Air conditioner installation with complex installation technique. Installing an air conditioner yourself

So your dream has come true - you now have an air conditioner in your house, now you won’t be afraid of the heat in the summer and the dampness in the room in the off-season, when the heating has not yet been turned on, and there are prolonged rains outside. Immediately after installation, the air conditioner is connected to the electrical network - it must be carried out strictly according to the diagrams indicated on the internal covers of the modules. The operating instructions also contain recommendations for making connections and specify the basic requirements for the electrical network of the installation site.

It must be remembered that the electrical connection diagram for an air conditioner used in everyday life differs significantly from the similar connection of semi-industrial models that are installed in offices. Pets only have single-phase connection.

In practice, there are two main ways to connect a split system:

  • direct connection via socket;
  • separate wiring to the electrical panel.

The first option is ideal for all household devices - they are everywhere put into operation only in this way. Connecting any air conditioning system is carried out in several steps, which must be strictly followed when you decide to do everything yourself.

Connection diagram of the air conditioner to the electrical network

The figure shows a diagram of connecting the air conditioner to the electrical network, as well as various connections between the system modules; in addition, you will definitely need a circuit diagram of the air conditioner of the purchased model.

First way

Before you begin connecting the product to the network, you must install cables from the evaporator to the outdoor module:

  • we lay the wire that will connect the two blocks;
  • we draw a separate line to the electrical panel for powerful systems, which includes a cable and an overload protection circuit breaker;
  • Medium power devices are connected directly through an ordinary outlet.

The last option for connecting an air conditioner is used in certain cases:

  • the power of the product is low;
  • window or mobile class climate system;
  • the apartment has a network of sufficient power;
  • temporary location of the unit;
  • No other household appliances should be connected to this line.

Important! To connect the indoor unit, you need to use reinforced sockets and install a circuit breaker nearby.

It must be taken into account that the air conditioner operates in different modes, its power varies from minimum to maximum, so separate protection must be installed on the connection line.

Each manufacturer, before sending a product for sale, attaches instructions to it, which include:

  • product operation diagram;
  • connection diagram - general;
  • electrical diagram for connecting the external and internal units.

There is similar information on the surface of the remote unit housing and the evaporator cover, but it is applied from the inside. This greatly simplifies the independent connection of any air conditioning system at home.

Under the front panel of the evaporator there is a special box where the terminals for connecting wiring- this air conditioner unit or split system is always installed indoors.

The wires from the evaporator are connected to the contacts of the outdoor unit, guided by the numbering; the free wires are carefully insulated with special tape. The schematic diagram will help you understand everything correctly. Before connecting the air conditioning system, you must check insulation of each core so that the normal operation of the air conditioner is not interrupted by a short circuit.

Important! If the system diagram is unclear to you and you have no practice in working with electricity, then it is better not to try to connect the split system yourself, but call a professional.

There are reasons that do not allow connecting any air conditioning system to the electrical network of an apartment or country house:

  • old wiring where aluminum wire was used;
  • the cross-section of the wires is too small - they will not withstand the load;
  • the condition of the wiring requires its urgent replacement;
  • There is no high-quality grounding or basic protection against voltage surges.

Air conditioning systems are rather delicate devices, so they should only be connected to working electrical network so as not to spend the family budget on very expensive repairs.

Second way

Experts advise using the most reliable and safe option for connecting an air conditioner - an individual cable, which ensures stable operation of the device. If you install separate protection - an RCD (residual current device), it will protect the product from any voltage drop or network overload, and an individual line will allow you to place system modules anywhere.

Standard requirements for the components of a separate electrical line:

  • Necessarily presence of RCD or AZO(residual circuit breaker);
  • all conductors must be made of copper;
  • the diameter of the wire must correspond to the size prescribed by the manufacturer;
  • equip separate grounding for the entire line.

Electrical harnesses are passed into a protective hose, then placed in a specially designed plastic box so as not to violate the integrity of the walls. Watch how the professionals make the connection in this special video:

Work algorithm

When a home master is confident in his abilities and knows perfectly well how various household appliances are connected, then he can safely begin work according to a fairly simple scheme.

  1. We select the set of necessary tools and the necessary materials.
  2. We study the schemes proposed by the manufacturer.
  3. We are laying cables to connect the terminals of the external unit to similar connectors of the air conditioner evaporator.
  4. We check the proper operation of all components of the product.

It does not depend on the design of the product where the cable for connecting to the outlet comes from - from the evaporator or the external module.

Choosing an outlet

A home outlet must meet certain requirements:

  • Availability is welcome differentiated relay or reliable grounding;
  • it must fully meet all the requirements and parameters drawn up by the manufacturers, according to the appendices in the instructions for using the split system;
  • if the socket is supplied with electricity using aluminum wires, it must be replaced with copper analogues with a normal cross-section;
  • it must be connected to the panel via a circuit breaker.

Modern standard euro sockets are ideal for connecting high-power household appliances, but all work on connecting the air conditioner must be performed by a specialist with the appropriate approval, otherwise the product warranty will be void. If you moved to a new place and decided to install a product that was already working, especially since you carried out the dismantling yourself, then follow the recommendations and do everything carefully.

Selecting the wire

To correctly connect the air conditioner with your own hands, you must use a wire only of the cross-section specified by the manufacturer individually for each model. Household products require the use of a cross-section within the range of 1.5-2.5 square (mm 2), and the current strength will correspondingly be up to 18 amperes or more.

If the distance between the system and the electrical panel is up to 10 m, then a cross-section of 1.5 mm 2 is suitable, when the distance is greater, then the cross-section increases.

For efficient operation of climate control systems, use copper wires: for single-phase connection - 3 wires, for three-phase version - 5 wires.

Wires are not laid near heating system and gas supply pipes; the standard distance between communications is no closer than a meter. Electrical harnesses, assembled in a protective corrugation, are placed in grooves and secured with special clamps.

When laying communications using ducts, glue and screws are used to secure the wiring. When they do hidden wiring, then the cables are secured in the grooves with special clamps, and then plastered with construction plaster so that they can be quickly opened in case of emergency.

Connecting the evaporator

In principle, the method for connecting system modules is identical, with the exception of minor nuances, so we present a detailed method for connecting the internal module, and the external one - by analogy with it.

After completing the connection of both modules, check again correct connection, checking the diagrams, only after a scrupulous check is a trial and short-term switching on of the air conditioner performed.

In conclusion, I would like to warn all users once again: electricity does not forgive mistakes and inaccuracies, so when connecting yourself, be adequate with your skills, so that later you do not have to deal with extinguishing the wiring and repairing expensive climate control equipment.

After installation, the air conditioner is connected to the electrical network, which is carried out according to the diagrams indicated on both the indoor and outdoor units. A detailed description of the stages of this process and the electrical requirements are usually given in the instructions separately for each device, depending on its power.

It is worth keeping in mind that the electrical connection diagrams for air conditioners for low-power household and more powerful semi-industrial (commercial) models differ. The former have single-phase, and the latter both single-phase and three-phase connections.

There are two ways to power a split system: directly through an outlet and by connecting a wire to the electrical panel. The first option is suitable for household appliances and in the case of already completed renovations in the room. The second method is acceptable for powerful units, as well as for devices of various capacities at the initial stage of rough repair work. Household models are often put into operation using the first method, so this article will discuss this in more detail.

As a rule, powering a split system takes place in several stages, which should be strictly followed if the user plans to do this independently. So, how to connect an air conditioner with your own hands without relevant experience? It's difficult, but quite doable.

Sequence of work

First of all, the owner of a split system must remember the sequence of work. They are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • preparation of materials and tools;
  • study of air conditioner connection diagrams;
  • laying interconnect cables - connecting them to the terminals of the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner;
  • connecting the device to the network;
  • checking the operating parameters of both modules.

Depending on the indoor unit, the cable may run from either the outdoor unit or the indoor unit to the power source.

Connection and connection of air conditioner interconnect cables

If you decide to connect the air conditioner to the mains via an outlet, you need to make sure that it can withstand the upcoming load. If the required parameters do not comply, the installer should not connect the device to it and must explain to the customer the essence of the problem, as well as offer a way out - laying a separate line to the panel.

Here are the basic requirements for the outlet:

  • The socket must have a ground connection or a differential relay;
  • It must correspond to the required values ​​specified in the instructions for the split system. The best ratio is high network power and low cooling device power;
  • The air conditioner is not placed in line with other powerful appliances;
  • It is forbidden to power the device from an outlet if aluminum wiring is used. To connect the air conditioner through it, you need to take a copper wire with the appropriate cross-sectional area;
  • It is important to make sure that the socket itself is connected through a circuit breaker that has a distance between contacts of at least 3 mm when open;
  • Work must be performed by an experienced installer in accordance with required national and local standards.

If all of the above requirements are met, begin preparatory work on connecting the air conditioner to the outlet with your own hands. First, check that you have the necessary tools, and then strip the cable cores with a knife or an insulation stripper. Now we move on to laying interconnect cables and connecting the external unit of the air conditioner, and then the internal one.

Modern reinforced euro sockets are usually suitable for high-power devices.

The connection is carried out according to the diagrams on the blocks, which indicate the terminal blocks corresponding to the interblock cables. Unconnected cable cores must be insulated so that they do not come into contact with live parts of the air conditioner.

Marking of terminals for on/off models of split systems:

  • 1 – compressor power supply;
  • 2(N) – common neutral;
  • 3 – four-way valve;
  • 4 – fan of the external unit;
  • (Earth).

Terminal markings for inverter models of split systems:

  • 1 – food;
  • 2(N) – neutral;
  • 3 – control;
  • (Earth).

In some Chinese economy-class air conditioners, a separate wire is laid between the units to connect a temperature sensor.

The wires are connected to the terminals. The terminal box is located under the block panel. In accordance with the numbering, the wires of the internal module are connected to the contacts of the external module.


Brief instructions for connecting an air conditioner with your own hands for the indoor unit are as follows:

  1. Remove the decorative panel from the block.
  2. Remove the protective cover from the connectors and the cord clamp.
  3. Lay the interconnect cable through the mounting hole in the rear of the device.
  4. Prepare the cable for connection by first stripping it and removing the insulation.
  5. The stripped ends are inserted into the terminals and tightened tightly with screws. The tightening force should be approximately 1.2 Nm. Typically, terminal blocks use screw terminals to connect wires.
  6. Clamps secure the interconnect wire well.
  7. Reinstall the terminal cover.

The same brief instructions are suitable for connecting the external unit of the air conditioner according to the electrical diagram yourself. Instead of a decorative panel, remove the protective cover from the outdoor unit and connect it with wires to the indoor module through terminals.

At the very end, they check whether the work done corresponds to the connection diagrams. Only then can you turn on the device.

Selection of wire for connection

It is worth remembering what wire is needed to connect the air conditioner, or rather, what cross-section is required. Its parameters are indicated in the instructions for each split system model individually. The cross section depends on the power of the device. As a rule, household air conditioners (sizes 7, 9, 12, 13) require a wire diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 mm². You can focus on the current strength: less than 18 A - 1.5 mm², more than 18 A - 2.5 mm².

Also, the wire required to connect the air conditioner to the electrical network is selected taking into account the distance of the panel. The distance between the device unit and the electrical panel over 10 meters requires a cross-section of 2.5 mm².

To ensure reliable operation of the air conditioner, only copper wires are used. For a single-phase connection, three-wire wires are used (phase-neutral-ground), and for a three-phase connection, five-wire wires are used.

The wire must not be laid near gas and heating pipes. The minimum distance between them is at least 1 meter. If necessary, use additional insulation. As a rule, the cable is laid along with the route in a corrugation and hidden in a box or groove in the wall.

The cables are attached to the wall with clamps, which are secured with dowels or screws. When laying communications in boxes, glue or screws are used to secure them. If hidden wiring is performed, then the wires are hidden in a corrugation and fixed to the wall using special clamps.

Circuit breaker

If you plan to power the split system from the panel, then you will need protection devices, one of which is a circuit breaker. It is selected relative to the rated power of the device indicated in the technical data sheet or on the external unit. It is advisable to always leave a small reserve. For example, start-stop air conditioners have a very high starting current, exceeding 20 A. And although the operating time at such values ​​is short, it is still worth taking this into account.

You can select the required current values ​​of the machine using the formula: divide the air conditioner power (kW) by the network voltage (220 V) and increase the obtained data by 20-30%.

When connecting the air conditioner to the power supply, it is important to remember that the circuit breaker must have a distance between the contacts in the open state of at least 3 mm for each phase wire. The phase order is strictly observed: the order of connecting the phases must correspond to the order on the terminal block.

A type C circuit breaker is suitable for air conditioners. It completely ensures the safety of the motor load and has high tripping characteristics in case of emergency.

You need to make sure whether the electrical panel allows you to install additional equipment in it.

It is worth remembering that for both the air conditioner and other household electrical appliances, the most reliable connection is via a separate line. With this option, it is not necessary to install a residual current device and a differential relay.

Connecting the LG ART COOL GALLERY air conditioner according to electrical diagrams

The photo below shows an electrical diagram for connecting an LG inverter-type air conditioner. The first diagram is for connecting the indoor unit, the second is for connecting the outdoor unit. The third photo is the terminal block of the external unit. The fourth photo is a completely ready-to-function indoor unit. The model 9 split system shown in the photographs is installed in the apartment, connected to an outlet and works perfectly. The installers used a copper power cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm².

In order to cope with all the stages yourself, you can watch the video of installing and connecting the air conditioner with your own hands below:

How to connect an air conditioner

When users ask this question, they may have two different meanings in mind:

  1. How to connect an air conditioner or how to connect split system units to each other;
  2. How to connect an air conditioner to the mains.

You need to know that there is an “interconnect” connection of wires and a “power” connection to the device. In this article we will examine both of these issues.

Answer to the first question:

In addition to the fact that the blocks need to be correctly positioned and secured, it is also necessary to correctly connect them to each other. In general terms, for a split system to work you need:

  1. Place the drainage where required (most often to the street, very rarely to the sewer). The indoor unit has a drainage outlet that needs to be “built up” and brought outside along with the main communications;
  2. Connect power to the desired unit (this will answer the second question);
  3. Connect two blocks with communications. Let's look at this in more detail below.

What communications are meant, and what specifically need to be connected:

  • thin copper tube (in thermoflex);
  • thick copper tube (in thermoflex);
  • interconnect cable. Most often this is a five-core cable. The essence of its connection is that the wires to the external unit are connected to the same terminals as to the internal unit. Usually the instructions for the air conditioner contain a detailed description. The figure below shows the connection of the wires of one air conditioner;

  • rarely Comes with air conditioner additional interblock (two-core) wire. It will also need to be connected accordingly.

Answer to the second question:

There are two main ways to connect an air conditioner to the mains:

  • plug into the socket. Small household air conditioners with a cooling capacity of up to 4 kW are connected in this way. Do not plug other electrical appliances into the same outlet;
  • through the machine. Air conditioners with a cooling capacity of more than 4 kW must be connected via an automatic device. It is also advisable to connect all inverter air conditioners via an automatic circuit breaker so that phasing is maintained.

Inverter air conditioners most often have a network connection to an external unit. On/off air conditioners (non-inverter) are most often connected to the network through an indoor unit. In this case, the indoor unit may have a wire with or without a plug. The wire has three wires - yellow-green (“ground”), blue (“zero”), brown (“phase”).

The figure shows the connection of the external unit. The left block is an “interconnect” connection (4 wires in this case). The three-phase power supply of the air conditioner is connected to the right block (power supply).

Important for all air conditioners: If the indoor unit of the split system does not have a wire with a plug, then when connecting the power (to the desired unit), the phasing must be observed. The neutral wire must be connected to the “N” terminal, and the phase to the “L” or “P” terminal.

Installing an air conditioner is a very complex task that requires certain knowledge and sometimes special tools. In our article today we will talk about how to install an air conditioner at home yourself. There are different types of air conditioning systems, which include mobile and window models, as well as so-called split systems. In our article, we will take a closer look at the sequence of actions when installing the latest version.

The installation process of a split system is quite complicated and is carried out in several steps. In this regard, all actions can be divided into three main stages, which include the following:

  1. Installation work on the indoor unit;
  2. Actions related to installing an external unit;
  3. Vacuuming.

We will consider each of the stages in detail.

Stage one: installing the indoor unit

If you decide to install a mobile air conditioner at home, then you don’t have to worry about the installation process, you just need to put it in the right place. But with a split system you will have to work hard, since it consists of two blocks, each of which needs a separate installation. If we talk about the indoor unit, then there are a number of requirements for its installation. So, for example, it should be at a certain distance from the ceiling, which should not be less than ten centimeters.

You should understand the importance of the above requirement, since if it is ignored, the following consequences may occur:

  • its body will quickly become clogged with dust, and it will have to be removed almost every day;
  • Dust will also settle on the surface of the ceiling. The result will be a not-so-pretty dust stain;
  • the system will not have enough air, and this will subsequently affect its efficiency.

Such a distance from the wall is required so that it becomes possible to ensure a distance between the curtains and the device of at least ten centimeters. At a shorter distance, curtains or drapes will constantly flutter, which is also undesirable. Next, we install the mounting plate, while keeping it level. You should also first arrange the markings, which are done using dowels and a hammer drill.

Further independent installation of the air conditioner involves making a through hole in the wall, which is required in order to lay the main line and drainage system there. For this purpose, you need to take a drill, the diameter of which is forty-five millimeters, after which you can start making a hole. This tunnel should be constructed in such a way that the slight slope required for condensate to flow through it is ensured. Further actions will be related to the collection and connection of the route. First you need to measure the required length of the pipe and cut them. This will require the use of a pipe cutter. But it is better not to use a hacksaw for metal, since chips that get inside will lead to damage to the compressor.

Next comes the connection of pipes - rolling is used. The quality of the connection holding the refrigerant also depends on how well this operation is performed. Even before rolling, you need to put the nut on the tube. This requirement is explained by the impossibility of such action in the future. It is also important to screw the nuts to the indoor unit as tightly as possible, this only improves the quality of the connection.

Connected pipes, electrical wiring, and drainage systems must be insulated and taped. Next, the free main ends need to be inserted into a previously made hole in the wall. As for the internal block itself, it is installed on a bar. At this point, the installation stages of the air conditioner associated with its indoor unit can be considered complete. Now we move on to the next steps to install the external unit.

Stage two: installing the external unit

Solving the issue related to the proper installation of the air conditioning system, or rather its external unit, is associated with some risk. This is relevant when performing high-altitude work. In such cases, insurance is mandatory.

As part of this stage, the first step is to install the brackets. In most cases, the external unit is mounted under the window. This decision on its location is explained by the fact that in this way it becomes possible to ensure convenient maintenance and repair.

As for the location of the brackets, it is calculated in such a way that the external unit of the air conditioning system would be located below the level of the window sill.

After completing the marking work, you can proceed to the stage of attaching the brackets to the wall. Due to the fact that the external unit is characterized by quite significant weight, the brackets must be secured with maximum reliability. For this, long self-tapping screws are used, the diameter of which should not be less than twelve millimeters. After installing the brackets, the block itself should be lowered onto them. It is advisable to mount the block together with an assistant, since due to its considerable mass there is a danger of dropping the block.

Next, after installing the block on the brackets, it will need to be securely fastened. But this must be done by securing all four screws. When these steps are completed, it will be possible to connect backbone elements to it. In this case, all actions must be carried out extremely carefully, since it is important not to confuse which of the tubes should be connected where. In addition, even during the process of connecting them to the indoor unit, it is recommended to make the appropriate marks. Otherwise, other actions are carried out similarly to the indoor unit of the air conditioning system.

Stage three: vacuuming

When deciding to install an air conditioner at home with your own hands, remember that vacuuming must be carried out. This process is a set of actions aimed at creating a vacuum in the main line tubes. Without these measures, it is impossible to ensure the operation of the air conditioner. Vacuuming is performed to remove residual dust and moisture from the pipes. This is done with a special pump connected to the system using a pressure manifold and flexible hoses.

Next, the pump is turned on and the port on the external unit is opened. After the pressure gauge goes into vacuum, close the port and turn off the pump. Completing these steps will take no more than fifteen minutes. This operation can also take a longer time, but this is no longer necessary. Do not rush to turn off the pump with a pressure gauge, since the arrow may change its position. So, for example, when it rises, we can talk about the lack of tightness of the system. Therefore, all connections in general and rolling in particular should be checked.

You can start the refrigerant only after making sure that everything is sealed, and it doesn’t matter where you decide to install the air conditioner. At the same time, it is better to leave the pressure gauges in their places. The first thing you need to do is open the tube responsible for the supply, then the suction tube, after which you can start fixing the freon pressure. It is also important not to confuse the above sequence of actions.

Next, the system starts for the first time, which will not happen immediately; you will have to wait for some time. Then you need to let it run for about fifteen minutes. This time is allotted for the complete distribution of freon through the tubes. Then control pressure measurements are carried out, and the pump equipped with a pressure gauge device is turned off. At this point, the work on installing the split system can be considered completed.

Window air conditioner installation

In cases where you want to install a window air conditioner at home, the steps are slightly different, since its design is significantly different from a split system. To do this, you will need to remove its front panel and remove the block located on the slide. After this, the housing should be installed with a slight slope towards the street. Next, it is assembled in the reverse order and connected to the outlet, adjusting the required power.

Air conditioning systems have long been transformed from elements of luxury in the offices and homes of oligarchs, into an affordable and virtually obligatory attribute of any room in which there are people. In addition, climate control systems are installed in rooms in which equipment that requires temperature conditions is installed. For example, server equipment.

The cost of a modern system is not so high; high-quality equipment can be purchased without any loans, within one salary. Taking into account the hot summer even beyond the Urals, we can say that at least 50% of the housing stock is equipped with air conditioners, and this figure is confidently moving towards 100%.

Since modern climate control systems are standardized, their installation is not particularly difficult. However, the cost of work increases costs by 30–50%. Therefore, thrifty owners practice installing an air conditioner with their own hands.

Possible restrictions

There are no special requirements for such work; the rules for installing an air conditioner are usually regulated by the requirements of the SES (they may differ in each region). Additionally, some municipalities may impose restrictions regarding aesthetics. For example, in historical centers, or in buildings that are classified as cultural heritage (or historical monuments), local authorities may establish special rules for installing air conditioners on the facades of buildings. Often such restrictions generally prohibit changing the appearance of an architectural structure. In such cases, climate systems with external modules are mounted on the roof (provided that they will not be visible).

From a technical point of view, there are no additional difficulties, except that the line with freon will be significantly longer (which means the cost of installation work will increase). Another possible problem is the lack of protection from vandals and intruders (thieves). When the external module is located on the wall of the building, it is inaccessible to external intervention.

Sometimes, the literal fulfillment of such requirements leads to aesthetic absurdity.

In some cases, the problem of organizing the climate (especially if it is a self-installation of an air conditioner) is solved by selecting models:

  • a window air conditioner does not change the appearance of a historical building so much;
  • floor systems are not at all visible from the outside.

We will look at all the ways to install an air conditioner with your own hands, with the exception of a ducted climate system.

For reference: ducted air conditioning requires a separate equipment room with a powerful cooling system. Air ducts (ventilation system) diverge from this room to each apartment (office).

The safety requirements for installing outdoor units are also taken into account. Heavy equipment placed at a height of several tens of meters poses a potential fall hazard. Therefore, the mounting brackets must be reliable.

The electrical connection diagram of the air conditioner must comply with the Electrical Installation Rules (ELR), like any powerful electrical appliance. In addition, energy consumption cannot exceed the technical conditions (TS) of the input connection of the facility. Before purchasing, you need to calculate the total power of your electrical appliances and compare the result with the restrictions set by the company that supplies electricity. It is desirable that there is no need to turn off the climate system when turning on the boiler or iron. Otherwise, this may lead to overloads and emergency situations.

Let's consider the main types of air conditioners, taking into account installation and connection features

Despite the wide variety of air conditioning systems, they can be divided into 3 main groups (excluding centralized ventilation and cooling systems):

Floor air conditioner (second name - mobile)

From a technical point of view, questions about how to install a floor-standing air conditioner should not arise. This is a self-sufficient device, usually on wheels. Such a unit can be installed anywhere, provided only the condition of free space around the ventilation holes is met.

This type of air conditioner, by definition, is connected independently, since there is no work on its installation, as a class. But there is one feature that is determined by the operating principle of any cooling device.

The air conditioner does not produce cold out of nothing (otherwise it would contradict the Law of Conservation of Energy). It separates the air mass into hot and cold. That is, the working flow becomes colder, and the waste flow becomes warmer. For example, consider a refrigerator. The generated cold remains inside, in a sealed housing. And excess heat is discharged into the room, around the radiator on the rear wall.

In the case of an air conditioner, these two flows will inevitably mix, maintaining the average temperature in the room. Therefore, the “excess” heat must be removed somewhere. For example, on the street. To do this, the floor-standing air conditioner has an air duct (sleeve), which must be connected to the outlet flange outside the room.

If the hose is simply brought out into the window, warm air will be drawn into the room, sharply reducing efficiency. Therefore, the hole must be sealed.

The ideal option is the provided section in the window. If you order a double-glazed window and plan to purchase a mobile air conditioner in the future, stipulate this in the technical specifications. If this is not possible, you can install a diffuser in the window. Most owners of metal-plastic windows may object: modern frames do not have classic vents. For this purpose, special inserts are provided in the opening full-size transoms.

It looks primitive, but it works 100%. The main thing is to provide a reliable lock for the position of the slightly open window.

In addition to the formation of “excess” warm air, any air conditioner has another byproduct: condensation. The illustration shows the correct installation of a mobile air conditioner with your own hands:

Pay attention to the lower element - the condensate collection pan. The design assumes that water will evaporate naturally, restoring humidity in the room.

Information: when warm room air passes through the honeycomb of the evaporator (cold radiator), moisture remains on the metal and flows into the pan. Not only does the air dry out, but the liquid has to go somewhere.

In stationary air conditioners, there is a drainage hose through which the condensate flows into the sewer or onto the street (everyone has seen how water drips from the outdoor unit). But the mobile air conditioner is on the floor, and it is impossible to provide drainage. Therefore, the condition of the pallet requires constant monitoring. Otherwise, your parquet or carpet will be hopelessly damaged.

Advantages of a mobile air conditioner:

  • There is no concept of installation and installation work.
  • Can be quickly installed in any room.
  • No need to drill into walls.


  • Low efficiency.
  • Noise in the room.
  • Condensation must be monitored.

Window air conditioner (monoblock)

Just like the mobile one, this unit is made in one housing. Only the evaporator and condenser (hot part) are located in opposite parts of the unit. Proper installation ensures that the hot radiator will be outside, and the exhaust warm air will not enter the air-conditioned room. The illustration shows how the internal and external volumes inside the housing are separated.

The partition inside the monoblock should ideally be in the same plane as the wall in which the air conditioner is installed. If such installation is not possible, clear space must be provided around the ventilation openings. Structurally there are four of them:

  • drawing air from the room to pass through the cooler;
  • outlet of cooled air into the room;
  • outside air intake to cool the hot condenser;
  • outlet of heated air to the street.

These flows do not mix in the housing, thanks to the same partition. The condensate drains into a pan and is discharged from the housing to the street.

Where to install the monoblock

This type is not called window type for nothing. A typical place for installation is a window or a special opening in the window frame. Of course, the ideal place is a separate opening in the wall of the building. However, from a technical point of view, fulfilling such a niche is quite difficult. Therefore, you have to sacrifice the glazing area.

How to install a window air conditioner with safety precautions? If it is possible to change the window configuration, the best place is on a solid window sill. Again, when replacing old windows with double-glazed windows, it is necessary to provide a blind diffuser that can be removed in the summer and returned to its place in the winter. This way, the air conditioner will be more intact (indoor storage), and during the cold season there will be no extra cracks: it is quite difficult to ensure 100% tightness. Don't blow it out with foam.

In practice, most often monoblocks are installed in a window (fortunately, the dimensions can be selected with an accuracy of a centimeter). This is quite simple from a preparation point of view: there is no need to redo the window. However, a window air conditioner is quite heavy: one housing houses a compressor, two radiators (a condenser and an evaporator), as well as electric motors with fans. It weighs at least 15 kg, so installing a window air conditioner in an apartment with your own hands should ensure safety. Otherwise, you will be left without a window and without a comfortable climate.

It is necessary to mount a reliable support, at an angle of 1-2 degrees of inclination outward.

When installed in a window, dismantling for winter storage is also provided.

Ideal installation of a window unit

In Western countries, the practice is to install sliding windows, in which the window is formed by vertically moving the transom upward. This is the optimal place for summer installation of a monoblock climate system. The window rises and a special frame with sliding curtains is installed in the opening.

The air conditioner is fixed on a horizontal platform, resting on the window sill. Sliding curtains tightly cover the body, preventing street air from entering the room. At the same time, the window remains functional: you can lift it, opening access to air when the monoblock is turned off.

Let's look at some of the nuances of installing monoblock window units:

Advantages of a window air conditioner:

  • Easy to install: no need to monitor refilling after installation.
  • Compact size, yet provides good performance.
  • The walls will remain intact.


  • Takes up a lot of space and partially blocks the lighting area.
  • As a rule, dismantling for the winter is required.
  • Since the compressor is located in a common housing, the noise level is high.
  • Most often it is necessary to install it on a windowsill, so the flow of cold air is at the level of the person’s torso.

Split systems

If, due to lack of space, the question arises: where to install an air conditioner in an apartment, take a closer look at a system with separate units (so-called split systems). The compressor and evaporator are located in the outdoor module, and the cooling system is located inside. This ensures aesthetics inside the apartment and allows for some freedom in placement.

The operating principle of a split system is no different from any other air conditioner. Simply, the functional modules are located geographically and connected to each other by tubes for the movement of refrigerant (freon). When home craftsmen figure out how to independently install an air conditioner with separate units, this point raises the most questions. Monoblock systems are refilled at the factory and are sold completely ready for use. The split system needs to be connected with pipes and refilled with freon.

In fact, the outdoor unit is supplied already filled. There are simply taps located in front of the fittings for connecting the connecting pipes, and they are closed. Once connected, it is opened and the refrigerant is distributed throughout the entire system, including the indoor unit.

However, proper installation requires pressure testing (checking for tightness under pressure) and evacuation before starting freon. That is, air must be removed from the pipe system and the indoor unit. In addition, the length of the tubes may vary, depending on the distance between the internal and external modules. In some cases, it is necessary to add freon before starting. Therefore, self-installation of a split system is most often accompanied by calling a specialist at the final stage.

What kind of work can you save on (in the sense of doing it yourself)

Of course, installation of the indoor module. There is only one rule: it must be higher than the outer one and located strictly horizontally. Then you need to drill holes to the street for two pipes, a drainage hose and a network control cable. With certain skills this is not difficult.

And finally, the most “interesting” part of the work: installation of the outdoor module. Especially if you live on the 10th floor. However, you can do without industrial climbers and a lifting tower. If the air conditioner is located under a window, you can install it from inside the apartment.

Any external work must be carried out using safety equipment.

Doing as shown in the picture below is extremely dangerous and strictly prohibited!

Also, when performing such work, you definitely need an assistant. Compliance with safety measures is a priority!

After fixing the blocks in their places, a connection is made from each other with copper pipes for the refrigerant. To perform this work you will need a special tool:

With its help, tubes are cut, flared, and chamfered. Here you need to make a decision: perform the connecting operations yourself (with the purchase of tools), or pay the installer, saving on the installation of blocks. Still, if you just connect the tubes and do not check the system (with vacuum) the cooling may not be effective.

How to connect an air conditioner to the mains? Compared to attaching the blocks and starting the freon, this is a simple task. Separate power line, RCD, circuit breaker, grounding. It is clear that many “masters” do without this. However, the requirements of the PUE must be met. Otherwise, you may get electrocuted.

Important! Before turning on any type of air conditioner, make sure that the transport locks of the fans are removed.

When choosing a location for the indoor unit, you need to decide how to properly install the air conditioner in the bedroom or children's room? If cold air blows on the bed, comfort will be replaced by a cold. Therefore, the module is placed near the window, across the bed, so that the direct flow does not cross the vertical projection of the bed.

Important: installing an air conditioner in a wooden house, regardless of whether it is window or wall-mounted, does not provide any special restrictions.

You just need to make sure there is no fire hazard and take into account the strength characteristics of the material. Wiring that may pass through the wall must be laid in a steel pipe. Pipes and hoses are also laid using a sleeve (possibly plastic) so that the wood does not become damp from condensation.


We examined typical issues related to the installation of climate control systems. You can handle most of the work yourself; you only need to call a technician when refilling with freon. In addition to obvious savings, installing an air conditioner yourself gives you confidence in the reliability of the installation. You are in complete control of the process.

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