Matsuev Denis personal life children. Pianist Denis Matsuev: biography, personal life, photo

Denis Matsuev, a world-famous pianist, was for a long time one of the most envied bachelors in Russia. The musician devoted most of his time to the stage and creativity, and there weren’t enough hours in the day for his personal life.

In numerous interviews, Denis stated that he is not alone and his heart is occupied. Not so long ago the name of his chosen one became known. She became the ballerina Elena Shipulina.

Ballerina business card

Elena Shipulina was born in 1979 in the city of Perm. Her mother was also a ballerina, worked at the Perm Theater named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. From the age of 10, Elena studied ballet, studying at the Perm Choreographic School. She studied with her twin sister Anna, who later abandoned her ballet career.

In 1994 she transferred to Moscow state academy choreography, graduated under the direction of Lyudmila Litavkina. In 1998 she was accepted into the Bolshoi Theater troupe.

In 2002, she already danced the roles of Odette and Odile in Swan Lake, and before that she received prominent roles in various productions. The dancer has the title of Honored Artist of Russia, is a laureate of many competitions and awards.

Theatrical novel

Matsuev and Shipulina met at a social event long before the press became aware of their relationship.

How they managed to hide their romance is unclear - Denis Matsuev’s life passes under the gun of numerous photo and video cameras.

However, the relationship developed, and the artists even took part in one project. American producer Sergei Danilyan made the play “Reflections”. It involved 5 ballerinas and 5 choreographers. Each ballerina had a separate number. The pianist was a participant in the performance, and not just an accompanist. After the American premiere, the play was brought to Moscow. The creators of the project had the idea to invite Matsuev. Oddly enough, there was room in his busy schedule.

Interesting notes:

He came and said that the tempo at which they stage it is mournful. “I will play like Tchaikovsky.” Anna had to mobilize her entire body, show all her skills, but she managed.

Matsuev was not on the poster, but the audience recognized him immediately. The ballerina danced three times faster. The number was a huge success.

The couple developed common hobbies and traditions. For example, New Year they certainly met in Irkutsk, where the traditional New Year festival takes place. The organizer of the festival is Denis Matsuev. And on New Year’s Eve, Shipulina and Matsuev dive into Baikal! Elena is not afraid of frosts, since she is from the Urals, and the frosts there are no weaker than in Siberia.

Happy father

In 2016, a significant event occurred - the couple had a daughter, Anna.

The happy parents did not comment on the birth of the child for a long time, and only in 2107, in the “Evening Urgant” program, Matsuev openly admitted that he had become a father. He says that despite his busy schedule, he tries to make time to communicate with his daughter. “I have an hour to come to you,” he said to Ivan Urgant, “an hour to see Anna Denisovna.”

Parents try to instill a love of music in their daughter. They play classics for her, and she can already distinguish some pieces. “She likes Stravinsky’s Petrushka most of all. She really doesn’t like Liszt’s second concerto.” Matsuev said that if a son had been born, he would have been named Spartak. Denis is a passionate Spartak fan.

Persistent Ural girl

Elena Shipulina once said that she was ready for motherhood and was not afraid of a career break. She had the example of her mother - after the birth of twins, she managed to return to the stage. Indeed, the ballerina recovered very quickly after giving birth and began rehearsals. Being the prima of the Bolshoi Theater, she had no doubt that the stage would gratefully accept her back.

The profession of a ballerina is hard work. As Elena herself says, if a year passes without injuries or illnesses, it was successful. Elena herself experienced quite serious injuries. One day, during a performance, a partner landed not very successfully on her hand; he finished dancing on moral and volitional grounds. After examination it was found that there was a fracture.

There was a knee injury - due to an unsuccessful jump, the meniscus was torn. The ballerina fell out of the Bolshoi circle for 13 months. But after recovery she triumphantly returned to the stage.

Elena says about herself that she is a simple person, without stellar quirks. And to maintain perfect shape she doesn't do anything! She openly admits that she can eat and Uzbek pilaf, and ice cream. The loads are such that everything burns out. Pregnancy did not affect the ballerina’s figure either. The ballerina is in great shape.

This is how they are - a simple Siberian guy and a Ural girl who have traveled a difficult and beautiful path.

The next star guest of Ivan Urgant’s program was the famous pianist Denis Matsuev. The musician managed to find a loophole in his busy schedule to come to the “Evening Urgant” show and talk freely about work and personal life.


Ivan congratulated Denis on fatherhood and asked several questions about the child. Matsuev usually spoke extremely evasively on this topic with journalists, but now he has finally stopped hiding details. So, it turned out that the daughter, whom the ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina gave him, was decided to name Anna. According to Denis, despite being very busy, he manages to combine work and personal life. Moreover, he is always in a hurry to go home, where his beloved woman and daughter are waiting for him.

“I have a visit to you, and I have an hour to see Anna Denisovna,” Matsuev noted, making it clear to Ivan Urgant what a difficult schedule he lives under. As the pianist said, his daughter has already learned to distinguish between different pieces of music, because he is trying to instill in the heiress a taste for good music, as well as develop her hearing.

Matsuev spoke about the baby’s preferences. “Her favorite piece is Stravinsky’s Petrushka. She really doesn’t like Liszt’s second concerto,” the pianist said. After that, Matsuev showed how his daughter reacted to his music, suddenly screaming.

According to the musician, if he had a son, he would name him Spartak. Denis is a fan of the football club of the same name, carefully following all the events that happen in the life of the team. One can only imagine how Matsuev rejoiced at the victory of Spartak, who became the Champion of Russia. According to Denis, he fell in love with football thanks to... his grandmother.

Let us recall that back in September 2016, information appeared on the Internet that prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina was expecting a child from Denis Matsuev. However, neither the pianist nor the dancer responded to the messages. According to some reports, the girl was born at the end of October. Shipulina quickly returned to form and is already rehearsing with all her might, as evidenced by her photographs on the social network Instagram. At the same time, your privacy Ekaterina prefers not to advertise.

The world has lost so many talented musicians, singers, and artists because parents “pressured” the child and forced him to study. The result is that the craving for art completely disappears, and humanity loses another genius. The biography of Denis Matsuev, a talented academic and jazz pianist, is a case of “reverse”.

Denis Matsuev's childhood

In Irkutsk, Siberia, on June 11, 1975, a boy, Denis Matsuev, was born, whose family knew firsthand about the world of art. Denis’s grandfather worked in a circus orchestra, his mother taught music, his father was the director of the city drama theater, and wrote music.

Denis Matsuev as a child, 11 years old

The child received his first gentle impetus for the development of talent at the age of 4, when his parents noticed that he had hearing and the ease with which he, like a child, but already competently reproduced well-known melodies.

Although Denis began to seriously study music in early childhood, no one at school could call him a “nerd”: he was cheerful, sociable, and at that time he was a fan of football and hockey! Denis was so passionate about this that he twice broke his arm at the skating rink.

The music for which he was destined did not let go, reminding him with all his might. As Dina Ivanova, a classmate of the genius, said, at school between lessons he loudly sang, running around the school, a tune from “Slave Isaura,” a TV series that everyone was passionate about at that time.

The beginning of the career of Denis Matsuev

The outstanding pianist always emphasizes that it was his parents who lovingly guided him to musical fame in his childhood and youth. For the sake of their son and his future, they left their established life in Irkutsk, moved to Moscow, rented a tiny apartment, so that Denis could continue studying in the capital.

Music school at the Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky, where Denis Matsuev began studying in 1990, three more years at the Moscow Conservatory - this was the beginning of the path to great success. The public charitable foundation “New Names” organizes competitions for young geniuses. Thanks to them, Denis got the opportunity to demonstrate his talent in England, France and more than 40 countries around the world.

Denis studied in the class of Professor Sergei Dorensky

Having won the XI International competition them. Tchaikovsky in 1998, the young conservatory graduate literally “blew up” the music world with his talent. To this day, the pianist considers this victory at the competition one of his main achievements. Moreover, he ensured his success with an unusual style of performance: instead of the usual, dry academic style, he chose a concert style.

The year 2004 was significant in that the musician presented his personal annual subscription “Soloist Denis Matsuev” as part of the Moscow Philharmonic concerts. Famous groups were attracted to the concerts, among them the Orchestra of Soloists under the direction of Spivakov.

The contract with SONY BMG Music Entertainment gave a new impetus to the fact that even more music fans learned about Denis Matsuev: discs with recordings of his performances were sold out instantly.

World fame of Denis Matsuev

Now in this talented musician, a tall and attractive man, one can hardly recognize the boy whom the physical education teacher at school jokingly called “Gritsatsuev” because of his short stature.

Matsuev retained his love for football since childhood

Denis Matsuev, who could not imagine his life without football as a child, still retains his sporting enthusiasm and an unconventional, lively approach to music. Important Event in his career as a pianist - the release in 2015 of the solo disc “Unknown Rachmaninov” at the suggestion of the composer’s grandson.

Alexander Rachmaninov concluded a friendly agreement with Matsuev: the pianist would record a disc performing a hitherto unknown fugue and suite if he quit smoking (by the way, the musician fulfilled the agreement). The project was also unusual in that the music was performed on Rachmaninoff’s personal piano.

Matsuev quit smoking to play unreleased works by Rachmaninov

Festivals and concerts, various musical projects - it is impossible to list everything that Denis Matsuev does. He is a regular participant in the annual autumn international festival“Stars of Baikal” in Irkutsk, artistic director of the forum of a new generation of musicians Crescendo. The international competition for young pianists Astana Piano Passion boasts that Denis is its artistic director.

The Milan La Scala Orchestra, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the London Symphony Orchestra, the symphony orchestras of the USA, France, and Germany are far from full list groups with which Denis Matsuev collaborates. Charitable Foundation“New Names,” of which Denis was a student, is now proud that Matsuev is its president.

A concert anywhere in the world by this pianist is sold out and tickets are instantly sold out. According to the newspaper Le Devoir (Montreal), Denis Matsuev is not just a genius: he is passionate and generous in the way he conveys music to the public, his performance technique is perfect, at the same time free and natural.

The talented musician is actively involved in charity work. For example, in June 2017, he gave a concert for visually impaired young musicians in Krasnodar. He not only played, but also after the concert talked with the children who came to his performance.

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

A brilliant pianist, a talented leader, a philanthropist, Denis is a happy husband and father. The press did not ignore the marriage to the Bolshoi Theater prima ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina and the birth of her daughter Anna in October 2016, but there were minimal comments from the “star” of the events.

According to Denis himself, he does not feel the need to talk about his personal life. The main thing for him is happiness in the family, and he doesn’t take offense at journalists for their intrusive interest, that’s their job.

Hobbies of Denis Matsuev

Sports, a childhood hobby, still does not let Denis out of captivity: he plays football, tennis, goes bowling, and supports Spartak.

Denis Matsuev is a fan of Spartak

A true Siberian, he enjoys going to the bathhouse and makes forays to Lake Baikal with his friends. Siberian forests, he says, are a place where he can wander, shout and throw out energy in nature.

Denis loves to relax in nature

A fan of the Sovremennik Theater, Denis Matsuev is very friendly with Galina Volchek. The musician is passionate not only about classical music. For example, the “Jazz among Friends” project, in his words, is jazz improvisation using classical hands.

Classical music lovers are well aware of the name of Denis Matsuev, who cannot imagine himself without creative life. Despite the fact that his work schedule is scheduled several years in advance, the pianist cannot refuse when he is invited to a concert.

Today he can perform on the Russian stage, and tomorrow audiences from Washington, Munich or Japan are already listening to him. Not every musician can withstand such a pace, but Matsuev finds strength in music, drawing energy and inspiration from his performances.

Brief data

  • Full name and surname: Denis Matsuev;
  • Date of birth (age): June 11, 1975 (42 years old);
  • Place of birth: Irkutsk, RSFSR, USSR;
  • Height – 198 cm;
  • Activities: Russian virtuoso pianist, public figure;
  • Achievements; titles: People's Artist of the Russian Federation; Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation;
  • Marital status: married; wife – ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina.

Early music lessons

The future musician was born into a family directly related to art. His father, Leonid Matsuev, is a pianist and composer who wrote music for numerous productions in Irkutsk theaters. Mom, Irina Matsueva, played the piano and worked as a teacher. His maternal grandfather was also involved in music: he played drums in the Irkutsk Circus orchestra. When Denis is asked what his nationality is, he replies that at heart he will always be a Russian Siberian. He also has second cousins ​​- conductors Vladimir and Dmitry Yurovsky.

The photo shows Denis Matsuev in his childhood.

From an early age, his parents gave him piano lessons, revealing to the child magical world music. His two grandmothers also loved music, so classical, jazz, pop music, as well as operetta were always playing in their house. But they passed on to little Denis a love not only for music, but also for football, being passionate fans of Moscow “Spartak”. IN school years he attended music lessons at an art school and also rehearsed a lot at home. The boy managed to combine studies and close communication with friends, among whom he was always the ringleader. At first he often had to fight with the neighboring boys, but when he grew up, he rallied everyone and became the captain of the football team.

with parents.

At the age of 14, the future pianist began writing jazz melodies, as he liked to improvise. Thanks to Ivetta Voronova and her public foundation “New Names,” which searched for gifted children in Russian cities, the 15-year-old boy and his family moved to Moscow, where he began studying at a music school at the conservatory. As part of the “New Names” program, Matsuev, together with other young musicians, traveled to many countries around the world, where they gave concerts in cultural and political centers. The young talent was invited to study in America, Europe, Asia, and was also offered to obtain citizenship, however, he did not take such a step, remaining a patriot of his country. Soon Denis began studying at the Moscow Conservatory, continuing to collaborate with the New Names Foundation. During his student years, the young man also performed as a soloist in the Philharmonic.

The path to success and world recognition

At the age of 23, the aspiring musician took part in the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition, where he was able to win. His bright and extraordinary performance attracted the attention of a wide public and was approved by many music critics. Having signed a contract with the American company SONY BMG Music Entertainment, the pianist released his first album, Tribute to Horowitz, in 2004. In addition, he began performing with own program under the name “Soloist Denis Matsuev”, collaborating with leading orchestral groups both in our country and abroad: the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra with Valery Gergiev, the Soloists Orchestra with Vladimir Spivakov, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra and many others. His career rose rather quickly, and the pianist’s brilliant performances attracted increasing attention from music lovers around the world every year.

Matsuev has always strived to bring classical music to different parts of our country, organizing various competitions and festivals. Thus, on his initiative, the “Stars on Baikal” festival began to be held in Irkutsk, in which many residents of the Siberian city became interested. The winner of numerous music awards organized the Crescendo festival, and also took an active part in holding the French festival in the city of Annecy. He also did not ignore the “Blue Bird” competition for children, where he acted as a member of the jury.

From latest news It is known about Denis that at the end of 2017 he went on a tour of cities in America, Japan, China and Korea, returning home only two months later. Speaking with a concert program in Washington, he was shocked by the reaction of American listeners, who were tired of politics and enjoyed listening to classical music. In the spring of 2018, the Grand Piano Competition festival will take place, where the artist will bring together young pianists from different countries peace.

Charity and support for young talents

In 2008, Matsuev became president of the New Names Foundation, seeking to provide support and assistance to young talents. He often has to travel around the regions, looking for gifted children, but besides this, the virtuoso pianist helps young musicians buy an instrument or finds the opportunity to send them to study at prestigious music schools. Performing in the outback, Denis gathers talented children at master classes, who are auditioned by teachers from the capital's conservatory. The artist also helps the local philharmonic or music school purchase a new piano.

Matsuev is directly related to the new presidential grant, which will go towards state support and assistance to young talents. He is pleased that in Russia many young people go to classical music concerts, which cannot be said about other countries of the world.

Creative union and the birth of a daughter

For a long time, the musician did not dare to change anything in his personal life, since he was satisfied with everything in it. Denis was not in the habit of talking about his novels, however, it soon became known that his common-law wife was the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina. In the fall of 2016, the prima ballerina gave birth to his daughter Anna, but his fans learned about this much later. Catherine did not sit on maternity leave for long and soon began rehearsals.

In the photo, Denis Matsuev with his wife Ekaterina Shipulina.

The pianist and his wife do not like to attract public attention to their family, rarely posting pictures of themselves on their social media pages. Despite his crazy work schedule, Matsuev finds time to talk with his daughter. He is already introducing the baby to music lessons. She had already become familiar with the works of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and Prokofiev, but most of all she liked the music from Stravinsky’s ballet “Petrushka.”

Hobbies and activities outside the stage

The artist still plays football, running around the field during breaks between performances. If a son were born, the artist would name him in honor of his favorite football club - Spartak. Denis always follows the matches of his favorite team and is happy when they emerge victorious. He also loves tennis and sometimes goes bowling. The pianist does not forget his native Irkutsk, coming there to festivals twice a year.

Instagram matsuevdenis.

Denis meets with childhood friends who always come to his concerts. Thanks to the picturesque nature of Baikal, taiga and clean air it relieves accumulated fatigue and recharges with positivity. While on small homeland, the musician does not forget to take a steam bath in a Russian bath and taste Siberian shanezheki, dumplings or pasta with Buryat stew. He works a lot, but even if he finds days of rest, he will not lie quietly on the beach, but will prefer sports activities or go on some exciting trip.

A virtuoso pianist, known not only in Russia, but also abroad, a social and musical figure in our country, a people's artist and winner of many awards - this is all about Denis Matsuev, a simple young man, born in Irkutsk into the most ordinary, but talented and musical family.

It is difficult to say what his nationality is and which family member had the greatest influence on Matsuev’s future, but one thing is certain - from childhood, the only true path was chosen for him, which ultimately led him to real stunning success and the emergence of a huge number of fans around the world who have been dreaming of meeting him for years.

Height, weight, age. How old is Denis Matsuev

Every year, more and more people are interested in actors and others famous personalities height, weight, age. How old is Denis Matsuev is also a popular query on the Internet. Therefore, it is worth immediately noting that at almost 42 years old and with a height of 198 cm, his weight is only 85 kilograms, which definitely indicates that he is in excellent physical shape. As noted earlier, the composer was born in Irkutsk.

Thirteen years ago, this city became the location for organizing the festival international level called “Stars on Baikal”, which has now traditionally been held for many years in this city. Since 2003, Denis Matsuev has also become known in the world of music as the artistic director of the forum of young musicians, a kind of competition called “Crescendo”. Many residents hometown Denis Matsuev is treated with incredible respect, because he is the man who opened a concert hall for 60 people in his hometown.

Biography of Denis Matsuev

In fact, the biography of Denis Matsuev is quite rich in a variety of events. For example, quite recently the famous opera singer It was Maria Maksakova's anniversary. Using the media, Denis Matsuev and Maria Maksakova exchanged pleasantries on the holiday.

Immediately, fans became interested in the question of what connects two such interesting personalities? In turn, Denis Matsuev, in response to all the questions that fell on him, immediately noted: “We have known Maria for many years, approximately from school at the music school, which was opened at a famous conservatory and there is no reason for gossip.” Returning to the question of the pianist’s biography, it should be noted that many of Matsuev’s fans are often interested in who their favorite composer is by nationality. However, Denis Leonidovich usually skips such questions, only sometimes noting: “My nationality is Siberian.”

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

For quite a long time, the personal life of Denis Matsuev was of particular interest to all his fans, because despite his advanced age, he was in no hurry to get married. Matsuev noted in an interview that marriage for him is:

  1. Trust;
  2. Love;
  3. Respect;
  4. Willingness to come to the aid of a loved one twenty-four hours a day.

At that time, he himself had not yet met a person who would really turn out to be his soulmate, and marriage for him is also not just a stamp in his passport, but a real responsibility.

However, after some time, a huge number of reports began to appear in the media, first about Matsuev’s acquaintance with a prima ballerina from the Bolshoi Theater, then about the fact that Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina broke up, but last fall, despite all the gossip, the famous composer and pianist a child is born from Catherine.

Family of Denis Matsuev

Denis truly has musical parents in all forms. Apparently, it was Denis Matsuev’s family that at one time had a great influence on his future. Dad is a pianist and composer who devotes almost all his time to writing musical accompaniment for various theatrical productions in Irkutsk. Mom is a music teacher.

From a young age, parents tried to develop as many musical skills as possible in the boy. Denis not only studied at an art school, but also studied at home, and regularly went to a music school to study piano. Of course, in this situation, there is no talk about choice future profession was not in front of Denis. From childhood he was sure that he would become a famous pianist.

Children of Denis Matsuev

Quite unexpectedly, the press began to discuss whether Denis Matsuev had children or whether his marriage with Ekaterina had not yet brought them heirs. At first, most fans found the questions strange, but later they realized that there could only be two reasons why this topic was raised:

  • a child was born to a beloved composer;
  • There is discord in the family of Denis Matsuev and the press is looking for reasons.

Fortunately, the first guess turned out to be correct. In October 2016, messages of the following nature appeared on Shipulina’s Instagram: “Katya, congratulations to you,” “Katya, you are real well done!” I wish you health and grow up beautiful.”

Quite quickly, information appeared in the media that the reason for the joy of all relatives and friends of the Matsuev family was the birth of his daughter.

Daughter of Denis Matsuev - Anna

Of course, Matsuev is the person who made an incredible contribution to the development of philharmonic art in our country, but now all the free time for the new dad is occupied by Denis Matsuev’s daughter, Anna, who, judging by the photographs received, is like two peas in a pod mom.

Daughter of Denis Matsuev - Anna photo

It is worth noting that Denis extremely dislikes it when his personal life, family are touched upon in the media and discussions of close relatives begin, but this reverse side medals of fame and popularity, so he definitely cannot escape this and will have to come to terms with the fact that his personality appears in the press quite often.

Denis Matsuev's wife - Ekaterina Shipulina

In the last few years, Denis Matsuva’s wife, Ekaterina Shipulina, and he himself have given the press quite a lot of different reasons for gossip. They have been married for more than ten years, but despite this, the emergence of information that they will finally have their first child literally excited the public. Matsuev did not give any comments on this matter.

Denis Matsuev's wife - Ekaterina Shipulina photo

Actually, Denis doesn’t often talk about his personal life and doesn’t like it when someone tells him details that relate exclusively to his family. Once, during an interview, he was asked if he was in love with someone before marriage, but even this seemingly simple question, the composer did not want to answer, only lying that his wife was music, and his mistress was incredible jazz.

The more popular the composer’s personality becomes, the more more people do not believe that good external characteristics were given to him by nature and are looking for various photos Denis Matsuev before and after plastic surgery, but of course there is nothing truthful in the pictures that they manage to find.

In reality, Denis Matsuev never actually did absolutely anything plastic surgery. In various interviews, he noted that his appearance is something for which he will be forever grateful to his parents, as well as for the fact that they helped him find his life path. Matsuev often goes in for sports, which gives him the opportunity to constantly be in excellent shape, and he advises all his fans to never go on various diets.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Matsuev

Many are interested in what details of Denis Matsuev’s personal life are hidden on Instagram and Wikipedia, but the composer strictly answers that he has absolutely no time to share personal moments from the life of his family.

He has a fairly busy work schedule, every month large number flights, and if he were actively driving more social media, then most likely he would have to abandon some of the projects related to his work. Denis Matsuev will never take such a step, so while there is an opportunity, it is better to continue observing the life of his beloved pianist through his wife’s Instagram and not disturb creative personality over nothing.