All verbs can have four participial forms. What is the passive participle in Russian?

In Russian lessons we all studied the participle. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion on what a participle is. Some consider it a special form of the verb, others define the participle as an independent part of speech. Let's try to figure out what a participle is: the Russian language and its answers.

Definition of participle

Conventionally, a participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the attribute of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which?, which?, which?, which?. In addition, the participle combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have many similarities with adjectives. Participles are inflected - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial form of the participle has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative case. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, can have a short form.

Short Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing whether it is an adjective or a special part of speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. The short participle answers the questions: what has been done?, what has been done?, what has been done?, what have been done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence short participles are always a predicate: “the shop has been closed for several hours.”

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding zero ending, as well as the endings “a”, “o” and “s”. For example, built – built; beveled - beveled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and tense. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have future tense forms. But only participles that are formed from verbs have present tense forms Not perfect form. For example, sit – sitting.

Most difficult moments are associated with the question of what a past participle is, namely with their formation. The following rules must be remembered:

  • Active past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “vsh” or “sh”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “nn”, “enn” and “t”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, do - done; contribute – contributed; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives - form participle phrase. In a sentence, it is usually separated by commas: “a dog running along the road”

It is customary to distinguish two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a feature that is present in an object after the influence of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that the student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real participle

Active participles denote a characteristic that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that a participle can be translated into an adjective or verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; proven friend - true friend. Sometimes from participles you can form short adjective: charming smile - a smile is charming.

What is communion in church

The word “participle” can mean not only a part of speech, but also church ceremony communion or eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is done to come into close contact with God, which brings blessing.

IN different times took communion different quantities once. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century, this rite was performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

Communion is a part of speech that means attribute of an object by action and answers questions Which? which? which? which? Sometimes the participle is considered not as an independent part of speech, but as a special form of the verb.

Participles are formed from a verb and have some of its constant signs. Participles are perfect ( read, excited ) and imperfect form ( read, excited ). The type of participle coincides with the type of the verb from which it is formed ( excited - from the perfective verb to excite, worried- from the imperfect verb to worry).

Like the verb, participles have a tense sign, but for the participle this sign is constant. Participles are past ( listened) and present tense ( listening). There are no future participles.

Designating sign of an object by action, participle combines signs verb And adjective . Like an adjective, a participle agrees with the noun in gender, number and case (this is its inconsistent symptoms): child playing, girl playing, children playing . Some participles, like adjectives, can form a short form: built - built, born - born .

The initial form of the participle is the nominative singular masculine form. Syntax function participles: in full form most often perform the function definitions , and in short form - noun part compound predicate .

ATTENTION. We need to differentiate!

Adjectives And participles answer the same question, indicate a feature of an object. To distinguish them, you need to remember the following: adjectives denote a characteristic by color, shape, smell, place, time, etc. These signs are constantly characteristic of this object. And the participle denotes a sign by action, this sign occurs in time, it is not permanently characteristic of the object. Let's compare: reading room - adjective, sign by purpose, and reading person - participle, sign of action; bold - emboldened, dark - darkening, busy - busy . Also, participles are formed using suffixes unique to them: - ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-), -vsh-(-sh-), -eat-, -im-, -om-,-T-, -enn- (the latter occurs in adjectives).

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1. General characteristics participles: the presence of signs of a verb and an adjective. Various solutions to the question of the grammatical nature of the participle: an independent part of speech, a verbal non-predicative form, a special lexical and grammatical category of words.

2. Forms of participles, their meanings and features of use .

3. Formation of participles.

General characteristics of a participle: the presence of signs of a verb and an adjective. Various solutions to the question of the grammatical nature of the participle: an independent part of speech, a verbal non-predicative form, a special lexical and grammatical category of words.

Let us remember that in modern school grammar the participle is considered as a special form of the verb, although until 1995 there was another point of view, according to which the participle was defined as a special independent category of words that have the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

In university grammar there are also different, sometimes opposing points of view. One of them, which has become widespread: A participle is an inconjugated form of a verb that has the properties of a verb and an adjective.

As a form of a verb, the participle has the following grammatical verbal meanings: aspect, transitivity and intransitivity, reflexivity and irrevocability, voice, tense; verbal control, compatibility with adverb.

However, the participle, being an inconjugated form of the verb, is devoid of the category of mood and person, and the category of voice is expressed incompletely and formally. By means of suffixes, active and active participles are distinguished. passive voice. It is also very important that participles are formed from the corresponding stems of the verb, i.e. stand with him in relation to productivity. Wed: po – yush – e (guitars) – sing – ut; sparkle - lice - e (snowflakes) – shine - t; read - nny (magazine) – lament; gon - im - y (leaf blown by the wind) - gon - yat.

As an adjective, a participle denotes the attribute of an object by action; changes in gender, number and case, consistent with the defined noun; when declension has the same system as the adjective case endings and performs in a sentence the syntactic functions characteristic of an adjective, acting as a determiner and, less often, a predicate. The similarity of participles and adjectives is also confirmed by the widespread phenomenon adjectivation of participles, those. in their transition to the category of adjectives. Wed: sparkling eyes(i.e. eyes that sparkle) and shiny, i.e. exceptional talent.

So, a participle is a verbal adjective formation that expresses a non-predicative feature of an object (qualified action), is related to the verb in relation to derivation, has verbal features of aspect, transitivity, reflexivity, voice and a special category of tense, reveals grammatical features of gender common to the adjective, number and case and appears in a sentence most often as an agreed definition. Wed: ringing song And crying girl, clear voice And crying baby, ringing echo And crying creature; crying - cry-ut.

Since determining the place of the participle in the morphological system of parts of speech is quite difficult, based on the variety of available grammatical features, then this is reflected in various solutions the question of the grammatical status of the participle (which we drew attention to at the beginning of the lecture).

The following approaches have existed and exist in Russian studies.

1. The participle is considered an independent part of speech (Prof. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, Ivanov V.V., Tikhonov A.I., Volynets T.M. - Doctor of Philology, BSU).

2. According to formal characteristics, the participle is close to the adjective, which made it possible to include it in the composition of adjectives (Prof. V.A. Bogoroditsky and representatives of the MLS).

3. The participle is considered as a “hybrid verbal-adjective formation” (Academician V.V. Vinogradov) or as a “mixed” part of speech (Prof. A.M. Peshkovsky).

4. A participle is a special verb form that has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

The intermediate nature of the participle is revealed most clearly when analyzing the grammatical categories of participles. It, as noted, does not have the categories of inclination and face. The type category differs in a number of semantic features. This is manifested in the absence of some particular aspectual meanings in participles, which are characteristic of conjugated verbs and infinitives. The category of pledge has formal ways of expression - using special suffixes. The category of time is represented in the participle by only two forms - the present tense (only for imperfect participles) and the past tense (for both types of participles). The way to express time values ​​are the same formative suffixes that take part in the expression of collateral values.

Forms of participles, their meanings and features of use.

The participle in modern Russian has several varieties, which are determined by the verb grammatical meanings. According to the category of voice, active and passive participles are distinguished; according to the category of time - present and past participles, according to the category of aspect - imperfect and perfect participles.

2.1. Pledge forms of participles. Active participles denote a temporal attribute as an action that is performed or was performed by the actor himself: A lecturer giving a presentation. Passive participles denote a temporal attribute as an action to which an object is or has been subjected by another agent: Speaker encouraged by listeners. Passive participles can appear in both full form (attracted), and in short (attracted). The differences between them, as well as between the full and short forms of the adjective, are important for indicating differences in the signified attribute.

Active participles can be reflexive or non-reflexive (cf.: detergent - washable). This depends directly on the presence of a given grammatical category in the verb, from which the participle is formed. Wed: mine - ut - washing, and mine - ut - xia - washable. This must be taken into account when forming participles.

2.2. Temporal forms of participle. The tense category of participles divides them into present and past participles. Participles do not have a future tense form. The meaning of the tense of participles is related to their syntactic role and differs between full and short forms.

The syntactic functions of participles are delimited according to their form: full participles ( leaning) act as a definition, less often a predicate; short (indeclinable) exclusively in the meaning of the predicate: Frost will silverfaded (which?) field(P.); The dachas were boarded up(Quiet); The road to Simbirsk has been cleared by me(P.).

Unlike conjugated forms of the verb, full participles, which are modifiers, have a relative tense, which is determined in relation to the time of the predicate verb. Thus, present participles express the simultaneity of actions indicated by the participle and the predicate verb. For example: The boat, flapping its oars, floated along a dormant river - ... floated along a river that dozed (P.). The boy listened to the voices of birds heard through the forest – ... listened to the voices of birds that were heard through the forest. In the above sentences, the participles have the meaning of the past tense, the action of which occurs simultaneously with the action of the predicate verb. IN in this case it is possible to replace present participles with past participles without a noticeable change in meaning. (See convertible designs).

The imperfect and perfect past participles denote an action that preceded the action expressed by the predicate verb: “What a devil girl!” - shouted the Cossack, who was sitting on the straw and dreaming of warming himself up with the remains of the tea (L.); We went to a hill formed by nature and fortified by a palisade.

However, present and past participles can also have an absolute tense form: Mishka, who ran out onto the porch, demanded to be given a ride (L.T.); Tractors walking in front in a train resemble steppe beetles...

Short forms, possible only with passive past participles (much less often with present passive participles), are used exclusively as a predicate. The tense indicator for such participles is the verb connective: in the past and future tenses - was And will, and in the present – ​​zero: I am tormented by a new desire for me (P.); He was not born a sufferer (T.); May her death be avenged!(Oshanin).

The use of short passive participles of the present tense is not typical oral speech, and in written and book literature it is limited to poetic language. For example: You were loved by me and kept for dear... (P.).

Formation of participles.

Several grammatical types of participles can be formed from the same verb: active and passive, present and past tense. The number of participial forms of a verb depends on its type and transitivity/intransitivity.

Let's consider the question of the formation of participles.

1. From transitive verbs imperfect forms form active and passive participles of the past and present tenses (readreading, reading, being read, being read).

2. From transitive verbs of the perfect form active and passive participles of only the past tense are formed (readread, read).

3. Intransitive verbs of the imperfect form are formed active participles present and past tense (go outcoming out, coming out).

4. Only active past participles are formed from perfective intransitive verbs (exitreleased).

Related information.

In Russian it is a form of a verb, but also has the characteristics of an adjective. Therefore, not all linguists distinguish the participle in separate part speech.

But in schools, a participle is a special one that has many of the characteristics of an adjective. In addition to the fact that the participle answers questions about adjectives, it also

denotes a sign of an object, but this sign is associated with an action and is also called a verbal sign or a sign of action. For example, falling snow is snow that falls.

Students become familiar with what a sacrament is in the 6th grade. Before this, it is not distinguished from an adjective. Like adjectives, participles can be of any kind, and can also be in plural. Communion has initial form. It has gender and number. For example, the word "flying" can have the form "flying", "flying" and "flying". Participles are also declined according to cases and can be in a short form, for example, “opened”, “painted”. It is always a definition in a sentence, just like an adjective.

What is a participle from the point of view of verb features? There are present and past participles, but there are no future participles. For example, “sitting now” and “sitting before.” Another verbal feature is aspect, and in phrases built according to the type of control, participles require a noun in accusative case. There are reflexive participles, for example, “stumbling.”

It is very important to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle was formed, otherwise you may make a mistake in writing the suffix. It is also important to be able to determine the basis of transitivity and know what reflexive verbs. Therefore, before studying what a participle is, you need to study the topic “Verb” in detail.

All participles are divided into two large groups. They are active and passive. They can be distinguished not only by meaning, but also by suffixes. indicate that the object itself does something. The suffixes -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash- are added to the stem of the present tense verb, and for the past tense verb -vsh- and -sh-. For example, sleeping, chewing, flying.

If the action is performed not by the object itself, but by someone else, then the sign of this action is indicated by passive participles. The suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t- are involved in their formation. For example, licked, closed, turned on. Passive participles are not formed from all verbs. For example, the verb “take” does not have a passive participle form; intransitive verbs also do not form such participles. But only passive participles form a short form.

Students experience great difficulties not from completing the topic “What is a participle” itself, but from the inability to correctly write participle suffixes. Students make especially many mistakes when writing the double letter "n".

What the sacrament is, you need to remember and know even after school. To use words correctly in written and oral speech, you need to be able to form them.

The participle is a special independent part of speech in the Russian language, which combines the properties of a verb and an adjective. This is manifested in the fact that the participle is formed from a verb, but answers questions characteristic of an adjective: which one?, what one does?, what one did?, what one did?. Schoolchildren and linguistic students should be able to correctly determine the type of participle. It's permanent morphological feature participles, it significantly influences the interpretation of the meaning of the word. To determine the type of participle and avoid mistakes, it is important to use advice and follow the algorithm.

Determine the type of participle. Recommendations
  1. First, determine from which verb the participle was formed. This part of speech combines the characteristics of an adjective and a verb. The view can be passive and active. Either an object performs some action, or some action is performed on the object:
    • the active participle denotes the action of an object, for example: reader - someone is reading, a person is reading a book;
    • the passive participle describes an action performed with an object, for example: read - something is being read, a book is being read by a person.
  2. You can determine the type of participle by asking the appropriate questions:
    • what did he do? what is he doing?– questions of real participle;
    • what's being done?- question of the passive participle.
    Remember that this method checks must be combined with a more academic one: according to formal features indicating the appearance. However, this method will help you initially focus on certain type, and then check whether the participle matches it by highlighting the suffix in it.
  3. Put the participle in full or short form. Note whether the participle you are considering can have both forms. Remember an important sign of the type of this part of speech:
    • the real participle has only a full form in Russian; it cannot be put into a short form without violating language norms;
    • the passive participle can have both forms: full and short; for example: readable – readable.
    If your participle does not have a short form, it is valid. Sometimes the short form of the passive participle may seem archaic, but you will see that it is quite consistent with the norms of the language. For example: breakable - breakable.

    Active participles are put into a short form only in some dialects, choosing for this individual words. You can immediately distinguish a violation of the norm of the Russian language: reading - reading.

  4. Please note: short passive participles change in Russian according to numbers and genders. For example: read - readable - readable - readable.
  5. Parse the participle according to its composition. It is advisable to carry out a complete analysis of the word according to its composition in order to accurately find the suffix. It is this part of the participle that is its formal specific feature. Each type of this part of speech has specific suffixes:
    • active participles: suffixes –ash-, -ush-, -yash-, -sh-, -vsh-;
    • passive participles: suffixes –em-, -nn-, -enn-.
  6. Draw your own summary table of characteristics of the type of participle. Bring it all in useful information O different methods determining the type of this part of speech: by questions, suffixes, the presence of short and full forms. Stock your table own examples. Then it will be much easier for you to correctly determine the species of the participle, and you will quickly remember all the information by using different types memory.
  7. Please note that some participles have long since moved to another part of speech. Outwardly, they resemble participles, but in fact they are adjectives, since they denote actions and states that have become permanent features of objects. For example, canned peas. Such words should be treated as adjectives.
Algorithm for determining the type of participle
How to determine the type of participle correctly? Follow the algorithm and remember the recommendations.
  1. Write down on a separate piece of paper the participles whose type you need to determine.
  2. Remember your table and start looking at the words in accordance with it. To begin, ask the communion question.
  3. Check whether this participle has a short, full form.
  4. Parse the word according to its composition. Select the suffix and find out what type it corresponds to. Determine the type of participle.
  5. Test yourself: write down the verb from which the participle is formed. Make up a phrase with it. Think about it: are we talking about an action performed by an object or an action that someone performs on an object? Draw your final conclusions and write down the type of participle.
Follow the recommendations, determine the type of participle using the algorithm, then you will be able to do the job correctly.