Sleep coffee beans. Coffee beans

To dream that you are drinking coffee means your friends' disapproval of your future marriage. If you are already married, this is a sign of disagreement and frequent quarrels.

To dream that you are making coffee foretells failure in business. If you serve coffee, then losses await you. If you buy, you can easily maintain your reputation or trust in yourself.

For a young woman to see or do something with coffee means that she will become the talk of the town, the subject of gossip, if she is not careful and prudent in her actions.

For a young woman to dream that you are roasting coffee means salvation from evil through a happy marriage to a foreigner.

Seeing coffee grounds portends a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity.

Roasted coffee in a dream warns against bad intentions strangers.

Green coffee portends arrogant enemies from whom there is no mercy to be expected and who will seek to harm you if you do not take this dream as a warning.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Coffee in a dream

Seeing - casting suspicion; drink - you will be at the reception; roast grains - visit; cook - home benefits; grind - anxiety; buy - expenses for guests

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Coffee in a dream

Everything in your life will work out in the best possible way after you tasted coffee in a dream. For a lonely person, this dream promises a meeting with a loving, faithful and reliable life partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Coffee

Coffee - intimate conversation - drink - will be at a reception - roasting grains - visit - cook - home benefits - grind - anxiety - buy - expenses for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Coffee

Drinking coffee in a dream means disapproval of your future marriage by your friends. Making coffee in a dream means failure in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does Coffee mean in a dream?

Drinking it in a dream means a pleasant, friendly conversation in which you can reveal your doubts to your interlocutor. Treating others to coffee is a sign of trust. Roasting coffee beans in a dream means that you will find a decent way out of a sticky situation. Coffee grounds in a dream mean doubts and mistrust. Seeing green coffee beans in a dream is a sign of strong bonds that are threatened by the machinations of enemies. The smell of coffee in a dream foretells good news.

Hearing coffee being ground in a dream is a sign of receiving disturbing news. Successfully selling coffee on tap in a dream means a profitable business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see Coffee in a dream?

If you dream that you are drinking this invigorating drink, it means that your marriage will cause discontent and disapproval of friends. For spouses, such a dream promises frequent quarrels and disagreement. If a girl dreams of coffee, regardless of whether she drinks it or brews it, this warns her against imprudent actions and promiscuity. Her actions will be discussed by all her acquaintances and friends.

If she dreams that she is roasting coffee, this foretells salvation from troubles thanks to an advantageous marriage with a foreigner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Coffee

Seeing coffee in a dream means that in reality you will come under suspicion, but otherwise well-being and prosperity. Drinking coffee alone means that a high-ranking official will refuse you admission. If you drink coffee in the company of friends, your loved ones will not approve of your decision to have a hasty marriage, and for married people this is a sign of marital disagreement and frequent quarrels for this reason.

High-grade, aromatic coffee portends a bright future; low-quality and tasteless coffee portends trouble at work. Grinding coffee beans in a dream foreshadows an anxious state due to gossip about you, which you yourself inadvertently gave rise to. Green coffee beans portend communication with impudent and shameless people who will meddle in your family affairs with their stupid advice. Fry coffee beans in the oven - a trip abroad, which can lead to marriage with a foreigner. Buying coffee beans portends large expenses in connection with the upcoming reception of guests.

If you buy ground coffee, this will fulfill your long-standing dream of buying something you really need.

Instant coffee is a warning against communicating with evil and envious people.

Pouring boiling water over instant coffee means that you are on the right track and your course of action will bring the desired success. Brewing coffee in a dream predicts failure in your undertaking. Cooled coffee indicates that in order to preserve your reputation and the trust of those around you, you will have to put an end to office romance with a married man.

Serving coffee poured into mugs on a tray portends an irreparable loss. Spilling a pack of coffee means lasting family happiness.

Cooking and drinking acorn coffee in a dream means making a small profit.

Seeing or using a coffee grinder in a dream means the fulfillment of your dream of a quiet corner where you could spend hours of hard work and indulge in lovemaking with your chosen one without any disturbance.

Seeing yourself in a cozy cafe, where you often visit in reality, means that you are not quite wisely using your connections with influential people, but who are antipathetic to you in their spiritual make-up. Being invited to a cafe means a man will try to seduce you, but only for selfish interests.

If in a dream you see coffee plantations, in reality this threatens dangerous consequences risky step. Engaged in the import and trade of coffee in a dream - be vigilant, because an evil deed is being plotted against you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the dream of Coffee predict?

If you drink coffee in a dream, it means your friends' disapproval of your future marriage. If you are already married, this is a sign of disagreement and frequent quarrels. Making coffee in a dream means failure in business. Serving coffee means loss. Seeing coffee grounds is a sign of successfully combating unfavorable circumstances and adversity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream meaning Coffee

The dream foreshadows disagreement and frequent quarrels in the family.

Imagine that instead of coffee there is wine or tea in the cup (see Wine, Tea).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

See Coffee in a dream

If you drink coffee in a dream, then your friends will not approve of your future marriage.

If you are already married, coffee dreams of disagreement in the family and frequent quarrels.

Making coffee in a dream means business failure ahead.

Coffee was served - expect losses and disappointment.

If you bought coffee, you can easily maintain your reputation or trust in yourself.

If a young woman does anything with coffee in a dream, she should be careful, otherwise she will become the subject of gossip.

Coffee grounds portend a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity.

Roasted coffee in a dream warns against the bad intentions of strangers, green coffee warns of enemies who are ready to harm at any moment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream prediction Coffee

Drinking coffee in a dream: a sign that you are tired and in reality you lack energy. Having seen such a dream, it won’t hurt you to take a rest to restore lost strength.

Coffee grounds: means that you are most likely thoroughly confused in matters. This dream encourages you to soberly assess the situation and not hope that by some miracle the problems will disappear on their own.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of instant coffee, in beans, with milk or cream? IN real life Most people associate this aromatic drink with cheerfulness, romance and a pleasant pastime, but in night dreams it often takes on a different meaning. A person who happened to drink, cook, or perform any other actions with coffee in a dream may face difficulties and problems in reality. But coffee is not always interpreted from a negative point of view. Some dream books consider it a favorable symbol, promising a person joy, luck and positive emotions.

In real life, most people associate this aromatic drink with cheerfulness, romance and a pleasant pastime, but in night dreams it often takes on a different meaning.

Why do you dream of drinking coffee according to Gustav Miller’s dream book? For a person about to get married, the dream promises disapproval of his choice by relatives or friends. In the near future, the dreamer will be transparently hinted that his chosen one or chosen one is completely unsuitable for him. Should you listen to the opinions of others? Make a decision in in this case the sleeper must do it on his own.

For a family man, an invigorating drink dreamed of at night foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings with his other half. Did you dream of making coffee? In reality, the sleeper will face failure in business. To avoid it, you don't need to plan anything in the coming days. Serving coffee to strangers means losses. Buy it in a store or market - auspicious sign, indicating that the dreamer will be able to adequately extricate himself from difficult situation without losing your dignity.

IN women's dreams doing anything with coffee is a sign of gossip, to which the fairer sex will become a victim in the near future. To preserve her good name, she needs to monitor her statements and not commit rash acts that could cause the disapproval of others. If in a dream a young woman dreamed of roasting coffee beans, then in real life she should take a closer look at her foreign admirer. Marriage with him will be happy and will save her from the problems that she is unsuccessfully trying to solve.

For a person about to get married, the dream promises disapproval of his choice by relatives or friends

Green coffee in night dreams warns the dreamer of a meeting with enemies. Ill-wishers will try to harm him with everything possible ways, and you need to remain extremely vigilant to prevent them from doing this. Coffee grounds in a dream represent successful getting rid of problems. If a person has dreamed of roasted coffee, then in reality he needs to trust the people around him less, since one of them has prepared a trap for him.

Seeing coffee in a dream, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book, is an unkind sign, indicating that in the coming days the sleeping person will be suspected of a crime to which he has nothing to do. Drinking this drink, enjoying its aroma and taste, means an invitation to a social event. A dream in which a person bought coffee promises him material expenses associated with receiving guests.

Did you dream of grinding coffee beans? Soon the sleeper will be captivated by anxiety and bad premonitions. But preparing an aromatic coffee drink promises him pleasant household chores, which will subsequently bring good benefits.

The meaning of the image according to Felomena’s dream book

Why do you dream of coffee according to Felomena’s dream book? If a person dreams of this drink at night, then in reality he should not worry about his future. The interpreter promises him happy changes in his personal life and success in professional activity. Did the sleeper dream of drinking coffee? In reality, he will be lucky in all areas of life. He will be financially secure, loved and successful in any endeavor.

A dream in which a person makes coffee for himself predicts failure in his planned business or trip. It is necessary to postpone the implementation of plans until a more suitable period. If the dreamer was preparing coffee for another person, then the dream takes on the opposite meaning. The transactions that he plans to carry out will be successful and will bring him tangible financial benefits. The results of the trip will not disappoint him either.

Spilling a coffee drink in a dream is an incredibly auspicious sign

How to understand the meaning of a dream in which a person spilled coffee? When interpreting night vision, the dream book advises paying attention to the type of product you dreamed about:

  • instant coffee scattered on the floor or ground predicts a quiet life for the sleeper without quarrels, failures and other troubles;
  • scattered coffee beans promise the arrival of unexpected guests or a meeting with a person whom the dreamer treats without much respect.

Spilling a coffee drink in a dream is an incredibly auspicious sign. The dream book is confident that a person who makes such a mistake in his night dreams will actually get rid of problems, reconcile with enemies and improve relations with his superiors. The dream also indicates the beginning of a new period in the life of the sleeper, filled with happiness and positive emotions.

Did you dream of making coffee with milk? To achieve success, the dreamer needs to put aside indecision and prepare for active action. In the coming days, the most opportune moment will come in his life to realize his plans. The dream interpreter considers preparing a drink from instant coffee powder to be an alarming sign. The sleeper will have to face meanness coming from enemies and envious people. To restore his good name, he will have to make a lot of efforts.

Interpretations according to the Gypsy, Esoteric and General dream books

IN Gypsy dream book drinking coffee means a long life. In the same way, one should decipher the vision in which a person felt the aroma of this invigorating drink.

I had a dream: a man grows coffee at home. To understand its meaning, you should look into Esoteric dream book. This interpreter is sure that a dream with such a development of events predicts the sleeper to fulfill representative obligations that will be beyond his power. Enjoying aromatic coffee in a dream means communicating with intelligent people or doing work that requires mental effort.

Finding out what coffee with cream portends will help General dream book. The dream interpreter is confident that this vision indicates the presence of real problems in family life person. To return peace and mutual understanding to her, he will have to make a lot of efforts. In a dream, did you have to watch your friends enjoying a coffee drink? Sending such a vision to a person, higher powers hint to him that the people he dreamed of will bring him good luck.

In the Gypsy dream book, drinking coffee means a long life

Determining the meaning of sleep from other sources

Spring dream book coffee represents lack of sleep. Its compilers are convinced that a person who enjoys this aromatic drink in his night dreams will have sleepless nights in reality due to worries and work not completed on time. The summer interpreter considers a night vision in which a person drank coffee to be a harbinger of an intimate conversation with a pleasant interlocutor. But enjoy a coffee drink Autumn dream book- to alarming events.

What does coffee mean in dreams, according to other interpreters? In the dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima, this drink is associated with fatigue and lack of energy. People who drank it in their night dreams need to devote more time to proper rest in real life. Coffee grounds symbolize confusion in business. There is no need to hope that problems will disappear on their own. Only decisive actions on the part of the sleeper will help improve things.

Spring dream book symbolizes coffee with lack of sleep

An old English dream book promises a person who tastes a cup of coffee in his night dreams a happy future. He will never know poverty, bad luck and betrayal from his loved ones. A lonely dreamer drinking coffee in a dream means meeting a person who will become his life partner.

The 21st century dream book advises, when interpreting dreams involving coffee, to pay attention to the taste of the dreamed drink. If it was sweet, then in the near future the life of the sleeping person will be filled with happiness and joy. He should prepare to receive long-awaited guests and receive good news. A bitter drink promises gossip, Bad mood and doing unpleasant and thankless work.

Did you see yourself drinking coffee in a dream? The Health Dream Book considers such a dream to be a sign indicating that a person has heart problems or nervous system. Coffee grounds indicate a sharp turn in fate. How happy he will be can be found out a few days after waking up.

Attention, TODAY only!

1. Coffee- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Seeing - casting suspicion; drink - you will be at the reception; roast grains - visit; cook - home benefits; grind - anxiety; buy - expenses for guests
2. Coffee- (Modern dream book)
A dream in which you drink coffee means that your friends will not approve of your future marriage. If you have a family, then disagreements and frequent quarrels await you. If you dream that you are selling coffee, then such a dream predicts failure in commercial affairs. Selling coffee means losses. Buying is a sign that you will easily return the money invested. If a young woman dreams that she is seeing or preparing coffee, then she will become the talk of the town if she is not prudent in her actions. For a young woman to dream that she is roasting coffee, foretells that she will escape evil by marrying a stranger. Seeing coffee grounds in whitefish predicts a successful fight against enemies. If you dream of burnt coffee, then this warns you of the evil intentions of people you do not know. Green coffee seen in a dream means that you will have sworn enemies who will not give you mercy and will try to destroy you. If in a dream you visit a coffee shop, then this is an omen that you will unwisely enter into friendly relations with people known to be your ill-wishers. Cunning women can start an intrigue against you that will threaten your morals and property. Seeing a coffee grinder in a dream means that you are approaching a critical dangerous point and you will have to use all your energy and common sense to avoid catastrophic consequences. Hearing the work of a coffee grinder means that you can barely cope with the evil directed against your interests.
3. Coffee- (Miller's Dream Book)
To dream that you are drinking coffee means your friends' disapproval of your future marriage. If you are already married, this is a sign of disagreement and frequent quarrels. To dream that you are making coffee foretells failure in business. If you serve coffee, then losses await you. If you buy, you can easily maintain your reputation or trust in yourself. For a young woman to see or do something with coffee means that she will become the talk of the town, the subject of gossip, if she is not careful and prudent in her actions. For a young woman to dream that you are roasting coffee means salvation from evil through a happy marriage to a foreigner. Seeing coffee grounds portends a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity. Roasted coffee in a dream warns against the bad intentions of strangers. Green coffee portends arrogant enemies from whom there is no mercy to be expected and who will seek to harm you if you do not take this dream as a warning.
4. Coffee- (Esoteric dream book)
Drinking, cooking - for intellectual pursuits, communication with representatives of the intelligentsia. To grow is to bear overwhelming representative responsibilities.
5. Coffee- (Culinary dream book)
Drinking coffee in a dream means disapproval of your future marriage by your friends. Making coffee in a dream means failure in business.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are drinking coffee means your friends' disapproval of your future marriage.

To dream that you are making coffee foretells failure in business.

If you serve coffee, then losses await you.

If you buy, you can easily maintain your reputation or trust in yourself.

For a young woman to see or do something with coffee means that she will become the talk of the town, the subject of gossip, if she is not careful and prudent in her actions.

For a young woman to dream that you are roasting coffee means salvation from evil through a happy marriage to a foreigner.

Seeing coffee grounds portends a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity.

Roasted coffee in a dream warns against the bad intentions of strangers.

Green coffee - portends arrogant enemies from whom there is no mercy to be expected and who will seek to harm you if you do not take this dream as a warning.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing coffee - casting suspicion; drink - you will be at the reception; roast grains - visit; cook - home benefits; grind - anxiety; buy - expenses for guests.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Family dream book

If you drink coffee in a dream, your friends will not approve of your future marriage; if you are already married, coffee - dreams of disagreement in the family and frequent quarrels; cooked in a dream - failure in business lies ahead; served coffee - expect losses and disappointment; bought coffee - easily maintain your reputation or trust in yourself; if a young woman does something with coffee in a dream, she should be careful, otherwise she will become the subject of gossip; coffee grounds - portends a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and misfortunes; fried in a dream - warns against the bad intentions of strangers; green - warns of enemies who are ready to harm at any moment.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Drinking coffee in a dream is a sign that you are tired and lack energy in reality. Having seen such a dream, it won’t hurt you to take a rest to restore lost strength.

Coffee grounds mean that you are most likely thoroughly confused in matters. This dream encourages you to soberly assess the situation and not hope that by some miracle the problems will disappear on their own.

Why do you dream about coffee?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Coffee - sleep warning: you need rest. You may soon be tormented by insomnia.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Spring dream book

Coffee - for a sleepless night.

Buying Brazilian coffee means hassle in the family.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Summer dream book

Drinking coffee in a dream means a peaceful conversation together.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Autumn dream book

Drinking coffee in a dream means anxiety.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing coffee in a dream means that in reality you will come under suspicion, but otherwise well-being and prosperity. Drinking coffee alone means that a high-ranking official will refuse you admission. If you drink coffee in the company of friends, your loved ones will not approve of your decision to get married hastily, and for married people this is a sign of marital discord and frequent quarrels for this reason.

High-grade aromatic coffee portends a bright future, low-quality and tasteless coffee portends trouble at work. Grinding coffee beans in a dream portends an anxious state due to gossip addressed to you, which you yourself inadvertently gave rise to. Green coffee beans - portend communication with impudent and shameless people who will meddle in your family affairs with their stupid advice. Roasting coffee beans in the oven is a trip abroad, which can lead to marriage with a foreigner. Buying coffee beans portends large expenses in connection with the upcoming reception of guests.

If you buy ground coffee, this is the fulfillment of a long-standing dream of buying something you really need.

Instant coffee is a warning against communicating with evil and envious people.

Pouring boiling water over instant coffee means that you are on the right track and your course of action will bring the desired success. Making coffee in a dream predicts failure in an undertaking. Cooled coffee means that in order to preserve your reputation and the trust of those around you, you will have to put an end to your office romance with a married man.

Serving coffee poured into mugs on a tray portends an irreparable loss.

Spilling a pack of coffee means lasting family happiness.

Cooking and drinking acorn coffee in a dream means making a small profit.

Seeing or using a coffee grinder in a dream means the fulfillment of a dream of a quiet corner where you could spend hours of hard work and indulge in lovemaking with your chosen one without any interference.

Seeing yourself in a cozy cafe, where you often visit in reality, means that you are not quite wisely using your connections with influential people, but who are antipathetic to you in their spiritual make-up. To be invited to a cafe - a man will try to seduce you, but only for selfish interests.

If in a dream you see coffee plantations, in reality this threatens with dangerous consequences of a risky step.

Engaged in the import and trade of coffee in a dream - be vigilant, because an evil deed is being plotted against you.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Coffee mill - you will have a cozy corner.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing coffee beans in a dream means quick wealth.

You dreamed of coffee poured into cups - big troubles lie ahead, as a result of which you will get rich.

If you dreamed that you were making coffee, a big surprise and a lot of trouble awaited you.

In a dream, you watch someone making coffee - in the near future one of your close relatives will give you a surprise.

If you dreamed that you were gnawing coffee beans, you have a lot of trouble ahead that will not bring you money.

If you dreamed that you watched someone gnawing coffee beans, you will have a lot of trouble in the near future, and as a result, someone you know will receive money.

Looking at coffee grounds means a calm and measured life.

Spilling coffee means a small loss.

If you dreamed that you watched someone spill coffee, you are in danger of a small loss, for which someone you know will be to blame.

In a dream you drank bitter coffee - good luck will accompany you.

You drank sweet coffee - you have to work hard, and then good luck will accompany you.

If you dreamed that you were drinking coffee with cream, you have to spend a lot of time and energy to improve your family life.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone drinking coffee, someone close to you will bring you good luck.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Esoteric dream book

Drinking coffee, cooking - for intellectual pursuits, communication with representatives of the intelligentsia.

Grow, carry - unbearable representative duties.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you drink coffee in a dream, this means friends disapproving of your future marriage.

If you are already married, this is a sign of disagreement and frequent quarrels.

Making coffee in a dream means failure in business.

Serving coffee means losses.

Seeing coffee grounds means waging a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity.

For a young woman, almost all manipulations with coffee foreshadow gossip and gossip if she is not careful in her actions.

Roasting coffee in a dream can mean a happy marriage with a foreigner.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Azar's Dream Book

Coffee - conversation.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you drink coffee means that your friends will not approve of your future marriage. If you have a family, then disagreements and frequent quarrels await you.

If you dream that you are selling coffee, such a dream predicts failure in commercial affairs.

Selling coffee means losses.

Buying coffee is a sign that you will easily get your money back.

If a young woman dreams that she is seeing or preparing coffee, she will become the talk of the town if she is not prudent in her actions.

For a young woman to dream that she is roasting coffee, foretells that she will escape evil by marrying a stranger.

Seeing coffee grounds in a dream predicts a successful fight against enemies.

If you dream of burnt coffee, this warns you of the evil intentions of people you do not know.

Green coffee seen in a dream means that you will have sworn enemies who will not give you mercy and will try to destroy you.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were drinking coffee, it means that your friends will not approve of your choice of life partner. Family people after such a dream, disagreements and quarrels await.

Trading it means failure in commercial matters.

Buying coffee is a sign that you will easily return the money invested in the business. A dream in which she makes coffee warns a young woman that she will become an object of gossip.

If a woman roasts coffee beans, it means she can avoid gossip by marrying a foreigner. Coffee grounds promise victory over enemies.

Green coffee warns: you will have sworn enemies who will not give you mercy and will try to destroy you.

A dream in which you are in a coffee shop warns: you risk making friends with unworthy people who will drag you into intrigue.

If you dreamed of a coffee grinder, it means that you are on the edge of an abyss and you need to mobilize all your strength so as not to perish in it.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

intimate, heartfelt conversation.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Coffee - A young woman dreams of a cup of coffee - this woman overly idealizes the people around her; she will be unpleasantly surprised; she will be tormented by the question: Who is spreading gossip about me? It’s as if you are busy making coffee - failure in business will not ruin your plans, but you cannot do without problems; you will have something to discuss with your friends. It’s as if you are drinking scalding and very strong coffee - your personal life will become the subject of discussion; Close people - out of good, naturally, motives - will shamelessly delve into your soul and advise what you do not accept. An unmarried man dreams that he is drinking coffee - friends will not approve of the choice of his heart; On this basis, a conflict is possible. For a married man dreams that he drinks coffee - there will be frequent quarrels in the family, and everything will be over trifles. It’s like you’re buying coffee - despite all the machinations of your enemies, you will keep your reputation untarnished; with your kindness, which must have long been the talk of the town, with your selflessness, it is not difficult to remain pure in the eyes of people. It’s like you’re reading tea leaves - your dreams are not always fruitless; It is thanks to your unconventional and irrepressible imagination that you sometimes know how to avoid trouble, while grounded people with a sober mind and common sense find themselves in very delicate situations. A young woman dreams that she is roasting coffee - this woman will have a happy marriage with a foreigner; True, happiness in a prosperous country will at times be overshadowed by bouts of nostalgia. You dream of unroasted coffee beans - your new enemies are still green, they are just trying to take positions; the danger of these enemies is that they are distinguished by their tirelessness and impudence of youth, and do not adhere to any rules; they haven’t been burned yet and are going recklessly - they can break things

Why do you dream about coffee?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Drinking coffee means good news, happiness, guests. Cooking it is expensive. Drinking bitter means unpleasant duties, irritation.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coffee, cocoa - anxiety; luck.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Coffee - the dream foreshadows disagreement and frequent quarrels in the family. Imagine that instead of coffee there is wine or tea in the cup (see Wine, Tea).

Why do you dream about coffee?

Modern dream book

Coffee – Intimate heartfelt conversation

Why do you dream about coffee?

Big dream book

Coffee - Drinking - making a small profit.

Why do you dream about coffee?

British dream book

Coffee - The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that energizes the body and awakens the mind, especially in the morning. What is the dream about: Dreams about coffee or other caffeinated drinks are unlikely to have serious meaning, unless in real life you avoid caffeine. But then how do you feel about him? Do you feel pressured to agree? Or are you looking for something that will allow you to express yourself better? Dreams about coffee, whether you usually drink it or not, may indicate that you feel like you're not performing well enough and need extra stimulation.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Coffee - Spilling coffee on a new tablecloth means slight discomfort. Drink coffee with cognac - to unexpected meeting with an old friend. Grinding coffee means empty chatter.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Russian dream book

What does Coffee mean in a dream - a friendly conversation.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does Coffee mean in a dream - conversation. Buying coffee means easy return of money or credit. Grinding coffee means doing things successfully. For girls, roasting coffee beans is an opportunity to marry a person from another country. Green coffee - to excessive insolence. Pouring coffee into coffee cups means trying out other people's secrets.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Women's dream book

Dreaming about Coffee - If you drink coffee in a dream, this means your friends disapproval of your future marriage. If you are already married, this is a sign of disagreement and frequent quarrels. Making coffee in a dream means failure in business. Serving coffee means losses. Seeing coffee grounds means waging a successful fight against unfavorable circumstances and adversity. For a young woman, almost all manipulations with coffee foreshadow gossip and gossip if she is not careful in her actions. Roasting coffee in a dream can mean a happy marriage with a foreigner; this is the interpretation of Coffee according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Coffee is something we crave or desire. Buying coffee means striving to fulfill your plans; coffee grounds - uncertainty in business.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed of coffee with milk, then now favorable time to sort out the problems. To solve all problems, each family member should eat a few coffee beans.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed about black coffee, then in the near future you will spend too much money. To prevent this from happening, place a few small coins under the mattress.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Cappuccino (coffee with milk) indicates a positive opportunity for a friendly or sexual relationship.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Online dream book

See how you drink coffee - no one around you will appreciate your chosen one.

If you sell it in a dream, expect a streak of bad luck in commerce. If, on the contrary, you buy

You dream that you are sitting in some kind of cafeteria - the dream book warns you about your upcoming acquaintance with some bad people who will try to get you into an unpleasant situation.

I dreamed of coffee grounds - you will easily resolve all upcoming difficulties and problems.

If you are grinding coffee beans, the dream promises you great worries about rumors about your person that once started because of you.

If it is soluble, you will soon have to communicate with very malicious and envious people.

A dream in which you make coffee promises you bad luck in the upcoming task.

Coffee with milk - the hour has come when you have time to solve all the difficult issues.

If you dreamed of making coffee - do not refuse the proposed business trip, it promises success in the future and material wealth.

A cup of coffee is success in solving the most complex and long-standing problems.

Buying coffee in a dream means the investment will pay off handsomely. Your forethought will not be superfluous.

Drinking coffee means a pleasant pastime, great news, high mood. You easily create your life yourself.

Coffee beans are purchases that are unlikely to be useful to you in the future. Try not to get big discounts, think about whether you really need all these things.

Why do you dream about coffee?

Universal dream book

Coffee is an energizing, stimulating drink. It is also associated with a break from work: everyone knows how nice it is to take a break, sit back, relax and drink a cup of coffee. Determine what coffee stimulates you to do in your sleep? Or does such a dream mean that it’s time to take a break? Where were you offered coffee in a dream? At home, at work, with your partner? Are you stimulated by the people in these places, or should you take a break from home, work, or your partner?

Is the drink too hot to swallow, too cold to enjoy, or just the right temperature and the aroma appeals to your senses? Your answers will determine how you feel about life in the present moment.

If in a dream you drink coffee from a machine, it means you need to quickly cheer up.

If you drink espresso, it means you are under pressure.

If you drink filtered coffee, it means that you need to slowly think things through and reflect on some situation in your life.

If you drink a double espresso or double latte with a slice of lemon, it means you want to get it all at once.

A cup of coffee is something millions of people cannot imagine their morning without. The drink went so deep daily life that many of his fans even see him in their dreams. Why are joyful or sad events foreshadowed by his appearance in night dreams? A person who wants to understand this must remember all the details of the picture he saw.

What's in the cup?

A person can not only drink an invigorating drink in a dream, but also simply see it. To understand why you dream of coffee in a cup, you need to remember whether it was hot or cold. Most dream books advise taking a hot drink as a warning. The dreamer may soon become a victim of a conspiracy, and its initiators may be not only well-known enemies, but also secret rivals who envy him.

What could a dream mean in which the cup is cold? Does the vision warn of danger? It is possible that the “owner” of the dream is simply tired of the old relationship. If the dreamer no longer has the same feelings for his partner, he should inform him about this and break up.

There is another interpretation of the dream, in which there is a cup of coffee. Some dream books claim that such a dream is often seen by people in need of rest. Having seen it, you should take a vacation from work and forget about everyday problems for a while.

Ground, beans

Why do you dream about coffee beans? Such a dream cannot definitely be called bad or good. He calls on a person to be patient and prepare to show perseverance, without which it will be impossible to achieve an important goal. It is possible that the dreamer will be forced to defend his innocence, whether it concerns the professional or personal sphere. With sufficient persistence, the “owner” of the dream can safely count on excellent results.

Ground coffee often appears in people's night dreams. Such a dream signals the need to take into account the little things. By looking closely at details that seem insignificant, the dreamer will be able to learn a lot of useful things and deal with a serious problem that he considers insoluble.

Taste of the drink

Why do you dream about drinking coffee? It will be easy to figure this out if a person manages to remember the taste of the drink from a dream. It’s great if the coffee was rich and strong, this portends a useful acquaintance. Lonely people who have seen such a dream should especially rejoice. It is possible that in the near future their personal life will be settled, perhaps even marrying a loved one.

Also, the drink from night dreams can be sweet or bitter. If a person drank a cup of bitter coffee in his visions, he should not expect anything good in reality. Most likely, the dreamer will face unpleasant responsibilities that he will not be able to shift to someone else. An unpleasant conversation is also likely, during which the “owner” of the dream may hear gossip about himself.

The opposite meaning is a dream in which the drink is sweet. The dreamer will have a pleasant surprise in the near future. This could be long-awaited news, attending a fun party, or a gift. An excellent mood is guaranteed in any case.

Milk, cream, lemon

People who are trying to understand why they dream about coffee need to remember what they added to the drink in their dream. Each ingredient has a meaning for dream interpretation. For example, sometimes you can see a lemon wedge in a cup. Such a dream informs that a person has a cherished desire, which obstacles prevent him from realizing.

Adding cream indicates that relations in the family of the “owner” of the dream are far from good. If he wants to change the current situation, he will have to seriously try, since the quarrels began a long time ago. Why do you dream about coffee with milk? This also indicates future troubles and worries. However, the dreamer will not have to be nervous for very long; everything will end well, which will require minimal effort on his part.

Various manipulations

It is also very easy to find out why you dream about grinding coffee. If a person in a night dream uses a coffee grinder and hears the noise that accompanies its operation, the dream can be considered good and bad at the same time. The dreamer can have no doubt that he has dangerous opponents who are preparing a trap for him. However, with some effort, and being able to understand the enemy's plan, he can easily avoid falling into it.

Some people see themselves in their dreams roasting coffee beans. This plot indicates a difficult period at work and in business. Any mistake made by the dreamer in the near future could cost him the reputation that has been built over the years. However, single representatives of the fair sex who have seen such a dream should rejoice. In the near future, they will meet an attractive man, who has every chance of developing into long term relationship, probably even marriage.

Why dream of making coffee using a Turk? Such a plot suggests that in reality a person is afraid of an unpleasant meeting that will nevertheless happen. If the dreamer brews a drink in a cup, in reality he is consumed by a feeling of guilt, from which only an apology will help. The use of a special machine for brewing coffee in a dream indicates that a person cannot find time for quality rest and dreams of traveling to other countries.

Unpleasant incidents

Why do you dream of coffee if certain unpleasant incidents are associated with the drink? If the dreamer accidentally drenches himself in it, he should pay more attention to his own needs, and not spend all his time taking care of other people who do not value it. Also, such a plot can warn of mental discomfort, in which case it will help to find peace good rest, temporary forgetting about problems.

Obviously, with an invigorating drink in a dream you can not only get wet, but also get burned. Such a dream may indicate that its “owner” does not trust someone from his inner circle. Most likely, the suspicions are not unfounded; in the near future the dreamer will suffer from the actions of this person.

Another possible turn of events in night dreams is accidental ingestion coffee grounds. Such a dream is a good dream; the dreamer can safely count on help in a difficult situation from friends or relatives.

Buying, selling

What else can foreshadow coffee in which a person sees himself as a seller of an invigorating drink? Unfortunately, such a plot promises trouble, especially for entrepreneurs who may lose a significant amount of money as a result of an unsuccessful investment.

It’s great if the “owner” of the dream doesn’t sell coffee, but buys it. This suggests that the dreamer will soon achieve success thanks to his eloquence.

Other options

In a dream, a person can see himself sitting in a coffee shop and drinking coffee. Even if the drink was tasty, you should be wary. It is very likely that you will soon meet an attacker, which will bring various troubles. Serve to someone coffee cup in night dreams it is also bad. Such a dream promises conflicts that can happen in the family or at work, and also promises unexpected expenses that will be significant for your personal budget.

Most bad dream- the coffee plantation that the dreamer sees in front of him. The compilers of dream books claim that such a plot foreshadows a crushing defeat in business, after which life will no longer be the same. A plantation can also warn of serious health problems and the risk of injury.