Hair coloring for dark skin. What color suits dark-skinned girls

Today, hair coloring has become a very popular procedure. With its help, every girl can add new details to her image or change it radically. But the result obtained after dyeing the hair does not always please the girl. And often the reason is not the quality of the dye, but the wrong color.

When choosing the right shade, you need to take into account a number of nuances, one of which is skin color. As you know, there are four types: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each type skin has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing paint.

As a rule, light skin tone refers to girls who have a winter color type. They are characterized by dark hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. The dermis is light with blue or pink cold. The eye color is also dark. When choosing a dye, you need to pay attention to the palette, which contains colors with a pink or blue tint. They are quite bright and saturated. When choosing a shade of paint, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you can remove the pallor of the skin and give it a blush.

The photo shows hair shades for different skin colors:

For girls with the winter color type, contrasting color combinations are perfect. This includes black and white. The red color scheme looks very advantageous: cherry, ruby, burgundy. And to shade your snow-white skin a little, you should try dyeing your hair in brown tones - copper, gold and red-brown.

To determine which shade will look perfect with fair skin, it is worth conducting a small experiment, for which you will need to try on scarves in the colors you like. This way, you can accurately determine whether it is warm or cold and suits your skin perfectly.

If cool shades approach light skin, then when choosing a paint, make sure that the color has a blue or green undertone. Cool colors add austerity to the look and look much darker than warm colors. And if they match your fair skin warm colors, then the paint color should have a yellow or red tint.

In the video - what hair color suits your skin color

Such girls should not choose blonde as their main color. This way you can highlight the yellow undertone of your skin. If light skin is presented with redness, then you should not choose a red-colored dye. In principle, such a lady will have to refuse any dyes with a red tray. You can find them a worthy replacement, if you turn to the palette of honey-chestnut or golden colors. Caramel-colored hair looks very impressive with fair skin. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the redness of light skin.

Hair color for dark and dark skinned

Girls with dark skin belong to the summer color type. Typically, the skin has peach, apricot and bronze tones. They may have freckles on their face. The color of the eyes at the bottom is brown and has a golden tint. Although you can meet a lady with gray-blue and green eyes.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to shades that are based on the red range. They look very rich. These include brown, bright copper, and golden shades. But ladies with dark skin should avoid black, blue and silver. A blue tone can be added to a rich red paint.

For dark-skinned skin with a cold base, you should choose shades such as cherry, burgundy and garnet. They can be used as the main color or to tint selected strands. Cool red tones will give dark skin a visual smoothness.

Tint for pale skin

Girls with pale skin belong to the spring color type. Their skin has a soft golden and pinkish tint. Tanning is difficult, but under the influence sun rays will start to turn red. When choosing a suitable shade for hair, you should pay attention to golden yellow, beige, golden brown. But you will have to give up black, as it will create a sharp contrast with a pale face, giving it even greater pallor.

You can create a more natural look with silver and pearl ones. If your eye color is light blue and light green, then you should choose a deep dark hair color. For eyes with cool blues, greens and blues, cool shades of hair are suitable. These include light brown with an ash tint, silver, and pearl.

But for green eyes and pale skin, warm shades are suitable: brown, red and wheat. A dark shade will highlight green and brown eyes in the best possible way.

The following shades are considered suitable:

  1. Yellow range: there may be beige or golden tints.
  2. Red range: coral, orange and peach.
  3. Light cold tones: silver, pearl.

As a rule, any deep and rich shades are suitable for girls with a spring color type. The main thing is to choose the right eye color.

Hair color for red skin

Warm shades give the red dermis a blush. If your face has a reddish tint, then you should pay attention to a palette of cool tones. For example, an ash blonde would look great. But what you should not use are red shades. These include mahogany and pomegranate. They will add even more redness to your face.

Medium or dark brown tones will look very harmonious with red skin. You can hide the redness on your face using blue-black color. If the skin is a warm red shade, then you should pay attention to darker and deeper paint tones, but what you will have to give up is a light brown color scheme.

On the video - reddish facial skin, what hair color is suitable:

You might also be interested in seeing what it looks like

And here’s how ashy it looks in the photo brown hair, can be seen in the content

For those who want to find out who is suitable, you should follow the link and read the contents of this article.

When a woman plans to change her hair color, she should be very careful about this process. If you do not take into account the series important details, then you can greatly harm your image. In addition to the fact that the choice of color is influenced by your personal desire, you must also take into account the original color of your hair, the shade of your eyes and skin. The recommendations presented above will be useful for girls with different color types. Taking them into account, they will be able to achieve a stunning effect and will always be in the center of male attention.

Even though leading stylists today focus on aristocratically white skin, dark tones still remain in fashion. An interesting fact remains that absolutely all colors suit girls with this skin tone. By choosing the optimal hair color for dark skin under brown eyes, you can achieve an incredible result that will literally attract the attention of the opposite sex. What makeup for dark skin you should choose for your type - read in this material. In the photo you can see examples of successful implemented solutions from leading stylists and show business stars:

Successful hair colors for dark skin under brown eyes (with photo)

Silver shades of strands remain very fashionable in 2017. If you have a honey skin tone, then it will be best if you choose this hair color. If your skin is a little darker, then choose warmer wheat shades, as silver strands will age you and look ridiculous. Picking up good colors hair for dark skin, do not forget about preferences in the components of the style of everyday clothing. The hairstyle should always complement the collected bow and not conflict with it. Therefore, naturalness, purity of tone and richness of color for brown eyes are the most current trends of this season.

In order to highlight a beautiful, even tan, choose one of the shades of the chocolate range. Many stars give their preference to him, because only he can create the image of a fatal temptress. For example, Kim Kardashian has been pleasing us with her thick hair with coloring in chocolate tones.

Look at the photo at the best hair colors for dark skin - the most current trends are illustrated:

Almost all fashion stylists unanimously say that the best shade is natural. They recommend maintaining the tone that nature has given you, or dyeing your hair a color that is closer to it. This is because naturalness and natural beauty are in fashion today. The same goes for makeup. For example, it is now considered unfashionable to pluck and fill in eyebrows. Thick and beautiful eyebrows today are becoming almost the standard of beauty.

Also, quite fashionable color hair for dark skin is coal black: it will give your image freshness and originality. Under no circumstances choose deep black colors, as they will only darken your appearance and make it gloomy.

When creating makeup for dark skin under brown eyes, emphasize your individuality!

In order for the hair color for brown eyes to not be out of place against the background of your entire image, you need to be able to correctly select the appropriate makeup for dark skin that does not contrast with the overall image.

Some people tend to believe that dark skin looks more matte and perfect, but this is not entirely true. Typically, this shade implies that its owner has either oily or combination skin types, which can also cause a lot of problems. So, for example, on the surface of a dark complexion there is often an oily sheen, which should be gotten rid of. Usually, for this reason, the shadows on the eyelids can take their toll and fall off, creating dark circles under the eyes. In order to prevent their appearance, experts recommend degreasing the skin and powdering it a little before applying makeup. Also, they advise not to use large number foundation, as this will lead to an unpleasant matte tint on the face. If you use foundation regularly, then you need to mix it with lighter tones or with a moisturizing serum that suits your skin type.

When creating makeup for dark skin, you should not rush to various extremes, imitate fictitious ideals and adopt all the latest fashion trends. Emphasize the individuality that nature has awarded; owners of this skin type have a pronounced natural brightness and striking appearance. It should not be enhanced with saturated tones.

For girls with dark skin, both light and bright shadows are suitable. But, it is worth remembering that if this is not evening makeup, then the emphasis must be placed either only on the eyes or on the lips. So, for example, you can use bright scarlet lipstick, while the shadows should match your skin tone and not look flashy. Also, for daytime makeup, you can use eyeliner, which can be replaced with shadows. In this case, they are best applied with a wet applicator.

If you are a brave girl who loves bright colors, then you can use shades of blue or bright pink. But at the same time, you should choose lipstick in delicate, discreet shades that will not be conspicuous and will set off your eye makeup.

For evening makeup, dark purple shadows are suitable, which will emphasize the depth of your eyes and skin, making them more expressive. To show off the beauty of your tan, you can use eye shadow with a bronze tint. This look will make your look more sensual and attractive.

Dark foundation for dark skin can be complemented with light blush. Most cosmetic companies offer a whole series of various products that are specifically designed to create makeup for dark skin. Most girls with this skin tone suit pink blush. They elongate the face, making it more pretty and attractive. In addition to this shade, golden and coffee-colored blushes are also suitable for dark skin. If you like experiments, then you can use blush in coral or purple shades.

To ensure that your makeup always looks flawless, you should not play with colors. daytime. This is because they make the face brighter, and this can look very ridiculous in a sunny color. For everyday makeup, you can use almond-colored lipstick. But, it is worth remembering that girls with dark skin should under no circumstances wear eyeliner under lipstick, because the silhouette of the lips, in itself, looks clear and attractive.

The main thing to remember is that your entire look depends on how pleasing your makeup is to the eye. After all, if you choose the wrong colors, you risk looking 10 years older than you really are. Always pay great attention to the choice of your cosmetics; they should be of high quality and in no case expired. Not the right decision, can lead to premature skin aging and other skin problems.

Girls, trying to be fashionable and beautiful, resort to hair coloring. However, such experiments do not always lead to the desired result: against the background of dyed hair, the eyes “lose” and the skin becomes dull. In this case, there are two options - wash it or recolor your hair. Better yet, prevent this outcome by choosing the right hair shade. Find out what shade of hair dark-skinned women can afford in our review.

Hair should match the woman's appearance

Contrary to nature: finding the right combination

Stylists say that dark-skinned girls are suitable for natural shades or shades that are as close to them as possible. As a rule, the color given by nature suits the fair sex better than others. It reflects the inner world of its owner and matches the color of the eyes and skin. But often women try to create an imbalance, experimenting with shades, risking simplifying or, even worse, vulgarizing their appearance.

A dark-skinned girl must choose what style she wants and then choose her hair color

This is preceded by a number of motives:

  • women, especially young women, want to be in trend, and therefore follow and follow changing fashion;
  • the windows of cosmetics stores are “crowded” with an abundance of coloring and tinting products, and advertising is often annoying and overly intrusive;
  • Any person at certain stages of his life experiences age crises, which often lead to a radical change in image.

If you really want to, you can find more than one three reasons that can encourage women to make external changes. And if the desire is so strong, then the choice of color palette must be approached thoroughly.

Everything about a woman should look attractive

Forward to change

What is the most ideal hair color for dark skin? First you need to determine your skin tone and identify what color type it belongs to. After all, the shade of the strands depends on the color of the skin and, knowing how to choose it correctly, you will not only make your appearance even more noble, but also highlight your skin tone. When choosing a new coloring agent, you should also rely on the color of the iris.

For dark skin, a hair color that is 1-2 shades lighter or richer than your natural one will suit you. This will allow you to maintain naturalness.

The more natural the hair color, the better

Warm and cold hair color types: combination with dark skin

If you have dark skin with a warm color type, you must have noticed that it contains yellowish shades. With this color of the skin, the veins acquire green tint. Your goal is to choose the paint in such a way as to transform yellow golden skin.

  1. If your natural color is blond, then the best solution will dye her hair golden blonde. It will give your skin radiance and brightness. If you cannot live without jewelry, give preference to gold earrings and pendants or jewelry that imitates gold.
  2. If you are a natural brunette, pay attention to chestnut, golden and copper-chestnut shades, mocha color. To make the color look more playful, you can add additional touches in the form of thin copper-golden, cinnamon or caramel strands.

Dark-skinned women with a cold complexion will benefit from products that give their hair a cool tint.

  1. If your goal is to dye your hair blonde, choose honey, ash, strawberry or platinum shades.
  2. Ash-chestnut and bluish-black shades will look good on brunettes.

If you have very dark skin, give up the idea of ​​dyeing your strands light, otherwise your hair will not look natural.

New suitable look for eye color for redheads and not only: brown, light green, blue shades

Contrast with light eyes is an option

You can determine your skin color type based on a number of nuances, including eye color. Warm skin is characterized by green and brown eyes, while cold skin is characterized by gray and blue eyes. However, here too, fashion, along with scientific progress, can change what nature has given us.

It is enough to purchase colored lenses at the optician to personally change the color of your eyes to a completely different shade. The cost of lenses is far from prohibitive, which makes them accessible to almost every woman who is ready to experiment.

When choosing a coloring agent, be sure to focus on the color of the iris. Hair color for dark skin and green eyes can be fiery red, just like carrot. But remember that this daring combination will look “informal”, so such a flashy image is more suitable for young beauties.

Experimentation is for the strong



It’s good to follow fashion and follow it, because this is how you prove to others that you are a stylish person with great taste. However, fashionable shades do not always suit everyone. When buying hair dye, choose shades that not only appeal to you, but also those that harmonize with your appearance. When choosing a color, both skin color type and eye shade are important. Therefore, we recommend that you rely on these points, and not on fashion trends and currents.


One of the popular applications on the Internet is the “Virtual Salon” program. This is a universal remedy that will completely help you change your look. True, only in the photograph. But if you like the result, you can safely bring it to life.

The remarkable thing about the “Virtual Salon” is its simplicity. Everything is clear in the program. Therefore, working in it will not raise questions even for beginners just learning about computers.

So, to use the program, go to its website. To do this, just enter the request “Virtual salon” in the search bar of your browser. Select one of the proposed sites and go to it by left-clicking on the corresponding link. Also, to work in the application, you can go directly to the website, where you only have to select the application. This program is also available on other Internet spaces: for example, at (a link to it is in social network groups).

Next, you need to prepare your photo. You can do this using a webcam connected to a computer, as well as using a phone with a built-in camera or tablet. Please note: photos for working in the virtual salon program must be taken from the front, without makeup and with hair combed back, gathered in a ponytail or bun, without bangs. Save the photo to your computer and continue creating your own style.

If you don't have a photo, you can use the models available in the application. To do this, you only need to indicate which model you will use, male or female. And follow the next steps. In this case, you can simply watch how the program works. But it will be very difficult to check whether this or that image suits you or not without using the proposed styles without your photo. Therefore, if you do not currently have the image you need, put the application aside for a few minutes and prepare a photo to work with.

To further select a hairstyle, on the application desktop, click the “Upload photo from PC” button located on the left side of the window. Specify the location of your photo and add it to the program.

Then align the photo as required by the application. First, “align” your eyes. To do this, move the blue cursor to the center of the pupils in your image. If necessary, zoom in on the photo. For ease of use, there is a sample on the right side of the program’s working window that shows everything in an accessible manner. At the same step, if necessary, edit the photo by changing the brightness, hue, contrast and saturation by moving the cursor on the slider on the desired scale. To proceed to the next step, click Next.

Now you need to adjust the position of the pupils, eyes and lips. Move the green arrows to the corners of the eyes, and the blue ones to the corners of the lips. Correct the position of the pupils and click “Next”.
The next step is to adjust the contours of the eyes. Use the red wheels to adjust the stroke so that it follows the outline of your eyes as closely as possible. Then click Next.

In the next step, use the wheels to adjust the outline of the lips. If teeth are visible in the photo, check the appropriate box. Click Next again.

Now you can experiment with creating your new look. After completing the above steps, the main menu of the program will be available to you. In it, in special sections, you can select the changes you need.

Choose what kind of hairstyle you need - women's or men's. After this, indicate the length of the desired hair. From several dozen hairstyles presented, choose the hairstyles you like best. The hair in them can be short, long, medium, or with styling. You can also experiment with hair color, coloring, etc. To do this, you just need to select the effect you need. Using the scaling tools, select the hairstyle dimensions as accurately as possible.

If desired, save the result or print the photo if a printer is connected to the computer.

Another equally interesting application is “Virtual Stylist” for selecting hairstyles and makeup. This is a free photo editor that works in Russian and does not require downloading to your computer. Find a site with this application in search engine your browser or go to

Click the "Create a new image" button. Upload your photo or choose one from those offered by the application. Select “Hairstyle options” at the top of the working window. In the “Hairstyle Gallery” section (on the left), indicate your desired hair length. Choose your hair color. Click on the hairstyle images and try on a new look.

Tip 2: What hair color suits blue-gray eyes?

Due to the presence of pigment in the iris, the color of people's eyes varies. In the world you can meet representatives of the human race with different eyes: green, brown, blue, light blue. Any color option for the “mirrors of the soul” is beautiful and unique in its own way.

Gray-blue eye color is one of the most ancient shades of the iris. It is curious that the blue gene is dominant, so there are many more blue-eyed people in the world than those with eyes of all other shades.

A little bit of psychology

If you listen carefully to the very name of the shade - gray-blue, it is difficult not to notice that it consists of two colors: gray and blue. And, therefore, the owners of eyes of this beautiful shade are contradictory and fickle people. Their mood can change at the speed of thought and is not subject to internal control. The desires of owners of gray-blue eyes change with the same speed, the shade of which, depending on the lighting, color of clothing and other reasons, can vary from blue to dark gray.

It is not surprising that girls and women with similar eyes quite often want to change something in their appearance. Most people start changing their appearance with their hairstyle or hair color. What hair color will best highlight blue-gray eyes?

How to choose a hair color for gray-blue eyes

Usually a person's natural hair color and eye color are an ideal combination. However, if there is internal discomfort and a woman feels the need to change her hair color or make it a little brighter, then simply dye her hair with the chosen shade.

Almost any cool-toned hair color suits blue-gray eyes.

The most common and frequently encountered option is a combination of eyes of the described color with blond hair. Moreover, here you can choose from various light shades: wheat, light brown, ash. It all depends on the desires of each specific representative of the fair sex.

The type of appearance plays an important role in this matter. So, women with blue-gray eyes can have both light and dark skin. In fair-skinned girls, the color of the iris is most often light gray- blue tint. Therefore, blonde hair is most suitable for them.

But for dark-skinned ladies with eyes of a deep, rich gray-blue hue, it is better to give preference to dyeing their hair in dark tones: black, chestnut, dark brown.

When dyeing, try not to use shades that differ more than 2 tones from your natural hair color.

From time immemorial, people have always paid attention to a person’s eyes. Therefore, be smart about your choice of makeup and hair shade in order to emphasize the depth of your look.

Tip 3: How to choose your hairstyle and correct color hair

Every time you come to the hairdresser, you spend an hour scrolling fashion magazines, unable to choose a haircut or hairstyle. Of course, change is scary, especially when you don't know whether it will be beneficial.


To choose the right hairstyle you need to know the following. If you have an oval-shaped face, then absolutely any hairstyle will suit you. For a round face, it is recommended to create an asymmetrical silhouette in order to elongate the face. Oblique bangs, side parting or hair combed to one side will help you with this. Under no circumstances should you comb your hair smoothly or part it in the middle.

Asymmetrical hairstyles are also suitable for square faces. You need to raise your forehead line. You should not have long thick bangs or style your hair with gel from the forehead to the back of the head. For a triangular face, a hairstyle with long straight bangs with curls on the top is suitable. With this face shape, you should not comb the side strands back. Those with a rectangular face need to make it look smaller, so choose thick, eyebrow-length bangs, cover your ears, and frame your face with strands to make your face appear more oval.

The hairstyle should be influenced by other facial features. If you are a woman with large features, then a sleek haircut will suit you, which would be nice to style large waves. If you have a long nose, voluminous hairstyles, curls, and curls that fall on your forehead will suit you. If your nose is turned up, it is better to comb your hair up. Small nose - curls or ringlets, but no bangs.
Neck too long? Cover with hair. Short neck? Open it. If you have large ears, cover them partially with your hair.

When choosing a hairstyle, do not forget about your hair type. If you have thin, sparse hair, then you should not get long haircuts. You can make the ladder in a semicircle and lightly color it, which will visually add volume to your hair. If you have heavy and coarse hair, do step-by-step haircuts, and thinning can make the situation easier. With medium-thick hair, you can make any haircut, taking into account the oval and facial features. “Rvanki” are especially suitable.

To choose a hair color, you first need to determine what color type you belong to. If you are a winter woman (snow-white skin, does not tan well, dark hair, intense cold eyes, usually blue, gray, brown or black), then dark shades with a slight blue tint, for example, blue-black, “black tulip,” will suit you. It is not recommended to use a red palette.

The spring girl is the very tenderness and smoothness of colors and lines. Blonde, honey, golden, brown hair with a golden tint, thin and curly. The eyes are usually light blue, but can sometimes be brown. Such girls never have green eyes or a dark tan. The skin is light, usually with golden freckles. Such girls will suit soft golden shades, as well as reddish colors: from mahogany to the color of autumn leaves.

Summer girls have fair skin, pink blush and tan well. The hair color has an ashy tint, and the eyes come in all shades of gray. For light summer types, shades of wheat are suitable: from " white sun" to "golden sand". Summer girls should not dye their hair red, black and copper colors.

Autumn girls have delicate skin that is prone to burns. The complexion is even, there is no blush, if there are freckles, then they are reddish in color. The hair is red, often curly or in curls, with a good dense structure. The eyes are bright, contrasting: from green to amber. All shades of red, chestnut palette, and dark brown colors are suitable for this color type.

Having determined your color type, remember a few simple recommendations:
1. Dye your hair in accordance with your conditional palette, otherwise the wrong tone can give your hair appearance unkemptness and negligence.

2. Lighten your hair as you age, as dark hair reveals all your imperfections: wrinkles and uneven facial skin.

Video on the topic


  • how to choose the right hair shade

When choosing a new hair color, you don’t want to experiment with your own appearance. It is desirable that the updated shade looks great and refreshes the face. When looking for paint, focus on your type of appearance to avoid mistakes.

Which girls belong to the summer color type?

Summer is the color type that is most often found in Russia. Girls belonging to this category are characterized by thin and delicate skin, usually pale or light olive. Aristocratic pallor is precisely about summer women. Eye color among owners of this type of appearance may vary. As a rule, it is these girls who say that their eyes change depending on their mood: in the morning they could be green, and in the evening they became gray, like a sky overcast with rain clouds. As a rule, people belonging to the summer color type have gray, green and light blue eyes. The natural hair color of these girls can vary from light brown to light brown.

Summer girls' skin is very thin. Vessels can be visible through it. As a rule, such girls burn easily in the sun and are forced to constantly moisturize their face.

If you doubt your color type, pay attention to the colors of clothes that suit you. Despite the fact that summer is a hot time, people with this type have a cold appearance. They suit cool pastel shades, as well as all shades of purple and gray, cool shades of red, wine color, blue and fuchsia.

Hair color for girls - summer

If you are convinced that your appearance fits the description of the summer color type, it makes sense to choose your hair color, focusing on what shades suit people with an appearance similar to yours. In addition, summer women often have hair of an unremarkable mouse color, and hair coloring is easy way make your appearance brighter and more expressive.

Based on the shades that are most often found in the summer color type, you have at your disposal the cool part of the palette from light brown to chestnut with an ashy tint. Pearl, light or light brown color with a silver tint, noble ash will suit you.

If you are in doubt about the choice of paint, try light brown. It suits the vast majority of representatives of the summer color type.

What colors should you not dye your hair?

There are also a number of colors that will not suit a summer girl. Bright colors will not suit you: red and red will visually add several years to your appearance. In addition, dark brown, chocolate and black are contraindicated for you. These colors can ruin your delicate appearance. If your skin has a yellow tint, it is not recommended to go blonde; for those with light brown eyes that are not very typical for summer, it is better not to lighten your hair.


  • find out what hair color suits you

Tip 5: Which hair color suits dark-skinned girls best?

Thanks to the development of the cosmetics industry, women do not have to spend their entire lives looking the way nature created them. But the desire to experiment with appearance sometimes drives girls to the point of absurdity. If you have dark skin, be careful when changing your hair color.

Nature created every woman unique, which means she is already beautiful by definition. If, in an effort to change, you disrupt this harmony, you can get the exact opposite of the expected result. Before dyeing their hair, it will be useful for dark-skinned women to determine their color type.

Warm or cold?

To understand what undertone dark skin has, you need to take a closer look at which shades suit you best. Cool types of appearance are more impressed by blue, light blue, and gray. Girls with a warm color type suit red, orange, pink, yellow. Neutral colors– white and black look equally good on everyone.

7. Almost everyone can afford red hair, it’s just important to find the right shade.

8. To hide gray hair, use a lighter, permanent dye or a dye that matches your natural tone.

9. Do not try to radically repaint yourself. If you have finally and irrevocably decided to change, do it in the salon. Hairdressers will not only help you choose your hair color as accurately as possible, but will also do the coloring better.

Thanks to the variety of shades of chocolate color, any girl can choose the right tone for coloring her hair. The hair color after dyeing must be in harmony with the color of the skin and eyes.

Chocolate color never goes out of fashion - on the contrary, it is becoming more and more popular thanks to the variety and richness of shades. This amazing color can be warm caramel brown or cold, reminiscent of real dark chocolate. When choosing a chocolate hair color, take into account not only fashion trends, but also your color type.

Who suits chocolate color best?

Representatives of the so-called “winter” color type will only benefit if they change the color of their curls to chocolate. “Winter” beauties naturally have an expressive appearance: snow-white or dark skin, even complexion, brown or green eyes and dark hair. They can recommend rich shades of chocolate color with a steel or black tint. When choosing a dye, you need to take into account that on dark brown or brown hair the color will look darker, so before dyeing it is best to contact a professional hairdresser. Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes and lips will help highlight the resulting hair color and complement the image.

Is chocolate hair color suitable for other color types?

Can girls of “spring”, “autumn” and “summer” color types choose a shade of chocolate? Of course they can, subject to certain rules.

For the “spring” color type, not too bright or dull shades are suitable, but something in between, reminiscent of light milk chocolate. “Spring” girls usually have ash or golden hair, peach skin, gray or blue eyes, so a chocolate shade of hair will help them make their appearance more impressive and contrasting. When coloring your hair, you must not forget about eyelashes and eyebrows, which are often very light in the “spring” color type. It is advisable to give them the same shade as on your hair.

The “autumn” color type is easily recognized by reddish-brown hair, brown or blue eyes and transparent skin with freckles. With very dark hair color, such an appearance will lose its individuality, so “autumn” ladies are better off choosing warm milky chocolate tones with notes of gold and copper. New color hair will harmonize perfectly with soft makeup in beige and coral tones.

“Summer” is a rather bright color type, characterized by olive skin, green or gray eyes and light brown hair. “Summer” girls can afford bold experiments and choose a bright chocolate color in a cold or warm shade. The main thing is not to overuse decorative cosmetics, otherwise the image will turn out too provocative.

Tip 10: What hair color suits blue-gray eyes?

Gray-blue eyes combine two colors at the same time, which speaks of their owner as a contradictory nature. Depending on the intensity of the gray or blue hue, the owner of such eyes can be either a delicate violet or a narcissistic despot. But women with blue-gray eyes are often interested in a harmonious selection of hair color.

Hair color and blue-gray eyes

Centuries-old observations have shown that blue eyes are suitable for any shade of hair except fiery red. Gray eyes also look harmonious with any color - but gray-blue eyes go perfectly with light-colored hair. The most attractive combination with eyes of this color is light brown hair, which looks great even with gray hair.

The ideal solution is to first try on a wig of the color you like - this will help you determine as accurately as possible the right choice. You can look at the combination of gray-blue eyes with brown or black hair color, or you can highlight them with a contrasting warm reddish tint, which will set off the cold gray-blue color. Young girls can choose a calm pinkish shade for it, while older women should pay attention to ashen shades, complemented by coloring with a tinting balm.

Matching color to skin

When choosing a hair shade to match blue-gray eyes, you must take into account your skin type. Thus, it is advisable for dark-skinned women with storm-colored eyes to opt for black, chestnut, rich brown and dark red color shades. It should be remembered that the color of the chosen paint should not sharply contrast with natural color hair by more than one or two tones.

You need to have your hair dyed by a professional hairdresser, who will determine the appropriate shade and mix the dyes correctly if several colors are used.

Pale-skinned girls with gray-blue eyes are strictly contraindicated in silver hair tones, which give their appearance inexpressiveness and grayness. The best choice for them are copper, caramel, bronze and golden shades of blonde, combined with a few reddish or chocolate strands. Most profitable in in this case looks like a lot of thin stripes that are evenly distributed on the hair using foil highlighting. To color individual strands that highlight pale skin and gray-blue eyes, you should use a mixture of several shades of paint.

Choosing the right hair color is no less important when creating a stylish look than the hairstyle itself. Today, stylists offer many interesting shades that will allow brunettes, brown-haired women, and blondes to transform themselves.


Stylists offer shades of milk chocolate and thick caramel, copper-red shade and ash blonde as the main colors. These colors are as close to natural as possible and look very harmonious. If you want to look stylish, feel free to use this color palette when choosing hair dye.

Today, natural coloring is in fashion, as well as coloring with a 3D effect. Hair should look as natural as possible. With thick highlighting, you should prefer to lighten the strands along the entire length, and then tint them in the required color. Stylists do not recommend using sharp transitions when highlighting this year.

Blonde hair shades are still popular this year. However, stylists advise using platinum blonde only on short haircuts. If you have long hair, choose paints in more natural tones. For example, you can dye your hair a honey color, or give it a shade of ripe wheat.

Blondes should remember that overgrown dark roots and provocative colored strands on blond hair are not welcome today. If you are determined to dye your hair blonde, remember that you will have to touch up your roots regularly. Well-groomed hair and a natural shade are fashionable, stylish and beautiful.

If you decide to dye your hair light blonde, remember that your hair color should not be lighter than your skin color. A sharp contrast between skin and hair color looks vulgar and unnatural. The same goes for dark shades. If you have fair skin, do not use too deep shades of black to color your hair.

Dark-haired girls are recommended to dye their hair in soft, muted shades. Latte shades, chocolate tones, cocoa and dark chestnut colors are in fashion. But fashion experts do not recommend using the blue-black shade, which was popular until recently.

As for red shades, they are still at the peak of popularity. When deciding to dye your hair red, avoid overly bright shades that look unnatural. All shades of red that don’t look artificial are in fashion. You can combine rich and pastel shades, cold and warm tones. The main thing is not to forget that the hairstyle should look harmonious.

Despite the fact that stylists predicted the popularity of “doll” shades, such as lilac, blue and pink, these colors are not used as primary colors. If you decide to do unusual coloring using these colors, you should remember that the transitions between tones should be as smooth as possible.

Determining hair color, which is typical for brown-haired women, can cause difficulties even for experienced specialists. This color category has a wide variety of shades.


What hair color do brown-haired girls have? If everything is more or less clear with brunettes and blondes, then the color definition of brown-haired women can cause some difficulty. In order to understand this issue, let’s first designate color boundaries. So, brown-haired women include those with hair whose color varies from chestnut to dark brown. For greater clarity, let's divide color scheme of this type into three tones, which are basic.

Dark brown-haired. Translated from french word châtain has two meanings: chestnut and dark blond. In turn, the adjective châtain comes from the noun châtaignier - chestnut. It follows from this that the term “brown-haired” was originally intended to denote chestnut hair color, but then expanded the scope of its authority to light brown shades. It is chestnut hair color that is a sign of belonging to the “dark brown” category. It is worth noting that the “chestnut range” boasts a chic range of different shades: there are various chocolate tints, from dark to milky; and golden chestnut; and reddish tones of brown - the whole range of possible variations is difficult to list.

Light brown-haired. Hair color, defined as “light brown,” is most often found among Slavic women. By tone this type represents light and medium brown hair shades.

Without a doubt, the color range of hair that brown-haired women have is very diverse. Moreover, the number of shades is so multifaceted that even an experienced hairdresser can get confused in them. What are the names alone that exist within the framework worth? this definition: cocoa, caramel, cappuccino, chestnut, dark amber, terracotta, marzipan, chocolate, golden nutmeg, dark bronze and so on.

Useful advice

If you are the lucky owner of the title “brown-haired,” try not to forget about constant and thorough care of your hair. The fact is that this type of hair is quite capricious and, in the absence of shine and grooming, takes on a dull and unattractive appearance. However, the natural color characteristic of brown shades is gaining more and more popularity. It’s enough to look at photos of popular movie and show business stars to understand that many celebrities prefer a hair color that fits the definition of “brown-haired.”

Flipping through fashion magazines and catalogues, you can figuratively try on yourself new clothes, shoes and hairstyle. In most cases, the tone you like hair It won't suit you at all. You need to be able to select the optimal color, matching your appearance.


New to choose from color A hair mainly affects your actual shade hair, skin type and color eye.

It is better to choose a shade slightly different from your natural one. After all, a radical change of image is not suitable for everyone. New color should highlight your natural beauty. If your hair If you are light, honey, light brown with a golden tint, then choose all golden tones. If natural color red, then the ideal choice would be chestnut, bright copper, dark brown. When your tone hair close to black, then emphasize it with a reddish tint, but do not let it go red. Dark brown hair It’s better to refresh it by adding brightness. For example, it would be ideal color ebony.

An important role in choosing color A hair plays the shade of the skin of the face. It can be warm or cold. Warm is characterized by peach and golden tones. If you have this kind of skin, then paint it hair s in red and golden color. At the same time, avoid light brown and ashy shades, they will add sharpness and roughness to your features. Cold skin types have pink and pale shade. For such skin, black, light brown, platinum and hair s red tones. Red and all golden shades are not suitable for cold skin types, do not allow such combinations.

Eye color also affects tone perception hair. When choosing a new color And you shouldn’t focus only on the iris, you need to take into account both your eyes and skin type. If your eyes are green and your skin is tanned, then use chestnut, chocolate, bronze shades. If you have fair skin, choose light brown tones. When your eyes are gray and your skin type is warm, then paint hair s in nutty, chocolate, tan color. For fair skin, a combination with ash and black would be ideal. hair ami.Blue eyes in warm weather color e skin become more expressive when color hair ginger. Dark color and are beautiful with pale skin. Warm, red, golden shades suit brown eyes, regardless of skin type.

Approach your choice color but seriously, taking into account all the factors. If you like to take risks and want to completely change your image, then start with a test painting with special tonics. In case of a bad experience, you will be able to return your color, just washing your hair.

Video on the topic

From time immemorial, poems and songs have been written about the owners of beautiful green eyes. A woman with this eye color attracts, bewitches, enchants... like a witch.

Green eyes

Exactly green eyes witchcraft properties are attributed. And there are even special horoscopes that give an interpretation of character based on eye color. Green-eyed beauties are characterized by a principled, stubborn character.
They are popular and authoritative among their acquaintances and friends. They easily achieve their goals and are able to withstand difficulties. They have good intuition and there is a mystery in them.

But how to choose hair color for such eyes? This issue should be approached seriously. Nature initially rewarded you with a hair shade that suits your eyes. Most often, green-eyed beauties have black, brown or light brown hair. There are also rare representatives with red hair. If you have any of these colors, then you are very lucky. They all look great with your eye color. But what if your hair is not bright enough? Or do you want to change your look and decide to paint it? Then you should, first of all, imagine what hair color you would like to see yourself with, and does it suit your face shape, skin tone and eye color?

Natural color

You should also pay attention to your natural hair color. Not every paint can, for example, turn a brunette into a redhead or, especially, a blonde. If you are not sure about the final result of painting a particular color, then it is better to seek advice from a beauty salon or your personal hairdresser.

There is a rule about complexion - if the skin is pale, it is better to use warm tones.

For women with fair skin and green eyes, all warm shades of golden, light brown, red and red look good. It is better not to choose blonde, platinum and ash shades for pale skin.
If you have a dark skin tone, then cool shades will work better. Those with age spots and freckles on their faces will want golden shades. If your skin tends to turn red in the wind and become covered with reddish spots, then you should not use red colors.

Which color is better?

Women with green eyes should pay attention to the following colors: light chestnut, red, honey, golden blond and light brown. If your eyes are a cold shade of green, without inclusions, then cool shades of paint will suit you: silver, pearl, light brown and ash. If there are golden or brown inclusions in the iris of your eyes, then you are better off choosing warm shades, such as wheat, brown and red. However, remember that dark hair shades shade and highlight better than light ones. green eye.