Persecution of the number 47 according to Islam. Composite numbers - numerology

In the section on the question what does the number 47 mean? I see and hear him 40 times a day. given by the author European the best answer is 47 essentially reads something like this: 47=4+7=11 where 11=1+1=2 Actually, this is the number that worries you.
NUMBER 2. Human energy. Two numbers - the quality is given as normal, i.e. it is developed, but does not dominate others. If you wish, you can improve it.
In other words, this is like a hint that you are ripe for more high level and it’s time to start improving yourself.

Reply from reset[newbie]
47 chromosomes

Reply from Roman Luzhinov[newbie]
47 is the number of chromosomes in Down

Reply from Separated[newbie]
47 chromosomes!

Reply from Olya Reshetnyova[newbie]
yes, downs just have 47 chromosomes

Reply from Yergey Grinevich[newbie]

Reply from Dayskeeper[guru]
47 - magical skills, magical tools and artifacts, techniques.

Reply from Yergey Loza[active]
I agree with Alexander A. Khristyuk 2 - a battering ram, a man who goes ahead (the end justifies the means).
But for you, does the end justify the means?

Reply from Alexander Drukar[guru]
40 times a day is nothing. When it reaches 117 per day, then you can suspect something

Reply from Black Angel[guru]
This means that it is this number that you are paying attention to.

Reply from Marianna Bystritskaya[guru]
I had the number 14 in my head for three months in a row. I went through everything, I was thinking of wishing someone a happy birthday and forgot. and three months later 14! my mother died. maybe the number 47 tells you about age? who knows. but it's not easy

Number 47=4+7=11=1+1=2, we see how the internal content of the number and the shell or surface of its manifestation in the world are revealed. Thus, the secret of the firmament flows from the original power of the planet Vulcan. Vulcan is the first planet from the sun and its purpose is to carry the teachings of the teacher or the Sun.

Subsequent planets in solar system, there is a reflection of these influences or plans of distorting mirrors. The more surfaces a planetoid has, the greater the distortion and the more difficult it is to find the path to the truth. Just like any secret would not be a secret whether it was described or revealed. If they want to tell you about a secret, this is a lie; they will tell you about the disincarnation of a secret into a common occurrence.

The secret preserves itself by remaining in one person from birth to death. Mystery affects us by manifesting new events and spaces both within us and in the world outside. No one knows when the secret will become clear main secret secrets. When internal fertile land comes out in the form of lava and gives birth new life, new space.

This layer of the earth, being a space of transformations and new possibilities for the manifestation of matter. The new space has the property of mutation and transformation of consciousness. Our sensitive consciousness reads new energies and new space, giving birth to new forms.

This is the teacher and student the goal of interaction, which is transformation along the path of the evolution of consciousness. So the secret meaning of the number is 40x7=280=2+8+0=10+0=1. The karma of the number is that the world seeks to destroy us as entities. The world feeds us with emotions and destroys our bodies.

Through the point of inversion, every misunderstood emotion enters us and destroys our body. Deep feelings and taking events in the world to heart will lead to illness and destruction of your body. Look at the world more simply and let it exist without directly influencing it.

When a person looks at the world as a reflection in a mirror, he is able to reduce the impact on himself. His correct thoughts are woven into the fabric of the world, changing it. A person becomes not a passive observer who, in contact with the world, destroys himself, but an active builder of a new world. These are the true builders of all that is best in our world.


    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich. My husband and I have been living in house 47 for a year now. The house is new, beautiful, modern, but I feel somehow uncomfortable in it all the time. We fight often. I often hear neighbors quarreling, fortunately the builders did their best) maybe I’m just making it up? Thank you.


    Zhenya, you are right; it is a coincidence of circumstances, and even if you realize it, only by gradually working on yourself can you gradually come to the conclusion that this is connected with the psyche of your names with your husband and the space on which the house stands. Number 47=4+7=11 is a teacher or when two people have accepted that they are equal there is always a conflict. You must understand who is speaking and the teacher and let him speak silently, then count to 10 and think about whether to answer or not. Only in this way will you learn to find a reasonable grain in all conflicts and your life will change and love will strengthen if it takes place.


    Thanks a lot! My soul somehow felt lighter!

  1. 22.03.2014


    Lesha, unfortunately there is no such possibility; everything that is sent to the site, if passed, remains forever and remains the property of the site. This is for the edification of those people who write first and then think.

  2. Alexander


    Correct the site version for mobile applications. When entering the site from a mobile phone, it “cuts” and the text cannot be read.


    Alexander, okay, I’ll give the appropriate orders and everything will be fixed.

  3. 27.12.2013

    I calculated my Pythagorean square and it is missing 4 and 7.

  4. 27.12.2013

    I can’t sleep at night, I’m obsessed with everyone and everything
    our people are mired in everyday life and in their wretched stereotyped vision of the world
    everyone is working, so I have to
    you didn't join the army, you're not a man
    be sure when there is a holiday, sit at the table like everyone else, and if for someone else happiness lies elsewhere
    I have a lot cousins About 13 people) and every summer they gather in a village 100 km from my city, and I haven’t been there for 7 years, I’m just not interested
    I have almost no friends...except for 1, but we don’t communicate with him now, maybe he has already left for another city
    birr clubs and restaurants are not for me
    question on the topic, tell me it’s better to get rid of these numbers so as not to see or hear them (if, of course, there is such a possibility.... in my case, this is easily done by locking yourself in a room and now they no longer torment you, but although sleep will probably return, and if a person is engaged in activities then it’s different here) OR VICE VERSE to take it properly? It’s hard to accept something new and better when your being is so incomparable to the flight of a crane in the moonlight).


    Lesha, think about who you are hurting with your actions? You are given a physical body and a head that controls this kingdom of cells. Now your cells are tormented by the stupidity in your head and when you need to sleep they are awake and worn out. It’s unreasonable, especially looking at others. No, you are free and can do everything at the table, while you go for a walk or to see friends. In general, it is better for independent people who do not need a crowd and are already self-sufficient to live separately from their parents. Numbers are signs of space and these are the answers to your questions that you mentally ask. Therefore, they must be treated as road sign and use it accordingly in life. Understand that you are the master of your destiny and you can add, divide or multiply a number. All you have to do is learn to control your consciousness.




    Lesha, I’m very glad that I helped another person.


    Evgeny, some develop and learn about the world, others whine and simply spend time in this world.

  5. 27.12.2013

    I went and smoked and in my system almost all the points boil down to the fact that I shouldn’t do something, but unfortunately this doesn’t even work out... I keep telling myself is it really so difficult for you to just, for example, lie on the couch, sit at the computer, walk in the park listening to music and doing a lot of different things, I don’t know how to give examples and just be happy... and one more thought doesn’t make you scared, but it’s probably a shame that you’re alone and can’t tell anyone what you feel in moments of enlightenment.


    Lesha, you are very emotional and therefore it is difficult for you to simply concentrate when thoughts are rushing around in your head. They talk about such people at his inn and everyone who doesn’t end up there goes there. you need to learn to control thought streams and, feeling their vibrations, move from coarse vibrations to subtle ones or the Divine singing of heaven. And if you tell enlightenment, it will leave you. Since you are a talker, here you are alone. And this is good for your development. The wise ones said, change yourself and everything around you will change.

  6. 09.11.2013

    Good evening, Pavel! I would really like to know this secret of the mystical number 47. I tried not to pay attention. It appears 10 times a day. the morning starts at 6.47 and off we go... all hours are from minute 47. I lived in room 47, during my trip, I stayed overnight, car numbers in other countries are from 47 74 147 407, etc. in different variations, like this dream. Today I turned on the TV, it was on channel 47, I honestly didn’t know it was there, but that’s not the point, when I switched it over, I discovered this picture... I was simply numb! A car with number 047 or 470, I don’t remember... payment was recently issued on the 47th, I live in the entrance where apartments are from 19 to 47. I started observing the numbers on my phone, with these numbers. Okay, everything would be fine... but the clock stopped at 47 minutes. It was 4.47, but I don’t remember night or day. The clock in my room often stops, so I didn’t track the time, unfortunately, but in my opinion it was night. The clock stopped on me 3 months ago. And then I finally had a dream, how in a book I found the interpretation of 147 - this is a loss and some kind of loss, 47 and 74 are like in good things.
    And please tell me, can this number be somehow connected with my internal state? By the way, the clock stopped at 4.47 and the numbers on my date of birth are in the same order.


    Everything fits together. I started to come across the number 47 very often. And just recently I came across the knowledge of controlling my thoughts and emotions - it’s like active meditation.
    I am a very impulsive, angry, irritable and jealous person - and it turns out that all the emotions that break through the so-called barrier inside (thoughts are fueled by energy) and spill out destroy everything around - relationships, friendships - in general, everything.
    Especially the deadline - it’s like they’re testing your strength
    You seem to be “stuck” in anger and cannot get out of it without splashing it out on those around you.
    And if you simply observe thoughts and do not “feed” them, then you begin to understand that there is an observer and what is observed.
    Thank you for deciphering the number - it helped a lot!!!


    Denis, you are right, but if you dive even deeper, you will soon notice that you are given the keys to the space of a new dimension because you maintain the conditions not to interfere and you read the information of the future.

  7. 20.07.2013

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! Me lately I especially like 47. It always made me happy because it symbolized my birthday for me (I was born on May 11, and 4+7=11). Almost a year ago I fell deeply in love with young man, whose date of birth is 07/04, but his feelings were short-lived and I still suffer greatly after this relationship. For the last three months, 47 have been found everywhere. Soon I will move to study in Germany and my new address will be house 47, apt. 47! It's just some kind of magic...


    Elena, you entered the river of magic through suffering in love. 4.07, says that your firmament will be defeated if you do not learn to control your consciousness and see when 7 there is a secret that is hidden under the body, in the soul as an intention and that this can lead to tragic consequences. who has the number 47 he has secret support from a guardian angel. This is what happened to you when you broke up with your boyfriend. If he were around, your life would have gone differently, which is simply unacceptable.


    Thank you very much, Pavel Grigorievich! Your answer put everything in its place in my head.. I need to listen to the voice of reason.

  8. 03.05.2013

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich. For the last 3 years I have been seeing the number 47. I lived in house 47, apartment 47, moved, pages I can’t look at…. 47. Sometimes it even frightens... and surprises... why 47?


    Alesya, the beautiful number 47 is when the teacher reveals the meaning of the secret. The house says that you are in a block or apartment which is the space of the three-dimensional world No. 47, it gives you the feeling of the firmament and in the apartment you have a portal. So understanding 47 in 47 is a cube in a cube where 47 = 4 + 7 = 11, the exit is for you new level existence and then you will leave this apartment and new signs will be shown to you. Everything in in this case you see there are physical signs and material manifestation. But as soon as you begin to develop spiritual practices, you will transform space and you will not need the firmament, since you yourself will become this firmament.

  9. 22.03.2013

    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich.
    I've been seeing the number 47 everywhere lately.
    Please tell me what this means for me...
    Thanks in advance.


    Elena=6+4+6+6+1=23=2+3=5, you must become perfection itself if you do not succumb to the number 666 which resides in you and constantly tempts you. You belong to the number 47 47+23=70, so 47=4+7=11, the teacher guides you along the path of gaining strength and opening the secret door.

  10. 07.03.2013

    What do you mean by fuss?


    Sophia, vanity refers to the unconscious actions that you take during the day. You can check yourself and plan your day of life in the evening and do only these things, then you will avoid fuss and at the end of the day do an analysis of how you planned and what you were unable to accomplish because planning is simply not realistic. This will teach you to live without fuss and you will become a business woman.

  11. 06.03.2013

    The number 13 too, by the way, I didn’t exclude it, I see it too. either 13 or 31. The number 13 is with me throughout life. I was born at one o'clock in the afternoon and my passport is 13 received the numbers, and born, and much more related to this number


    Sophia, the number 31 is the number of the firmament of heaven, the number 13 is the fight against vanity and confusion. A passport is a document of your coming of age and the beginning of responsibility for your destiny. You are called to realize that you need to stop fussing, otherwise it will be like the last time, in your past life.

  12. 06.03.2013

    You are right, unfortunately.
    number 13..I was born on the 13th! I'm really wasting my time. I want to fix this, but I feel a barrier that prevents me from moving and advancing. I want to overcome it, but I don’t know how..


    Sophia, the barrier is far-fetched because you simply don’t know how to do it. I’ve seen both Sophia and Sonya in my life, and I think a lot of things become clear and surmountable when you find the root of evil and pull it out into the light. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations. Using my advice, you will begin to get out of the hole in which you are now. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1000 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  13. 06.03.2013

    Good afternoon. I started seeing the number 47 very often...again. at some point in time this number left me. now it is with me again. There are 47 minutes on the clock, no matter how you look, 47 number, 47 page... there are also numbers 54,55,57 on the clock, but I don’t attach much importance to these numbers. The 47th number is very strange... I used to see it everywhere, back in the fall. what could this mean? Lately I feel like I’m collapsing inside and I’m doing it myself, I’m going to destruction myself. into conflict with herself


    Sophia, do you remember the holy icon where Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, or wisdom, are depicted. So the four of you imagine the number 4, which holds the secret of the subtle world or 7. This constantly reminds you to become wiser by reading books or not to waste time during 60-47 = 13, it says that you are busy with vanity and an hour of your life has flown in vain and You have not acquired anything except karma. The remaining numbers (54,55,57) say that you are carrying vanity of vanities or, as a wave is transformed into stones, waves of feelings, and simply into secret consequences, which will come back to you like a boomerang after a while. Therefore, you are no longer Sophia, but Sonya, who does not realize that this is where conflicts are created. You have heard that whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. Yes, the name determines the fate of a person, but you need to see its meaning, and sometimes people see what they were told and not what actually is.

  14. 10.02.2013


    David, the most important thing is to realize and compare the signs and numbers that the world sends us. So the number 47 has been sent to you, gaining the firmament through awareness of the secret knowledge and laws of the Universe. The sign of Scorpio says that the unreasonable use of sexual energy leads to the consciousness falling asleep and the inability to perceive spiritual information. Faith is weakened and the person is focused on the material world.

  15. 09.02.2013

    Hello, Pavel! I often come across numbers: 47,227,228,229
    what does this mean?
    my life number is 8


    David, your birth number is karma or limitations of consciousness for the purpose of developing new skills. Therefore, you need to develop what you do poorly and what you do well, you try not to develop. Numbers 47=4+7=11 indicates to you that this event is being sent to you by the teacher to develop your abilities. Number 227, the same teacher, but by harmonizing the psychic energy that irritates and excites you, it should harmonize your being. Number 228, karma, the elimination of habits and the development of new directions, must make a different decision. Number 229 says that you are on the right path, you just need to stop the fuss and don’t waste the energy that is being released from you. This energy must be channeled into new abilities.


    how to navigate correctly?
    Should I figure it out myself?


    David, you are asking questions that relate to the consultation. Yes, I can advise you and give recommendations by asking you a few guiding questions. After the consultation, you will know everything you need to do and what is stopping you from developing and what awaits you in the next 10 years: rise or fall. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1000 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.


    It looks a lot like an IP address)


    Stunning.. I looked, even now, when I wrote the first comment, it turned out... to be 47!!! minute...


    @Tatyana, Great, the teacher is here with you and I hope soon you will begin to feel what he is telling you.

When the same numbers are chasing

(Excerpt from the book: Artsikovskaya I. Numerology of karma.

How to change the scenario of your life?)

At times, each of us is faced with a situation where the same numbers begin to haunt us. They are repeated on passing cars, on watches, in shops and supermarkets. Wherever we are, we are haunted by the same numbers... What kind of obsession is this? And how do you understand what all this means?

In fact, numbers are an expression of Divine energy, they are messages from “the other side.” The thing is that space constantly talks to us in the language of signs and symbols, and we regularly receive its messages. They can come to us in dreams, in strangely shaped clouds floating across the sky, in tea leaves at the bottom of a cup of tea, in frosty pictures on a frozen window, and we can find these messages in the same repeating numbers. When the same numbers begin to haunt us, it means that space is trying to reach us. It brings us some very important message or warning that we should know about.

What messages do numbers convey?

Number 0 or 00:00 indicates that you are now at a special point in your life path. This is a certain stop in time and space, when a metamorphosis of your life occurs invisibly to you. This is the time when all the old programs of your life are reset and replaced with new ones, new scenarios and options for future events are included. Therefore, right now it is very important not to shake the space with the vanity of thoughts, but to maintain silence of the mind, humility and peace. Stop, hold your breath and wait quietly for this time. Peace of mind and emotional detachment will help you avoid serious troubles during this transitional moment.

Number 10 or 10:10. The magical energy of these numbers suggests that a period is coming in your life when everything impossible becomes possible. This is a time of amazing gifts of fate and incredible events.

Number 11 or 11:11 carries powerful vibrations of the new life cycle. Right now the Higher Powers are giving you energy for a new start and new beginnings. It's time to believe in yourself and enter the new and unknown. Right now, new doors will begin to appear in your life - a symbolic form of new opportunities. But in order for these opportunities to become real, you need to gather all your inner strength and decide to look through this door.

Number 12 or 12:12- a special energy that opens a person’s connection with the Divine source and gives protection Higher Powers. At this time, it is very important to listen to your soul, to your inner world, to pay attention to dreams and space cues. The energies of this number reveal higher wisdom and knowledge to a person and give positive changes in life. Here it is very important not to follow the lead of your mind, but to listen to the voice of the heart, which carries in its rhythm the vibrations of the infinite loving and wise Universe.

Number 13 or 13:13- the energy of transformation and purification. This combination of numbers suggests that the time has come to reassess your life. Right now you need to put things in order and get rid of everything unnecessary that prevents you from moving forward. At this time it is also good to engage in cleansing practices - both spiritual and physical.

Number 14 or 14:14- the sacred number of high angelic energies that take a person to a new spiritual level of development. At this time, you need to try to bring your life and inner world into a state of harmony and balance with the surrounding world. At this time, it is also very important to observe moderation in everything. This will help avoid loss of strength and deterioration in quality of life.

Number 15 or 15:15 reminds you of the need to ignite your inner spiritual light - the light of spiritual love and the Divine creative impulse. Throw away your doubts and fears. Right now the time has come to show your talents and abilities, to fill the world with the warmth and light of your soul. This world needs you, your manifestation. He is waiting for you to finally wake up and illuminate him with the radiance of your amazing soul.

Number 16 or 16:16. This combination of numbers reminds you of the transience of Time. Everything flows, everything changes and inevitably comes to its end. Day follows night, life follows death. The Universe asks you to stop wasting your life energy on trifles. Focus your attention on what is truly meaningful and important to you.

Number 17 or 17:17 says that your life is now being realized in accordance with the Highest Divine Plan. The energy of the number “17” helps a person realize his karmic programs and opens a deep connection with the wisdom of the cosmos.

Number 18 or 18:18. The vibrations of this number give a person the keys to the secret world of his subconscious. Now it is very important to look into the depths of yourself and free yourself from old unnecessary emotions, worries, fears and complexes that prevent you from moving forward freely. It's time for internal cleansing and renewal that will help your soul reach a new level of development.

Number 19 or 19:19. The energy of these numbers carries borderline vibrations, signaling that your life is reaching a new level of development. Right now, it is as if you are taking an elevator to a future space of options that will open in due time. During this transition, you may feel like nothing is happening or that you are stuck. It is very important here not to despair or panic, to show inner composure and patience - and just wait for the elevator doors to open.

Number 20 or 20:20 carries vibrations of renewal of generic programs. The Universe gives you the opportunity to write your own generic program with clean slate. What you now establish in relationships with your family, loved ones and loved ones will affect your children and all subsequent generations. This is a powerful program that makes it possible to heal the karma of your family.

Number 21 or 21:21. The energy of this number indicates the onset of positive changes in your life, when dreams can come true and long-awaited plans come true, thoughts can materialize and desires come true. This is the time when you should think, talk and dream only about good things, believe in everything good and be happy.

Number 22 or 22:22- a signal that your body is exhausted. Right now he needs additional energy, rest and recovery. The Higher Powers ask you to pay attention to yourself and your health. After all, your body is a sacred vessel for the immortal Divine substance - your soul. Restore your spiritual and physical balance.

Number 33. This number carries the vibrations of an active creative impulse - the Absolute. It says that now you must take an active position in life and become the architect of your own destiny. You must learn to turn your dreams into reality and believe that the impossible is possible. “Thought, intention, deed” - this should be your motto.

Number 44. The vibrations of this number signal you to be strongly “grounded” and immersed in the world of matter. You yourself don’t notice how you become a slave to illusions about materiality. In fact, you don't own anything in this world. Bring your spiritual space into balance: this will help you avoid serious complications in life.

Number 55 carries unbridled energy of change and signals that everything is in motion. This energy brings new ideas, gives impetus for self-realization, opens up new opportunities and captivates with new horizons. All you need to do is take an active position in life and start acting. If you now connect to these positive vibrations of change, your life will be renewed and reach a new level of development.

Number 66 indicates that a person’s connection with the spiritual world has been disrupted. And this connection must be restored as soon as possible, since a person is without the protection and patronage of the Higher Powers. The Universe is asking you to return to your spiritual source and restore this connection. This will give you the opportunity to avoid the inclusion of negative karmic programs.

Number 77- a sign of cosmic wisdom and higher spiritual knowledge that is revealed to a person through self-knowledge and spiritual development. The vibrations of this number remind you of a presence in your life. wise teachers- guardian angels who always guide and protect you on your difficult life path.

Number 88- powerful energy for the implementation of karmic programs. The vibrations of this number are unpredictable and unexpected turns fate. They can appear with both a plus and a minus sign. At this time it is very important to maintain inner harmony and balance. Try not to get involved in the events that are happening, but observe them as if from the outside. Look at how certain circumstances of your life are formed, how situations are created, what messages and lessons certain people bring to you. Right now you have unique opportunity observe the work of karma in action.

Number 99. The vibrations of this number give a very strong connection with the cosmos, open intuitive insights and insights, send prophetic dreams. The Universe reveals to man in symbolic form the depth of spiritual knowledge, providing the opportunity to touch the secrets of existence and the universe.

From the book: Artsikovskaya I. Numerology of karma.

How to change the scenario of your life?

Speaks of thirteen heavenly fountains, thirteen gates of mercy, and thirteen rivers of balm, which the pious will find in paradise. In America it is officially considered that 13 means number originally united states. Number 13 is represented in the elements of the US coat of arms: above the eagle's head there is a star composed of thirteen stars. In addition, the eagle holds thirteen in its left paw...

IN at the moment you are confused in life and are not in harmony with yourself. In this case, people with number Gua 1s become overly emotional, touchy, critical, cowardly and withdrawn. In the absence of harmony, this can also be reflected in... as a “heavenly doctor”, since this energy is conducive to health. It is advisable that the head of the bed for people with number Gua 1 was in this direction. South (relationships) This energy helps in building relationships - family...

“Prove” yourself in different ways. For example, you may dream not of numbers, but of a certain number of people or objects. The interpretation of the dream will depend on the numerological meaning of such numbers. If you count money in a dream, then this may mean improving your financial situation. Then how to count people (for example, students in a class or a line in a store...

People of creative professions take a pseudonym so that it coincides with number birthday if it is successful, or improve it if it is not so successful. How number name 1 means a personality full of energy and desire to act. It is of great benefit... when choosing a profession, planning your career, it will be the path leading to success and fame. How number name 4 means success in scientific and technical fields, especially in industry. It symbolizes reliability and stability, integrity, acquisition...

Rapes, exploits and destroys space, nature and people, but it also number human, because means immeasurable human pride. Social Christianity (humanistic cosmism) believes that number The Lord Most High (synthesis, the conscious absence of light and darkness, Christ and Antichrist), is the sacred number 888, 24 or 6. This is number symbolizes the completion of a complete cosmic cycle of development, consisting of neutral...

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. In the fate of each of us there are numbers. We heard about numbers name, numbers birth. These are our most important numbers fate. The most basic information about you can be obtained using these numbers. Numerology will help... fatalism. It is better for you to work in a team rather than alone; people with an “active” personality will be excellent partners. number name. Number 3. What talents do you hide within yourself? Get them urgently, analyze them, thanks to them a wonderful career in the field is possible...


From the later Roman system serial number the Hebrew letter itself was the one number, numbers were arranged in order: single (simple) numbers, tens and hundreds. So number 284, was written with the corresponding letters 200 - REISH, 80 - DRINK, 4 - ... image, however, this figure denotes emptiness when it is alone. If there is something ahead of the zero number, then this number increases by one order of magnitude, so 1 becomes a “chervonets”, and 5 becomes a “fifty kopeck piece”. However, when adding these numbers, zero...

If you say that you are haunted by numbers, there will be wits who will tell you that “as a child you were not good with mathematics” or that you are paranoid and should consult a psychiatrist. Others will smile skeptically and assume that you are possessed by delusions of grandeur. Why? Numbers cannot be pursued; pursuit is about nurturing interest. What interest can numbers show in you?

We can ignore such signs, but if it really bothers you, then you should figure out what they mean? What are they trying to communicate? Is this a warning or a hint to solve your problem? Numerology- not fiction and not mysticism. This great science about the patterns of human personality development.

It is worth distinguishing between individual numerological horoscope and daily horoscope for today, because in the first, the calculation is made based on your personal data, and in the second, the calculation is generalized, according to your zodiac sign.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that in numerology there are no bad or good numbers. Each number has its own nature and, accordingly, different energy of influence. Numbers can be interpreted as a series of digits or by adding them together. For example, 1 1 1 is three units or 1+1+1 is already three. Let's take a closer look meaning of numbers:

Deuce- harmony, peace, compromise, partnership, femininity. You can't do it on your own; you should look for a partner. Perhaps you should show tolerance or make concessions.

Troika- joy, fun, creativity, self-expression, artistry. It means the need to either find entertainment, overcome boredom and apathy, or write a book (article), a picture, in general, to demonstrate one’s abilities.

Four- creation, order, hard work, strength, stability. It also indicates the stagnation of a phenomenon. Maybe I should settle down?

Five- change, risk, freedom, adventure, travel. Travel, new acquaintances are appropriate here and, unfortunately, there can be both luck and failure. In any case, this is change.

Six- preservation, home improvement, responsibility. Expresses concern for family and loved ones. Perhaps you need to spend more time relaxing with your family.

Seven- spirituality, meaning of life, education. Sets you up for reading a book, attending courses, any training or self-education.

Eight- strength, money, power, success. The desire to take possession of something, the need to be active or connect influential connections.

Nine- service, healing, love, end. It's time to repay a debt, forgive someone or cleanse yourself of sins.

As you can see, numerology- this is far from a prediction or fortune telling. We looked at what energies of influence the main numbers have, but what they mean for you personally is individual and not categorical. In general, you cannot focus only on numerological horoscope, listen to your heart, it will not let you down.

How to calculate your lucky numbers?

Everyone can count on at least for a small portion of luck in life. Fortunately, there are special lucky numbers that can be calculated individually for each person, based on their date of birth or name. The date of birth is used to calculate the number of an individual life path, lucky number, and more.

1. In order to calculate the number of your life path and second path, write down your date of birth as follows: mm/dd/yy. As a result, you will have 8 digits, including all zeros. For example, if you were born on October 10, 1970, you would write 10/10/1970.

2. Add up all the individual digits you wrote down, this means you will have to add all eight digits together. If you end up with 9 or less, you can stop there. For example, 1+0+1+0+1+9+7+0=19.

3. If your result is 10 or more, add the individual numbers that make up the number again and continue to do this until you get one number, this number will be the number of your life path. In our example, we add 1+9=10, since we received a value greater than 9, we perform the operation again: 1+0= 1. In our case, 1 is the life path number of a person born on October 10, 1970.

4. Calculate your secondary life path numbers by adding 9 to your life path number. Write down all the results obtained until you get to 100. In our example, these will be respectively: 1 (life path number) +9: 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82 and 91.

6. The lucky number from the date of birth can be calculated in another way. Write down your date of birth and if it is more than 10, continue adding until you get one number.

7. Now add together both the resulting lucky numbers.

8. In order to calculate lucky number on behalf of, write down your first and last name on a piece of paper, and under each letter sign its number in the alphabet.

9. We do not touch each single-digit number for now, but add all two-digit ones to single-digit ones.