Don’t rush to judge those whose homes are always in chaos! Unexpected arguments even for me... What does a messy home indicate?

Dirty dishes, mountains of things. Is it just ugly? Worse - harmful to health. The first and most obvious is dust. An awful lot of it accumulates on cluttered tables and cabinets.

And there, rest assured, there is already a breeding ground for dust mites, which most often cause allergies.

Alexey Bessmertny, allergist, immunologist:

A runny nose, itchy eyes appear, and over time, in half of the people this develops into asthma.

It’s the same story with mold - it lives very well in unwashed dishes, bread that has bloomed for a long time, and fruits and vegetables that were not thrown away in time.

Mold spores can even penetrate the human brain, causing enormous harm. Clutter puts not only physical but also psychological health. Experts are sure: scattered things cause stress!

Our soul is a subtle substance; it is in direct relationship with the material world. If there is cleanliness, order and harmony at home, then there will be peace, harmony and order in the soul.

Clutter is the father of procrastinators, those who like to do everything “not now.” The item you need is so difficult to find that it’s easier to put off the task for which you needed it. Yes, and it’s difficult to find. It has been proven that a person living in a mess has a noticeable decrease in concentration. Additionally, clutter can be a worrying symptom.

Nika Armani, psychologist:

Most of the time it's clean psychological problems When a person has chaos in his feelings, there is a painful area. To close it, he withdraws into himself and begins to fence himself off from the world with these “valuable” things.

But you can’t hide in this cluttered house, and you can harm yourself. Living among broken, outdated things is truly dangerous, psychologists say. A person who lives next to junk will certainly have a decrease in self-esteem. He ceases to consider himself worthy of better. And this best does not come to him. Eastern practice confirms: dilapidated objects accumulate negative energy and impede the movement of positive energy.

Andrey Dondukov, specialist in oriental practices:

You need to regularly review things and throw away unnecessary things. When space is freed - this is not only physical, but also mental space - then good things can come into our lives. To attract the good, you must give up the bad.

Doctors add the last straw to the chaos. They identified a pattern: people living in chronic clutter are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis.

Daria Novikova, Vladislav Chusov, "Mood"

There is no order in the house - don’t expect good luck

There is a mess in every home, this does not mean that the people living in it are lazy. Sometimes it’s just a temporary condition caused by time pressure. And sometimes, alas, the phenomenon is permanent. And then it’s time to sound the alarm, because a house in which there is no order will always attract troubles and misfortunes. Moreover, on this matter, Feng Shui, bioenergetics specialists, and even psychologists are unanimous in their opinion.

Clutter in the hallway

You should start from the hallway, according to Feng Shui, this is the central thoroughfare of the house. It’s easy to guess that “congestion” on this road - rubbish, old clothes and shoes, littered mezzanines, broken bicycles and strollers - will not bring any good. There will be constant quarrels in the house, lack of money, household members are trying with all their might to escape from such a house. But as soon as you “clear” the mezzanine, throw out unnecessary and repair broken things, put out-of-season clothes and shoes in the closet - in a word, “make way” for happiness, it will not fail to knock on your home.

Mess in the bathroom

No wonder they say: “the bathroom is the face of the owner of the house.” And if this room is dirty, there are soap streaks on the walls, bottles of cosmetics are scattered around, and the towels are stale - there is an inferiority complex in the “hearth keeper.” A woman with normal self-esteem, who is happy with herself and her life, will always have a sparkling bathroom. But this is where the day begins, so no matter what the situation in the bathroom is, that’s how the day will pass.


The toilet is the “storeroom” of our consciousness and soul, where we unconsciously place what we want to forget. And the more garbage there is in the “corner of reverie,” the more hidden skeletons we have in life. But attempts to hide the shameful details of life result in buried insight and intuition. Do you need it? Don’t accumulate grievances and problems, it’s better to “flush” them down the toilet!

Mess in the kitchen

The kitchen is a source of abundance, energy and well-being; it is the heart of the home. After all, our condition depends not only on what we eat, but also on the mood of the person who prepared the food. If the kitchen is full of junk, empty cans and bottles, on the shelves and in the cabinets, “the devil will break his leg,” don’t be surprised that you can’t cope with overweight. Cleanse the room and a flow of prosperity, both financial and personal, will open in your life. Food should be prepared in cleanliness, comfort, among warmth and light, then it will bring benefit and not harm.

Living room

This room is the face of the house; guests are received in it. It is she who is responsible for communication with the rest of the world; this is an indicator of how your friends and family see your life. A mess in the living room will lead to quarrels, misunderstandings between you and your friends, family... And, in the end, it will lead to loneliness and a feeling of alienation and uselessness. The living room should “attract” you into your home good people, and with them - happiness. You shouldn’t clutter it too much, this can cause constraint in relationships with people; the more light in the living room, the better.


This is the most intimate room, if you like – the “forge” of your personal happiness. A mess in this room can lead to insomnia, quarrels with a loved one, and problems in the intimate sphere. Experts advise removing from the bedroom everything that is not directly related to sleep and sex. Even the so familiar TV and computer are completely unnecessary here. The bedroom should inspire thoughts of peace and love.

As you can see, a seemingly innocent “glove compartment” can turn into big trouble for you. And if they have already entered your life, urgently empty your house of unnecessary trash! Without regret, part with things that have been lying unclaimed for a long time. Positive energy and well-being will flow into the vacated space, and this is much more important than a kettle that has been waiting for five years to be repaired, right?

Irina Nevolina

Clutter in the house - why? He's quiet. He is omnipresent. It creeps unnoticed into all corners. Oh, this is a mess! And when the condition of your home brings you to the brink, you decide to wage war against this insidious mess invader. But first you need to know your enemy. There are many reasons why household clutter occurs. And as someone said: “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”

What is your individual clutter?

Thrifty (hoarder): “This might come in handy someday!”

The origins of accumulation are rooted in uncertainty - financial, about the future, etc. A thrifty person is afraid that he will throw away this or that “needed” thing and will regret it when he needs it. And it doesn’t matter that this moment may never come, or that the thing has long been outdated. The closets of such people are filled with packaging, jars, old magazines and other very “useful” and “necessary” things.

  • Advice. You need to convince yourself that all things can be obtained, bought, borrowed. There is no need to store 25 coffee cans, just because they are very convenient for storing various small items (don’t store extra small items either :)). You can look up magazines in the library or on the Internet. Once you get rid of the “treasures,” the clutter will disappear. As ::yes says: “Trash cannot be organized.”

Procrastinator: “I’ll think about it tomorrow”

There is such a concept in psychology as procrastination. According to Wikipedia, it is “the tendency to constantly “postpone” unpleasant thoughts and actions.”

Bills, notices, things that need cleaning or repairing are all put aside and will be dealt with another day, just not today. A person who is accustomed to putting everything off will leave dishes in the sink after dinner, wet laundry in washing machine or leaving dirty shoes unwashed.

  • Advice. Since this behavior is based on procrastination, then the best remedy- action. It is necessary to develop the habit of “Take it and put it back in its place.” If a problem can be solved today, under no circumstances should it be postponed until later.

Rebel: “I don’t want to, and you won’t force me”

One way or another, the problems of rebels have their origins in childhood. They were forced to clean up after themselves. And, having matured, they still express the silent stubbornness of a four-year-old toddler who refuses to put away his toys.

Rebels' clutter can extend to anything, but most often focuses on everyday activities.

The rebel will persist in throwing dirty clothes anywhere, but not in the dirty laundry basket, leaving the bed unmade, etc.

  • Advice. The main thing for such people to understand is that the war is over! They no longer live with their mother. They have own family, which deserves an adult, reasonable owner or mistress, and not a sullen child. Have a cozy clean house Now it's your wish, not your parents' wish.

Perfectionist: “Next week I will organize everything perfectly!”

Perfectionists are wonderful people, but they live in an all-or-nothing world. They do wonderful things – when they do them!

Such people will tolerate chaos until they can do everything perfectly. For example, plastic containers for products, the pantry will overflow in disarray until the perfectionist buys excellent paper for the shelves, colored labels.

  • Advice. Perfectionists need to know the 80/20 rule (Pareto's law) - 20% of the work done will solve 80% of the problem. By giving yourself permission to do only 20% of the work (instead of 110%), a perfectionist will solve the problem of clutter.

Perhaps you did not see yourself in this classification. Then you can be congratulated - your home is clean and tidy! And someone may notice manifestations of several or even all of the signs. No problem! Now you know the enemy, so it’s easier to deal with him. And your home will also be cozy and clean!

Order and disorder in the home affects family relationships. This fact is confirmed by everyone: psychologists have established a connection between these phenomena, adherents of esotericism claim the negative energy of disorder and unnecessary things, and Feng Shui has grown into a whole science.

It doesn't matter what you believe in, the scientific arguments of psychologists or the influence negative energy– order in the house has a direct impact on the relationship between spouses. Proper organization of space in the house allows you to influence certain areas of a person’s life.

A messy home = a messy personal life.

There is a claim that domestic disturbances can help identify problem areas in relationships. For example, a mess in the hallway indicates a fear of starting a relationship, and in the closet - an inability to control your emotions. Pile up in the kitchen indicates that a person is tired of keeping track of own home. The rubble on the bed indicates a person’s desire to change his life. Rubbish behind doors in the corners means a desire to distance yourself from others, and disorder on the mezzanine means a person lives in the past.

Based on this, you can observe a person and detect his changes in his outlook on life. An attentive spouse can catch all these changes and try to change lives so that everything returns to normal. For example, debris in the kitchen, as mentioned above, indicates that one of the spouses is tired of taking care of the house. In this case, you need to find out the reason for this and bring something new into the relationship. Perhaps go on a trip, try something new, or just have a good rest.

Home comfort

Home should be made the best place on earth, a place of rest from the outside world, a place of presence loving husband and wives who love each other and their children. Each person is an individual who can be both sad and happy. Words, deeds, behavior in which love is manifested allow you to win the hearts of your family.

Cleanliness and order in the house is a necessary condition for a successful family. But if you make putting things in order the main responsibility in life and devote all your time to this activity, then you will not have enough time for your spouse and children. This will eventually have a negative impact on the relationship. Also, while constantly keeping order in your home, you should not forget about your appearance. Spouses should always remain neat and attractive to each other.

From here we draw a logical conclusion: order in the house is a very important part of life, but you don’t need to spend all your time on it. You can simply “play too much” and move away from your spouse, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the relationship.

The effect of disorder on a person

Depression and disorder have a strong relationship. So, depression is apathy, a lack of interest in everything, including maintaining order. Clutter contributes to the further development of this condition, and repair or cleaning helps to get rid of it.

Poorly maintained housing also affects children. Educators claim that light disorder trains the child’s memory and imagination, but there should be “ golden mean" The most difficult thing to instill is neatness; you either have it by nature or you don’t. Therefore, it is necessary to teach order systematically and under control. If you are constantly cleaning up your children's messes, they will become irresponsible over time. At first, this will manifest itself in irresponsibility to one’s own actions, and over time, to one’s family. In the future, this may cause the destruction of family relationships.

So, the mess:

· Promotes the development of apathy, fatigue, despondency.

· Introduces disharmony and chaos into a person’s life.

· Affects the attitude towards oneself and other people.

· Creates the need to constantly clean.

· Takes away time that could be spent on loved ones.

· Prevents you from achieving new successes.

How to get rid of it?

You can put things in order yourself, you just need to pull yourself together. The main thing is to start - this is the most difficult step. Set yourself up to the idea that cleaning is not a punishment, but rather an opportunity to do something better for yourself and your family. There is no need to analyze for a long time, think about what to put away where, what to throw away and what not. Just take it and throw away everything you don't need.

Clutter directly affects family relationships. The more positive energy there is in the house, the more happiness each family member will have. Teach your children from childhood to clean and organize the space around them. As children age, it becomes more difficult to maintain order. Chaos in a teenager's room is a standard that reflects the period of life characteristic of puberty. Therefore, by instilling a love of order, you strengthen his faith in his capabilities.

By maintaining normal order in the house, not “museum cleanliness” and not “not to pass through, but to pass through,” but a “golden mean,” you significantly strengthen your relationship with your spouse and children.

Have you noticed how much time you have to spend cleaning? How much effort? Constantly maintaining order in the house means making yourself hostage to performing household tasks that many people consider not so necessary.

We are used to judging a person if he has constant mess. But even this fact, like everything in life, can be looked at differently.

The disorder and carelessness in the environment suggests that the person living here is a creative, brave, inventive person. It sounds strange and even funny, but there is an opinion that is difficult to argue with.

Mess in the house

We are surrounded by templates, society tries to fit everything into the same framework. But in fact, the world is chaotic in its diversity. “This is a law of physics. The harsh truth of life is that the Universe itself is chaos.

How can you put things in order at home or in your life if it goes against the nature of the universe?” - so said physicist Adam Frank. If you think about it, by throwing garbage out of our home, we are polluting the environment.

Your house has become cleaner, but the chaos on the planet remains unchanged. No matter how much you strive for perfect order, all the same, the unpredictability of life will not allow you to achieve it fully.

There are people who have come to terms with chaos and the impossibility of overcoming it. Even though they didn't spend much time or effort cleaning their homes, everyone became quite successful.

Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Roald Dahl, JK Rowling - famous names. People with unusual thinking, creative and extraordinary. Why didn't they attach great importance to the order around them? They realized that they needed to use chaos for their own purposes.

The unusual environment contributes to the search fresh solutions. University of Minnesota Ph.D. Kathleen Vohs conducted a scientific experiment that proved this fact.

Clutter-prone people who live in untidy rooms are more creative than others. One group of students went to a room where chaos reigned, the other to a tidy, well-groomed room.

They were asked to solve several problems. Both groups completed the task well, but the students, who were surrounded by scattered things, approached solving problems in a non-standard way.

Check this out from your own experience: when there are absolutely no ideas in your head, radically change the situation. The brain will react instantly: in new conditions, one thinks in a new way, thoughts come to mind that probably would not have arisen before.

A dirty room puts you in a stupor, horrifies you, stressful situation stimulates the ability to rethink what is happening. Order is just an illusion of security.

This article does not justify dirt in the house and does not encourage you to abandon household chores fully. People who rarely clean often work too much and do not want to be distracted by routine tasks.