Which is better: search advertising or display advertising? Types of advertising in search engines or traffic from search engines.


The most visited resources on the Internet are search engines. They allow extremely precise concentration of information for the target audience.

Back in 1994, this user activity was used to place online advertising: the search engine Infoseek began showing banners to visitors depending on their queries. In 1998, this experience was brought to Russia: the first advertisement related to the content of search queries was shown on Yandex.

In 2000, the idea of ​​displaying search advertising became the basis of Google's search engine business model. Google's success attracted search advertising close attention advertisers, as well as specialists who determined the direction of development of other search engines.

Now all three of the largest search engines on the Runet: Yandex, Google and search on Mail.Ru offer advertisers a whole range of search advertising opportunities.

Trust (voluntary) marketing

The difference between search advertising and traditional advertising is due to the differences between traditional marketing and permission marketing. Task traditional marketing is to distract a person’s attention from what he is doing and switch this attention to the perception of marketing communications. Trust marketing is to involve the consumer in the marketing process, not to steal attention, but to gain the trust of the consumer; do not annoy him with advertising, but provide him with relevant information about what interests him at the moment.

Search advertising objectives

  1. Fast sales promotion. Search advertising has a direct focus “by interest” (direct targeting), most search engine user requests are transactional, that is, users are highly likely to become buyers. Demand for a product or service increases immediately after the start of an advertising campaign; the increase in demand disappears almost immediately after the end of the campaign.
  2. Creating demand. Search advertising allows you to use indirect targeting, highlighting a narrow group of consumers of a certain set of interrelated services or goods. This feature is used to create non-existent demand when introducing new products to the market.
  3. Niche branding. Creating a stable association between a certain product category and a brand name (banner advertising has a special effect here).

Search advertising-specific targeting types

In addition to the above-mentioned direct and indirect targeting, there are specific types of targeting that can be achieved using search advertising.

  • Socio-demographic. Another case of indirect targeting, in which the expected characteristics of users entering queries are used to improve advertising effectiveness. (For example, expectant mothers are interested in clothes for pregnant women, and works school curriculum- schoolchildren of a certain age.)
  • Semantic geotargeting. It is used if the advertiser’s offer is strictly geographically bound, while its target audience is not necessarily concentrated in a given region. In such cases, they focus on queries that combine the name of the city and keywords on the advertised topic.

Good day, dear readers. This is my first article of the new year. For some, vacation has already ended, for others, on the contrary, it is in full swing. But we are again immersed in work to achieve new heights. Today we will understand the types of contextual advertising. I already wrote what search and classified advertising is, but the information was superficial, based only on definitions. Today I’ll tell you about this in more detail so that you have the most complete understanding of these types of contextual advertising.

So, if you have forgotten, let me remind you that search advertising is advertising directly on a search site when it is returned for a query set by the user. And classified advertising is behavior-based advertising that appears on third-party sites.

What is search advertising

I’ll start the “debriefing” with search advertising. All of you are constantly looking for something on the Internet. You carry out your search through some search engine. As a rule, in most cases this is either Yandex or Google (a little later I’ll tell you about integration with other popular search engines). When you ask a query, the search engine gives you results. Immediately below the search bar, advertisements are displayed that are marked with the word “Advertising” - this is search advertising. This is similar for both Yandex and Google.

Impression blocks in search advertising

As you already know, search advertising is shown only on search sites in search results. It is shown both on the first page of search results and on subsequent ones, with some exceptions. Impressions in search advertising are divided into blocks depending on the prices that advertisers set. And the display strategies they choose. The first page is divided into 3 blocks:

1) In front of the search results, immediately below the search line, the most clickable block is located - in Yandex this block is called “special placement”, and in Google - “Top position”. It can contain a maximum of 3 advertisements.

2) Under the search results, at the bottom of the page, or to the right of the search results, there is a block, which in Yandex is called “Guarantee or guaranteed impressions”, and in Google “Other positions (placement in the side or bottom of the page)”. The “Guarantee” on Yandex includes up to 4 ads, and Google’s “Other Positions” includes up to 8 ads. This block will be cheaper for advertisers, but there will be fewer transitions from this block than from the top positions. This block is good for those who have a small budget, or, for example, you want to advertise non-main products or services from which you want to receive an additional flow of customers.

3) Yandex also has another block of impressions called “Dynamic Impressions”. This block is located on the 2nd and subsequent pages under the search results. In essence, this is the same block of “guaranteed impressions”, but it is not located on the first page. The effectiveness of this block is very low, so I do not advise you to appear in this block, because a very low percentage of users go to the second and subsequent pages of search engines.

Search partners

Yandex and Google have search partners, that is, the same search engines, but with a smaller audience. Based on agreements between these two giants and their partners, the ad impressions you place on Yandex or Google are also shown on search partner sites. For example, Yandex has Mail, Rambler, Avito, From Hand to Hand. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a separate advertising campaign, for example, in Rambler or Mail, because Yandex advertisements will still be shown there too.

Thematic advertising

Now let's talk in more detail about thematic advertising. So, this is advertising that is behavioral in nature, that is, it is based on the interests of potential customers. The principle of its operation is quite simple: a user enters a specific request in a search engine, the browser saves his cookie, and in the future, on third-party sites, exactly the advertising that matches the requests of this user that he asked during the week will be shown.

Now regarding the information directly for you, as advertisers. Thematic advertising in Yandex is placed in the Yandex advertising network (YAN), and in Google - in Display Network(KMS). In fact, they are the same thing, just called differently.

Thematic platforms are sites that have been verified and to which search sites have given the right to host advertising for their clients. To become such participating partners, you need to meet certain requirements, the main of which are unique content, a certain number of users per day (at least 500 people per day for a month). Therefore, as a rule, sites are of high quality, but the quality is different for all of them: there are young sites, and there are also those that have been on the Internet for a long time and have a large daily audience.

YAN and KMS have different ad formats.

  • In YAN - image and text.
  • There are many more of these formats in KMS. There is a regular text one, there is a graphic one, there are media and product ones - any of them belongs to the Display Network and ads will be shown only on thematic platforms.

Setting up ads

You need to set up ads for search and subject matter according to different principles. This is due to the fact that during search results, the client clicks on a “hot query”, and on a topic, the display of ads can happen in a couple of days or a week, when the potential client no longer asks any query in the search engine, but is simply engaged in so-called “surfing the Internet” “And our task is to interest him so that he goes to the site.

Therefore, for search ads you need more specifics with a deadline and a call to action, and on the topic there is more creativity, since the client needs to be interested and encouraged to action. It’s better to run advertising on both search and thematic platforms at the same time, but just do different things for them advertising campaigns. This will allow you to get more traffic at a lower cost.

Some results

  1. With search advertising, there are various blocks of ad impressions: “special placement”, “guaranteed impressions” and “dynamic impressions” for Yandex, as well as “Top position” and “other positions” for Google;
  2. It is best to place ads in the “Special Placement” block if it is Yandex, and in the “Top Position” block if it is Google, since they are the most clickable;
  3. In addition to advertising on search, it is necessary to advertise on thematic platforms, as this will provide an additional flow of customers;
  4. You need to set up ads for search and thematic platforms according to different principles.

Well, that's basically all! See you in new articles. The next article will be on Wednesday on next week, so don’t miss out and subscribe to new articles on the site. If something is not entirely clear, ask questions in the comments.

Benefits of Search Advertising

  • Immediate results. You receive traffic to your website as soon as the campaign starts.
  • Ability to set any budget. You can start with at least 1000 rubles.
  • Pay only for clicks. All impressions of your ads are free, you only pay if the user clicks and goes to your site.
  • Targeted “warm” visitors. Only people who are interested in your products/services click on your advertisement.
  • You are always on the first page Google search and Yandex. And also on search through mobile devices.
  • Most fast way to increase traffic and sales. Of all the online promotion methods, search advertising generates the most sales.
  • Just the right geography. Ads can only be shown to people from regions, regions, cities and even city districts that interest you.

Who is suitable for search advertising?

Of course, there are a number of exceptions. For example, search advertising is not the most best choice for branding purposes, event promotion, channel advertising or new products. But, in most cases, this type of advertising is an excellent solution:

  • For the market of organizations and for the market of individuals;
  • For goods and for services;
  • For local businesses, as well as national and global;
  • For small firms and big businesses

Cost of search advertising Yandex Direct and Google AdWords

Our laboratory offers more than 300 types of services for setting up and optimizing search advertising, but for simplicity we have created three comprehensive packages - Economy, Standard and Leader. Each package is focused on different levels advertising campaign budgets, as well as for different volumes of keywords and ads.

Setting up search (contextual) advertising

Optimization of search (contextual) advertising

Individual search advertising service packages

All of our comprehensive packages include many individual search advertising services. They are based on the most popular sets among our customers.

The cost of the package depends on parameters such as advertising budget, number of keywords, ads, ad groups and characteristics of your target markets. Therefore, it is often more profitable to calculate an individual package of services that is most suitable for your situation.

Additional services that significantly increase the effectiveness of search advertising

In addition to the standard search advertising capabilities, there are many more tricks, subtle tactics and additional methods that greatly improve the results. Below are just some of the services that we highly recommend to our clients.

  • Remarketing- This is “tracking advertising” that “catches up” with the visitor to your site. Very effective because Many customers, after viewing your website, may go to your competitors’ website. Remarketing allows you to bring them back, or make them a special offer.
  • Mobile advertising– a very important method, because more than 50% of customers search for goods and services on the Internet not on a desktop computer, but on a smartphone or tablet.
  • Address and reference promotion– greatly increases the effectiveness of advertising. Expands the capabilities of ads and increases their click-through rate. Ads are shown on Google Maps and Yandex.Maps.
  • Competitor analysis– often analysis allows you to find promotion opportunities that your competitors do not use, as well as ideas for new keywords, etc.
  • Analysis of advertising campaigns– allows you to understand which advertising, keywords or promotion channel brings you the maximum number of customers at the minimum cost.
  • Split testing– advertising can lead a visitor to a page on your website, but if it doesn’t “hook” him, he will leave without becoming your client. Using split testing, you can create pages that stick.

Partizzan is your search advertising partner

  • Openness. Unlike those who take advantage of the client’s ignorance and play a “murky game,” we always share complete information and select the most beneficial services for the client, even if they do not bring us excess profits. For example, most agencies avoid publishing prices for their services, but we openly post our prices on the pages of the site.
  • Experience. We have been running clients' search advertising campaigns for over 7 years, but our team includes marketing experts whose professional experience exceeds 20 years.
  • Focus. Partizzan focuses on working with small and medium-sized businesses, so we can produce results even on micro-budgets and for local companies.
  • Qualification. Our team includes 7 certified specialists in search advertising and web analytics, and the company is a business partner of Google and Yandex.
  • Scientific approach. This is our signature feature. We are experts in business technology, marketing strategy and tactics. And, of course, we actively use scientific tools in search advertising.
  • Own technologies. We have developed proprietary techniques for search advertising campaigns, in particular keyword selection techniques, competitor analysis techniques, ad creation technology, and campaign optimization techniques.
  • New technologies. The online advertising market is changing rapidly. Almost every couple of weeks, search engines announce new promotion technologies. That’s why we spend a lot of time tracking new products and offering them to customers literally the next day.

You wouldn't expect to see an ad for dance music or video games in a fishing magazine. It makes more sense to advertise something that might interest readers, such as new fishing equipment.

The same principle applies on the Internet: sites usually try to show advertisements that they think will interest users. This benefits you, the website owner and the advertiser.

Advertising in Google search results

The ads that appear in Google search results are targeted based on your search queries. For example, if you search Google for [cheap flights], you'll probably see sponsored links at the top of the page and links to the right advertising from travel companies.

To decide which ads to show you, automated system takes into account the query you enter, the ad's relevance to that query, the amount the advertiser is willing to pay in the auction, and in some cases, your recent search history, among other factors.

Interest-based advertising

In addition to the advertising links you see in search results, Google places advertising on the Internet, acting as an intermediary between advertisers and site owners. In some cases, these ads are contextual, just like ads in search results. That is, it depends on the content of the web page on which it is displayed.

In other cases it is interest-based advertising. It is reflected because the system makes assumptions about information that may be of interest to you. The assumption is made based on other pages you have previously visited. So if you have visited a lot of gardening websites, you may see more gardening-related advertisements online.

Here's how it works:

  • When you visit websites and watch videos where Google displays ads, it stores a number in your browser using a cookie to remember your visits. This number could look like this: 114411.
  • Since there are many gardening-related sites you visit, the system will place your number (114411) in the "gardening enthusiast" interest category.
  • Therefore, when you browse websites where Google advertises, you will see more advertisements for gardening enthusiasts.

The service does not store your name or any of your personal information during this process. It only recognizes the number stored in the browser and displays advertisements that relate to the interest categories associated with your cookie (i.e. it is recognized by the browser, not the user).

The types of ads that are displayed can be controlled using the Ad Settings Manager. This allows you to change the interest categories associated with your browser (if you don't want your interests saved, you can turn off all categories).

Advertising on Gmail

The ads that appear in Gmail are similar to the ads that appear next to Google search results and on pages in the Internet content network. In Gmail, ads are linked to the content of your messages. At the same time, the system aims to provide Gmail users with useful advertising that meets their interests.

Ad targeting in Gmail is completely automated, no one reads your emails to target advertising or related information. Many email services, not just Gmail, use automated scanning like this, providing features such as

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Millions of people come to Google or Yandex every day with their questions. They are looking for a variety of information: what to read, where is the best place to buy, who provides quality services, etc.

Internet search advertising is a mechanism that allows interested parties to display their advertisements in response to a user's search query for money. The easiest way to explain this is with an example. Let's say you sell mobile phones. The goal is to get as many visitors to your site as possible who want to buy a specific phone. On the other hand, there is a user who wants to buy the product you offer. During the search process, he goes to Google and enters the query “buy phone N” into the search bar. Now you need this user to see your sales ad in response to their request. To do this, you place your ads on a search engine and configure them so that they appear in response to specific queries.

Why do you need online search advertising?

To sell. This is direct advertising aimed at a person who is already ready to buy. It was not for nothing that he came to the search engine with a specific question. But search advertising is used for more than just direct commerce. It is also popular among information sites that need targeted traffic on the site.

Contextual and search advertising are the same thing

You can often hear two concepts: “contextual” and “search”. It's the same thing. The first term reflects the essence of the process (it is advertising based on the context of advertisements and queries), and the second - where it occurs (in the search engine).

How site search advertising works

A person searching for something opens the Google or Yandex search network. He types his question into the search bar, presses Enter and waits for the system to offer him an answer. At the same time, advertisers live at the other “end of the tunnel”. They run advertisements that are customized to display for specific queries. If the user’s request and the settings of these ads (text, keywords) match, it is shown and the person can follow it further to the advertiser’s website to buy the product.

But ad text and keywords are not everything. Every market segment has a competitive environment. Same thing with internet searches. Therefore, search engines have come up with algorithms that evaluate advertisements, keywords, and the quality of web pages. As soon as the user enters his query into the search bar, the algorithm evaluates all existing ads in the advertising network and shows only the most relevant (suitable/high-quality) ones.

What you need to start running search ads

Each search network has its own system designed to manage advertising campaigns. At Google it is Google Adwords, and in Yandex - Yandex.Direct. They differ from each other in capabilities, tools, and size of audience, but their main purpose is a relevant response to the user’s request.
To run search advertising, you need:

  1. Determine the portrait of the target audience.
  2. Determine what products/services you want to advertise.
  3. Select keywords for each product/service that the user enters to find them. Special tools (Google Keywords, Yandex Wordstat) and your own hypotheses will help you with this.
  4. For each product/service, write an advertisement using selected keywords.
  5. Create advertising campaigns in the selected tools (Google Adwords or Yandex.Direct).
  6. Top up your account and launch campaigns.
  7. Monitor performance and change settings to improve results.

Before starting, it is best to study the features of each of the search engines. There are many different nuances: the length of the title, body text, additional features or restrictions on advertising topics.

Advertising in Google search

Up to 40% of Russians from all active Internet users access Google every day. This is a huge amount potential buyers who are ready to receive your proposals. Ads in Google search can be displayed on any device: desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. In addition, in the campaign settings you can specify who you want to show your advertising to. For example, only users of Apple phones, or only those who use the Android system. This refers to targeting capabilities that allow you to segment your audience and analyze your buyer in a more nuanced manner.

It is possible to customize the display by location or language. If you specify “Moscow” and “English” in the settings, then your ad will be seen by everyone who lives in Moscow or is interested in it, but speaks English (whose browser is configured for this foreign language).

The search engine decides whether to show an ad to a user or not based on an auction principle. It is carried out every time a query is entered into the search bar. Google's auction is based on ad rank, which is influenced by three factors.


The maximum amount you are willing to pay per click on an ad. Indicated at the level of the ad itself or the keyword. One ad can appear for many keywords, and you can set the same bid for them. Sometimes individual keywords bring in more profit, so there is an option to increase the bid for an individual keyword. This increases the ad's chances of being shown in most cases.

A bet is an optional payment. In fact, you will have to pay less. For example, if your bid is 20 rubles, and your closest competitor’s is 11 rubles, then you will pay 11.01 rubles per click.

Ad quality

The search engine evaluates how relevant your offer is to the user's query. This is a complex of factors. These include the ad itself and the site to which it leads. Often high quality advertisements may be more significant than the bid. So, by working on your site and offer, you can get cheaper clicks than your competitors.

In Google Adwords there is an indicator - a quality score from 1 to 10. Ideally, strive for an indicator of 10.

Using extensions and other advertising formats

Google Adwords allows you to improve your ad by adding as much as possible useful information. For example, telephone number, address or link to sections/pages of the site. The presence of such extensions increases ad rankings.

Search advertising involves placing only text ads in search results. But Google Adwords makes it possible to use different formats: adaptive, graphic, video, shopping ads, etc. With their help, you can advertise your products and services in other places - on partner sites that are part of the Google Display Network.

Advertising in Yandex search

  • Special placement is at the very top of the page.
  • Guaranteed impressions - the right side of the page from the search results.
  • Dynamic impressions - under ads from the “guaranteed impressions” category.

Where your ad will be placed depends on the bid you entered and the results of the auction. Or in your advertising account you can choose the place where you always want to display your ads. Each time the system will charge you the cost per click that is relevant at the time the ad is displayed.

  • CTR demonstrates the demand for your ad. This is the ratio of clicks to impressions.
  • CPC is your bid that you are willing to pay for one click.

The peculiarity is that the CTR indicator in the auction plays a more important role than the CPC. The higher this indicator, the better quality advertisements and lower prices.

To achieve a high CTR, you should work on your offers. They need to be conveyed in just a few words - and this is the main difficulty. The headline can only consist of 33 characters, and the text of the ad itself can consist of 75 characters. They must contain the main advantage and essence of the entire proposal.

Contextual advertising on the search network is shown only to those who are already looking for specific information. That is why it is considered one of the most effective. The advertiser pays only for a useful action - a click/transition to the site. And most importantly, everything can be measured and tracked using web analytics systems.