Cool tasks for a competition with balloons. Wedding competitions with balloons

Elizaveta Sklyarova
Games and competitions with balloons

Multi-colored balloons are not only a bright decoration for the holidays, but also fun games! Ordinary balls have many options for use in organizing children's leisure time. Today I want to present to your attention a selection of games with balloons. These fun games are suitable for summer entertainment in kindergarten, themed matinees, “fun starts”, for events in children’s camps and birthdays.

Ball games They give a sea of ​​positive emotions that remain in the children’s memory for a long time. And besides - This is the safest and most exciting entertainment for children of all ages, indoors and outdoors.


Each participant receives three to five balls. Task: keep them flying in the air by tossing them with your hands. Whoever has at least one ball touches the floor is eliminated from the game.

Don't yawn!

The number of participants is from 4 people, but the more participants, the merrier. Children stand in a circle, balloons are placed in the center of this circle - one less than the number of children. After this they turn on the music. While the music is playing, the guys are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the children must grab one balloon. The one who does not have enough ball is eliminated

Mosquitoes on a balloon

Give all children a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. Task: paint the ball with insects in the allotted time. You can draw: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies and so on. At the end we count the insects and reveal the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

It is necessary to divide the children into two teams. Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The centipede that does not crumble along the road wins!

Air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gate (we do it yourself) in the following ways:

A badminton racket acting like a stick

Another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called “sausage”)

This is not team game. Simply two players stand next to each other on the same line, each with a ball and a “stick”. The one who scores the goal first wins.


You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

Kangaroo relay

Children are divided into two teams (from 2 people). The first two “kangaroo” children must jump the distance with a ball clamped between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, pass the “kangaroo in kindergarten(bag or hoop, come back, pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another version of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball needs to be held between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we take small steps towards the goal (reduce the distance to 3 meters, trying not to lose the ball.


Pour a lot of small balls without strings onto the floor. You need to hold as many balls on yourself as possible: under your T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny competition


There are a lot of green balls on the floor - watermelons. Give each team a huge open garbage bag (preferably a colored one). The team that collects the most watermelons wins, naturally.


Two teams of children. In a huge garbage bag (120 liters for children, 240 for adults), cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member reach into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. It should look like a barrel. Now we collect the already familiar watermelons for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one inside the package does not fall from laughing. The team that can fit the most watermelons wins.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow ball for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise), and from the last player to the first - between their legs (sunset). The team that does this faster wins.

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balloons with faces. Each team is given a badminton racket. You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on the racket so that he doesn’t “fall off in your sleep.”


Again there are a lot of colorful balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Assign the green colored balls to be the “bad flies” that you need to get rid of. On command, players begin to throw “flies” across the line. The winner is the team whose half has the fewest harmful insects remaining.

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In order for the wedding to be fun and memorable for a long time, you need to carefully think through not only the decoration of the hall, the outfits of the bride and groom. It is also important what the guests will do during the celebration. It depends on the hosts how to make the wedding fun and bright. They should have some fun activities in their kitty. A competition with balloons at a wedding is a fun activity in which both children present at the celebration and elderly relatives can take part.


People who are familiar and close to the newlyweds gather at the wedding. Relatives and friends of different ages We don’t always know each other, so the main task of the presenter is to unite and make friends, and there is nothing better than joint competitions. If everyone is having fun, no one tries to drink an extra drink, and the wedding will not end in a showdown.

When choosing entertainment with balloons, consider. , for a wedding in the style of retro balloons will not be appropriate - in the design, in the script. Try to avoid competitions with a prize in the form of alcohol: the host’s task is to amuse, not get the guests drunk.


The advantage of such wedding competitions is that they do not require numerous props to prepare them. For example, competitions at weddings with long balloons are very spectacular. Just stock up on balloons - different shapes and size. ShDM (for modeling) will be useful - there will be no limit to the delight of the guests who have learned to make a funny giraffe or dog out of long “sausages”. By teaching the “knights” to make swords, you can organize a whole battle.

You will need a lot of round ones of small diameter, ordinary latex ones with a diameter of 25-30 cm. You can surprise guests and newlyweds if you place many small ones in a huge balloon inflated with helium. When you burst the shell, they will scatter beautifully throughout the hall, like soap bubbles. This ball can be used for competitions.

I'll make a wish for love...

On small pieces of paper, ask each guest to write a few warm words of wishes to the newlyweds. Place leaves in them and decorate the room. After graduation, the newlyweds will take them with them and will be able to read and save your parting words.

You can organize a competition in a similar way: include leaves with a task for the guests. During the competition, each of them chooses the one they like, blows it away or bursts it and, after reading the task, completes it. The tasks can be different - sing, dance for the young, come up with a toast in poetry.

Let's dance until we drop

The most popular competition with balloons at a wedding. The video of this entertainment is then very fun to watch, noticing certain funny moments.

Couples will dance. Each couple receives a balloon, which must be pressed between those parts of the body that the leader names. You need to hold it while the music is playing. There are many body parts: the more unusual the task, the funnier it is.

A couple that loses a ball while dancing is eliminated from the competition. The couple that lasts the longest in the dance marathon without dropping the ball wins. It is imperative to follow the rhythm and style of the dance.

Wedding planner


Balloons at a wedding will help everyone return to a carefree childhood. That’s why guests throw them over, inflate and burst them with such pleasure during wedding games.



A lot of balls are scattered on the floor different diameters. While the music is playing, everyone must collect as much as possible. Who will collect more- he won. Seems simple? Make the strings around the balls very small size or tie ponytails without using threads.


Funny relay races are often found in competitive wedding programs, and they can be carried out with balloons. Lungs, obeying only the breath of the wind, and not the hands of the participants, they sometimes do the most simple tasks difficult to implement.

Important cargo

You will need a tablespoon and a balloon - one set for each team. Task: put an inflated ball on a spoon and bring it to a certain place as quickly as possible, go around it and come back the same way. Which team will be able to do this? Take a big one - it is lighter, and it is much more difficult to force it to obey the participant.


Each participant takes turns inflating the balloon and launching it towards the finish line. While the ball is flying, it is deflating, and it is impossible to predict which way it will go. The next team member repeats the task, but from the place where the previous member’s ball landed. The task is to “finish” the finish line. The whole point of the game is that it is very difficult to send the projectile where the participant needs it. The team that manages to do this wins.

Greetings from Australia

For this competition, all participants will have to imagine that they are... a kangaroo. And the task is simple: holding the ball between your knees, run to a certain place without losing the ball, and return back. This is not so easy to do if you take a round ball with a diameter of at least 30 cm.

Let's go to the penguins

Another competition with balloons at a wedding, similar to the previous one, only now you will have to pretend to be a penguin - squeeze it between your ankles. Participants will have to overcome the distance to the finish line with a funny mincing gait.


Forty is not forty, but the participants have a centipede fun relay race it will work out. For this competition, the first two participants in each team squeeze a balloon between them, move to the finish line and return back, taking with them one more participant and another balloon, which is now placed between the second and third participants.

On each return to the starting line, the “centipede” adds two legs of the participant and one ball. Main task– gather the whole team, reach the finish line without losing either legs or balls, which can be held with any part of the body except hands. This is probably the most spectacular and funniest competition with balloons at a wedding; guests will watch the video recording their entertainment at your celebration more than once!

Sports time

You don't need to be a world champion to participate in such competitions. All you need is accuracy and a cheerful mood.


In advance, attach small-diameter balloons to the board, in which notes are inserted indicating the prize or the number of points. Each participant takes turns shooting a dart at the one they like. It bursts and the participant can receive a prize.

Who will score the goal?

Participants are divided into two teams, and each of them has a thread tied around their waist, at the end of which matchbox or any other light object. The teams' task is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal using a balloon instead of a ball. You can only touch the “ball” with the box. Another option is to drive the ball into the goal with a blow of wind created by a paper fan.

You can come up with many options for such “sports” games. For example, “basketball”, where you need to dribble the ball like a basketball and throw it into the opponent’s basket, or “hockey”, where participants can wield sticks from SDM.


After playing with balls, you need to clean the area. To do this, you can play the game “Bakhcha”. You will need large garbage bags. At the leader’s signal, the teams begin to collect “watermelons” - balls into bags. The team with the largest harvest receives a prize.

Not just children's fun

A wedding is a holiday when in games and fun competitions Both young and old take part with pleasure.

You can start games with . Tie a handful of balloons along the groom’s route, put a piece of paper in one with the inscription “key”, in the rest - “ransom”. The groom selects one from a handful of balloons and bursts it. If he's lucky, he gets the key, if he's not, he pays the ransom, and so on until the key is in his hands.

You can hold this competition with balloons inflated with helium. While one ball is being taken out of the bunch, another may fly away. Can you imagine the groom’s disappointment if the “key” flies away? But this is just a game, just a ransom in this case you can assign another one.

A beautiful ceremony of release into the sky balloons Can also be done at a wedding. Let them take off in the evening, taking with them the wishes of the young, which will surely come true.

What the children's party, if it doesn't have fun games and fun competitions. If you prepare the balloons in advance, then success children's day birth is guaranteed to you.
We offer games and competitions for children's birthdays.

Popping balloons

Props: 1 inflated balloon per player (balloons of a certain color for each team).
Participants: children of different ages.
Rules of the game: the children of the two teams line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to a ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the ball bursts, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.


Props: 2 tennis rackets, 2 inflated balloons of any size
Participants: children, from 3 to 5 people per team.
Rules of the game: Each team chooses a racket and an inflated balloon. The first participants from the teams must take rackets, place a ball on it and run a certain distance, while simultaneously chasing the ball with the racket.
Then the players return to their teams and pass the racket with the ball to the next participant. If the ball falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must re-run the given path. The team whose members complete the relay first wins.


Props: balloons, pieces of paper with wishes, small prizes
Participants: children of all ages
Rules of the game: From a large pile of balls, children take turns choosing their own balls, popping them and completing the task written on a piece of paper. For each completed task, prizes are awarded.

Volleyball with balls

Props: balls (2-3 balls per person), chairs or a screen to divide the space of the room.
Participants: preschoolers and schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Each team equal number balloons. At the signal, you need to throw all your own and other people’s balls to the opponent’s side. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins.

Balloon battle

Props: Balloons on a ribbon according to the number of participants
Participants: Schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Each player has a balloon tied to their right ankle. After the starting signal, all children try to pierce other players’ balloons and save their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Throwing a party for a child school age, mothers and fathers understand that it is necessary to think through many important details. This venue is also comfortable and spacious enough to accommodate all the guests. This includes choosing an interesting theme and corresponding menu, decorating with balloons, and ready-made holiday sets. And if parents cope with these components of the upcoming celebration quite simply, then choose children's competitions for 10th birthday many find it difficult. After all, searching and finding the necessary information takes time and even patience. We have done it all for you and offer the most interesting competitions for children's birthday with balloons.

Children's birthday contests for 10 years at home

Competitions for children's birthdays in cafes and schools

For open space country houses or in large areas in cafe halls, the school has many interesting moving competitions with multi-colored balloons. This will captivate boys and girls and diversify the holiday program. We offer best games with balls:

Balloon competitions are quite popular at weddings. It's always fun, funny and interesting. Adults have the opportunity to feel like children again and have a lot of fun by taking part in such games.

Competitions with balloons in pairs

Both newlyweds and witnesses can safely participate in couples competitions. The host can form pairs of guests from the bride and groom, giving them the opportunity to get to know each other better.


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: tape, balloons.

Girls must prepare their men for the fight. To do this, you need to make armor from tape and balloons. The men then compete to burst their opponent's balloons and keep their own.


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: balloons.

Participants must dance holding the ball between them and make sure that it does not burst or fall. The success of a dance competition for guests largely depends on correctly selected musical compositions.

Flower glade

  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: balloons.

In this wedding competition, men need to collect as many flowers as possible for their beloved ones, in the form of balloons that are scattered on the floor. And girls need to hold the entire “bouquet” in their hands. advises tying balloons without threads to complicate the task.

Cool contests with balloons


  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: surprise ball, cards with numbers, memorable souvenir.

You can decorate the hall with a surprise ball, which will contain many small balls. They need to place small cards with numbers. When the gala evening comes to an end, the surprise balloon must be burst. Each guest must take one ball with a number, and the host will announce the winning number. The winner will receive a memorable gift from the hands of the bride and groom.


  • Participants: several guests.
  • Props: helium balloons.

The presenter invites participants to reproduce animal sounds or imitate famous performers while inhaling helium from balloons. The winner of this can be determined by the applause of the audience.

Family responsibilities

  • Participants: newlyweds.
  • Props: balloons with notes.

This competition with balloons is one of the options for a comic distribution of responsibilities between the newlyweds.

Before the celebration begins, place the balloons in the hall. During the competition, the bride and groom compete with each other to collect them. Then the host announces that notes with family responsibilities are hidden in the balls and offers to read them.


  • Participants: everyone is interested.
  • Props: balloons in a transparent container.

The host demonstrates to the guests glass jar with uninflated balloons. Participants need to guess their number. The winner is the one whose answer is as close as possible to the correct option.

Balloon contests for men

Men are always willing to compete in strength and dexterity. So let's give them this opportunity. And their ladies can act as cheerleaders.

Lung Power

  • Participants: men.
  • Props: balloons.

Invite several willing men to test their lung strength. For this cool competition It is necessary to distribute an equal number of balls to each of them. Participants must inflate the balloons until they burst. Whoever copes first wins.


  • Participants: men.
  • Props: wide pants with elastic (harem pants), balloons.

It will be quite a fun spectacle when men try to fit balloons into their bloomers. The one with the most balls will win.


  • Participants: men.
  • Props: balloons and small objects.

Mobile competitions and games are popular at weddings. The “Pregnancy” competition is not only exciting, but also funny. By the way, you can also involve the groom in this competition. Participants hide the ball under their shirt to represent their belly. Their task is to collect small objects scattered on the floor without bursting the ball. To make the task more difficult, choose large balls.

Fun relay races with balloons

Team competitions for adults with balloons can be held in the style of a relay race. The opportunity to cheer for your team members will add excitement and excitement to the players.


  • Participants: two small teams.
  • Props: balls.

The presenter does not distribute inflated balloons to all players. The first team member inflates the balloon and releases it towards the finish line. The next participant “shoots” from the place where the previous ball landed. The team's task is to get to the finish line in this way.

Funny little penguins

  • Participants: guests divided into two teams.
  • Props: balloons.

In this funny competition Participants take turns walking the distance to the finish line, holding a balloon between their ankles. The larger the ball, the more difficult it will be for players to move, and the funnier it will look.

Valuable cargo

  • Participants: two visiting teams.
  • Props: spoons, balloons, skittles.

Each participant must cover a given distance, go around the pin and pass the baton to the next player, returning back. In this case, you need to carry the balloon in a spoon without dropping it.