Presentation on the topic of growing crystals. Presentation for the research work "growing crystals at home"

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Bread - salt! goodness, prosperity, prosperity! Wish

Why are we interested in this topic? The origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name for the Sun is Solon.

Proverbs speak about the meaning of salt. Speech without a proverb is the same as food without salt. Salt to everything. There is no salt and no word. Without salt the table is crooked. Is it something else, or something else?

Research work on the topic: Completed by: Sirotina Yulia Boltenkov Roman Zamyatin Zhenya Varkentin Sergey Natarova Alena Head: Martynenko Galina Viktorovna - teacher of the KGOU "YAROVSKY CHILDREN'S HOUSE" Growing crystals

The object of study is salt. It’s so interesting to find unusual nearby, in what is available for observation and study, does not require special effort and costs. Salt is on every table, in every home, known and familiar, unknown and mysterious!

“New Year's frost” Was it hard to believe that such beauty could come from ordinary salt?

Research topic: “Growing crystals at home”

Questions have arisen: What are crystals? Why are they growing? What should you “feed” them to grow faster?

Purpose of the study: learn how to grow salt crystals at home.

Research objectives: to study historical information about salt; Find out everything about the importance of salt in human life; grow salt crystals; study the conditions for the formation of crystals, their shape, color; analyze the results obtained.

What new have we learned? Salt occurs naturally in the form of the mineral gallite, also known as rock salt. There is especially a lot of salt in sea ​​water and in the waters of salt lakes. There is salt in the thickness of the earth and in the clouds, in a drop of dew and sea water, in the mountains and on the banks of rivers. It is found in cottage cheese, cheese, bread, cookies or corn flakes. Salt is important for the human body. It is an important seasoning in cooking. Excessive salt consumption is harmful to health!

Salt has been known to mankind since ancient times and was worth its weight in gold. She was always treated with great care and respect. What new have we learned? IN ancient Rome hired soldiers were often paid not in money, but in salt, hence the word soldier.

The Latin word sal is translated as “joke”, and salsus (salty) is “ironic”. What new have we learned? Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote that in his time you could buy a slave for 5 tiles of salt.

“You are the salt of the earth,” Jesus Christ told his disciples. Salt, that is the meaning. What new have we learned? Homer, the ancient Greek poet and storyteller, called salt “divine.”

Salt was considered a talisman and was endowed with protective properties. Salt is also a symbol of friendship. “Sharing bread and salt” meant supporting long relationship. Folk sign says: spilled salt - there will be a quarrel. What new have we learned?

IN Kievan Rus salt was brought from afar. It was expensive, at ceremonial feasts it was served only to noble guests, the rest dispersed “without a sip.” The cities where salt was mined began to be called Sol-Iletsk, Solikamsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Soligalich, Soledar, Bursol-Altai Territory.

Where is salt used? Roads are watered with a salt solution to de-ice roads. There is a salt room in the Khimik sanatorium in Yarovoye. The walls of the room are covered with salt crystals. For treatment they use baths with sea salt.

What are crystals? Crystals, translated from Greek language, "ice". They can be grown from solutions different substances. In nature, crystals come in different shapes (dendrites) and different sizes.

How to grow crystals? Crystals can also be grown at home from salt, sugar, soda ash, copper sulfate. It must be remembered that these are chemical reagents, so children can only work with them under adult supervision!


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The project defines the goal, objectives, novelty, and relevance of the project. Growing crystals is a fascinating activity and, perhaps, the most inexpensive, simple and accessible for young chemists, the safest possible, and arouses interest in the crystallization process itself. At our school, students are keen on this activity; there was one moment at school that almost all senior girls wore long blue earrings that they themselves received.



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Research work Performed by: Alexey Kovich, 8th grade student of MKOU Secondary School No. 10, Lebediny village, Aldan district, RS(Ya) Supervisor: Galina Alekseevna Yankova, chemistry teacher, MKOU Secondary School No. 10, Lebediny village, Aldan district, RS(Ya)

Research topic: “Growing crystals at home”

Why am I interested in this topic? The origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name for the Sun is Solon. Crystals (from the Greek krystallos - ice, rock crystal, crystal) - solids. Hypothesis: You can grow crystals at home.

I have questions: What are crystals? Why are they growing? What should you “feed” them to grow faster?

What are crystals? Crystals, translated from Greek, mean “ice”. They can be grown from solutions of various substances. In nature, crystals come in different shapes (dendrites) and different sizes. In the Aldan region, in the town of the former Katalakh mine on the mountains, there are a lot of such crystals - a wonderful creation of nature

How to grow crystals? Crystals can also be grown at home from salt, sugar, soda ash, and copper sulfate. It must be remembered that these are chemical reagents, so children can only work with them under adult supervision!

The relevance of the study is that growing crystals is an exciting activity and, perhaps, the simplest, most accessible and inexpensive for most young chemists, and the safest; explained by the interest in the formation of crystals of different shapes and colors at any time of the year. This is how the theme of the experiment was chosen

Purpose of the work: to grow crystals of various substances from solutions at home. Objectives: study historical information about salts; copper sulfate is also salt. Study the techniques of the crystallization process. Summarize the information received about the structure of a crystal. Get acquainted with methods of growing crystals. Grow and compare crystals of copper sulfate and table salt. Analyze the obtained result of the experiment. Prepare a poster presentation of material on the research topic

Object of research - salts It is so interesting, finding something unusual nearby, in what is available for observation and study, does not require much effort or expense. Salt is on every table, in every home, known and familiar, unknown and mysterious! Copper sulfate is also available as a fertilizer and is sold in stores. Transparent crystals can be obtained from a salt solution, since salt has no color. And copper sulfate is a blue powder, and you can get a colored crystal from it.

Research methods: -work with scientific literature; -conducting an experiment; - keeping a diary of observations; -analysis and comparison of the results obtained.

The work on growing crystals was divided into stages: Stage 1: Dissolve the salt from which the crystal will grow in heated water. Dissolve the salt until it stops dissolving. Step 2: Tie a salt crystal onto a string. The other end of the thread can be tied to a pencil; it must be placed on the edges of the jar where the supersaturated solution is located. Place the crystal into the solution. Step 3: Transfer the jar with the supersaturated solution and the crystal to a place where there are no drafts or vibration. Stage 4: Cover the top of the jar with the crystal to prevent dust and debris. Leave the solution for several days.

Interesting observations I noticed that larger crystals grew in the solution, which I cooled slowly, and thin, fragile crystals appeared in the jar, which I kept on the cool windowsill.

How to Avoid Failures? The first crystals that were taken out of the solution quickly dried out, after an hour they were covered with a white coating of salt, and after a few days they collapsed. After a bad experience, I became more careful! When the crystals grew, I took them out of the solution, let them dry, covered them with colorless nail polish, and they did not collapse.

What new have I learned? Salt occurs naturally in the form of the mineral gallite, also known as rock salt. There is especially a lot of salt in sea water and in the waters of salt lakes. There is salt in the thickness of the earth and in the clouds, in a drop of dew and sea water, in the mountains and on the banks of rivers. It is found in cottage cheese, cheese, bread, cookies or corn flakes. Salt is important for the human body. It is an important seasoning in cooking. HOWEVER: Excessive salt consumption is harmful to health!

Salt has been known to mankind since ancient times and was worth its weight in gold. She was always treated with great care and respect. What new have I learned? In ancient Rome, hired soldiers were often paid not in money, but in salt, hence the word soldier.

The Latin word sal is translated as “joke”, and salsus (salty) is “ironic”. What new have I learned? Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote that in his time you could buy a slave for 5 tiles of salt.

Salt was considered a talisman and was endowed with protective properties. Salt is also a symbol of friendship. “Sharing bread and salt” meant maintaining a long-term relationship. To recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him (16 kg). A folk sign says: if you spill salt, there will be a quarrel. What new have I learned?

“You are the salt of the earth,” Jesus Christ told his disciples. Salt, that is the meaning. What new have I learned? Homer, the ancient Greek poet and storyteller, called salt “divine.”

Salt was brought to Kievan Rus from afar. It was expensive, at ceremonial feasts it was served only to noble guests, the rest dispersed “without a sip.” The cities where salt was mined began to be called Sol-Iletsk, Solikamsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Soligalich, Soledar, Bursol-Altai Territory.

Where is salt used? Roads are watered with a salt solution to de-ice roads. The sanatoriums have salt rooms. The walls of the rooms are covered with salt crystals. For treatment they use baths with sea salt.

Results research work: I became acquainted with historical information about salt; mastered some methods of growing salt crystals and copper sulfate; observed the growth and destruction of the crystal; composed tips for friends on how to grow a crystal; Prepared a presentation

Conclusions: salt crystals have different shapes; The shape of salt crystals is affected by temperature; some crystals bright color, others are colorless; some grow well, others grow slowly.

Proverbs speak about the meaning of salt. Speech without a proverb is the same as food without salt. Salt to everything. There is no salt and no word. Without salt the table is crooked. He is not rich who has a lot of gold, but he who has a lot of salt

Bread - salt! goodness, prosperity, prosperity! Wish

Literature: Universal school encyclopedia for children "Avanta +". 2004 Great encyclopedia"Cyril and Methodius". 2006 “I want to know everything. Entertaining chemistry" I.A.Leenson.1 996.

Project “Experience in growing a crystal from salt at home”
Performed by group 6 “B” class: Ryabinina L, Grigorieva T, Nikulina P, Savina M. Teacher: Chuvakova Irina Anatolyevna

The goal is to find out how a crystal grows in nature and whether it is possible to grow it with your own hands.

1. Find out what a crystal is, stalactites, stalagmites 2. Find a way to grow a crystal.
3. Grow a crystal at home, thereby showing how it grows in nature.

What is a crystal?
Crystals are solid substances that have a natural external shape of regular symmetrical polyhedra, based on their internal structure, that is, on one of several specific regular arrangements of the particles that make up the substance (atoms, molecules, ions).

Real and ideal crystal
An ideal crystal is, in fact, a mathematical object, devoid of any structural defects, and also having complete, inherent symmetry, idealized smooth smooth edges. A real crystal always contains various defects in the internal structure of the lattice, distortions and irregularities on the faces and has a reduced symmetry of the polyhedron due to the specific growth conditions, heterogeneity of the feeding medium, damage and deformations. A real crystal does not necessarily have crystallographic faces and correct form, but it retains its main property - the regular position of atoms in the crystal lattice.

Perfect Crystal
Real crystal

STALACTITES, STALAGMITES, STALAGNATHES A stalactite is a stone icicle hanging from the ceiling of a cave. Drops of water have been dripping from the ceiling of the cave for centuries and millennia. The growth rate of icicles can vary greatly. Some can grow two centimeters in a year, others the same amount in a century. The minerals they contain are involved in the formation of stalactites. A stalagmite is the same icicle, but growing from the floor of a cave. Stalagnate - a stalactite fused with a stalagmite. If you wait a very long time, the stalactite and stalagmite will lengthen so much that they will connect with each other.

Creating a crystal experimentally

Step 1
Place 9 tablespoons of salt in a jar of boiling water and add dye. Wrap a thread around a pencil, with a stone tied at the end. Place a pencil on the neck of the jar, and lower the stone on a string into the water so that it does not touch the bottom. Cover the jar with a napkin.

Step 2
Within 15 minutes, a crystal began to form, and a sediment appeared at the bottom of the jar.

Step 3
After another 15 minutes, the crystal began to grow faster and became larger.

The unusual is nearby!

How to grow a crystal at home

The presentation was made by:

Maksyutkina Valeria

3rd grade student at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School

With. Nadezhdino

Head: T. V. Tsytsorina

Why did I choose this topic

I used to think that crystals were...

This gems– diamonds,

gems. People find them in

I once cut out a snowflake without

middle, and the teacher said,

what's wrong in my snowflake

law of crystal formation.

The snowflake, or crystal, begins

grow from the middle, from the core. What if

there will be no middle, then the snowflake will

the crystal will not grow.

Is a snowflake a crystal?

I became interested in this topic.

Quartz crystal

Purpose and objectives of the study

Grow crystals at home

  • Learn more about crystals
  • Get crystals at home;
  • Learn to follow safety precautions when experimenting.


  • I assume that it is possible to grow crystals at home.

What is a crystal?

Borax crystals

emerald crystals

  • Crystals are solid substances that have the natural external shape of regular polyhedra


Diamond crystals

Olivine crystal

What are crystals made of? How do crystals grow?

  • Crystal formation is the gradual “sticking” of molecules of a substance onto a small crystal.
  • First, a small crystal is formed - a seed.
  • As molecules stick to the seed, the crystal grows.

Where can I find crystals?

Like a magical sculptor, the light edges of crystals sculpt a colorless solution.

  • Crystals surround us everywhere. Many of the most common substances around us are crystals.
  • Probably everyone has seen water crystals - ice.
  • The patterns on the windows in winter are also water crystals.

Pattern on the window

Where can I find crystals?

  • The solids from which we build houses and make machines, the substances that we use in everyday life - almost all of them belong to crystals.
  • If you look at a simple stone through a microscope, you can see that almost every stone consists of small crystals.
  • Sand and granite, table salt and sugar, diamond and emerald, copper and iron - all these are crystalline bodies.


Crystals in jam

  • Crystals can even be found in a jar of cherry jam.
  • They turned out to be a very beautiful color.
  • There were large, medium and small crystals.

Crystals from a jar

The largest crystals

How to get a crystal?

You can grow crystals from salt, sugar, soda, copper sulfate

Three types of crystal formation

  • There are three types of crystal formation.

1.From melts

2. From solutions

3. From saturated vapors

Solidification of magma is the process of crystal growth from melts.

In a solidifying melt

crystalline ones are formed

embryos from which

little ones grow up


Crystallization from solutions.

Table salt crystals

Sugar crystals

Formation of crystals from vapors:

  • Snowflakes
  • Patterns on glass
  • Frost on tree branches

My experiences:

  • I wanted to get crystals at home from various substances that can be bought in a regular store:
  • table salt
  • Copper sulfate.
  • From the literature I learned how to grow crystals from these substances.

Experience - 1 Goal: get crystals from table salt.

  • I diluted the solution of table salt as follows:
  • I poured water into a glass and placed it in a pan with warm water.
  • poured table salt into a glass and leave for 5 minutes, stirring first. The salt has dissolved.
  • Then I added more salt and stirred again. I added until the salt began to settle to the bottom of the glass. I poured it into a clean container, getting rid of the excess salt at the bottom.

In two days

  • On January 28 we see that the thread is overgrown with crystals and small crystals also appear at the bottom

This is how I grew my first crystals

Result: the experience was successful

Salt crystals

  • The salt solution sat in my room for 20 days.
  • The threads were overgrown as if with frost. There is much less frost on the button and button.
  • At the bottom of the jar you can see small beautiful crystals.

Conclusion: I got small crystals from table salt in 20 days

New experience- 2 Purpose: to observe whether the color of the crystals will be affected by the color of the water in which the salt was dissolved

  • On January 29, I carried out a new experiment with table salt, adding watercolors to the water.
  • To “seed” I used a small nut.
  • Will the color of the crystal change?

Salt crystals

The result is unexpected: the crystals were obtained in two ways:

  • In the green solution, after two weeks, the part of the thread that was not in the water was overgrown with crystals. And on the part of the thread that was in the solution, single crystals of salt grew.
  • The color of salt crystals grown in a colored solution did not change

From solution

  • The color of the water did not affect the color of the crystal

Copper sulfate

  • Copper sulfate used in agriculture for controlling pests and plant diseases, in industry in the production of artificial fibers, organic dyes, mineral paints

REMEMBER!!! This chemical reagent, so it’s better for children to work with it under adult supervision!!

Experiment 3 with copper sulfate Purpose: to observe how crystals can form from a solution of copper sulfate

  • January 20– I started an experiment with copper sulfate.
  • TWO days after the start of the experiment, a crystal of copper sulfate, similar to a precious stone, appeared on the thread.
  • Opening! Crystals are growing!

Result: The experiment worked, blue crystals grew.

  • Blue crystals are formed from copper sulfate,
  • Faster than table salt


This substance is poisonous!

You need to wash your hands thoroughly

after working with powder,

solutions or crystals

copper sulfate.

The significance of my project

  • My work can be used in a lesson about the surrounding world, in extracurricular activities. Now I want to quickly study chemistry at school, because it’s so interesting!
  • I got everyone in my family interested in my experiment. Every morning dad, mom and brother ran to the jars, amazed at how the crystals grew.
  • Many of my friends too
  • became interested in my experiments.
  • And if there is interest
  • to the method of obtaining crystals,
  • then the task of my presentation
  • completed.

Thank you

for your attention!

Resources used:

  • Geology of the Earth
  • Wikipedia
  • Crystals.NET
  • World of Crystals

Preparation of the solution For the experiment we will need two clean half-liter glass jars. In the first we will prepare our solution, in the second we will grow the crystal itself. The first step is to prepare a saturated solution of table salt. To do this, fill the first jar with water and place it on water bath. As the water in the jar heats up, add table salt. Salts can be added in excess to ensure that the solution is saturated. As a result, some of the salt will no longer be able to dissolve and will lie at the bottom. To get rid of this salt, as well as any debris (which are precisely the centers for the growth of excess crystals), we pour the solution into a second jar.

Growth of crystals We pour the saturated solution into a second jar, immerse our embryos there, wrap them in something to cool more slowly, and wait. If everything is correct, then the next day our embryos will already grow, if everything is incorrect, they will dissolve. Now we simply cover the top of the jar with paper to prevent dust from getting into it, and wait another 3-4 days. As the water gradually evaporates, the salt must precipitate. And it will be deposited precisely on our embryo, that is, the crystal will grow.