Influence on a person of color in the interior. Orange color and its effect on humans

The science

The effect of color on the human psyche has been known since ancient times. Colors can influence the worldview, mood and even the character of a person. It has been scientifically proven that different colors and their combinations can make a person happy, sad, anxious or melancholy.

You need to learn a few basic rules. The use of light pastel colors helps to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, visually increase the area of ​​​​the room. Bright colors energize, uplift and stimulate. Soft cold shades relax, give a sense of harmony, dark - give severity and efficiency.

The effect of red on a person

Allows you to get off the ground, get a charge of vivacity and activity, can cause excitement, adjusts to activity, increases muscle tone stimulates appetite.

Important - the red color visually reduces the space. Therefore, it cannot be used in small rooms. Too much red can also lead to irritation and depression. But your living room will benefit if red dominates. If the red color is skillfully combined with other colors, it will be appropriate in any room.

Blue color and mood

Reduces the heart rate, stimulates creative and brain activity, sets up for rest, helps to relax and find peace of mind, improves concentration, inspires confidence, arouses interest.

Use a rich blue color in the interior should be carefully and thoughtfully. It belongs to the cold palette, so it is better not to use it in northern and poorly lit rooms. It is great for use in classic and modern interiors, always appropriate in the Mediterranean style and high-tech style. Almost all shades of blue have been proven to reduce our appetite, and therefore, those who want to always look slim should consider this color as a possible backdrop for the kitchen and dining room.

Yellow color in the interior

Improves metabolism, gives energy, causes a feeling of warmth and absorbs negative energy. Activates, tunes in creativity and inspires optimism.

The best place to use yellow in your home is the kitchen. People are attracted by the warm and sunny atmosphere for cooking and eating.

If you want to boost your family's appetite, yellow cuisine is worth a try.

Green color in the interior

It has a refreshing effect, creates an atmosphere of complete peace, relieves stress and smoothes conflicts, relieves tension and fatigue.

Light warm shades of green, such as delicate lime and pistachio colors are perfect for walls in the bedroom and nursery, the rooms will look bright, fresh and positive.

Our lives flourish with colors that inspire and enrich us. Although it may seem counterintuitive, in addition to neutral beiges, grays and whites, you can use bright and saturated colors that will create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in your home.

With the arrival of spring, just add new colors to your interior and your life will sparkle with new colors!

Many have heard that Color has a strong effect on the human psyche. Some experts argue that color has an effect on the mental state through the skin, that is, even with closed eyes, you can feel its effect. Psychologists say that some colors affect a person's concentration, others affect his calmness, etc.

Colors that affect the human psyche:


Red is a rich shade, so it can help to cheer up, increase energy. Also, this color gives confidence, so this color can help in making decisions. Red color is quite passionate and strong. Thanks to him, a person can feel warmth and energy.


Orange color charges with positive energy, helps to cheer up and set up for a productive day. This color works almost the same as red, but only to a lesser extent. This color has a positive effect on the human psyche, brings him fun and joy.


This color is soothing and energizing. Also, yellow is called intellectual. It has a good attention to memory, adjusts to the thought process. In excess, this color can cause irritability.


Green is the color of peace and good luck. This color helps to cheer up, relieve irritability, focus, and direct thoughts in the right direction. This color is also very calming. Also, the green color can help a person fully recuperate after a hard day.


This color is suitable for overly impulsive individuals. Blue color calms, balances the character, controls excessive activity. This is a cool shade, so it has a good calming effect. Blue color is very useful in life. Thanks to it, you can relieve tension and calm the nervous system.


It relieves muscle tension, calms the pulse, lowers body temperature, improves imagination. The color blue is very common in everyday life, it also has refreshing properties and promotes mindfulness.


From this color comes a feeling of unnaturalness. Purple is associated with wealth and luxury. Also, the main properties of purple are knowledge. This tone helps to cope with deep fears and melancholy. But violet should not be too much, otherwise you can develop depression, laziness and fatigue.


This is the color of successful people. If a person wants to be liked by other people, to be perceived by all his ideas, then it is definitely worth choosing white. White color helps a person to always be in good shape and in excellent physical shape. This color will help you forever overcome your fears, feelings, and also get rid of bad thoughts. Many creative people choose white to gain freedom and independence.

The black

Black absorbs all light, and despite this, its influence on the psychological state of a person is enormous. Depression, melancholy, sadness - all this is usually associated with dark shades, and all this for a reason. But black color does not always share only negative emotions with people, it also gives a positive attitude, allows the body to relax.

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It has also been proven that color has the same effect on all people. This should be taken into account and actively used in your life, for example, to sign important papers.

Psychology of color - video

The influence of color on a person has been proven for a long time. Color is able to regulate our mood, emotional background and even appetite. In modern medicine, even such a thing as a method of color therapy has appeared. It consists in the effect of colored light on a person in order to cure him of various diseases.

Looking at what colors a person prefers in clothes, in what range he decorates the interior in his home, you can tell a lot about his character and personal qualities. And vice versa - if a person knows how colors affect his condition, he can "pull" himself out of depression and set him up in a positive way.

How red affects a person

Red is one of the most aggressive and "hot" colors. It has an exciting effect on the human psyche, its symbolism is rich and contradictory. This is what the red color symbolizes: blood, fire, aggression, enmity - and at the same time wealth, vitality, power, self-realization. It is also a symbol of revolutionary action and the struggle for independence. It is no coincidence that the Caesars in the Roman Empire dressed in purple robes, the Spartan warriors put on a red uniform before the battle, and in ancient Egypt, the red color symbolized the spirit of evil.

In the modern world, strong-willed, energetic, active, impulsive, self-confident people prefer red. As a rule, they are optimistic, able to achieve their goals, but at the same time a little stubborn. Among the negative features of people who prefer red, there are sharpness, intolerance to criticism, rejection of any advice, excessive maximalism.

Women who prefer this color love to be the center of attention of the opposite sex, they are confident in their beauty and do not tolerate competition. Men easily build a career, they make good leaders.
The effect of red on a person in the interior is as follows: it excites the nervous system, stimulates appetite, but at the same time it can cause headaches and overwork. It is not recommended to decorate the bedroom in red, burgundy, purple colors: it will be difficult to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Also, red is not very suitable for a child's room.

With elements of red, you can decorate the living room: the room will look very impressive. You can also decorate the kitchen in bright colors, and then the red trim or furniture will increase your appetite.

How blue and blue colors act on a person

Blue color creates a calm, confident mood. It is associated with the color of the sea and sky, personifies peace and harmony, and stabilizes the mental state.

Blue is preferred by calm, balanced people, phlegmatic by temperament type. They are self-confident, purposeful, but not as impulsive as red lovers. They are characterized by perfectionism, the desire to bring everything to the ideal. Among blue lovers there are many businessmen, people with an analytical mindset. They are insightful, able to establish contact with others and come to a compromise.
Blue has a calming effect on a person’s mood, while at the same time helping to concentrate on the goal. In light blue tones, office premises and meeting rooms are often decorated. Dark blue is a good color for decorating a bedroom, because the effect of blue on a tired person can be soporific.

Blue color symbolizes purity, coolness, serenity, clarity. People who choose it are distinguished by good intuition, the ability to make quick decisions. Often they are overly irritable and need reassurance. Blue helps to reduce the level of aggression and anxiety, has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system.

Bachelors and single people, as well as representatives of creative professions, often decorate their apartments in blue.

How yellow affects a person

Yellow color is light and bright, associated with summer, sun, relaxing on the beach. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether it refers to warm or cold shades. Intense yellow: mustard, golden, pear, are classified as warm tones, and lemon yellow or yellow-green are cold.
The effect of yellow on a person is positive. Psychology believes that this color symbolizes the intellectual activity of a person. It stimulates those areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for the development of memory. A variety of studies have shown that shades of yellow increase mental productivity, help to concentrate and remember large amounts of information.

People who prefer yellow are distinguished by an easy-going character, a large charge of vitality and a good sense of humor. They are positive, they know how to find their pluses in everything, they rarely take offense. They have developed logical thinking, a craving for self-education.

Since the yellow color has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person, decorating your interior in this color scheme is a great idea. Yellow invigorates and gives energy, so it is suitable for decorating those rooms where there is little sunlight. It also awakens the appetite, and the kitchen, decorated in yellow-orange tones, will look bright and elegant.

How green affects a person

Green is a symbol of life, nature, harmony. Subconsciously, it is perceived by people as a symbol of safety - it is no coincidence that the traffic light that allows it is green. It is also used in the treatment of claustrophobia - the fear of closed spaces.
The effect of color on human health is as follows: according to color therapy fans, green has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens muscles and bone tissue, relieves eye strain and heals the bronchi.

What kind of people choose green in clothes? Sociable and friendly, not prone to conflicts and squabbles with others. Often they turn out to be too soft and cannot defend their point of view on any issue. Admirers of green easily adapt to new conditions, they know how to compromise. Their weaknesses are the habit of worrying for a long time because of their failures, self-doubt, nervousness.

Green color has a positive effect on a person: it tones, gives strength and energy, stimulates mental activity. In light green tones, you can arrange an office or study area in the room. It is not recommended to decorate the bedroom with green: it is unlikely that you will be able to fully relax.

What will tell black, white and gray colors

Black is traditionally considered a symbol of grief and sorrow, the influence of color on the human psyche is heavy and depressing. It is rare to find a person dressed in black from head to toe, unless it is a representative of some subculture.
Anyone who uses a lot of black when decorating a home is restrained in expressing his emotions and feelings. Such people are often too dry, they try to calculate the situation several moves ahead. The influence of black colors in the interior on a person is rather negative: although dark furniture, floors and walls get less dirty, they seem to “press” on the owner of the home. There seems to be less air in the house. Therefore, do not abuse black and other dark shades when decorating an apartment.

If a person in the interior is dominated by white colors, he strives for perfectionism. White symbolizes completeness, final decision and complete freedom. White lovers often decorate their homes in a minimalist style. What will tell the love of white outfits? About a high level of accuracy, the desire to surpass others in everything.
Gray is considered neutral. People who prefer it tend to isolate themselves from problems and "merge with the crowd." Perhaps the gray outfit will not look too bright, but it will allow its owner to feel comfortable and cozy. It is often chosen by office workers.

Considering the influence of the color of clothing on a person, it is necessary to take into account how the suit will be perceived by others. For example, the idea of ​​showing up to an interview in a colorful dress may not be the best idea. It is better to give preference to calm, sustained tones.

In addition to the main eight colors discussed above, there are many different shades in the world. These are purple, brown, pink, light green, beige, turquoise, steel, emerald. Competently combining and combining them, you can create unique images.

The psychological impact of flowers on a person has been proven by multiple studies, so do not neglect this. Knowledge of how colors affect the psyche is worth using when composing your wardrobe or considering upcoming repairs in an apartment. If a person believes that his taste is not well developed enough, it is difficult for him to choose stylish color combinations, then fashion magazines will come to the rescue, where you can peep current trends.

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1. Introduction

We tend to take color for granted. It doesn't surprise or surprise us. Therefore, we rarely think about the importance of color in our lives.

It turns out that even in ancient times, people believed that color had magical powers. Since then, scientists have conducted numerous studies that have confirmed the fact that color has an effect on mood, on feelings, thoughts and, in general, on human health.

Purpose of the study: to study the role and influence of color on mood, thoughts, character and human health.


    study the theoretical basis of the issue;

    conduct research;

    to conclude.

Research methods: study of literature, analysis of various sources, questioning.

Subject of study: the effect of color on a person.

An object: color spectrum.

Research hypothesis:

    color causes subconscious associations in a person;

    color affects the mood, feelings, character and health of a person.

2. What is color and how does it arise.

Color- this is a sensation that occurs in the organ of vision when exposed to light, that is, light + vision = color.

In 1665, the English scientist Isaac Newton proved that ordinary white is a mixture of rays of different colors (see Appendix I, Fig. 1). In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular glass - a prism. On the opposite wall, he saw a multi-colored strip - the spectrum. He explained this by saying that the prism decomposed the white color into its component colors.

Color is determined by the wavelength of light. Light propagates in space in waves, reminiscent of the movement of waves in bodies of water. The wavelength of a light is the distance between two adjacent crests. It is so small that it is measured in millionths of a millimeter. The range of these values ​​can be roughly divided in descending wavelength into seven bands - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (see Appendix I, Fig. 2). Pure spectral colors are called colors, intermediate ones are called shades. The colors found in nature are a mixture of light waves of different wavelengths. The shortest waves are purple, the longest are red. Colors can be reproduced by selecting the appropriate wavelength and mixing it with white light of appropriate brightness. one

Colors are divided into: cold, warm, mixed and neutral.

cold colors have a calming effect. Cool colors include: blue, blue, green.

warm colors convey a variety of emotions and states - from optimism to firmness. Warm colors - red, yellow, pink, orange.

mixed colors obtained by mixing warm and cold colors. Colors that have the properties of both warm and cool colors.

Neutral colors help to draw attention to more saturated colors, or serve to slightly dampen too bright colors. It is white, black, brown, beige, gold, silver, grey. 2

3. Color in science.

floristry studies and reveals the main patterns in the field of color phenomena of nature, the subject environment created by man and the whole world of arts.

Color science explains these phenomena from the position of a number of sciences: physics, mathematics, chemistry, psychology, psychophysiology, aesthetics, art history, composition theory, archeology, ethnography, cultural studies.

So, optical branch of physics reveals the regularity of the nature of color and its characteristics. Chemistry explores the property of substances and their compounds to develop dye formulations that are adequate to the required colors and their combinations. Maths allows you to quantify colors and determine the hue and saturation of the desired color from the corresponding coordinates of the color charts. Psychophysiology reveals the laws of physiology of color and black-and-white vision and the nature of optical illusions. Psychology explores associations, emotions, images caused by different colors and their combinations. Aesthetics explores the laws of harmonization of color combinations. 3

4. History of the science of color.

The history of color science distinguishes two stages. The first - pre-scientific - from prehistoric times to the end of the 16th century, the second - scientific - from the 17th century to the present.

IN pre-scientific period primitive people singled out and endowed with a certain meaning a very limited number of colors associated with the most important objects and phenomena of their life activity (see Appendix I, Fig. 3).

IN the era of antiquity there is a natural-scientific attitude to color. Ancient Greek philosophers are trying to create a color systematics of natural elements (see Appendix I, Fig. 4).

IN Middle Ages light and color cease to be identified with God, mystical forces, but become their attributes.

During the Renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci created a new color system. He believed that there were 6 primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black (see Appendix I, Fig. 5).

Scientific the period begins with the time when Isaac Newton in 1665 proved his theory of the white color. After Newton, many researchers of the nature of color and the characteristics of light perception of colors by human vision developed, supplemented, and refined the scientific base of color science. These are Goethe, Purkin, Müller, Jung and many others (see Appendix I, Fig. 6). 4

5. Dependence of the emotional warehouse of a person on the "favorite" color.

Color affects not only the organ of vision - the eyes. It also affects other senses - taste, hearing, touch and smell. The colors of the world around us deeply affect our character and our health.

Color is one of the factors that determine the state of our psyche. Psychologists and psychiatrists, based on people's preference or love for a particular color, determine the character of a person, his inclinations, his mindset, psyche, and even his state of health.

Since ancient times, each specific color has been given a certain semantic meaning.

Red- the color of passion. If this is a favorite color, then such a person is brave, strong-willed, domineering, quick-tempered, sociable.

Orange- the favorite color of people with intuition and passionate dreamers, it means health, symbolizes joy, warmth.

Yellow- this color symbolizes calmness, intelligence. If this is a favorite color, then such a person is sociable, curious, courageous.

Green is the color of nature. The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way to assert himself.

Blue- symbolizes the truth. This is peace, tranquility, well-being.

Blue is the color of the sky. If a person likes him, this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person needs to rest, he quickly gets tired.

Purple- this color "speaks" of a very great emotionality, sensitivity, delicacy, it is the color of harmoniously developed people.

The black is the color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life. Anyone who loves black, often perceives life in dark colors, is unhappy.

White is a synthesis of all colors, therefore it is an "ideal" color, a "dream color". This color can be preferred by a person with any character, it does not repel anyone. five

6. Use of color in everyday life.

The influence of color on a person is very great, although in everyday life we ​​do not pay attention to it. Color makes things "heavy", "light", "cold", "hot". It has a tremendous impact on a person, on the work of his organs.

Each color evokes a specific reaction in the human brain. For example, if a person is very excited, it is enough to place him in a room with bright pink wallpaper, as he calms down very quickly and even falls asleep. However, it was enough to change the color to blue, as this weakness disappeared. This means that color affects not only mood, but also the whole human body.

7. Color palette for clothing style.

The color of any uniform testifies to the qualities that are required from people in this profession. For example, the color of the sea - blue, blue - is often the color of the marine form. Black is the color of power and strength, worn by people of a profession in which it is necessary to possess these qualities. For example, these are leaders. Most businessmen wear blue or gray suits, thus reinforcing the impression that they are soft, trustworthy people. Even the color of the uniform in some schools is chosen on purpose. Blues, greys, browns, blacks, and similar hues serve to impose the same behavior and in no way allow individuality to emerge.

When we are forced to wear only one color or another at work, when we return home, we instantly change into clothes of the color that we most like. And whatever you do during your free time, the colors of the clothes we wear can not only help you relax, but also create the necessary mood. So, the blue color calms and helps to recover, pink gives a wonderful mood. Gray clothes are good to wear in those cases when there is a desire to dream. Red or orange will give you the energy you need to perform strenuous exercise. Wear something yellow to sharpen your thinking skills. 6

8 . Color therapy

Considering the influence of color on a person, medical scientists, back in the 17th century, suggested using color in medical practice. To begin with, they characterized the primary colors, and then began to project them onto diseases, which is still practiced today (see Appendix I, Fig. 7).

Consider the influence of certain colors on the physical and mental state of people.

Red color has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, improves and accelerates all metabolic processes in the body. Exposure to red color improves blood circulation and cardiac activity, normalizes low blood pressure, improves immunity. It must be strictly dosed, since its abuse can cause overexcitation of the nervous system, headache, redness of the eyes.

Orange is a rejuvenating color, has the ability to restore nervous and muscle tissue, and is often used as a tonic.

Yellow color stimulates vision and nervous system, activates mental and logical abilities. Yellow color has a cleansing effect on the entire body, treats skin diseases, helps with insomnia, stimulates appetite.

Green - normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, stabilizes blood pressure. The action of green color is very effective for headaches, visual impairment. In the absence of green color, the development of increased excitability, irritability is possible. An overdose of green can cause the formation of gallstones.

Blue color is controversial. It is the color of bold and energetic people. It calms them, pacifies them, normalizes blood pressure and heartbeat, makes breathing deeper and more rhythmic. But for the timid and shy, blue is the color of shock. Blue color also reduces appetite.

Purple color calms the nervous system. This color gives a therapeutic effect in inflammatory diseases, normalizes sleep. When doing creative work, on the contrary, it increases efficiency. However, prolonged exposure to violet can cause a state of melancholy and depression.

White color - gives strength and energy, evens out the mood, creates solemnity. It has a therapeutic effect on the central nervous system, cleanses the body of toxins, relieves stress. 7

9. Research.

1. There is a statement that people who associate themselves with a certain color are friends with people who choose the same color or a color combined with it. To confirm this, I suggested answering the following questions: “What color do you associate yourself with?”, “What color do you associate your friend with?”

After conducting a study and studying the results, it turned out that students who associate themselves with warm shades of colors, when associating the color of a friend, also chose warm colors. A similar situation with cold colors. From which it follows that energetic, active, quick decision-making children tend to communicate with the same children. And more calm, balanced, thoughtful, but prone to doubt children act similarly when choosing a friend (see Appendix II, Table 1).

2. For various feelings, objects, events, people have associations with color, which are the same for many people. Let's find out if this is the case. It was proposed to answer the questions: “What color do you associate taste with?”, “What color do you associate the seasons with?”.

After conducting a study and studying the results, it was found that each color evokes subconscious associations:

. The taste associations of many children in the class are the same. The association of salty with white and sour with yellow is most pronounced (see Appendix II, Table 2).

. The associations of the seasons are also the same for many children in the class. A typical example is the associations winter - white, autumn - orange (see Appendix II, Table 3).

3. How does color affect the mental productivity (attention) of a person. It was proposed to write a dictation on colored sheets of paper.

After studying the results, it was found that the best concentration of attention on sheets of red color, 12% of students made mistakes in the text, blue color reduces mental productivity, 25% of people made mistakes. The rest of the colors have the same effect (see Appendix II Diagram 1).

10. Conclusion.

Color is a gift of nature. Without it, life would be monotonous, and the world would be boring and uninteresting. After studying the literature and conducting research, I found that each color evokes subconscious associations, affects a person's attention. It has also been established that color significantly affects the general condition of a person. Color can attract and repel, inspire a sense of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. So my hypothesis is proven.

Color is a powerful means of influencing a person.

Goethe wrote about the ability of color to create mood: yellow - cheerful and invigorating, green - pacifies, blue - causes sadness.


1. Mironova L.N. Color in the Fine Arts: A Teacher's Guide. - 3rd ed./L.N. Mironov. - Mn.: Belarus, 2005. - 151 pp.: ill.

2. Abisheva S.I. Color science: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook Institutions/Abisheva S.I. - Pavlodar, 2009. - 116 p., color illustrations.

3. and technical dictionary.

4. Medvedev V. Yu. allowance (course of lectures). - St. Petersburg: IPTs SPGUTD, 2005. - 116 p.

5. Shipanov A.S. To young lovers of the brush and cutter: Book. For students Art. classes. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 416s, ill.

6. Bazhin E.F., Etkind A.M. Color Relationship Test (CRT). Guidelines. L., 1985. 108 p.

7. Breslav G.E. Color psychology and color therapy for everyone. - St. Petersburg: B. & K., 2000. - 212 p.

Annex I

Rice. 1 - Experience of I. Newton

Rice. 2 - Color wavelength ranges

Rice. 4 - Colors of the elements

Rice. 5 - Leonard da Vinci's Color System

Rice. 3 - Rock art of primitive people

Rice. 6 - Color systems

Rice. 7 - Color therapy

Appendix II

Table 1

What color do you associate yourself with?

What color do you associate your friend with?



table 2

What color do you associate taste with?



Table 3

What color do you associate seasons with?



Diagram 1

1 and technical dictionary

2 Shipanov A.S. To young lovers of the brush and cutter: Book. For students Art. classes. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 416s, ill.

3 Medvedev V. Yu. allowance (course of lectures). - St. Petersburg: IPTs SPGUTD, 2005. - 9 p.

4 MironovaL.N. Color in the Fine Arts: A Teacher's Guide. - Minsk: Belarus, 2005. - 9s

5 Bazhin E.F., Etkind A.M. Color Relationship Test (CRT). Guidelines. L., 1985. 18 p.

6 Abisheva S.I. Color science: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook Institutions/Abisheva S.I. - Pavlodar, 2009. - 106 p.

7 Breslav G.E. Color psychology and color therapy for everyone. - St. Petersburg: B. & K., 2000. - 54 p.