Self-analysis of the teacher for the highest category according to the federal state standard. Self-analysis during certification of a preschool teacher

And also for determining the effectiveness of your teaching activities very important introspection this activity. Conducting such research is a mandatory stage in professional development. This is necessary to study the state and results of the pedagogical process, as well as to determine ways for further improvement.
The main directions of the survey of educational activities are:
— examination of the level of development of children (diagnosis);
— analysis of forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing children’s activities;
— analysis of forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing the teacher’s activities;
— analysis of the subject-developmental environment in the kindergarten group;
— self-analysis of a teacher’s professional activity.
Please remember that disposable diagnostic procedure children cannot claim an exclusive role. A diagnostic process is necessary because the reliability and objectivity of the results of this process grows in proportion to the amount of information.
When documenting diagnostic materials, the author of the diagnosis, purpose, equipment, materials, and progress of the examination are indicated. Based on the results of the examination of children, conclusions are formulated (general assessment of the development of pupils in the group, reasons for the predominance of high or low levels, the state of the developmental environment, difficulties in planning, family influence, health status, etc.)
Analyzing forms of interaction from the point of view of assessing the activities of children, they are guided by three main criteria:
- maintaining interest and attention to activities when interacting with the teacher and other children;
- children’s activity and independence in solving assigned tasks;
— mastering program content.
At analysis of own activities When interacting with children, pay special attention to:
- the ability to accurately formulate tasks;
— selection of materials and equipment;
— satisfying the motor activity of pupils;
- use of various forms of organization of children (work in subgroups, in pairs, individual, collective).
In accordance with, with creating a subject-development environment In a group, the teacher’s competence is expressed in the availability of a variety of equipment for games and activities, in accordance with the age of the children. Of no small importance is the teacher’s ability to explain why and for what purpose certain games and aids are presented.
IN structure of self-analysis can be distinguished two stages:
— self-analysis itself, during which it is necessary to decompose the existing pedagogical experience into its component parts and analyze them separately;
— self-generalization, during which generalizing, final conclusions are formulated based on the results of the analysis.
At the first stage it is necessary to collect facts that should be subjected to primary generalization, and only after that make final conclusions. At the same time, your experience must be correlated with the main tasks being solved in the educational institution during the analyzed period.
Facts and information on, didactic support for classes, methodological developments, abstracts, manuals, as well as materials on circle work, materials from speeches at methodological associations, seminars, conferences, etc. will be useful.
At the second stage it is necessary to perform a problem analysis. It is necessary to describe those areas of activity that have been successfully resolved over the past period of time. It is indicated in what form the results of resolving problems are presented, whether they are summarized in messages, publications, speeches to colleagues, at meetings and sessions of other associations (methodological, seminars, lectures for parents, participation in district, city, regional conferences, etc.). Then it is necessary to describe the existing problems in the work and the available resources to eliminate them.
The final part of the analysis indicates the key tasks for improving one’s professional activities, i.e., those tasks that need to be improved and developed in the near future. Understanding the direction and prospects for professional growth is very important when certifying a teacher.
Do not forget that self-analysis should reflect working with children, interaction with teachers, interaction with parents and society.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in developing self-analysis, then write to

Vasilyeva Irina Nikolaevna
Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of the teacher

Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of the teacher.

I, Vasilyeva Irina Nikolaevna, graduated from the Bokhan Pedagogical School named after Dorzhi Banzarov in 2001 with a degree in Preschool Education, with the qualification of a teacher of preschool children with additional training in the field of visual arts.

Total teaching experience is 11 years, work experience as a teacher is 8 years. I don't have a category at the moment.

I consider it an important task to improve my professional level and regularly take advanced training courses.

My pedagogical credo:

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”

Oscar Wilde.

The motto of my professional activity:

“To love, understand, accept and make the people around you happy.”

Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? What keeps me in it? I ask myself this question all the time. The answer is clear: this is my love, love for children and reciprocal love for me.

Being a teacher is not easy; it is a huge responsibility. Love with all your heart children's laughter, children's speech, spontaneity, feel a sea of ​​​​creative potential within yourself.

The group in the kindergarten where I work is called “Sun”, and I affectionately call my students “Rays”. My mission, as a teacher, is aimed at ensuring that our “Rays” shine brightly and cheerfully leave their mark. I understand that I have a great responsibility: to lay the foundation for the personality of each child, to help them understand the world around them, to teach them to live in society. V. A. Sukhomlinsky also said: “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy.... How the child will feel, rising to the first stage of knowledge, what he will experience, depends on his entire further path to knowledge."

And so, day after day, we walk together along the path of discovery, on which they learn to distinguish between good and evil, get to know themselves and the world around them, and I constantly learn from them devotion, sincerity, and love.

With great interest, I am gradually studying new technologies in the field of education, I am interested in modern and non-traditional visual techniques. Everything is new and interesting for me, it helps me ignite a spark of interest in the eyes of my students for knowledge, creativity and awareness of the joy of communication.

The purpose of my teaching activity- creation of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal and artistic-aesthetic education.


Ensuring the child has the opportunity to live the preschool years joyfully and meaningfully;

Preserve and strengthen physical and mental health, create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child;

Create a subject-based development environment that promotes the comprehensive development of a preschooler’s personality;

Create conditions conducive to the realization of the artistic and aesthetic development of students and their creative potential;

Collaborate with the family in the comprehensive development of children’s personality.

To achieve this goal, I use the general education program of the MBDOU "Olonsky kindergarten"

To successfully master programs in various areas of education, it is necessary to organize the pedagogical process so that all aspects of the child’s personality development are affected. When developing my work on the system of pedagogical interaction with children, I focused on comprehensive development: specially organized training, joint activities of the teacher and children, independent activities of children.

I interact with children taking into account a differentiated approach and include a variety of forms and methods of work: group and subgroup, individual, thematic and musical classes, holidays, entertainment, didactic games, board games, outdoor games, themed creativity weeks, exhibitions of drawings and crafts, creation homemade books, classes in the library.

The knowledge gained in the classroom is reflected in the play activities of the students. They are happy to show staged skits and performances, dance, sing songs, retell fairy tales, and learn poems by heart.

I myself happily participate in all the holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten, I play various roles: Santa Claus, Carlos, Tishka the Dog, Clown, Pencil, Snowman, Grandma Arina...

In my work I widely use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, round dances). In oral folk art, like nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, courage, hard work, and loyalty have been preserved. By introducing children to sayings, riddles, proverbs, and fairy tales, I thereby introduce them to universal human values.

To successfully solve the assigned tasks, a comfortable environment has been created in the group, which allows children to express their desires and freely develop their abilities. For the comprehensive development of the child’s personality in his inherent activities: design, visual arts, physical development and play. The group is divided into certain zones “Nature Corner”, “Creativity Corner”, “Book Corner”, “Sports Corner”, “Mathematics Corner”, “Theater Corner”, “Music Corner”, “Sensory Corner”, and into plot-based role-playing games “Family”, “Hospital”, “Garage”, “Barbershop”, “Builders”. Materials that stimulate children's development are located in different functional spaces accessible to children and correspond to the age of the children. The materials are constantly updated, the subject-development environment of the group is provided with both general and specific material, for both boys and girls.

In my work I use both my own developments and the best works of other teachers. I constantly take an active part in the exchange of experience among employees of the Olonsky Kindergarten MBDOU and the district, conducting open classes and master classes. I am an active participant in holidays and entertainment.

Awarded with a certificate for high-quality preparation and implementation

Master class “Flowers for Mom” as part of the II Educational Forum of the Bokhansky District Municipal District in 2014.

She was awarded a diploma for a responsible and creative approach to conducting the Master Class “New Year’s toys from throwaway materials” within the framework of a meeting of heads of preschool educational institutions of the Bokhansky district municipal educational institution on the basis of the Olonsky kindergarten in 2014.

She was awarded a Certificate for active participation in the municipal competition “Author’s pedagogical development for parents” within the framework of the II Educational Forum of the Bokhansky District Municipal District in 2014.

I am proficient in modern educational technologies: health-saving, gaming. Direct educational activity is manifested in all forms of work: morning exercises, exercises after an afternoon nap, classes, entertainment, walks, conversations, work, holidays, leisure, and many others. etc... As a result, the child receives knowledge that immediately covers the comprehensive development of the individual. I use the design method in my work - short-term or long-term thematic projects. I am proficient in ICT (using technical communication technologies and multimedia presentations in educational activities) and constantly use them in practical, professional activities.

When organizing your work in the upbringing and development of children, it is impossible to achieve success without the help of parents. I understand work and communication with parents as a process of cooperation, the formation of common interests and needs between the kindergarten and the family. When working with families, I try to adhere to the following principles: voluntariness, information and feedback. I implement them through various forms of work, both traditional: conversations, consultations, and non-traditional: surveys, music and sports festivals, competitions on the basis of our kindergarten, district, as well as all-Russian competitions on the Internet.

When interacting with my family, I set myself certain goals:

Creating a positive emotional environment of communication between children, parents and teachers;

Develop the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities;

To improve the culture of parents in communication and to form a conscious attitude towards raising children;

Generalize and develop the experience of family education.

The result of cooperation with parents during joint activities was:

Participation of parents and children in the regional correspondence photo competition “Pedagogical Vernissage” within the framework of the II Educational Forum in the nomination “Favorite Teacher” Timur Karnaukhov took 2nd place;

Participation of parents and children in the correspondence competition of creative works of preschool children, among preschool educational organizations of the Bokhansky district municipality “All professions are important...” Danil Rodnin received a 1st degree Diploma. And the rest of the children, such as Semenov Kirill, Pushchin Vyacheslav, Vandashin Andrey, Dozorov Andrey, Grekhneva Zhenya received certificates for active participation.

Participation of parents and children in the regional correspondence photo competition “Pedagogical Vernissage” within the framework of the II Educational Forum in the nomination “Favorite Teacher” Timur Karnaukhov took third place;

We also participate in the competitions of our kindergarten “Beauty Christmas Tree”, “Crafts from Vegetables and natural materials”, “In the world of beautiful crafts from flowers”, “Competition of winter and summer areas, where parents take an active part”, drawing competitions by season , “My dad served in the Army”, “Portrait of my Mom”, currently in our group there is a competition “A gift for my grandmother on March 8th”, where parents take an active part in many. etc...;

In order to keep up with the times, you need to constantly improve your knowledge, master progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training, and thereby provide an opportunity for your development. Any knowledge and information I acquire is reflected in my work with children.

I believe that such an organization of a subject-based developmental environment is a powerful stimulus for the development of preschool children and allows them to demonstrate individual, creative abilities.



I, Lysak Tatyana Andreevna, born on July 10, 1971, higher education. In 1990, she graduated from the Karasuk Pedagogical College with a degree in preschool education and was awarded the qualification of a teacher in preschool institutions. In 2011, she graduated from Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, diploma qualification: primary school teacher. My teaching experience is 16 years. I have been working at this institution since 1990. I try to follow pedagogical innovations, for which I take advanced training courses. The last courses were taken in 2014 at the Kuibyshev branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" on the topic: "Design of the educational process in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" 72 hours. The courses helped highlight problems in setting and solving educational problems. I work according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.S. Vasilyeva.

As part of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, I organize club work with pupils and lead the “Crazy Hands” club.I am constantly in search of new forms, methods, techniques of teaching and education. The topic of my self-education is “Speech development and the formation of manual skills in preschool children.” I consider the topic relevant, since training the fingers accelerates the process of functional maturation of the brain and is a powerful tonic factor for the cerebral cortex. In addition, we can say this: if the development of fingers corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits, but if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed. The methodology of my circle work is based on collective creative activity. Taking into account the interests of the pupils, abilities and age-related opportunities, I conduct club activities that broaden the horizons of children, increase cognitive abilities, develop independence and activity.

The goal of my work is to create conditions for the development of creative abilities and the development of speech activity of my students. In order to achieve certain results, I set myself the following tasks: To achieve these goals, I chose the following educational technologies:

From 2010 to 2015, I worked in a senior mixed-age group that met all the requirements of sanitary standards. In order to achieve certain results, I have created a developmental environment in the group that stimulates the most diverse activities of the child: a mathematics center, an art center, a book center, a construction center, a game center, a science center, a speech development center, “Happy Fingers” - the development of fine motor skills. The main goals of organizing the centers: every child develops best if he is involved in active activities; The child develops at his own pace, but all children go through typical periods of development. For the successful development of a child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers, specialists and all family members. Each child is given freedom to choose the means to use their creative abilities, satisfy their interests and curiosity, taking into account individual and age characteristics. This helps to make the necessary adjustments for the cognitive advancement of each child's development. The subject-development environment not only provides different types of activity (physical, mental, play), but also becomes the object of the child’s independent activity, being a unique form of self-education.

The task of maintaining and strengthening health, both physical and psychological, and introducing children to a healthy lifestyle in our kindergarten is one of the priorities. And here health-saving technologies come to my aid. I use health-saving technologies in all routine moments. To implement the task of preserving and maintaining physical and mental health, I work together with medical staff. In our kindergarten, optimal conditions have been created for the protection and promotion of health: maintaining a daily routine, receiving children in the fresh air, morning exercises, physical education, exercises after sleep, relaxation, finger games, outdoor games. Using them in practice helps children maintain health during their stay in kindergarten: it relieves mental stress, calms them down, and helps reduce illness and the number of frequently ill children.

I use gaming technologies for the social development of children. For this, it is important to create conditions for the formation of communication skills. To this end, in my free activities, I conduct all types of games: role-playing games, movement games, didactic games, directing games, construction games, dramatization games, verbal games, social games. During games, children develop their cognitive processes more successfully, and positive personality traits, social skills, and the ability to work in a team are more quickly formed and consolidated. (Appendix 2) In a preschool institution, the constant concern of teachers is the choice of the most effective means of teaching and education. In my work, I introduce technology into practice - the project method, which allows me to change the style of working with children, increase children's independence, activity, curiosity, develop creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, become more confident in their abilities, involve parents and other family members in the educational process of the preschool institution. In my work I use a variety of project methods: creative projects, informational, short-term. In design technology, I ensure that each child is recognized as important and necessary in the team. Together with our students and their parents, the following projects were developed:

As a result of the projects, parent-child events were held, where parents and children were active participants. Thus, the use of elements of modern technologies helps me not only to intensify the cognitive interest of children, but also to achieve good learning results for my students. Parents are my first assistants in organizing a developmental environment, both in the group and in the kindergarten area.

Since September 2015 I have been working with a younger mixed-age group. At the moment, the topic of self-education that I am working on is “Sensory education of children of early preschool age.” In my group, I made sensory educational toys: “colored wheels”, “lacing”, “sensory corner”. I teach sensory motor games and finger games with children. The use of non-standard equipment allowed for faster and better development of shape, color and fine motor skills of the hands.

Teacher ______________________ \ Lysak T.A.\

Anna Kartashova
Self-analysis of the teacher’s activities for certification

My self-analysis for certification, which was 3 years ago.

My teaching experience is relatively short. Just 2 years ago, I crossed the threshold of a preschool and felt at home. This is the house where I grow and take my first steps in the role teacher. Here I realized that children are our future and we must treat them with great love and respect, only then is a positive result possible in their education and development.

The preschool educational institution works according to the development program for 2008-1012, which involves the implementation of conceptual provisions through the full use in the educational process of the arsenal of all the means and capabilities of the preschool educational institution for the formation of the social experience of a child’s entry into society, adaptation and active action. I am a direct participant in the implementation of this program, the goal which: ensuring the full development of the personality of each child in the process of organizing their social experience through the positive influence of teachers and parents.

My goals and objectives are closely related to the goals and objectives of the kindergarten and are aimed at ensuring comprehensive development and self-development of preschoolers.

The purpose of my work is to ensure the organization of pedagogical support for children, which allows them to adapt educational and educational process to the individual characteristics of children, to create conditions for their personal growth.

Main tasks:

Create conditions for mental, cognitive-speech, artistic and aesthetic development that contribute to a developed personality.

Create conditions for creative, playful and independent activity.

To promote the preservation and strengthening of children's health as an important factor in successful child's life activity.

Create a subject-development environment to ensure comfortable emotional development and children's self-development.

Use innovative programs and methods in your work.

Throughout my short teaching experience, I worked with children of early preschool age who had just crossed the threshold of kindergarten and for whom life according to a regime was new. Therefore, the priority in my work was to help children go through the adaptation period in kindergarten as easily as possible. Separation from home and loved ones, meeting strangers can become a serious mental trauma for a child. Baby can perceive it as alienation, deprivation of parental love, attention and protection. It is very important that this transition be smooth, soft, and non-traumatic. It is necessary to understand and find out the reasons for the differences in the adaptation of each child, to understand the interests and aspirations of each child entering kindergarten, or, in the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “penetrate into the spiritual world of a child” in order to correctly and effectively organize the adaptation process in a preschool setting.

That is why it is necessary to organize the life of a child in a preschool institution in such a way that would lead to the most adequate, almost painless adaptation to new conditions, would allow him to develop communication skills, primarily with peers, and a positive attitude towards kindergarten. Taking all this into account, our preschool educational institution has developed a system for the prevention of maladjustment. At the first stage - work with young children in a short-term group "ARTBaby". Long before entering kindergarten, children adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, which helps to increase the overall development of children, reduce morbidity in the first months of attending kindergarten, and close cooperation with parents.

At the second stage, work is carried out when children are already attending kindergarten. Interaction with a teacher-psychologist here consists not only in finding the optimal means of establishing emotional contact with each child, but also in developing a subject-spatial development environment.

For this purpose, the following main characteristics of children were taken into account: communities:

age composition;

psychological characteristics of the group;

quantitative ratio of boys and girls;

social living conditions in families and types of families.

Maintaining maps of neuropsychological development and adaptation sheets of children made it possible to see that the majority easily passed the adaptation period, and there were no cases of maladjustment.

Also, the subject-based developmental environment created in the group helped the children achieve such results. To ensure an optimal balance of joint and independent children's activities in the group, zones for different types of activity: motor, play, visual, sensory, constructive, theatrical, recreation areas, as well as conditions for subgroup and individual classes. The environment in which they find themselves during the day corresponds to the interests and needs of children.

When creating a developmental environment, I took into account such a factor as the emotional well-being of the child. This should be a place where the baby goes with joy and pleasure. The group carries out an optimal selection of funds to ensure psychological comfort and the full development of the child in all areas.

Subject development environment includes:

Didactic games, which are divided into three main ones kind: games with objects, board-printed, verbal;

Design Corner (small and large building material);

Role-playing games area;

Book Corner;

Sports corner;

Mummers Corner;

Fantasy Corner (creativity in drawing, modeling);

Theater Corner;

Corner of nature;

Relaxation area.

In the interior design of the group, yellow, blue and green colors were used as the most "close" perception child of this age. It was this combination that determined the color scheme of the walls, furniture and accessories. Light warm colors are used, highlighting areas for games. Positive emotions in children are caused by a niche, the design of which is thought out to the smallest detail. In it "grows" a palm tree on which a monkey sits comfortably. For breathing exercises "stretch" vines, and balls hanging on colored ribbons. The division of zones also took into account the gender approach. Corners for boys contain cars, construction sets, and construction tools. The girls have a variety of dolls, strollers, and cribs. Corners for joint games are filled with toys for both boys and girls.

Working in this direction, using various literature, I have developed methodological recommendations for teachers on creating a subject-development environment in groups for children of primary preschool age.

In solving problems of adaptation, I assign the most important role to play, as the main type of children's activities. Play is necessary at all stages of development. It is an effective means of shaping a child’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities in the game, the needs of influencing the world are realized. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. In play, it is easier for a child to establish connections with the world of adults and with the world in general, while socialization occurs naturally and successfully. Therefore, I selected games for the adaptation period, taking into account the age characteristics of children, such How: "Come to me", "Hide the bear", "Round dance with a doll", "Call" etc.

Didactic games and exercises were built with a system of sequentially repeated and gradually more complex tasks. The tasks were aimed at developing variability of thinking, interest in activities, creative abilities.

To achieve my goals and objectives, I use a comprehensive program education and training under. ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, partial programs of R. B. Sterkina “Basics of safety for preschool children”, methodological benefits: M. G. Borisenko "Our fingers are playing", etc.

In my work I use various types of children's activities: gaming, educational, artistic and aesthetic, motor, elementary labor. I use technology of personality-oriented education and activity approach, which also helps to significantly improve the level of development of children, since all work outside of class is based on the personal development of the child, his abilities, problems, interests.

When organizing the educational process with young children, I primarily appeal to the children’s emotions and feelings. This is a stage of children's cognitive development, the essence of which - sensory comprehension of truth - can be conditionally formed in the form of an enthusiastic exclamation “There are so many interesting things around for me!”.

To arouse children's curiosity and desire to learn new things, I introduce elements of entertainment, use positive anticipatory assessment, and surprise moments.

I conduct classes in the form: didactic games, conversations and listening, reading and dramatization, sitting and lying on the carpet.

Change of forms and types activities helps children become more relaxed, confident and more independent.

This is especially evident when working with plasticine and paints, where non-traditional techniques are often used, such as How: drawing with fingers, palms, use of natural materials in modeling, crumpled paper in applique.

The technologies and techniques used correspond to the needs of children of this age, because children are small and emotional, so the first place in the classroom is occupied by clarity, expressiveness, and the desire of the teacher to give children knowledge, to explain something new and incomprehensible.

The organization of the educational process is determined by the nature, social situation of development, that is, the formation of the subject activities, which is carried out jointly with teacher.

That's why the most The main thing is to teach children a variety of objective actions, including normative ones. For example, holding a spoon correctly, using a cup, fastening sandals. To do this, I not only show an object, but also explain how to use it and under what conditions, while being a model.

I organize all my work with children taking into account the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Based on it, I determine the zone of proximal development of children. I carry out diagnostics twice a year in order to record the child’s achievements and track the results of his development. I use the results to implement individual and differentiated approaches to working with children. At the beginning of the year, I identify the level of development of children and plan the content of my activities. At the end of the year, I compare the results obtained and the desired ones. Selective diagnostics of lagging children in the middle of the year makes it possible to make adjustments to the work plan.

The diagnostic results help me assess the level of development in pupils of social, communicative, active and cultural and hygienic competencies.

Considering the age of children, the main assessment methods used for diagnosis are conversations, observations and play exercises.

Based on the comparison results, it can be seen that the results of the first year of work are significantly lower. This was influenced by the lack of experience working with young children, the lack of methodological literature in the group, and the lack of a system in planning work. Working on these problems, the group created calendar-thematic plans for all sections of the program; block planning was used, in which one topic is discussed in all classes during the week. Didactic material has been selected and systematized (appendices to long-term plans). This material helps me develop and improve certain skills of children. I use it in classes and in individual work. Like any other type activities with children, individual work requires rational use of working time, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail. The group contains children of different levels of development, so with those who "weak" For those with a lower level of development, I work on the topic of the classes in advance. A "strong" according to the level of the children, I give additional tasks in an unregulated activities.

Health Assessment Monitoring showed the pupils that there are many children with poor health, there are children with health group III, children who are often sick. An unhealthy lifestyle for adults, an unbalanced diet at home, a sedentary lifestyle (sitting for long periods of time in front of the TV, computer, heredity, worsening material well-being in the family, poor-quality products - all this negatively affected the health of children. Therefore, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children became one for me of the most important. Creation of a health-preserving environment in the group, optimal use of motor mode, preventive procedures (herbal medicine, awakening exercises, breathing exercises, massage mats, sunbathing, finger games, changing dynamic and static types. activities, relaxation breaks. Folklore was also actively used here. Helped children relax jokes: "Pussy, pussy"; "Okay, okay"; "Finger Boy", "Legs, legs" etc.

Reading nursery rhymes and jokes always helps create a favorable environment; this causes joy in children and a genuine interest in what is happening appears in their eyes.

I treat all children with love, kindness and respect. Not a single child's question is left unattended. Children feel cared for and they also know that teacher will always come to their aid. In my work I strive to correctly understand the child, his thoughts, experiences, and mood. Perhaps he is bored (then this is a request for communication, or maybe he does not know how to play this or that game (then this is a request for help, or maybe he wants to attract attention to himself, to be with him - in this case, this is a request for love.

I pay attention to conflicts between children, discuss and resolve them in individual conversations or face to face, trying to find compromises. 2-3 year old children cannot control their emotions and feelings, so the level of conflict is high at this age, but they are easily distracted from the negative, I use techniques to distract the child. The emotional well-being of a child in a peer group is the most essential condition that ensures the possibility of his full development in a kindergarten. Acceptance and approval from other children open up the opportunity for the child self-expression, manifestations of individuality, self-affirmation. I try with my emotional mood to inspire children to do one thing or another. activity. With a smile and a kind word I encourage children to cooperate. I use a variety of contacts that bring children together. I provide enough time for independent activity which encourages search, discovery, interesting solutions, if something doesn’t work out, it is always ready to find the reasons for failure together with the child and instill confidence in him.

All this creates a positive microclimate in which the day in kindergarten passes easily and fruitfully.

All my pedagogical activity is built in close contact with parents. When choosing to interact with parents, I take into account the type of family and style of family relationships. The group’s social passport showed that the parent team is sufficiently heterogeneous: with different material capabilities, with different outlooks on life, with different attitudes towards baby lard. Therefore, we have to engage in pedagogical « education» parents, invite them to constructive interaction and cooperation.

My task is to interest parents in working together and to optimize it. The process of complete acceptance of our positions by parents is quite painful and long. I give you the opportunity to take a different look at the child’s world and the process of his development.

To solve emerging problems, work with parents is carried out using the following forms:

parent meetings;

printed reading material;

joint creative activities.

I believe that the work being carried out will give positive results in the future and new methods of cooperation with parents will create an understanding that parents are the first teachers of children.

The effectiveness of my work depends on how much I care about personal and professional growth. Always ready perceive new things. I get acquainted with the latest scientific and methodological literature. I introduce new innovative technologies, follow principle: "Help, but do no harm". I don't stop there. I strive self-educate, I improve my teaching skills through visiting methodological associations, participating in workshops, open classes, master classes, and have completed advanced training courses at TOIPKRO.

The use of computer tools is actively included in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. In my work I use the following programs: Microsoft Office 2003-2007 (Word - text editor); Excel - table editor; Power Point - a program for creating multimedia presentations; Office Publisher – for creating booklets and information sheets; Internet Explorer. Completed training under the program as a student of the Intel program "Training for the Future".

Evaluation activities of my work I First of all, I see in the joyful faces of the children who surround me, they are my main inspirers. Thanks to them, I want to create, create new things, make their lives interesting and joyful. "My" children feel at home in the group, free, comfortable, and relaxed. There are smiles on their faces, and this the most pleasant thing in my profession. Our group has become a home for children, where they are loved and understood, where every child has the opportunity to fully realize themselves and their interests.

I am very glad that most children easily go through the adaptation period and happily run to kindergarten in the morning, and reluctantly leave the group in the evening.

Currently, I am haunted by the idea of ​​improving the entire pedagogical process based on perception child as a subject activities, interests of needs, providing him with opportunities to realize his legal requirement expressed back in the three-year age: “I myself!”

My long-term goal is to create conditions for the development of individuality.

In my work I am guided by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, the federal state educational standards for preschool education, which entered into force on January 1, 2014, SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for structure and content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”, Charter of the MKDOU “Reshetovsky kindergarten “Rucheyok”. There are only 23 people in the preparatory group "Bells", of which 12 are boys and 11 are girls. The age of children is from 6 to 7 years. The atmosphere in the children's team is friendly and positive. Partnership relationships and joint activities of children predominate. Conflicts between children, if they arise, are quickly and productively resolved.

Self-analysis of a teacher’s pedagogical activity for certification for category 1

I, Olga Dmitrievna Vishnevskaya, are a teacher at MBDOU No. 32, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region. Specialized secondary education.


I have the second qualification category assigned by the certification commission of MBDOU d/s No. 32 of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky dated December 30, 2010 No. 263. Pedagogical work experience is 25 years, in the certified position for 20 years.

The work of our preschool institution is based on the tasks defined by the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution. Based on the methodological recommendations of the “Childhood” program edited by V. Loginova.
I., Babaeva T. I., Notkina N. A. The leading goals are: introducing children into the world of universal human culture through fundamental problems that the child independently “discovers” on the basis of thinking and creative imagination in various types of active activities, expanding the life experience of I I have been working with children for over twenty-five years.

Self-analysis for 1 category


Different types of educational activities using traditional and developmental methods and techniques help me to fully solve the problems of the educational process. In direct educational activities I use new technologies and methods of teaching preschoolers: - the problem-search method (I deliberately create problematic situations) - a research method that contributes to the high quality of learning new things.

I am a partner for a child in NOD. - method of experimentation - children's curiosity, desire to experiment. The “project method” is the most difficult, but interesting to work with. Design technology focuses on the joint activities of participants in the educational process: teacher-child, child-parents, teacher-parents.

I use a variety of project method technologies: entertainment, creative projects, informational.

Self-analysis for 1 category

In our kindergarten, optimal conditions have been created for the protection and promotion of health: maintaining a daily routine, receiving children in the fresh air, morning exercises, physical education, exercises after sleep, relaxation, finger games, outdoor games. Using them in practice helps children maintain health during their stay in kindergarten: it relieves mental stress, calms them down, and helps reduce illness and the number of frequently ill children.

I use gaming technologies for the social development of children. For this, it is important to create conditions for the formation of communication skills.
To this end, in my free activities, I conduct all types of games: role-playing games, movement games, didactic games, directing games, construction games, dramatization games, verbal games, social games.

Self-analysis of the teacher for category 1.

To implement the task of preserving and maintaining physical and mental health, I work together with medical staff. In our kindergarten, optimal conditions have been created for the protection and promotion of health: maintaining a daily routine, receiving children in the fresh air, morning exercises, physical education, exercises after sleep, relaxation, finger games, outdoor games.

Using them in practice helps children maintain health during their stay in kindergarten: it relieves mental stress, calms them down, and helps reduce illness and the number of frequently ill children. (Appendix 1) I use gaming technologies for the social development of children. For this, it is important to create conditions for the formation of communication skills.

Self-analysis of a pre-school teacher for category 1 for certification

In my work I use a variety of project methods: creative projects, informational, short-term. In design technology, I ensure that each child is recognized as important and necessary in the team.

Together with their students and their parents, the following projects were developed: Research project “Family” Creative project “New Year at the Gate” “Vegetables, fruits and healthy products” Mini-project “Vegetable garden on the window near Luka and Lukerya”. As a result of the projects, parent-child events were held, where parents and children were active participants.

Thus, the use of elements of modern technologies helps me not only to intensify the cognitive interest of children, but also to achieve good learning results for my students.

Self-analysis of a pre-school teacher for category 1 for certification 2014

I work according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.S. Vasilyeva. I organize my work in accordance with the long-term and thematic planning of the educational process.


I am guided by the following regulatory documents: Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the modernization of preschool education, of particular importance, in my opinion, is the harmonization of increased requirements and the need for the personal development of the child, the opportunity to live preschool childhood fully, which contributes to the formation of adaptive structures of the personal sphere and the development of the individual abilities of each pupil.

As part of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, I organize club work with pupils and lead the “Crazy Hands” club.

Self-analysis of a pre-school teacher for category 1 for certification 2015 according to the Federal State Educational Standard

I, Lysak Tatyana Andreevna, born on July 10, 1971, higher education. In 1990, she graduated from the Karasuk Pedagogical College with a degree in preschool education and was awarded the qualification of a teacher in preschool institutions.

In 2011, she graduated from Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, diploma qualification: primary school teacher. My teaching experience is 16 years. I have been working at this institution since 1990.

I try to follow pedagogical innovations, for which I take advanced training courses. The last courses were taken in 2014 at the Kuibyshev branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"