Technique for making a barbecue-smokehouse from a gas cylinder. Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder Cold smoked smokehouse from a propane cylinder

Assembling a smokehouse is accessible to everyone. It can be built from those materials that were waiting for a better time and that are not needed on the farm. An option could be a smokehouse made from a gas cylinder with your own hands. There are several ways to implement it. One of the most best options is a smokehouse with several compartments that have their own purpose.

What is smoking like?

Most often, smokehouses are built for a specific type of smoking. It can take place at elevated temperatures or with cooled smoke. That’s why it got its name: cold and hot smoking. In cold smoking, the smoke travels a certain distance through the pipe to cool before entering the main smoking chamber. It should be within 25 degrees Celsius in temperature. For hot smoking, everything is a little simpler. In this case, you can use almost any container, pour wood chips into the bottom and light a fire under it. It is enough to close such a smokehouse well so that the smoke remains inside. The process takes several hours, as opposed to several days for cold smoking. But if you decide to assemble a smokehouse from a cylinder, then it will be universal solution and will be able to please you even with a barbecue.

Required tools and consumables

Some work on the manufacture of such a smokehouse will require working with a welding machine, so you can make sure in advance that a friend or a craftsman helps in the construction of the smokehouse if such a unit is not available household. In addition, you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • three pairs of loops;
  • pipe ¾";
  • sheet material 4 mm thick;
  • reinforcement rods with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • three gas cylinders.

Due to the fact that each smokehouse project is individual, you may need additional components that can be purchased along the way.

Preparing the balloon

The balloon itself is ideal option for making a smokehouse. It is made of durable and high quality metal with sufficient wall thickness that will warm up well over the entire surface. You also don’t have to carry out complex procedures to create the shape of the smokehouse. Thanks to the cylindrical internal space the air in the smokehouse will circulate in the best possible way. First of all, the cylinder must be thoroughly inspected from all sides. It is important to assess where the rust is and how deep it is. After an external assessment, the cylinder should be rid of any remaining propane that was stored in it. It is advisable to carry out all actions in cool, dry weather. It is advisable to choose open place, next to which there will be no source of sparks or fire.

The valve is unscrewed to the maximum possible size. It is better to turn the hole where the gas comes from towards the wind. Propane is heavier than air, so it can sink to the bottom; to get it from the bottom of the cylinder, you need to turn the cylinder over open valve and wait until the substance comes out. You can leave the balloon in the open position for a day. To make sure the bottle is completely empty, you can make some soapy water and use a washcloth to apply it to the hole. If there is bubbling, then the residue is still coming out. Now you can begin the basic steps of making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder.

By using hand hacksaw it is necessary to cut the valve with the mounting hole for it. It is better not to use a grinder for now in order to comply with all safety measures. When working with a hacksaw for metal, it is necessary to lubricate the cutting area with water from time to time. On the one hand, this will cool the canvas, and on the other, it will minimize the likelihood of sparks. Once access to the inside of the cylinder is gained, it must be filled with water to get rid of the smell. Adding ammonia to the liquid will help with this. The settling will take several hours. After this, you can rinse the bottle several times. running water.

Making the main compartment

There is no point in providing diagrams and drawings, since everyone will proceed from what is available. Gas cylinders also come in different sizes. This design will use cylinders of 50 and 20 or 30 liters. The door can be made in two ways. One of them involves cutting the smokehouse cylinder into two parts. One of them will serve as a lid. But with this method it is more difficult to maintain the temperature at the required level, so it is better to cut it directly into the wall. Using chalk, lines are drawn along which the cut will be made with a grinder. The cutting is done in several stages to ensure that it is as smooth as possible. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the places where the cylinder bends. You should be careful so that the canvas does not bite.

There is no need to cut the rectangle to the end. If it is dismantled, then it will be more difficult to try it in place. Therefore, the first thing to do is apply the loops. Markings are made for them both on the cylinder and on the door. Small potholders are used to secure the hinges on the future smokehouse. After this, the final alignment and welding of all seams is carried out. Once the task is completed, you can easily trace the smokehouse door line to the end using an angle grinder. A handle is attached to the roof of the smokehouse, by which it can be lifted. You will also need to make additional supports for the smokehouse door so that it does not fall inside. To do this, two strips of metal 2 cm wide are welded along the edges of the hole in the smokehouse. They must be bent to the shape of the arc of the cylinder.

Pay attention! Some people prefer not to weld the hinges to the smokehouse, but to fix them with bolts. In some cases, this solution is actually quite practical, since the hinges are easy to replace. It is important to remember that the bolts should not have a specific coating, because after heating the smokehouse will have harmful emissions.

To strengthen the cylinder structure, a ¾-inch pipe is welded in the middle along its entire length. It will prevent the walls of the smokehouse from deforming at high temperatures. You can also use stainless steel hooks to hang meat that needs to be hot-smoked. Additionally, you can build a grate in the middle of the smokehouse. You can make it yourself from reinforcement bars or modify those that can be found in old refrigerators.

Making a firebox

For the firebox, you can use half a 50-liter cylinder or a 20-liter cylinder. It must be taken out separately in order to achieve the smoking effect, otherwise you will end up with an ordinary grill. A hole is cut at half the height in the bottom of a 50-liter cylinder. The same hole is made in the bottom of the smaller cylinder. A door is made based on the model of a smokehouse cylinder through which firewood will be loaded. The holes are aligned with each other and tack welding is performed using a welding machine. Once the correct position of the two modules becomes apparent, the seam is applied. On the opposite side, holes are made in the firebox cylinder that will serve as a blower. They are made adjustable in order to control the intensity of combustion, and, accordingly, smoking. Additionally, you can provide mounts for a grate where you can grill.

Advice! If there is no second cylinder available, then the firebox can be built from sheet material. It can be square or rectangular.

Installation of the cold smoking compartment

The main chamber of the smokehouse is designed for hot smoking, because the temperature in it reaches 80 degrees or more. In order to carry out the cold smoking process in such a smokehouse, you will need another chamber. To construct it you will need another cylinder. Its preparation is carried out in the same way as the cylinder that is used for the main chamber of the smokehouse. The door is made the same size so that you can freely place meat inside for smoking. Several rods are fixed across the cylinder, on which the meat will be hung for smoking.

The hole left in the cold smoking chamber after the valve has been cut off will be used as a chimney. You can weld a small pipe to it. It is necessary to make a damper in it so that the smoke is trapped inside and not blown out. A hole is cut from the bottom half the thickness of the cylinder, and the same hole is cut in the upper part of the end of the chamber for hot smoking. They are combined in such a way that the cold smoking cylinder is in a vertical position. How this is done is shown in the photo below. Good decision will provide a chamber for hot and cold smoking with thermometers, which are sold separately for grills.

To make the structure of the smokehouse stable, you need to take care of the stand. It is worth remembering that due to two additional modules, the legs will have to be spread a little so that the smokehouse is stable. You can make legs for a smokehouse from reinforcement rods or a square pipe. If they are supposed to be removable, then they are fixed with bolts and nuts, and not by welding. Their length must be calculated so that the height of the hot smoking chamber is 1 meter. Between the legs of the smokehouse you can make an additional partition on which to mount a shelf for firewood or other accessories. If the smokehouse will need to be moved frequently, then it makes sense to install two wheels from a children's bicycle.

Advice! You can make a smokehouse with your own hands from an old gas stove. In this case, the cylinder will serve as a smoke generator. You will need to make a hose connection through which smoke will flow for smoking. Everything is ready for installing smoking grates, because there are special grooves. In addition, through the window it will be possible to control the smoking process. An example of such a smokehouse can be seen in the video below.

Preparation of woodchips

Along with the construction of a smokehouse, preparing wood chips for smoking is important stage the entire project. If raw materials are prepared from unsuitable wood, the result will not be the best. This is why they avoid using coniferous trees. The reason is the abundance of resins contained in wood. When smoking, the resins will evaporate and settle on the smoke ducts and on the firebox itself. In addition, they impart a bitter taste when smoked, which can ruin the product and ruin all your efforts. Great solution For smoking there will be dense wood. These include oak, hornbeam, beech, and alder. When harvesting, it is worth remembering that the wood chips should not be too small. It cannot withstand high temperatures and may catch fire. The larger one, with a size of 3 cm or more, smolders perfectly and produces a sufficient amount of smoke for smoking.

They performed well during smoking and fruit trees, for example, cherry and apple. It is not necessary to cut off living branches from them to achieve the desired result. It is enough to save the remains after seasonal pruning. To use wood for smoking, you need to remove the bark from it and only then chop it into chips. The bark contains large number resins that will have an unpleasant effect on the final product. The use of juniper and currant branches in small quantities is encouraged.


Building your own smokehouse is interesting and sometimes complex process. But it allows you to acquire new skills and delight your family with delicacies. You can always make a small camping option from a small cylinder and take it with you when going out into the countryside by car. There you can smoke freshly caught fish.

Do you have an old gas cylinder lying around or spoiled? Don't rush to throw it away for recycling! It will make an excellent smokehouse, as well as a grill and barbecue, where you can cook aromatic, healthy dishes for festive and everyday tables. Installation requires certain tools, materials and a day of free time.

Preliminary work for assembling a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

The smokehouse is assembled only after full preparation necessary means for installation. This will ensure high speed and quality in the work process. Required:

  • Balloon. It shouldn't be rusty. If, after cutting the container, it turns out that the metal inside has a lot of corrosion, it is better to postpone the work, since such a product will not last long;
  • Grinder with grinding equipment (disc with replaceable sanding wheel);
  • Electric drill;
  • Set of metal drills;
  • Welding machine with electrodes;
  • Hinges for doors. If the doors are large, you must have 2 hinges.
  • Metal door handle.
  • Rods (steel or stainless steel) d=10 mm;
  • Metal corner;
  • Pipes for supporting the device.

Preparatory work with the container

A gas cylinder is a container in which there was gas in a compressed state, although there is no longer a high concentration, but it is necessary to observe personal safety precautions.

The barbecue smokehouse from a gas cylinder is assembled when the following are carried out preparatory work with capacity:

  • Eliminate remaining gas by opening the valve. The container should be turned upside down. How can you tell if the contents have come out? metal container or not? Having prepared a soap solution from liquid soap, apply it to the shut-off and control device (at the bottom of the valve foot). Bubbles have formed, which means the gas has not escaped.

When work is carried out to dismantle old gas cylinders, then all work must be performed away from housing, people and the source of fire! Do not check for gas using matches or a lighter. If it is not completely released, the substance will ignite and burn your hand.

Making your own design

The smokehouse is mounted as follows:

  • A cutting line for the door is drawn along the length of the cylinder and cut with a grinder with a special nozzle for metal. Side walls must be left untouched;
  • The bottom of the cylinder for the firebox is cut off. It is also better to mark the cutting line so as not to damage the holding ring of the container;

Try not to use a cylinder with damaged side rings, as they serve as the basis for the entire structure. Obvious defects noticeably worsen appearance and may damage the design of the final product

Supports for a stationary device

Such a multifunctional stationary structure must have stable legs. An excellent option would be metal corners or square pipes, which will be additional strength elements to avoid deformation of the body. They are welded on both long sides of the container. Pipes-legs are attached to them, also by welding.

The resulting design can be supplemented with a table on which it will be convenient to place items and ingredients for cooking:

Based on personal preferences, we determine what type of grill smokehouse should be made from a gas cylinder and cut off the legs from a metal pipe. The approximate dimensions of a stationary smokehouse are about 1 meter. If the device will also be used as a barbecue and is intended to be transported in a car - up to 35 cm.

The method of attaching the legs depends on the future use. A stationary device will be more stable if metal legs weld using a welding machine. If mobility is envisaged, then it is better to make twist-out threaded supports

Making a brazier (furnace)

Using a welding machine and stainless steel sheet, you need to make a firebox. Its size depends on personal preferences, so its dimensions should be thought out in advance. Here are some tips:

  • The larger the firebox, the faster the product will cook.
  • A barbecue smoke generator requires a door for storing firewood and wood chips, as well as an opening for removing ash;
  • A smoke exhaust pipe is installed, which should fit the neck (the place where the valve is cut off). Used welding machine;

Cutout for firebox. Side view

Making supports for a portable structure

A portable smokehouse made from a cylinder is more functional, but the assembly process is slightly different.

Specialized stores today offer a very wide range of smokehouses and barbecues. However, real connoisseurs of smoked meats often make a smokehouse with their own hands. Good smokehouses are quite expensive, but the quality of others leaves much to be desired. There are many options for homemade smokehouses that allow you to get tasty and aromatic hot or cold smoked products.

smokehouse from a cylinder

To create smokehouses, craftsmen use metal barrels, refrigerator spare parts and old ovens, even washing machines- and they go into action. A smokehouse made from a gas cylinder is deservedly popular. It is quite difficult to make such a structure with your own hands, but when necessary preparation and the mood is quite real . The gas container has an ergonomic, convenient shape and metal of the required quality. Some craftsmen create products from a gas cylinder that can easily be transformed from a smokehouse to a grill or barbecue.

Any work begins with preparation necessary materials and tools, making a smokehouse from a cylinder is no exception. Before we start creating a smokehouse, we will need to prepare:

  • Gas cylinder (a standard propane cylinder is considered the most suitable).
  • Metal sheets 4 mm thick. They will be needed when making a combined smokehouse grill from gas cylinders.
  • Metal corners.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Several pipes of small diameter or cross-section, which will be needed when making a frame for a smokehouse.
  • Fittings (the door is attached to the smokehouse using hinges and rivets).
  • Lattice or metal rods for its manufacture.
  • Wooden blanks, from which the handle of the smokehouse will be made.

When doing chores on a personal plot or summer cottage Any owner uses his own tool; it is also suitable for making a smokehouse. When starting work, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • welding machine.

The only thing that poses some difficulty is the welding machine; not every person has welding skills, but you can always turn to friends or hire a specialist. Work on making a smokehouse from a cylinder begins with checking the container and, if necessary, removing residual gas from it. The initial inspection of the workpiece is carried out at a safe distance from houses and open sources of fire. You can check the presence or absence of gas in the cylinder using soap foam. To do this, it will need to be applied to the outlet: if there is no reaction, then the container is empty, bubbling foam indicates that there is gas left in the container. You can remove any remaining gas by cutting off the neck of the cylinder. For these purposes, a hacksaw is used. To prevent fire, water the cutting area and the hacksaw with water. After opening, the container must be rinsed with running water. In order to ensure that the walls of the workpiece are cleaned of possible gas residues, you can prepare a solution of ammonia, water and ammonia. After filling the smokehouse with the resulting liquid, leave it for several hours. You can also clean the workpiece for the smokehouse using another method. To do this, you will need to unscrew the valve and, after waiting for the propane to come out, attach a small diameter tube to the cylinder. It is needed to fill the bottle with water up to the very neck.

The small diameter of the hole will not allow water to quickly fill the container. You can speed up the procedure by drilling a hole in the container and using a funnel to pour water or solution through it. The neck of a container filled with water can be cut off without unnecessary fears. Further work with the workpiece for the smokehouse is carried out only after another additional rinsing with solution or water.

Important! Welding work and cutting containers without preliminary preventive maintenance is strictly prohibited. Do not forget that after releasing the gas, the cylinder must be rinsed at least twice.

Making a smokehouse. First steps

So, how to make a smokehouse from a gas cylinder? Let us immediately note that such a smokehouse is, by and large, a completed product, and the stage of creating diagrams, drawings and sketches can be safely omitted. The work begins by applying markings for the door to the surface of the workpiece; you need to step back from the edge by about 100 mm. To do this, it is better to use chalk or a construction marker, and it is better to lay the cylinder itself horizontally. Do not cut off the side rings from the cylinder; they will later be used as supports for the entire smokehouse.

Also, do not immediately cut the door along the marked lines. At this stage, it is enough for us to decide on the exact location of the hinges for the door. The door is finally cut out only after the hinges are fixed to the surface of the workpiece. To fasten the hinges, either bolts or welding are used, and the latter option is considered the most reliable.

In any case, the places where the hinges are applied and the base for the smokehouse from a gas cylinder will be installed must be prepared by cleaning them with a grinder or a metal brush. An elbow will need to be welded to the already cut neck of the cylinder - an outlet at an angle of 90 degrees. It is needed so that the chimney can be installed. You will also need to cut a hole on the other side of the smokehouse: smoke will flow through it into the smokehouse chamber. If you are creating a barbecue smokehouse where a separate combustion chamber is not provided, this hole will provide the necessary draft. By the way, if necessary, the draft can be increased; for this, several holes are additionally drilled in the side of the workpiece. The chimney can be made of ferrous metal, but there is a simpler option, although more expensive. You can visit a specialized store and purchase a chimney module made of corrosion-resistant steel. Such a pipe will cost slightly more than its black steel counterpart, but it will be much easier to work with. There are modules 0.5-1 meter long, which are easily assembled together.

Important! You can reduce the risk of deformation of the cut part of the gas cylinder by fixing and welding pre-prepared sheets of metal or tubes of small cross-section around its perimeter. By the way, a similar method allows you to increase the tightness of the smokehouse in the door area.

It is recommended to drill holes in the top of the smokehouse that will be used to attach a spit or a special pipe. Meat or small fish are hung on this pipe using hooks. In order to prevent fat flowing from the smoked product from collecting in the smoking chamber, it is recommended to install a metal sheet in its lower part. strong>Smoking fish and meat of substantial size occurs on a grate, also fixed in the smokehouse. You can buy a grille at a specialized store or make it yourself from metal rods.

Regardless of whether you are making a stationary or mobile smokehouse, the frame under it must be stable. There are several types of manufacturing and fastening of the base for the smokehouse. The mobile smokehouse has a removable base mounting option. For these purposes, holes for bolts are drilled in the lower part of the cylinder, and nuts are welded to the support posts on top. Another type of fixing the smokehouse on a stand involves short pieces of pipe (40-50 mm) welded to the smokehouse. They are fixed in the wider pipes of the frame.

The firebox for our smokehouse can be made from a similar cylinder of smaller capacity or from sheet metal(thickness minimum 0.4 cm). As a rule, a gas container is a way to save time and money. You will need to cut two holes with doors in the gas cylinder. One of them, the top one, will serve for laying sawdust. The second, lower one, will act as a blower. Between the blower and the firebox you will need to install a grate of the required size.

Important! Instead of a grate, you can use a stainless steel sheet of small thickness (4-5 mm). If sawdust is poured onto such a sheet and a fire is lit in the firebox, they will begin to smolder in any case.

The combustion chamber and smokehouse are connected through a pipe. Moreover, if you want to get a hot smoked product, the distance between the firebox and the smokehouse should be minimal; in order to get cold smoked meat or fish, the design will need to be slightly modified. To do this, a longer pipe is taken, and the distance between the smokehouse and the firebox increases; naturally, in this case the product will have to be smoked for a longer period of time. By assembling the frame, the combustion chamber and the smokehouse itself into a single structure, we will get a product that, at first glance, is completely ready for operation. However, there is no need to rush. There are just a couple of final details left:

smoking from a gas cylinder is a rather labor-intensive process

  • The smokehouse needs to be painted. This is necessary not only for decorative, but also for practical purposes. If a defect appears on the surface of the smokehouse, it will be much easier to detect it on the painted surface. By the way, to paint the product you should use heat-resistant enamel that can withstand temperatures of 600 degrees and above.
  • Before first use, the product will need to be burned dry. This is necessary in order to completely get rid of foreign odors and ensure the reliability of the smokehouse.
  • For smoking, use sawdust or small branches of shrubs and trees such as apple, alder, bird cherry, etc.

Summing up

Creating a smokehouse from a gas cylinder is a rather labor-intensive process that must be approached responsibly. After all, the health of the entire family and friends will depend on the quality of the smokehouse manufactured. Do not forget that negligence when creating a smokehouse, especially the combustion chamber, can lead to a fire.

The taste and quality of smoked products depends on the method of their preparation. Therefore, homemade smoked products always turn out tastier and cheaper than store-bought delicacies. But to prepare such dishes yourself, you will need a smokehouse. Available on the market huge selection smokehouses, but their cost can be too high. A smokehouse made from a gas cylinder with your own hands is an excellent alternative to expensive store-bought counterparts. Therefore, armed with available means, you can build such a device without much difficulty.

To build a smokehouse with your own hands from a gas cylinder you will need:

  • Used gas cylinder (50-70 liters).
  • Sheet iron (3-4 mm).
  • Construction corner (45 mm, about 6 m).
  • Pipe (120 mm) for the chimney.
  • Door hinges.
  • Metal rods for the grill (10 mm).
  • Door handle.
  • Welding machine, electrodes.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • Hacksaw for metal.

When choosing a propane cylinder, make sure that it does not have significant damage or deep corrosion. Such a container will quickly burn out and will not last long. A good cylinder can be in regular use for up to 20 years.

Cleaning the cylinder

Once the cylinder has been selected, you should begin cleaning it. First you need to release all the gas and unscrew the valve. This is often difficult, because the valve may rust to the neck, it may be stuck or even stuck by welding. Many people try to use various means to soften the rust, use a large gas wrench, or knock down the valve with a hammer to move it along the threads. This must be done carefully so as not to cause sparks. In any case, until the valve is removed from the cylinder, you cannot cut it, because gas will probably remain in it.

After the valve is unscrewed one way or another, you are left with an open neck on the cylinder. Through it, the balloon must be completely filled with water. Be careful, take a thin hose and fill it in a small stream, as an air plug may form in the neck, and it will deceive you - you will decide that the cylinder is completely filled, but this will not be the case.

When you are sure that the water has filled your bottle to the very neck, you can carefully cut off the neck in a circle using a grinder. And you need to cut below the water level.

There is another way to make sure that there is no gas left inside. The cylinder is placed on its side, the end of a rag soaked in water is inserted into its neck. flammable liquid, and the second end is set on fire. While it is burning, you will have time to retreat to cover. The rag will burn out, there will be a pop, and this will mean that there is definitely no gas left in the cylinder.

Here's a video about this method:

As a result, you should have a propane tank that is completely and guaranteed free of gas residues.

Making a lid

How to make a smokehouse from a gas cylinder? For this design, special drawings are not required. It is enough to follow the sequence of work. First make the door lid:

  • Place the bottle on its side. Step back 10-15 cm from the edges, make markings with a marker or chalk on the site of the future door.
  • Using a grinder, make cuts, but do not cut off completely - first weld the hinges, and only then cut off the lid completely. (This is exactly the case in the photo below.) Otherwise, it will be very difficult to align it evenly on the hinges.
  • Clean sharp edges thoroughly.
  • Attach a handle to the outside of the door.

Smokehouse stand

To ensure stability of the device, a stand is required. To do it correctly, you need to decide what type of smokehouse will be - stationary or mobile.

Stationary design:

  • Prepare four corners of the required height (about 1 meter) and a welding machine.
  • Install the corners perpendicular to the smokehouse.
  • Cook carefully.

This is the most simplest design stands. (In the photo it looks more like a smokehouse, but the principle is the same.) You can come up with some other option for yourself.

For a portable smokehouse made from gas cylinders you need:

  • Weld 4 bolts around the perimeter to the base of the cylinder.
  • Weld nuts to four legs made of metal profiles or corners.

When carrying the structure, the legs are easy to unscrew, and when installing, they are also easy to screw on.

Making a chimney and firebox

At this stage, we have a durable structure that can be used as a grill or barbecue. But to make a real smokehouse from a gas cylinder, you need a chimney and a firebox.

The chimney is welded to the side of the smokehouse, in the part where the neck was cut off. The knee is made from dense metal pipes, into which the chimney pipe will be inserted. The height of the chimney should be 1 meter. This size will ensure optimal traction and smoldering of the wood.

The design of the chimney is completed by a damper. It is necessary to adjust traction. The damper can be removable, which is the simplest option. It can also be built-in or secured with a metal bolt.

This is also a smokehouse, only combined with a small tile.

Hot smoking involves processing products with hot smoke at a temperature of 70 to 120 degrees. Therefore, it is important to equip a firebox from which hot smoke will come. It will be attached to the side opposite the chimney. The easiest way is to use another used gas cylinder for the firebox, but only a smaller one.

There are 2 holes made in the cylinder. The first is for laying wood chips, the second is for the blower. Then the firebox is connected to the smokehouse itself by a grate. To do this, you can use a short pipe. This adapter is necessary to prevent open fire from entering the smokehouse. If you don’t have a small cylinder, dense iron (4 mm) is suitable for constructing a firebox.

Installation of grate and tray

In addition to the entire structure, the smokehouse must have a grate for food. Make it simply from steel rods. Or look for a ready-made one. Prepared products for smoking will be placed on the grill. In addition to the grate, you can install a tube inside, on which it will be convenient to hang fish or pieces of meat.

This photo shows the firebox for the smokehouse, the smoking chamber itself is at the top left.

Inside the smokehouse, a metal tray should also be installed on the bottom; fat and juice will drain there during the cooking process. To make the pallet easy to care for, it is better to cover it with foil.

To regulate the smoking temperature, build a special thermometer into the lid of the structure. For aesthetics and convenience, you can attach an impromptu table. Products will be laid out on it.

Differences between hot and cold smokehouses

As mentioned above, it occurs when high temperatures. Cooking time in this way can be from half an hour to several hours. Depends on the sizes and types of products. Cooking with hot smoke is quite quick. But the shelf life of such delicacies is short. As a rule, food can be stored for no more than 7 days in the refrigerator.

The cooking time lasts from 24 hours to several weeks. These products have a richer taste and last much longer. Since the products are processed with cold smoke, at a temperature of 20-30 degrees, the design itself differs from a hot smokehouse.

When constructing a smokehouse from cylinders, it will be necessary to lengthen the pipe that connects the firebox and the smokehouse. The pipe must be at least 2 meters long so that the smoke is sufficiently cooled. You can also make this pipe removable. Then the design will be used for hot and cold smoking.

  • Be sure to follow safety precautions. Carry out work at a distance from residential premises and away from open fire. Working with gas cylinders is dangerous.
  • When your structure is ready, you can paint it with dark shades of enamel for aesthetics. But subsequently the device will become covered with soot. So this procedure is not necessary.
  • Before starting the smoking process, be sure to run the smokehouse “idle”, without any products. This is necessary to get rid of unwanted odors, which for the first time can spoil the taste and aroma of the products.
  • To make the aroma and taste of smoked meats unsurpassed, use wood chips from fruit and deciduous trees. Apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry, alder, oak are perfect. Not recommended for use coniferous wood, because it has too specific aroma.

Here's a long one detailed video how to make a smokehouse from two cylinders:

Currently on the market large selection smokers for fish and meat. If you don't want to spend money on an unexpected purchase, try with make a home smoker from a gas cylinder

Making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

In order to make a home smokehouse you need:

  1. Gas cylinder, volume 50 liters.
  2. A four-millimeter sheet of iron to organize the firebox.
  3. Pipes from which we make the elbow for the chimney, as well as for connecting to the firebox.
  4. Small diameter pipes for making a stand.
  5. Hinges for the door.
  6. Small diameter rods for grilles.

Before you start cutting out the smokehouse, you need to release the gas from the cylinder and also rinse it well with water to prevent an explosion from the gas remaining in the cylinder. You can get rid of the gas in the cylinder without any problems; to do this, just turn it upside down. Afterwards you need to make sure that all the gas has come out. Lubricate the outlet valve with soap foam; if the soap is still foaming, then not all the gas has escaped.

Step-by-step instructions for making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

No drawings or sketches are required to make a smokehouse. The stages of making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder are as follows^

Step 1. You need to mark the smokehouse door. To do this, we place the cylinder on its side and mark the intended door on it; do not forget to retreat 10–15 centimeters from each edge of the cylinder. To begin with, you should not cut the door all the way out; you need to bend it a little and weld the hinges. Only after this the door is cut out completely.

Step 2.We insert the chimney into the elbow, which should be welded in place of the neck. To do this, the neck needs to be sawed off. A damper must be welded onto the chimney to regulate the smoke output.

Step 3. IN opposite side We cut a hole from the chimney that will connect the smokehouse to the firebox from a gas cylinder. When making a barbecue grill from a cylinder, we will use this hole to regulate the draft. It is advisable to weld a metal strip or rod along the edge of the hole so that the metal does not bend when heated.

Step 4. A steel sheet is installed at the bottom of the smokehouse to allow grease to be collected and removed. The smokehouse grate is made from metal rods.

Photo of a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

Step 5. Depending on the design of the cylinder smokehouse, the stand can be left removable or welded. For a removable stand, holes are made in the smokehouse for bolts. As an option, 4 pipes about 6 cm in length are welded to the bottom of the smokehouse at the corners. During assembly, these pipes are inserted into pipes larger diameter on a stand. You can attach wheels to the ends of the legs of the stand, so the smokehouse will also be mobile. Below the smokehouse there is an opportunity to arrange a shelf for firewood or dishes.

There is no need to make a firebox for the grill and barbecue, because the fire is simply lit at the bottom. In a smokehouse made from a gas cylinder, it is necessary to isolate the fire from the products that you are going to smoke. Products are smoked through the intake of smoke, which is obtained from the smoldering of sawdust.

It is convenient to make a firebox from a small gas cylinder. To do this, 2 holes with doors are cut in the cylinder. Sawdust will be placed in its upper part, and a blower will be installed in the lower part. To prevent fire from entering the smokehouse from a gas cylinder, it is necessary to connect the firebox to the smokehouse indirectly, I make a small transition from the pipe.

Hot and cold smoking occurs when different temperatures, therefore, to install cold smoking, it is necessary to lengthen the pipe connecting to the smokehouse. Passing through this pipe, the hot air will be cooled to the temperature required for cold smoking, about 18–25 degrees. To make a universal smokehouse, you can install a pipe of the length that you will use at the moment.

DIY smokehouse from a gas cylinder It is quite simple to make if you put in a little effort and spend a few hours of time. Experiment, then you can make high-quality equipment for smoking products at home.