Modal verbs in different tenses. Modal verbs in English

Modal verbs in English are one of the groups of verbs. Their main feature is their modal meaning, that is, the expression of desires, intentions to do some action or necessity. Some modal verbs are also included in the group of auxiliary verbs.

Rules of application

The formation of such a group of verbs is ensured by the need to express a certain area of ​​states: readiness for action, probability, opportunity, obligation, ability to do something, confidence in something. In addition, modal verbs in English express obligation (that is, duty), desire for something, and permission to do something.


Modal verbs are not called that for nothing. The concept of modality implies the attitude of the speaker to the subject. In fact, with the help of modal verbs, the speaker can express his own assessment of an action: he can consider it possible or impossible, necessary or completely unnecessary, prohibited or permitted, unlikely or quite probable, acceptable or unacceptable. He can also consider the action to be an order or a request. As a rule, the study of such verbs is actually included in the third or fourth lesson of the English language. Modal verbs are used very often in everyday speech, so you should pay special attention to them.

Examples of existing verbs

The modal verbs group includes 11 verbs.

Present or future tense

Past tense

To be able to perform an action

May or might

Is it possible, maybe

May or might

may or might

Should, should

Should, should

be capable

Am/is/are able to

Was/were able to

Necessary, necessary

- (obsolete word)


Important note: English grammar prohibits using modal verbs independently. They can only be used with the infinitive of the semantic verb.

Forming verbs

Modal verbs are a special group (translated from English as “defective”). Not all verbs can be inflected in a variety of tense forms. For example, the verb can can be used to form the past and present tenses, but it cannot be used to express actions in the future. It’s the same with the verb may - it cannot be put in the future tense. However, this does not mean that modal verbs in English cannot be used in future tense forms. To express skills and capabilities in the future tense, the verb will (or its obsolete form shall) is used.

The use of this group of verbs also has its own good points. Almost none of the verbs (except have to) change in persons and numbers. That is, in the present tense in the third person, no endings can be added to verbs.

Almost all modal verbs in English do not require the particle to to be placed before the infinitive, but there are exceptions: have to and ought to. Only after these two verbs is it necessary to always put the particle to.

Using verbs in different types of sentences

In an affirmative sentence type, a modal verb should be used after the noun and before the semantic verb. To form a negative type, it is necessary to insert the particle not/n’t after the modal verb (except for the verb have to). In order to form a question, it is necessary to change the order of the noun and modal verb. In this case, there is no need to use any auxiliary verb, since the modal verb takes its place.

Modal Verbs in English: Examples of Common Use

He can wright - He can write.

She will study there - She will study there.

I must do it - I must do this.

He ought to go to the school. - He should go to school.

You don’t have to use mobile phone during the lessons - You should not use the phone during the lessons.

I would like to go to the cinema - I would like to go to the cinema.

Would you like a coffee? - Would you like some coffee?

You should stay home. - You should stay at home.

She ought not to play the computer so much. - She shouldn't play on the computer so much.

She can swim - She can swim.

She can't swim. - She can't swim.

I can run very quickly - I can run very fast.

She can´t run very quickly - She cannot run very fast.

Can she run very quickly? - She can run very fast.


Quite often in colloquial speech Native speakers prefer to shorten a number of verbs. English is no exception. The modal verbs (table in the article) given below can be used both in full form, and in abbreviated form.

Full form


Features of the verbcan

This verb is used to express the ability (inability) or opportunity (impossibility) to do something. This verb is translated into Russian as “I can” or “I can.” In addition, this verb is used to express states of doubt or surprise regarding the performance of any action. For example:

My girlfriend canspeak Spanish - My girlfriend can (can) speak Spanish (expressions of ability).

That child can’t swim - That child does not know how (cannot) swim (expression of ability).

He cannot remember you because he doesn’t see you - It can’t be that he remembers you, because he didn’t see you (expression of doubt).

The modal verb could has an absolutely identical meaning to the verb can, but it is used to express the past tense. For example:

Jon could dance very well - Jon could dance very well.

I couldn’t receive driving license 2 years ago - I couldn’t get driver license 2 years ago.

Some features of modal verbs are considered by the rules of the English language. Modal verbs, for example, can have alternative forms. For the verb can, the alternative verb is to be able to. This form can be used as a synonym for the verb can, and can also be used to express the ability (skill) to perform some action in the future, in contrast to can (which is not used in the future).

For example, in order to translate into English “I can win competitions in next year”, you cannot say “I will can win competitions in the next year”, as this would be a blunder. But you can say “I will be able to win competitions in the next year.”

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to translate modal verbs into English. Practicing and learning the rules is the only way to learn how to correctly use a variety of verbs in appropriate situations.

Features of verbs may andmight

These forms can only be used in the present tense. They are not used in the past or future. They are used to demonstrate permission and assumption. Translated into Russian they sound like “I can”, “it is possible”, “may”. For example:

You may smoke in this room - You can smoke in this room.

Elizabeth may know something about that night - Elizabeth may know something about that night.

It may windy today - Today it may be windy.

My parents might come to my home today - My parents might come to my home today.

Jennifer might go to the concert tonight - Jennifer might come to the concert tonight.

In addition, the verb might is used in conditional sentences(type number 2). In such a situation, the verb in Russian will sound “could”, “maybe”. For example:

If Jack had a dog, he might go out twice a day - If Jack had a dog, he could go out for a walk twice a day.

Just like the verb can, the verb may has an alternative form that can be used in past tense sentences. In order to express permission, the combination to be allowed is used (translated into Russian to be allowed, allowed). It can also be used in present and future tense forms. Example:

Gabriel was allowed to come back to home earlier - Gabriel was allowed to return home earlier.

Nina will be allowed to take her child home tomorrow - Nina will be allowed to take her child home tomorrow.

Features of the verb should

The only time this verb can be used today is to express moral advice or duty. The peculiarity of this verb is its origin. It comes from the verb shall, forming the past form.

You should drink aspirin if you feel head pain - You should drink aspirin if you have a headache.

Auxiliary and modal verbs

Some modal forms are also auxiliary verbs. They are necessary in order to form a variety of temporal forms. However, they do not have their own translation. They just form a variety grammatical meanings and are markers of time, number or person. When you encounter one of these verbs, you need to understand what they mean in that context. After all, they can either be used to express desires, intentions, the need to do something, or simply help to form one form or another. These include the verbs to have (have), to do, will (would), shall (should). For example:

Have you ever been in Spain? - Have you ever been to Spain (the verb has absolutely no modal meaning, it is used to form the perfect present tense).

She arrived when film had already started - She arrived when the film had already started (the verb has absolutely no modal meaning, it is used to form the perfect past tense).

I have two old brothers and three old sisters - I have two older brothers and three older sisters (in this case the verb is neither modal nor auxiliary, it simply conveys its direct meaning).

Lessons will start at 8 a.m. - The lesson will start tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning (the verb has no modal meaning, it is used as an auxiliary verb forming the future tense form).

If she finishes her homework, they will go to the cafe - If she finishes her homework, they will go to the cafe (the verb is an auxiliary and forms the first form of a conditional sentence).

Modal verbs in English: examples with translation

You must come to the university at 8 o’clock - You must be at the university at 8 o’clock.

My sister must not smoke right now because she catch ill - My sister must not smoke right now because she has a cold.

Nicki shouldn’t do like this - Nicki shouldn’t have done that.

I can play the piano but I can’t swim - I can play the piano, but I can’t swim.

My sister can’t go to the Italy on her own because she is 13 years old - My sister can’t go to Italy on her own because she is only 13 years old.

I will to the USA with my boyfriend in the next year - I will go with my boyfriend to the USA next year.

My girlfriend would like to get a gold ring for her next birthday - My girlfriend would like to get a gold ring for her next birthday.

In English, there are special verbs that are necessary to express ability, opportunity, obligation, permission. They are not subject to the rules for forming forms of ordinary verbs. Modal verbs in English occupy a separate level of grammar; their meanings must be remembered so as not to get into an awkward situation. Let's look at the basic modal verbs, the rules for their use, and their meanings.

What is a modal verb?

A modal verb is a verb that does not express an action, but indicates possibility, necessity and other meanings. It is not used independently, but only in combination with a semantic verb expressed by an infinitive. Modal ones include might, must, can, could, ought, should and others. Only some of them have a past tense form, for example, can - could, while others use the perfect infinitive to express the completeness of the action:

He must have done it. - He must have already done it.

Among the formal distinctive features are the following:

  • Lack of ending - s in the 3rd person present tense. She can swim. - She can swim. He might be there. - He should be there.
  • Lack of infinitive, gerund, and past participle.
  • Lack of an auxiliary verb in interrogative sentences. The modal verb comes first in general questions and after the question word in special ones. Can you help me? -Can you help me? May I come in? - Can I come in? How can I help you? - How can I help?
  • Forming a negative form using the particle not without adding an auxiliary verb. We don't need to do that. - We don't need to do this.
  • Many English modal verbs have equivalents. For example, to have (must), to be (must), to be able to (can, could), to be allowed (might, may).
  • Most modal verbs are followed by a semantic verb expressed by an infinitive without the particle to, however, there are exceptions. For example, You ought to be more careful. - You should be more careful. This fact ought not to be mentioned so often. - This should not have been mentioned so often.

Modal verbs in English: rules of use

Let's look at the main modal verbs in English according to their meanings. Moreover, each modal verb can have more than one meaning:

Probability Expression

Verbs are used to express possibility or probability can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would. The speaker uses must, should if he is completely confident in his words.

He hasn`t had a lunch. He must be hungry. - he didn't have lunch. He must be hungry.

It`s very dark outside. It must be dangerous to home on foot. - It's very dark outside. Walking home is dangerous.

Ask Peter. He shouldn't know. - Ask Peter. He should know.

The speaker uses could, may, might to express the possibility of something in the future.

We might come late. - We might be late.

He may travel by plane. - Perhaps he will fly on an airplane.

Unless we hurry up, we could be late. - We might be late if we don't hurry up.

To express actions possible in the present or near past, the perfect infinitive is used.

It`s practically 3 o`clock now. She could have arrived now. - It’s almost three o’clock. She could have already arrived.

He might have come hours ago. - She could have arrived several hours ago.

The English modal verbs could, can in the negative form with the particle not are used to express the impossibility of something in the past or present tense.

It was a joke. She couldn`t be serious. - It was a joke. She couldn't speak seriously.

It can`t be true.- This cannot be true.

Expression of physical ability and ability to perform an action

To express a person’s abilities and physical skills, the modal verb can is used. It has two tense forms: can to express a person’s abilities in the present and could - in the past. In other tense forms, the verb can be equivalent to to be able (to).

We can`t translate the text.- We cannot translate the text.

He couldn`t see me, I was too far. - He couldn't see me, I was too far away.

We'll be able to see each other very often. - We can see each other more often.

He has been able to help me. - He managed to help me.

Expressing permission to perform an action

The speaker uses the modal verb can to ask permission to do something. Past tense form could will mean the same thing, but will make the phrase more polite and formal.

Can I ask a question? - Can I ask a question?

Could I ask a question? - Let me ask a question.

The verb may has a modal meaning: to allow something to be done and can be used instead of can.

May I visit a doctor? - Can I visit the doctor?

Expression of obligation

To express obligation, the modal verbs must, have to, need to are usually used, the negative form of which is intended to express the absence of the need to do something. Most should verbs are in the present tense. Had to also has a past tense form.

I must pick up my daughter from the kindergarten. - I have to pick up my child from kindergarten.

When I was ill I had to take the pills two times a day. - When I was sick, I had to take pills 2 times a day.

In order to give advice to someone, we can also use the appropriate modals should verbs or ought to.

You should stop smoking. - You should quit smoking.

You ought to cut down the amount of meat you eat. - You should reduce the amount of meat you eat.

The modal verb ought to together with the perfect infinitive will help you criticize someone's behavior.

He should have made more effort on winning the medal. “He should have put in more effort and tried to win a medal.”

Table of modal verbs

For convenience and clarity, examples of modal verbs along with their meanings can be placed in a table.

necessity of action

You must understand it. You must understand this.

You mustn`t turn right. Right turns are prohibited.

You should lose some weight. You should lose weight.

You should`t drink coffee before going to bed. You shouldn't drink coffee before bed.

shouldn`t + perfect infinitive

criticize someone's style

You should`t have given your telephone number to a stranger. You shouldn't have given your phone number to a stranger.

You ought to go to the dentist. You should visit the dentist.

the need to perform an action

We need to talk to each other. We need to talk to each other.

ask permission;

talk about skills and abilities.

Can I take these documents? Can I take these documents?

I could swim when I was 6. When I was 6 years old, I could swim.

Sentences with modal verbs are very common in English. It is important to learn to understand their meaning in each specific case.

In English, there is a concept of "modality", which reveals the broader meaning of a phrase or verb in the context of a sentence. Many may have heard about modal verbs before while studying English at school or in other educational institutions. However, this topic is worth remembering. And for those who encounter this phenomenon in language for the first time, it will be interesting to consider the material below.

What are “modal verbs” and why are they needed?

There are few purely modal verbs in English: can/couldmay/might,shouldandmust. And although each of them has its own meaning, they all perform the same function: they complement the action of the main verb.

Modal verbs

Verb Transcription Pronunciation Translation
Can be able to, be able to, be able to
Could could, could
May be able, have permission
Might could
Should [∫Ωd] should
Must must

They also all have common features:

  • the next verb following the modal is written without the particle “to”.

Example: We can go out from here – We can go out from here

  • the ending “-s” is not added to modal verbs in the 3rd person

Example: He must come straight home – He must come straight home

  • modal verbs do not change and have only one present tense form (except could/might verbs)

Example: I'm maying to want some help– I may want some help.

Correct placement in a sentence.

1. In affirmative sentences.

Subject + modal + verb:

  • We should go now - We should go now.
  • You must stay - You must stay.
  • She can help us - She can help us.

2. In negative sentences.

Subject + modal + not (or n’t) + verb:

  • We mustn’t stay out late - We must not be absent for long.
  • She may not come - She may not come.

3. In interrogative sentences.

Modal + subject + verb:

  • Can you drive? - Do you know how to drive?
  • Must they leave now? - Should they leave now?

4. Short answers:

Yes, No + subject + modal (+ not, n’t):

  • Yes, I can.
  • No, she shouldn't.

Let's look at each verb separately.

Can,could(to be able, to be able to, to be able)

It is the most common modal verb. Used to talk about the capabilities of the subject:

  • in the present tense, when it is a constant truth.

I can drive - I can drive.

Can you play the piano? No, I can’t – Do you know how to play the piano? No, I can't.

  • in the present tense, at the moment.

He can help you now - He can help you now.

  • in the future, with expressions of time.

She can’t come to the party tomorrow - She won’t be able to come to the party tomorrow

  • in the past tense we use could/couldn't't to talk about abilities or knowledge .

She could play the piano when she was five - She could play the piano when she was five.

She couldn’t speak English very well when she arrived here – She couldn’t speak English very well when she arrived here.

  • We can't use could to talk about events that have already happened. But we can use couldn't to talk about actions or events whose implementation was impossible.

She couldn't come to the party. (For her, coming to the party was impossible)

NOT She ​​could come to the party.

They couldn't eat all their dinner. (For them, eating the entire dinner was impossible)

NOT They could eat all their dinner.

  • Can And could can also be used in requirements or queries.

Can you help me? – Can you help me?

Could you open the door for me, please? – Could you open the door for me, please?

Can I have a drink? -Can I have a drink?

Could we use your phone? – Could we use your phone?

P.S. Сould is a more polite form, unlike can.

May,might(be able, have permission)

This pair of modal verbs denotes probability, possibility, permission. Might is a more polite form than may. Used:

  • To talk about possibilities in the future.

They may leave soon - They may leave soon.

They might leave soon - They could leave soon.

(It is possible that they will leave soon, but I am not sure about that.)

He may be at the office - He may be in the office.

He might be at the office - He could be in the office.

(It's possible he's in the office now, but I'm not sure.)

  • For polite requests.

May I sit here? -Can I sit here?

May we come in? -Can we come in?

However, you cannot use might for the interrogative form.

NOT Might I sit here? or Might we come in?

Some notes:

  • Negative form may pronounced like maynot. We can't talk mayn't.
  • Negative form might usually pronounced like mightnot. Use mightn't allowed, but used very rarely.
  • We can use May I...? or Maywe...? for polite requests, but we cannot use may when we ask someone to do something. NOT May you open the door, please?
  • Basically we don't use may or might in interrogative form, with the exception of polite requests. But sometimes we can ask a question with Doyouthink...?

Example: Do you think they might be here soon? “Do you think they might be here soon?”

But, no Might they be here soon?

Should(should, should)

We often use should to give various types of advice:

  • You should go home - You should go home. (I think it would be better for you to stay at home.)
  • He shouldn’t eat so many sweets - He shouldn’t eat so many sweets. (I think overeating on sweets will be bad for him.)

We can also use should both in the present and in the future tense:

  • We should leave now - We should leave now.
  • We should leave early in the morning - We should leave early in the morning.

We often use should With I think... or Do you think...?:

  • I think we should leave - I think we should leave
  • Do you think I should write to him? “Do you think I should write to him?”


This modal verb more strictly expresses the subject’s need to perform an action, or confidence in something. Must order of magnitude stronger than should. And its use increases the priority of the entire sentence:

  • I must do some work tonight - I must do some work tonight.
  • We must get up early tomorrow - We must get up early tomorrow.
  • He must be there. - He should be there.

Also use must possible both in the present and in the future tense:

  • We must go there now - We must go there now.
  • We must go soon there - We must go there soon.

Thus, today you have learned why you need “ modal verbs” and how to use them correctly in a sentence. There are also some equivalents of these verbs, which will be discussed in future articles. That's all. Good luck


Leave any questions and suggestions you have in the comments. Your opinion is important to us.

Modal verbs in English are one of the groups of verbs. Their main feature is their modal meaning, that is, the expression of desires, intentions to do some action or necessity. Some modal verbs are also included in the group of auxiliary verbs.

Rules of application

The formation of such a group of verbs is ensured by the need to express a certain area of ​​states: readiness for action, probability, opportunity, obligation, ability to do something, confidence in something. In addition, modal verbs in English express obligation (that is, duty), desire for something, and permission to do something.


Modal verbs are not called that for nothing. The concept of modality implies the attitude of the speaker to the subject. In fact, with the help of modal verbs, the speaker can express his own assessment of an action: he can consider it possible or impossible, necessary or completely unnecessary, prohibited or permitted, unlikely or quite probable, acceptable or unacceptable. He can also consider the action to be an order or a request. As a rule, the study of such verbs is actually included in the third or fourth lesson of the English language. Modal verbs are used very often in everyday speech, so you should pay special attention to them.

Examples of existing verbs

The modal verbs group includes 11 verbs.

Present or future tense

Past tense

To be able to perform an action

May or might

Is it possible, maybe

May or might

may or might

Should, should

Should, should

be capable

Am/is/are able to

Was/were able to

Necessary, necessary

- (obsolete word)


Important note: English grammar prohibits using modal verbs independently. They can only be used with the infinitive of the semantic verb.

Forming verbs

Modal verbs are a special group (translated from English as “defective”). Not all verbs can be inflected in a variety of tense forms. For example, the verb can can be used to form the past and present tenses, but it cannot be used to express actions in the future. It’s the same with the verb may - it cannot be put in the future tense. However, this does not mean that modal verbs in English cannot be used in future tense forms. To express skills and capabilities in the future tense, the verb will (or its obsolete form shall) is used.

The use of this group of verbs also has its good sides. Almost none of the verbs (except have to) change in persons and numbers. That is, in the present tense in the third person, no endings can be added to verbs.

Almost all modal verbs in English do not require the particle to to be placed before the infinitive, but there are exceptions: have to and ought to. Only after these two verbs is it necessary to always put the particle to.

Using verbs in different types of sentences

In an affirmative sentence type, a modal verb should be used after the noun and before the semantic verb. To form a negative type, it is necessary to insert the particle not/n’t after the modal verb (except for the verb have to). In order to form a question, it is necessary to change the order of the noun and modal verb. In this case, there is no need to use any auxiliary verb, since the modal verb takes its place.

Modal Verbs in English: Examples of Common Use

He can wright - He can write.

She will study there - She will study there.

I must do it - I must do this.

He ought to go to the school. - He should go to school.

You don’t have to use mobile phone during the lessons - You should not use the phone during the lessons.

I would like to go to the cinema - I would like to go to the cinema.

Would you like a coffee? - Would you like some coffee?

You should stay home. - You should stay at home.

She ought not to play the computer so much. - She shouldn't play on the computer so much.

She can swim - She can swim.

She can't swim. - She can't swim.

I can run very quickly - I can run very fast.

She can´t run very quickly - She cannot run very fast.

Can she run very quickly? - She can run very fast.


Quite often in colloquial speech, native speakers prefer to shorten a number of verbs. English is no exception. The modal verbs (table in the article) given below can be used both in full form and in abbreviated form.

Full form


Features of the verbcan

This verb is used to express the ability (inability) or opportunity (impossibility) to do something. This verb is translated into Russian as “I can” or “I can.” In addition, this verb is used to express states of doubt or surprise regarding the performance of any action. For example:

My girlfriend canspeak Spanish - My girlfriend can (can) speak Spanish (expressions of ability).

That child can’t swim - That child does not know how (cannot) swim (expression of ability).

He cannot remember you because he doesn’t see you - It cannot be that he remembers you, because he did not see you (expression of doubt).

The modal verb could has an absolutely identical meaning to the verb can, but it is used to express the past tense. For example:

Jon could dance very well - Jon could dance very well.

I couldn’t receive driving license 2 years ago - I couldn’t get a driver’s license 2 years ago.

Some features of modal verbs are considered by the rules of the English language. Modal verbs, for example, can have alternative forms. For the verb can, the alternative verb is to be able to. This form can be used as a synonym for the verb can, and can also be used to express the ability (skill) to perform some action in the future, in contrast to can (which is not used in the future).

For example, in order to translate “I can win competitions in the next year” into English, you cannot say “I will can win competitions in the next year”, as this would be a blunder. But you can say “I will be able to win competitions in the next year.”

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to translate modal verbs into English. Practicing and learning the rules is the only way to learn how to correctly use a variety of verbs in appropriate situations.

Features of verbs may andmight

These forms can only be used in the present tense. They are not used in the past or future. They are used to demonstrate permission and assumption. Translated into Russian they sound like “I can”, “it is possible”, “may”. For example:

You may smoke in this room - You can smoke in this room.

Elizabeth may know something about that night - Elizabeth may know something about that night.

It may windy today - Today it may be windy.

My parents might come to my home today - My parents might come to my home today.

Jennifer might go to the concert tonight - Jennifer might come to the concert tonight.

In addition, the verb might is used in conditional sentences (type number 2). In such a situation, the verb in Russian will sound “could”, “maybe”. For example:

If Jack had a dog, he might go out twice a day - If Jack had a dog, he could go out for a walk twice a day.

Just like the verb can, the verb may has an alternative form that can be used in past tense sentences. In order to express permission, the combination to be allowed is used (translated into Russian to be allowed, allowed). It can also be used in present and future tense forms. Example:

Gabriel was allowed to come back to home earlier - Gabriel was allowed to return home earlier.

Nina will be allowed to take her child home tomorrow - Nina will be allowed to take her child home tomorrow.

Features of the verb should

The only time this verb can be used today is to express moral advice or duty. The peculiarity of this verb is its origin. It comes from the verb shall, forming the past form.

You should drink aspirin if you feel head pain - You should drink aspirin if you have a headache.

Auxiliary and modal verbs

Some modal forms are also auxiliary verbs. They are necessary in order to form a variety of temporal forms. However, they do not have their own translation. They simply form a variety of grammatical meanings and are markers of tense, number or person. When you encounter one of these verbs, you need to understand what they mean in that context. After all, they can either be used to express desires, intentions, the need to do something, or simply help to form one form or another. These include the verbs to have (have), to do, will (would), shall (should). For example:

Have you ever been in Spain? - Have you ever been to Spain (the verb has absolutely no modal meaning, it is used to form the perfect present tense).

She arrived when film had already started - She arrived when the film had already started (the verb has absolutely no modal meaning, it is used to form the perfect past tense).

I have two old brothers and three old sisters - I have two older brothers and three older sisters (in this case the verb is neither modal nor auxiliary, it simply conveys its direct meaning).

Lessons will start at 8 a.m. - The lesson will start tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning (the verb has no modal meaning, it is used as an auxiliary verb forming the future tense form).

If she finishes her homework, they will go to the cafe - If she finishes her homework, they will go to the cafe (the verb is an auxiliary and forms the first form of a conditional sentence).

Modal verbs in English: examples with translation

You must come to the university at 8 o’clock - You must be at the university at 8 o’clock.

My sister must not smoke right now because she catch ill - My sister must not smoke right now because she has a cold.

Nicki shouldn’t do like this - Nicki shouldn’t have done that.

I can play the piano but I can’t swim - I can play the piano, but I can’t swim.

My sister can’t go to the Italy on her own because she is 13 years old - My sister can’t go to Italy on her own because she is only 13 years old.

I will to the USA with my boyfriend in the next year - I will go with my boyfriend to the USA next year.

My girlfriend would like to get a gold ring for her next birthday - My girlfriend would like to get a gold ring for her next birthday.

There are no analogues of modal verbs in Russian. However, speaking English without using modal verbs is almost impossible. It is recommended to start learning grammar by including them in the program.

Modal verbs need to be known like the multiplication tables, as this is considered Elementary English.

Modal verbs are not used independently and do not denote a specific action, but reflect the speaker’s attitude to the action, i.e. modality. This is their secret - simplicity and complexity at the same time.

List of modal verbs and their equivalents

Modal Verbs table
Modal verb Meaning Equivalent
can be able to, be able to, be able to be able (to)
may be able, have permission be allowed to
be permitted to
must be to have to
be to
ought to should, should (recommendation, advice, probability, assumption) should
had better
have to forced, has to must
be to
be to should (according to plan) have to
need need (used to ask permission, or to give permission). -
should should, should (advice) ought to
be supposed to
had better
would want; likely; it happened -
shall/will offer of help, to do something / promise, intention, spontaneous decision at the moment of speech should
had better
dare dare (dare to do something) -
used to description of an action or condition that occurred regularly in the past -

Interrogative and negative form of modal verbs

  • Modal verbs form interrogative and negative forms independently, without using the special verb “to do”. In this case, the modal verb is placed at the beginning of the sentence in the question.
Shall I help you?
Should I help you?
Could you give me his address, please?
Can you give me his address, please?

Non-finite forms, such as the infinitive, gerund and participle, are not inherent in modal verbs. Modal verbs lack complex tense forms and the imperative mood. For all persons and numbers, modal verbs use a single unchangeable form.

  • Negative form modal verb is formed by placing the particle “not” after it. Often, especially in oral speech, they merge into an abbreviated form. In colloquial speech the following abbreviations are usually used in the negative form: cannot = can"t, could not = couldn't may not = mayn't, might not = mightn't must not = mustn"t, ought not = oughtn"t, need not = needn't.
You can't help him.
You can't help him.
She might not come here.
She couldn't (she didn't have permission) to come here.

These signs allow you to rely on modal verbs when studying. Having memorized a small number of modal verbs, the student has a chance to immediately construct simple sentences based only on simple verbs. And this is very important. You will already be able to express your opinion with only a fairly small number of words in your arsenal.

Verbs of obligation (must, have to)

The main verbs of obligation are “must” and “have to”. " Must» expresses necessity committing actions(usually according to some rule or law), as well as an order or advice. Translation: “should”, “need”, “must”. " Have to" talks about necessity committing actions under forced circumstances when you clearly don’t want to do something, but, as they say, “you have to.” Usually translated into Russian as " must», « forced», « will have to».

I have to work overtime.
I have to work overtime (I don't want to, but I have to).
You mustn't smoke at the airport.
You can't smoke at the airport (that's the rule).

Requests (shall, will)

“Shall”, “will” are also called modal verbs in combination. With their help you can create future times. As soon as " shall", "will" appear in a sentence - this is a sure sign debt, necessity, order or even threats. « Will"means a desire or intention, a polite request.

I want to come in. Shall I open the door?
I want to come in. I probably (should) open the door?
Will do you give me the ketchup?
Can you pass me the ketchup?

These verbs are original transmitters of the desired form of modality, and not only can form the future tense.

It is recommended to remember that after modal verbs, in addition to the verbs “ought to”, “have (got) to” and “be to”, an infinitive without the particle “to” is used. It is also called bare infinitive.

I must go.
I have to go.

Verb " ought to"is an obligatory verb. But unlike " must", which means must in connection with the requirements of rules, laws, authorities, "ought to" means obligated due to moral obligations. This is such a subtle difference. For example:

You ought to visit your parents more often.
Visit your parents more often.
You must keep the law.
Follow the laws.

Possibility, probability (can, may, must, might)

Most often, modal verbs “can”, “must”, “may” are used in this meaning. These are verbs general meaning with the ability to replace other modal verbs. Modal verb " can" - the most popular. The usual translation into Russian is “to be able”, an expression of skill and ability to do something. For example:

I can help you.
I can help you.

The verb "can" is in the past tense " could" For example:

She could dance beautifully when she was young.
She could dance beautifully when she was young.

Modal verb " must", like "can", is used very often in speech. It is important to remember that in addition to its primary meaning - “to be due”, it is also used when we talk about the likelihood that something has happened. And this probability borders on certainty. For example:

I phoned, but nobody answered - they must be at work.
I called, but no one answered - they must be at work (i.e. I'm pretty sure of it).

Modal verb " may" has two main meanings: resolution and probability. Past tense form - " might" For example:

May I come in?
Can I come in? (Permission).
I might have taken only three seconds to show it to you.
It might only take me 3 seconds to show you this.

But " might» can also be used completely independently, meaning “possibly”. If we compare “may” and “might”, then in the case of the latter something may happen, but it is unlikely; if you say " may“—then the probability is greater. For example:

The sky is gray - it may rain today. They might come, but I don’t think so.

Past tense (Perfect Infinitive)

Perfect Infinitive, along with other infinitives, has no analogues in Russian. In speech it is used according to the following formula: have + 3rd form of the verb. Since most verbs do not have a past tense form, we use the Perfect Infinitive to show that something happened in the past. For example:

You should have called me yesterday.
You should have called me yesterday.

Passive voice with modal verbs

When we change a sentence from "active" to "passive", we must change the predicate of the sentence.

First, you need to put the verb “ to be” at the same time as used in the main sentence. Secondly, put the main verb in third form(Past Participle).

So, to compose a sentence with a modal verb, we need to put the verb to be in combination with the modal verb. It will look like this:

must be(should be);
have to be(should be);
ought to be(should be);
can be(May be);
should be(should be);
be supposed to be(it is believed that; it is assumed that;)

The secretary must write a letter. / The secretary must write a letter.
The letter must be written by the secretary. / The letter must be written by a secretary.
He has to do this test. / He must perform this test.
This test has to be done by him. / This test must be performed by him.
He was supposed to send an email an hour ago. / He was supposed to send the letter an hour ago.
The email was supposed to be sent by him an hour ago. / It was assumed that email will be sent an hour ago.

Features of modal verbs

  • Does not have a 3rd person singular present tense, that is, they are not placed with “-s” at the end.
  • No infinitive, ing form and participle; never answer the question of what to do / what to do?
  • They only require the form after themselves " Infinitive» without particle « to" (exception - " ought to», « have(got) to" And " be to"). I must go.
  • Interrogative And negative forms proposals are constructed without an auxiliary verb « do", with the exception of the verb " have to».
  • Verbs " have», « be», « should"can be not only modal, but also auxiliary, and the verbs " need», « have», « be», « get" - also semantic.
  • According to their properties, English modal verbs, except “ have to», « have got to», « be to», « dare"are insufficient, that is do not have personal forms, and in connection with this do not form complex verb forms.

What does turnover mean: be supposed to and had better

The phrase “be supposed to” means that someone or something is expected to perform some action. If we select the Russian equivalent, the closest expressions are like: “in theory it should”, “as if it should”, “it is implied that it should”. It happens in the present (am / is / are) and past (was/were) tenses.

“Be supposed to” - rather than expressing an obligation, it expresses the expectation of performing some action.

I am supposed to obey my lord.
In theory, I should obey my master (but in reality I don’t obey that much).
I am supposed to do my duty.
I must do my duty (but if I don’t do it, no one will notice).
Excuse me, you are not supposed to
Sorry, but you can't...

“You are not supposed to” is a polite way to tell someone not to do something or to let them know they shouldn’t do it.

With turnover " had better“almost the same situation, only he expresses recommendation, desperation, warnings or threats. The modal verbs “ought to” and “shall” can be equivalent. Happens only in past form.

You had better take your umbrella with you today.
Today you better take an umbrella with you. (Expresses a recommendation.)
That bus had better get here soon!
I wish this bus would come sooner! (Expresses despair.)
You'd better not talk the way you talk to me in the future!
From now on, you better watch how you talk to me! (Expresses a warning, a threat.)

Modal verbs in indirect speech

Similar to tenses, modal verbs change in indirect speech if the words being conveyed are no longer true or are out of date.

Direct speech: can, may, will, must.
Indirect speech: could, might, would, had to.

Peter: "I can stay here until Sunday."
Peter: "I can stay here until Sunday."
He said that he could stay there until Sunday.
He said he could stay there until Sunday.
Dan: "You may don't need this"
Dan: “You might not need it.”
He said I might don't need that.
He said I might not need it.
Kelly: "My dad won't let me go to the party."
Kelly: "My dad won't let me go to the party."
She said that her father wouldn't let her go to the party.
She said her dad would let her go to the party.
Luke: "We must leave at 8 o"clock."
Luke: "We have to leave at 8 o'clock."
He said we had to leave at 8 o"clock.
He said we had to leave at 8 o'clock.

Using modal verbs with the perfect infinitive

Modal verbs can be used in combination with the perfect form of the infinitive, also called the modal perfect ( modal perfect). At the same time, the semantic load of the perfect infinitive has different meanings and depends on the specific modal verb and context.

The use of the modal perfect can name an action in the past, an unreal action, the degree of confidence in a certain action, and can also indicate that the opposite of the expected action took place.

Formula: modal verb + have + V3.

After modal verbs, the verb " have", forming a perfect infinitive, is pronounced in a reduced form:

They must have gone away already. ["mʌst"əv] - They must have already left.

In negative and interrogative sentences, the modal verb " can", used with the perfect infinitive, conveys disbelief into an action or event, past:

She can't have overslept. She is never late.
She couldn't sleep. She is never late.
  • Could. The verb group (“could” + perfect infinitive) can be used with a meaning similar to “can”, but expresses a less categorical form:
I don't believe he could have done it. He is too weak.
I can't believe he could do this. He's too weak.
I didn't believe he could have done it. He was too weak.
I didn't believe he could do this. He was too weak.

Also, the perfect form of the verb is used with the modal verb “could” to indicate an action that could have happened, but did not happen:

We could have gone, but we didn't.
We could have left, but we didn't.
  • May. The use of the modal verb may in combination with the perfect infinitive expresses assumption, uncertainty in what happened:
She may not have known about it. But it doesn't constitute justification.
She may not have known about it. But this is no excuse.
I"m not sure but he may have been here.
I'm not sure, but he could be here.
  • Might. The use of the past tense form of the verb may indicates less likely to act or events:
Don't be angry with her. She might not have known about it.
Don't be mad at her. She may not have known about it.

  • Must. This modal verb with a perfect infinitive indicates the certainty or high probability of an action occurring in the past and relevant to the present moment:
I figured I must have hurt the muscle while playing.
I think I must have injured a muscle while playing.
I can't find the keys. I mustn't have taken them.
I can't find the keys. I probably didn't take them.
  • Need. In combination with a perfect infinitive, it expresses doubt about the appropriateness of an action performed in the past; it is used only in interrogative and negative sentences:
Need have you done it?
And what was the need for you to do this?
He needn't have been present all the time.
He didn't need to be there all this time. (There was no need).
  • Ought. Expresses censure, reproach for what was not done or was done incorrectly:
You ought to have done it previously.
You should have done this earlier.
  • Will. Used to express determination, desires or the intention to perform an action that must be completed before a certain time in the future or before the beginning of another action:
I won't have done it by the time you get back.
I (not finish) will not do this by the time you arrive.
  • Would. Used to express desired subject of action, but which didn't happen:
I wouldn't have done it. But I was so young.
I didn't want to do this. But then I was still so young.
I would have come, but I got stuck in traffic.
I would have come, but I was stuck in traffic.


Modal verbs are easy to learn and understand, since they have many similarities with the native Russian language. Although there are some differences. In any case, they will be a good help in moving forward for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of the English language.

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