How to make a manual tornado cultivator at home. How to make a hand cultivator with your own hands Homemade cultivator from a bicycle with your own hands

In the spring, for the majority of residents of our country, the labor epic of gardening begins. Well, how could it be otherwise? After all, those lucky ones who have summer cottages as a result of their labor, they then eat high-quality vegetables, berries and fruits from their garden all winter. At proper storage You can eat vegetables and fruits for a long time fresh. This article is intended for such hardworking gardeners. A shovel and hiller are certainly a good thing, but too tedious. Although for young people it is perhaps even useful for physical development. When digging beds with a shovel, all muscle groups work. The result is a double benefit: you will strengthen your body and help your parents with the garden.

But this work can still be made easier by using a homemade cultivator from an old bicycle. Who allows family budget, he can of course buy a factory-made mechanical cultivator. But for homemade workers who prefer to do everything with their own hands, information about a homemade hand cultivator may be of interest. By the way, this device, if slightly modified, can also serve as a light plow. Naturally like this homemade plow solid ground it will be almost impossible to plow, but, let’s say, the beds that were dug up every year and fertilized with manure will be quite amenable to its treatment. And so, for simple loosening and clearing of weeds, this homemade cultivator can be very useful.

Technology for making a homemade cultivator

So, let's start making a cultivator. For its base we can use an old bicycle frame. At the top of the frame we attach two handles, which can be made from metal tubes. The ends of the tubes are flattened. Holes are drilled in them. Next, using bolts, we attach these handles to the bicycle frame.

A cultivator head is attached to the bottom of the frame, which can also be made independently using a steel plate to which pointed metal rods(I think an old rake might work too), or buy a ready-made cultivator head from a farm store.

All components of a homemade cultivator are fastened with bolted connections. Bicycle wheel secured to the frame with locknuts. It is better to take a medium size. Well, that's probably all. The presented diagram shows in detail what a homemade cultivator consists of and how its components are connected to each other.

This cultivator is very convenient for removing weeds and cultivating potato beds. Also, as mentioned above, instead of a cultivator head, you can attach a small light plow to it and plow with it vegetable beds under vegetables. Good luck!

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Sometimes it is really more profitable to buy vegetables and fruits in the store. But in the quality of products grown with my own hands, always more confidence. In addition, working on the land increases vitality if done wisely. But hard physical labor is not always useful, especially for those who are used to working only in the office. To make spring chores enjoyable and not too burdensome, you need to acquire small-scale mechanization tools. Modern equipment can, of course, be bought, but it turned out that making, for example, a cultivator with your own hands is quite simple. Make sure of this.

Tornado is the name of a manual cultivator, which you can and should make with your own hands. Having such a device, which resembles a curved pitchfork, you can forget about endless battles with weeds. The teeth of the tool are driven into the ground at an angle, after which the Tornado must be turned and lifted. To do this, you don’t have to exert excessive effort, because instead of a regular handle, the Tornado has a lever.

The Tornado cultivator is attractive because it is quite easy to use and working with it does not require any significant effort

Everyone loves this wonderful root remover, but familiarity with its store price can completely discourage the desire to become its owner. However, there is nothing complicated about this device. The Tornado cultivator can be made independently and even in several different ways.

Spring steel tornado

We will need a steel strip 50 cm long, 1-1.5 mm thick and 2 cm wide. For our purpose, it is best to use spring steel. We bend the tape into a loop and attach it to wooden cutting tool. The length of the handle is determined depending on the height of the owner: it should be comfortable to work with the tool. You can also make a lever, the same as that of a store-bought root remover. The working steel loop should have a diameter of 20 cm, which is slightly less than the row spacing. The edges of the loop are sharpened with a file on both sides.

For weeds - pitchfork to the side

If the Tornado looks like a pitchfork, then why not make a hand-held cultivator with your own hands from this tool familiar to all gardeners? Let's buy a regular fork at a hardware store and give the teeth of this tool the desired bend using a hammer. In general, the tool should resemble a kind of corkscrew. It is important to take your time and proceed carefully.

For the lever you will need a half-meter piece plastic pipe. We also buy in the store a plastic handle attachment for the handle, which is used for forks or shovels. We cut the tube lengthwise, put it on the handle and secure it with electrical tape so that it does not slip. Now the resulting lever protrudes approximately 25 cm from the handle on both sides.

It is logical to make the fork-shaped part of the Tornado from a fork - a tool well known to all gardeners, which everyone has

An important part for the Tornado cultivator is its upper lever part: thanks to the lever, you can do hard work with minimal effort

Option #2: flat cutter on a bicycle base

A flat-cut cultivator will help you cope with weeds and make the life of any gardener much easier. Structurally, it is more complex than Tornado, but not by much.

To create a flat cutter you need:

  • an old bicycle that no one uses anymore for its intended purpose;
  • a head from a cultivator that has become unusable or the working surface of a two-handed saw;
  • drill, grinder, keys, drills, bolts and so on.

A bicycle frame and one wheel will be useful. The cultivator head is attached to the frame. The cutting part of a two-handed saw, a small plow, or sharp steel rods made independently can be used for the same purpose. The handles for controlling the mechanism are made of aluminum or steel pipes. A piece of pipe approximately 2.5 cm in diameter will be useful as a cross bridge.

A flat cutter can be made based on an old bicycle, using the working surface of a two-handed saw, ironically called “Friendship,” as the cutting part.

There is no particular complexity in the design of this convenient tool no, it can be made if you have the right material at hand

The structure must be rigid, so the nodes are tightened with bolts. A medium-sized wheel should be secured to the frame with locknuts. The result is a homemade cultivator that is very functional and easy to use.

Option #3: disc rotary cultivator

Making a rotary cultivator with your own hands is not at all easy. Here we need special skills and good physical fitness. If you have all the listed qualities, you can try to build this tool, which will be much more effective than all the previous ones. With its help, you can not only cultivate, but also harrow the soil, deftly breaking large clods.

The rotary disk cultivator consists of: 1 - disk, 2 - axis. 3 - sleeve, 4 - large bracket, 5 - small bracket, 6 - rod, 7 - pipe, 8 - handle

The working parts of this cultivator are convex disks, which must be welded to bushings placed on the axle. The axial ends are secured with cotter pins, which are secured in a large bracket. After which a hole is cut in the upper part of this bracket. Handles with a crossbar are attached to it. A rod 25 cm long and 24 mm in diameter will have to be welded to a small bracket. A rod of 16 mm diameter is screwed into it. Part of the rod protrudes above the crossbar.

It is not so easy to give a 4 mm thick disk the desired spherical shape. To do this, you need to be able to deftly handle a hammer. A strong and precise blow to the center of the disc transforms it into a bowl. This is the work that will require the main physical effort. Special wing nuts located on the crossbar regulate the angle of inclination of the spherical disks relative to the direction of movement of the cultivator itself.

Option #4: a production meat grinder to help us

All of the above equipment is quite simple. But in your own workshop you can make a homemade electric cultivator. This once again proves that the possibilities of home craftsmen are almost limitless. To implement this idea, you will need an old industrial meat grinder. On its basis, an effective electric gardener’s assistant will be built.

An electric cultivator can be made on the basis of a meat grinder for industrial purposes: you get a fairly powerful unit that will last for several years

Everything is not as difficult as it seems, if there is welding machine and a master who knows how to use it for its intended purpose. Two corners should be attached to the gear housing. Bent pipes are welded to the corners, which will be used as handles. Another piece of pipe is welded between the resulting handles - a spacer, which gives the structure the required strength.

The axles for the cultivator wheels will also need to be welded to the corners. The wheels are selected to be of medium size so that they are easy to use and do not sink into the soil.

The main structural part is the shaft. It will have to be turned out of ordinary scrap. The connection is carried out as in the original: in a slot. The meat grinder attachment is chipped off with a sledgehammer, after which a bushing with thick walls made of cast iron remains. A blank machined from scrap is placed into it, to which lugs in the form of a screw are welded. They are cut from car springs. Other lug material options were used, but these proved to be unviable.

The lugs are located at an angle of 120 degrees. They need to be screwed out as they rotate, then it will be easier for them to enter the ground, and the cultivator itself will be easier to control. The engine of the device is connected according to the “triangle” circuit, the start is capacitor. For ease of operation, the engine switch is installed on the cultivator handle. The device will last a long time if, before starting work, you lubricate the mating of the homemade shaft in the cast iron bushing with any used oil.

Take a good look at what the lugs should be and how they should be positioned: the efficiency of the device and its durability depend on this

The quality of tillage depends on the speed of movement of such a cultivator. Fast plowing will be rough, but slow plowing can literally turn the earth into dust.

Option #5: child of a bicycle and a washing machine

Don’t rush to throw away your old bike and used washing machine. These things may also come in handy if you want to make a cultivator with your own hands, spending a minimum of money on it.

Now you know how to make a cultivator yourself. All that remains is to apply your knowledge in practice.

Today, every summer resident dreams of making his difficult work easier due to all kinds of motor-blocks and motor-cultivators that have appeared on sale. The use of mechanical cultivators increases labor productivity and reduces the time for tillage by several times.

Such units are multifunctional and can perform all work related to land cultivation. But such cultivators sometimes cost a lot of money and for transportation to the place of work you need a car, and a room for storing it; a summer resident will not store a cultivator in an apartment. It turns out to be expensive for common man. But there is still a solution to this problem. The author decided to make a manual cultivator from an old bicycle without cost or investment. This design solves a number of problems if a summer resident of course has a small plot, for example, a standard Soviet six hundred square meters or four hundred square meters.

And so what is this design. A bicycle frame with a wheel, the frame is apparently turned down by the place where the seat was, and the place where the pedals were is looking up and in that place the author welded the handles. Bottom part, where the seat was, will serve as a holder for the cutting arm of the cultivator. This is essentially the whole genius of this design. Now let's take a closer look at how he made his invention and what was required for it.

Materials: bicycle frame, wheel, cultivator paw, 16 mm pipe.
Tools: welding machine, grinder, hammer, set of keys.

I welded handles to the place where the pedals were.

And in the place where the seat was, I inserted a cultivator paw. That’s the whole design, simple and accessible to every summer resident. And now the author is already testing his iron horse on his plot.

In order to receive good harvest, the land not only needs to be plowed and sown. In the process of growing different cultures the soil also needs to be loosened and processed. It is necessary to pull out all the weeds and it is especially important to hill up the soil. A cultivator is perfect for these purposes. You can make such a device at home with your own hands, you just need to have a great desire.

Options for homemade hand cultivators

This important function can be performed with a shovel.. But hard work doesn't pay off. Labor efficiency itself increases several times if you use mechanized soil tillage. Hand plow Any owner of a small plot of land can do it with his own hands. Special tools may require a welding machine.

It should be noted that soil cultivation began a very long time ago. Several decades ago, at the peak of the garden and country lifestyle, such a tool was very popular. It was either bought from factories or made independently.

The most popular types of tools are:

The scope of application of the devices is the widest. Cultivators can perform the following tasks:

  • loosen the soil, thereby saturating it with oxygen;
  • cut rows for sowing crops and sprinkle them;
  • rid plants from the influence of weeds, etc.;
  • used together with a walk-behind tractor;
  • break up lumps of soil and level the ground.

Required materials and tools

In order to always be able to make some necessary products at the dacha, it is necessary to prepare the most popular materials in advance.

First you need to stock up on a lot of steel. It should be in every workshop. The number of different strips, profiles and pipes determines how much the right tools you can do it yourself.

Welding will be an indispensable tool in every household. With its help you can quickly and reliably connect all parts various designs. Bolts and nuts are used as an alternative to welding, but the reliability will not be comparable.

Many people do not know where to start when assembling a hand cultivator with their own hands. Drawings are the first thing a novice owner should stock up on . You also need to have the following set of tools and materials:

Cultivator "Tornado"

Making such a cultivator is not difficult. Its base can be made from metal pipe. It is necessary to weld steel rods to the end of the lower part of the pipe, thereby forming a square shape. After this, the rods are bent in a spiral direction, and the ends are sharpened.

As an alternative, you can use a bicycle handlebar as a lever, and instead of a metal handle, install a shovel shaft. This will save you a lot of money own strength while working.

Such a device is designed for digging out various roots at great depths, for preparing holes for planting trees, etc. It can be used as an electrophoresis for cultivating the soil with your own hands.

How to make a flat cutter

Many people are looking for a cultivator for weeding. You can make such a weeding machine yourself. Used as a basis for the frame profile pipe made of metal or steel. This base must be made of 2 parts. You need to weld at an angle of 30 degrees. A wheel fork made of steel pipe or plates 3 millimeters thick. The wheel itself can either be made independently or purchased. The steering wheel must be made of 2 steel pipes fixed to the frame.

The horizontal part of the frame is an adapter for the cutting attachment. Then you need to install a knife, which is made of steel tape 2-3 millimeters thick. Then the knives are sharpened. The sharpening angle can be changed or adjustable knives can be installed. If there is an old bicycle on the farm, then all the spare parts can be taken from it. Because of large diameter The bicycle wheels move very easily when working. The knife is made in the form of an inverted letter “P”, or T-shape. It should be noted that a T-shaped knife must be used very carefully between rows, as there is a possibility of spoiling the harvest.

A special subtype of the flat cutter is the design with forks. This device has several knives that are attached to a fork. It is made of steel rods, and they, in turn, are curved in a special way.

For such a device you also need to make knives self made with your own hands. Drawings of these devices can be found in various thematic forums and blogs.

The design has a fairly easy movement. Both a fragile girl and small child. Loosening occurs on top level, but the roots of the weeds are practically not cut off. To do this, you need to choose what is more important: high-quality loosening or removing pests from the soil.

Although such a device is called a plow, its intended purpose is contradicted. It does not have the classic properties of a plow. Even two people are not enough to work with such a tool. He is more of a classic cultivator. The device resembles a flat cutter, but an additional traction handle is installed.

Such a structure is handled by one person from the front, who acts as a traction force. And the second, the operator, controls the process of cultivating the land. It is impossible to use such a device without a co-pilot.

It is important to note that such a tool is not suitable for plowing soil for two reasons. The first is that a normal plow turns over layers of soil, but the device only loosens it. In addition, human power alone is not enough for normal plowing of the land.

Rotary or star

Making such a device is not a difficult task. To make the structure, you need 5-7 stars, which will serve as knives, strung onto the axle. These knives can be either straight or curved to the sides. After cultivating the soil with such a tool, it is recommended to walk between the rows and a flat cutter. A combination of two models is also possible, when the stars are first used in the design, and then a flat cutter is used for the final stage. This can significantly save the worker’s strength and energy. Since the stars perform the function of wheels in the design, an additional axle is not needed.

Working with such a tool is quite difficult, so only a physically trained person can handle it. In a similar garden design You can install wheels of the same diameter instead of sprockets. In this case, you will get a good weeding hiller.

Cultivator "Hedgehogs"

For the base you need to prepare a powerful fork made of steel strip. In front of the tool there is a working axis with attachments. They need to be made from pieces of pipe onto which steel rods with pointed tips are welded. Actually, that's where the name comes from.

Loosening is carried out by lightly shaking the soil and piercing it, but the weeds remain in place, especially their roots. The main advantage of this subtype is the easy movement of the tool. Inter-row passage is carried out almost effortlessly.

Just like in the star model, in the “hedgehog” design you can additionally install a flat cutter for the last stage of tillage, with the help of which all weeds are removed. For the handle, you can use either a shovel stick or a bicycle handlebar. This steering wheel can be used in front of you or behind you.

For the first option, you need to drive the hedgehog attachment itself into the ground with its own weight. This process is quite labor intensive. For the second case, you need to make the working part heavier. Nevertheless, it is much easier for them to work, despite overweight. In such work, you can listen to the advice of your parents. They are familiar with such tools personally. In the past, manual structures were very often used, since there were no mechanized means at all.

Important nuances when working

When performing any work in the workshop, it is necessary to comply with all safety measures. It is very important to protect your eyes when welding, regardless of the type of welding.

When using arc welding The danger can come not only from the light from the arc, but also from the breaking off steel at the site of the newly formed seam. Moreover, the seam can break off on its own and be thrown out over a long distance.

Tapping a hot seam is also a bad idea because hardened steel It can get not only into your eyes, but also into your collar or hair. Therefore, these places need to be closed first.

When working with electric welding, you must have gloves and a protective helmet, since the work takes place at high temperatures. You should also avoid combining oxygen and oil, since this is an explosive mixture and a spark is not needed for detonation.

Making a manual soil cultivator with your own hands will cost much less than its factory-made counterparts. The cost will be higher when the design includes mechanized and additional means and “gadgets.”

By making an inter-row homemade product, you can not only save money, but also get the opportunity to design it for your personal needs. This will allow you to achieve maximum convenience when working with such a tool.

Therefore, even such simple products, like a “hedgehog” or a cultivator from a bicycle, can significantly reduce labor costs during work. This process will be unique and very convenient.

If you have some skills, you can easily make a cultivator with your own hands from ordinary scrap metal or used parts from equipment. Such a homemade cultivator will certainly be inferior in terms of productivity, but will significantly facilitate manual labor and many gardening work.

Cultivator: purpose and characteristics of types

Cultivators are very convenient and popular agricultural tools used for surface loosening of the soil, as well as destroying weeds, applying fertilizers and cutting furrows for irrigation activities. In the process of selecting a model of such equipment you must be guided by the basic parameters:

  • relief features of the site;
  • usable area plot;
  • qualitative composition and characteristics of the soil;
  • scope and criteria of assigned tasks.

Depending on the purpose, there are several main types of agricultural cultivators:

  • continuous tillage during pre-sowing tillage with simultaneous harrowing;
  • inter-row tillage of soil and simultaneous fertilizing of cultivated crops with basic mineral fertilizers;
  • pre-sowing treatment soil, represented by loosening and layer-by-layer grinding of the soil, as well as the destruction of weeds, leveling and compaction of the soil.

Equipment can also be classified depending on the operating mechanisms:

  • electrical equipment, used on small areas personal plots. Operation is ensured by electricity. The equipment is lightweight, compact in size and has no emissions harmful substances V environment. Disadvantages include low power and low mobility;
  • battery equipment, designed for soil treatment in small areas. Difference from electric models there is sufficient mobility while maintaining small dimensions;
  • gasoline equipment is the most popular due to its high performance. Such units are quite powerful, mobile and convenient. The main disadvantages of the application are the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as well as the need to regularly perform competent maintenance.

Another fairly popular type of garden equipment among owners of country property is a hand-held cultivator, represented by a simple design in the form of bent hook fingers or metal stars, which are attached to a metal holder. Such homemade products allow gardeners to quickly and easily cultivate the soil, and for manufacturing you will need the correct drawings, a little time and available tools.

Hand cultivator: manufacturing stages (video)

How to make a cultivator with your own hands

Of course, reliable and high-performance devices cannot be cheap, so many gardeners prefer to make simple but effective designs on their own. Properly designed hand cultivators are economical, do not require refueling and can replace several tools at once, including a shovel, hoe and rake. Such devices take up minimal storage space.

Homemade disc rotary cultivator

It is not too difficult to independently make a rotary disk tool designed not only for cultivating the soil, but also for leveling the cultivated area. Right assembled structure allows you to level the surface, harrow the area, and break up clods of earth. The main parts of the unit are represented by a disk, an axle, a bushing, large and small brackets, a rod, a pipe and a handle.

Spherical-type working parts in the form of convex disks must be welded to bushings that fit onto the axle. Using a cotter pin, the axial ends are fixed in brackets. Using a special ledge, a pipe is passed through a large bracket, as well as handles and a crossbar. The diameter of the rod is 2.4 cm with a length of 25 cm. This part is welded onto a small bracket. A rod with a cross section of 1.6 cm must be screwed into the rod, which should partially protrude above the surface of the crossbar.

The main difficulty in manufacturing the unit is represented by the need to give the disks a neat spherical shape using fairly strong hammer blows. The angle of the disk installation relative to the movement must be adjusted using wing nuts that are attached to the crossbar.

How to make a Tornado cultivator with your own hands: drawings and manufacturing steps

In the gardening market, a relatively simple, in terms of design, but quite effective device called the “Tornado” cultivator is increasingly found. This unit is a kind of corkscrew, mounted on a vertical stand and having a horizontal handle.

Make this option yourself manual equipment The easiest way is to use ordinary gardening forks and a plastic handle attachment for the cutting. Step-by-step technology manufacturing a homemade Tornado unit is as follows:

  • prepare a segment plastic pipe, the length of which should be 50 cm;
  • the diameter of the plastic blank should slightly exceed the thickness of the plastic handle attachment;
  • the pipe must be carefully cut lengthwise, which will allow you to turn it out and put it on the handle, and then secure it with electrical tape;
  • a correctly assembled handle has edges protruding on both sides of the handle by about a quarter of a meter;
  • The teeth on the forks need to be given a corkscrew shape characteristic of the working unit using a regular hammer.

The bends on the teeth should imitate as accurately as possible the shape of the working part of the original Tornado cultivator.

Homemade manual cultivator from a bicycle

To make a convenient and durable unit yourself using available materials, you need to prepare an old bicycle frame and one wheel. The step-by-step method for assembling such an agricultural unit is as follows:

  • fix the cultivator head on the frame, which can be used as ready-made parts of an old device or a self-made structure based on steel rods;
  • install a frame, which is best used as a plow small sizes;
  • such a homemade cultivator is controlled using a handle made on the basis of a standard steel pipe;
  • install a crossbar from a pipe with a diameter of 20-30 mm.

It is recommended to secure all parts of the structure assembled from the bicycle with a reliable bolt connection. To ensure ease of control, the unit is complemented by a medium-sized wheel, which is secured with locknuts. This version of the cultivator is optimal for removing weeds between the beds.

Homemade manual cultivator with attachments (video)

How to make an electric cultivator

There are several options for making such a device, but the most popular type is homemade electric cultivator based on the engine of a conventional meat grinder:

  • the gearbox and electric motor are located on the frame;
  • the working parts of the mechanism are fixed to the output shaft of the gearbox;
  • The steering wheel and wheels are attached to the frame.

The device moves independently or manually, using a pair of handles on which the engine start button can be located.

Standard set of parts and materials required for manufacturing electric cultivator:

  • engine from a meat grinder;
  • tubes and angles;
  • medium-sized bicycle wheels;
  • screw and crowbar;
  • welding machine, hammer, pliers and a set of wrenches.

Technology self-made:

  • adjust the parts to the size of the engine from the meat grinder and assemble the frame;
  • weld a couple of corners onto the gearbox housing;
  • weld a couple of pipes to the corners on the gearbox;
  • bend the ends of the welded tubes to make it easier to grip the handles and weld a crossbar to add rigidity;
  • grind the shaft out of scrap and secure the cast iron bushing of the meat grinder, then weld the screw that acts as a lug.

When moving a homemade electric cultivator on high speed, using a screw, the soil is broken into large lumps. In the process of slow movement, the rolled soil acquires a finer structure. The productivity of this design is about three hundred square meters at a time. Average electricity consumption varies within 2 kW.

How to choose the right ready-made cultivator in the store

The process of choosing such a technically complex product as an agricultural cultivator does not cause difficulties, but requires the following nuances to be taken into account:

  • power parameters for gasoline models are expressed in horsepower, and for electric models in kW;
  • the standard power range, regardless of engine type, is 4-8 hp, but the optimal and most economical power is 6.0-6.5 hp.
  • the value of the working width is determined by the distance between the leftmost and rightmost cutter, but in amateur models it is limited to 85 cm.
  • the presence of four or more cutters in the working body of the equipment makes it possible to change the working width towards decreasing and increasing;
  • in a medium-static mechanism, the tillage depth is most often 330 mm, but if necessary, you can choose more or less productive models;
  • a significant part of low-power and light models are equipped with one standard gear, which allows forward movement, and a small force helps to turn the unit in the direction required for work;
  • on heavier models, the presence of reverse gear is a necessity, allowing you to give heavy equipment the desired direction;
  • The engine can be two-stroke or four-stroke, which has a direct impact on the power of agricultural equipment.

It should be noted that two-stroke engines are easier to maintain, but quite noisy. When choosing factory models, you must also remember that a flat cutter exclusively trims all newly emerging shoots, and the use of flat cutters allows you to make a kind of batch from the soil.

How to make a cultivator with your own hands (video)

The most popular and highly productive models of cultivators are sold at a fairly high cost, but are equipped with a whole set of replaceable working parts, which makes their use convenient and multifunctional. However, the presence of a relatively small area for processing makes it possible to use self-made, practical units.