Flying ship fairy tale cartoon script. Scenario for the musical fairy tale “The Flying Ship”

Script of the play " flying ship»


Buffoons (younger and senior group children in Russian people in suits they bark against the background of music).

1. We ask you to come here quickly,
Come, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!

2. There are items
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!

3. And here are the lollipops, the bell lollipops,
Roosters, tits and other birds!
Here are masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Goblin, Fox and other miracles!

4. Come and ask the price
Buy, don't be shy!
Dear audience,
Who needs a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give it away cheap!

5. And here are the colored lanterns,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here, people.
And let's get acquainted!
May it last for many years
This day will be remembered!

6.Get together more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for children at the fair,
We are waiting for their parents too!

7.I sell cobblestone pies!
There are no healthier pies on earth:
Heals teeth from any disease!
Take one bite of this pie -
Not to mention diseases, you won’t find teeth!

8. Now trading will begin briskly:
Notebooks with twos, threes, and
With recording class teacher,
Calling your parents to school.
Whoever buys it will be able, already sitting at home,
Have marks on any subject!

9. Apparently, our people are well-fed:
He doesn't take pies
Apparently they have balls
Purchased in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come, honest people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
It will make you sing and dance!

Polkan enters the Fair - important, with guards, everyone becomes quiet, whispering. Polkan makes big purchases, pays, everyone bows to him.

Polkan: ( walks proudly ) Don’t have 100 friends, but have 100 rubles! Or better yet, a million!!!

Ha ha ha! That's it! Ha ha ha! Everything and everyone can be bought in this world! So there you go!

(The king comes out)

Tsar: Cough cough! Hello, Polkasha!

Polkan: Hello, Tsar-Father! Has he really gone out to the people?! What about without security?

Tsar: Yes, I wanted to breathe fresh air! And how fun it is here! (sings, dances). Cough cough... New Year's atmosphere, so to speak... And I need to buy a gift for Zabavushka, it's a holiday after all... But there's no money for security - my royal treasury, so to speak... is not great!

All: Ah-ah!

Polkan: (smirks to himself) Tsar - father! There’s such a little business here.. (rubs his hands, takes the king backstage and whispers something to him).


(The scenery is the royal tower, the princess’s room, on the side, and on the floor there is a pipe from the stove. On the stage are the Tsar and Zabava, in the background are the Princess’s girlfriends. Polkan stands nearby, eavesdropping).

On stage, the Tsar and Zabava are pulling a plate from each other’s hands.

Tsar: Will you come out?

Fun: I won’t marry Polkan!

Tsar: Why is Polkan not a match for you?! And smart, and rich, and old... Cough, cough. Well... in a word, ah! What a groom!

Fun: And I say I won’t marry Polkan!

Tsar: Come out!

Fun: I won't go out! (3 times)

Fun: I won't go out. I won't go out. I won't go out. I won’t marry. (10 TIMES) I won’t marry Polkan! And don't ask!

Tsar: This is the last time I ask! Will you marry Palkan?

Fun : No-How-Doo!!! (She pulled out the plate and threw it on the floor)

Tsar: Then you won't get out of here!!!

(The king leaves in anger.)

Scene 3.

Fun sits in the middle of the stage, sings and cries. Dance of girls-girlfriends.

In the middle of the song Vanya appears with a brush. Freezes and listens to verse 2, standing in the background. Then he sits on the floor in front of the audience.

Vanya: Eat well.

Fun (in fright): Oh, who are you?

Vanya: Am I? (Starts to sing, dancing with the brush as if it were a cane. ) To the words “I have never seen such beauty in my life...” shows Zabava her reflection in the mirror and gives it to Zabava. Fun looks in the mirror, admires itself.

Black cats dance with Vanya. At the end, the cats shout “meow” and run back to their places.

To the words “excuse me if something is wrong...” - points to his dirty clothes and cats - friends.

Vanya: Let's meet Vanya. Chimney sweepHe holds out his hand.

Fun: extends his hand. Nice to meet you. Fun. Princess.

Vanya: Princess. Why were you crying so much now?

Fun: My father is forcing me to marry Polkan, but I don’t want to. Vanya, save me, eh?

Vanya: Don't worry, Fun, I'll get you out of here!

Fun: How will you rescue me, Vanya?

Vanya: And just as I miraculously got here, I’ll take you away... I’ll build a flying ship!

Fun: Well done, Vanya!

Vanya: Well, am I going?Runs away

(Fun waves a handkerchief at him and blows a kiss)

Scene 4.

The King enters : Fun, this is what I wanted to ask: Maybe you don’t want to get married at all?

Fun: Why? I want (flirting). I will only marry the one who builds the Flying Ship! (Leaves).

Tsar: Well, finally! Well done! good girl! (screams ) Polkan!!!

Polkan enters imposingly: Well?

Tsar: Polkan, can you build a Flying Ship?

Polkan: Me? Work? This is not. And buy - I'll buy. What you won't do for a dream.

Scene 5. Choir “Dream”.

Zabava, the Tsar, Vanya, Polkan are on stage at the same time. Everyone performs their part of the song “Oh, if only my dream would come true...”. Everyone has backup dancers: Zabava has girlfriends, the Tsar has guards, Vanya has cats, Polkan has coins. Everyone except Vanya leaves.

Scene 6 Meeting with the merman

On stage, Vanya continues to loudly and dreamily sing “It wouldn’t be life, but a song would...”

Appears from behind the curtainWater: Why are you making noise?

Vanya, scared: Who are you?

The merman begins to sing: “I am a Vodyanoy, I am a Vodyanoy...”

Verse 1: fish and frogs dance with him. (two small round dances).

Verse 2 is sung by everyone, the leading part is the frog fish + adults:

“You are a Vodyanoy, you are a Vodyanoy, no one hangs around with you.

There’s water inside you, so why bother with someone like that?”

Water: Disgusting?

All: Eh, your life is a tin can.

Water: Fuck her into the swamp. I live like a toadstool.

And I want to fly, and I want to fly, and I want to fly.

Everyone goes to their places.

Vanya and Vodyanoy are on stage.

Vanya: How do I want to fly...

Water: Okay, I'll help you, Vanya. If you hold a magical instrument in your hands, you will build a flying ship.

Claps his hands, the “frog fish” pull a “very heavy” (real) toolbox. Vanya barely pulls him behind the curtain. Construction music sounds. The curtain moves in places. The merman is frightened by these sounds. Vanya opens the curtain. A painted ship is attached to the screen. Both are surprised by the beauty.

Water: Well done Vanya, you did it! Now you need cherished words, you can’t fly without them.

Vanya: And who knows them?

Water: My sisters know. They fly, they know. Follow the path - it will lead out, but it’s time for me to sleep.

Vodyanoy and Vanya leave.


(On the stage there are grandmothers-hedgehogs, the scenery is a house on chicken legs).


B.Ya.1 Oh, I want to eat something! Well, tell me, granny yaguli, what you got while hunting today!

B.Ya.2 (looks into the basket) oak bark, ginseng root and ... (joyfully) fly agarics!!!

B.Ya.1: - Ugh! what kind of crap is that? What do you have?

B.I.3: acorns and roots are different here. the village I!

(everyone raises their hands to the barrel. B.Ya.1 slaps everyone’s hands!)

B.Ya.1 - Shoot! We'll leave that for the holiday!

B.ya.4 – (whines) Now what are we going to eat?

(Suddenly all the hedgehog grandmothers sniff the air.)

B.Ya.1 Fu-fu – Doesn’t it smell like Russian spirit? What luck! (rubs hands). Tsk-tsk-tsk! (puts finger to lips).

(Vanya comes onto the stage and looks around. Suddenly he is surrounded by Grandmothers-Hedgehogs with exclamations. Vanya looks at them in surprise. The Grandmothers dance around him.)

B.I.1: How young!

B.I.2: How fresh!

B.Ya.3 : How delicious!

B.Ya.4: Just sweet!

Vanya: Hello, grandmothers!

B.Ya. 5: and polite too! Ha ha ha!

B.Ya1: Hey, Marfa, bring the forks and knives here!

B.Ya2 : I carry it, I carry it!

B.Ya.1 : And you, Marus, bring matches!

B.Ya.3 :running, running.

B.Ya.4: But salt and seasonings!

B.Ya.5: Now let's light a fire! (sits in the middle of the stage, lights a fire).

Vanya: Grandmothers, am I still in time for dinner?

B.Ya.1: ripened, ripened, falcon!

B.ya.2: Just in time for lunch, you’re delicious!

Vanya: Why are you making a fire? It’s more convenient and tastier in the oven!

B.Ya3: And our stove hasn’t worked for 200 years!

Vanya: And now I’ll help you, you need to clean it!

B.Ya.4 : Hey! where are you going?

(Vanya enters the hut on chicken legs. A woman’s sneezing can be heard from there. Soon he returns, leading another Baba Yaga).

Vanya : That's it, it's fixed! Your oven is now working! Here, take it!

B.Ya.5: Oh, where have you been for 120 years?

B.Ya.6 : She was sitting in the oven!

B.Ya.1 : Why is this?

B.Ya.6: I'm offended!

B.Ya.2: Offended???

B.Ya.6: Yes, I was offended! On you! But he pulled me out of the oven!

B.Ya.3: What a joy! Our sistersixth is back!

B.Ya.4: Thank you, good fellow! (everyone thanks).

B.Ya.1: That's it, ladies, lunch is cancelled! Well done!...And you, good fellow, why did you come here? Did you want a faq, falcon?

Vanya: Yes, I wanted to know the cherished words, so that my flying ship could fly.

B.Ya.1: Well, faq? tell him, ladies?

B.Ya.6: What’s not to say to a kind person? (everyone repeats).

B.Ya.1 : Remember: “Earth, goodbye!” (everyone repeats it. Vanya too).

B.Ya.1: “Bon voyage!” (everyone repeats. And Vanya too).

Vanya : (trying to remember) Earth, farewell, good journey! Thank you, grandmothers!

All: Thank you!

(Vanya leaves. The old women wave their handkerchiefs at him and cry with emotion.)

B.Ya.6 : Which good man!

All : Yes! What a good one!

SCENE 8 – Vanya and Polkan in the forest.

From behind the curtain, Polkan pulls the ship out.

Vanya turns around: Stop! Where? This is my ship! I built it!

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vanya : I know the cherished words! You can't fly without them!

Polkan: What kind of words?

Vanya: Earth, goodbye...

(Polkan gestures to the guards to tie up Ivan and throw him near the swamp. The guards comply.)

Polkan: Ha ha ha! Goodbye, fool!

(Polkan leaves with the guards. Vanya tries to untie himself, but in vain, hangs his head)


Vodyanoy unties Vanya

Vanya: Thank you, Vodyanoy! (bows to the floor).

Water (laughs): Run, Vanya, Run! And don't be afraid of anything! Everything will be fine!

(Vanya runs away)

Water: Run, Vanya, towards your happiness!


Polkan: Tsar!! Fun!! Come here! Look! I built a flying ship! Now the fun is mine! (takes her hand)

Fun hides his face with his hands.

Tsar: And the ship is mine! (Goes behind the ship ). What should I say?

Polkan: Say goodbye to Earth

Tsar: Earth, goodbye!(balls flew out from behind the ship ) What's next?!

Polkan waves away the Tsar and draws out Zabava: I fulfilled your wish, Fun!

Fun: This can't be true! (runs out the door and slams it hard)

Polkan knocks on the door: Open up, Fun!

The king shouts: Polkan! Save me!

Polkan: I will save you, and you will give me the crown!

Tsar: What are you doing?!

Polkan: Well, as you wish...

Tsar: I agree, I agree... (crying)

Polkan leads the Tsar out from behind the ship and takes the crown.

The king sits and cries.

Polkan knocks on the door again: Open up, Fun. I am now the King. An agreement is worth more than money.

Scene 10.

Vanya and Zabava enter.

Fun: You're late, Ivanushka - Polkan built the Flying Ship.

Vanya: Yes, not Polkan, but me. Look(leads to the ship)

Fun: What a great guy you are, Vanya! And Polkan is a deceiver! Dad!!

The sad Tsar appears.

Fun: Dad, Vanya built a ship. But Polkan stole it and deceived you.

Tsar: Oh, he's wicked! Polkan, come here! (beckons with his finger) Polkan enters.

The king takes the crown: Get out of sight!

Polkan: Oh, right?! You can’t do that with Polkan! You will still recognize Polkan! (threatening, leaves)


The final song plays. Everyone sings. “Ah, in the fairy tale goodness triumphed again...”





Girlfriends 5



Frogs 5:


Guard 2

Grandmas Yozhki 6

Action 1

Music sounds (buffoons come out)

  1. Hello our dear guests!
  2. Our fairy tale will tell you about kindness and anger, cunning and simplicity. About love and friendship that always triumphs over evil.
  1. And this is a fairy tale about a big and bright dream. All children and adults should have any dream. Well, sit back, it's time to start.
  2. And here is the hero of our fairy tale. This is Ivan Vanya the chimney sweep. He is very kind, hardworking and brave. Vanya goes to the city to the royal fair, to meet his love, but he doesn’t know about it yet.



In some kingdom, in some state,

Not high, not low, not far, not close,

Once upon a time there was a king, the sovereign of that side.

And the king had a daughter - Zabava,

King: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

King: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

Tsar : Come out, I said.

Fun : I won’t go out. I won’t marry Polkan and don’t ask.

Tsar : I’m asking for the last time, will you marry Polkan.


Tsar : Then you won’t get out of here with me.

Fun: The same thing every time.


(Here Vanya the stove maker appears)

Vanya: Why are we sad, is there a reason for melancholy?

Fun (frightened) : Oh, who are you?

Vanya: Me?

(Sings a song.)

I am a simple man and I will say openly,

That I have never seen such beauty in my life

And now I can’t bear to live a day without you!

You must have fallen in love with the Tsar's daughter!

Pr : Talk about love ah-ah

I'm not an expert

Excuse me

If something is wrong.

Vanya : Let's get acquainted - Vanya. Chimney sweep He holds out his hand.

Fun : extends his hand. Nice to meet you. Fun. Princess.

Vanya : Princess? Why were you crying so much now?

Fun : My father is forcing me to marry Polkan, but I don’t want to. Vanya, save me, eh?

Vanya : Okay, I'll pick you up, I'm Fun

Fun: How? there are guards all around

Vanya: And we will fly away from here together

Fun : What are you saying Vanya. How can we fly away, we are not birds?

Vanya: (Vanya thinks, scratches his forehead and moves his eyes, like the ticking of a pendulum.)And I will build, and I will build Oh! flying ship.

Fun : Oh Vanechka! Do ships fly?

Vanya : I don’t know, but mine will definitely fly!

Act 3

The King enters : Fun, Fun! Polkan came and wants to see you. Go meet the groom!

Fun : Father, I’ve decided everything. I will marry the one who builds a flying ship.

Tsar : Well, finally! Well done! Good girl!

(shouting) Polkan!

(Polkan enters imposingly): Well?

Tsar : Polkan, you can build Flying Ship?

Polkan : Me? Work? This is not. And buy - I'll buy. What you won't do for a dream.

Storyteller : Each of them had their own dream.


Purring cat, hard-working husband

This is happiness! There is nothing sweeter...

Tsar : I’m on my own without any support

If only it would be profitable for Fun to get married!

Her house is full

This is happiness - my son-in-law Polkasha!

Palkan : I'm crowned next Fun

New lands, new glory

New money, new connections

This is happiness! To riches from rags!

Vanya : Little house Russian stove

Wooden floor bench and candle

And there are a bunch of kids in the house

This is happiness! True, Fun!

(All together)

Pr : Oh, if only my dream would come true!

What a life it would be like then!

Oh, if only my dream would come true

What a life would begin then!

(Vanya enters the forest) (trees emerge)

Vanya: Oh, what a strange forest, full of fairy tales and miracles. Where did I end up? I’ll ask the forest for a miracle and I’ll get a ship here

Trees: You won't find your way and you'll get lost in the forest

Vanya: I won’t leave here, I’ll find what I need here!

Act 4 (Vanya goes to the swamp)


(Merman appears): Why are you making noise? Why don't you let me sleep? What kind of people went

Vanya, scared: Who are you?

Vodyanoy I have been repeating the same thing for 300 years.

starts singing:

I'm a merman, I'm a merman

Would someone talk to me

And then my girlfriends

Leeches and frogs(wow, what disgusting)

Pr : Hey, life, my tin!

Well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I should fly, and I should fly,

And I want to fly!

Vanya : How do I want to fly?(Vanya dreams)

Water : And who are you?

Vanya: Vanya Vanya the chimney sweep

Vodyanoy: What are you doing here? There are no stoves, no houses, no pipes here.

Vanya I'm lost

Vodyanoy Do you even know where you are going?

Vanya I promised Zabava to build a ship, not just a simple one, but a flying one. And now I don’t know what to do.

Vodyanoy I know, a ship can only be built with magical tools!

Vanya Where can I get them?

Water Where Where I have. Just an agreement, you will take me for a ride later.

Water : That's enough, let's jump up, give Ivan the magic tools.

Help Ivan!!!

Pulling "very heavy" ) tool box.


Swing one, two and three!

But Ivan didn’t notice

How the ship is ready!

Beauty, no words needed!


Polkan (looks into the pipe) It seems he built a flying ship. Ivan built it, and I’m getting married.

Water : VANYA!, now we need the cherished words. Without them, you won't rise.

Vanya : And who knows them?

Water : My sisters, they know. They fly, they know. Wait for them here. It's time for me to sleep.

Action 5

2 Babka Yoshkas run out

Vanya : Hello, grannies!

Grandmas hedgehogs : Hello, Vanyusha!

Vanya : The Vodyanoy sent me to you.

Grandmas hedgehogs : We know, we know why we came.

First, dance, we'll have fun!

And if we like your dance,

We will give you our treasured word!

(They sing ditties. Vanya dances.)

Grandmothers hedgehogs:

Well, well done, Ivanushka!

You danced so beautifully

It’s a wonder for all of us grandmothers.

Here's the magic word(whispers).

Only you will say it,

Your the ship will soar up,

Just, boy, hold on!

Ivan : Thank you, Babushi Yagushi. Farewell!

BY: By brooms.

(They take their broom. And everyone says.)


Vanya : Goodbye Earth! Good luck!

Action 6

(It turns out Polkan saw ship . Vanya approaches him).

Polkan Well, Ivan built a flying ship

Yes, and the merman helped me with this

Polkan : And how are you going to fly it?

Vanya : I know the cherished words. You can't fly without them.

Polkan : What other words?

Vanya: The earth is simple...

Polkan : laughs. Goodbye, fool. Swim to the bottom to the merman

My ship is my fun ha ha ha

The Tsar comes out.

Polkan : I built a flying ship for Zabava

Tsar : And how does this miracle start?

Polkan : First the wedding will fly then


(Amusement sighs sadly. While Polkan adjusts the crown. Vanya appears)

Action 7

Vanya: Fun.

He approaches Zabava and hugs her. Fun tells him sadly.

Fun : You're late, Ivanushka,Polkan built a flying ship.

Vanya : Yes, not Polkan, but me, me.

Fun : What a great guy you are, Vanya! And Polkan is a deceiver! Dad!

The sad Tsar appears.

Fun: Dad, Vanya built the ship. But Polkan stole it and deceived you.

Tsar : Oh, he's worthless! Polkan, come here!(beckons with a finger)

Polkan enters. The king takes away crown : Get out of sight!

Flying ship.


Masha - Liza Zorina

Vitya - Sasha Konushkin

Tsar - M.Yu. Zakharova

Palkan - Konstantin Pirogov

Fun - K.S. Finenko

Ivan - M.A. Kudrikov

Vodyanoy - E.G.Ionova

Baba Yaga - L.L. Khlebnikova

Girlfriends Fun – Chichkova Liza, Yuroets Anna

Chimney sweeps – Abashin Artem, Strimchuk Vadim

Fish - Vera Borovetskaya, Kostya Meshcheryakov,

Glazov Andrey

frogs - Polutin Vova and Dima, Kulik Alena,

Milenina Sonya, Kise Dima,

Zagryadtskaya Vika

Grandmothers Hedgehogs - Komakha Sasha, Belonosova Emilia, Kuprieva Liza,

Strelnikova Sveta, Babina Veronika

Santa Claus - G.A. Ratova

Snow Maiden – A.S. Smolyakova

Masha : Vitya, hello!

Vitya: Mash, hello!

Masha: Are you scared?

Vitya : Yes...not at know, I always walk around at night...when you're snoring into your pillow...and I'm friends with ghosts...( scares her)

Masha : Oh, Vit, who’s there? (points to the corner of the room)

Vitya : Where? There? ...This is...a mouse

Masha : Vit, you know, soon New Year, exactly two hours left! And I always look forward to it: toys, Christmas tree, miracles!!!

Vitya : Listen, Mash, let's play? Let's take a piece of paper, fold it, and secretly wish for New Year's magic!

(fairytale music plays, children find themselves in a fairy tale)

Father the Tsar stands in front of the bedroom door and stubbornly persuades Zabava.

Tsar : Daughter, dear, please, Palkan is like that good groom, with him you will roll like cheese in butter!.. Please! This is the same best option... Don’t marry Ivanushka, the fool!..

Z a b a v a : I won’t go out! I won't go out! I won’t go out! (repeatedly 2 0) . Either for Ivan, or for no one at all!

Tsar : This is the last time I ask! Will you marry Palkan?

Z a b a v a : Not-Vy-Du!!!

Tsar : Then there won’t be any New Year’s ball in the palace and you won’t be able to leave here!!!

The fun turns and leaves abruptly

Tsar : A! Old age is no joy! What kind of child? Obnoxious girl! It’s immediately obvious that she takes after her mother!

P a l k a n : Don't worry, Your Majesty! You have the right parenting methods...

She will see me as handsome and want to marry me! She has no choice: Soon she will realize that she was mistaken!

Tsar : Palkasha, maybe you can convince her? Please, please, influence her somehow! Well, tell her something that you love her, for example...

P a l k a n : Your Majesty! This is already too much! Do you think I'll marry for love? But yes, perhaps, for love... You see, I’ve never written poetry, and in general, I’m more used to counting money... As for romance, that’s not for me... Let him sit for a few weeks, maybe he’ll come to his senses!..

Tsar : Palkasha, I only rely on you...

P a l k a n : Don't worry, Your Majesty! Everything will be top notch!

Song of Palkan

Fun sits in her bedroom, tears welling up in her eyes.


Song of Princess Zabava (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin)

How unhappy are we, princesses?

We are forbidden by law to love

IN royal families- such an ancient order

According to calculations, you need to get married...


But I don’t want to, I don’t want to, by calculation

And I want it for love, for love

Freedom, freedom, give me freedom

I'll fly high like a bird!

We princesses have to live in captivity

Young years are wasted

We need to think about the throne all the time

Fulfilling the will of the father-king


Vitya : Masha, haven’t we really found ourselves in a fairy tale right before the New Year?

Masha : Vitya, yes, this is Fun from the fairy tale The Flying Ship!!! Hello, Fun!

Vitya: Hello!

Fun : Hello guys, who are you? Where?

Masha : We got lost... and ended up in a fairy tale...

Vitya : And we need to go home for the New Year holiday...

Ivan appears (from behind the screen)

Z a b a v a : Ivan, what are you doing here?

Iv a n (Pr i p i m a f i g e s to g u b a m): Ts-ts! Quiet! I'll get you out of here, Fun!

Ivan sings (chimney sweeps dance).

Song of Vanya the Stove Maker (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin)

I'm a simple man

And I will say without hiding,

What is so beautiful

Never seen it in my life

And now live the day

I can't bear it without you!

This is necessary - I fell in love

To the Tsar's daughter!


Talk about love ah-ah

I'm not an expert

Excuse me

If anything goes wrong

I'm that kind of person

I don’t like talking in vain

If you need anything

Don't worry - I'll help!

Just blink your eye

I'll hurry to help

Oh, I fell head over heels in love

To the Tsar's daughter!


Z a b a v a : Ivan, how can you rescue me? The Tsar Father canceled the New Year's ball in the palace and said that I would only leave here as Palkan's bride...

Iv a n : Let me build……. flying ship!

Masha: And we will help Ivan!!!

Fun: Flying ship?

Ivan: Yes!!! Tell the Tsar Father to urgently prepare for the New Year’s ball, and what are you....( whispers in my ear ) Well, I’m ready to do anything for you! Be patient a little, Zabavushka! Let's go, guys.

(Ivan and the children leave)

Fun opens the door and shouts:

Z a b a v a : I will only marry the one who builds New Year's holiday Flying ship!

slams the door.

The king looks questioningly at Palkan.

Tsar : Well, will you build a ship?

P a l k a n : What else? I WILL BUY!

Ivan's road song (Ivan sings)

splash of water

Water: Why are you shouting?

The merman climbs out of the water. Ivan gets scared

Children: Who are you?

And I am a fish, I am a fish... (cut)

Water (Zeva I): Why don’t you let me sleep, huh? What kind of people went like this! Who will you be?

Iv a n : I am Ivanushka the Fool.Who are you anyway?

Water : Yes, it’s obvious that he’s a fool! Cute, too lazy to think about it! For three hundred years I have been repeating the same thing! I'm a merman, don't you know?

Song of the Vodyanoy

music by M. Dunaevsky

lyrics by Yu. Entin

I am a merman, I am a merman

Would someone talk to me

And then my girlfriends

Leeches and frogs (what disgusting stuff!)


Hey, my life is a tin!!!

Well, let her go to the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I have to fly

And I have to fly

And I want to fly!!

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy!

Nobody hangs out with me

There is water inside me

So what's the deal with me?

Iv a n : And how I want to fly!

Water : What about you? Do you need to build a flying ship for the New Year's ball?

Iv a n (surprised, stammered): How do you know?!

Water : Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya! If you hold the tools in your hands, you will build a flying ship! If you can't hold back - well, sorry! In the meantime, we'll see what kind of an athlete you are!

Iv a n (in a direct manner): It’s been a long time since I picked up an instrument!

A little dance (ship construction)

Ivan nevertheless picks up the tools and begins to build the ship.

Then some little people fly in and help Ivan.

Iv a n : What a colossus! Miracle! Only here (in my head) how does it work?

Water : Now we need cherished words! It won't fly without them!

Iv a n : Who knows?

Water : My sisters know, they fly on brooms - they know. Follow the path, it will lead you out! If you don't have time, your ship will never fly! It will stand here like a Zhiguli in the cold! It's time for me to sleep! (yawns)

Ivan: Thank you!

The merman is already snoring.

Passage of Ivan with the guys

B a b a I g a : I smell the Russian spirit! Is it really possible that a Russian man went straight to dinner on New Year’s Eve?! What luck, eh!

Iv a n : Grandmother! How to turn on a flying ship?

Baba Yaga : What? What did you say, good fellow?

Ivan repeats his question syllable by syllable.

Baba Yaga : Vodyanoy showed you how to build a ship?

Iv a n : Yes. And he said that his sisters know a magic spell...

B a b a I g a : OK. I won't eat you. You are painfully smart, but there is little meat in such people. You will say: “Earth, farewell!”, and then: “Bon voyage!” And you will fly. It's time for me to go to the football championship! Hey grandmas!

Babaegi flock.

Babok Ezhek's ditties

music by M. Dunaevsky lyrics by Y. Entin


Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh, play and play

Sing ditties, Grandma Ezhka

Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy

And flew on a broom

Oh, I don’t believe it myself

These superstitions!!

I was walking home through the forest

The devil is following me

Thought he was a man

What the hell!

I turned home

The devil is coming for me again

I spat on his baldness

And she sent it to the devil!

The most harmful of people

This is a fairytale villain

What a skilled liar

It's a shame it doesn't taste good


The sound of a saucer arriving and departing

Baba Yaga: On the mortars!

V s e b a b a e g i

Iv a n : Goodbye Earth! Good luck!

Suddenly Palkan came out from behind the forest.

P a l k a n : Well, comrade? Built this, what's it called? Flying... Ko... Ah! Dutchman!

Iv a n : No, Palkan, not a Dutchman! Flying ship!

P a l k a n : Oh, yes, exactly! Flying ship!

Song of Palkan and Ivan

Palkan throws Ivan into the swamp. Palkan laughs.

Palkan joyfully runs to the palace.

Children save Ivan

splash of water

Masha : Vitya, we need to save Ivan, without him we won’t be able to help out Zabava and return home.

Vitya : But how can we save Ivan?

Masha : Maybe Vodyanoy can help us?

Vitya : Exactly!!! Let's ask him...

Children (they shout): Uncle Vodyanoy, help save Ivan!!!

(Ivan jumps out of the swamp)

Children: Hurray!!!

Vitya : Ivan, Ivan, Palkan took the Flying Ship and went to the palace to woo Fun...

Masha : Let's run. We must stop Palkan!

run away

P a l k a n : I completed your task, Zabushka, I built a flying ship!

Silence. The king, meanwhile, climbed into the ship.

Tsar : Well, Palkasha, it’s your fun, but the ship is mine... How can I fly on it?

P a l k a n : Say, like, this is... Hm... “Earth, goodbye” - that’s how it is!

The king pronounces this phrase, but the effect is like cheap toothpaste...

Palkan! Stick-an! Get me out of here, dear! I can't hang around here anymore!

P a l k a n : I have a business proposal for you. You probably understand... In general... I am a businessman, I look for profit in everything... So: I will give you a ladder, and you will give me a crown.

Tsar : Are you crazy?! Not one sane businessman would ever think of such a thought!

P a l k a n : Well, you know! I only offer once! Do you agree or what?

Tsar : Oh! Okay, I agree!... Hold the crown!

The king gives Palkan the crown, and he hands him a ladder, after which the first lazily descends to the ground. Palkan, satisfied, with an open mouth and an extended smile, approaches Zabava’s bedroom.

P a l k a n : Open up, Zabava, I am now the king!!!

Ivan and the children sneak into the bedroom.

Ivan: Fun!

Z a b a v a : You are late, Ivanushka, Palkan built a flying ship.

Iv a n : This is not Palkan, but I built it! Palkan almost drowned me in the swamp! Fortunately, the guys saved me... Come on... let's rush through the window!

Z a b a v a : Palkan is about to break down the door, and that’s it: Vanya!

Iv a n : So! My decision cannot be disputed. Now with the guys to the ship, and from the ship to the New Year's ball!

Palkan breaks down the door.



music by M. Dunaevsky

lyrics by Yu. Entin

Ah, in the fairy tale goodness triumphed again

Although evil was insidious and cunning

Oh, if only it were always like this

What a life it would be like then!!

(Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Congratulations.)


Hello guys,

Hello, rosy ones,

Cheerful blue eyes,

Mischievous brown eyes,

Hello to all of you from a fairy tale!

In which goodness triumphed again!

Tell me guys

And with green eyes

Are there any guys in this room?

It can't be that no!

Green is the color of Christmas trees!

And the Christmas tree is the birthday girl today,

She doesn't put on airs, she doesn't put on airs,

Waiting for guests

After all, today is a holiday -

New Year!

Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden . We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Father Frost . To get you through this year...

Snow Maiden . Without sadness and worries.

Father Frost . May you work with success...

Snow Maiden . And on holiday they had fun.

Father Frost . And good luck to you in your business,

Snow Maiden . And smiles on your lips!

Father Frost . So that love blooms like a rose...

Snow Maiden . And she didn’t become sluggish from the cold.

Father Frost . And the house is full of children...

Snow Maiden . Be happy in everything!

Father Frost It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye,

It's time for everyone to go home...

Snow Maiden .Happy journey to you guys

Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost I wish you farewell

You grow up and don't get bored

And beloved parents

Never upset!

Snow Maiden .I wish you to become stronger and wiser,

Be healthy and never get sick!

Never be arrogant

And get rid of laziness!

Father Frost All! Now it's time for us to say goodbye,

Happy New Year! See you! HOORAY!

Final song "New Year's toys"

(New Year's disco with fairy tale characters)

Scene 1.

On stage, the Tsar and Zabava are pulling a plate from each other’s hands.

King: Will you come out?

Fun: I won’t go out!

King: Will you come out?

Fun: I won’t go out!

Tsar: And I said - you will come out!!

Fun: I won’t marry Polkan, and don’t ask!

Tsar: I’m asking for the last time - Will you come out?!!!

Fun: DON'T GO OUT! !(She pulled out the plate and threw it on the floor)

Tsar: Then you won’t get out of here! He leaves angrily.

Scene 2. Fun and girlfriends.

Fun sits in the middle of the stage, sings and cries. Dance of girls-girlfriends with teachers.

In the middle of the song Vanya appears with a brush. Freezes and listens to verse 2, standing in the background. Then he sits on the floor in front of the audience.

Vanya: Eat well.

Fun (in fright): Oh, who are you?

Vanya: Me? (Starts singing, dancing with the brush as if it were a cane)To the words “I have never seen such beauty in my life...” shows Zabava her reflection in the mirror and gives it to Zabava. Fun looks in the mirror, admires itself.

Black cats dance with Vanya. At the end, the cats shout “meow” and run back to their places.

To the words “excuse me, if something is wrong...” - he points to his dirty clothes and cats - friends.

Vanya: Let's get acquainted - Vanya. Chimney sweepHe holds out his hand.

Fun: extends his hand.Nice to meet you. Fun. Princess.

Vanya: Princess. Why were you crying so much now?

Fun: My father is forcing me to marry Polkan, but I don’t want to. Vanya, save me, eh?

Vanya (continues singing): I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to talk in vain...

Before the words “Oh, I fell head over heels in love with the Tsar’s daughter...” he addresses the Princess: Close your ears. And how he addresses the audience with mystery.

Fun (opens ears): How can you help me Vanya?

Goes to the window. Look how high it is. But you don't have a helicopter.

Vanya: moves his eyes like the ticking of a pendulum.“Come on, I’ll build a flying ship? And we will fly far, far away from here.”

Fun: Well done, Vanya!

Vanya: Well, am I going?Runs out the 2nd door.

Scene 3.

The Tsar enters: Fun, this is what I wanted to ask: Maybe you don’t want to get married at all?

Fun: Why? Want(flirting ). I will only marry the one who builds the Flying Ship! ( Leaves).

King: Well, finally! Well done! Good girl!

(shouting) Polkan!!!

Polkan enters imposingly: Well?

Tsar: Polkan, can you build a Flying Ship?

Polkan: Me? Work? This is not. And buy - I'll buy. What you won't do for a dream.

Scene 4. Choir “Dream”.

Zabava, the Tsar, Vanya, Polkan are on stage at the same time. Everyone performs their part of the song “Oh, if only my dream would come true...”. Everyone has backup dancers: Zabava has girlfriends, the Tsar has guards, Vanya has cats, Polkan has coins. The entire song is sung along by a choir of teachers (teachers, educators). General bow. Everyone except Vanya leaves to loud applause from the audience (like at a music show).

On stage, Vanya continues to loudly and dreamily sing “It wouldn’t be life, but a song would...”

Vodyanoy appears from behind the curtain: Why are you making noise?

Vanya, scared: Who are you?

Vodyanoy begins to sing: “I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy...”

Verse 1: fish and frogs dance with him. (two small round dances).

Verse 2 is sung by everyone, the leading part is the frog fish + adults:

“You are a Vodyanoy, you are a Vodyanoy, no one hangs around with you.

There’s water inside you, so why bother with someone like that?”

Vodyanoy: Disgusting?

All: Eh, your life is a tin.

Vodyanoy: Fuck it into the swamp. I live like a toadstool.

And I want to fly, and I want to fly, and I want to fly.

Everyone goes to their places.

Vanya and Vodyanoy are on stage. Vanya: How do I want to fly...

Vodyanoy: Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya. If you hold a magical instrument in your hands, you will build a flying ship.

Claps his hands, the “frog fish” pull a “very heavy” (real) toolbox. Vanya barely pulls him behind the curtain. Construction music sounds. The curtain moves in places. The merman is frightened by these sounds. Vanya opens the curtain. A painted ship is attached to the screen. Both are surprised by the beauty.

Vodyanoy: Well done, Vanya, you did it! Now you need cherished words, you can’t fly without them.

Vanya: Who knows?

Vodyanoy: My sisters know. They fly, they know. Follow the path - it will lead out (you can get a ball), but it’s time for me to sleep.

Vanya and the ball go to door 2, Vodyanoy to door 3 (near the audience).

Scene 5. Dance-song “Babki-Yozhki”.

Number from specialists. They fly out on brooms from behind the curtain.

“Farewell earth. Have a good trip!” (Flew away).

Vanya stands at door 3 during the dance.

Vanya (goes out to the center of the hall): Aha! “Earth - goodbye! Good luck"

From behind the curtain, Polkan pulls the ship out. Vanya turns around: Stop! Where? This is my ship!

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vanya: I know the treasured words - you can’t fly without them!

Polkan: What other words?

Vanya: Goodbye earth!

The servants push Vanya out the 3rd door.

Polkan: Goodbye, fool! (Shouts) King!! Fun!! Come here! Look! I built a flying ship! Now the fun is mine! (takes her hand)

Fun hides his face with his hands.

King: And the ship is mine! (Goes behind the ship). What should I say?

Polkan: Say “Farewell to Earth”

King: Earth, farewell! (balloons flew out from behind the ship) What next?!

Polkan waves away the Tsar and draws Zabavushka: I have fulfilled your wish, Zabavushka!

Fun: This can't be true! (runs out the 2nd door and slams it hard)

Polkan knocks on the door: Open, Fun!

The king shouts: Polkan! Save me!

Polkan: I will save you, and you will give me the crown!

King: What are you talking about?!

Polkan: Well, as you wish...

King: I agree, I agree... (cries)

Polkan rolls Danya the Tsar out from behind the ship and takes the crown.

The king sits and cries.

Polkan knocks on the door again: Open, Fun. I am now the King. An agreement is worth more than money.

He breaks into the second door. Barges in. The door slams behind him.

Scene 6.

Vanya and Zabava enter through door 3.

Fun: You're late, Ivanushka - Polkan built the Flying Ship.

Vanya: Not Polkan, but me. Look (leads to the ship)

Fun: What a great guy you are, Vanya! And Polkan is a deceiver! Dad!!

The sad Tsar appears.

Fun: Dad, Vanya built a ship. But Polkan stole it and deceived you.

King: Oh, he’s worthless! Polkan, come here! (beckons with a finger)

Polkan enters. The king takes the crown: Get out of sight!

Polkan: Oh, so?! You can’t do that with Polkan! You will still recognize Polkan! (threatening, leaves)

Scene 7. Finale.

The final song plays. Everyone sings. “Ah, in the fairy tale goodness triumphed again...”

Elena Kutlaeva
Scenario musical fairy tale"Flying Ship"

Musical fairy tale« flying ship»

based on Russian folk fairy tales

Developed: Kutlaeva E. A.

Target: Promote the development of children's creative and singing abilities preschool age means musically- theatrical activities.


Improve the expressiveness of the child’s performance of the role (facial expressions, movements, singing);

Form figurative coherent speech (articulation, breathing);

Activate mental and cognitive interest;

Develop the ability to coordinate movements in accordance with shifts music and text;

Encourage children to emotionally convey the characteristic image of the heroes;

Develop a child’s productive thinking (encourage independent improvisation in movements, facial expressions, singing);

To cultivate creative activity, independence, artistic and aesthetic taste;

Develop a communicative attitude with peers;

Preliminary work:

View Russian folk fairy tales Flying ship

Retelling a fairy tale

Selection of melody and words for characters;

Distribution of roles;

Equipment and materials: Hero Costumes fairy tales, chest, throne, samovar, table, candle, brooms, house, chairs

Characters: Fun, Vanya the stove-maker, Tsar, Polkan, guards, waterman, grandmother Yozhki,

Action 1

The curtain is closed. Sounds music.

Tsar: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

Tsar: You will come out.

Fun: I won’t go out.

Tsar: I'll come out said.

Fun: Don't go out. I won’t marry Polkan and don’t ask.

Tsar: I’m asking for the last time, will you marry Polkan.


Tsar: Then you won’t get out of here with me. GUARDS.

The guards stand at the edges stage and open the curtain. The Tsar comes out and sits down next to Polkan. The guard takes his place.

Act 2

The song of Fun is playing. The curtain opens. Fun is sitting on a bench. Sings.

Why, we are not happy princesses

We are forbidden by law to love

In royal families there is such an ancient order

According to calculations, you need to get married...

Pr: But I don’t want to, I don’t want to because of convenience

And I want it for love, for love

Freedom, freedom, give me freedom

I'll fly high like a bird!

We princesses have to live in captivity

Young years are wasted

We need to think about the throne all the time

Fulfilling the will of the father-king.

Then Vanya the stove maker appears in the corner of the curtain. And he looks closely at Zabava, listens. Fun doesn't see him.

I am a simple man and I will say openly,

That I have never seen such beauty in my life

And now I can’t bear to live a day without you!

You must have fallen in love with the Tsar's daughter!

Pr: Talk about love ah-ah

I'm not an expert

Excuse me

If anything goes wrong

I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to talk in vain

If you need anything, don’t worry, I’ll help!

Just blink your eye and I will hurry to help

Oh, I fell head over heels in love with the Tsar’s daughter!

Fun: How will you rescue me, Vanya?

Vanya thinks and scratches his forehead.

Vanya: Let me build it flying ship. (play with hands)

Tsar: FUN.

Sounds music, the curtain gradually closes, Vanya says goodbye to Zabava and runs behind the curtain into the bedroom.

The curtain suddenly opens. The Tsar and Polkan stand up.

Fun: I will only marry the one who builds flying ship.

The curtain closes.

Tsar: Will you build it?

Polkan: I'll buy it.

Turn off the lights on stage. Light a candle on the table. The curtain opens. Fun is sitting on a bench. Sings a song.

Small house Russian stove

Wooden floor bench and candle

Purring cat, hard-working husband

This is happiness! There is nothing sweeter...

Pr: Oh, if only my dream would come true!

What a life it would be like then!

Oh, if only my dream would come true

What a life would begin then!

Tsar: I’m on my own without any support

If only it would be profitable for Fun to get married!

Her house is full

This is happiness - my son-in-law Polkasha!

Palkan: I'm crowned next Fun

New lands, new glory

New money, new connections

This is happiness! To riches from rags!

Vanya: Small house Russian stove

Wooden floor bench and candle

And there are a bunch of kids in the house

This is happiness! True, Fun!

The curtain closes. Vanya goes to the middle of the hall and sings his song to the end. Walks along the track during the song.

At the end of the song the curtain opens and the Vodyanoy sits there. Vanya doesn’t see him, finishes the song and turns in his direction, getting scared.

Act 3

Water: Why are you making noise?

Vanya: Who are you?

It’s as if the merman turns on the light itself stage.

Sings a song, gesticulating it.

I'm a merman, I'm a merman

Would someone talk to me

And then my girlfriends

Leeches and frogs (wow, what disgusting)

Pr: Hey, life, my tin!

Well, she's in the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I should fly, and I should fly,

And I want to fly!

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy!

Nobody hangs out with me

There is water inside me

So what's the deal with me?

Vanya: How do I want to fly? (Vanya dreams)

Water: Okay, I’ll help you, Vanya. Hold the tools in your hands, build a flying ship.

The merman gives the suitcase to Vanya. The curtain closes. There is the sound of construction. Vanya is building behind the curtain, and Vodyanoy is standing in front. Having completed the construction, Vanya goes out to Vodyanoy.

Water: Now we need cherished words. Without them, you won't rise.

Vanya: And who knows them?

Water: My sisters, they know. They fly, they know. Follow the path, it will lead you out. It's time for me to sleep.

The merman went behind the curtain. Vanya goes under music, looking around, afraid. Walks around the hall and stops at the edge scenes.

Act 4

The curtain opens. There is a house. 3 Babka Yoshkas run out and sing.

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka

Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy and flying on a broom

Oh, I don’t believe in these superstitions myself!

I walked along the forest side and the devil followed me

I thought man, what the hell is this!

I turned home again the devil is following me

She spat on his baldness and sent him to the devil!

Stretch, fur accordion, hey, play and play

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka

Sing, don't talk!

BY: By brooms.

They take their broom. And everyone says.


The curtain closes.

Vanya: Goodbye Earth! Good luck!

Action 5

It turns out Polkan wants to go behind the curtain. Vanya approaches them.

Vanya: Wait, Where, my this is ship.

Polkan: How can you prove it?

Vanya: I know the cherished words. You can't fly without them.

Polkan: What other words?

Vanya: The earth is simpler... The guards grab him and take him behind the curtain.

Polkan: laughs. Goodbye, fool.

The Tsar comes out.

Polkan: I built it flying ship. Now the fun is mine.

Tsar: A my ship. And what say something, necessary.

Polkan: Say goodbye to Earth.

The king goes behind the curtain and speaks.

Tsar: Earth, goodbye.

Sounds music raising the ship.

Polkan is silent.

Tsar: Polkan, Polkan. Get me out of here.

Polkan: I’ll give you a ladder, and you’ll give me a crown.

Tsar: What are you talking about?

Polkan: Well, as you wish...

Tsar: I agree, I agree.

Passes the crown through the curtain to Polkan. Polkan dresses her.

Polkan: Fun, I'm a king now. An agreement is worth more than money.

Fun sighs sadly. While Polkan adjusts his crown. Vanya appears

Vanya: Fun.

He approaches Zabava and hugs her. Fun tells him sadly.

Fun: You're late, Ivanushka, Polkan built a flying ship.

Vanya: Yes, not Polkan, but me, me.

They start to run away, Polkan sees them and runs after them around the hall under music.

They run away behind the curtain, first Vanya and Zabavoy, then Polkan.

Vanya: Bon voyage!

Polkan: AAAAAA.

Sounds music. The whole curtain opens. Vanya and Zabava leave the bedroom. The singing will conclude. song.

Ah, in fairy tale good has won again

Although evil was insidious and cunning

Oh, if only it were always like this

What a life it would be like then!