Scenario for a female company in a sauna. Scenario for a bachelorette party in the sauna “Sauna Women’s Day”

Nowadays, there are many options for holding a bachelorette party. One of the most popular ideas is a bachelorette party in a sauna. Modern saunas, in addition to the steam room and swimming pool, offer additional services such as massage and serving barbecue. Therefore, this particular option is quite good and in demand.

Bachelorette party customs

During times ancient Rus' The bride and her friends always visited the bathhouse on the eve of the wedding. This event was extremely tragic. All evening the young woman cried because she had to give up her freedom. Her friends unbraided her braids, and passed the ribbons to her younger sister or unmarried friend. Fortunately, in our time, bachelorette parties are of a completely different nature. Fun is the priority.

Bachelorette party ideas

For those who don't want to transform their last evening For unmarried life, theme parties are suitable for banal gatherings. The following options are suitable for a sauna:

  • Bachelorette party in Hawaiian style. Organizers will need to worry about decorations in advance. As accessories you can use garlands of flowers, bowls of sand, various shells and others. It is important to warn guests in advance so that everyone looks appropriate. In this case, it is appropriate for girls to wear bright swimsuits and pareos.

  • Russian bathhouse. This option represents a combination of traditions and reality. Girls traditionally wear long shirts and wear a wreath on their fluffy hair. It is worth decorating a sauna or bathhouse with wildflowers and candles. At this party, instead of competitions, various fortune telling is often held.

  • Spa party. The sauna is just the place where you can take care of your skin and hair. At such an event, the bride and girls will have an excellent opportunity to get themselves in order before the upcoming wedding.

What kind of entertainment can be used in the sauna?

Many will say that there is nothing to do in the sauna except steam and swim in the pool. But that's not true. Modern baths equipped with music and even karaoke. Consequently, there is a huge opportunity to hold a variety of games and competitions. To relax you can:

  • invite professional massage therapists or bath attendants to the holiday;
  • organize a fun disco;
  • sing karaoke songs;
  • invite a professional bartender who will delight you all evening with his delicious cocktails;
  • Call a stripper to your bachelorette party, but this needs to be agreed upon with the bride in advance.

Original competitions and games

To make the holiday fun and memorable for a long time, many recommend diluting it with competitions and games. Among the most popular are:

  1. Find yourself the perfect guy. To carry it out you will need magazine clippings with images of handsome guys, whatman paper and glue. Photos of guys are cut and mixed. The bride’s task is to assemble a portrait of an ideal man from parts.
  2. Sheet. Girls need to use pins and a sheet to create an elegant outfit and walk along a conventional catwalk. The one with the loudest applause wins.
  3. Farewell to free life. To run this competition you will need balloons(preferably gley) and a marker. On the balloons you need to write everything that you wanted to leave in past life. Then release them into the sky. It would be a good idea to hold this competition at the end of the evening.
  4. Best kiss. To carry out you need a picture with an image handsome man, lipstick and scarf. The task is this: blindfolded, you need to kiss the guy and try to hit him on the lips. The girl who does it best wins.
  5. Game "Touch". The bride is blindfolded. The task is to recognize by touch what fruit or vegetable is in her hand. For fun, you can adjust other similar shaped objects.
  6. What men love. It is carried out according to the principle of the famous city game. The presenter calls the first statement, the second girl must say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. For example: car - pineapple - sex - striptease and so on.
  7. The best dance number. The girl must dance the dance after pulling out a card from the hat with an attribute written on it (umbrella, hat, broom, etc.).

Rules for organizing a bachelorette party in a sauna

To make the holiday a success, you should follow these tips:

  1. No men in the sauna except for the masseur or waiter.
  2. It is important to book the venue in advance and arrange for food delivery.
  3. Some aspects of the scenario must be discussed with the bride, for example, a stripper.
  4. You should only invite close friends to your bachelorette party.

The success of the upcoming bachelorette party depends entirely on proper organization. There are many options for this; the main thing is to decide on the style of the party.

The popularity of the idea of ​​organizing unusual holidays for yourself and loved ones is constantly growing, which is also facilitated by the fact that the service has improved and the range of services in places of leisure and recreation has expanded. So, quite unexpectedly, it became fashionable to celebrate holidays in baths and saunas, especially those equipped with outdoor recreation areas, banquet halls, swimming pools, etc. It could be New Year, both birthday and second wedding day, the decoration of such parties can be themed with humor or bath-themed games.

We offer an option competitive program for a bath party, designed for close company. (thanks to the author of the idea)

Competitions and games for a sauna party.

Organizer: In a Russian bathhouse it is not enough to have strength alone; in it you also have to think with your head. After all, the bathhouse is a living creature, she loves when people please her and look after her! So it's time for bathhouse riddles at the bathhouse party!

Now standing, now lying down, now cold, now hot. (Shower)

It hangs and dangles, everyone grabs onto it. (Towel)

He came up from behind, stuck his legs in and walked away. (Slippers).

Shaggy and remote, he beat everyone, spared no one. (Bath broom).

Full of nests of golden beetles. (Coals in the stove)

3. Relay race "Bath accessories"

Organizer: So we remembered what is needed for good rest in the bathhouse. Now we will quickly try to collect everything we need for washing

At the finish line there are double bath accessories: soap, sponge, washcloth, towel, piece of pumice, broom. A player with a bag in his hands runs to the table, takes only one item, puts it in the bag and returns back to pass the bag to the next one. The team that collects the entire bag the fastest wins. You can put all sorts of things along with the necessary items, and then, for fun, ask how they are going to use, for example, a pump in the bathhouse.

4. Game "Exercises with a broom"

Organizer: The only thing not in your bags is brooms. We will give them to you now, but you will have to demonstrate how you know how to handle them: run to the chair, hit yourself three times on the sides with a broom, then run back and give the broom to the next one. The fastest ones win (it’s best to use old brooms because they create less litter).

Organizer: Let's continue the exercises with a broom. Only this time we will practice sleight of hand: we line up and, amid thunderous applause, begin to pass the broom from the first player on the team to the last. And so three times. The audience should count in unison! Whoever is faster is the best!

5. "Rub my back, please!"

Organizer: Remember how the hero of everyone’s favorite movie asked to rub his back and so touchingly asked, “Well, why are you sorry, or what?” We definitely don’t feel sorry or have a hard time, right? Then let's go - this stage of our competition program is connected precisely with this plot... So, a competition with a washcloth: each player with a washcloth in his hands runs to a basin, sits in it, and shuffles his back three times. Then he runs back and passes the sponge to the next player. To the participant. Speed ​​game.


"Take us for a ride, Vanyusha, on a basin"

(see link for other competitions for close company)

Organizer: And now - crossing in basins! One half gets up at the start, the other at the finish. The first player from the start “takes off” in the basin. You can push off with your hands and feet. Having reached the finish line, he makes room for the next participant. He “reaches” the start. And so things go until the whole team rides in the basins. The fastest pot riders win! (plastic basins should be used so that there is less noise and the floor is not damaged).

Organizer(joking): Cover your shame, dear comrades! Here are the ladies! Here’s the task: wrapped in sheets two by two, the participants must run to the finish line and back. Then the same action is repeated by the rest of the team. Speed ​​is everything here!

7. Relay race "Let's have some tea!?"

Organizer: Now that we’ve steamed to our hearts’ content, it’s time to have a cup of tea. And to make the competition a little more difficult, we suggest drinking tea with a towel wrapped around your head, like a turban. Each player does this at the start, and drinks tea at the finish.

8. Relay race "Bath hairdressers"

Organizer: Oh-oh, how difficult it is to comb your hair after a bath! But we will help each other, and no one’s braid will go unnoticed today. Look, there is a man standing at the finish line, and he has three ribbons in his hands. The first player runs up to him, braids the braid, and the second player undoes it. And so on several times.

9. Pool competition (optional)

This competition is for bath party can only be held if there is a swimming pool, then it will be called “Synchronized Swimming”, but in fact it is possible to hold a competition simply for speed. Then you will need children's (!) rescue sleeves, vests and rings. Players compete one from each team.

If you wish, arrange a “Scuba Diving” event. Then masks, breathing tubes and fins will come in handy.

Winners competitive program determined by the sum of points: for each competition won, the team receives one point. They are counted in the final and the winners are awarded. Prizes can include felt hats, rugs or scented soap.

Enjoy your steam!

I searched all over the Internet, synthesizing and inventing new things along the way)

1. Prepare notes with wishes and indicate a certain time on them, hand them out to all guests. Everyone must complete their task within the specified time. Do not talk about your task and the time it will take to complete it. It’s very funny when someone suddenly gets up from the table and starts crawling under the table or reading a congratulation out of the blue) We had the following tasks:

At 17.30 quickly run up to the pool, climb into it and shout: “I see Turkey!” Go up to the table and clarify: “We need a drink for this!”

At 18.00 get up and say “Allow me to introduce myself!” choose three different guests and, saying your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third.

At 18.20, go to the table, pour a glass of wine and read the congratulations:

“On your birthday

I'll become a cool athlete

Master candidate

In raising glasses!

At 18.45, depicting an airplane with the sound “vzhzhzh”, “weeeee”, etc. run around the table three times.

At 19.00, stand on a chair and read the congratulations with expression:

“The glasses are clinking, the cake is flying!

Champagne explodes!

My head hurts a little

Our holiday continues!

Hurry to the table, shout a toast!

May all your dreams come true!

Let the first lines of the verse

Today they will be justified!”

2. At the very beginning of the birthday, guests are given paper and markers and each guest draws what they would like to give to the birthday boy (a car, a house, a helicopter, etc.), then in the middle of the party the birthday boy with his eyes closed pulls out a gift. What will pull him out awaits him next year.

3. "SECRET FRIEND". I liked this the most, it went very well!)) At the very beginning of the holiday, notes with the names of the guests are distributed to everyone present. All the notes are put into a bag and the players take turns pulling out any piece of paper with a name (if a guest pulled out a piece of paper with his name, ask him to return it back)). The person whose name is written on the piece of paper pulled out must become a secret friend. The role of a secret friend is that he tries to do something pleasant for this person throughout the holiday, while trying to remain unknown. To do this, he can ask to play that person’s favorite song, treat him to candy, invite him to dance, say or write something nice to him, or discreetly give him a small surprise. At the end of the holiday, a discussion is held during which each player expresses his assumptions about the identity of his secret friend.

4. Lottery. The presenter says: “Today many surprises have been prepared for you. And one of the first surprises for the luckiest guest. Hidden somewhere here in the hall banknote. Whoever finds it will become the most happy man evenings." And as soon as everyone starts looking: “STOP-STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? Many of you would like to know what the coming year has in store for everyone “I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your amulet prize for a year in advance, but blindly.” Guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out a gift.

Chocolate. The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take the chocolate, remove the label, put it under your pillow. And believe me, in the morning everything will be covered in chocolate!”

Souvenir candle. This year will be more romantic for you than ever and will help you save money on electricity!

Lighter. The coming year will give you the fulfillment of your wishes, because you hold the most valuable thing that Gazprom has - gas! And as you know, whoever is with Gazprom, his dreams come true!

Noodles instant cooking . This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be bullied all year long, or you will tell everyone around you. The second option is of course preferable for you.

Pen. In the coming year you will become very popular and will be able to sign autographs for everyone. You can start right now.

Magi's Golden Cube– You pulled out the most expensive gift, gold over the past year has increased in price by 40%, so this year will be truly golden for you!

5. "Why did you come to this holiday?"

Guests pull notes from the bag with pre-prepared answers:

Purely human congratulations!

I haven't been to the sauna for a long time

Borrow money

I love the birthday girl))

It's boring at home, and you don't have to wash the dishes

Ask for something as a gift

Where else can you talk to smart people?

6. Kind words birthday boy. Decipher (in your own way!) the abbreviation so that you get some kind of congratulation or compliment to the birthday person. The music turns on and after 5 minutes each participant will have to read out what he did. For example: Housing and communal services - What a Good Horror.


7. Who can prepare and drink a cocktail faster?.

And now we will prepare the well-known Screwdriver cocktail. By the way, the cocktail got its name from the fact that American engineers, secretly adding vodka to canisters of concentrated juice, stirred the drink with screwdrivers.

The recipe is very simple - pour orange juice (you will have to squeeze it out of half an orange) and vodka into a glass, be sure to garnish with a slice of orange. And we drink)

Give each guest half an orange, pre-cut slices, vodka and straws. The prize for the fastest was a Screwdriver cocktail from a can)

8. “If you are not one of the donkeys, then you will understand me without words”. Explain the hidden words using gestures:

"laundry soap"


"hot steam"

"contrast shower"

9. There's a pair for each creature). The presenter must prepare cards in advance with the names of animals (two of each type) and distribute them to the participants. The presenter must ensure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. The music turns on, and at the leader’s command, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your match in this cacophony by sound.

10. Tale about a kitten. It’s better to do it when the guests have already had a drink)) Each guest is randomly given a role in the fairy tale. The presenter reads the words, and the players must depict what they read. Roles: kitten, magpie, rooster, sun, wind, piece of paper. Scene text:

Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun was spreading its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint in the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by a magpie that flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly crawled off the porch and began to sneak up on the bird. The magpie chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the magpie flew away. It didn't work out. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew and blew a piece of paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, sniffed it and, not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The piece of paper flew away, blown by the wind. And then the kitten saw a rooster. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly through the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed at the rooster and grabbed him by the tail. But he pecked the kitten so painfully that he screamed a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. He began to lick the wound caused by the rooster. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch at his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he was dreaming about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the kitten’s first acquaintance with the street. (Applause.)

11. The Tale of the Evil Firecracker. Roles: firecracker, hare, fox, bear.

Once upon a time there was a Firecracker. She was angry and despicable, she fought with the hare, fell on the Fox's head, and tripped up the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling dissatisfied. But one day the Bear called the Hare and the Fox and they decided to teach the evil Firecracker a lesson. They surrounded her, their paws pulled towards her, and Firecracker pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, Fox and Bunny began to have fun and dance!

12. The thorny path. Two married couples are invited. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. We laughed a lot)

13. "Dance with bath accessories"

Each guest/couple/team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, and towels.

14. Game "My Wish"

The presenter holds a closed box in his hands, inside of which there are notes with everyone’s wishes. For example: “I want to change gender to the opposite”, “I want to dance a striptease in a nightclub”, “I want to undress in front of everyone on the table”, “I want to legalize marijuana in Russia”, “I want to want nothing”, “I want to work as a watchman at a distillery", etc. The music turns on, and the host hands the box to the guests, and they begin to pass it to each other. At the moment when the presenter turns off the music, the person who has the box in his hands takes out a note from there and reads it out loud. After the note has been read, the music starts again and the box is passed on.

15. Game "Feed Me"

The guests are divided into pairs. Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The partners' task is to work together, without using their hands, to unwrap and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do this wins.

16.Game "Enter Me"

A couple is invited. The girl is seated on a chair. A bottle with a narrow neck is inserted between her legs. A man is placed a few steps away from her, blindfolded and with a straw in his mouth. He needs to insert a straw into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All this is recorded on a voice recorder or video. Then they say: “Let’s listen to what this couple did last night”)

Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time for all the competitions, but what we did manage to do went well) I’ll make a reservation that all my competitions are designed for 6 people. but can be easily remade for larger or smaller quantities.

Every year we have a long-awaited holiday - a birthday. And as this date approaches, we are beginning to be faced with the question of where and how best to celebrate this event. Homes are a mountain dirty dishes, complaints from neighbors about noise, a kilometer of cleaning after the fun. Restaurant - good decision, but quite expensive. But a sauna or bathhouse is just that. You can have a fun holiday and it’s inexpensive. Moreover, such establishments have long been adapted for dining events. From this article you will learn how best to celebrate your birthday in a sauna. Let yours bath party will be special and unique.

Choosing a place and time for the holiday

On given time saunas and baths have long ceased to fulfill their direct function of elementary cleanliness. And they turned into a favorite meeting place for large companies. Therefore, many establishments are already equipped with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, water cannon, karaoke, massage table and even billiards. When choosing a venue for a holiday, it is worth considering the above facts.

Considerable attention should be paid to the steam room itself. Find out from the administration how it is heated. If the heater is wood-fired, it means the steam will be good and hot. If the oven is electric, arrange to have it turned on during the day, 2-3 hours before your arrival. The fact is that to save money, unscrupulous owners turn on the sauna an hour before you arrive. At this point the steam room is heating up, but high temperature doesn't give. It’s very disappointing to steam all evening without any heat, and when it’s time to leave, it will only just come into its full force.

The size of the room also plays a big role. If there is a large company, then it is worth paying attention to the rest room special attention. The saying: “In cramped conditions, but don’t be offended,” this is not your option.

It would be nice if the bathhouse was located in a fairly picturesque place. For example: on the bank of a river or pond, overlooking the forest. Agree that it is very pleasant after a hot steam to go outside, where you are surrounded by a truly picturesque sight. If you have the opportunity to order such a bathhouse, believe that all guests will appreciate the local landscape in your favor.

After you choose the sauna that you like the most, tell your guests where you plan to spend your holiday. Only after you have agreed everything with the invitees, you can safely go to discuss the time and discounts for you. It would be better to place an order a few days before the event. If you are in doubt about how long to order, then do not regret adding an extra hour. It’s better to leave early (which usually rarely happens) than to pack up later in a hurry in order to free up the sauna for the next steam lovers.

Festive table for a birthday in the sauna

You can choose the menu for the holiday according to your taste. But remember that the sauna is more conducive to drinking drinks such as beer, or, in extreme cases, wine. We would not advise you to drink vodka or cognac. Because heat expands blood vessels, but alcohol, on the contrary, constricts them. Such a difference can negatively affect your well-being. Of course, you can drink a little wine, but beer is more confusing
thirsty, and in the blazing hot atmosphere, it seems like a simply divine drink. Therefore, when choosing a menu, try to focus on the main drink - beer. For food, we would recommend you make kebabs and salads. And serve a variety of dried and salted fish with your drink. Crayfish will also beautifully complement your table. Increased air temperature, as a rule, does not increase appetite, and hot dishes will remain less in demand than snacks with beer.

Themed ideas for sauna parties

A birthday party in a sauna can be organized with some theme. For example:

  • Hawaiian party
  • Neptune Day
  • Playboy bunnies

But if you don’t have time to prepare, then you can celebrate the holiday just as fun by adding a few competitions.

Birthday fun in the sauna

After the guests took a steam bath, they swam to their heart's content. You can start having fun. Games in the sauna can be varied, from table games to more active ones. We offer you an approximate scenario for entertaining guests at a bathhouse birthday party. It can suit both men and women.

“Compliment”: When everyone has gathered around the table over a glass of beer, you can play this game. You need to say one compliment starting with the first letter of the hero of the occasion. You need to talk in a circle. Those who could not come up with praise for the birthday boy say a toast. If desired, during the evening, you can repeat it on the second and third letters of the name.

“Robe”: This game can be played as soon as all the guests have gathered together, or it can also be played after water procedures. The essence of this fun is that you need to tie the sheet as creatively and erotically as possible. It will look beautiful on ladies and funny on guys.

“Dance of washcloths”: When part of the evening is already over, and the guests are tipsy, you can organize a competition for the best dance with bath accessories. Several people are selected who can choose any attribute related to the sauna for help. When the actors are ready, the presenter loudly announces: “And now the washcloth dance! Washcloths, to the studio!!!” The guests perform a fiery dance to the music from karaoke. Everyone can dance together or each one separately, it’s up to you. The main thing is that “the basin does not interfere with good dancers.” Well, the audience will play the role of judges and choose, in their opinion, the most original dancing sponge. The winner will be awarded a prize.

  • The loudest voice
  • Funniest performance
  • Performance with dance
  • Most Creative Singing
  • Best production of bath sounds

The fans will choose who they think is the best singer and will be awarded the title “Voice of the Sauna”.

“Ditties”: These ditties can be prepared by one person or you can pass out a piece of paper with printed verses and sing them in a circle. Here are the bath ditties we suggested:
I'll drink beer today
I'll take a steam bath with a broom.

I'll cover my head with a hat,
I'll become a bath hero

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

I often wash myself with a washcloth,
I rub the washcloth firmly.
My wife swears
That I'll wear myself out so quickly.

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

How to remove fat from sides?

You need to eat less for future use.
And only go to the bathhouse
In the morning, early.

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

I'm in a lather today
I'm in the mood today.
Ooh, good broom
I was off topic!

"Water relay": If you have a swimming pool, you can organize a whole relay race. Divide into two teams, be sure to come up with funny, corny names for each. And then the flight of your imagination for tasks:

  • Swim across the pool at speed
  • Stay underwater as long as possible
  • Synchronized swimming
  • Throw the ball as far as possible
  • Swim through a water cannon at speed
  • Swim with an inflatable ring

The main thing to remember is that water games must be safe.

"Beer Sniper": For this game you will need two sprinklers or two water pistols. We fill the weapon with beer. The game can be played between two pairs. Girls must get the spray into their boyfriend's mouth. The guy’s task is to drink as much beer as possible while spilling as little precious liquid as possible.

"Cash cows": Take a pair of medical gloves and make a small hole at the end of each finger. This is best prepared at home in advance. Four participants are selected. The first two stand on all fours, and hold gloves filled with water like an udder. The other two must milk her at speed. Both those watching and those playing will have a lot of laughter.

“Water fight”: What would a holiday be without a fight! If you purchase a sufficient number of inflatable hammers or modeling balls (sausage balls) in advance from a toy store, you can arrange a real battle in the water. Fun and charge positive emotions, your guests are provided. It is advisable that if you film this, everyone involved will want to watch the course of the battle later.

"Continue the proverb": This game is good at the table. When the guests have already warmed up well and experienced the delights of the bathhouse. The host names part of the proverb, and the guests must continue it. Often those gathered do not know the continuation, but begin to put forward their own versions. It turns out to be a very unusual and funny continuation.

And finally, we can say a saying attributed to Peter I: “After the bath, sell your last footcloths, but??? (have a beer). After this, it would be appropriate for everyone to hit the beer together.

At the end of the evening, you can make a congratulation for the birthday person. Throw flowers into the pool and send small candles floating freely. It's better to turn off the light. Lower the birthday boy into the center of the pool, and the guests, standing on the sides on the side, will sing the song “Happy Birthday” in unison. After which, shouting “Congratulations!!!” three times, with a loud cry of “Hurray!” can jump into the pool for the birthday boy.

You can dilute our scenario, a birthday in a bathhouse, at your own discretion, with any of your ideas, or you can borrow it completely without changes. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to experiment and everything will work out for you. Hot parka for you!

Why not have a hen party in the sauna for a change? Since ancient times, before the wedding, the newlywed and her friends went to the bathhouse and there, to the accompaniment of sad melodies, they symbolically cleansed their soul and body.

But those who want to implement the idea of ​​a bachelorette party scenario in a sauna will definitely not have to be sad! Fun, unusual games and competitions, harmoniously intertwined with ancient rituals, and good mood we guarantee!

The host of the party can be either the bridesmaid or the bridesmaids.

Outfits and paraphernalia

Since the bride’s farewell to her free life will take place in the sauna, the bridesmaids should be offered an appropriate dress code: available for everyone identical sauna sets, a bath pareo, or limit yourself to white sheets, which need to be tied in a special way, decorated with a clip in the shape of a flower, and sauna hats with the inscription “Women’s Council” on your head.

Sauna dressing room can be decorated with posters with funny inscriptions, cheerful photo collages made up of photos of the bride’s single life, place aroma or salt lamps in the corners.

Necessary attributes for a bachelorette party:

Holiday scenario

The presenter reports that the bride wants to observe ancient traditions and therefore organized the bachelorette party in the sauna. Today she will say goodbye to her bachelor life, and the task of all her girlfriends is to make this evening unforgettable. He suggests starting the holiday by presenting gifts.

The girlfriends agree on gifts in advance. It could be paired items, for example, 2 pairs of slippers (men's and women's), 2 towels with the names of the bride and groom? or gifts for the home (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.) are selected. Task for the hero of the occasion: with the help of leading questions, guess what exactly they brought her as a gift. You can also give such pleasant little things as a paid visit to a beauty salon, beautiful lingerie, and cosmetics. In return, the bride gives her bridesmaids small souvenirs.

The presenter reminds that everyone has gathered for the “women’s council” for a serious reason. It's time to spend (bride's name) into married life. There is no turning back, since the banquet has been ordered, the dress has been purchased, and the proposal has been accepted. He offers to raise a toast so that the girlfriend does not want to go back to single life. Guests wish the bride what, in their opinion, is most important in family and marriage. (Small feast).

Everyone goes to the steam room

The presenter talks about the traditional ritual: since ancient times, it has been believed that bridesmaids should lightly hit the bride a couple of times with a bath broom in order to cleanse her of all the bad things that happened to her during her girlhood. Offers to observe ancient traditions (the girls take turns spanking the bride with an oak broom). After the last blow, the presenter announces that (bride's name) stepped on the path leading to marriage. Then they go to the shower or pool, carry out body care procedures using scrubs, tonics, aromatic oils. If desired, you can invite a professional massage therapist or stripper to the sauna.

The presenter says that it’s time to braid the hero of the occasion’s girl’s hair for the last time. The bridesmaids light candles, sit around the bride, and braid her hair. At this time, the Yerzya folk song “The Bride’s Lamentation When Braiding Her Braid” sounds.

Surprise for the bride

The bridesmaids prepare a common gift for the bride in advance - a photo book “Natalie’s World” (indicate the name of the bride). The pages of the book are filled with photographs of the bride, from her childhood to photographs of her with her beloved boyfriend. All this is complemented by funny comments, drawings, and wishes. The photo book is handed to the bride with the words what is important event, like her wedding, could not go unnoticed by the paparazzi, and therefore it was widely covered in the glossy press.

Entertainment program

Game “Recipes for Family Happiness”

For the game, cards with tasks are prepared in advance. They are written on them various situations from family life. The girls take turns drawing cards and together come up with an original way out of the situation.

Situations could be like this:

  • There was a huge stack of unwashed dishes in the sink.
  • Your mother-in-law came into the room while you and your husband were lying in bed.
  • My husband hangs out on the computer for days.
  • Both came down with a high fever.

Competition "Best Advice"

The bride will soon be married woman, so she really needs advice from her friends about family life. Girlfriends are invited to give practical, funny, original advice. The winner of the competition is chosen by the bride.

Game “What Men Love”

Everyone knows the game “To the City”. The game “What Men Love” is built on the same principle. The bride calls first a word, for example, fishing-car-pineapple-sex-striptease and so on.

Competition "The Man of My Dreams"

To conduct this competition you will need whatman paper for everyone and markers. The girls take turns with their eyes closed to draw the man of their dreams.

The competition is fun if, while drawing, your friends comment on what you have drawn.

Game "Touch"

The girls are blindfolded one by one and must identify by touch the object that will be pulled out of the “magic” box. You can put everything you have at hand in it - from fruits and vegetables to a comb.

Game "Magic Balls"

You should write in advance on pieces of paper the pleasant events that await the bride, roll them into tubes and place them in balloons. The bride is asked to write on “magic balls” what she is afraid of in her family life - boring life, an evil mother-in-law, quarrels, betrayal, and so on. Then all the girlfriends turn into trouble together (pop the balloons) into positive events.

Dance competition

The girls take turns pulling out cards that indicate the dance attribute (umbrella, hat, pillow, pole, broom). Then a couple of minutes are given to think about the dance number, and the competition begins. Whoever's dance is more creative wins.

Assignment for the bride “Letter”

The bride is asked to write a letter to herself in the future, for example, in 5 years. She will have to imagine how life will turn out and give herself some advice. The letter is given to the most responsible friend present at the bachelorette party with the condition that after 5 years everyone will get together again and read this letter.

Fortune telling

Do you want to feel like a real fortune teller and soothsayer? Then be sure to include all kinds of fortune telling in the script! The main thing is not to take the predictions you receive seriously, and remember that this is just an element of entertainment.

Fortune telling "Next"

This fortune telling helps you find out in what order your girlfriends will get married. For the ritual you will need small candles according to the number unmarried girls. Light the candles at the same time and see in what order they burn out. The girls will get married in the same order. And while they are burning, you can remember funny stories from the life of the bride.

Fortune telling using the phone book

To carry out fortune telling on the last name and first name of your betrothed, you need a telephone book. The witness picks up the book, and the girl who is being told fortune names the page number in the book and the line number. Then the girlfriends carefully look at which name comes up. Similarly, they tell fortunes using the interpreter of male names.

Fortune telling on croup

A deep bowl is filled with millet and various small things are hidden in it. Then each of the bachelorette party participants, with their eyes closed, pulls out from the bowl one object by which they judge the future. For example, if you pulled out the key, it will new apartment, a car keychain - he will buy a car, a heart pendant - he will fall in love, a ring - he will get engaged, a coin - for wealth.

Fortune telling for children

With the help of this comic fortune telling, you can find out how many children a girl will have and who will be born. Add red and white beans to a bowl filled with rice and mix well. Then, without looking, scoop up a handful of cereal and pour it onto a plate. If you see beans among the rice, it means the birth of children. How many beans are counted, there will be so many children. White ones are for sons, red ones are for daughters.

Fortune telling by ring

For fortune telling, you need a glass of water and the bride's engagement ring with a thread threaded through it. Take a ring on a thread and fix it over a glass of water. Then they ask a question about children. For example, like this: at what age will I have children? At 22 years old? At 23? At 24? At which of the numbers the ring begins to loosen, the child will be born that year.

Farewell to single life

You can say goodbye to single life with a fun ritual. To carry it out you will need helium balloons. On the balloons, the bride must write grievances, past troubles, bad memories, and release them into the sky.