Love horoscope for May. Men's horoscope for all zodiac signs

Despite the name, no one will have to suffer during the last month of spring. The Sun, which is in the sign of Taurus, will first endow everyone with healthy stubbornness and the will to win, and as soon as it moves closer to Gemini, it will provide a surge of creative energy on earth. To spend a month languishing in inaction and melancholy with such initial data, you need to try very hard! The horoscope for May 2018 will indicate in which direction to act!

Horoscope for all signs for May 2018

Although Fortune is going to be obscenely generous this month, don't expect all sunny weather in May. From time to time - especially in the early days - the rain will fall on the top of your head. But those who don’t miss their sunny day will be able to solve an old problem, see new prospects or bring the fulfillment of a cherished desire closer.


In May, the Blue Bird of Luck will fly very close to Aries. But will the lambs have time to grab her by her bright plumage?

At the beginning of the month, Aries will begin to walk around thin ice. On the one hand, you will need to firmly defend your interests so as not to be pushed to the sidelines of life, on the other hand, you will need to avoid conflicts with all your might, because the most banal quarrel during this period can turn into serious troubles for the lambs.

In mid-May, it will be time to take stock of the past, make plans for the near future and begin to lay a solid foundation for their implementation. Keep in mind that fate will stand nearby and write down all your wishes, so don’t be modest. Make a wish for exactly what you have long dreamed of.

At the end of the month, Aries will be energetic and wise. And if they manage to step on the throat of their desire to command everything that moves, and establish good partnerships, they will find success and a couple of new sources of income. And girls and boys who are family-oriented will not be disappointed. Start looking out the window - is there a stork hovering over the house with a lace bundle in its beak?


By devoting the first half of the month to business, and the second to themselves and their loved ones, Taurus will be able to eat fish without choking on a bone.

The first ten days of May are not very conducive to hard work due to the abundance of holidays, but Taurus should strain himself and perform a couple of feats of labor, at this time everything will be surprisingly easy for him.

In mid-May, events will spin around Taurus at such a frantic gallop that they will almost knock the heavenly stags off their feet. Don’t worry, the brave conquer not only the seas, but also career heights and the hearts of obstinate lovers.

But at the end of the month, you can rightfully fold your hooves on your stomach and look complacently at the bustle going on around you. Alas, any attempt to sort things out will be like beating a fish on ice, so why waste your energy? Take a time out and rest. And save your money! The end of May will be stingy with profits, but will not forget to make a hole in your family budget.


It will take a lot of effort to keep the situation under control, but the end of the month will put everything in its place

The last month of spring will greet Gemini with an obstacle course that will stretch until mid-May. You will be tempted to take the path of least resistance: quit your job, put an end to difficult relationships, take out a loan... Don't rush! Every decision must be carefully considered and balanced.

The second ten days of May do not promise either major falls or victories; you can take a break and restore your weakened strength. But don’t cure your nerves with shopping and a weekend in Bali! It's not that your finances are severely cut, but there will be a lot of other expenses this month.

By the end of May, begin to put in order everything that requires completion. There will be plenty of strength and luck for this, the main thing is that the representatives of the double sign themselves do not hang their noses during the first, not the easiest, half of the month.


Don’t forget that work and hobbies in our lives are transitory values, and family relationships- eternal. When you're busy with your career, don't forget about your loved ones

It’s not a good idea to move backwards according to the old habit of arthropods, but it’s not recommended for Cancers to rush forward in the first days of May. Sit back at home with a mug of hot tea and sit back, slowly turning over your plans for the end of spring in your mind. Maybe some adjustments need to be made to them?

Mid-May will be marked for Cancers by heated battles in the professional sphere and no less heated embraces in the personal sphere. Just don’t confuse who to threateningly snap your claw at and who to kiss!


In May, Fortune will be entirely on the side of the king of beasts, as long as Leo himself does not confuse all her cards

Already at the beginning of May, great luck will come to visit Leos. To grab it by the tail, it will only be enough to gather strength for a decisive breakthrough and trust the voice of intuition.

If the king of beasts does everything right, by the middle of the month he will be able to get a lot of pleasant bonuses and... dizziness from success. At this time, it’s easy to do something stupid: change your favorite job to a more prestigious but boring one, break up with your significant other for a random hobby, break up with friends. Be careful not to mess things up by making the desired changes in your life!

The end of the month will bring Leos a significant replenishment of their budget and inspiration for new achievements. You will begin to make fresh plans, feel free to give free rein to your dreams, but still keep your feet on the ground - this way your plans will have a much greater chance of coming true.


My personal life almost went into a deep tailspin, but my career took off. Well, an innate sense of tact and intuition will allow you to preserve the first and succeed in the second

In the first ten days of May, one of two things will happen: either the wild enthusiasm of Virgo will ensure the successful implementation of several projects at once, or imprudence and haste will force them to make a lot of mistakes. Draw your own conclusions.

In the middle of the month there will be difficulties in communicating with your partner. Put things in order in your personal life, and quickly - the business offer that you will soon receive will force you to devote yourself completely to work, leaving no time to sort things out.

The diligence shown by Virgo in the second and especially in the third ten days of May will bring her career and professional growth, straightening out her shaky financial situation and even more brilliant prospects for the summer. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.


Less words, more action! You will lie on your side some other time, May provides a lot of chances and requires you to make the most of them

The beginning of May will be a period of major expenses, injuries and a tense atmosphere in the family for Libra. Keep your emotions under control so as not to make the situation worse, and stay away from extreme species sports

The middle of the month will make Libra spin like a top, torn between business, requests from family for help and - if it comes to single representatives of this sign - a flaring romance. Oh, and May will be hot this year!

But the end of the month will bring long-awaited rest, allowing Libra to deal with all the troubles and devote time to their family. And don’t worry, if there are too many things to do, your loved ones will help you deal with them.


In the contradictory month of May, opportunities will go hand in hand with betrayal, luck with deception. Be able to distinguish one from the other

At the beginning of the month, Scorpio risks becoming a victim of unscrupulous deception. However, oddly enough, it was during this period that single representatives danger sign there will be an opportunity to strike up a serious relationship, and the homely ones will be able to make large purchase. Just be very, very careful when making decisions.

The second decade is suitable for both active work and rest. Do you want to unwind? Plan your vacation. True, the financial situation of Scorpios will be quite precarious, so it is wiser to devote the middle of May to strengthening their material base.

At the end of spring, those who missed their chance for a romantic acquaintance will be given a second attempt by fate to arrange their personal life. Just don’t open your heart to the first person you meet; test your feelings and the sincerity of your potential partner over time.


In May, courage, pressure and the ability to make quick decisions are at a premium. Fortunately, Sagittarius doesn’t have to worry about all this!

The first weeks of May will be quite routine for Sagittarius. Unless new expenses appear that will significantly deplete the wallets of the heavenly warriors.

But the middle of the month will surprise you with sudden changes in the professional sphere. Most likely, Sagittarius will have to quickly get used to new working conditions. Try to fulfill your duties more carefully, over time this will bring you tangible dividends.

Dedicate the end of the month to the social sphere. Communicate, make new acquaintances, get out into nature with your family. Fortunately, a noticeably heavier wallet will allow Sagittarius to spend less.


Remember, the one who walks will master the road. Until you start taking action, you won’t know how far you can go and what peaks you can conquer.

May Capricorns will open with full confidence: fate has placed a big fat pig in their path. But as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Out of a string of accumulated problems, identify the main one and throw all your efforts into solving it, and then move on to the next one.

In the middle of the month, take a closer look at improving your health and start a hobby that will expand your social circle. For example, dancing or swimming will allow you to kill two birds with one stone.

For Capricorns who did not fall into deep depression at the beginning of the month, its ending will be announced by the crunch of brand new bills in their wallet. Spend it with your family on a vacation somewhere.


Thinking about a change? Take action. The middle of the month is especially good for them - you are full of energy, Fortune smiles favorably, circumstances are developing in the most favorable way...

No work! The first ten days of May are given to Aquarius exclusively for communication and relaxation with their family. The only thing is, don’t relax too much, this period is fraught with losses of material assets and thefts.

Mid-May is great for realizing yourself in work or creativity. The more actively Aquarians act, the more generous the fruits of their labors they will reap by the end of May.

Well, rubbing for a decade will be pretty standard. Height material well-being, which is promised to many zodiac signs this May, will not bypass Aquarius either.


If Pisces does not decide to make decisions at random, the month will not be in vain for them. A couple of sweet buns will definitely fall to their share

May will inspire Pisces to change, self-development, and move forward. Any attempts to improve your professional level will be successful: courses, practical exercises, reading specialized literature.

Lathered up Pisces will have to divide the middle of the month between work, study and family... With the exception of the lucky ones who will forget about business because of a passionate romance with a fan who came straight from Pisces’ recent past. Just don’t break down from the eternal tension and don’t be insolent to your superiors, they won’t forgive you for this.

At the end of the month, the risk of making a mistake will increase, so you will have to slow down and give yourself more time to rest. And it doesn’t matter if you miss a couple of nice opportunities. Summer will provide Pisces with them in abundance.

Having started rather sluggishly, May will quickly gain momentum and everyone will find something to do: some will be overwhelmed with business, others will schedule a romantic meeting, and others will be lured by the possibility of big earnings. And in the end, like the Blizzard from a fairy tale, she will give men and women of each zodiac sign their well-deserved pay: the diligent and brave - a bucket of gold, the lazy and passive - a cast iron pot with tar.

For Gemini, May will be a month as busy as it is restless. To a large extent, the reason for this is your own reluctance to sit still and stop there. Well, you have excellent opportunities for communication and development. business relations, as well as restoring connections with former partners and colleagues. The month will be successful for schoolchildren and students, as well as everyone who is engaged in intellectual work, works with electronics and is involved in paperwork. It is not advisable to start long-term and large-scale projects, but it is possible that you will have to buy or sell real estate. The beginning and middle of the month will force you to focus on business, engage in organizational activities and work with documents, but the end of May will allow you to realize your cherished dream. Events are likely that will change your life, and serious efforts in order to direct them to the right direction, no need to attach.
From a financial point of view, May will be a very pleasant month: unexpected cash flows and profitable transactions are likely. All you need to do is not be frivolous when investing the funds received. Negotiations related to obtaining a loan will go well.
Family life in May will require considerable dedication from you. This is due not only to the emergence of some difficulties in relationships, but also to the abundance of everyday affairs. Beginnings related to home improvement will take a lot of effort, but the work will not be in vain. For lovers, the month will be calm, relationships will become a little less romantic, but will acquire a pronounced partnership character. Don’t be discouraged if difficulties arise: you can count on the support of loved ones, including relatives. Try to spend more time socially and be sure that the parties you are invited to will be fun.
You will feel great for most of the month, but you still shouldn’t overestimate your body’s capabilities. Women should remember that during this period there is a high probability of pregnancy.

May has prepared a real love ecstasy for Aries. At a certain point, you will become so carried away by your loved one that you can make some too significant promises or make a rash proposal. Some people will be happy with simple assurances, while other people will decide to take advantage of your offer. Try to watch what you say if you really don't want to rush into certain steps in your romantic life. Think about your phrases and be much more attentive to yourself in the most dizzying moments associated with communication with your soulmate. Believe me, your relationship will not get worse if it develops gradually and consistently, without any bold confessions and oaths. If you want to please your loved one, it’s better to give him something that he will appreciate.



Taurus should muster the courage to admit to their partner that they have no strength or mood left for communication if such a state suddenly overtakes them. It will be the best solution for you than an attempt to imitate passion and interest with complete internal disharmony. Your partner will understand you and will not reproach you. On the contrary, he will willingly take on a new task - to inspire you. And, by the way, he has every chance to cope with this.


Geminis should not worry about success in the romantic sphere of life, even if the first days of May are clearly not going well. You are gradually approaching a very prosperous state - on the 21st, the Sun moves into the sign of Gemini, and the luck and winning attitude that will accompany this astrological combination will become an excellent weapon in your hands. With the Sun as your ally, you won't have a hard time attracting the person you're interested in. The only thing worth worrying about is asking yourself in time whether you really see that cherished soul mate in the object of your interest. Geminis are characterized by inconstancy, and you need to be aware of the seriousness of your intentions. If there is one, then act decisively, because the stars are on your side.


Cancers should not delve too deeply into the realm of romance at the beginning of the month. It is quite possible that success will come a little later, closer to the 19th, when Venus will be in the sign of Cancer. This is a positive impact that will definitely affect your qualities: it will add to your charm and open the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex to your merits. There is no need to worry that when Venus leaves, these qualities will disappear. They're not going anywhere. It’s just that right now you can demonstrate them, make them more pronounced. You need to understand that astrological influences only emphasize some features that are already inherent in us.


The heavenly bodies urge Leo to be more restrained in their emotions in May 2018. No circumstances will occur that merit a violent reaction, and only astrological factors will influence your mood. It is best to show willpower and set a requirement for yourself - to communicate with people only as they deserve, and not as required by your inner mood. This simple formula will help avoid a number of unpleasant situations, especially if they involve the opposite sex.


Virgos should take into account that they will behave quite harshly from May 9 to May 20. In certain situations this will work to your advantage. For example, you can finally get rid of an annoying partner, whose refusals, expressed in a more tolerant way, are simply ignored. However, if being rude and offending someone is not your intention, try to show restraint. Try different ones psychological techniques self-control or meditation to bring order to the ocean of emotions raging inside you.


Libras should be prepared for what May doesn't have in store for them. serious relationship. But this does not mean that there will be no communication with representatives of the opposite sex. On the contrary, there will be plenty of romance, courtship and proposals of an intimate nature. But from the very beginning there will be no doubt that all these options are intended only for short-term relationships. If you like them, then of course you can use them. If you are expecting something more, then you should be more attentive to those who start a conversation with you, and not be afraid to refuse if you have any doubts.


This period will be very busy for those Scorpios who want to arrange a small office romance. There are many people around who want to take part in such an affair. On May 8, you may be invited on a date to a very unusual place. You shouldn’t expect any consequences that will be important for your romantic life, and it’s better to approach the event itself with restraint. If you don't go there, you won't lose anything. The most favorable solution is to forget about love affairs for a while and take care of your family and loved ones.


If you have a desire to find your ideal in May, then do not get your hopes up. The point is not that it does not exist, but that this month itself will be quite unsuccessful for establishing romantic relationships. Of course, you will be able to find those representatives of the opposite sex who will be interesting to you, and who themselves will show interest in you. But you shouldn’t assume that you and any of them are meant for each other. This probability is low. In the coming months it will be much easier to find your true soulmate.


Capricorns should build their romantic relationships based on mutual hobbies and interests. Romance, frankly speaking, is not your strong point this month. But you can compensate for this shortcoming as an interesting interlocutor. In fact, among the representatives of your gender you will not have worthy competitors who can interest anyone in a conversation so much. Just choose those topics in which you really feel confident. Your charm as a storyteller will attract attention and arouse genuine interest.


Aquarians, who do not yet have a soulmate, have a great chance of meeting an interesting person for whom they will immediately develop sympathy. The heavenly bodies recommend not to rush to conclusions and first figure out what exactly attracts you to this stranger. It is quite possible that it is not he himself, but some quality that arouses your admiration. Aquarians can build truly promising and reliable relationships with someone from their circle of acquaintances. Well, those representatives of this zodiac sign whose relationships are already established will spend a rather serene month full of joyful emotions.


Pisces may not have to worry about their romantic life in May. You and your significant other will feel great next to each other. Not only communication, but simply the presence of a loved one will become a great joy for each of you, charging you with pleasant emotions and setting you in a positive mood. You can successfully use the positive charge of energy you receive in any other area of ​​your life, for example, professional.