Deputy Governor for Housing and Communal Services. Which of Tuleyev’s deputies was fired by Sergei Tsivilev

Acting Vyacheslav Telegin was appointed Deputy Governor for Housing, Utilities and Road Complex

Sergei Tsivilev introduced the new acting deputy governor at a staff meeting on May 14.
The head of the region emphasized that there are many pressing key issues in the housing and communal services sector that require a joint competent solution. The first priority is preparation for the new heating season.
“We will staff the team with residents of Kuzbass. It is the residents of Kuzbass who should manage the region and make it comfortable for living. Therefore, the emphasis when selecting candidates for the team is on them,” said Sergei Tsivilev, introducing the new acting. Deputy Governor
Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Telegin was born on June 4, 1969 in Leninsk-Kuznetsky.
Higher education, graduated from Kemerovo State University in 2007 with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 2010 - Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering. In 2014 - Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, majoring in Management.
He began his career in 1987 as a surface miner, then as an apprentice underground electrician at the E. Yaroslavsky mine.
After serving in the Soviet Army, he worked in the commercial sector.
In 2009 he entered the municipal service. Since 2010 - head of the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Since 2015 - head of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk urban district.
The resignation of Vyacheslav Telegin from the post of head was accepted by the Council of People's Deputies of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk City District on May 11.

Arkady Shadrin was appointed to the public position of the Kemerovo region as manager of the administration of the Kemerovo region.

Arkady Leonidovich Shadrin was born on May 4, 1963 in the village. Tselinnoe Altai region.
In 1992 he graduated from Kemerovo State University with a degree in Law.
He began his career as an electronics engineer at the Biysk Mechanical Plant. After serving in the Soviet Army, he worked as an electronics engineer at Kemerovo State University.
From 1987 to 2006 he was in military service. From 2006 to 2009, he worked as a consultant and assistant to the head of the Federal Tax Service Office for the Kemerovo Region. From 2009 to 2018 he was in military service.

Tatyana Minaeva took over the post of head of the internal policy department of the governor of the Kemerovo region.

Tatyana Alekseevna Minaeva was born on October 28, 1977 in the Promyshlennovsky district of the Kemerovo region.
In 2000, she graduated with honors from Kemerovo State University with a degree in Journalism; in 2017 - with honors from Kemerovo State University, majoring in Management. As part of the Presidential Personnel Training Program, in 2012 she underwent professional retraining in the Management program at Kuzbass State Technical University.
She began her career as a student as a correspondent for Sibirskaya Gazeta LLC. From 2002 to 2016, she worked in the Regional Executive Committee of the Kemerovo regional branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", and went from chief specialist to the head of the Regional Executive Committee.
From 2016 to 2018, she served as head of the apparatus of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region.

Natalya Korelina has been appointed to the position of head of the legal department of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region.

Natalya Semenovna Korelina was born on July 7, 1972 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk.
In 1994 she graduated from Kemerovo State University with a degree in Law.
She began her professional career as an intern, and then became a member of the Kemerovo Regional Bar Association. Since 1996, she has been in the municipal service in the Administration of the city of Kemerovo in the positions of: chief specialist in the sector of judicial and legal work of the legal committee; chief specialist lawyer of the housing accounting and privatization department of the main urban development department; Deputy Chairman of the Housing Committee; Chairman of the Housing Committee.
Since November 2016, she headed the department of social protection of the population of Kemerovo.

Sergey Valerievich Chernomaz - Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

In 2007 he graduated from the Kyiv Academy of Municipal Administration.

In 2016, he completed training at the State Academy of Construction and Housing and Communal Services under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

Worked in construction organizations in the Kaliningrad region.

Since October 2015, he has been the director of the state government institution of the Kaliningrad region “Regional Directorate of Capital Construction Customers”.

In August 2018, by order of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, he was appointed acting Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region.

Married, has a son and daughter.

Lyudmila Fedorovna Piltikhina - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Higher education: · Graduated from Voronezh State University in 1984.

Awards: · 2004 - Certificate of Honor from the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Kaliningrad Region; · 2006 - commemorative medal “In honor of the 60th anniversary of the Kaliningrad region”; · 2005 and 2008 - diploma of honor from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

On November 26, 2010, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region with the responsibility of performing the duties of the Minister.

On October 1, 2012, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Fuel and Energy Complex of the Kaliningrad Region.

Married, has a daughter.

Nikolai Romanovich Televyak - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Married, has two children.

Higher education:

  • In 1980 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Engineering Construction School, specialty “construction of naval bases”, qualification - military civil engineer;
  • In 2000, he underwent retraining at the North-Western Academy of Public Service with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.


  • July 1975 – November 1997 – service in the ranks of the Soviet and Russian armies in engineering and construction positions in the structure of the contractor and customer;
  • March 1998 - November 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the Construction Committee of the Administration of the Kaliningrad Region;
  • November 2005 - December 2010 - Head of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Construction of the Kaliningrad Region;
  • in December 2010, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region.
  • Since February 2017 – Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region.
  • Member of the personnel reserve of the Kaliningrad region.


  • 1985 – Order “For Service to the Motherland”, III degree;
  • 2002 – badge “Honorary Builder of Russia”;
  • 2006 – commemorative medal “In honor of the 60th anniversary of the Kaliningrad region”;
  • 2009 – honorary title “Honored Builder of the Russian Federation”;
  • 2010 - medal "For services to the Kaliningrad region."

Evgenia Valerievna Baturkina - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

In 2008 she graduated from Russian State University. I. Kant.

In 2013-14 completed professional retraining under the program “State and Municipal Management” at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, she entered the service of the government of the Kaliningrad region.

In 2018, she took the position of deputy head of the agency for preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the Kaliningrad region.

In February 2019, by order of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region

Tatyana Vladimirovna Trofimenko - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services - Head of the Department for Development of Housing and Communal Services

Higher education: in 2001 she graduated from the Kaliningrad State Technical University with a degree in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation.

She entered the service of the government of the Kaliningrad region in 2011.

Since May 2014 – Head of the Gas Supply and Gasification Department of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Fuel and Energy Complex of the Kaliningrad Region.

Since February 2017, she has been appointed Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services - Head of the Department for Development of Housing and Communal Services of the Kaliningrad Region.

Married, has three children.

On Monday, April 16, Acting Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev announced personnel changes in the Board of Administration. Head of the region fired four deputy governors at once. In addition, all other deputies from this day until the formation of a new composition of the Administration Board are considered acting. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” - more about those deputies of Tuleyev who were fired by Sergei Tsivilev.

Immediately after his appointments the acting governor said that he would work with that team, which was formed by the former head of the region. Meanwhile, he did not rule out personnel changes.

If there is a shortage of some competencies, because we need to move forward quickly, then we will invite them from other regions for a short period of time and again replace them with residents of Kuzbass. “My complete conviction is that its residents should work and manage this region,” Sergei Tsivilev said on April 2.

On Friday, April 13, the acting governor of Kuzbass held a meeting with the heads of municipalities, where he spoke about plans for the development of the region. In his opinion, Kuzbass should become region number one beyond the Urals. It was with the achievement of this task that he later connected the reason for the reorganization of the management system of the regional administration.

Chief of Medicine

The “oldest” of the four dismissed deputies is Deputy for Health Affairs Valery Tsoi. He has held this position since May 28, 2015.

Valery Konstantinovich Tsoi was born on April 21, 1969 in the city of Taldy-Kurgan, Kazakh SSR. In 1995 he graduated from the Kemerovo State Medical Institute, receiving the specialty of pediatrician. Later, Tsoi completed an internship in the specialty “Pediatric Surgery” and a clinical residency in the same specialty. In addition, Valery Tsoi studied in absentia at the Faculty of Economics of Kemerovo State University with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management, graduating in 2009.

Valery Tsoi began his career in 1997 at the children's city clinical hospital No. 5, where he worked as a pediatric surgeon for 12 years. Since 2009, he worked in the administration of the Kemerovo region, progressing from the chief specialist of the technical supervision group of the department of public health of the Kemerovo region to the head of the department.

In 2013, Valery Tsoi was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Married, has a daughter and son.

Home for the village

Elena Zhidkova worked as Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region for the agro-industrial complex since May 10, 2016.

Elena Anatolyevna Zhidkova was born in 1978 in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Kemerovo branch of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University with a degree in Accounting and Audit. For the next six years she worked as a teacher at Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute.

In 2004, Elena Zhidkova defended her PhD thesis at Kemerovo State University in two specialties: “Economics and management of the national economy: regional economics” and “Finance, money circulation and credit: finance of enterprises and organizations.”

From 2006 to 2013, Elena Zhidkova worked as an associate professor at the Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry and part-time as an auditor in commercial structures.

From 2013 until her appointment as deputy governor, she held the position of vice-rector for economics and innovation at KemTIPP.

Chief of Law Enforcement Affairs

Police Major General Alexey Vladimirovich Kozhevin was appointed acting. Deputy Governor for coordination with law enforcement agencies and military authorities on November 28, 2016.

Alexey Kozhevin was born on May 6, 1966 in the city of Kemerovo. In 1991, he graduated from the Omsk Higher Police School with a degree in Law, qualifying as a lawyer. In 1996 he graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in Organization of Law Enforcement Activities. After serving in the Armed Forces from 1986 to 2016, he served in the internal affairs bodies. He holds the rank of Major General of Police.

Dmitry Semenovich Kudryashov was born on August 13, 1969 in Kemerovo. In 1992, he graduated with honors from Kemerovo State University with a degree in Chemistry, and in 2004 received a diploma with honors from Novosibirsk State Technical University with a degree in High-Voltage Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He worked in senior positions at enterprises in the electric power industry, and since February 2016, he held the position of head of the electric power department of the administration of the Kemerovo region. Married, has three children.

MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. The head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, appointed 39-year-old Andrei Kharin as acting deputy governor, who will oversee energy, housing and communal services and environmental issues. This is stated in a statement issued by the regional government on Friday.

The appointment of a regional leader to the new team was the first since his inauguration. Nikitin ran for United Russia and won 67.75% of the votes in the elections on the Unified Voting Day on September 9. Earlier it was reported that the regional governor dismissed the regional government; until a new local cabinet of ministers is formed, deputy governors and ministers will work in acting status.

“On September 28, 2018, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, signed a decree appointing Andrei Kharin as acting deputy governor,” the report notes.

According to the governor, Kharin has all the necessary qualities and competencies to work in these areas. “He worked both in federal authorities and in the largest energy companies in key regions of the country. I am confident that such experience will help in implementing the tasks facing the housing and communal services and fuel and energy complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region,” Nikitin said, as quoted by the press -service.

“Regulation of tariffs, work on organizing waste management, environmental protection, landscaping, the activities of house management companies and major repairs - all this requires constant monitoring. There is no time to rush - the heating season is starting in the region,” the governor added.

Andrey Nikolaevich Kharin was born in 1979 in the Stavropol Territory. Graduated from Stavropol State University with a degree in Jurisprudence, Candidate of Legal Sciences. Last place of work - Deputy General Director for Resource Management of the Moscow company "Quadra - Power Generation".

Issues of sports and culture

Also on Friday, Nikitin appointed acting Deputy Governor, Deputy Prime Minister, who will deal with issues of sports, culture and tourism. He became 37-year-old Alexander Yugov.

“Dmitry Svatkovsky, who previously held this position, left his post on September 17 in connection with the transition to an elective position,” the regional government clarified.

Before joining the regional government, Alexander Yugov headed the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Nizhny Novgorod region.

As Gleb Nikitin emphasized, Yugov has the necessary management experience.

“The legacy of the World Cup and small sports grounds, leading theaters and village cultural centers, folk art enterprises and museums - all this should work for the benefit of Nizhny Novgorod residents. There are specific tasks, for example, increasing the number of people involved in physical education and sports to 55% 2024, the implementation of which will not be possible without the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of a number of existing ones. All this requires specialized experience and competencies,” the governor said, commenting on the appointment.

Nikitin expressed confidence that “taking into account the impressive successes achieved as head of the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency and in other places of work, Yugov will successfully cope with the assigned tasks.”