In a dream, see an adult daughter as a child. Why do you dream about your daughter according to the dream book?

Every mother dreams of a beautiful daughter. And if you wait impatiently for it, it will appear. But it happens that she comes only in a dream. How to interpret a dream about a daughter who does not exist. What does it mean: good or bad? What to expect in the future from such a dream?

What if you dream about a daughter who doesn’t exist?

This dream book will tell you about this in detail. A daughter who does not exist is dreamed of according to the general interpretation of court cases. But there are other designations. And, of course, everyone will choose what suits them. If you dream of a daughter who in a dream does not care for her mother and does not pay attention to her, then real life everything will be the other way around - the beloved child will love his parents and give them everything. Seeing your non-existent daughter as an adult in a dream means you will soon be disappointed in your friends and get a knife in the back.

If the daughter is a newborn, then you should expect minor troubles soon, and if the daughter is an adult, then the worries will be more important. If in a dream a woman sees a non-existent daughter on her deathbed, litigation will force the dreamer to pay for his violations of the law. A common family dream book says that seeing an unborn girl means you will soon find love happiness, which will end with the birth of a long-awaited baby.

In the dream, the daughter does not notice her mother - the dreamer will marry her child off early. If, on the contrary, in a dream the daughter does not leave her parents, it means that in the future you need to be prepared for serious material expenses or losses. A sick non-existent daughter means troubles that will end in a positive outcome.

And in general, it is generally accepted that a girl in a dream can only lead to worries and troubles in real life, but everyone will think to the best of their interpretation and symbols, therefore, when analyzing a dream, you should take a closer look at small details and memories, they can also suggest a lot. Usually this is where the whole essence of the dream lies.

In general, there are many dream books that analyze in different ways what dreams of a daughter who does not exist yet mean. Some say it will have a negative impact on personal love affairs, someone on the contrary, that this is the birth of a new life. Psychologists think differently.

Psychologists say that if a girl has a dream where she sees a daughter who does not yet exist, this can only mean one thing - in a dream she sees her inner self. And the state of her soul depends on how she behaves in her sleep. For example, if in a dream a girl is calm and gentle, it means that everything is smooth and harmonious in the dreamer’s soul. And if alarming signs arise in the subconscious and develop into a dream, then in real life the girl urgently needs to look for a way out of the situation that worries her.

At such moments, it is necessary to very carefully analyze all the elements of the dream, because a clue may be nearby, you just need to think of it, and everything will fall into place. If a young girl had such a dream, in reality she should think about her behavior and character, her views on life are not entirely correct, maybe even childish. It's time to grow up and start living not in fairy tales. Is the girl capricious in the dream? So stop behaving like a princess, in this world you can achieve anything only with your own hands and mind. But if an adult woman sees such a dream, it means that the subconscious expresses her most strong desires, namely to have a child - a daughter.

And she has been going towards this goal for a very long time. If it doesn’t work out in reality, then the answers must be sought in a dream. Each element of a dream can indicate mistakes that are causing things to go wrong. If the girl is calm, you need to go towards the goal with zeal, the girl, on the contrary, is too active in her sleep - there is no need to kill yourself, just wait calmly. After all, everyone has their own body and their own perception of the world. Some people need to grab hold of everything in life, while others just come into their own hands. You just need to choose the right tactics.

What does it portend?

Erotic and love dream books interpret the dream, why the daughter dreams, who does not exist, with the help of their concepts. If in a dream an imaginary daughter asks for attention, it means that the girl does not have enough sexual attention from her lover. The accumulated energy comes out through the subconscious. But it also happens that men have such a dream. This may mean that his sexual fantasies are not realized, this outcome of the situation makes him depressed, the man thinks that no one needs him, that perhaps he is a pervert.

In general, he comes up with a lot of thoughts. Such individuals need urgent sexual release. But this is what intimacy is about. If we talk about the family dream book, then he claims that a non-existent daughter dreams of an imminent move or change of place of work. If in reality there is no daughter, but in a dream they come more than once, this subconscious may show a model of relationship that needs to be built with the child, or which will be built automatically.

And just looking at the results, you can understand how you should behave with your future child. Most often, women still have such a dream, but it happens that men also have their unreal daughter burst into their subconscious. In this case, his soul comes to him. A daughter is a symbol of a man's soul. After all, they are ready to protect their child from other men all their lives. And such a dream can be interpreted as the appearance of a guardian angel who will guide you on the right path and suggest the best solutions.

Also, such a daughter can mean vitality. The kind of character a child has in a dream is the kind of vitality a man has. And the subconscious usually provides such information in difficult moments for a man.

Thus, we can say that a non-existent daughter in a dream can mean that in at the moment occurs in the dreamer’s life, regardless of his gender. This is a kind of symbol of future fate, hope for something better. If in a dream your daughter is affectionate and gentle, then harmony is guaranteed.

Of course, any dream can be interpreted both positively and negatively. The main thing to remember is that the future depends on the mood of the dreamer himself. All people make their own destiny. And what a person wants to see in this dream is what he will see. Self-analysis is a useful activity.

If you find in a dream that you have a daughter who does not exist in reality, do not ignore such a vision. The dream book will help you use what you see for a better understanding of what awaits you in the future. Just don’t stop at one explanation of why this plot is dreaming. Explore all available ones.

What does the Universal Dream Book promise?

If a man in a dream saw his daughter, who is not there, then in reality numerous joyful events await him. A man dreams of such a plot if fate is preparing new opportunities for him. In order not to miss your chance, you should be attentive and active. Then, for sure, you will be able to “grab luck by the tail.”

A woman will dream that she has a little daughter, perhaps when in reality a number of problems and difficulties have to be solved. Universal dream book I am sure that all difficulties will be resolved with maximum benefit, but this will not happen immediately, but after some time.

Predictions from the Family Interpreter

If you dreamed that you were kissing your little daughter, in reality you will become very happy man. Seeing this in a dream is a very good omen. But, there is no need to relax too much. Use this moment to prepare the groundwork for the future.

To see in your night dreams how your little daughter was born is a sign of happiness in your personal life. You will finally find the long-awaited understanding with your lover. Family dream book prophesies the return of long-gone passion to marital relationships.

If a man dreams that a daughter was born who does not exist, then he will be able to take part in a very profitable business. Seeing this dream means receiving the expected dividends from the efforts expended.

Descriptions from Miller's dream book

If your husband dreamed of a daughter who does not exist, this means that some event will cause great surprise. Any news or incident suddenly changes the usual course of things. Miller's dream book advises even trying negative events try to turn it in your favor.

Why did the Daughter dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The ambivalent status of the daughter was clearly reflected in the culture and beliefs of peoples. The image reunites the embodiment of virtue and the demonic essence of the child before his baptism and naming. This is due to the fact that a person can see his own soul in the form of a little girl, and some creatures can turn into children other world. What did your daughter come to in a dream? The dream is not easy, so it is important to remember all the details of the dream in order to find out its true semantics.

  • Seeing in a dream that your daughter has died (if in reality she is alive) means a new stage in your relationship with her. Be prepared for any turn of events in this regard. A deceased daughter also means that you are too worried about your children. But it’s worth paying attention - what if they have problems that you don’t know about?
  • I dreamed about it deceased daughter, if you don’t have children, it means that you are generally prone to severe anxiety, which actually has no reason.
  • Why do you dream of giving birth to a daughter? Girl - continuation female line kind, the embodiment of tenderness, meekness, family love, the transfer of experience. If in the era of matriarchy the appearance of a daughter was considered happiness, then in the period of patriarchy her birth was not as desirable as the birth of a boy.

Why did the Daughters dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why does a man dream about his daughter - he feels deprived of the care of his beloved woman. Sometimes the image shows hidden intimate desires.
  • A woman dreams of daughters when she wants to be under the protection of her man, to give him responsibility for her life.
  • Seeing your daughter in a dream means troubles, which will later turn into joy.
  • An adult daughter came as a little girl? She will remind you of her childhood grievances, and there will be a quarrel with her.
  • When in a dream it appeared that your daughter attacked you, even wounded you, your dissatisfaction with her actions will develop into concern for her future. Outsiders will help you save her.
  • Seeing your daughter pregnant in a dream means that in reality she is hiding from you problems that are difficult for her to solve.

Why do you dream of a Daughter (Romantic dream book)

  • Why do you dream of a beautiful daughter, if in reality you don’t have a daughter - a romantic acquaintance awaits you.
  • For married couples, a daughter appears in a dream before a period of troubles, small but unpleasant.
  • Why does a woman’s daughter appear in a dream? She wants to be the dominant one in the relationship.
  • Why do you dream about giving birth to a daughter? married woman- the dream foretells that a difficult period in marriage has passed, peace and mutual understanding will come between the spouses.
  • If a newborn daughter looks like a dreamer, then the latter will experience great happiness in love.
  • Seeing illness or the death of a daughter in a dream means that not everything is going smoothly in the family. Divorce can be avoided by discussing problems with your spouse.
  • For young girls, having a daughter in a dream is a sign that their partner is unfaithful or wants to cheat.

Seeing a Daughter, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream about your daughter - don’t be afraid of future troubles. Once completed, they will make you feel like an incredibly happy person and will bring many pleasant surprises.
  • If in a dream you lack care and attention from your daughter, then in reality bigger troubles await you.
  • If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, perhaps you will soon marry her off.

Why do you dream of a Daughter in a dream (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

  • In a dream, seeing a suffering daughter means grief.
  • If your daughter neglects you, this means trouble.
  • To dream that your daughter is dying means being forced by a court to pay all your debts.
  • Seeing a newborn daughter portends loss and disorder.
  • If you had a dream in which you feel your daughter’s negligence towards you and lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.

I had a dream about my Daughter (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why does a mother dream about her daughter - you clearly lack attention and support from your partner. You need to feel close to your chosen one, as if behind a stone wall.
  • A man dreamed of his daughter - the image symbolizes longing for unfulfilled desires.
  • A cheerful daughter means arrival and peace.
  • A daughter in tears means worry.
  • Daughter under the crown - for a short marriage.
  • Seeing your daughter give birth is a sign of profit.

Interpretation of the Daughter from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Seeing a daughter for a father is an image of a guardian angel, a signpost of the path: hope, new things, success or failure (depending on appearance and behavior).
  • For a mother to see her daughter - care, excitement, life's hardships, missed opportunity, part negative emotions(envy, jealousy, discontent); relationship situation with another person. Positive aspect: own active vitality, hope, dream; for the mother - herself.
  • A little daughter always appears in a dream as a sign of honors, profits, and good society.
  • Marrying your daughter is a harbinger of frivolous love affairs.

Why do you dream of a Daughter in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

The daughter may reflect a relationship with a real daughter. Symbolize a woman’s need for protection (to be a child). For a man, it is a symbol of his Soul (see Girl). Seeing a healthy, beautiful baby is a fulfillment of hopes.

  • Why do you dream of a daughter in danger - unsettled life, debts, illness.
  • To see your own daughter, according to the dream book, means that some unpleasant events will open the path to pleasure and harmony for you.
  • If you have a dream about your daughter, in which you feel her negligence towards yourself and lack of care, then in reality you will face troubles.

If the dreamer dreamed of a Daughter (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

The daughter who appeared to you, in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn’t matter who saw her - her father or her mother. If in reality you and your daughter are in a long separation (and this is the most powerful motive for sleep) and your daughter appears to you, then the dream does not mean anything special.

Why do you dream about your daughter - you are bored, thinking about your daughter, worrying about how she is doing without you, that’s why you had a dream. Perhaps he predicts a quick meeting. If your daughter lives with you, and you have the opportunity to see her every day, the dream warns of a danger that threatens your daughter.

Daughter in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream about an adult daughter - there are problems in your relationship. We need to figure this out before they take on unpleasant forms.
  • If a daughter (who actually doesn’t exist) dreams of being sad and sick, the celebration of the soul may not take place. We need to think about the fact that the soul also needs food.
  • A cheerful, beautiful daughter means peace of mind, goodness, the consciousness of a job done right.
  • Marrying a daughter means finding new spiritual horizons.

Daughter in a dream - Daughter's illness in a dream- to understatement and secrecy in the conversations of your family.
Seeing a daughter talking to her father in a dream- a sign that success and recognition will soon await him.
Seeing your daughter in a dream- to troubles and frustrations, which can still ultimately turn into pleasant joys.
Seeing that your daughter neglects you means a lot of trouble, grief and all sorts of troubles that will unexpectedly befall you.
For an adult woman to see a healthy and cheerful daughter in a dream always means honor, monetary gain and respect in society.
A daughter who gets sick or even dies in a dream indicates very difficult relationships in the family.
Daughter getting married- to a short marriage.
If your daughter confesses to you in a dream that she is pregnant, this means that harmony and prosperity will settle in your home.
If you dreamed of your daughter as a newborn baby, expect that your life will change dramatically, something long-awaited and new will appear in it. Maybe you will acquire a new hobby, advance in career ladder or change your job altogether. The near future will be favorable for establishing new contacts, communicating with friends and relatives. Perhaps one of your new acquaintances will become your good friend. Such a dream can also indicate your worries about your daughter’s real actions. You need to relax and let her make some decisions in her life.
If you dreamed of a daughter, it means that after going through some trials, you will finally get what you have been waiting for for so long.
If you had a dream in which you see your daughter, but in reality you don’t have her, then the dream symbolizes a lack of attention to your person. You are acutely experiencing a lack of attention to your person from close relatives and friends.
If you dream about the daughter with whom you live together- this is a signal to think about the fact that perhaps not everything is going smoothly in your relationship.
If your daughter is cheerful and happy- this means peace or someone’s arrival.
If your daughter is very distracted and inattentive in a dream, then she will soon present you with a pleasant surprise.
If your daughter is upset in a dream, it means that you missed something in your work or in family relationships.
If you dreamed of your daughter as a newborn- this means that in the near future your life will change dramatically, something new and unexpected will appear in it. Maybe you will take up a new hobby, change your job, or move to a different house. This is a good period in your life and you should try to make the most of it. maximum benefit for yourself - to make acquaintances with new interesting people and successfully complete the work you started.
If in a dream your daughter gets married- a short marriage is possible.
If in a dream your daughter is content and happy, you have the right attitude towards issues of upbringing in the family.
If your daughter gives birth in a dream, expect new profits in your family piggy bank.
If you saw your daughter in a dream, this may mean that an unpleasant streak in your life will soon change to a positive one.
If in a dream your daughter categorically does not obey you, then you should expect imminent difficulties and troubles.
If in a dream your daughter treats you with disdain and is rude to you, get ready for unpleasant moments to appear in your life soon.
If you see someone other than your daughter in a dream, this is a sign that unexpected incidents may happen to your family. Try to protect them.
If you see your daughter suffering and suffering in a dream, then such a dream portends grief for the mother.
If you saw a daughter in your dream, it means that worries, serious troubles and grief will soon await you; if you dream of a recently born daughter, then prepare for the upcoming surprise.
If the girl was smiling, cheerful and happy with everything, you can safely implement everything you have in mind: success will await you in all your affairs.
- disagreements with your family members await you, and a lot of effort will be required from you to prevent quarrels and scandals.
If the daughter was sad or angry- quarrels and disagreements with your family and friends await you, and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order not to offend them and restore good relations.
If your daughter shows a careless attitude towards you in a dream, a lack of basic care and attention, then in real life expect immediate troubles.
If a daughter dreamed about her father, this could mean her speedy marriage By mutual love in reality.
If a daughter talks to her mother, this means pleasant changes in her life.
If your daughter dreams of being in good health and having fun- this is for arrival.
If a mother loves her daughter very much, then appearing in a dream, she will grant the mother eternal youth.
If a young girl who has just gotten married sees that her first-born will be a girl, this means that in reality she will be carrying a boy, who will be very handsome and healthy.
If you are unhappy and unkempt- bad.
If she had fun, was joyful and happy- expect success in all the things you start now.
If the dreamed daughter experiences suffering in a dream, the dream foreshadows grief.
If a daughter is born- surprise, surprise.
If you do not have a daughter, but you dream that you have a daughter, then perhaps there will be a new addition to your family or the family of your loved ones.
Play in a dream with your daughter- to the amazing news that you will soon receive. Moreover, if the girl was happy and well-groomed, the news will be pleasant.
People who dream that their daughter is between life and death and will die soon means that in reality they will have to pay a lot of money or pay off an old debt.
Your daughter’s unfavorable attitude towards you in a dream means trouble in the family.
However, a dream in which a daughter appears may not mean anything. You should remember that if you dream about your daughter while you are apart from her, then this dream means that you are simply bored.
Daughter in a dream- this is a harbinger of not the most pleasant events in your life. A certain string of problems that began suddenly will quickly end, and as a result you will find harmony and happiness.
A dreamed daughter is considered a symbol of your girlish part of yourself. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this dream may be directly related to your daughter, so you need to pay attention to other signs accompanying the dream.
Just call or find an opportunity to see each other, and all your worries and worries will immediately pass.
The joy of your daughter in a dream can also indicate her imminent arrival.
The birth of a daughter in a dream- to new events in life.
The birth of your daughter, which you observed during your sleep, speaks of some surprises, but these surprises will have a pleasant connotation.
The death of a daughter in a dream means loss of money, waste.
The dream in which you dreamed about your daughter is interpreted depending on what mood she was in in your dream.
The dream in which you had a daughter is interpreted depending on the mood of the girl in your dream.
A dream in which a man dreams of his daughter predicts upcoming changes in life or the receipt of rather unpleasant news, but all these events will very soon bring great joy to your life. Also, this may indicate that you take everything too close to your heart, and you should approach problems more easily.
For those who see their daughter dying in a dream, in real life they will feel the betrayal of friends or those people whom they completely trusted. the death of a daughter in a dream may foreshadow unexpected large financial expenses.
Seeing your own daughter in a dream means that soon, thanks to certain events that will not be very pleasant, you will be given the opportunity to open the way to some kind of pleasure and harmonious relationships with others.
Seeing your daughter giving birth to your grandchildren means that you will soon make a big profit.
Seeing your own daughter during a wedding means that the marriage will not last long.
A dying daughter dreams of expenses, litigation and the necessary payment of debts are possible.
A person who dreams that his grown-up daughter could not live up to all expectations says that in real life a person will experience severe irritation and dissatisfaction, so he must prepare so as not to accidentally offend his loved ones.