Presentation "Epic Bogatyr Ilya Muromets". Presentation on the topic “Bogatyr Ilya Muromets” Ilya Muromets is a myth or a real person presentation

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“Hero Ilya Muromets” - But the guests persistently repeated the request, which already sounded like an order. January 1 is the day of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. Subsequently, Ilya Muromets accomplished many other feats, took part in battles, defending the Russian land from enemies. And Ilya, suddenly feeling unprecedented strength, stood on his feet for the first time... After the miraculous healing, Ilya Muromets, as befits heroes and heroes, performs numerous feats.

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Ilya Muromets
Who is Ilya Muromets? 2. Where was Ilya Muromets born? 3. What “trouble and trouble” happened to Ilya in childhood? 4. Who helped the hero to heal? 5. Who taught Ilya military science? 6. Name the works in which the main character is Ilya Muromets. 7. Which Russian artist painted the painting “Bogatyrs”?

(full epic name - Ilya Muromets son Ivanovich) Ilya Muromets is one of the main heroes of the Russian epic epic, a hero who embodies the people's ideal of a hero-warrior, a people's intercessor.
Ilya Muromets

It is believed that the birthplace of Ilya Muromets is the village of Karacharovo near Murom. According to another version, this is the village of Murovsk in the modern Chernigov region. In this case, Ilya’s nickname should have looked like “Murovsky” or “Murovets”, which is also found in the sources. At the moment, both of these cities consider themselves the birthplace of Ilya Muromets. According to the version voiced in the television project “Seekers,” Ilya Muromets came from the Murom tribe.

According to epics, the hero Ilya Muromets “did not control” his arms and legs until the age of 33, and then received miraculous healing from the elders (or passers-by). They came to Ilya’s house when there was no one else there, asking him to get up and bring them something to drink. Ilya replied to this: “I have neither arms nor legs, I’ve been sitting on a seat for thirty years.” They repeatedly ask Ilya to get up and bring them water. After this, Ilya gets up, goes to the water carrier and brings water. The elders tell Ilya to drink water. After the second drink, Ilya feels excessive strength in himself, and he is given a third drink to reduce the strength. Afterwards, the elders tell Ilya that he must go into the service of Prince Vladimir.
Start of service

At the same time, they mention that on the road to Kyiv there is a heavy stone with an inscription, which Ilya must also visit. Afterwards, Ilya says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and goes “to the capital city of Kyiv” and comes first “to that motionless stone.” On the stone was written a call to Ilya to move the stone from its fixed place. There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. He said to the horse: “Oh, you are a heroic horse! Serve me with faith and truth.” After this, Ilya gallops to Prince Vladimir.
A little more from the epic

The hero Ilya is the hero not only of our epics, but also of German epic poems of the 13th century. In them he is presented as the mighty knight of the princely family, Ilya the Russian. Some researchers consider the prototype of the epic character to be a historical strongman nicknamed “Chobotok”, originally from Murom/Murovsk, who became a monk at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra under the name of Elijah, canonized as “Reverend Elijah of Murom” (canonized in 1643). According to this theory, Ilya Muromets lived in the 12th century and died in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra around 1188. Memory according to the church calendar - December 19 (January 1).
A little more history

The envoy of the Holy Roman Empire, Erich Lassota, who visited Kyiv in 1594, left a description of the tomb of Ilya Muromets, which was then located in the heroic chapel of the St. Sophia Cathedral. A special chapel was built for the famous hero and his comrade, in other words, they were given the same honor as the great princes. At that time, the heroic tomb was already empty; the remains of Elijah were transferred to the Anthony Cave of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The remains are a well-preserved mummy that belonged to a rather tall man (about 180 cm). Moscow pilgrim Ioann Lukyanov left an interesting description of the relics of Ilya Muromets, which he venerated in 1701: “Immediately I saw the brave warrior Ilya Muromets, incorrupt, under the cover of golden growth, like today’s large people; his left hand was pierced by a spear; the whole ulcer is on the hand, and the right one is depicted with the sign of the cross.” Only both feet are missing. In addition to the deep round wound on the left arm, the same significant damage is visible in the left chest area. It seems that the hero covered his chest with his hand, and with a blow from a spear it was nailed to his heart. The relics are dressed in monastic clothing. Above the tomb there is an image of St. Elijah of Murom.
Saint Ilya Muromets

V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

V.M. Vasnetsov is a great artist of the 19th century. In the Tretyakov Gallery, in the Vasnetsov Hall, hangs “Bogatyrs” - a painting that has become the embodiment of all the artist’s creative ideas, his thoughts, part of his life. He devoted two decades to this picture. To create images of heroes, the artist studied epics, the history of Ancient Rus', and in museums he became acquainted with samples of ancient weapons and clothing of our ancestors. Many years later, the artist said about his painting “Bogatyrs”: “They were my creative duty, an obligation to my native people. I was obliged to fulfill my duties to him as I understood and felt them.”

Three heroes proudly stand on a hilly plain under the gloomy cloudy sky of the Fatherland. At any moment, our heroes are ready to repel the enemy and defend their beloved homeland - Mother Rus'. Ilya Muromets is our epic hero. He is the strongest and wisest, on a black horse he peers into the distance from under his muscular arm, from which hangs a heavy damask club, in the other hand a sharp spear at the ready.. For Ilya Muromets, the artist looked for more and more new types, sketching Ivan Petrov, the Abramtsevo blacksmith: sedate, handsome, with calm and attentive eyes, or a dray driver, whom he met already in Moscow and begged to pose. “I’m walking along the embankment near the Crimean Bridge,” V. Vasnetsov later said, “and I see: standing next to the regiment is a hefty fellow, exactly like my Ilya.”

Bogatyr Ilya Muromets in the children's drawings

Ilya Muromets, the legendary Russian hero and one of the central characters of ancient Russian epics, was widely known both in his homeland and far beyond its borders, for example, in ancient German poems of the 13th century there is a mention of the Russian valiant knight Ilya the Russian.

The Russian hero, defender of Russian lands, brave and mighty warrior Ilya Muromets is not a mythical epic character, but a real person who lived around the 12th century in Rus' and was buried in the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the mid-17th century, his memory day is revered by Orthodox Christians on January 1 (December 19).

By the way, he is the heavenly protector of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation, so Russian soldiers especially honor him and ask for help and intercession in difficult times.

The image of a hero - the birth, calling of an epic hero

(V. Vasnetsov "Heroic Leap" 1914)

The future defender of the Russian land was born in 1143 to the peasants Ivan and Efrosinya Timofeev in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region. His name was not found in the historical chronicles of those years, but this may be due to the fact that Russian cities and villages were often subject to raids by Tatars and Polovtsians, and historical documents were simply destroyed in fires and robberies.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, anthropologists examined the remains of St. Ilya Muromets, preserved to this day in the Lavra, have established that he was a large, tall (height 177 cm) man with a powerful build. He died at the age of about 45-55 years from numerous wounds and fractures received as a result of blows with a sword, spear and saber, which confirms his epic feats of arms.

Scientists also found that this man suffered from paraplegia at an early age and could not walk. As it is written in the epics, “Elijah sat for thirty years and three years and could not walk in his legs,” he was miraculously healed by walking Kalikas, who asked him to drink some water. Then Ilya felt unprecedented strength in his legs, was able to stand up and give water to the wanderers. So he was healed and received a blessing for exploits for the glory of the Fatherland, which he immediately began, devoting his entire future life to serving the Russian people and their defense.

The years that he spent, practically imprisoned within four walls, strengthened his character, which, according to epic storytellers, was distinguished by great patience, meekness and amazing fortitude.

Glorious exploits of the Russian hero

(Still from the film "Ilya Muromets" 1956)

The exploits of Russian heroes described in epics, no matter how fantastic and amazing they may be, have a real basis, because they still echo real events that took place in real life, slightly embellished and with the addition of a bit of fiction and fantasy that composed them people.

One of the most famous exploits of Ilya Muromets is his battle and victory over the legendary Nightingale the Robber, who robbed and killed innocent people and merchants on the way to Kyiv. The Kiev prince Mstislav, who ruled at that time, organized a princely squad to protect merchants and their goods, and most likely appointed it as its leader the experienced and wise warrior Ilya Muromets, who at that time served in this squad. Having defeated in battle the whistler-robber Nightingale the Robber, who personified in the epics all the dashing people of that time, the Russian legendary hero cleared the way to Kyiv, thereby, in the opinion of the people, having accomplished considerable feats of arms and a good deed for the entire Russian land.

Other exploits of the famous Russian hero, who was revered and glorified by the Russian people for all his glorious deeds for the benefit of the Fatherland, are also known, this is his victory over the Pogany Idol (most likely this is a collective image of all the nomads who attacked Russian lands), the fight against Babka-Gorynka, A Jew, various robbers and dashing people.

(Boris Fedorovich Andreev - People's Artist of the USSR in the role of Ilya Muromets)

And although Ilya Muromets, according to the epic storytellers, never suffered defeats and always won in battle, he was never proud of this and did not flaunt himself, and he pardoned his defeated enemies and even released them on all four sides.

Having received an incurable wound in the chest in one of the battles, the Russian hero retired from military affairs and, having taken monastic vows, began to live in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Not much is known about this side of his life; he died at the age of 45 from a puncture wound in the heart (there is a version that the warrior monk was killed in his last battle, when he defended Kyiv from an attack by the Polovtsians). He was buried with special honors on the territory of the St. Sophia Cathedral, which at that time was the main tomb of the great Russian princes. Later, his remains were reburied in one of the caves of the Lavra, where his incorruptible relics are kept to this day.

Presentation on the topic "Ilya Muromets" on literature in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren compares various facts in order to find out who Ilya Muromets is - an epic hero or a real historical figure.

Fragments from the presentation

  • The Baptism of Rus' and the era of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir became the core of an extensive epic cycle, which is based on reliable historical events and personalities.
  • The main characters of the Kyiv epics are warrior warriors who defend Holy Rus' from the encroachments of infidels.
  • The central figure of this cycle, and indeed the entire Russian epic, was Ilya Muromets, nicknamed Chobotok. But not everyone knows that Boyan did not invent him, that he actually lived not far from Murom.
  • In epics and legends, three heroes - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich - often perform feats together. But they never actually met. They were separated by centuries - Dobrynya Nikitich lived in the 10th century, Alyosha Popovich in the 13th century, and Ilya in the 12th century.
  • But when legends are passed down from one generation to another for centuries, they acquire new details, famous characters begin to perform new feats, and time frames gradually blur and shift.
  • Contrary to legends, Ilya Muromets never served Prince Vladimir the Great. They simply could not meet because they lived in different centuries. Ilya served Prince Svyatoslav, defending Rus' from the Polovtsians.
  • Very little reliable information about the life of this saint has been preserved. The first historical evidence of the veneration of St. Elijah of Murom dates back to the 16th century. It is known that at first his relics were in the tomb at the St. Sophia Cathedral, and then they were transferred to the Lavra caves.
  • The transfer probably took place in the same 16th century, so the life of the ancient ascetic did not end up in the famous Kiev-Pechersk Patericon, which was compiled in the 13th century.
  • In 1594, the Austrian ambassador Erich Lassota, passing through Kyiv, saw the remains of the destroyed tomb of the hero and his relics in the caves.
  • When the first printed edition of the patericon was being prepared in Kyiv in 1661 (it was illustrated), the Pechersk monk Elijah carved out an icon engraving of the image of his heavenly patron, St. Elijah Muromets.
  • Another Pechersk monk, Afanasy Kalnofoysky, a colleague of the Kyiv Metropolitan. Peter Mogila, in the book “Teraturgim” - he wrote it in 1638 - it is indicated that the Monk Elijah of Murom lived 450 years earlier.
  • In 1988, the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR conducted an examination of the relics of St. Elijah Muromets. To obtain objective data, the most modern techniques and ultra-precise Japanese equipment were used. The research results are amazing.
  • Experts determined the age of the epic hero to be 40-45 years plus 10 years due to his specific disease. The criminologist and sculptor S. Nikitin recreated the sculptural portrait of Ilya Muromets.
  • It is assumed that Ilya was born around 1143 in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region in the family of the peasant Ivan, the son of Timofeev and his wife Euphrosyne. Medical experts dated the remains of the warrior who died with honor in battle to the 12th century, and according to Sergei Khvedchenya, the time period of Ilya Muromets’ life was from 1148 to 1203.
  • In childhood and youth he suffered from paralysis, but he did not grumble about his fate, did not complain, he only prayed with humility. When examining the saint’s body, anatomists actually noted in the lumbar region of Ilya’s body a curvature of the spine to the right and clearly pronounced additional processes on the vertebrae, which made it difficult for the hero to move in his youth due to pinched nerves of the spinal cord.
  • The people passed this story from mouth to mouth. As if the grandfather of Ilya Muromets was a pagan and, not recognizing Christianity, once cut the icon. Since then, a curse has fallen on his family - all boys will be born crippled.
  • Ten years later, Ilya was born, and it seemed that the curse had been fulfilled: the boy had not been able to walk since childhood. All attempts to cure him were unsuccessful. But Ilya did not give up, persistently trained his arms, developed his muscles, becoming stronger, but, alas, he still could not walk. The years passed, and, probably, more than once it seemed to him that he needed to come to terms with his fate: he would forever remain a cripple.
  • And Ilya only grieved that if he had been healthy, he “would not have allowed his native Rus' to be an insult to enemies and robbers.” So the Lord heard Elijah’s pure prayer. One day, passers-by Kaliki (wanderers) entered the house and imperiously said to him: “Go and bring us something to drink!”
  • Ilya, obedient, meek, spending all his time in prayer, could not disobey the elders and offend them. Sincerely wanting to fulfill their will, he stood up and was thus healed. Ilya got back on his feet after 33 years of immobility. From these same wanderers, Ilya receives a blessing to fight the enemies of his native land.
  • After a miraculous healing, Ilya Muromets, as befits heroes and heroes, performs numerous feats. His most famous feat is the victory over the Nightingale the Robber.
  • Researchers believe that the Nightingale the Robber is not a fairy-tale monster, but also a real historical figure, a robber who hunted in the forests on the way to Kyiv.
  • And this robber was nicknamed Nightingale because he announced his attack by whistling (or, perhaps, by whistling he gave a signal to his gang to attack.
  • Before his tonsure, Ilya was a member of the princely squad. The relics of St. Elijah resting in the Anthony Caves show that for his time he really had very impressive dimensions and was head and shoulders taller than a man of average height.

Slide presentation

Slide text: Creative project Topic: “Ilya Muromets” DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “EDUCATION CENTER No. 491 “MARYNO” Author: Anastasia Nasman, 4th grade student “Z” Supervisor: E.M. Zhukova, primary school teacher Moscow , 2012/2013 academic year

Slide text: Relevance of the topic: modern schoolchildren, keen on reading science fiction works and watching films, are more aware of foreign heroes than native Russian ones. Object of study: epic hero - Ilya Muromets Purpose of the study: to find out who Ilya Muromets is - an epic hero or a real historical figure. Objectives of the study: enriching the spiritual world of students by introducing them to the moral values ​​of the Russian people, cultivating feelings of patriotism. Research methods: reading epics, epic poems; comparison, comparison, analysis. Project duration: long-term. Project form: individual.

Slide text: Contents Introduction (survey). 2. * Homeland of Ilya Muromets. * Miraculous healing. * Start of service. * Ilya Muromets is the hero of epic poems. * Prototype of the Epic character. * Saint Ilya Muromets. * Epics. * Painting by V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” Conclusion. Project activity plan Studying literature on the project topic. Visit to the Tretyakov Gallery. 3. Research activities (student survey). 4. Design and protection of the project.

Slide text: Research activities Who is Ilya Muromets? 2. Where was Ilya Muromets born? 3. What “trouble and trouble” happened to Ilya in childhood? 4. Who helped the hero to heal? 5. Who taught Ilya military science? 6. Name the works in which the main character is Ilya Muromets. 7. Which Russian artist painted the painting “Bogatyrs”?

Slide text: Research results 100% 58% 89% 68% 58% 42% 36% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Slide text: (full epic name - Ilya Muromets son Ivanovich) Ilya Muromets is one of the main heroes of the Russian epic epic, a hero who embodies the people's ideal of a warrior hero, a people's defender.

Slide text: It is believed that the birthplace of Ilya Muromets is the village of Karacharovo near Murom. According to another version, this is the village of Murovsk in the modern Chernigov region. In this case, Ilya’s nickname should have looked like “Murovsky” or “Murovets”, which is also found in the sources. At the moment, both of these cities consider themselves the birthplace of Ilya Muromets. According to the version voiced in the television project “Seekers,” Ilya Muromets came from the Murom tribe.

Slide text: According to epics, the hero Ilya Muromets “did not control” his arms and legs until he was 33 years old, and then received miraculous healing from the elders (or passers-by). They came to Ilya’s house when there was no one else there, asking him to get up and bring them something to drink. Ilya replied to this: “I have neither arms nor legs, I’ve been sitting on a seat for thirty years.” They repeatedly ask Ilya to get up and bring them water. After this, Ilya gets up, goes to the water carrier and brings water. The elders tell Ilya to drink water. After the second drink, Ilya feels excessive strength in himself, and he is given a third drink to reduce the strength. Afterwards, the elders tell Ilya that he must go into the service of Prince Vladimir.

Slide No. 10

Slide text: At the same time, they mention that on the road to Kyiv there is a heavy stone with an inscription, which Ilya must also visit. Afterwards, Ilya says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and goes “to the capital city of Kyiv” and comes first “to that motionless stone.” On the stone was written a call to Ilya to move the stone from its fixed place. There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. He said to the horse: “Oh, you are a heroic horse! Serve me with faith and truth.” After this, Ilya gallops to Prince Vladimir.

Slide No. 11

Slide text: Bogatyr Ilya is the hero not only of our epics, but also of German epic poems of the 13th century. In them he is presented as the mighty knight of the princely family, Ilya the Russian. Some researchers consider the prototype of the epic character to be a historical strongman nicknamed “Chobotok”, originally from Murom/Murovsk, who became a monk at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra under the name of Elijah, canonized as “Reverend Elijah of Murom” (canonized in 1643). According to this theory, Ilya Muromets lived in the 12th century and died in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra around 1188. Memory according to the church calendar - December 19 (January 1).

Slide No. 12

Slide text: The envoy of the Holy Roman Empire, Erich Lassota, who visited Kyiv in 1594, left a description of the tomb of Ilya Muromets, which was then located in the heroic chapel of the St. Sophia Cathedral. A special chapel was built for the famous hero and his comrade, in other words, they were given the same honor as the great princes. At that time, the heroic tomb was already empty; the remains of Elijah were transferred to the Anthony Cave of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The remains are a well-preserved mummy that belonged to a rather tall man (about 180 cm). Moscow pilgrim Ioann Lukyanov left an interesting description of the relics of Ilya Muromets, which he venerated in 1701: “Immediately I saw the brave warrior Ilya Muromets, incorrupt, under the cover of golden growth, like today’s large people; his left hand was pierced by a spear; the whole ulcer is on the hand, and the right one is depicted with the sign of the cross.” Only both feet are missing. In addition to the deep round wound on the left arm, the same significant damage is visible in the left chest area. It seems that the hero covered his chest with his hand, and with a blow from a spear it was nailed to his heart. The relics are dressed in monastic clothing. Above the tomb there is an image of St. Elijah of Murom.

Slide No. 13

Slide text: Finding strength by Ilya Muromets Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor The first trip of Ilya Muromets Ilya Muromets and Idolishche Ilya Muromets in a quarrel with Prince Volodimir Ilya Muromets and the tavern goals Ilya Muromets on the Falcon-ship Ilya Muromets and the robbers Three trips of Ilya Muromets Ilya Muromets and Ilya Sokolnik Muromets, Ermak and Tsar Kalin The Kama Massacre Ilya Muromets and Tsar Kalin Duel of Dobrynya Nikitich with Ilya Muromets Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber

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Slide text: V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

Slide No. 15

Slide text: V.M. Vasnetsov is a great artist of the 19th century. In the Tretyakov Gallery, in the Vasnetsov Hall, hangs “Bogatyrs” - a painting that has become the embodiment of all the artist’s creative ideas, his thoughts, part of his life. He devoted two decades to this picture. To create images of heroes, the artist studied epics, the history of Ancient Rus', and in museums he became acquainted with samples of ancient weapons and clothing of our ancestors. Many years later, the artist said about his painting “Bogatyrs”: “They were my creative duty, an obligation to my native people. I was obliged to fulfill my duties to him as I understood and felt them.”

Slide No. 16

Slide text: Three heroes proudly stand on a hilly plain under the gloomy cloudy sky of the Fatherland. At any moment, our heroes are ready to repel the enemy and defend their beloved homeland - Mother Rus'. Ilya Muromets is our epic hero. He is the strongest and wisest, on a black horse he peers into the distance from under his muscular arm, from which hangs a heavy damask club, in the other hand a sharp spear at the ready.. For Ilya Muromets, the artist looked for more and more new types, sketching Ivan Petrov, the Abramtsevo blacksmith: sedate, handsome, with calm and attentive eyes, or a dray driver, whom he met already in Moscow and begged to pose. “I’m walking along the embankment near the Crimean Bridge,” V. Vasnetsov later said, “and I see: standing next to the regiment is a hefty fellow, exactly like my Ilya.”

Slide No. 17

Slide text: Bogatyr Ilya Muromets in the children’s drawings

Slide No. 18

Slide text: I was very interested in working on the project. I learned a lot of new and informative things. I hope that this material will be of interest to many. Conclusion