How to make peach cans. Peaches for the winter

Peach is not only a tasty and incredibly aromatic fruit, it contains many microelements and fruit acids that can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, fiber promotes better digestion, and a complex of vitamins strengthens the immune system and gives you energy. But, unfortunately, the peach season is short-lived, and you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with juicy fruits all year round.
You can preserve peaches in a variety of ways. Most recipes call for rolling whole peaches in compote. But such a recipe does not imply long-term storage, because the stone contains substances that over time begin to release hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to human life and health, therefore, in no case should you use preserved food for more than a year.
Another thing is peaches, sealed without seeds in syrup. Firstly, the fruits retain their density and honey taste inherent in peach longer; secondly, there is no risk, such preservation can be stored for a long time without any changes in the structure and chemical composition of the fruits.
The method of preserving peaches in syrup presented to your attention is incredibly easy to implement, and the fruits can be used not only in their pure form, but also for preparing various desserts, such as filling for pies or decorating cakes.
It is advisable not to peel peaches, this way they retain their density longer, and the lion's share of all useful substances is contained in the skin. It is better to use fruits of medium size and sufficient ripeness, but not too soft. The optimal container size is 700 ml - 1 liter. in three liter bottles, the peaches will choke under their own weight and the weight of the syrup.

Ingredients for canned peaches in syrup:

  • Fresh peaches – 1.5 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 200g.
  • Water – 1.7 l.
  • Citric acid – 1 tsp. l.


Preparation of canned peaches in syrup:
Wash the required number of peaches, carefully trying to leave as little fluff on the surface as possible.

Remove the stem and halve the peaches using a knife. Remove the bone. To better saturate the pulp with syrup, you can prick the peel in several places with a toothpick.

If you wish, you can roll up half the jars with peeled peaches; to do this, you need to put them in boiling water for a few minutes and pour them over, then remove the skins with cold water.
If you bought large peaches and the halves do not fit through the neck of the jar, then the peaches can be cut into quarters, this will not make them any worse.
Place pieces of peaches into pre-sterilized and dried jars, being careful not to crush the fruits. Fill the prepared jars with peaches with boiling water and cover the top with lids and let them sit for half an hour so that the juice is released.

After this time, drain the water from the jars into a saucepan and add granulated sugar and citric acid. Bring the contents to a boil and check for thickness. Since our peaches are red, the syrup also acquired a beautiful red color. If your peaches are yellow, the color of the syrup will be amber.

Pour hot syrup over the fruit halves in the jars and screw on the lids.

No additional sterilization is required; you can immediately turn the jars over and cover them with a thick towel until they cool completely.

Canned peaches in syrup are ready for the winter; you can eat such peaches in just a couple of days. They should be saturated with syrup.

Calories: 60
Cooking time: 30 min

What will remind you of the wonderful summer time and the season of fresh fruits in the cold? A jar of canned aromatic peaches! Their wonderful smell and bright taste will lift your spirits and disperse the winter blues. will decorate and fill any holiday or family dinner with sunny colors. We invite you to prepare canned peaches with us. The recipe is quite simple, and the compote tastes great. The peaches remain firm and do not lose their shape. For a large family, it is advantageous to preserve peaches in bottles, but for one person it is better to make them in a liter jar.

History of canning
The conservation process was invented by the Frenchman Nicolas François Appert in the late 18th century. He discovered and described a long-term method of storing vegetables, fruits and meat in hermetically sealed glass containers. This invention was immediately introduced into the warring French army, which completely resolved the issue of storing provisions for soldiers.

Did Apper know how to can peaches? Perhaps yes. By that time they were already a recognized fruit throughout France. In the 1st century, the peach from Persia came to Europe, where it gained popularity among chefs and fruit lovers. And China is considered the birthplace of the fragrant peach. From there it came to Iran, and then spread throughout the globe. The discovery of the French chef now helps preserve canned peaches and other fruits for many months.

Recipe of the day: canned peaches for the winter.

- peaches – 300 g;
- sugar – 150 g;
- citric acid – ¼ tsp;
- water – 500 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Prepare canned peaches for winter with us. The recipe with photos will clearly show the main steps in the process of preserving these aromatic fruits.

1. The very first thing before canning peaches is to prepare jars for sealing the fruit. To do this, take a liter jar, wash it well with soda, and then rinse with water. Now let's sterilize the jar. To do this, fill the pan ¼ full with water. Place a liter jar in it with the neck down. Then boil the jar in water for 5 minutes. Boil the canning lid in water for 1 minute or wipe it with alcohol.

2. Wash the peaches well in water with the addition of soda.

After washing the peaches, rinse them with running water.

4. Then pour ¼ tsp of citric acid into the jar.

5. Now prepare the syrup for pouring over the peaches. Pour 0.150 kg of sugar into the pan.

Then fill it with 500 ml of water. Stir the sugar into the water with a spoon. Boil the sugar syrup for 2 minutes.

6. Pour boiling syrup over the peaches in the jar. Cover with a lid.

7. Now we will sterilize the jar of peaches in syrup. Place a clean cloth on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar of peaches on it and pour hot water up to 2/3 of the jar’s height. Bring the water in the pan to a boil and sterilize the peaches for 10 minutes.

8. Cover the sterilized peaches with a lid for preservation.

9. Turn the preserved jar upside down and cover with a towel or blanket. We move the cooled canned peaches to the place where they can be stored until winter.
The benefits of canned peaches
Due to heat treatment and sweet syrup, canned peaches are slightly inferior in beneficial properties to fresh peaches. However, they still benefit the body. Eating canned peaches has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and intestinal motility, which is due to the abundance of pectin and fiber in canned fruits. Canned peaches also remove toxins from the body. The vitamins contained in peaches promote rapid growth of hair and nails. The sugar syrup in canned peaches makes them a source of quick energy. The low calorie content of the product allows you to simultaneously enjoy peaches and stay slim. At the same time, you should not get carried away with consuming peach syrup.

Options for preserving peaches
Peaches are rolled up in jars whole, slices, and halves. There are recipes for canning these fruits whole, but without the skin. Then the taste of the compote turns out to be slightly different than that of canned peaches, photos of which are given above. If peaches are canned with pits, they can be stored for no longer than a year. But slices or halves preserved in syrup have a longer shelf life. When canning peaches, citric acid can be replaced with lemon slices. Then the compote will acquire a richer aroma and original taste.
Children and adults really like the sunny color and sweet aroma of peaches. In cooking, canned peaches are used to make delicious desserts, cakes and jellies.
Take time during the summer to can your peaches. Then in the chilly winter at a cozy family table there will be a reason to remember the warm summer and enjoy the taste of sunny fruit.
Calorie content of canned peaches – 60 kcal/100 g
Proteins – 0.9 g
Fats – 0.1 g
Carbohydrates – 13.9 g
Cooking time – 30 minutes
Yield of portions - 3
European cuisine
We also recommend the recipe

Juicy, sweet, with velvety skin and delicate pulp - peaches, like round lanterns with ruddy barrels, conceal the summer sun! Do you want the warmth and aroma of generous August to warm you in winter? Let's prepare canned peaches in syrup. This is a very simple preparation without sterilization, and in the end you will have both delicious fruit and sweet compote.

The syrup is good for preparing impregnation for biscuits or compotes, diluting with water to taste. Canned peaches can be used to decorate cakes and pies and add to desserts and salads. And, of course, sweet fruits are very tasty on their own! In winter, when the only fresh fruits available are bananas and citruses, preparing peaches will be like a godsend.

  • Preparation time: preparation 30 minutes, waiting – several hours
  • Servings: approximately 2.7 liters

Ingredients for canned peaches in syrup:

  • Peaches – how many will fit in the jar;
  • Water – similar;
  • Sugar - at the rate of 400 g per 1 liter of water.

For example, for 2 jars - a two-liter and a 700-gram one - I needed about 1.5 kg of peaches, 1200 ml of water and, accordingly, 480 g of sugar.

Preparation of canned peaches in syrup:

For rolling, choose whole, unspoiled small-sized fruits - small peaches are much easier to fill jars with, they are placed more compactly, so more of them can fit. If you roll up large fruits, then there will be several peaches per jar, especially if it is small in volume, but you will get a lot of syrup.

Ripe peaches are perfect for canning, but not too soft, but rather strong - they do not wrinkle when placed in a jar.

There are varieties of peaches in which the pit is easily separated - in this case, you can peel the fruit from the pits and roll it in halves. If, when trying to peel the peaches, they become wrinkled, you can preserve them entirely.

Wash the peaches thoroughly: to remove dust from the velvety peel, it is not enough to simply rinse the fruit, you need to rub it with your hands under running water.

Place the peaches in prepared sterilized jars.

Now we pour cold, clean water into the jars of fruit, from which we will cook the syrup - so that the water completely covers the peaches, to the very edges of the jars (taking into account that during boiling a small part of the water evaporates).

We drain the water from the cans into a measuring container and count how much is obtained. Based on the amount of water, we calculate how much sugar is needed for the syrup (remember, for 1 liter – 400 g).

Pour water into an enamel or stainless steel pan, add sugar, stir and put on fire. Heat until the sugar dissolves and the syrup boils.

Pour boiling syrup over peaches in jars, cover with sterile lids and leave until cool.

When the syrup in the jars has cooled to room temperature (or, given the hot weather, at least to a slightly warm state), carefully pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil again. Pour in the peaches a second time and again leave for a while to allow the syrup to cool.

Finally, we repeat the procedure of draining and boiling the syrup for the third time. Fill the peaches again, roll up the jars with lids - regular or threaded, wrap them up and leave until cool.

Canned peaches in syrup are ready for the winter. Store in a cool, dry place – pantry or basement. It is advisable to eat those peaches with pits within a year from the time of seaming. And those that are halved can be stored for 1-2 years.

Summer is a time of fruit abundance. Each fruit is good for our body in its own way, since the vitamins contained in fruits are extremely useful. Not the least of the summer fruits is the peach.

Peach is a heat-loving fruit plant native to China. Peach fruits contain carotene, pectin, vitamin C, and many other useful minerals. Doctors even advise eating peaches in any form as an addition to people’s diet to strengthen the body.

Especially in winter, when the human body feels a lack of vitamins, peaches harvested in summer will be a real godsend. They will strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of catching a cold. Here such winter preparations as peach compote for the winter, peach jam for the winter, peach jam for the winter will come in handy. Canning peaches for the winter is possible in various ways. For example, if you decide to preserve the natural taste and aroma of the fruit as much as possible, you should prepare peach halves in syrup for the winter. Or there is another great option - storing peaches for the winter without sterilization. This method gives excellent results, but requires special care when storing the product.

The aroma of peach cannot be confused with any other fruit. Its secret is the presence of esters of some rare acids contained in the pulp of this fruit, which create such a unique miracle.

To feel this aroma all year round, in addition to traditional canning, other methods of preparation are used. An excellent option is dried peaches. They are even healthier than canned ones because no preservatives are used during drying. An important and necessary event is the preparation of peaches for the winter. Recipes for such preparations are described in detail on our website. Choose the version of peaches for the winter, the recipe with photo of which you like best. And don't be discouraged if you haven't done this before. Simple recipes for winter peaches are just as good and tasty as more complex ones. Start with them!

And let our advice help you with this:

Peaches should not be cut into halves for drying; they will quickly darken and spoil. Be sure to cut them into small pieces;

Only sweet, sour and sweet varieties of peaches are suitable for drying;

Cooking of jam is carried out using a repeated method of alternating heating and cooling;

For jam you need strong, large, ripe, but in no case overripe peaches;

To freeze peaches, cut them into slices, sprinkle them with sugar and place them in the freezer in bags;

Canned peaches are sealed in jars, which immediately after sealing must be turned over, wrapped and left in this position to cool completely;

All types of preparations require dividing the peaches into at least halves and removing the pit;

When making jam, keep in mind that peaches go well with pears.

Peach is an amazing and healthy fruit, delighting with its juicy structure and incredible taste. At the height of the season, many people enjoy the fruit, but this is a short period, so at the end of summer, housewives are interested in how to prepare canned peaches for the winter.

With a few simple recipes on hand, you can easily prepare an amazing homemade delicacy that even the highest quality store-bought product cannot compare to.

Canned peaches are a delicious dessert. Homemade preparation is great for preparing other delights. These include fruit salads, ice cream, mousse and soufflé. Pie made from canned peaches has an unsurpassed taste. And the syrup makes an excellent jelly.

Calorie content of canned peaches

Everyone likes peaches. Not a single person will refuse the fragrant, sweet-tasting fruit. It's just a pity that the season is ending quickly. Fortunately, thanks to canning, we have access to delicacies all year round. And if the pasteurization procedure does not take long, many vitamins and nutrients remain in the fruits.

The calorie content of canned peaches is slightly different in each case, due to the use of different ingredients and additives.

On average, 100 grams of the finished product contains 90 kcal.

And if you consume the treat in moderation, it will not harm your figure.

Recipe for canning peaches according to GOST

People love peaches for their juicy flesh, aromatic skin and unique taste. In order to maintain access to this miracle, I advise you to prepare canned peaches according to GOST, which are not much inferior to fresh fruits in terms of taste and aroma. To do this, use the following recipe.


Servings: – + 10

  • peaches 1 kg
  • sugar 7 tbsp. l.

Calories and BJU per 100 g

Calories: 68 kcal

Proteins: 0.3 g

Fats: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 14.7 g

30 min. Video

    Use firm and ripe fruits. Fill them with cold water for an hour, then rinse thoroughly. There is no need to remove the skin.

    Make a longitudinal cut on each fruit, divide it into slices, and remove the pit. Cut each half as desired.

    Wash glass jars thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place a tablespoon of sugar in the bottom of each jar and place a layer of peaches on top. Alternate layers until jars are full.

    Cover the bottom of a wide pan with a cloth, place jars of peaches on top, and cover with a large lid. Pour water into the pan up to the hanger and place on the fire. Sterilize for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the syrup to appear.

    Remove the jars from the pan and roll up. Leave in a warm place upside down. Once cooled, store in the refrigerator or pantry.

There is nothing complicated in preparation. They are stored for a long time, which means they will come to the rescue at any time and help in preparing a wonderful dessert, for example, a pie.

How to Can Peaches Without Sterilization

Some housewives like to preserve peaches without sterilization, but they still turn out juicy and tasty. The secret is using citric acid. Thanks to this natural preservative, fruits are stored for a long time and retain their original color.


  • Peaches – 1.5 kg.
  • Water – 1.8 l.
  • Sugar – 200 g.
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the peaches with water. During this procedure, carefully rub the fruits with your fingers. This will help remove more lint. Place on a paper towel to dry.
  2. Divide each fruit into halves. For convenience, use a knife. After making a careful cut along the groove, remove the pit.
  3. Fill the prepared jars with slices, pour boiling water and cover with lids. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, drain the water into a saucepan, add citric acid and sugar, and put on fire. After boiling, pour the syrup into jars with peaches and roll up tightly.
  5. Leave the jars upside down under the blanket until they cool completely, then move them to the balcony or pantry. The main thing is that the workpiece should not be exposed to sunlight during storage.

The delicacy does not undergo a sterilization procedure, but is stored for a long time, and short heat treatment helps preserve nutrients.

Canned Peaches Pie

The secret to delicious canned peaches lies in using ripe fruit, proper preparation, following the sequence of steps indicated in the recipe and using clean dishes. This result is enough to satisfy the gastronomic needs of most sweet tooths.

Some gourmets prefer subtle flavor combinations. If you are one of them and crave something new and unknown, add a little vanilla essence, cinnamon or star anise to the jars when canning peaches. Thanks to these spices, the taste of the preparation will acquire piquant notes.

I will add that each person has his own taste preferences, so the best recipe is determined solely by experimentation. Good luck!