Sumo squats. Correct technique for performing sumo squats

Plie (or sumo) squats are one of the most effective exercises for developing slender, toned legs. How quickly you achieve the desired result depends on how you handle this type of squat technique.

Plie squat: classic technique

It is the sumo squat that will perfectly and without weights be able to put your buttocks in order, since it in itself is an active muscle workout. But it is important to know the technique in order to bring your body to results and not harm:

When you do a plie squat, go down slowly and come out of the squat quickly.

In the following video, the instructor will tell you how to do a plie to work up the buttocks:

If you are interested in squats for weight loss -.

Many girls are afraid of scales like fire and believe that working with weights will give them a masculine figure. But that's not true. Hormones and steroids can give masculinity, everything else is the wrong technique and it will most likely lead not to masculinity, but to the absence of results with elastic buttocks and the presence of results with pumped-up legs, but this is fixable.

Plie with a barbell is performed according to the following instructions:

You can and should perform sumo-style squats with a barbell to achieve results faster, with certain caveats:
  • If you are new to the sport or have not exercised for too long, then it is better to start sumo squats without weights.
  • Before any strength work with weights, you need a warm-up - these can be classic squats or squats turning into a jump, stretching.
  • If you start doing squats with weights, then the main condition is that after a certain time of training, when this “burden” becomes most comfortable for you, progress the weight and improve the technique. The fact is that the body gets used to the load, so training does not give maximum results.
If you would like to visually see how sumo squats are performed with a barbell and what muscles are involved, watch the following video:

If you use a barbell with a safety bar, this does not mean that you do not need to strain your back and reduce your shoulder blades to a minimum. Plus, you need to try to “push off” back so that the exercise is as clear as possible.

Plie squats can also be done with dumbbells.

Plie with dumbbells can be performed differently: place your knees shoulder-width apart, and your toes point straight, not to the sides. So, do a slow squat.

In the following video you will see how to do a squat with dumbbells between your legs:

Plie execution scheme

The program for pumping up the buttocks using plie squats is as follows:

In just a month of such training you will get beautiful buttocks:

Contraindications for plie

There is also a “black” list of diseases for which squats cannot be performed:
  • Spinal injuries;
  • Hernia;
  • Injuries, problems with the knee joint;
  • Varicose veins (about the prevention of varicose veins -

are a variant of performing squats with a barbell, that is, this is not some other exercise, but the same exercise, but with a different technique. The point of the exercise is to shift the load more to the legs. If in classic squats with a barbell the back plays a significant role, especially in the upper phase, then the sumo technique allows you to turn off the back almost completely. There is also a noticeable difference in the work of the leg muscles. But in any case, the exercise is basic and involves many muscle groups and joints. It is not recommended to replace classic barbell squats with sumo-style squats; the most preferable option is microperiodization. For example, you can do sumo one week and classics the next, well, if you specialize in legs, then you can do sumo during a heavy leg workout, and classics during a light workout.

The fact is that sumo squats allow you to use heavier weights, so progressing the load in this exercise is a pleasure. However, the exercise develops the functional properties of the muscles more, so bodybuilders should not give preference to this particular technique of squats with a barbell. But this does not mean that we do not recommend doing it, you just need to be aware of when and why! This exercise can be performed to develop strength, during leg specialization, or when the “leading” back takes the lion's share of the load during classic squats. In a word, each exercise, like a training program, has its place and time!

Work of muscles and joints

During sumo squats, the load is mainly accumulated in the legs, and all other muscles perform exclusively the role of stabilizers. Which muscles will be used to a greater extent depends on the depth of the squats. If an athlete squats to parallel, that is, to the level where the knee joint forms an angle of 90°, then the quadriceps and adductor muscles of the thigh will receive the main load. If the athlete sits below parallel, the gluteal muscle will also receive the load, and the weights used will be significantly lower. There is another way to complicate the load on the legs - this is to use a “chair”. In this case, the athlete touches the pallet with his buttocks, pausing at the bottom point for 1-2 seconds, as a result of which kinetic energy is lost and the athlete is forced to pull the weight only with muscle strength. This technique is practiced in powerlifting for increasing strength indicators .

The joints, in fact, work the same as in classic squats, however, during sumo squats the athlete should not lean forward at all. That is, of course, even in classic squats it is advisable not to lean forward, but still the technique involves a slight bend forward, but in the sumo style there is no bending. If you lean forward, the knee joint will go beyond the line of your feet, and this is a serious violation, since in this position the weight puts pressure on the knee, as a result of which you can get injured. Therefore, if you fall forward in squats, then train your abs and lower back, as these muscles will help keep your body upright.

Sumo squats - diagram

1) Place your feet wider than your shoulders, about the width of a training frame for a person of average height, with your toes turned out to the sides.
2) Sit under the barbell with one leg slightly forward for better stability, remove it from the racks and return your legs to their previous position.
3) The bar should be placed in the middle of the trapezoid, and not on the top, and the hands can be placed quite wide.
4) Sit down, keeping your back arched and your eyes looking at the ceiling, without bending forward, then return to the starting position.
5) At the top point, do not straighten your knees completely, this will allow you to keep the weight in the muscles and reduce wear on the knee joint.

– notes

1) The knees and feet should point in the same direction, that is, it is not just the foot that should be turned, but the entire leg.
2) Make sure that the knee joint is in the same plane throughout the entire range of motion, do not bring your knees together!
3) The center of gravity should be kept in the heel and outer part of the foot, which will provide better stability.
4) When you sit down, you should sit down not by tilting your knees forward, but by moving your pelvis back.
5) Learn to perform sumo squats with a shortened amplitude, but constantly try to sit deeper and deeper without compromising your technique.


The legs are made up of a large number of different muscle groups, many of which are large, so in order to pump up your legs , they need to be trained a lot and in a variety of ways. In this case, the adductor muscle of the thigh, which forms the thickness of the legs, is pumped especially well, but you should not overdo it, since its excessive size can interfere with everyday life. Of course, the adductor muscle and even the biceps femoris are not as pronounced muscles as the quadriceps, so they receive less attention, as a result of which the legs begin to look asymmetrical. The hamstrings are very important in all back poses, and they support the knee joint, which helps avoid injury during heavy squats. And, in general, remember two muscles are always more than one!

To summarize, we can say that sumo squats should be done by both powerlifters and bodybuilders. This exercise is especially effective during specialization on the legs, or while working on the strength qualities of the muscles. For beginners, it is better to prefer the classical technique, since this exercise is technically more difficult, primarily due to the fact that in this case the pelvis is pulled back more strongly, and this requires coordination and flexibility. In any case, be sure to pay attention to the deflection in the lower back, the speed of the exercise and that the knees do not go beyond the line of the feet, and also do not change their position in the vertical plane. Start performing the exercise in partial amplitude and with moderate weights. The one who walks will master the road!

Squats are a basic exercise that allows you to build and fully develop the muscles of your hips and buttocks, as well as strengthen the joints and tendons of your legs. Today, there are many types of squats using a variety of equipment. They also differ in the positioning of the legs and body movements, which allows you to shift the emphasis of the load depending on the purpose of the training. In this article we will look at sumo squats.

What muscles are active and worked during sumo squats?

Let's look at which muscles are stressed during sumo squats. As in any basic exercise, during sumo squats almost the entire body is involved in the work. But the greatest burden falls on:

- gluteus maximus muscles;

- muscles of the inner thigh, namely the adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and gracilis muscles;

- semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles;

- quadriceps;

- hamstring biceps.

Precisely because such problem areas as the hips and buttocks are worked out, this exercise is very loved by women, since the inner thigh is minimally involved in everyday activity.

In addition, the calf muscles work to a slightly lesser extent. To stabilize, the back and abdominal muscles are involved in the work.

Advantages and Benefits of Sumo Squats

The benefits of sumo squats are difficult to overestimate. As a basic exercise, it allows you to work the entire body, ensuring the development of all muscles of the legs and core.

Thanks to the ability to adjust the position of your legs from wider to narrower, you can fully work out all the muscles of the thigh.

This exercise actively uses the inner thigh, which for many is flabby and weak, since it is little used in everyday activities and other types of exercises.

During sumo squats, the gluteus maximus muscles are worked very well, which allows you to build up your buttocks.

In addition, the exercise significantly increases strength indicators, unlike Hawaiian squats.

Varieties and techniques for performing sumo and plie exercises

First, let's differentiate between sumo and plie squats. Sometimes these concepts mean the same exercise, and yet they have some differences.

Plie squats involve a wide stance with the legs remaining straight while squatting. In this case, it is more convenient to hold the weight (kettlebell or dumbbell) in your hands.

Sumo squats involve wide stance of the legs, and during the exercise the body leans slightly forward, the pelvis is pulled back. In this case, it is quite convenient to hold the barbell on your shoulders.

Both exercises involve the same muscle groups. When choosing between plie and sumo, you should focus on your feelings and anatomical features, as well as the purpose of the exercise. If you work with heavy weights, then it would be logical to give preference to sumo with a barbell on your shoulders. For girls who train with light weights, or for beginners, the option of plie or sumo with dumbbells or kettlebells would be more optimal.

Technique for performing sumo squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell

This is a great option for a beginner because you can take a very small weight and gradually increase it. There is no fundamental difference between using a dumbbell and a kettlebell. You can hold the projectile either on outstretched arms or near the chest.

  1. We take the projectile in our hands.
  2. We place our legs much wider than our shoulders, with our toes turned outward. How wide to place your feet and how far to turn your toes should be determined by your sensations. Here it is worth considering the level of stretching, preparation, anatomical features, height and length of the legs. It is important that the knees do not “fall” inward, but look clearly in the same directions as the socks.
  3. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, look straight ahead - don't lower your head.
  4. We take a breath and go down. It is important not to lean forward too much. If you can’t keep your body straight, a slight forward bend is acceptable.
  5. It is necessary to squat to parallel with the floor or slightly lower, but not much: do not dive all the way to the floor.
  6. We linger at the bottom point for a few seconds and exhale as we rise to the top.
  7. At the top point we tense our buttocks.

The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 times. If the weight is heavy, you can do 5 sets of 6-8 times.

Technique for performing a wide-legged sumo squat with a barbell

If you train with heavy weights, do not forget about 1-2 warm-up sets with an empty bar.

  1. Remove the bar from the stand. The bar should not lie on the neck, but lower on the back muscles, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the neck.
  2. We spread our legs wide, with our feet turned toes outward.
  3. Keep your back stiff and straight. On large scales, be sure to secure the lower back with a special belt.
  4. Look straight ahead or slightly upward (this will help you rise from the lowest point).
  5. We inhale and slowly lower ourselves down until parallel to the floor. Watch the position of your knees; they should not “fall” inward.
  6. With an exhalation we rise and at the top point we tense our buttocks.

Since the weight used for the exercise is quite heavy, it is performed for a small number of repetitions, for example, 8 times for 4 sets or 6 times for 5 sets.

Video: sumo squat technique with a barbell

Video on how to properly do a sumo squat with a barbell:

  • Sumo squats require a good stretch, so be sure to warm up before you start, otherwise you may severely strain your inner thigh ligaments and tendons.
  • Do not squat too low, as this increases the load on the knee joint. As a result, discomfort and pain may appear.
  • When you return to the starting position, that is, stand up, you do not need to completely straighten your knees, this also puts unnecessary stress on the knee joints.
  • As mentioned, it is important to ensure that your legs remain static and your knees do not roll inward. To do this, you need to maintain the correct position of your back and move your pelvis back.
  • The shoulder blades should move towards each other, the chest should move forward. This will ensure a straight back position.
  • Before starting the exercise, it makes sense to perform 1-2 sets of hyperextension in order to warm up the lower back well and not damage it during the exercise.
  • We shift the body weight more to the heels
  • Do not try to immediately move on to heavy weights: first it is important to achieve the correct technique and good physical fitness.

To develop leg muscles, sumo squats are an important exercise that should not be neglected. Especially if you feel that your progress has stalled, you should include wide-legged squats in your workouts and you will notice an increase in strength and endurance. If the exercise is difficult, you should practice classic squats, and then move on to sumo.

So, we return again to the topic that all the ladies love: our legs. Let's study another exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the lower body.

How much you want a beautiful butt: but how to pump up your buttocks? We have a couple of effective exercises for you: plie and sumo squats!

There are countless variations of the barbell squat.

The name plié squat comes from the French word for squat, which refers to a ballet movement where the legs are bent at the knees from a feet-out position.

And “sumo” was given to us by famous wrestlers from Japan - they know a lot about large sizes :)


What muscles work?

Very often, ladies, in pursuit of “putting” their butts as far back as possible, begin to lean forward. The result is not squats, but bends with a barbell on bent legs. So be very careful and closely monitor your position while squatting.


Many people confuse the sumo squat and the plie squat, not seeing the differences between them and not seeing much of a difference that exists, although not very noticeable at first glance.

Plie. The body is strictly vertical. The butt is not set back.
Sumo. The back is tilted forward and the pelvis is laid back.

It consists of:

    first of all under load, which is experienced by the inner thigh - with plié it is greater than with sumo.

    in technology: plie requires strictly vertical position of the body, and when sumo the back is tilted forward and pelvis retracted, i.e. it gives the impression of a person sitting down on a chair.

    in positioning the legs: Sumo squats require a slightly less wide stance.

    in working weight: sumo squats allow you to work with big weights.

    safe: The position of the hip joints during a plie squat is unnatural and dangerous under load. So You can’t do plie with a heavy load. If you want to build muscle on your inner thighs, then it is safer to perform sumo squats as a main exercise with a large weight, and leave the plie squat with a small working weight as a “snack”.


Sumo with barbell
Sumo squat with kettlebell
Plie squats with barbell
Sumo squat with dumbbells Plie in Smith - agree, it looks kind of strange? 🙂 Besides. A priori, a “pure” plie in Smith will not work, it will just be sumo with very wide apart legs!
Deep sumo on the steps: this way you can increase the range of movement.
But, in fact, sumo in a Smith machine is a more convenient and less traumatic option!


Useful video exercise techniques - how to do sumo correctly.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 205 079 Grade: 5.0

Why articles are given medals:

Core muscles- , And
Additional -
Difficulty of execution- high

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders "sumo" - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions of 20 - 30 kg. 3 - 4 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions of 10 - 15 kg. 3 - 4 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Restrictions for injuries/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

Like the sumo deadlift, this exercise is characterized by a wide stance. Requires some flexibility in the hip joint. Watch your knees. They should "look" towards the socks. If you cannot achieve this, then it is better to abandon this style. The exercise is not for beginners. And before doing it, give your inner thigh a good stretch. Otherwise, you risk injuring muscle tendons.

Main features

1. Sumo squats, also known as wide-legged squats, or plie squats, are only suitable for people with good mobility in the hip joints. 2. Wide stance of the legs is aimed, first of all, at engaging the inner surface of the thigh. 3. The lower you sit, the better. However, your knees should always point towards your toes. That is, squat to the level until you can spread your knees to the sides. 4. Select the width of your legs so that you can sit correctly at least to parallel (thigh parallel to the floor). After all, the wider your legs are, the more difficult it is to sit low. 5. I do not recommend this exercise to beginners. First, master the technique of classic squats and strengthen your ligaments. And a good warm-up with stretching before such an exercise will not hurt. 6. The weight is usually 20% lower than in classic squats. And it should be such that you can squat for at least 4 repetitions. That is, there is no need to set maximum weights.