How to respond to Sieg Heil. Subcultures, musical styles, biographies

A greeting used by German Nazis in the 1930s and 40s and common among the neo-Nazi movement. This gesture looks like a straightened arm thrown up at an angle of 45 degrees. The fingers are gathered together, the palm is pointing down. As you can see, the body movement is very sweeping and noticeable - coupled with standing up at the command “Attention!” body and shouting "Heil Hitler!" (“Long live Hitler!”) it added solemnity to communication among the Nazi military structures.

The neo-fascist movement adopted the manner of “zigging” from its predecessors very willingly. True, no one bothered to translate the accompanying chants into their native language, so the words “Heil Hitler!” We never received a Russian-language equivalent.

The ridge gesture itself was one of the elements of the Fuhrer’s personality cult; it was officially introduced into government institutions Nazi Germany, in mandatory used in the NSDAP and SS. He was also loved in the unofficial sphere. The inscriptions "Heil Hitler!" found at the end of acts, orders and even personal letters. As for the ridge, its full version described above was not always used. For cases when the greeting and farewell did not take place with Hitler himself or the high military command, medium and small ridge were used. In the first case, this is an outstretched arm parallel to the ground with a lowered palm, in the second, an incompletely raised arm with a bent elbow. The small ridge is very similar to a normal raised hand greeting. Neo-Nazis use all variations of these greeting gestures, although the most solemn of them (the big ridge) has caught on the best.

As is the case with any symbol or gesture remembered by mankind, they are trying to look for the roots of the ridge in a history more ancient than the interwar period of the twentieth century. Drawing on Hitler's love of ancient symbols and sources of various dubiousness, the ridge is alternately attributed to the ancient Romans, Celts and Slavs. The latter concept especially warms the soul of Russian neo-Nazis, who emphasize their Slavic-Aryan origins. Their concept proclaims the triumph of the white race, and calls the ancestors of the Slavs “Aryans” - a tribe that migrated from Slavic lands to Europe and gave birth to other white peoples. According to neo-Nazis, during the Second World War, Hitler had nothing against the Slavs, who also considered themselves to be the white race, and the Ost plan did not exist, since the original document has not survived to this day; other evidence was forged. In this way, neo-Nazis explain their admiration for the ideologists of the Reich and Hitler: they cared for the purity of the white race and tried to clear territories for its development.

The skinhead subculture is often associated with the neo-Nazi movement, but this is not entirely true. Skinheads emerged in the late 1960s as informal antagonists of the hippies, who rejected the position of peace and love and sought to make a tough statement of their position. Only NS skinheads are close to neo-Nazi ideology - one of the later branches of the subculture.

In Russia, skinheads and neo-Nazis are practically not separated, since the nationalist vision of the movement is more developed in the country. Russian neo-Nazis not only “throw the sieg” at illegal parades and meetings, but also use one of its variants in daily communication, replacing the greeting with a sieg and the words “Sieg Heil!” ("Glory to Victory!"). The latter was also adopted from the legacy of the Nazi Reich and is used by modern Nazis more often than glorifications of the Fuhrer. One of the most popular chants of Russian NS skinheads and neo-Nazis is “Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! We will build a new paradise!” Under the construction of paradise in in this case implies the triumph of the white race and the physical extermination of representatives of national minorities, in particular Gypsies, Jews, Caucasians, Azerbaijanis and other emigrants with a skin tone darker than that of the Slavs.

Sports radical young people most often fall into the ranks of skinheads and neo-Nazis, so it is logical that their destructive energy splashes out not only on the battlefield as a threat to the white race, but also on the football field. Often neo-Nazis and skinheads join the ranks of ultras and participate in city brawls after football matches, which result in real pogroms and clashes with representatives of other radical groups, subcultures and nationalities. And at the stadiums during the game you can see fans throwing zigs.

NS skinheads can be recognized not only by the zig greeting, but also by other signs, such as the presence of accessories or jewelry with a swastika or Slavic symbols. The distinctive sign of representatives of the skinhead subculture is a shaved head or a very short haircut. Most neo-Nazis hide their faces with a bandage or neckerchief stretched from the chin to the eyes.

Nata Zinkevich

Unheil) - trouble, misfortune.

Used as part of various German greetings:

  • Heil Hitler, Sieg Heil - Nazi salute
  • Weidmans Heil (German) Waidmanns Heil) - greeting among hunters (“good hunting!”)
  • Petri heil (German) Petri Heil) - greeting among fishermen (literally: "glory to the Apostle Peter")
  • Shi heil (German) Schi Heil) - greeting to the competition participants (“Hurray for skiers!”, “Hello skiers!”)
German surname
  • Hubertus Heil - German politician.

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See what “Heil” is in other dictionaries:

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 greeting (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    heil- heil, int. (fascist salute) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Call by Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude Nazi salute, Hitler's salute, German salute (German: Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    Sieg Heil!- (Sieg Heil! Long live victory!), one of the Nazi salutes. It first came into use at the Nuremberg party congresses. After one of his speeches in front of a huge audience, Hitler fell thoughtfully silent for a moment, and at that moment... ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia


  • , Sjöberg, Tumas. Swedish writer and journalist Tumas Sjöberg has written an unusual biography of Ingmar Bergman. The focus is on his family and personal life, childhood, relationships with parents, love. The author details...
  • Ingmar Bergman. Life, Love and Betrayal, Thomas Sjöberg. Swedish writer and journalist Tumas Sjöberg has written an unusual biography of Ingmar Bergman. The focus is on his family and personal life, childhood, relationships with parents, love. The author details...
The Nazi salute is often confused with the so-called "Roman salute", a welcoming gesture of the Italian Fascists, later adopted by the National Socialists. However, with the Roman salute, the hand goes straight up from any position of the hand to the salute from the heart, while in the Nazi salute it goes straight up from any position of the hand.

According to Nazi ideologues, raising one's hand and shouting Heil! was adopted by the ancient Germans when electing kings; the gesture was interpreted as a greeting with a raised spear. The term “German greeting” was often used as an official name.

On July 23, 1944, three days after the coup attempt, which involved many military personnel, the Nazi salute became mandatory in the Wehrmacht. Before this, it was optional, and most military personnel used the standard military salute, using the Hitler salute only in response to the same treatment from party or SS officials.

Sieg Heil!

Persecution for refusing to make a Nazi salute

The Nazis required people in Germany to say the Nazi salute. But, according to Jehovah's Witnesses, uttering the expression “Heil Hitler!” would be to express hope that salvation would come from Hitler, which directly contradicts the basic tenet of the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses that the only Savior sent by Jehovah is Jesus Christ (Luke 24:8; 1 John 4:14).

After World War II

The Nazi salute is used by neo-Nazis in a historical or modified form; as a replacement for Heil Hitler many far-right people use the letter combination hh or the number 14/88.

See also

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  1. , p. 184–185.
  2. , p. 2.
  3. , p. 46.
  4. , p. 40, 51.
  5. // Voropaev S. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. - M.: Lockid-Myth, 1996. - 589 p. 5-320-00069-3
  6. .
  7. Johannes Steyer: - Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
  8. King, Christine. “Leadership Lessons from History: Jehovah’s Witnesses.” The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services 7, no. 2 (2011): 178–185. doi:
  9. - , Auschwitz
  10. . - Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  11. . - Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  12. Fackler, G., 2000. “Des Lagers Stimme” – Musik im KZ. Alltag und Häftlingskultur in den Konzentrationslagern 1933 bis 1936, Bremen: Temmen.
  13. Weinreich, R. ed., 2002. Verachtet, verfolgt, vergessen:Leiden und Widerstand der Zeugen Jehovas in der Grenzregion am Hochrhein im "Dritten Reich", Hausern: Signum Design.
  14. 1998. Zeugen Jehovas: Vergessene Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. , Vienna. (Referate und Berichte der vom Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW) und dem Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (IWK) am 29. Jänner 1998 veranstalteten wissenschaftlichen Tagung
  15. // - 11/15/2012. from the original source February 8, 2013.
  16. // News. - 11/15/2012. from the original source February 11, 2013.


  • Allert, Tilman. The Hitler Salute: On the Meaning of a Gesture / Translated by Jefferson Chase. - Picador, 2009. - ISBN 0312428308.
  • Boime, Albert. Art in an age of Bonapartism, 1800-1815. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press (English)Russian, 1993. - Vol. 2. - (Social history of modern art).
  • Evans, Richard J. The Rize of Nazism // The Coming of the Third Reich. - Penguin Group (English)Russian, 2005. - ISBN 0-14-303469-3.
  • Kershaw, Ian. 1936-45 - Nemesis. - W. W. Norton & Company (English)Russian, 2000. - ISBN 0393049949.
  • Kershaw, Ian. The "Hitler myth": image and reality in the Third Reich. - 2, reissue. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. - ISBN 0192802062.
  • Winkler, Martin M. The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology. - Columbus: Ohio State University Press (English)Russian, 2009. - ISBN 0814208649.

Excerpt describing the Nazi salute

- It doesn't look like runes. What is this, North? – I couldn’t stand it.
He smiled friendly again:
– Runes, but very ancient ones. Your father did not have time to teach you... But if you want, I will teach you. Just come to us, Isidora.
He repeated what I had already heard.
- No! – I immediately snapped. “That’s not why I came here, you know, North.” I came for help. Only you can help me destroy Karaffa. After all, what he does is your fault. Help me!
The North became even more sad... I knew in advance what he would answer, but I did not intend to give up. Millions were put on the scales good lives, and I couldn’t just give up fighting for them.
– I already explained to you, Isidora...
- So explain it further! – I abruptly interrupted him. – Explain to me how you can sit quietly with your arms folded when human lives go out one after another through your own fault?! Explain how such scum as Karaffa can exist, and no one has the desire to even try to destroy him?! Explain how you can live when this happens next to you?..
Bitter resentment bubbled up inside me, trying to spill out. I almost screamed, trying to reach his soul, but I felt that I was losing. There was no turning back. I didn't know if I would ever get there again, and I had to take every opportunity before I left.
- Look around, North! All over Europe your brothers and sisters are burning with living torches! Can you really sleep peacefully hearing their screams??? How can you not have bloody nightmares?!
His calm face was distorted by a grimace of pain:
– Don’t say that, Isidora! I have already explained to you - we should not interfere, we are not given such a right... We are guardians. We only protect KNOWLEDGE.
– Don’t you think that if you wait any longer, there will be no one to preserve your knowledge for?! – I exclaimed sadly.
– The earth is not ready, Isidora. I already told you this...
– Well, perhaps it will never be ready... And someday, in about a thousand years, when you look at it from your “tops”, you will see only an empty field, perhaps even overgrown with beautiful flowers, because that at this time there will be no more people on Earth, and there will be no one to pick these flowers... Think, North, is this the kind of future you wished for the Earth?!..
But the North was protected by a blank wall of faith in what it said... Apparently, they all firmly believed that they were right. Or someone once instilled this faith in their souls so firmly that they carried it through centuries, without opening up and not allowing anyone into their hearts... And I couldn’t break through it, no matter how hard I tried.
– There are few of us, Isidora. And if we intervene, it is possible that we will also die... And then it will be as easy as shelling pears even for weak person, let alone someone like Caraffa, take advantage of everything we store. And someone will have power over all living things. This happened once before... A very long time ago. The world almost died then. Therefore, forgive me, but we will not interfere, Isidora, we have no right to do this... Our Great Ancestors bequeathed to us to protect the ancient KNOWLEDGE. And that's what we're here for. What do we live for? We didn't even save Christ once... Although we could have. But we all loved him very much.
– Do you want to say that one of you knew Christ?!.. But that was so long ago!.. Even you cannot live that long!
“Why – a long time ago, Isidora?” Sever was sincerely surprised. “That was only a few hundred ago!” But we live much longer, you know. How could you live if you wanted...
– Several hundred?!!! – North nodded. – But what about the legend?!.. After all, according to it, already one and a half thousand years have passed since his death?!..
– That’s why she is a “legend”... – Sever shrugged, – After all, if she were the Truth, she wouldn’t need the custom-made “fantasies” of Paul, Matthew, Peter and the like?.. With all that, that these “holy” people had never even seen the living Christ! And he never taught them. History repeats itself, Isidora... It was so, and it will always be so until people finally begin to think for themselves. And while Dark Minds think for them, only struggle will always rule on Earth...
North fell silent, as if deciding whether to continue. But, after thinking a little, he nevertheless spoke again...
– “Thinking Dark Ones” from time to time give humanity a new God, always choosing him from the best, the brightest and the purest... but precisely those who are definitely no longer in the Circle of the Living. Because, you see, it is much easier to “dress” a dead person with a false “story of his Life” and release it into the world, so that it brings to humanity only what is “approved” by the “Thinking Dark Ones,” forcing people to plunge even deeper into the ignorance of the Mind , swaddling their Souls more and more into the fear of inevitable death, and thereby putting shackles on their free and proud Life...
– Who are the Thinking Dark Ones, North? – I couldn’t stand it.
– This is the Dark Circle, which includes “gray” Magi, “black” magicians, money geniuses (their own for each new period of time), and much more. Simply, it is the Earthly (and not only) unification of “dark” forces.
– And you don’t fight them?!!! You talk about this so calmly, as if it doesn’t concern you!.. But you also live on Earth, North!
A deadly melancholy appeared in his eyes, as if I had accidentally touched upon something deeply sad and unbearably painful.
- Oh, we fought, Isidora!.. How we fought! It was a long time ago... I, like you now, was too naive and thought that all you had to do was show people where the truth was and where the lies were, and they would immediately rush to attack for a “just cause.” These are just “dreams about the future,” Isidora... Man, you see, is an easily vulnerable creature... Too easily succumbed to flattery and greed. And other various “human vices”... People first of all think about their needs and benefits, and only then about the “other” living. Those who are stronger thirst for Power. Well, the weak look for strong defenders, not at all interested in their “cleanliness.” And this continues for centuries. That is why in any war the brightest and best die first. And the rest of the “remainers” join the “winner”... And so it goes in a circle. The earth is not ready to think, Isidora. I know you don’t agree, because you yourself are too pure and bright. But one person cannot overthrow the common EVIL, even someone as strong as you. Earthly Evil is too big and free. We tried once... and lost the best. That is why we will wait for it to come right time. There are too few of us, Isidora.
– But why then don’t you try to fight differently? In a war that does not require your lives? You have such a weapon! And why do you allow people like Jesus to be desecrated? Why don't you tell people the truth?..
- Because no one will listen to this, Isidora... People prefer beautiful and calm lies to soul-stirring truth... And they don’t want to think yet. Look, even the stories about the “life of gods” and messiahs, created by the “dark ones,” are too similar to one another, right down to the details, from their birth to their death. This is so that a person is not bothered by the “new”, so that he is always surrounded by the “familiar and familiar”. Once upon a time, when I was like you - a convinced, true Warrior - these “stories” amazed me with the open lies and stinginess of the diversity of thought of those who “created” them. I considered this a great mistake of the “dark ones”... But now, long ago, I realized that this is exactly how they were created deliberately. And this was truly ingenious... The thinking Dark Ones know too well the nature of a “followed” person, and therefore are absolutely sure that a Man will always willingly follow someone who is similar to the already known one him, but will strongly resist and will hardly accept someone who turns out to be new to him and forces him to think. That’s probably why people still blindly follow “similar” Gods, Isidora, without doubting or thinking, without bothering to ask themselves at least one question...
I lowered my head - he was absolutely right. People still had too strong a “crowd instinct” that easily controlled their malleable souls...
– But each of those whom people called Gods had very bright and very different, their own unique Lives“, which would wonderfully decorate the True Chronicle of Humanity if people knew about them,” the North continued sadly. – Tell me, Isidora, has anyone on Earth read the writings of Christ himself?.. But he was a wonderful Teacher, who also wrote wonderfully! And he left much more than the “Thinking Dark Ones” who created his fake story could even imagine...
Sever’s eyes became very dark and deep, as if for a moment they had absorbed all the earthly bitterness and pain... And it was clear that he didn’t want to talk about it at all, but after being silent for a minute, he still continued.
– He lived here from the age of thirteen... And even then he wrote the message of his life, knowing how much it would be lied to. He already knew his future then. And even then he suffered. We taught him a lot... - suddenly remembering something pleasant, Sever smiled completely childishly... - The blindingly bright Power of Life always burned in him, like the sun... And a wonderful inner Light. He amazed us with his boundless desire to LEAD! To know EVERYTHING that we knew... I have never experienced such a crazy thirst!.. Except, perhaps, from another one, equally obsessed...

Sieg Heil

Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute(German) Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of raising right hand at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with a straightened palm (among high ranks - half-bent, privates or in front of senior ranks - fully straightened) and silent exclamations. Heil Hitler!- “long live Hitler, glory to Hitler” (usually rendered in Russian as Heil Hitler) or just dumb. Heil!. When greeting addressed to the Fuhrer himself, he was usually not called in the third person, but said Heil! or Heil, mein Führer!. It was part of Hitler's personality cult. It was accepted in government institutions, NSDAP, SS, but was also widely used unofficially.

Phrase Heil Hitler! was widely used in in writing, usually at the end of letters (including private ones), announcements, orders.


The Nazi salute is often confused with the Roman salute, as it was borrowed by the Nazis from Italy, where it was used as a Fascist salute and called the Roman salute. However, in the Roman salute the hand comes from the heart to the salutation, while in the Nazi salute it comes straight from the ground. IN fascist salute combined the historical ancient Roman salute and the solemn gesture of Christians, dating back to Old Testament times (Gen. 14:22).

According to Nazi ideologues, raising one's hand and shouting Heil! was adopted by the ancient Germans when electing kings; the gesture was interpreted as a greeting with a raised spear. The term "German greeting" was often used as an official name. IN Ancient Rome a similar gesture was initially used by clients as a greeting and wish for health to their patron (there is a version that initially this gesture was used to point to the hill on which the temple of the god of health was located), later, when the emperor became the “patron of all Romans” - to greet the emperor.

On July 23, 1944, three days after the coup attempt, which involved many military personnel, the Nazi salute became mandatory in the Wehrmacht. Before this, it was optional, and most military personnel used the standard salute, using the Hitler salute only in response to the same treatment from party or SS officials.

Sieg Heil!



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See what "Sieg Heil" is in other dictionaries:

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    Sieg Heil!- (Sieg Heil! Long live victory!), one of the Nazi salutes. It first came into use at the Nuremberg party congresses. After one of his speeches in front of a huge audience, Hitler fell thoughtfully silent for a moment, and at that moment... ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    - (German Heil) from German grace, also luck, happiness, well-being, in the church environment implies salvation. Antonym unheil (German: Unheil) trouble, misfortune. Used as part of various German greetings... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia

    The call of Gauleiter of Thuringia Fritz Sauckel to use the “German salute” Heil Hitler as a sign of gratitude The Nazi salute, Hitler salute, German salute (German Deutscher Gruß, Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of ... ... Wikipedia