Lesson summary for the middle group “Time, parts of the day. Summary of a math lesson on the topic “parts of the day” in the middle group Time of day middle group

Lesson on FEMP in the middle group “Parts of the day”.

Program content:

    Clarify the idea of ​​the parts of the day, connecting them with what children do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night;

    Develop visual perception and visual memory, thinking, speech;

    Learn to imitate actions;

    Enrich your vocabulary with words that characterize temporary concepts;

    Continue learning to distinguish colors;

    Continue to develop the ability to navigate in space, distinguish between left, right, bottom, top;

    Continue teaching how to solve riddles;

    Strengthen the ability to stick;

    Cultivate neatness;

    Continue to monitor children's posture.

Vocabulary work: purple, gray, alarm clock, breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes about the cockerel, about the sun, guessing riddles about the parts of the day, looking at an album and a poster on the topic: “Parts of the day.” Reading poems: L. Kvitko “Morning”, “Everyone is sleeping” S. Kaputikan, “Good morning” E. Blaginin, “Time to sleep” P. Voronko, I. Tokmakova “Where the fish sleeps”.

Conducting didactic games: “When does this happen?”, “What’s behind what?”, “What’s where?”

Teacher's work: compiling and writing notes, selected poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, made a magic alarm clock, made templates and circles for children, selection of music.

Equipment and materials for the lesson: a real alarm clock, a toy cockerel, flat templates of an alarm clock for children, large circles of black, grey, blue and purple colors for the teacher, for children smaller mugs of the same colors on plates, oilcloths, rag napkins, tassels, coasters, cups with glue, music center

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Good morning guys! I am very glad to see you all! Let's smile at each other. Tell me, do you like going to kindergarten?

(Children's answers)

Why do you like it here?

(Children's answers)

Who wakes you up in the morning?

(Children's answers)

Do your parents wake up on their own or does someone help them too?

(Children's answers)

The teacher shows the children an alarm clock and demonstrates its operation.

Why do you think the watch was given such a name?

(Children's answers)

Who else wakes people up in the morning?

(Children's answers)

Moreover, the cockerel wakes up, and let’s remember the nursery rhyme about the cockerel:

Cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb

Butter head

Silk beard!

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Does anyone have a rooster at home? (No!)

Where do roosters live? (In the village)

The teacher shows the children a toy rooster and asks them to depict how the rooster crows, how important it walks and flaps its wings.

Well done! And now the guys will read us riddles about the parts of the day.

Children read riddles:

    The sun is rising bright

The cockerel sings in the garden

Our children are waking up

They are going to kindergarten.

    Sun in the sky

Shines brightly

We're going for a walk

Let's sing songs happily!

    The sun is radiant

The village behind the houses

We came from a walk

It's time for dinner!

    Stars are shining in the sky

The trickles in the river say

The moon is looking through our window

He tells our children to sleep.

Okay, we guessed all the parts of the day. And so we will continue. You woke up in the morning. What do you do next? Just don't talk, just show it.

Children show actions: “brush their teeth”, “wash their face”, “get dressed”, and the teacher guesses.

After that, you go outside and go to kindergarten.

Remember, is it light or dark at this time? (children's answers)

What time of year is it now? (Spring)

That's right, spring! And in the morning it’s already light outside.

What do you do when you come to kindergarten? (children's answers)

What is the food in the morning called? (Breakfast)

After playing, you go for a morning walk. It's already quite light outside. The sun has woken up and is shining brightly. The day is coming. And now you are returning from a walk to kindergarten. What are you doing? (children's answers). Yes, and sit down at the tables again.

What is the name of the food during the day? (Dinner)

After lunch - a quiet hour or, in other words, a daytime nap. You woke up, had an afternoon snack, played and your parents came to pick you up.

You go outside and go home or take a walk. And the sun sets behind the houses. It's coming... (evening). You could say it's getting dark. At home, your whole family sits down to eat. What do you call food in the evening? (Dinner).

So the sun has gone to bed, and the stars are shining in the sky and the moon is shining. The day is over. Mom reads you a bedtime story and you go to bed.

It's coming... (night). What happens after the night (morning, day)? (children's answers)

The teacher invites children to the tables and reminds them about posture. Each child has a set of circles and an alarm clock. The teacher has 4 large circles of different colors: black, gray, blue, purple.

How do you think we can use a circle to represent the night? (Black)

Early morning? (Gray)

Middle of the day? (Blue)

Evening? (Purple)

To reinforce this, the teacher suggests making a magic alarm clock.

Guys! Let's make a magic alarm clock that will help us mark parts of the day.

On the left we will glue a gray circle - this is the time of day - morning.

At the top there is a blue circle - this is part of the day - day.

Glue a purple circle to the right - this is part of the day - evening.

Below we will glue a black circle - this is the time of day - night.

The children get to work, calm music is turned on. While gluing the circles, the teacher reminds them to handle the glue carefully. Remove excess glue with a napkin.

That's it! Now, for our magic alarm clock to work, let’s set it. Leave the table and repeat after me.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

And then like this,

And then like this,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Place the alarm clock arrow on the gray circle, now part of the day is morning. This concludes our work. You all did a great job: you read a nursery rhyme about a cockerel, guessed riddles, named the parts of the day, marked them with different colors, and made a magic alarm clock.

And we often thought about the sun, and it gives you a piece of itself.

Go out onto the carpet and stand in a circle.

(The teacher gives the children a sun template).

Abstract of GCD “Parts of the Day”

Prepared by the teacher

D/s "Firefly"

Tupitsyna E.V.

Tasks : expand children’s knowledge about the parts of the day and their characteristic features.

Form an idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day, name and identify the parts of the day.

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary.

Developmental environment:

globe, flashlight, picture depicting the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night;), coloring pages,.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys, today we have an unusual job ahead of us - we will be time scientists. We put on a special uniform (the children independently choose their work uniform from the Theater corner)

Who knows what it is? (shows the globe). Well done. Of course this is our planet Earth. More precisely, it is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around its axis, just like the Earth. Our Earth rotates around the Sun continuously and the Sun's rays illuminate it.

But is it the same on all sides? I suggest checking it out.

To do this, you and I will go on a trip on a large spaceship. Rising high up and finding ourselves in outer space, through the ship's windows, you and I saw our beautiful blue planet (put the globe in front of a lit lantern).

Who knows why she was seen? Because the sun's rays sanctify it. You can see seas, mountains, and rivers.

But what happens on the other side? Let's see (children move to the opposite side). It's dark here. On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, but on the sanctified part of the Earth, bright day shines. The earth is in constant motion, so day and night follow each other.

And even better to remember the parts of the day, this poem will help us:

Day .

In the morning the sun rises,

Doesn't let the kids sleep!

Come on, kids, get up,

Charge up, wash up,

Dress carefully

And start breakfast.

At noon the sun is at its zenith,

His rays are like threads

The earth is generously warmed,

Everyone is invited to dinner.

The proverb tells us:

Long day until evening,

When there is nothing to do.

Well, in the evening, guys,

Everything will be enveloped in coolness,

The sun needs rest too

And the guys have a delicious dinner.

At night there is a moon in the sky,

She is very strict:

Is everyone watching?

Are you in bed?

Close your eyes

May you dream fairy tales.

Close your eyes

Good night everyone!

From morning to morning

The kids know the day.

(N. Grigorieva)

Game “What time of day can this happen?”

Bears and elephants sleep

The hare and the hedgehog are sleeping,

Everyone around should fall asleep,

Our children too.

The sun is rising brightly,

The cockerel is singing in the garden

Our children are waking up

They are going to kindergarten.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

The children went for a walk

I will show you pictures, and you will tell me what you can do at this or that time of the day.

Game "Neighbours". You name the neighbors of the part of the day that I will show you.

We have troubles on board - communication with the Earth has failed, but we need to convey a message about what we have learned about the parts of the day to Earth. What should we do? (options for transmitting information to children - creative work of children)

game “We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you what we did” (children, using facial expressions and gestures, show the answer to the question)

Q: Hurray, the Earthlings heard us and saw all our efforts. Well done, guys. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip?

Lesson summary for the middle group “Time, parts of the day”

Progress of the lesson

Children sit at tables, in front of them on an easel is a picture of Dunno and a toy, old Lesovik with a clock..

Educator: Guys, Dunno needs your help today. He went to visit the Guardian of Time, an old forest man, and could not answer a single question correctly. The dwarf wizard got angry and bewitched him. Can we help you disenchant Dunno? Shall we answer the Time Keeper's quests?

Children: Yes!

Educator: So, the first task is that a day consists of several parts, and each of them has its own name. Name and show the parts of the day.

Individual responses of children based on demonstration material.

Children: Morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Educator: How many are there in total?

Children: Four.

Educator: Well done, you completed the first task correctly. The second task is what in nature can tell us what part of the day has arrived? To complete this task we will use a diagram of the location of the Sun.

Children: - Morning, because the Sun is rising.

- Day, as the Sun is high in the sky.

- Evening, the sun is setting.

- Night, stars and the Moon appear in the sky.

Educator: And you coped with this task too! Children, not only the Sun and celestial bodies help determine the part of the day, but also what a person does. Therefore, the third task of the gnome wizard will be the game “When does this happen?”

Questions for children: What does a person do in the morning? (Wakes up, washes, does exercises, has breakfast). During the day? (Works, has lunch, walks). In the evening? (Returns from work, has dinner, goes to bed). At night? (Sleeping). Answers are accepted - none are correct. And now, the Time Keeper tells me that it’s time to relax, but with benefit!

Outdoor game "Geometric jumping rope"

(Two speed teams jump only on given geometric shapes laid out on the floor in the form of a chain). We played and sat down at the tables.

Educator: The next task game is called “Finish the sentence”:

- We have breakfast in the morning, and in the evening we .... (have dinner).

- We sleep at night, and in the morning... (we wake up).

- We play during the day and at night...(sleep).

- The sun shines during the day, and the Moon ... (at night).

Well done, you did it! And the last task of the Time Keeper: two teams receive cards depicting parts of the day and collect a circle of parts of the day at speed, observing the strict order of their sequence, one after another.

Children in two teams at tables assemble a circle of parts of the day from cut-out pictures.

Educator: Well done to both teams, you completed all the tasks! The Time Keeper is ready to cast a spell on Dunno! Close your eyes!

The children close their eyes, the teacher removes the picture with the image of Dunno and takes out the Dunno doll.

Educator: Open your eyes! Here is Dunno, he thanks you for your help and good knowledge. And in parting I would like to wish you:

Morning, afternoon, evening, night

They ran away for a day.

So as not to regret a day,

We need to take care of every hour!

Save time and knowledge! Goodbye!


Lesson summary on the topic: “Formation of ideas about parts and times of day.”

Software tasks:
learn to determine parts of the day based on various human activities and objective indicators;
consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of parts of the day;
form an idea of ​​the time period of the “day”;
to form an idea of ​​the temporal concepts “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”.
Materials for the lesson: a Dunno toy, scissors, glue, an image of different parts of the day for each child (the sun wakes up, gets up, goes to bed, sleeps), pre-prepared cards with a clock for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle and you will find out who came to visit us for class. The teacher reads the riddle.
Wearing a round-brimmed hat
And in knee-length pants
Busy with different things
Only laziness learns.
Who is he, quickly guess
What's his name?
Children's answer: Dunno
Educator: Do you guys want to play with Dunno?
Children's answer: Yes
Educator: Then we’ll play a game called “When does this happen?” I will read you poems about the parts of the day, and you will guess when this happens, but you just need to listen carefully to the task. So let's begin.
Children wake up, get ready for kindergarten,
They do everything in order:
They do exercises, have breakfast and play,
All plants are watered (morning).

They walk and play, collect all the toys,
The cook has made 100 cutlets and invites you to lunch (day).
The sun is setting, calling everyone to calm down.
I want to watch in silence: “Good night, kids!” (evening)
Children sleep in a crib
Their dreams are sweet, sweet.
The stars shine for them in silence,
Sleep tight kids (night).
Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task quickly and correctly! Dunno also became very interested! It turns out the guys know so much.
And now Dunno invites you to play a game called “Name It Correctly.” Dunno will ask you questions, and you will need to think and give the correct answer. Agreed?
Children's answer: Yes!
- Then listen to the first question:
- When did we draw?
- What did we see today (yesterday)?
-Where are we going tomorrow?
- What was our lesson today?
- Who wasn’t in kindergarten yesterday?
- Did these children come today?
- What fairy tale did we read yesterday?
- What fairy tale do you want to hear today?
- What fairy tale should you read tomorrow?

Educator: How attentive you are to me! Now we will rest a little and play a game called “Funny Animals”.
The bunny jumps through the bushes, They jump on two legs, making “ears”
Through the swamp and over the hummocks. from the palms.
The squirrel jumps on the branches, They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.
The mushroom is carried to the baby squirrels.
A bear with a clubfoot is walking, They waddle.
He has crooked paws.
No paths, no paths Move in a half-squat, making
A prickly hedgehog is rolling. round backs.

(N. Nishcheva).
Thus, we can conclude that the day consists of four parts, namely morning, afternoon, evening, night. In order for Dunno to remember the sequence of parts of the day, we repeat one sentence several times:
“Morning, afternoon, evening, night - the day flew by.”
The final part.
Educator: Guys, in front of each of you there are cards with a picture of the sun. Look at them carefully. On them the sun wakes up, gets up, falls asleep and sleeps; this corresponds to the four parts of the day. You also have cards with an image of an alarm clock on your tables. Now we will make an alarm clock with parts of the day. You need to cut out each of the suns and glue them in a certain sequence in accordance with the parts of the day.
Summing up Well done, guys! Thanks for the work. .

Integrated math lesson.

in the middle group

Topic: “Looking for a surprise.”

1. Reinforce the skill by counting up to 5
2. Strengthen children’s knowledge about geometric shapes
3. Fix the name of the parts of the day
4. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper
5. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
Educational: continue to develop logical thinking, attention, speech, spatial orientation;
Educational: continue to develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s instructions and act in accordance with them; develop independence and the ability to work in a team.

Material. A balloon, balls, a box, pictures depicting parts of the day, a wonderful bag with geometric shapes, ½ landscape sheets of paper, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

A balloon flies into the group, and an envelope is tied to a string.

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? (envelope)
- Let's open the envelope and see what's there? (the teacher opens the envelope, there is a letter there). Dunno sent us a letter, now we will read it (the teacher reads the letter).
“Hello, dear guys! Today, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can find it if you complete my tasks. The tasks will be difficult but interesting; Having completed them, you will find out where the surprise lies. Are you ready! Then good luck! I'll give you a hint:
“The balls are in the box, and the box is by the window.”
(Children find a box with balls, there is a number on each ball, and the numbers corresponding to the numbers on the balls are located in advance throughout the group, each number is assigned a task that must be completed). Throughout the journey, the guys take out balls and complete tasks. Let's count the balls, how many tasks do we need (children count).

Task 1.

Educator: Our first task.

Game "Finish the sentence"»

The elephant is big, and the mouse... (small)

The pillow is soft, and the table... (hard0

The tree is tall and the grass... (low)

The river is wide, and the stream... (narrow)

Ice is cold and fire... (hot)

The floor is below and the ceiling... (above)

The socks are long, and the socks... (short)

The chair is big, but the chair... (small)

The tree branch is thin, but the trunk... (thick)

Task 2

Game "When does this happen?"

(scene pictures on the easel)

Educator: Oh, there are riddles here, guys.
Educator: Do you know the parts of the day?
Children: Yes.
Educator: I will ask you riddles, and you can guess what time of day this happens?

The sun had just risen.

The children are being taken to the garden.

There are so many toys there...

Bunnies and bears.

All the kids are going to kindergarten.

What's the name of this time?

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

Children go out for a walk.

Do you want to go for a walk?

Call it time! (day)

Choose a picture for this time of day.

Why did you choose this picture?

Soon the sun will set,

The sky darkened.

Everyone has finished working

The matter was postponed.

All children are taken home.

What's the name of this time?

Why did you choose this picture?

The stars lit up in the sky.

Everyone went to bed.

Son and daughter fall asleep.

What time is this?

What picture is suitable for this time of day?

Why did you choose this picture?

Let's put the pictures in order (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Task 3

Game "Autumn Leaves"

(Orientation on a piece of paper)

Children stand near the tables, each child has a large green sheet of paper and one piece of paper. The teacher asks the children to complete the task.

A green leaf is a lawn. The wind blew, tore off a leaf, and it fell right into the middle.

And the wind keeps blowing and circling the leaf, so it carried it to the right, then down, left, up and again to the middle (children complete the task).

Physical education minute

We will stomp first,
And then we'll clap
And then we'll turn around
And we will all smile together.

Task 4

Game "Magic bag"

Children take geometric shapes out of the bag one at a time, name them and give examples of what they look like.

Task 5

Draw a picture “Transforming ovals”

Children have sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of an oval on their tables, and they are asked to complete their drawing.

Look what you have drawn on paper? (children's answers).

Correct oval. What happens to us that is oval? (children's answers)

And now everyone will complete their oval and draw a picture (the children get to work). At the end, they look at the children’s drawings and see which one did what.

Well done guys, the drawings turned out beautiful.

Bottom line. Educator: Well done guys! You have completed all Dunno's tasks, a pleasant surprise awaits you. But he needs to be found. The surprise is in a rectangular box, on the top shelf (children find it). Sweets are distributed to the children.