Log formulas with different bases. Logarithms: examples and solutions

    Let's start with properties of the logarithm of one. Its formulation is as follows: the logarithm of unity is equal to zero, that is, log a 1=0 for any a>0, a≠1. The proof is not difficult: since a 0 =1 for any a satisfying the above conditions a>0 and a≠1, then the equality log a 1=0 to be proved follows immediately from the definition of the logarithm.

    Let us give examples of the application of the considered property: log 3 1=0, log1=0 and .

    Let's move on to the next property: logarithm of the number, equal to the base, equal to one, that is, log a a=1 for a>0, a≠1. Indeed, since a 1 =a for any a, then by definition logarithm log a a=1 .

    Examples of the use of this property of logarithms are the equalities log 5 5=1, log 5.6 5.6 and lne=1.

    For example, log 2 2 7 =7, log10 -4 =-4 and .

    Logarithm of the product of two positive numbers x and y is equal to the product of the logarithms of these numbers: log a (x y)=log a x+log a y, a>0 , a≠1 . Let us prove the property of the logarithm of a product. Due to the properties of the degree a log a x+log a y =a log a x ·a log a y, and since by the main logarithmic identity a log a x =x and a log a y =y, then a log a x ·a log a y =x·y. Thus, a log a x+log a y =x·y, from which, by the definition of a logarithm, the equality being proved follows.

    Let's show examples of using the property of the logarithm of a product: log 5 (2 3)=log 5 2+log 5 3 and .

    The property of the logarithm of a product can be generalized to the product of a finite number n of positive numbers x 1 , x 2 , …, x n as log a (x 1 ·x 2 ·…·x n)= log a x 1 +log a x 2 +…+log a x n . This equality can be proven without problems.

    For example, the natural logarithm of a product can be replaced by the sum of three natural logarithms numbers 4 , e , and .

    Logarithm of the quotient of two positive numbers x and y is equal to the difference between the logarithms of these numbers. The property of the logarithm of a quotient corresponds to a formula of the form , where a>0, a≠1, x and y are some positive numbers. The validity of this formula is proven as well as the formula for the logarithm of a product: since , then by definition of a logarithm.

    Here is an example of using this property of the logarithm: .

    Let's move on to property of the logarithm of the power. The logarithm of a degree is equal to the product of the exponent and the logarithm of the modulus of the base of this degree. Let us write this property of the logarithm of a power as a formula: log a b p =p·log a |b|, where a>0, a≠1, b and p are numbers such that the degree b p makes sense and b p >0.

    First we prove this property for positive b. The basic logarithmic identity allows us to represent the number b as a log a b , then b p =(a log a b) p , and the resulting expression, due to the property of power, is equal to a p·log a b . So we come to the equality b p =a p·log a b, from which, by the definition of a logarithm, we conclude that log a b p =p·log a b.

    It remains to prove this property for negative b. Here we note that the expression log a b p for negative b makes sense only for even exponents p (since the value of the degree b p must be greater than zero, otherwise the logarithm will not make sense), and in this case b p =|b| p. Then b p =|b| p =(a log a |b|) p =a p·log a |b|, from where log a b p =p·log a |b| .

    For example, and ln(-3) 4 =4·ln|-3|=4·ln3 .

    It follows from the previous property property of the logarithm from the root: the logarithm of the nth root is equal to the product of the fraction 1/n by the logarithm of the radical expression, that is, , where a>0, a≠1, n – natural number, greater than one, b>0.

    The proof is based on the equality (see), which is valid for any positive b, and the property of the logarithm of the power: .

    Here is an example of using this property: .

    Now let's prove formula for moving to a new logarithm base kind . To do this, it is enough to prove the validity of the equality log c b=log a b·log c a. The basic logarithmic identity allows us to represent the number b as a log a b , then log c b=log c a log a b . It remains to use the property of the logarithm of the degree: log c a log a b =log a b log c a. This proves the equality log c b=log a b·log c a, which means the formula for moving to a new logarithm base has also been proven.

    Let's show a couple of examples of using this property of logarithms: and .

    The formula for moving to a new base allows you to move on to working with logarithms that have a “convenient” base. For example, with its help you can switch to natural or decimal logarithms so that you can calculate the value of the logarithm from the table of logarithms. The formula for moving to a new logarithm base also allows, in some cases, to find the value of a given logarithm when the values ​​of some logarithms with other bases are known.

    A special case of the formula for transition to a new logarithm base for c=b of the form is often used . This shows that log a b and log b a – . For example, .

    The formula is also often used , which is convenient for finding logarithm values. To confirm our words, we will show how it can be used to calculate the value of a logarithm of the form . We have . To prove the formula it is enough to use the formula for transition to a new base of the logarithm a: .

    It remains to prove the properties of comparison of logarithms.

    Let us prove that for any positive numbers b 1 and b 2, b 1 log a b 2 , and for a>1 – the inequality log a b 1

    Finally, it remains to prove the last of the listed properties of logarithms. Let us limit ourselves to the proof of its first part, that is, we will prove that if a 1 >1, a 2 >1 and a 1 1 is true log a 1 b>log a 2 b . The remaining statements of this property of logarithms are proved according to a similar principle.

    Let's use the opposite method. Suppose that for a 1 >1, a 2 >1 and a 1 1 is true log a 1 b≤log a 2 b . Based on the properties of logarithms, these inequalities can be rewritten as And respectively, and from them it follows that log b a 1 ≤log b a 2 and log b a 1 ≥log b a 2, respectively. Then, according to the properties of powers with the same bases, the equalities b log b a 1 ≥b log b a 2 and b log b a 1 ≥b log b a 2 must hold, that is, a 1 ≥a 2 . So we came to a contradiction to the condition a 1


  • Kolmogorov A.N., Abramov A.M., Dudnitsyn Yu.P. and others. Algebra and the beginnings of analysis: Textbook for grades 10 - 11 of general education institutions.
  • Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics (a manual for those entering technical schools).

We continue to study logarithms. In this article we will talk about calculating logarithms, this process is called logarithm. First we will understand the calculation of logarithms by definition. Next, let's look at how the values ​​of logarithms are found using their properties. After this, we will focus on calculating logarithms through the initially specified values ​​of other logarithms. Finally, let's learn how to use logarithm tables. The entire theory is provided with examples with detailed solutions.

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Calculating logarithms by definition

In the simplest cases it is possible to perform quite quickly and easily finding the logarithm by definition. Let's take a closer look at how this process happens.

Its essence is to represent the number b in the form a c, from which, by the definition of a logarithm, the number c is the value of the logarithm. That is, by definition, the following chain of equalities corresponds to finding the logarithm: log a b=log a a c =c.

So, calculating a logarithm by definition comes down to finding a number c such that a c = b, and the number c itself is the desired value of the logarithm.

Taking into account the information in the previous paragraphs, when the number under the logarithm sign is given by a certain power of the logarithm base, you can immediately indicate what the logarithm is equal to - it is equal to the exponent. Let's show solutions to examples.


Find log 2 2 −3, and also calculate the natural logarithm of the number e 5,3.


The definition of the logarithm allows us to immediately say that log 2 2 −3 =−3. Indeed, the number under the logarithm sign is equal to base 2 to the −3 power.

Similarly, we find the second logarithm: lne 5.3 =5.3.


log 2 2 −3 =−3 and lne 5,3 =5,3.

If the number b under the logarithm sign is not specified as a power of the base of the logarithm, then you need to carefully look to see if it is possible to come up with a representation of the number b in the form a c . Often this representation is quite obvious, especially when the number under the logarithm sign is equal to the base to the power of 1, or 2, or 3, ...


Calculate the logarithms log 5 25 , and .


It is easy to see that 25=5 2, this allows you to calculate the first logarithm: log 5 25=log 5 5 2 =2.

Let's move on to calculating the second logarithm. The number can be represented as a power of 7: (see if necessary). Hence, .

Let's rewrite the third logarithm in the following form. Now you can see that , from which we conclude that . Therefore, by the definition of logarithm .

Briefly, the solution could be written as follows: .


log 5 25=2 , And .

When there is a sufficiently large natural number under the logarithm sign, it does not hurt to factor it into prime factors. It often helps to represent such a number as some power of the base of the logarithm, and therefore calculate this logarithm by definition.


Find the value of the logarithm.


Some properties of logarithms allow you to immediately specify the value of logarithms. These properties include the property of the logarithm of one and the property of the logarithm of a number equal to the base: log 1 1=log a a 0 =0 and log a a=log a a 1 =1. That is, when under the logarithm sign there is a number 1 or a number a equal to the base of the logarithm, then in these cases the logarithms are equal to 0 and 1, respectively.


What are logarithms and log10 equal to?


Since , then from the definition of logarithm it follows .

In the second example, the number 10 under the logarithm sign coincides with its base, so the decimal logarithm of ten is equal to one, that is, lg10=lg10 1 =1.


AND lg10=1 .

Note that the calculation of logarithms by definition (which we discussed in the previous paragraph) implies the use of the equality log a a p =p, which is one of the properties of logarithms.

In practice, when a number under the logarithm sign and the base of the logarithm are easily represented as a power of a certain number, it is very convenient to use the formula , which corresponds to one of the properties of logarithms. Let's look at an example of finding a logarithm that illustrates the use of this formula.


Calculate the logarithm.




Properties of logarithms not mentioned above are also used in calculations, but we will talk about this in the following paragraphs.

Finding logarithms through other known logarithms

The information in this paragraph continues the topic of using the properties of logarithms when calculating them. But here the main difference is that the properties of logarithms are used to express the original logarithm in terms of another logarithm, the value of which is known. Let's give an example for clarification. Let's say we know that log 2 3≈1.584963, then we can find, for example, log 2 6 by doing a little transformation using the properties of the logarithm: log 2 6=log 2 (2 3)=log 2 2+log 2 3≈ 1+1,584963=2,584963 .

In the above example, it was enough for us to use the property of the logarithm of a product. However, much more often it is necessary to use a wider arsenal of properties of logarithms in order to calculate the original logarithm through the given ones.


Calculate the logarithm of 27 to base 60 if you know that log 60 2=a and log 60 5=b.


So we need to find log 60 27 . It is easy to see that 27 = 3 3 , and the original logarithm, due to the property of the logarithm of the power, can be rewritten as 3·log 60 3 .

Now let's see how to express log 60 3 in terms of known logarithms. The property of the logarithm of a number equal to the base allows us to write the equality log 60 60=1. On the other hand, log 60 60=log60(2 2 3 5)= log 60 2 2 +log 60 3+log 60 5= 2·log 60 2+log 60 3+log 60 5 . Thus, 2 log 60 2+log 60 3+log 60 5=1. Hence, log 60 3=1−2·log 60 2−log 60 5=1−2·a−b.

Finally, we calculate the original logarithm: log 60 27=3 log 60 3= 3·(1−2·a−b)=3−6·a−3·b.


log 60 27=3·(1−2·a−b)=3−6·a−3·b.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the meaning of the formula for transition to a new base of the logarithm of the form . It allows you to move from logarithms with any base to logarithms with a specific base, the values ​​of which are known or it is possible to find them. Usually, from the original logarithm, using the transition formula, they move to logarithms in one of the bases 2, e or 10, since for these bases there are tables of logarithms that allow their values ​​to be calculated with a certain degree of accuracy. In the next paragraph we will show how this is done.

Logarithm tables and their uses

For approximate calculation of logarithm values ​​can be used logarithm tables. The most commonly used base 2 logarithm table, natural logarithm table, and decimal logarithm table. When working in the decimal number system, it is convenient to use a table of logarithms based on base ten. With its help we will learn to find the values ​​of logarithms.

The presented table allows you to find the values ​​of the decimal logarithms of numbers from 1,000 to 9,999 (with three decimal places) with an accuracy of one ten-thousandth. We will analyze the principle of finding the value of a logarithm using a table of decimal logarithms using a specific example - it’s clearer this way. Let's find log1.256.

In the left column of the table of decimal logarithms we find the first two digits of the number 1.256, that is, we find 1.2 (this number is circled in blue for clarity). The third digit of the number 1.256 (digit 5) is found in the first or last line to the left of the double line (this number is circled in red). The fourth digit of the original number 1.256 (digit 6) is found in the first or last line to the right of the double line (this number is circled with a green line). Now we find the numbers in the cells of the logarithm table at the intersection of the marked row and marked columns (these numbers are highlighted in orange). The sum of the marked numbers gives the desired value of the decimal logarithm accurate to the fourth decimal place, that is, log1.236≈0.0969+0.0021=0.0990.

Is it possible, using the table above, to find the values ​​of decimal logarithms of numbers that have more than three digits after the decimal point, as well as those that go beyond the range from 1 to 9.999? Yes, you can. Let's show how this is done with an example.

Let's calculate lg102.76332. First you need to write down number in standard form: 102.76332=1.0276332·10 2. After this, the mantissa should be rounded to the third decimal place, we have 1.0276332 10 2 ≈1.028 10 2, while the original decimal logarithm is approximately equal to the logarithm of the resulting number, that is, we take log102.76332≈lg1.028·10 2. Now we apply the properties of the logarithm: lg1.028·10 2 =lg1.028+lg10 2 =lg1.028+2. Finally, we find the value of the logarithm lg1.028 from the table of decimal logarithms lg1.028≈0.0086+0.0034=0.012. As a result, the entire process of calculating the logarithm looks like this: log102.76332=log1.0276332 10 2 ≈lg1.028 10 2 = log1.028+lg10 2 =log1.028+2≈0.012+2=2.012.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that using a table of decimal logarithms you can calculate the approximate value of any logarithm. To do this, it is enough to use the transition formula to go to decimal logarithms, find their values ​​in the table, and perform the remaining calculations.

For example, let's calculate log 2 3 . According to the formula for transition to a new base of the logarithm, we have . From the table of decimal logarithms we find log3≈0.4771 and log2≈0.3010. Thus, .


  • Kolmogorov A.N., Abramov A.M., Dudnitsyn Yu.P. and others. Algebra and the beginnings of analysis: Textbook for grades 10 - 11 of general education institutions.
  • Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics (a manual for those entering technical schools).

The basic properties of the natural logarithm, graph, domain of definition, set of values, basic formulas, derivative, integral, power series expansion and representation of the function ln x using complex numbers are given.


Natural logarithm is the function y = ln x, the inverse of the exponential, x = e y, and is the logarithm to the base of the number e: ln x = log e x.

The natural logarithm is widely used in mathematics because its derivative has the simplest form: (ln x)′ = 1/ x.

Based on definitions, the base of the natural logarithm is the number e:
e ≅ 2.718281828459045...;

Graph of the function y = ln x.

Graph of natural logarithm (functions y = ln x) is obtained from the exponential graph by mirror reflection relative to the straight line y = x.

The natural logarithm is defined for positive values ​​of the variable x. It increases monotonically in its domain of definition.

At x → 0 the limit of the natural logarithm is minus infinity (-∞).

As x → + ∞, the limit of the natural logarithm is plus infinity (+ ∞). For large x, the logarithm increases quite slowly. Any power function x a with a positive exponent a grows faster than the logarithm.

Properties of the natural logarithm

Domain of definition, set of values, extrema, increase, decrease

The natural logarithm is a monotonically increasing function, so it has no extrema. The main properties of the natural logarithm are presented in the table.

ln x values

ln 1 = 0

Basic formulas for natural logarithms

Formulas following from the definition of the inverse function:

The main property of logarithms and its consequences

Base replacement formula

Any logarithm can be expressed in terms of natural logarithms using the base substitution formula:

Proofs of these formulas are presented in the section "Logarithm".

Inverse function

The inverse of the natural logarithm is the exponent.

If , then

If, then.

Derivative ln x

Derivative of the natural logarithm:
Derivative of the natural logarithm of modulus x:
Derivative of nth order:
Deriving formulas > > >


The integral is calculated by integration by parts:

Expressions using complex numbers

Consider the function of the complex variable z:
Let's express the complex variable z via module r and argument φ :
Using the properties of the logarithm, we have:
The argument φ is not uniquely defined. If you put
, where n is an integer,
it will be the same number for different n.

Therefore, the natural logarithm, as a function of a complex variable, is not a single-valued function.

Power series expansion

When the expansion takes place:

Used literature:
I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendyaev, Handbook of mathematics for engineers and college students, “Lan”, 2009.

The focus of this article is logarithm. Here we will give a definition of a logarithm, show the accepted notation, give examples of logarithms, and talk about natural and decimal logarithms. After this we will consider the basic logarithmic identity.

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Definition of logarithm

The concept of a logarithm arises when solving a problem in a certain inverse sense, when you need to find an exponent from a known exponent value and a known base.

But enough prefaces, it’s time to answer the question “what is a logarithm”? Let us give the corresponding definition.


Logarithm of b to base a, where a>0, a≠1 and b>0 is the exponent to which you need to raise the number a to get b as a result.

At this stage, we note that the spoken word “logarithm” should immediately raise two follow-up questions: “what number” and “on what basis.” In other words, there is simply no logarithm, but only the logarithm of a number to some base.

Let's enter right away logarithm notation: the logarithm of a number b to base a is usually denoted as log a b. The logarithm of a number b to base e and the logarithm to base 10 have their own special designations lnb and logb, respectively, that is, they write not log e b, but lnb, and not log 10 b, but lgb.

Now we can give: .
And the records do not make sense, since in the first of them there is a negative number under the logarithm sign, in the second there is a negative number in the base, and in the third there is a negative number under the logarithm sign and a unit in the base.

Now let's talk about rules for reading logarithms. The notation log a b is read as "the logarithm of b to base a". For example, log 2 3 is the logarithm of three to the base 2, and is the logarithm of two point two thirds to the base square root of five. The logarithm to base e is called natural logarithm, and the notation lnb reads "natural logarithm of b". For example, ln7 is the natural logarithm of seven, and we will read it as the natural logarithm of pi. The base 10 logarithm also has a special name - decimal logarithm, and lgb is read as "decimal logarithm of b". For example, lg1 is the decimal logarithm of one, and lg2.75 is the decimal logarithm of two point seven five hundredths.

It is worth dwelling separately on the conditions a>0, a≠1 and b>0, under which the definition of the logarithm is given. Let us explain where these restrictions come from. An equality of the form called , which directly follows from the definition of logarithm given above, will help us do this.

Let's start with a≠1. Since one to any power is equal to one, the equality can only be true when b=1, but log 1 1 can be any real number. To avoid this ambiguity, a≠1 is assumed.

Let us justify the expediency of the condition a>0. With a=0, by the definition of a logarithm, we would have an equality that is only possible with b=0. But then log 0 0 can be any non-zero real number, since zero to any non-zero power is zero. The condition a≠0 allows us to avoid this ambiguity. And when a<0 нам бы пришлось отказаться от рассмотрения рациональных и иррациональных значений логарифма, так как степень с рациональным и иррациональным показателем определена лишь для неотрицательных оснований. Поэтому и принимается условие a>0 .

Finally, the condition b>0 follows from the inequality a>0, since , and the value of a power with a positive base a is always positive.

To conclude this point, let’s say that the stated definition of the logarithm allows you to immediately indicate the value of the logarithm when the number under the logarithm sign is a certain power of the base. Indeed, the definition of a logarithm allows us to state that if b=a p, then the logarithm of the number b to base a is equal to p. That is, the equality log a a p =p is true. For example, we know that 2 3 =8, then log 2 8=3. We will talk more about this in the article.

In ratio

the task of finding any of the three numbers from the other two given ones can be set. If a and then N are given, they are found by exponentiation. If N and then a are given by taking the root of the degree x (or raising it to the power). Now consider the case when, given a and N, we need to find x.

Let the number N be positive: the number a be positive and not equal to one: .

Definition. The logarithm of the number N to the base a is the exponent to which a must be raised to obtain the number N; logarithm is denoted by

Thus, in equality (26.1) the exponent is found as the logarithm of N to base a. Posts

have the same meaning. Equality (26.1) is sometimes called the main identity of the theory of logarithms; in reality it expresses the definition of the concept of logarithm. By this definition The base of the logarithm a is always positive and different from unity; the logarithmic number N is positive. Negative numbers and zero have no logarithms. It can be proven that any number with a given base has a well-defined logarithm. Therefore equality entails . Note that the condition is essential here; otherwise, the conclusion would not be justified, since the equality is true for any values ​​of x and y.

Example 1. Find

Solution. To obtain a number, you must raise the base 2 to the power Therefore.

You can make notes when solving such examples in the following form:

Example 2. Find .

Solution. We have

In examples 1 and 2, we easily found the desired logarithm by representing the logarithm number as a power of the base with a rational exponent. In the general case, for example, for etc., this cannot be done, since the logarithm has an irrational value. Let us pay attention to one issue related to this statement. In paragraph 12 we gave the concept of the possibility of determining any real degree of a given positive number. This was necessary for the introduction of logarithms, which, generally speaking, can be irrational numbers.

Let's look at some properties of logarithms.

Property 1. If the number and base are equal, then the logarithm is equal to one, and, conversely, if the logarithm is equal to one, then the number and base are equal.

Proof. Let By the definition of a logarithm we have and whence

Conversely, let Then by definition

Property 2. The logarithm of one to any base is equal to zero.

Proof. By definition of a logarithm (the zero power of any positive base is equal to one, see (10.1)). From here


The converse statement is also true: if , then N = 1. Indeed, we have .

Before formulating the next property of logarithms, let us agree to say that two numbers a and b lie on the same side of the third number c if they are both greater than c or less than c. If one of these numbers is greater than c, and the other is less than c, then we will say that they lie along different sides from the village

Property 3. If the number and base lie on the same side of one, then the logarithm is positive; If the number and base lie on opposite sides of one, then the logarithm is negative.

The proof of property 3 is based on the fact that the power of a is greater than one if the base is greater than one and the exponent is positive or the base is less than one and the exponent is negative. A power is less than one if the base is greater than one and the exponent is negative or the base is less than one and the exponent is positive.

There are four cases to consider:

We will limit ourselves to analyzing the first of them; the reader will consider the rest on his own.

Let then in equality the exponent can be neither negative nor equal to zero, therefore, it is positive, i.e., as required to be proved.

Example 3. Find out which of the logarithms below are positive and which are negative:

Solution, a) since the number 15 and the base 12 are located on the same side of one;

b) since 1000 and 2 are located on one side of the unit; in this case, it is not important that the base is greater than the logarithmic number;

c) since 3.1 and 0.8 lie on opposite sides of unity;

G) ; Why?

d) ; Why?

The following properties 4-6 are often called the rules of logarithmation: they allow, knowing the logarithms of some numbers, to find the logarithms of their product, quotient, and degree of each of them.

Property 4 (product logarithm rule). The logarithm of the product of several positive numbers to a given base is equal to the sum of the logarithms of these numbers to the same base.

Proof. Let the given numbers be positive.

For the logarithm of their product, we write the equality (26.1) that defines the logarithm:

From here we will find

Comparing the exponents of the first and last expressions, we obtain the required equality:

Note that the condition is essential; the logarithm of the product of two negative numbers makes sense, but in this case we get

In general, if the product of several factors is positive, then its logarithm is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the absolute values ​​of these factors.

Property 5 (rule for taking logarithms of quotients). The logarithm of a quotient of positive numbers is equal to the difference between the logarithms of the dividend and the divisor, taken to the same base. Proof. We consistently find


Property 6 (power logarithm rule). The logarithm of the power of any positive number is equal to the logarithm of that number multiplied by the exponent.

Proof. Let us write again the main identity (26.1) for the number:


Consequence. The logarithm of a root of a positive number is equal to the logarithm of the radical divided by the exponent of the root:

The validity of this corollary can be proven by imagining how and using property 6.

Example 4. Take logarithm to base a:

a) (it is assumed that all values ​​b, c, d, e are positive);

b) (it is assumed that ).

Solution, a) It is convenient to go to fractional powers in this expression:

Based on equalities (26.5)-(26.7), we can now write:

We notice that simpler operations are performed on the logarithms of numbers than on the numbers themselves: when multiplying numbers, their logarithms are added, when dividing, they are subtracted, etc.

That is why logarithms are used in computing practice (see paragraph 29).

The inverse action of logarithm is called potentiation, namely: potentiation is the action by which the number itself is found from a given logarithm of a number. Essentially, potentiation is not any special action: it comes down to raising a base to a power ( equal to the logarithm numbers). The term "potentiation" can be considered synonymous with the term "exponentiation".

When potentiating, one must use the rules inverse to the rules of logarithmation: replace the sum of logarithms with the logarithm of the product, the difference of logarithms with the logarithm of the quotient, etc. In particular, if there is a factor in front of the sign of the logarithm, then during potentiation it must be transferred to the exponent degrees under the sign of the logarithm.

Example 5. Find N if it is known that

Solution. In connection with the just stated rule of potentiation, we will transfer the factors 2/3 and 1/3 standing in front of the signs of logarithms on the right side of this equality into exponents under the signs of these logarithms; we get

Now we replace the difference of logarithms with the logarithm of the quotient:

to obtain the last fraction in this chain of equalities, we freed the previous fraction from irrationality in the denominator (section 25).

Property 7. If the base is greater than one, then larger number has a larger logarithm (and a smaller number has a smaller one), if the base is less than one, then the larger number has a smaller logarithm (and the smaller number has a larger one).

This property is also formulated as a rule for taking logarithms of inequalities, both sides of which are positive:

When logarithming inequalities to a base greater than one, the sign of inequality is preserved, and when logarithming to a base less than one, the sign of inequality changes to the opposite (see also paragraph 80).

The proof is based on properties 5 and 3. Consider the case when If , then and, taking logarithms, we obtain

(a and N/M lie on the same side of unity). From here

Case a follows, the reader will figure it out on his own.