Electronic books on power supply of industrial enterprises and civil buildings. Electrical Design Handbook

Barybin reference book on power supply design

Barybin reference book on power supply design Energoatomizdat, 1990

Contains materials and reference data for the integrated design of power supply systems for electrical installations of industrial enterprises. Progressive technical solutions for these systems are reflected, based on the use of substations with SF6 equipment, low-oil circuit breakers, static and filter compensating devices. Non-contact protection and network automation are considered.
For engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of electrical installations of industrial enterprises.

Barybin directory on power supply design

— Determination of electrical loads, quality of electricity, reliability of power supply, categories of electrical receivers, selection of voltage and power of transformers, reactive power compensation
— Short circuit currents
— Selection and testing of devices and conductors with voltage 1-220 kV
— Power transformers and autotransformers
— SF6 complete switchgears and switches
— Vacuum circuit breakers
— Power supply and substation diagrams
— Layout solutions for substations and distribution points
— Converter units and substations. Traction substations for industrial electrified transport
— Reactive power compensation
— Protection of overhead power lines, substations, rotating machines and conductors from overvoltages
— Power supplies and operational current systems
— Relay protection and network automation
— Control of high voltage switches, warning and alarm systems
— Measurement of electrical quantities

Eliminating or reducing the influence of harmful and dangerous production factors has several directions. First of all, these are organizational and technical measures aimed at protecting health and increasing labor productivity. Let's consider safety measures during the operation of electrical equipment in the workshop, a list of equipment and safety accessories. The quality of insulation of intra-shop networks must ensure trouble-free and safe operation of equipment and personnel. Damaged insulation may cause a short circuit and an accident. To prevent all these consequences, the correct choice of protection equipment is necessary; installation and operation of intra-shop networks; compliance with PUE, inspections, repairs and tests of electrical installations. Localization of the consequences of a short circuit is carried out by high-speed circuit breakers and fuses. Fuses are installed to protect against short circuits and overloads. Removal and installation of fuses is carried out wearing safety glasses and dielectric gloves. Only an electrician can replace fuses. Because Over time, the quality of insulation of intra-shop networks deteriorates, so its resistance must be measured periodically. The electrical wiring resistance at a megger voltage of 1000 V is 1.0 MOhm. The operation of electrical networks includes: inspection of electrical networks, lamps, cleaning of dust from lamps - all this work is carried out without removing the voltage. Repair work is carried out by two people with the voltage removed. The team should be equipped according to the list below. List of equipment and supplies for safety.

To provide protection against earth fault voltage, protective earthing is performed. To carry it out, we calculate the required number of grounding conductors and select a design.

1. Determine the resistance of the vertical ground electrode

R В = 0.366 * ρ calculated / ℓ* (log 2*ℓ / d + ½ log 4t + ℓ / 4t - ℓ) (19.3)

where ρ calc = k sez * ρ gr. 1.7 * 50 = 85 – calculated specific

soil resistance (8.4), Ohm;

ksez =1.7 – seasonality coefficient, taking into account freezing and

drying out of the soil (Table 19.2);

ρ gr = 50 – soil resistivity measured at normal

d=16 - diameter of the rod, mm;

l=5 - length of the ground electrode, m;

t=3.2 - distance from the soil surface to the middle of the pipe, m.

R B =0.366*85 / 5 * (log 2*5 / 0.016 + ½ log 4 * 3.2 + 5 / 4 * 3.2-5)=

6.22 * (2.8 +0.18) = 18.54 Ohms

2. Determine the approximate number of rods:

n op = (1.5 ÷ 2) * Rв / Rз

where Rз =4 is the resistance of the grounding device according to clause 1.7.101 [PUE].

n op = 1.5*18.54 / 4 ≈ 9;

3. Determine the number of rods

n or = Rв / Rз * η в, (9.9)

where η in =0.83 is the shielding coefficient of tubular grounding conductors, depending on the number and relative position of grounding conductors according to table 9.1.

n op = 18.54/4*0.83= 6 rods.

4. Determine the length of the horizontal ground electrode.

lп = a (n’-1).

where a=15 is the distance between pipes, m;

lп=15 (6-1) =75 m.

5. Determine the rod utilization factor (ηс)

and extended (ηg) grounding conductors when placed along

perimeter of a closed loop at α / ℓ = 1:

ηс = 0.70; ηg = 0.64; (Table 19.6) [ 3 ]


Rg = 0.366 ∙ ρ*kp / ℓ ∙ log 2 ∙ ℓ / b ∙ t (8.5)

where kп =1.4 – seasonality coefficient (Table 19.2);

ρ gr. = 50 – soil resistivity measured at normal

humidity, table 56, Ohm/m;

b p =0.25 - strip width, mm;

l p =75 - length of horizontal ground electrode, m;

t=0.7 - burial depth, m;

R g = 0.366*50*4/5* log 2*752/0.25*0.7=14.64* log 11250/0.18=70.2 Ohm.

6. We specify the required resistance of the vertical electrodes with

taking into account the band

R claim = R g * R z / R g -R z (8.11)

R claim =70.2*4/70.2-4=4 Ohm

7. Determine the specified number of rods taking into account the strip

N s = R B / n s * R claim

n з =18.54/0.83*4=5 rods.

The specified number of rods n з = 5 rods.

– DP allowance p.54,55

The grounding device is made in the form of a closed loop made of a steel strip 25 × 4 mm, laid at a depth of 0.7 m along the perimeter of the room and a rod length of 5 m, with a diameter of 16 mm, soil type: sand,

climate zone 2. For a 10/0.4 kV transformer substation, one common grounding is performed, to which the neutral of the transformer on the 0.4 kV side, the transformer housing, and armor of cables with voltages up to and above 1 kV are connected. A horizontal closed loop is laid around the area occupied by the transformer substation. The calculation and design of the grounding is carried out in accordance with.

Environmental protection measures consist of the following actions: creating healthy and safe working conditions in production, excluding unfavorable microclimatic conditions and the negative impact of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, consists of strictly complying with air requirements:

Organizational events:

regular monitoring of air parameters and cleanliness in industrial workplaces;

prohibition of carrying out work without protective equipment if the air quality does not meet standards;

control over the implementation of instructions.

Technological activities:

systematically maintaining cleanliness in production areas;

compliance with operating conditions and operating parameters;

Technical activities:

development and construction of equipment that eliminates the release of heat, moisture, dust, vapors and gases in the production area;

development and installation of supply and exhaust ventilation systems;

use of an efficient heating system;

The main method of noise reduction at production facilities is its attenuation at noise sources, carried out during the design of machines and technical processes. According to the design of production equipment, it must ensure noise reduction to regulated values. The same applies to vibration sources.

To reduce the harmful effects of noise on the human body, the following main methods are used: noise reduction at the source, sound insulation, sound absorption, personal protective equipment, vibration insulation. The spread of noise from its source is prevented by replacing metal parts with plastic ones; rolling bearings to plain bearings; limiting the speed of gas flows; lubrication of colliding parts; installation of silencers at the exhaust gas outlet, etc.; covering machines with casings made of soundproofing material.

Vibrations are one of the types of mechanical vibrations transmitted to a person directly from a vibration source or through structural elements.

Reducing the transmission of vibration through the ground is achieved by using

constructing foundations for acoustic joints with filling them with asbestos chips, which prevents the propagation of vibrations outside the filling; weakening vibration of parts using vibration-absorbing pads and foundations, rubber linings, etc.

Thermal radiation is the process by which radiant heat travels in the form of infrared radiation with a wavelength of about 10 mm. To protect people from the harmful effects of thermal radiation, thermal insulation is used by installing external heat-insulating casings made of asbestos; special clothing is used as personal protective equipment, etc.

Protection against excessive lighting is a standardized choice of lamps, wiping down lamps on time and checking lighting standards once a year.

Contains reference data for the integrated design of electrical networks and electrical equipment for electrical installations of industrial enterprises. Technical solutions for the use of equipment, new design solutions for sewerage of electricity using 6-10 kV busbars, package busbars up to 1 kV are presented. PO cables, 220 kV with plastic insulation. Recommendations are given on the use of programmable controllers for control. For engineering and technical workers.

The design of overhead power lines (OHT) must be carried out in accordance with the current 11UE, building codes and regulations (SNiP), as well as instructions and recommendations of instructions, guidelines, and current policy documents related to the design, construction and operation of overhead lines. When designing overhead lines, one should focus on the approved development plan for the power system or electrical networks of a given industrial area for the next 5 years, taking into account a 10-year perspective. When designing a 10(6) kV overhead line, such a prospect may not be taken into account. Design documentation for an overhead line, depending on the voltage and complexity, can be carried out in one stage - detailed design or in two stages - design and working documentation (working drawings). At the same time, the design of overhead lines with voltages up to 35 kV can hardly be carried out, as a rule, in one stage.

In case of one-stage design, the main provisions of the working design must be carried out and agreed upon with the project customer and the construction and installation organization. The overhead line route should be as short as possible, correspond to the development scheme of the electrical networks of the given area and take into account the materials of the regional planning. The choice of the route should be made on the basis of technical and economic comparisons of possible options outlined during preliminary surveys at the project stage or during the development of approved materials of the detailed design

When designing overhead lines, it is necessary to focus on standard materials, unified and standard designs. The use of non-standard (individual) structures is allowed as an exception with an appropriate feasibility study only on overhead lines located in special conditions, including in difficult conditions of existing and reconstructed industrial enterprises.

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The following textbooks and books:

  • Handbook on extinguishing wild fires, UNDP/MKI project “Expanding the network of protected areas for the conservation of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion”, Ivanov V.A., Ivanova G.A., Moskalchenko S.A., 2011

Mukoseev Yu.L. Power supply of industrial enterprises M:, "Energy", 584 p.

The book is intended as a textbook for students of energy and polytechnic universities. Contains the main chapters: electrical loads and electricity consumption schedules, electricity distribution at voltages up to and above 1000 V, workshop transformer substations, reliability of power supply, reactive power modes in networks and its compensation, voltage modes in industrial networks, electricity metering and saving , features of protective grounding and safety measures in industrial electrical installations.

Fedorov A.A., Kameneva V.V. Basics of power supply for industrial enterprises. 1979. - M.: Energy, - 408 p., ill. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional Textbook for universities.

The book provides the basic initial data for creating power supply systems for industrial enterprises: electrical loads, basics of technical and economic calculations, issues of quality of electrical energy, selection of transformers, cross-sections of wires and cable cores, location of supply substations, issues of reactive power compensation.

The third edition of the book has been significantly revised and expanded, taking into account the work carried out after the release of the second edition in 1972. The textbook is intended for university students studying issues of power supply to industrial enterprises and in-plant power supply.

Fedorov A.A. Power supply for industrial enterprises. 1961 - Moscow, Gosenergoizdat 3rd edition. 744 pp.

The book discusses the main issues of power supply to industrial enterprises: identification and classification of electricity consumers, determination of electrical loads, distribution of electricity at low and high voltage substations of industrial enterprises, increasing power factor, energy saving, relay protection, automation and dispatching.

Knyazevsky B.A., Lipkin B.Yu. Power supply of industrial enterprises M.: Higher School, 1969, 510 pp.

The book “Power supply of industrial enterprises” (power plants, electrical networks and power supply) was written in accordance with the course program in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations” at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Serbinovsky G.V. Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. Industrial electrical networks. M. Energy, 1980, 576 pp.

Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. The book discusses the issues of electrical loads, the choice of devices, and provides materials on overhead electrical networks of industrial enterprises. The first edition was published in 1973 in two books. The second edition contains new types of equipment, the requirements of new GOSTs, PTEs and other regulatory materials.

Anastasiev P.I., Branzburg E.Z., Kolyada A.V. Design of cable networks and wiring. Under general ed. Khromchenko G. E. - M.: "Energy", 1980, - 384 p.

The book is intended for engineers of design organizations engaged in the design of cable lines and wiring, and university students with electrical power specialties. The materials necessary for the design of cable networks and wiring of electrical installations of enterprises in various industries, cultural and public buildings and agriculture are presented; Methods for calculating cable lines and data for selecting brands of cables and wires according to environmental conditions and installation methods are provided.

Ovcharenko A.S., Rabinovich M.L., Mozyrsky V.N., Rozinsky D.I. Handbook on power supply of industrial enterprises: Design and calculation. 1985. - K.: Technology, 279 p.

The directory contains data on the calculation of power supply systems for industrial enterprises, electrical network diagrams and their reliability, short-circuit currents, power quality indicators, reactive power compensation, starting and self-starting of electric motors, relay protection devices and automation. Designed for engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of power supply systems for industrial enterprises, and can also be useful to university students.

Barybin Yu.G. Handbook on power supply design M.: Energoatomizdat, 1990.

Contains materials and reference data for the integrated design of power supply systems for electrical installations of industrial enterprises. Progressive technical solutions for these systems are reflected, based on the use of substations with SF6 equipment, low-oil circuit breakers, static and filter compensating devices. Non-contact protection and network automation are considered. For engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of electrical installations of industrial enterprises.

Krupovich V.I., Barybin Yu.G. Samover M.L. Handbook of Electrical Supply Design. 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energy, 1980. - 456 p., ill. -(Electrical installations of industrial enterprises.)

The directory contains technical solutions for power supply systems of industrial enterprises aimed at increasing the reliability and efficiency of electrical installations. The second edition was published in 1974 under the title “Handbook for the Design of Electric Power Supply, Transmission Lines and Networks.” In the third edition, all sections have been revised and updated to take into account best practices, as well as changes in regulatory requirements.

Fedorov A.L., Starkova L.E. Textbook for course and diploma design on power supply of industrial enterprises. Textbook for universities. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987.

The book contains the basic provisions necessary for completing coursework and diploma projects on power supply of industrial enterprises. Electrical loads that do not overestimate the power consumed by the enterprise, circuit diagrams of internal and external power supply systems, the resistance of devices to short-circuit currents, and the technical and economic feasibility of the decisions made are determined. For university students.

Fedorov A.A., Serbinovsky G.V. Handbook on power supply of industrial enterprises: Electrical equipment and automation. 1981. M.: Energoizdat -624 p., ill.

The reference book provides information on electrical equipment, its permissible overloads, relay protection devices and automation of power supply systems. Material on electrical loads, selection of devices, and overhead electrical networks was included in the Handbook of Electrical Supply for Industrial Enterprises.

Zevakin A.I., Ligerman I.I. Busbars in electrical networks of industrial enterprises. M.: Energy, 1979. -96 p.

The book discusses designs, areas of application, development prospects, as well as issues of installation and operation of domestically produced 1000V busbars in electrical networks of industrial enterprises. The use of trunk, distribution, lighting and trolley busbars is considered.

Kozlov V. A. Electricity supply of cities. Ed. 2nd revised. 280 pp. with ill. Publishing house "Energy", 1977

The book discusses issues of rational construction of power supply to large cities, requirements for the reliability of power supply to urban consumers, technical and economic characteristics of cable lines and transformers, optimal options for power supply systems, features of their construction and design.

Kozlov V.A. City distribution networks. L.: Energoatomizdat, Leningrad. department, 1982. - 224 p., ill.

The issues of constructing urban electrical distribution networks are considered. The book presents the requirements for power supply to urban consumers, defines the design loads, examines the principles of constructing distribution networks, the protection and automatic devices used, the procedure for electrical calculations and selection of parameters of individual network elements, and technical and economic calculations.

Lipkin B. Yu. Power supply of industrial enterprises and installations: A textbook for technical school students. -3rd ed., trans., and dollars. - M.: Higher. school, 1981. - 376 p., ill.

The textbook provides information about electrical stations and electrical systems, describes the main electrical equipment of stations and substations, relay protection and automation devices, examines the electrical loads of industrial enterprises, and provides calculations of electrical factory and workshop networks. Intended for students of secondary specialized educational institutions. Can be used by engineers and technical workers dealing with these issues.

Tsigelman I.E. Power supply of civil buildings and municipal enterprises: Textbook for technical schools - M.: Higher. school. 1988. - 319 pp.

The book examines general information about power plants and their operating modes, outlines theoretical issues of lighting engineering, provides instructions on the design and installation of lighting installations, provides schematic diagrams for constructing supply and distribution networks with voltages up to 10 kV, sets out methods for determining lighting and power loads of public and residential buildings and enterprises, calculations of electrical networks, general information about the operation of relay protection and the implementation of grounding devices, the schematic diagrams of distribution points and transformer substations are considered, the calculation of short circuit currents and the selection of high-voltage equipment are given.

Design of power supply systems. Tutorial

Mikhailov V.V. Tariffs and power consumption modes. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986. - 216 p.: ill. - (Saving fuel and electricity)

The book examines the main systems of electricity tariffs and their impact on power consumption and finding optimal modes in order to equalize the load schedules of power systems. Electricity metering systems are described. The first edition of the book was published in 1974. The second edition contains changes and additions that correspond to new trends in the energy sector. For engineering and technical workers specializing in the field of power supply to industrial enterprises and general energy.

Information about the book...

Zimin E. N. Protection of asynchronous motors up to 500 V. Ed. 2nd, reworked, and additional. M.-L., publishing house "Energy", 1967. 88 p. from hell (Electrician's book. Issue 209)

Information about the book...

Livshits D. S. Heating of conductors and protection by fuses in electrical networks up to 1000 V, M. - L., publishing house "Energia", 1959, 43 p. from hell (Electrician's book. Issue 6)

Information about the book...

Belyaev A.V. Selection of equipment, protection and cables in 0.4 kV networks - Leningrad department: Energoatomizdat, 1988.

Information about the book...

Karpov F. F. How to choose the cross-section of wires and cables. Ed. 3rd, revised M., “Energy”, 1973. 72 p. with ill. (Electrician's Book. Issue 386).

Information about the book...

Konstantinov B. A. Zaitsev G. 3. Compensation of reactive power. L., "Energy", 1976. 104 p. with ill. (Electrician's book. Issue 445.)

Information about the book...

Handbook of Electrical Supply Design. Barybin Yu.G.


Handbook of Electrical Supply Design. Barybin Yu.G.


1.1. Systems of units and symbols
1.2. Physical and chemical properties of materials.
1.3. Climatic conditions of electrical equipment operation
1.4. Explosive and fire hazardous areas.
1.5. Excerpts from current all-Union regulatory documents
1.6. Rated voltages and series of rated currents.
1.7. Heating temperature.



A. Determination of electrical loads, quality of electricity, reliability of power supply, categories of electrical receivers, selection of voltage and power of transformers, reactive power compensation
2.1. Electrical loads. Basic quantities and definitions
2.2. Medium loads.
2.3. Maximum loads
2.4. Energy loss.
2 5. Peak loads.
2 6. Determination of electrical loads of resistance electric welding machines
2.7. Determination of electrical loads of rolling mills and electric furnaces
2.8. Single-phase loads
2.9. Technical and economic calculations in power supply.
2.10. Basic requirements for power quality
2.11 Higher harmonics
2.12. Reliability of power supply
2.13. Categories of power receivers based on power supply reliability
2.14. Voltage selection.
2.15. Selection of transformers
B. Short circuit currents
2.16. General information.
2.17. Short circuit design conditions
2.18. Drawing up an equivalent circuit for calculating three-phase short circuits
2.19. Calculation of three-phase short circuit current
2.20. Calculation of asymmetrical short circuit currents.
2.21. Practical recommendations
B. Selection and testing of devices and conductors with voltage 1 - 220 kV
2.22. General requirements.
2.23. Thermal and electrodynamic resistance of devices and conductors.
2.24. Selection and testing of devices and conductors
2.25. Technical data of devices with voltage above 1 kV
D. Power transformers and autotransformers
2.26. Transformer classification
2.27. Basic parameters
2.28. Schemes and groups of connections of transformers and autotransformers
2.29. Transformer cooling
2.30. Permissible loads of transformers
2.31. Voltage regulation.
2.32. Main characteristics of autotransformers
2.33. Technical data of transformers
D. Gas-insulated switchgears and switches
2.34. Features of SF6 gas.
2.35. SF6 gas cells, three-pole series YaE-110, YaE-220
2.36. 35 kV SF6 circuit breakers for switchgear
2.37. SF6 gas switches type VEK-110B.
E. Vacuum circuit breakers
2.38. Advantages and Disadvantages
2.39. Vacuum circuit breakers 10, 35 kV for switchgear and 110 kV for electrical installations with frequent switching.
2.40. Vacuum and gas-insulated switchgears 35 kV.
2.41. Overvoltages arising when switching inductive currents with vacuum circuit breakers
2.42. Nonlinear surge suppressors
G. Power supply and substation diagrams
2.43. Basic information.
2.44. Sources and methods of nutrition
2.45. Power supply diagrams
2.46. Instructions for the use of switching diagrams for substations and switching equipment
2.47. Schemes and design features of substations with gas-insulated switchgear 110-220 kV
2.48. Diagrams and design features of substations with 35 kV vacuum switchgear.
2.49. Complete transformer substations 6, 110 -220 kV
2.50. Schemes of substations of industrial enterprises using complete switchgear with voltage 10(6) kV
3. Layout solutions for substations and distribution points
2.51. General requirements.
2.52. Layout, placement of substations and cable structures
2.53. Layout solutions ensuring service safety
2.54. Categories of substation premises and cable structures
2.55. Fire safety requirements.
2.56. Open switchgears with voltage up to 220 kV.
2 57. Installation of power transformers outdoors
2.58. Load-lifting devices, roads, entrances and passages of substations
2.59. Examples of outdoor switchgear layout solutions.
2.60. Closed switchgears with voltage 35 - 220 kV.
2.61. Heating, ventilation and water supply of substations and distribution points.
2.62. Examples of layout solutions for closed switchgear voltages 35 - 220 kV.
2.63. Battery installations
2.64. Pneumatic farming
2.65. Oil farming.
2.66. Basic requirements for the layout of intra-shop substations and distribution points 10(6) kV.
2.67. Intrashop transformer substations.
2.68. Intrashop distribution points 10(6) kV.
2.69. Basic requirements for the placement of switchgears and transformer substations in hazardous areas.
2.70. Basic requirements for the placement of switchgears and transformer substations in fire hazardous areas.
I. Converter units and substations. Traction substations for industrial electrified transport
2.71. General information.
2.72. Basic relationships and calculation formulas for various conversion schemes.
2.73. Silicon rectifier units for electrolysis plants
2.74. Silicon rectifier units for electric furnaces
2.75. Schemes, location and design of converter substations.
2.76. Complete rectifier substations for supplying workshop DC networks
2.77. High-speed air circuit breakers.
2.78. Classification of traction substations of industrial electrified transport.
2.79. DC traction substations.
2.80. Single-phase alternating current traction substations
2.81. Distribution posts of traction networks.
K. Reactive power compensation
2.82. Basic provisions
2.83. Compensation of reactive power in general purpose electrical networks with voltages up to 1 and 10(6) kV.
2.84. Reactive power compensation in electrical networks with specific loads
2.85. Schemes for switching on and regulating capacitor banks
2.86. Design of capacitor banks and their installation.
K. Protection of overhead power lines, substations, rotating machines and conductors from overvoltages
2.87. Protection of overhead power lines from atmospheric overvoltages.
2.88. Protection of substations from direct lightning strikes.
2.89. Protection of substations from atmospheric surge waves coming from power lines.
2.90 Protection of rotating machines from atmospheric surges
2.91. Protection of current conductors from atmospheric overvoltages
2.92. Internal surge protection
2 93. Protective equipment and devices (arresters, capacitors, lightning rods)
M. Power supplies and operating current systems
2.94. Operating current systems
2.95. Technical data for batteries and chargers
2 96 Technical data for power supplies, capacitors and chargers
2.97. Selection and installation of batteries.
2.98 Selecting power supplies and capacitors
2 99. Battery connection diagrams.
2.100. Power supply circuits with alternating and rectified operational current. Insulation monitoring
N. Relay protection and network automation
2.101. General information.
2 102. Protection of step-down transformers
2.103. Transmission of tripping pulse
2.104. Busbar protection 6-35 kV
2.105. Protection of transformers of semiconductor converting units 6 - 35 kV
2.106. Protection of synchronous and asynchronous electric motors with voltages above 1 kV.
2 107. Protection of electric furnace installations
2 108. Protection of lines 6 - 35 kV* with one-way power supply
2.109 Protection of capacitor units 10(6) kV.
2.110. Protection of higher harmonic filters 10-35 kV.
2.111. Protection of complete switchgears 6 - 35 kV
2 112. Automatic switching on of backup power (ATS)
2.113. Automatic reclosing (AR).
2.114. Automatic frequency shedding (AFS).
2.115. Complete protection and automation devices for 10(6) kV networks, made on integrated circuits.
2.116. Self-starting of electric motors
O. Control of high voltage switches, warning and emergency alarms
2.117. High voltage switch control circuits
2.118. Warning and alarm circuits
P. Measurement of electrical quantities
2.119. General requirements.
2.120. Measurement of current, voltage and power.
2.121. Registration of electrical processes, insulation monitoring
2.122. Power quality control
2.123. Transducers
2.124. Measuring and computing complexes and information measuring systems
2.125. List of panel measuring instruments recommended for use in low-voltage complete devices (LVDs), consoles, boards and panels
2.126. Equipping laboratories for operational testing and adjustment of electrical equipment



3.1. Basic concepts.
3.2. Requirements for electrical installations
3.3. Solar protection devices for electrical installations
3.4. Grounding.