What to ask a clairvoyant. What to ask a fortune teller

There are situations when a client decides on a tarot reader, but there remains one obstacle to normal cooperation - these are questions that need to be asked to the master. It seems simple at first glance, but in reality, you want to know everything and thoughts are spinning in your head about where to start and what you shouldn’t ask about. What if the number of questions significantly affects the cost of the service? In this regard, scientists distinguish several ways to ask questions.

So, emotional type– suitable for people who are unable to control their emotions. They often experience long-term jar of Hearts. Yes, at such moments it is difficult to put everything in its place and gain sanity. For this option, it is possible to briefly describe your own situation and transfer it to a tarot reader. A specialist will look at situations with a clear mind and make his recommendations, having first laid out his cards. If any part is accidentally dropped, you need to hope that the master will notice it on his own. IN in this case turning to a fortune teller serves more as a sedative than as a diagnosis. When, after the completion of fortune telling, missed factors emerge, the first picture may be disrupted. Therefore, it is better not to use an emotional approach if you need to obtain accurate information, and not just limit yourself to pleasant communication.

The analytical method provides the opportunity to ask thoughtful and correct questions, which saves time and nerves on both sides. This is the direct path to solving problems. It is important to remember here that everything a person thinks about materializes; emotional energy is directed here. You can ask general questions, but at the same time, do not forget that the answer will not be specific.

There is even an algorithm for formulating questions:

First, the area of ​​interest is identified;

Possible events are briefly imagined and various options are considered;

Then the most appropriate approach to life is chosen;

Questions are asked regarding how to avoid possible unfavorable moments, how to bring everything to a positive result or the calculation of surprises. If there is an assumption regarding people who can significantly influence the situation, this must be specified. Speech is formed clearly and concisely.

To clarify whether it will be possible to achieve the peak of desires, you need to find out the specific timing of the prediction.

Indeed, by following the above tips, you can achieve excellent results.

Regarding taboo questions, here we need to discard the assumption of ignoring them. Most often, in such cases, people are not satisfied with the answer.

So there are things you don't need to ask:

You should not try to get an accurate diagnosis of the disease, because only a professional doctor can tell;

You should not ask to consider an area of ​​life in which there are no problems. For example, when there is a good marriage, why turn to fortune tellers? This is the case when, after fortune telling, problems arise, the culprits of which are considered to be tarot readers. It is not they who are to blame, but human nature, which seeks the ideal in good things.

Fortune tellers cannot accurately predict an imminent event, such as taking an exam tomorrow. In this case, any answer will be bad because if you talk about success, the person will sit back, if you talk about negativity, the person will give up and do nothing.

There is no need to ask about your future personal life. After all, there are a lot of emotional factors here, in which one side can be extremely interested, and the other can be pessimistic. Therefore, a negative answer for the first serves as a collapse of hope. Personal relationships can easily be ruined by excessive relaxation. The advice of psychologists will be more helpful here than the services of fortune tellers.

And lastly, naturally, the question of death should not be raised at a fortune-telling session, because this is known only to God himself.

Finally, it should be noted that the number of questions has an impact on the cost of the service. Yes, there are tarot readers who charge additional fees for information. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when communicating with specialists.

Dear visitors to the GadalkinDom.ru website, if you have any problems, or simply a situation has arisen in your life in which the intervention of an experienced specialist may be useful, we will be happy to provide you with prompt and qualified assistance:

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Free help from psychics: they will tell you what really worries you

Each of us has at least once had questions that are extremely difficult or even impossible to answer on our own. Help from psychics for free is unique opportunity lift the veil of secrets that torment and deprive you of sleep, and also look into your own future.

How to seek help from experienced psychics?

Some problems and obstacles that arise in life path, can confuse, and sometimes even completely baffle a person. What to do when situations seem hopeless, and choosing between several options is simply impossible? Alas, constant reflection alone cannot always produce results and solve the difficulties that have arisen. From the very beginning of time, people, finding themselves face to face with problems, turned to magicians, sorcerers and high priests.

On our website you can contact highly qualified specialists - esotericists, tarologists, astrologers and numerologists. Their ability to communicate with other world undeniable. If you asked the question “Psychics: how to ask for help,” then you have already found the answer.


  1. Be specific. Preferably in such a way that the answer is unambiguous.

Wrong question: What will happen to me next?

Correct question: What should I expect in the area of ​​my personal life\career\family\creativity in the near future?

  1. If any people appear in your fortune telling, it is better to attach their photographs to the question that you decided to ask the psychic.
  2. Ask the question consciously. Often the psychic's answer depends on the state of the person who needs his help. For example, alcohol intoxication the questioner has an extremely negative impact on the correctness of the answer received.
  3. While waiting for the psychic's answer, try to immerse yourself in thoughts about the question that worries you and not be distracted from them.

These simple rules will help you get a 100% correct interpretation of the problem that has arisen. You can ask a question of interest on our website, leaving your contact information and describing the painful situation in as much detail as possible in a specially designed form.

Look what's in my future? Tell me your fortune for the future? What does the future hold for me? There are different variations of the question.

Answer: runes and cards do not understand the question of what is in the future for Elena, Catherine... etc. Of course, you can make a general layout, but then the answer will be just as general.
For example: in the future you have excitement, anxiety, joy, sorrow, acquaintance, separation, quarrel, reconciliation...

This answer is unlikely to satisfy the client. Therefore, try to specifically and clearly formulate the question. - How will the work situation be resolved in the future: will I leave? Will I stay on old job? Will I find a new one? These are the right questions. Runes and cards will show the turn of events in perspective, and, of course, a picture of the present. A change of job, if there is one, or stagnation in the old place. If you are told fortunes using Runes, then the runes also give recommendations on what you should do to improve the situation.

When will I get married? When will I have children? - these questions are some of my least favorite. I'll explain. You can get married, having set a goal, even tomorrow. But for whom? For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that their entire destiny is written somewhere in their family. How old is marriage, how old are children, and all divorces are also supposedly registered. I won’t argue, esotericism is a very ornate science and there is no evidence, it’s written in the family or not written. But my experience of studying and practicing as a parapsychologist and runologist shows that after all, a person himself builds his own destiny. And according to his thinking, he attracts the corresponding circumstances into his life. Regarding children, the question is a little incorrect, because children's energy is attracted to the existing couple. If everything is harmonious and good for people, then it makes sense to guess about the birth of a child. But if the lady doesn’t even have one yet young man, then I don’t see the point of looking to see if there will be children. I’m used to guessing, looking into the essence, looking a little into the future and giving advice to people on how to turn the situation in their favor. But simply giving vague answers is frivolous and not my way of working.

But the following questions would be correct:
- Will I marry Eugene? What are the prospects for the development of our relations? What prevents us from being together?
Here are examples of specific target questions.

Now I would like to give advice, in my opinion, one of the most important and valuable for those who are interested in Esotericism. If you decide to tell fortunes, try to be guided by the fact that now there are still a lot of modern specialists. The time of village grandmothers-fortune-tellers has already transformed into current experts. And you need to choose a Runologist or Tarot reader correctly. Unfortunately, there are pseudo-fortune tellers who, having laid out a deck of cards, dump on a person everything that they see there, if they see it. And that's all! The person received some kind of programming for good or worse, bad and went. And he doesn’t know what to do with this information. Therefore, if you want to find out some important things for the future and insure yourself against certain circumstances, find a competent runologist or tarot reader. For a person to also be good psychologist and could convey to you the necessary information. Having digested and correctly interpreted what he saw on the runes or cards into words accessible to any person. Plus he gave you recommendations for correcting your behavior and chose the right strategy in a given situation. Otherwise, the meaning of help is lost.

Over time, he becomes a good intuitive psychologist. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your fortune telling session will resemble working in a psychologist’s office.

Where to start communicating with a fortune teller?

Fortune tellers and are two different categories of people, so don’t expect that the moment you cross the threshold of the office, she will tell you everything. To get best result, you need to explain the reason for the visit, briefly talk about the situation that interests you and ask a specific question. If you have certain difficulties with it, a good fortune teller will help you formulate everything correctly.

It is at this moment that it is worth saying that if she sees something monstrous in your future, it is better not to talk about it. This approach has its drawbacks, but at least a fortune teller's story with an emphasis on the positive aspects of the future will “program” your subconscious for a good scenario.

You should not ask directly about the date of death, it is better to ask about the reasons.

If you want to know everything, believing that a warning about future troubles will serve you well, which means you can prevent them, tell the fortune teller directly about this. Almost any future events can be changed.

Accordingly, if a fortune teller, looking into your future, saw a bad event there, be sure to ask what exactly led to it and how it can be avoided. This, so to speak, is the basics of communicating with fortune tellers.

If you're in a romantic relationship that's going well, don't casually ask about it out of curiosity. Any roughness in the fortune teller's answer can ruin your mood for many days.

What can you learn from a fortune teller?

It is very important to understand that there are no irreversible events, so if you find out about something bad, the main thing is not to despair. If necessary, ask for a separate layout for a specific situation. You should not trust those who promise to save you from some kind of trouble if you pay more than the agreed amount.

Sometimes in the process of fortune telling you can learn about some hidden program for personality destruction or something else in the same vein. It is very important to get to the root of this program in order to “de-energize” it. Don’t be afraid to ask whatever questions you want in a situation like this; the more questions you ask, the clearer the answer you’ll get.

If the fortune teller is using Tarot cards, ask any additional questions about the reading before the cards are mixed together. This is an unspoken rule. Usually fortune tellers themselves check with the client whether there are any questions left regarding the alignment.

We all have situations in life when we really need help, and... good advice no one to give it to. Of course, at such moments, if a person is confused and cannot look at the situation objectively, then it is best to seek the advice of esoteric experts. Everyone intuitively chooses the master they like. When asking for help, you must follow some rules so that the consultation is useful and the answers are more detailed and accurate.

Consultation with a psychic online by phone.

To view the situation, you must provide your name, full date birth, as well as the name and date of birth of the person with whom you want to view the relationship. Brief description situation that worries you will enable the Psychic to quickly and more reliably penetrate into the essence of the problem. Question: " What does the future hold for me?" is not entirely correct. Find out the future- the concept is general and such a question does not add specifics. It is necessary to clarify in the future in terms of personal life, work, career, creativity. Tarot reader, fortune teller, clairvoyant need to be given direction on which aspect of your life to view. It would also not be entirely correct to look much further into the situation. The future itself does not exist separately from a person. A person asking such a question must understand that there are many external factors that can, to one degree or another, affect the situation in the future.

For example, if a person with a depressed mood and unwillingness to at least some positive life, and will say that he doesn’t like everything in life and is not in the mood to change anything - it’s stupid to expect answers from a psychic that soon things will get better for him, a soul mate will appear and there will be a promotion career ladder. Anyone who wants to look into their future must understand that nothing happens by itself, and in life almost everything depends on the person himself. There are, of course, circumstances beyond our control, but they, as a rule, are attracted to us for a reason. Therefore, either you take your life and all matters into your own hands and want changes for the better, or you remain in no mood and become depressed. Here you have two options for the future.

Ask a question to a psychic online.

Psychics, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants can view your situation from the inside, reveal their vision to you, give you tips and adjust your behavior to successfully resolve the situation. It would also not be entirely correct to suggest, thereby checking it psychic abilities, ask a question and remain silent waiting for an answer. A clairvoyant, if he does not tell fortunes using cards or runes, looks at you through your energy, looks deep into you, and through you looks at the person in whom you are interested. Psychic consultation by phone should take place in full confidence in the specialist, try to convey your mood with your voice, this way the expert can tune in to your wavelength faster and more accurately and review the situation.

If you feel the need to seek help and talk to a psychic on the phone, I recommend not to make puzzles, not to put up obstacles, but to help the specialist in his work by providing him with the necessary brief information, including your own setup for viewing your problem. If, of course, this problem is important to you and you are determined to solve it.

Ask a question online for free

On the site of fortune telling and psychics online you can get a prediction and
- register
- formulate your question or desire " "
- describe your situation, take into account the details, your thoughts
- indicate the person’s details and name if you are not asking about yourself.
- attach a photo (), no one will see your photo except the experts and you.
Everything is ready! Your question will be published after verification by a moderator. All that remains is to wait for answers.

Take note of his words and recommendations, but under no circumstances take the specialist’s words as some kind of program. Remember, everything is in your hands, and only you can change the circumstances of your life. You just have a considerable advantage - the vision of your situation by a master of the subtle world. Forewarned is forearmed. And how to manage this information is up to you.