School theater in English. Script of a musical performance in English for the city competition of theatrical productions in English

Script for the theatrical production "Mary Poppins"

Mary Poppins goes to work for the Grundy family.
I. Scene 1. The curtain is closed. Mary Poppins appears from behind the curtain.

II. Scene 2. Mary Poppins opens one (right) half of the curtain. Behind it, viewers see the living room and kitchen. Mary Poppins goes to the kitchen, pointing at various objects in the kitchen, she reads a poem.

Irons on Tuesday,
Shops on Wednesday,
Bakes on Thursday
Sews on Friday,
Cleans on Saturday,
Cooks on Sunday.

III. Scene 3. Mary Poppins leaves. Mrs appears. Grundy. On the other hand, Jack, Jill, Bell and Phill are running while arguing. They shout, push, and knock chairs around the table.
Jack: I can fly, and you?

Jill: I can swim.

Jack: You are a little girl.

Mrs. Grundy: No, it isn't.

Bell: But I am hungry.

Phill: I am hungry, too.

Four red tomatoes and ham.

Go to the garden
And play in the snow.
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow.
What a nice snowman
The children will say.
What a fine game
For a cold winter day.

Jill: I don't want!

Phill: I don't want!

Jack: I don't want!

Together: We don't want!

IV. Scene 4. There is a knock.
Children: Who is that?

V. Scene 5.

Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I am glad to see you!

Mrs. Grundy: This is Jack.
And that is Jill.
This is Bell.
And that is Phil.

Mary Poppins: Where is Pat?

Jack: She is in bed.

Phill: He is also ill.

Mary Poppins: How is Betsy?

Jill: She is healthy.

Mary: How are you?

They leave. Curtain.

V. Scene 6.

Stand up!
Hands up!
Hands down!
Sit down!

Stand up!
Hands to the sides!
Bend left!
Bend right!

Hands up!
Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Sit down!

Bill: I like to run,
I like to jump
I like to play
It's fun.

Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together.

Clap your hands together.

Stamp your feet together.

Stamp your feet together.

Nod your head together.

Nod your head together.

Dance and dance together.

Dance and dance together.

Jack and Phill: Me too.

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Mama takes me to the doctor.

I don't want to go to bed.

I don't want to go to bed.

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Mama takes me to the doctor.

I don't want to eat my lunch.

Mama takes me to the dentist.

I don't want to clean my teeth.

Bill: Here it is!

Mary Poppins: Thank you.

Bill: You are welcome!

Green for Jack,
Yellow for Jill,
White for Bell,
And black for Phil.
Brown for Bill,
And pink for Betsy,
For me - red,
And blue for Pat.

Jack: I see green

Jill: I see yellow

Bell: I see white,

Phill: I see black,

Betsy: I see pink,

Bill: I see brown,

Mary Poppins: I see red,

Pat: I see blue

A hat for a cat?

Stand up!

On a Sunday morning.

On a Monday morning.

On a Tuesday morning.

On a Wednesday morning.

On a Thursday morning.

On a Friday morning.

This is the way we cook our lunch.
On a Friday morning.
Mary Poppins: This is the way we meet our guests.

Everybody: Meet our guests, meet our guests.
This is the way we cook our lunch.
On a Friday morning.
Mary Poppins: This is the way we meet our guests.

Everybody: Meet our guests, meet our guests.
This is the way we cook our lunch.
On a Saturday morning.

Mary Poppins goes to work for the Grundy family.

I. Scene 1. The curtain is closed. Mary Poppins appears from behind the curtain.
Marry Poppins: Hello, friends! I am glad to see you at our theater. I think you know me. My name is Mary Poppins. I am from Great Britain. I am a teacher. I like children very much. I can do a lot of things: run and jump, draw and write, sing songs and recite poems, play the piano and even fly by my umbrella.
Soon I must start working in the Grundys" family. It is a big family. They have got seven children, but they haven't got a teacher. Mrs. Grundy has a lot of work to do every day. Let's look into their house.

II. Scene 2. Mary Poppins opens one (right) half of the curtain. Behind it, viewers see the living room and kitchen. Mary Poppins goes to the kitchen, pointing at various objects in the kitchen, she reads a poem.

Marry Poppins: Missis Grundy washes on Monday,
Irons on Tuesday,
Shops on Wednesday,
Bakes on Thursday
Sews on Friday,
Cleans on Saturday,
Cooks on Sunday.
This is the tale of Missis Grundy.
You see how much Mrs. Grundy must do. But her children don't help her.

III. Scene 3. Mary Poppins leaves. Mrs appears. Grundy. On the other hand, Jack, Jill, Bell and Phill are running while arguing. They shout, push, and knock chairs around the table.
Jack: I can fly, and you?

Bell: And I can swim. Can you, Phil?

Phill: No, I can"t. But I can read and you can"t.

Jill: I can swim.

Bell: No, you cannot. You don't like water. You aren't brave.

Jack: You are a little girl.

Phill: You are small and slim that"s why you are cowardly.

Bill, Jack and Phill (together): We don't want to play with the girl.

Jill (crying, runs to mom): Mother! Brothers don't want to play with me. They are bad.

Mrs. Grundy (addressing the audience): I am so sad. My children are not friendly. They don"t love each other. They don"t want to pay together. Where is our new teacher? When will she come?

Jack: Mother! Is our breakfast ready?

Mrs. Grundy: No, it isn't.

Bell: But I am hungry.

Phill: I am hungry, too.

Jack: I am hungry! I am hungry! I am!
Four red tomatoes and ham.
Sweets, cakes, carrots and jam.
I am hungry! I am hungry! I am!

Mrs. Grundy: What a pity! You must wait; you may play in the garden.
Go to the garden
And play in the snow.
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow.
What a nice snowman
The children will say.
What a fine game
For a cold winter day.

Jill: I don't want!

Phill: I don't want!

Jack: I don't want!

Together: We don't want!

IV. Scene 4. There is a knock.
Children: Who is that?

Marry Poppins: It"s me, your teacher. May I come in?

Children (cheerfully): Yes, you may. Come in, please!

Marry Poppins (entering): Good morning!

Children run up to her, walk around, look at her outfit and umbrella, then move away and start singing.

Children: What is your name? What is your name?
Could you tell me what is your name?

Mary Poppins: My name is Mary. My name is Mary.
You won't forget it, my dear friends.

Children: How old are you? How old are you?
Could you tell me how old are you?

Mary Poppins: I am just a hundred, I am just a hundred.
I am just a hundred, my dear friends.

Children: Where do you live? Where do you live?
Could you tell me where do you live?

Mary Poppins: I live in London, sometimes in Oxford,
Sometimes in Cambridge, my dear friends.

Children: Why are you smiling? Why are you smiling?
Why are you smiling? Could you tell me?

Mary: You are so funny, you are so funny
You ask many questions, my dear friends.

V. Scene 5.
Mrs. Grundy (singing): Good morning, Lady Mary!
Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I am glad to see you!

Mary Poppins: I am glad to see you, Mrs.Grundy, and your children.

Mrs. Grundy: This is Jack.
And that is Jill.
This is Bell.
And that is Phil.

Mary Poppins: Where is Pat?

Jack: She is in bed.

Mary Poppins: And where is Bill?

Phill: He is also ill.

Mary Poppins: How is Betsy?

Jill: She is healthy.

Mary: How are you?

Children (all together): We are fine, thank you.

Mary Poppins: I would like to greet Pat, Bill and Betsy.

Bell, Jack, Jill and Phill: Let's go.

They leave. Curtain.

V. Scene 6. The left half of the curtain opens. Children's room. There is a carpet in the center, an armchair in the background. There are beds on the right and left. Pat and Bill throw pillows, and little Betsy sits near the toy box. Mary Poppins enters with other children. Pat and Bill lie down immediately, groaning. Pet is holding his head, and Bill is holding his stomach.

Jack: Hi! This is our new teacher. Her name is Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins: How do you do, Pat? How do you do, Bill?
Why are you in beds? Are you ill?

Pat: Yes, I am. I have a headache.

Bill: And I have a stomach-ache.

Mary Poppins: I know how to make you healthy. You must do morning-exercises.

Stand up!
Hands up!
Hands down!
Sit down!

Stand up!
Hands to the sides!
Bend left!
Bend right!

Hands up!
Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Sit down!

Bill: I like to run,
I like to jump
I like to play
It's fun.

Mary Poppins: Now, let's sing a song and do some more exercises.
Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together.

Children: Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together.

Mary Poppins: Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.

Children: Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.

Mary Poppins: Nod, nod, nod your head,
Nod your head together.

Children: Nod, nod, nod your head,
Nod your head together.

Mary Poppins: Dance, dance, dance and dance,
Dance and dance together.

Children: Dance, dance, dance and dance,
Dance and dance together.

Jill: I don't like to be ill at all.

Jack and Phill: Me too.

Betsy: And I can sing a song about it.

Mary Poppins: Please, sing, Betsy.

Betsy (begins to sing): Every time I have a head-ache (to the tune of "Cucarachi")
Mama takes me to the doctor.

All children (together): Every time I have a head-ache
Mama takes me to the doctor.

Jack: I have a head-ache, I have a head-ache
I don't want to go to bed.

All children (together): I have a head-ache, I have a head-ache
I don't want to go to bed.

Phill: Every time I have a stomach-ache
Mama takes me to the doctor.

All children (together): Every time I have a stomach-ache
Mama takes me to the doctor.

Jill: I have a stomach-ache; I have a stomachache
I don't want to eat my lunch.

All children (together): I have a stomach-ache, I have a stomach-ache
I don't want to eat my lunch.

Pat: Every time I have a tooth-ache
Mama takes me to the dentist.

All children (together): Every time I have a tooth-ache
Mama takes me to the dentist.

Bell: I have a tooth-ache, I have a tooth-ache
I don't want to clean my teeth.

All children (together): I have a tooth-ache, I have a tooth-ache
I don't want to clean my teeth.

Mary Poppins: What a nice song! I like it very much. Do you want to play? We can play a nice game. Bill, give me my bag, please. I have some glasses in it.

Bill: Here it is!

Mary Poppins: Thank you.

Bill: You are welcome!

Mary Poppins (hands out colorful glass pieces to children):
Green for Jack,
Yellow for Jill,
White for Bell,
And black for Phil.
Brown for Bill,
And pink for Betsy,
For me - red,
And blue for Pat.
Let's look through our glasses and say what we see.
(the song "Colors" is performed)

Jack: I see green

Jill: I see yellow

Together: I see that funny fellow.

Bell: I see white,

Phill: I see black,

Together: I see this, and that, and that.

Betsy: I see pink,

Bill: I see brown,

Together: I stand up, and I sit down.

Mary Poppins: I see red,

Pat: I see blue

All together: I see you, and you, and you.

Mary Poppins: Do you like this game?

Jack: Yes, we like it very much. Let's play more.

Mary Poppins: O"key. We shall play "Rhymes". I have some nice pictures. Look at this one. A cat went to town to buy a hat.
(picture of a cat in a hat)

Children: What? A cat with a hat?
A hat for a cat?
Who ever saw a cat with a hat?

Mary Poppins: Take these pictures and make up your own rhymes.

Jill: A fox went to town to buy a box. (picture of a fox with a box)

Bell: A mouse went to town to buy a house. (picture of a mouse and a house)

Jack: A pig went to town to buy a stick. (picture of a pig with a cane)

Phill: A cock went to town to buy a clock. (cockerel with alarm clock)

Betsy: A duck went to town to buy a jug. (duck with jug)

Bill: A lion went to town to buy a iron. (lion in iron)

Pat: An owl went to town to buy a towel. (owl with a towel)

Mary Poppins: But, Pat and Bill, do you wash your hands and face, do you clean your teeth?

Bill: No, I don't like to wash hands and face.

Pat: I don't want to clean my teeth.

Children (all together): We want to play.

Mary Poppins: But it's very funny if you sing a song.
Stand up!

Children stand in a circle. Mary Poppins in the middle of the circle. She begins to sing and shows the movements, and the children repeat them and sing along with her.

Mary Poppins: Here we go round the mulberry-bush.

Everybody: Mulberry-bush, mulberry-bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush
On a Sunday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we wash our hands.

Everybody: Wash our hands, wash our hands.
This is the way we wash our hands.
On a Monday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we wash our face.

Everybody: Wash our face, wash our face.
This is the way we wash our face.
On a Tuesday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we brush our hair.

Everybody: Brush our hair, brush our hair.
This is the way we brush our hair.
On a Wednesday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we clean our teeth.

Everybody: Clean our teeth, clean our teeth.
This is the way we clean our teeth.
On a Thursday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we cook our lunch.

Everybody: Cook our lunch, cook our lunch.
This is the way we cook our lunch.
On a Friday morning.

Mary Poppins: This is the way we meet our guests.

Everybody: Meet our guests, meet our guests.
This is the way we cook our lunch.
On a Saturday morning.

Children: Let's play another game!

Mary Poppins: No, we cannot. You like to play, but you don't like to work. You are lazy, my friends. You don't help your mother about the house. It is very bad. You must help her.

Jill: Yes, we must go and help our mother.

VI. Scene 7. The children run to Mrs.'s kitchen. Grundy and sing a song (to the tune of “A grasshopper sat in the grass”).
Children: What can we do for you, Mum?
What can we do for you, Mum?
What can we do for you, Mum?
What can we do for you?

What can we do for you, Mum?
What can we do? What can we do?
What can we do for you?

Mrs. Grundy: What would you like to do, kids?

What would you like to do, kids?
What would you like to do?

What would you like to do, kids?
What would you like? What would you like?
What would you like to do?

Pat: I"d like to clean the carpets.

Bill: I"d like to wash the dishes.

Jill: I"d like to dust the sideboard,

Phill: I"d like to sweep the floor.

Mrs. Grundy: How nice of you, how nice of you,
You"ve got so many talents,
How nice of you, how nice of you,
I"ll bake a cake for you.

The children are cleaning up. They take away the basin, board and iron from the kitchen. They lift the chairs, wipe the dust (Jill), sweep the floor (Phill), Mrs. Grundy leaves and returns some time later, carrying a cake. She puts it on the table. Betsy, Bell and Jack bring 8 cups and saucers. Mrs. Grundy brings a teapot and coffee pot.

Mrs. Grundy: One, two, three,
Let me see.
Who likes coffee
And who likes tea.
One, two, three,
Oh, I see.
You like coffee
And I like tea.

Mrs. Grundy pours tea into everyone's cups and coffee for himself and Marry Poppins. Everyone stands around the table and sings a song.

The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together the happier we are.

For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend,
The more we are together,
The happier we are.

The music continues to play. The heroes shout out to the audience "Good Bye! Bye-Bye!" and wave their hands.

In total, there are more than 150 theaters in Moscow of various genres and directions, but, as it turned out, there are not so many productions in English in the capital. Where you can enjoy a noble British accent, watch a world theater premiere, listen to the best English-language musicals - in our review

Moscow English Theater - the first theater in English in Moscow

Moscow English Theater (MET) is a unique phenomenon for the capital: it is the first and only theater in the capital where absolutely all performances are performed in English, and the actors of the troupe are British. Some of them specially fly thousands of kilometers to play in front of the Moscow audience.

MET was founded in 2013 by the famous English actor Jonathan Bex and professor at Moscow State University. Lomonosov Karina Sagoyan. The purpose of its creation is to bring professional modern English-language theater to Moscow, with its high standards and the best productions of leading British theaters and American Broadway.

Educating Rita, the first performance presented to the Moscow public in 2013, was met with an absolute sell-out. Willie Russell's lyrical comedy, a modern variation of the world famous "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw, was highly praised by theater critics. And the famous British BBC presenter Lord Melvin Bragg in his blog later enthusiastically shared his impressions of the production he saw, calling it “a most magnificent creation.”

Photo: Facebook

Every season the theater surprises its fans with new popular and little-known productions to Russian audiences. On October 25, the theater actors will present the play, which in 2012 won the prestigious Evening Standard Best Play Award. Constellations by Nick Payne also received the highest ratings from such authoritative publications as The Daily Telegraph and Time Out.

Today, basically all the performances of the Moscow English Theater take place in the halls of the Mayakovsky Theater, but in the future the actors dream of performing on their own stage, where they will be able to invite lovers and admirers of the English-language theater.

Where to watch: Mayakovsky Theater (Small Stage on B. Nikitskaya St., 19/13 or in Pushkarevsky Lane, 21)

Ticket prices: from 1200 rubles ($19)

Upcoming performances: not announced

Rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" in the original

The rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” is one of the most famous works of the rock opera genre; it does not need not only advertising, but often even no introduction. And for almost half a century of its existence, it has been recognized as a musical classic, a masterpiece and a legend of the music world. The work of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice was initially received ambiguously by critics, but immediately gained enormous popularity among British youth.

In the original, the famous rock opera in Moscow can be seen and listened to at the Stas Namin Theater; it has been successfully running there for more than 10 years. According to the artistic director of the theater, today this production is the closest in sound to the author's version of Jesus Christ Superstar, released on record in 1970. By the way, the vocalist of the legendary Deep Purple was the very first to sing the part of Jesus.

Be careful when ordering tickets, since since 2011 the Namin Theater has also presented a Russian-language interpretation of the rock opera, which alternates with the English version.


Where to watch: Stas Namin Music and Drama Theater (Krymsky Val St., 9, building 33)

Ticket prices: from 900 rubles ($14)

Singin" In The Rain - the legendary musical for the first time in Moscow

Another legendary musical that you can watch in Moscow in its original language is “Singing in the Rain.” Its plot is based on the story from the film of the same name, which the American Film Institute recognized as the best musical film of the last 100 years.

Almost thirty years ago, one of the best musical comedies received a second life, appearing on the stage of one of the theaters in London's West End. The premiere was such a success that two years later the musical was staged on Broadway and was soon awarded one of the most significant theater awards - the Tony.


On October 3, the long-awaited premiere took place in Moscow. For many months, producers and directors were looking for talent throughout Russia. By the way, one of the main roles went to the famous singer Anastasia Stotskaya. When staging the musical, special attention was paid to special effects, and it is not surprising that the main one was rain. Each time, twelve cubic meters of water will be poured onto the stage and, by the way, the audience sitting in the front rows will also have to take a shower.

Where to watch: Theater "Russia" (Pushkinskaya Square, 2)

Ticket prices: from 1000 rubles ($16)

TheatreHD - British theater in cinema

Without exaggeration, this is an amazing project that makes dreams come true. Have you ever wanted to visit the Royal National Theater in London? - Please. Should you visit Shakespeare's Globe Theatre? - no question! Metropolitan Opera in New York? Easily! And all this can be seen in Moscow. TheatreHD is a broadcast on cinema screens of the most famous performances from the best theaters in the world.

William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". Photo:

The mission of the project is to give everyone the opportunity to see the masterpieces of world theater and fine art without leaving their hometown.

The script of a musical performance in English, based on the English fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Winnie the Pooh.


Develop and maintain interest in learning English;

Arouse positive emotions during rehearsals and performances in English;

Intensify the use in speech of the studied lexical and grammatical material on the topics: “Greetings”, “Getting to know each other”, “Animals”, “English commands”, “Birthday”, “Colors”, “Qualities and characteristics”;

Develop memory, attention, thinking.



Winnie-the-Pooh(Teddy Bear)





Donkey Eeyore(Eeyore)

Author. It’s the story about a nice and funny bear - Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. Oh, listen! Somebody's coming. Yes, it's Winnie.

Winnie-the-Pooh. I'm Winnie Pooh, I'm Winnie Pooh a funny, brown bear. I can climb and I can dance and I can sing. I'm hungry. Oh honey. I like honey.

Author. And who's this? Yes, it’s Winnie’s friend Piglet.

Piglet. I'm a pig, I'm a pig. I'm a little, pink pig. I can sing and I can run and I’ve got a friend. Hello Winnie!

Winnie-the-Pooh. Hi Piglet. How are you?

Piglet. I'm tip-top. Thank you, and you?

Winnie-the-Pooh. I'm OK.

Piglet. What's this? Winnie-the-Pooh. It's honey. It’s a present for donkey Eeyore.

Piglet. Yes, it’s his birthday. And I've got a red balloon. Let's go to him!

Winnie-the-Pooh. Yes, let's. Author. And friends go to Eeyore. Suddenly, they meet Tiger.

Tiger. I’m big, big Tiger and I’m very strong. I can jump and climb and I say hello. Oh, hello friends.

Piglet. Hi Tiger. We go to Eyeore’s birthday. Let's go with us.

Tiger. Ok. And I've got a ball. It's for Eeyore.

Author. And friends go further and meet an owl.

Owl. I'm an owl, I'm an owl. I can fly and I can cook. I like cakes. Oh, hello dear! Where are you?

All together. Hello, owl!

Tiger. We go to Eeyore. Let's go with us.

Owl. Yes and this cake is for Eeyore.

Author. And the friends go further and meet Rabbit.

Rabbit I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit. I can count and I can read. I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit. I’m a clever rabbit, bit. Hello, dear friends. I'm glad to see you!

All together. Hi Rabbit.

Owl. We are glad to see you too. Let's go with us to Eeyore.

Rabbit OK. And I have got a candle. Let's go.

Author. At this time near the lake… Donkey Eeyore is sad. No, friends. No presents.

Eeyore. I'm poor donkey Eeyore. (2 times) I can’t dance and I can’t smile. I'm poor donkey Eeyore. Oh, poor me. And who's there?

All together..) Happy Birthday Eeyore.

Eeyore. Oh, thank you dear friends. I’m very glad to see you!

Rabbit How old are you?

Eeyore. I'm 3.

All together. It's for you.

Eeyore. For me? A red balloon, honey, a ball and a cake. Fantastic! Thank you very much!

Friends stand in a circle and sing a song for the donkey.

A song Happy Birthday.

Author. It's great when you have many friends!

- (French spectacle, from Latin spectaculum “spectacle”) a work of stage art; can be staged both on the theater stage and on the radio (radio play) and on television (television play). Contents 1 Theatrical ... ... Wikipedia

play- Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

PLAY- (French spectacle, from Latin spectaculum). In general, a spectacle, mainly theatrical, a play presented, a performance. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PERFORMANCE is a spectacle in general, in particular... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

PLAY- PERFORMANCE, performance, husband. (from Latin spectaculum spectacle). Theatrical performance. Amateur performance (performed by amateurs). Children's performance (for children). The play ran for twenty performances. “Do you have a ticket for tomorrow’s performance?” Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Play- a spectacle in general (ironically) about a scandal. Wed. Chatsky has lost control of himself and does not even notice that he himself is putting together a performance at the ball. Goncharov. Millions of torments. Wed. I not only heard, but almost witnessed this edifying performance... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

play- I, f. spectacle m., German Spectakul, Spektakel lat. spectaculum spectacle. 1. Theatrical performance. Initially about the performances of foreign theater troupes, from ser. 60s of the 18th century. about Russian spectacles. Rus. matches: disgrace,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

play- PERFORMANCE, spectacle, production, presentation, play, obsolete. action, outdated acting... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

PLAY- PERFORMANCE, me, husband. 1. Theatrical performance. Put with. Amateur s. (performed by amateurs). 2. transfer Funny, entertaining spectacle (colloquial). Played with. in the kitchen. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

PLAY- male, French spectacle, esp. theatrical. The solar spectrum, light, a ray of sun, spread out by faceted glass into colored lights, onto a rainbow. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Play- public screening of a live theatrical production... Source: MODEL LAW ON THEATER AND THEATRICAL ACTIVITY... Official terminology

play- see the performance perception play performances action is in progress performance action, subject liked the performance subject, emotions watch the performance perception stage the performance existence / creation make the performance existence ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Play. Choreographer. Dancer, E. Queen. The book traces the twenty-year creative path of the Moldavian ballet theater. The reader will get acquainted with ballet productions, meet with a variety of stage images created... Buy for 330 rubles
  • A Performance of a Lifetime by Eitan Finkelstein. Formally, the new book by Eitan Finkelstein, author of the novels “Pharaoh’s Shepherds” and “Labyrinth,” is a collection of short stories, but in fact it is the life story of a Russian-American theater director.…

And today we congratulate everyone who takes part in creating amazing performances: from the valiant wardrobe workers who cope with unprecedented influxes of jackets and coats, to the directors and actors who take us to another reality.

The best gift we can give (besides going to the theater, of course) is to get to know the theater better and introduce our friends to it, because this is precisely the purpose of the holiday.

In our article, we have collected useful resources in English that will be of interest to both beginners and avid theatergoers. You'll find out where to watch English theater productions online, you will take a brief excursion into the history of the theater, enrich your vocabulary with thematic vocabulary and receive invaluable acting lessons.

Back To the Roots, or History of the Theater

Theater has always been an integral part of society and incredibly accurately reflected all stages of its development. The modern world is no exception.

Video about the influence of theater on modern society.

Today is the time to touch the history of this art. We have found excellent materials for you in English, in which you can learn the history of theater from the origins of primitive rituals to today's sophisticated performances.

  • – a brief overview of theatrical history from ancient Greece to Shakespeare from the London Theater Direct blog.
  • – a version for those who are ready to delve into the jungle of the formation of theater as an independent movement and learn a colossal amount of English vocabulary about the theater.

Through the Time and Space, or Theater at Your Home

We learned about the history - now we go to watch the performances. If you haven’t planned a trip to a real theater today, we will help organize it at your home.

In the 21st century you can watch a Broadway production, sitting comfortably in a chair with warm tea. Especially for you – a selection of online theaters that will compete with Netflix.

– BroadwayHD– incendiary shows and musicals straight from the Broadway stage. A month's subscription costs $14.99, but the pleasure you get is worth the cost (and you don't have to buy tickets to New York).

– Digital Theater is a unique resource that contains video recordings of cult performances of leading British theaters. It is possible to rent a video recording for 48 hours for $5.99 (a ridiculous price for performances with the best British actors) or purchase for $12.99 to watch your favorite moments over and over again anytime.

– TheaterHD– magnificent productions of world-famous theaters on movie screens in Russian cities. The list of cities involved is really wide. Look, maybe in your city the theater has become much closer to the audience.

Don't have time or opportunity to watch performances? Listen to them! Audio performances will allow you to develop your imagination and listening skills in English.

It's good on record, but it's better live. Today we invite you to create a wishlist for visiting the best theaters in the world and start fulfilling it. A video about theaters, which themselves are works of art and simply a must-see, will help you make your choice.

Just remember that in countries with American English you will end up in Thea ter, and in the UK – in Thea tre. 🙂

The most beautiful theaters in the world.

Our set of words will help you prepare for the theater trip. A is good material for consolidating learned words.

Theater Movies, or Another way to touch the beautiful

If the activities listed above are not suitable for you for some reason, we suggest getting in touch with the theatrical art in one more way - watching wonderful films about it:

  • Birdman (2014) is an Oscar-winning drama about the former glory of the actor who played the superhero Birdman, and about the confrontation between theater and cinema.
  • Black Swan (2010) is a psychological thriller in which a ballet dancer faces a dangerous competitor before the most important performance of her life.
  • Shakespeare in Love (1998) is a film based on the life of William Shakespeare and tells the story of the power of love and art.

Of course, all films are worth watching, because we are talking about theater, and everything is important here: from the vocabulary used to intonation and a delightful English accent.

Behind the Scenes, or For those who dream of creating

We decided to dedicate the final part of our theater article to those who yearn not just to visit the theater, but to find themselves on the other side of the stage!

First, read the material. Perhaps soon you will be able to boast of some items from this list. Video about English pronunciation in the time of Shakespeare.

  • – how do you like the idea of ​​performing “The Seagull” by A.P. Chekhov in English and surprise everyone? We like it!
  • is a wonderful play with rich English language about blackmail and corruption.
  • Farewell, Theater Lovers, or See you at the theater!

    We hope that our materials will help make theater a part of life and open the door to a world of amazing emotions. If you have additions to our article or a couple of useful resources, be sure to write about them in the comments to the article.

    And we once again congratulate the creators of theatrical magic and thank you for the inspiration!