, which is unlikely to be of any use; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that some incident will force you to delve into unpleasant memories; a dream that you had on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that you have to zealously do something without really understanding for what purpose.

If you see Yama, what is it for? (interpretation by psychologist E. Erikson)

Pit - digging a hole - a return to those things that have been put off for many years. Watching others dig a hole means hiring people for physical labor. Seeing a hole means remembering your mistakes. Falling into a hole is a catch or an insult; if you get out after falling, it’s a desire for revenge.

Meet Yama in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed about a Pit - falling into it is very bad. Sudden death from an accident. In a dream, you need to avoid the pit. If you dream that you fell into a hole, imagine that your friends quickly pulled you out of it, and together you filled the hole with earth.

Why do you dream about Yama (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Pit - You saw a pit in a dream - certain events will cause you concern. It’s like you’re looking into a hole—in reality, you’ll be taking unnecessary risks. It’s as if you fell into a hole - a big disaster will happen to you. In a dream you help a cowman get out of a hole - in reality, on the contrary - someone will help you.

The meaning of a dream about a ravine (Creative dream book)

I dreamed of a Pit - see also Abyss 1. Many people fall into a pit of despair or feel trapped in certain situations. A pit in a dream makes us more aware of this particular feeling. We may find ourselves in a situation from which it is extremely difficult for us to get out, or we may find that if we are not careful, such a situation will soon happen to us. If we dig a hole in a dream, it means we are creating for ourselves unpleasant situation. If others are digging the hole, we may feel that we have no control over circumstances, so disaster and a fatal end are inevitable. 2. Saving others from a pit in a dream, especially our family members, suggests that we have information that may be useful for them to overcome their problems. Pushing someone into a hole means that we are trying to suppress something within ourselves. Realizing that the pit is bottomless - we do not have the resources to correct the previous situation. 3. The pit, like the abyss, represents Nothing and more than likely death, although not necessarily physical, but rather death our outdated essence. We have no choice but to move forward, knowing that we may fail, but also that if we succeed, our lives will change for the better. To fight a hole requires special courage and bravery.

What does a dream with Yama mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about a hole in a dream - There will be a danger to life.

In the summer, why did you dream about a hole? A dirty, unsightly story from all sides, discrediting you, comes to light.

In the fall, why did you dream of a hole - You will fall into a trap set up by your enemy.

In winter, why do you dream about a hole - Big trouble.

Pit in a dream- In a dream, a hole symbolizes a very difficult and difficult situation, from which it will be quite difficult to get out.
If there are animals sitting in a pit and you see them in a dream- people with very difficult characters will take part in the business you have started, and you will have to try very hard to find them common language and come to a consensus.
If you dreamed of a pit, then such a dream may indicate that everything secret will become clear, and besides, you will have to answer for your lies.
If you dreamed of a hole, it means that you have not yet reached the level where you can declare yourself.
If you dreamed that you were burying a hole, it means that you will soon improve your situation and achieve respect and recognition.
If you dreamed that you were going around a large hole, it means that you will be able to get out of a complicated case.
If you dreamed that you were falling into a hole and there was no one nearby to help you get out of it, it means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation. You should follow the advice of knowledgeable people and friends.
If you dreamed that you fell into a hole and easily got out of it, it means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties sent by fate.
If in a dream you see a hole without a bottom, it means that you will be alone.
If in a dream you dug a large hole, then not knowing how to get out of it, then you will soon realize that your actions are not correct.
If in a dream you are descending into a hole using a rope- leave the business that you started in life. It will bring you absolutely nothing positive, but unpleasant consequences there may very well be.
If in a dream you dig a hole with your own hands, then you should reconsider your actions in real life, since there is a high probability that you are harming yourself with your actions, creating not the most favorable situation around yourself.
If in a dream you fall into a hole- a random sexual relationship awaits you in life.
If you see a hole in a dream, and when you approach it, you drop something into it - be careful, soon you will have a chance that you will most likely miss.
If you jump over a hole in a dream- there will be an unpleasant conversation or even a scandal with the boss or official representative of the state.
If you dig a hole with your own hands- this means that in real life you are on the threshold of making a responsible decision. There is a high probability of making an irreparable mistake. Take your time and carefully weigh all the pros and cons before deciding on any important event, otherwise you will create a lot of problems for yourself.
If you dreamed of a pit with waste- wait for important news by mail, from a messenger or stranger.
If a woman sees in a dream that she is looking into a hole and does not see the bottom, then such a dream foreshadows her sadness and loneliness.
Filling a deep hole with earth- there is an opportunity to commit an act after which others will change their opinion of you.
Digging a hole in a dream- to wrong actions, to disappointment in oneself.
For a man, such a dream promises an acquaintance with a profitable person who will open up new opportunities for him.
Jump over the pit- there is a certain problem in your relationship with your partner that is difficult for you to talk about.
A dream in which you are digging a grave hole has a good meaning. This dream is a harbinger of prosperity, an upcoming celebration, or marriage.
Lowering into a hole in a dream- to deterioration of health.
Seeing a hole in your house in a dream- to trouble, to an accident.
Seeing a pit intended for burying someone in a dream means illness.
Seeing a hole in a dream is a warning of danger.
Seeing you fall into a hole while walking through the forest- you will find yourself in a difficult situation. a dream in which you fell into a hole speaks of your doubts whether to enter into intimate relationships with a certain person or not.
Falling into a large hole with your whole body in a dream means that in reality your life will be complicated by the loss of friends or a place of work, losses, poverty, loss of spirit; in order to get out of such a situation, you will need a lot of effort.
Fall into it- to death.
Falling into a hole in a dream- to encounter great difficulty.
Fall or trip over a hole in the road- such a dream suggests that in your life you have a very dubious environment. People who pretend to be friends may very well not be friends. Place your bets on trusted people, long-term friendships dating back to childhood. You shouldn't trust new acquaintances.
An object was dropped into a hole- unexpectedly get rich.

Sometimes it seems that falling into a hole in a dream is not entirely favorable for the dreamer. In fact, a dream does not always mean danger. Most often, if you dreamed that you had a chance to see an abyss and fly into it, it means that the time has come to grow physically, professionally, and spiritually. Traditional dream books describe why you dream of falling into an abyss based on the emotions experienced.

Miller's Dream Book and His Interpretations

Seeing a ravine and easily jumping over it in a dream means a comfortable and interesting life. But sometimes in a dream you have to fall into a hole, or fall into a trap left for an animal. Psychologists say that a dream means a call for vigilance in reality. Especially if you dreamed that you couldn’t do anything.

Why dream of falling into an abyss, but not falling:

  • with a feeling of euphoria from flying - to the physical growth of the body;
  • experiencing fear, cold horror - to the onset of the disease;
  • without any emotions - to a warning about the wrong path;
  • Wake up immediately - to possible risks, love affairs.

Feel free to continue to grow spiritually and creatively

Seeing an abyss beneath you in a dream, heading towards it consciously, or even feeling a fall means being ready for new successes, creative victories, and professional growth. The interpretation of dreams for many clairvoyants comes down to innovations in reality. Especially if you dreamed that the dreamer liked the process of falling.

To receive a new portion of strength and energy to implement daring ideas and projects, to learn secrets that will help you get closer to your goal - this is exactly what you dream of falling into a hole and not being afraid of it at all. Dream books recommend not to miss the chance and move towards the finish line more confidently.

Monitor your health carefully

You need to start being afraid in those cases when you have experienced horror, icy fear during a rapid collapse down along with the soil under your feet. Modern dream books They suggest not to despair, but to take some preventive and health measures. Otherwise, a new disease may develop, from which it will take a long time to get out.

Why you dream of falling into a hole or falling into a trap dug for an animal is well described in Vanga’s dream book. The healer warns against hypothermia, overwork and nervous strain. It's time for a break, a time out to gain strength again.

Confidently step towards success

Falling into a hole in a dream and not feeling anything is not always good. It is likely that the attackers have laid out their networks so cleverly that you are not even aware of their tricks and machinations. Dream books recommend taking a closer look at your surroundings, checking all your calculations and only then moving on.

It’s good if you dreamed that you received a number of strong emotions, and even better if you woke up immediately. The dream book of Nostradamus claims that in such cases, an energetic “reboot” of the body occurs and the person is again ready for big things, big deals, and new physical activity.

I dream about another family and there is a loved one in it and he doesn’t pay attention.

Why do you dream of falling into a hole?

Unsurprisingly, a pit dreamed of in a dream is a bad omen. If you happen to fall into it, then in real life you should expect trouble to occur. Most likely, you will have to face difficulties and problems that will make serious adjustments to your life.

Extremely difficult situation predicts a dream in which you happened to fall into a pit with animals. In addition, there is a high probability that the cause of all the troubles will be the negligence and stupidity of the dreamer. The interpreter urges you to be more careful and attentive in the future, never to fall into the same rake again.

A dream in which you fell into a hole while trying to jump over it promises problems in life. You should not delay solving complex issues, otherwise everything may end up in a more serious problem.

If you fell into a hole and tried to get out of it, then such a dream indicates that you are going the wrong way. It seems like you didn't even know about it until now. However, now is the time to reflect on your actions and actions, to rethink life values and priorities.

Falling into a deep hole in a dream means need and poverty in real life. Most likely, this is how your current affairs will end. Besides, this dream may hint at cooling in the relationship.

If you saw strange dream, in which falling into a hole did not cause any fear and brought only positive emotions, then in reality a love affair awaits you. The interpreter assures that it will be long and memorable and, most likely, will develop into marriage. The result of your love adventure directly depends on you - remember this.

A dream in which a car happened to fall into a hole has an extremely bad meaning.

Those who fell into a hole in a dream and hit themselves painfully will have to face slander and dirty gossip. Apparently, impudent slander will greatly undermine your authority and humiliate you in the eyes of your loved ones. It is possible that serious stress awaits you, and your loved ones will help you cope with it. Have you been seriously injured in a fall? This means that in reality there is a possibility of getting an unpleasant surprise from life.

Change is promised by a dream in which you fell into a hole of water. What they will be depends on the quality of the water in it. So, know that if it was dirty, then in reality you will have to go through a difficult period. But pure liquid dreams of favorable changes.

It’s good if you happen to fall into a hole into which the ladder was lowered, because in this case you will definitely be able to find a way out difficult situation. Surprises or gifts are predicted by a dream in which you fell into a hole with treasures at the bottom.

Hello! I had a dream in which my husband and one and a half year old son fell into a hole of water. More precisely, they first went down there, and the water there was ankle-deep. I wanted to follow him down, but I didn’t have time, they began to fall through, and the water was cloudy. They were completely covered with water, but the husband took his son in his arms and lifted him above the water. And I pulled him out of the hole. Then I sent my son to my sister, and I myself went in an unknown direction. I rode the bus for some time, then got off somewhere in the suburbs and began to look for the road on foot. Approaching one of the houses, I saw a lot of mushrooms planted in the holes. Then I walked through the field, and I constantly came across mushrooms, but I didn’t pick anything, because I was in a hurry. Then I saw something like a dacha area and asked the women who were walking towards me about how to get to the city and they showed me the direction. Then I went into some large building like a restaurant and walked around it for a long time looking for a way out. It seems like I never got anywhere in particular. I really hope for your hint, what does this dream mean?

Olga most likely dreams of a big problem in life (a hole). It is obvious that there is some kind of non-standard situation that you would not want to encounter. Mushrooms can dream of ill health and poor health.

Walking somewhere, searching, getting lost - in life you will have to solve problems and deal with chores. It is likely that some of the work will be in vain.

Dream Interpretation: pit. Meaning and Interpretation

A person is not always able to independently solve the riddle of dreams that disturb his nightly peace. A dream book will help him cope with this task. The pit is a very ambiguous symbol, which is interpreted differently by guidebooks to the world of dreams. Most dream books associate it with danger, an obstacle, a problem. Why is she dreaming?

English dream book: pit

The English dream book has been helping people understand the secret meaning of night dreams for more than a century. What does this dream book say about deepening in the ground? The pit, if you rely on his interpretation, never dreams of good things. A person whose affairs in reality are rapidly deteriorating can descend into it in a dream. It is possible that the dreamer’s financial situation will deteriorate so much that he and his family will be in need.

Women in love often dream of a pit. If the feeling of anxiety does not leave even upon awakening, it is worth turning close attention on the relationship with the chosen one. There is a high probability that the man has lost interest in the object of his passion, and alienation has arisen between the lovers.

What other subjects does the English Dream Book consider? A hole, if the dreamer falls into it, dreams of betrayal, which will cause a deep emotional wound. It can be done by a close friend or significant other. Such a dream poses the greatest danger to farmers and traders; tangible financial losses caused by external circumstances.

Obstacles, danger - this is the meaning given to night dreams, in which the dreamer looks at a hole in the ground, in almost every dream book. The pit that appears in nightmares warns that a person in reality is making plans that are not destined to come true. The reason for this is most likely to be the machinations of ill-wishers. The dreamer will be able to avoid problems if he finds a way to “bypass” the hole and comes up with a more effective plan.

A cesspool is a symbol whose meaning is explained in Miller’s dream book. Oddly enough, famous psychologist does not consider such a dream a negative omen. It promises its owner news that may turn out to be not only bad, but also good. In any case, the information received in the near future will have a significant impact on the life of the dreamer and his family.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? Digging a hole in a dream can be done by people who will soon encounter an obstacle in real life. An unexpected problem will arise due to a mistake made by themselves. It is possible that they will try to deceive or set up another person, but they themselves will find themselves in a trap set. Honesty towards others will help prevent such an outcome of events.

Miller's dream book reveals the meaning of a dream in which a person first digs a hole and then tries to get out of it. This indicates that in reality the dreamer already understood what his mistake was. IN present moment he tries to fix it, but this is difficult to achieve.

Jump over it

What other dreams related to digging in the ground does the dream book study? A hole (deep) can be a good thing in dreams if in night dreams a person tries to jump over it. It's great if his attempt is successful. In real life, he will cope with all problems and overcome all obstacles. Guides to the world of dreams claim that such dreams are seen by inventive and courageous people who are lucky in life.

Unfortunately, the dream book also offers a negative interpretation. Falling into a hole while trying to jump over it means that a person will not be able to cope with troubles without outside help. It is possible that the problem has already turned into a snowball that cannot be stopped.

Bottomless pit

What other options does the dream book consider? A deep hole is far from the only symbol that can appear in dreams. How to understand a dream in which the dreamer is trying to find out the depth of a hole in the ground by throwing pebbles into it? It's bad if he manages to find out that the pit is bottomless. Such a plot warns that in real life a person intends to agree to a reckless adventure. There is a high probability that the risk will be unjustified and will result in significant financial losses.

Fall into it

How else will the dream book help? Falling into a hole in a dream is the worst possible option. Such a dream predicts a mortal danger that the dreamer will have to face in reality in the near future. He can avoid problems if he exercises extreme caution. It is necessary to avoid adventurous transactions for some time, limit communication with unfamiliar people or completely abandon it.

A person may also dream about how he voluntarily descends into a hole in the ground using a rope. Such night dreams also do not bode well. They can be perceived as a warning that the dreamer is preparing to make a big mistake and is committing rash actions.

There are also frequent dreams in which something valuable to the dreamer falls into a hole. If this item cannot be obtained, the dream can safely be classified as a bad prediction. In reality, the owner of the dream will have to pay for the bad deed he has committed. There is a high probability that negative events deprive him of sleep and peace.

Get out of it

Many people associate the pit with the bottom; this symbol is used in literature when the author wants to show that his hero has occupied the lowest rung of the social ladder. It is not surprising that dreams in which a person is trying to get out of it predict his progress through career ladder in real life. If the attempt is successful, the dreamer can safely count on acquiring a higher social status.

If the owner of the dream fails to get out, dream books recommend taking a closer look at your immediate surroundings. It is possible that among the dreamer’s acquaintances and friends there are people who should not be trusted. Enemies who are trying to ruin life can be fought if a person is able to figure them out.

Freud's Dream Book

What interpretation does the dream book compiled by Freud offer? Falling into a hole in a dream means in reality you will be faced with the need to make a difficult choice. It is likely that the person who has such a dream is preparing to commit a bad act that will be condemned by public morality. If a dream with such a plot disturbs the peace of married people, there is a high probability that they are thinking about cheating, but are afraid to take this step in fear of their other half.

What does it mean to dream in which a person sees other people trapped in a hole? Freud believes that such night dreams disturb the peace of people who are prone to dominance in bed. Such a person needs a partner who agrees to play the role of a follower, otherwise conflicts are inevitable.

Contents of the pit

You should definitely pay attention to the contents of the recess, every dream book will agree with this. A pit with water may be dreamed of by a person who in reality is not able to take control of his life. All his attempts to put things in order end in failure. The hole in which the dreamer sees flowers is a good dream. A streak of luck will soon begin in his life, which will last for a very long time.

A hole with sand in it does not bode well. In reality, a person feels the precariousness of his position, but cannot do anything about it. Having discovered lions or tigers at the bottom of a pit, you should mentally prepare yourself to fight insidious enemies who will achieve victory without choosing any means. A pit infested with snakes warns the dreamer about the same thing.

Surprisingly, many dream books consider a dream about a pit with garbage to be a good omen. Such a dream foretells the dreamer profit that will come from unexpected source. It will turn out to be so large that for several more years he will not have to worry about earning money to satisfy his needs. A love adventure for lonely people is promised by a snow-covered hole in the ground. Those who already have a partner can expect an improvement in their financial situation.

Dream interpretation of falling into a hole and getting out

Dream interpretation of falling into a hole

The most common opinion about why one dreams of falling is that a person is growing. This rule applies mainly to children. What if in a dream an adult fell, and not just on the spot, but into a hole? Is it possible to begin to become despondent and believe that such a dream promises you a moral and physical decline, a sharp decline in material well-being?

Why see a hole?

A deep hole in the ground has a negative interpretation. For the prediction to be correct, it is worth remembering what was in the hole, its depth, and your actions. But, as a rule, seeing a hole in a dream means impending disaster.

Fall into a hole in a dream

Fall into a hole in a dream

If you dream of falling into a pit - in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation; unforeseen difficulties will arise on your way. The dream book even predicts an approximate time frame - about a month.

It will be quite difficult for you to cope with the difficulties that have arisen; overcoming them will require all your strength and endurance. It is possible that this incident will ruin your entire subsequent life.

Falling into a pit according to the dream book

Even in the most ancient interpreter you can find a prediction related to why you dream that a person has fallen into a dug hole.

Miller's Dream Book

Why in a dream would you fall into a hole you dug with your own hands and not be able to get out? You realize all your mistakes, this will happen in the foreseeable future.

The dream book says that you have not acted quite correctly for a long time, being mistaken in your rightness. The events that have happened will make you change your mind.

If there are animals in the hole you find yourself in, then due to your own negligence and frivolity you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. There will be no one to blame for such an incident, only you are responsible. At the same time, it is no longer possible to change anything; all that remains is to learn a lesson.

Miller shares a similar night vision depending on who is dreaming it:

  • For a woman or girl - you will be attacked by the blues, which will develop into a prolonged depression. You also risk being without a life partner for a long time.
  • For a man or a guy - get a tempting offer. By accepting it, you will only win.

If a hole in the ground is filled with dirt, sewage, slop, then the sleeping person will receive important news.

Why fill the hole with soil? You will do something that will make others look at you from a different point of view.

Fall into a pit of mud

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

If you dream of digging a hole, you have a secret that you carefully hide from others. Freud believed that after such a vision your secret will be made public, the consequences could be the most catastrophic.

If in a dream a person fell into a hole, soiled with mud, then he may commit immoral acts. As a rule, by this interpretation Freud meant betrayal of his sexual partner or entering into an intimate relationship with a married person. Same-sex is not excluded intimacy. Before you do this, think carefully about whether it is worth the price you will have to pay for your mistake.

Why dream that another person fell into a ditch? You have obvious sadistic tendencies. You love it when people obey you and follow your orders without complaint. This applies more to the moral violence that you apply to your family members.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book believes that a hole in the ground means unresolved matters that haunt you for a long time. You are constantly thinking about their solution, but the dream book advises you to postpone them until later. Perhaps a certain person or life circumstances themselves will tell you the answer.

Digging a pit in a dream

Why dream of digging a pit in a dream? You are constantly busy beating yourself up. It seems to you that you could have acted differently, done better, come to the rescue in time. Stop tormenting yourself, living people often make mistakes.

Falling underground in a dream means you have taken up a task in which you are a mere child. As a result, complete collapse awaits you. At the same time, the interpreter indicates that the more fear you felt when falling, the louder your crash will be.

Modern dream book

If you fall into a pit and hit yourself painfully, you will become the center of false gossip that you will not be able to refute for a long time. After such a dream, a person will be so covered in mud that he will fall into a long and severe depression, from which he will no longer be able to get out of on his own.

To dig a hole yourself in a dream means your loved ones and friends are at a loss about your behavior. You should have an honest conversation with them if you want to save your relationship.

To stop in time, before you fall into the hole, to see that the bottom is somewhere very deep - you will be faced with a dilemma: get everything you wanted, or remain human. The choice will be yours.

If in a dream a person accidentally fell into a pit he dug with his own hands, then all his plans will be doomed to failure.

How falling into a hole is viewed in different countries

Asians believe that falling underground is a great misfortune. And seeing cars, houses, buildings fall means the death of a loved one.

The French believe that such a dream leads to a romantic adventure.

Why fall into a deep hole in the ground among the British? To the general deterioration of things. A real black streak will come in the dreamer’s life; he will have no luck either in business or in love. You will be left alone, while experiencing acute material need.

Dreaming of a child in a hole

If a child fell into a hole

Why do you dream that a child falls into a hole in the ground? To the betrayal of the people closest to your heart.

Why see your child fall? It is worth paying more attention to him, talking frankly. Perhaps the child has found himself in bad company and is in a difficult situation. . The dream book says that it is in your power to help him.

If in a dream a child got out of a hole with your help, then your efforts in reality will not be in vain.

Another falling child may mean that in your endeavors there will be minor obstacles that will need to be overcome.

If a child falls hard and cries, then troubles can happen to your loved ones.

It happens that a child sees in a dream how he fell into a hole. This means that he has enemies who are going to set him up for meanness.

What was the hole filled with?

When you fell into a dug pit, it is important what else was in it, what it was filled with:

  • Snow - expect a romantic adventure. This is in general positive dream, which promises pleasant changes in life.
  • A sewer pit with mud is a dream that, oddly enough, promises an increase in financial income and material well-being.
  • Filled with water - you will not be able to influence the course of affairs in any way.
  • Sand hole - your position is very unstable, it’s worth strengthening your positions.
  • Completely filled with dirt - you are afraid of the future.

Many people think that a dream in which a person falls into a hole does not bode well. However, this is not always the case. It is believed that if you happen to see a hole in a dream and fall into it, the time has come for spiritual, moral and physical growth and development. Many dream books decipher a dream in which there is a pit, focusing on the dreamer’s emotions and the details of the dream.

An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to fully decipher the dream that disturbed him at night. Dream books can help with the interpretation of dreams. Usually the pit is associated with certain problems, troubles or difficulties. Some dream books claim the danger of such a dream, but there is no need to draw hasty conclusions.

What does it mean to see a hole in a dream

Many dream books warn the dreamer about danger and some obstacles if in a dream he stands and looks at a depression in the ground. Nightmares in which there is a hole - in reality, the sleeper is up to something, he has plans, ideas, but they are not destined to come true. Your ill-wishers, who clearly do not like everything you are going to do, can interfere. If in a dream you walked around a pit, you will be able to come up with a new plan to implement your plans, you will be able to protect yourself from possible problems.

In Miller's dream book you can find the meaning of sleep with cesspool. However, the famous psychologist does not believe that this dream has a bad meaning. This dream is deciphered as receiving news, however, it can be both good and bad. But you can be sure that this news will change the life of not only the dreamer, but also his family.

Dig or jump over

Dream books explain such a dream as unexpected obstacles on the way to achieving a goal. Small problems may arise due to the dreamer’s own mistake. It is quite possible that the sleeper will try to set traps to set someone up, but he himself will fall into them. If you don’t want to get caught in your own networks, you should think about having a normal attitude towards others.

Miller explained a dream in which the dreamer first digs a hole and then tries to get out of it. Such a dream means the sleeper’s understanding of his mistakes and wrong actions. Despite great efforts, it will be very difficult to fix this.

If you dream of a big hole, something good will happen, but only if you try to jump over it in the dream. If you managed to jump over, you can be sure of the good meaning of the dream. The dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles, cope with problems and resolve conflicts. Basically, such dreams “pursue” quite strong and creative people who go through life with luck.

However, there is also a bad meaning to the dream if you fell into a hole. While trying to jump over a pit, the dreamer fell - problems, disputes and conflicts cannot be resolved without someone’s help. Perhaps once a small problem managed to turn into something huge, now it is very difficult to do anything.

If you dream of falling into a hole

A dream in which you dream of falling into a hole does not bode well. The dreamer should be extremely careful, as this dream warns of a mortal danger that will literally haunt the sleeper. You can avoid getting into trouble if you exercise extreme caution. For some time, it is best not to communicate with strangers or unfamiliar people. Adventurous affairs, transactions and the like must be bypassed by the tenth road.

If the sleeping person dreams of how he himself descends into the pit using a rope, nothing good should be expected. Most likely, the dreamer will do something rash and stupid in the near future, which will entail troubles and problems.

Very often we have dreams where a personal item falls into an earthen hole. If it is impossible to get this thing, or all attempts were in vain, the meaning is bad. You have to pay for everything in this life; the dreamer will have to pay for what he once did. Events will make you nervous.

Other interpretations from dream books

In many dream books, a pit is bad sign, but not under all sleep circumstances. In order to decipher the dream in more detail, you need to remember some plot features and memorable moments.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream you saw a ravine that you can easily jump over, quite a lot awaits you. interesting life, there will be no financial problems. However, it also happens that you have to fall into a hole.

A well-known psychologist interprets a dream in which you had to fall into a hole as follows: in reality you need to be a little more attentive and vigilant. Especially if you can’t get out.

In the dream you fell into the abyss, but did not fall:

  • a feeling of lightness and happiness from the flight - physical condition will improve;
  • fear, unbearable fear - you may soon get sick;
  • you don’t feel any emotions - you are going the wrong way, stop before it’s too late;
  • wake up immediately - possible love affairs, risks and transactions.

Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud interprets dream plots in accordance with his theory of the unconscious. Many psychologists/sexologists adhere to the views of Z. Freud on the interpretation of dreams.