TV programs about repairs. The best Russian TV shows about renovation

There are six programs on TV that do repairs. “My District” figured out how to become the hero of such a program.

“Every day several applications come in for the project,- says Olga Savchenko, chief designer of the “School of Repair” on TNT. — Many owners of one-room apartments are suitable. The program covers apartments from 65 square meters.”

But even if the apartment is suitable, it is not a fact that the application will be selected - you still need to go through a casting. At the casting, you are asked to tell the camera about yourself, about the apartment, reasons for participation and wishes for renovation. Many people are nervous and their application is rejected.

For Andrei Belkovsky, the casting was easy. The main thing is to be in a friendly mood. The Belkovskys said that in 2009 their daughter was born. Doctors recommended that they spend more time in the fresh air. But the country house, which is 60 years old, has not been renovated for a long time. Andrey decided to apply for the “Dacha Response”.

The next stage of selection is coordination of the renovation project with the designer. He must inspect the housing and decide whether he can come up with something interesting that the participants would also like. Sometimes candidates are eliminated at this stage.

The filming, in which the owners need to participate, takes two full days. At the beginning they film how they spend time in the house, at the end – how they react to changes. Many episodes are filmed several times.

The only moment that is really filmed once and in the first take is the first entry into the room. “They don’t force you to admire,” says Belkovsky. “They just give instructions before entering about which words are best not to use.”

Not everyone likes the final renovation.“After their renovation, we made our own,” says Anastasia Trofimova, whose nursery was remodeled by the “School of Repair” in 2006. Some parts of the interior were falling off, the walls were not painted.

Not everything was going smoothly for the Belkovskys either. They shortened and welded the battery incorrectly, and a leak appeared. The owners noticed this only after three months. “Despite this, I consider participation in the program a gift from fate,” says Andrey. “It’s rude to complain when you’ve had free repairs done.”


At least three living rooms in an apartment or house. The exception is the Clean Work program.

Freight elevator (if the apartment is not on the first floor).

Electricity, cold and hot water, working plumbing.

Seating for all workers and crew members (15-30 people). If there are not enough, then you need to bring chairs.

The area of ​​the living room must be at least 14 square meters, the kitchen - from 9 square meters.

The room in which they are asking for renovations must be lived in.


Housing problem, NTV

What they are doing: major renovations in the apartment.

How long does it last: 2-2.5 months.

Requirements for the house: within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, preferably a new building
Requirement for an apartment: from 70 square meters, preferably with an atypical layout.
Where to apply:

Dacha answer, NTV

What they are doing: major renovations in a country house.
How long does it last: 1-2.5 months.

House requirement: from 70 square meters, within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road
Where to apply:

School of Repair, TNT

What they are doing: cosmetic renovations in the apartment.
How long does it last: 5-6 days.
Requirements for the house: new building; To get from the metro to the house you could walk in 15 minutes.

Apartment requirements: from 65 square meters.
Where to apply:

Prodecor, TNT

What they do: decorate one of the rooms of the house.
How long does it last: 5 days.
During the finishing process, one of the family members (the one who decided to surprise the other) may be present in the apartment.
Requirements for the house: new building,
Apartment requirements: from 65 square meters, typical layout, ceiling height no more than 4 meters
Where to apply:, you need to attach a two to three minute video about yourself, the room and your wishes for renovation.

Hacienda, Channel One

What they are doing: renovating a room in the country, renovating a gazebo, swimming pool.
How long does it last: 1 month.
Requirements for the house: no further than 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.
Where to apply:

Clean work, REN TV

What they do: renovating rooms in apartments and country houses
How long does it last: 1 month
Requirements for the house: dachas within 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, apartments in Moscow, Podolsk, Khimki, Balashikha and other cities closest to Moscow

Requirements for the apartment: economy class, ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters

Room requirements: from 10 to 50 meters
Where to apply:

And read how they did it for free for a Muscovite!

In one of his songs, Pyotr Mamonov once sang: “We had love, and now it’s repairs.” Indeed, home transformation is always associated with a number of problems that you just need to overcome

In one of his songs, Pyotr Mamonov once sang: “We had love, and now it’s repairs.” Indeed, home transformation is always associated with a number of problems that just need to be overcome. For several years now, Russian television crews have been helping famous people and ordinary viewers in this difficult matter. “TV Program” found out some details about the most popular programs dedicated to designer renovation.

“Ideal Repair” (Channel One)

Source: Instagram

This Channel One project is led by the editor-in-chief of Mezzanine magazine Natasha Barbier. The “Ideal Repair” program started in April 2013. Over the almost three years of the project’s existence, the apartments of Elena Yakovleva, Zoya Zelinskaya, Yana Poplavskaya, Sergei Zhigunov, Dima Bilan, Alexander Oleshko, Tatyana Tarasova, Nikolai Drozdov, Tatyana Dogileva, Edita Piekha and many other famous people were awarded designer renovations. This project is unusual in that the film crew travels to different countries of the world to expand their own and the audience’s ideas about housing design. For example, the creators of “The Perfect Renovation” once visited China - there they thoroughly studied the process of making home furniture. The “Ideal Renovation” team traveled to Europe several times, where the presenter visited the most famous flea markets and purchased unique decorative elements, which were subsequently used to decorate the homes of some project participants. Barbier herself believes that there is no need to do renovations often - in her opinion, there is no need to change the interior of your apartment or house every season in accordance with fashion trends.

"Housing problem"


The first episode of the “Housing Question” program was aired on the NTV channel in 2001. This show is one of the first renovation projects on Russian television. From the very beginning until 2013, the host of the program was Natalya Maltseva. The topic of TV repairs helped attract a large number of advertisers to the project - most of the building materials and tools were provided by sponsors. “The Housing Question” has firmly established itself in the leading positions of television ratings since its broadcast. Many TV viewers who took part in the filming of the show and left their apartments to be “torn apart” by the designers and renovation crew remember with great joy the moment when they received a positive response to their application. During the existence of the program, a large number of apartments of ordinary people were renovated. A distinctive feature of this TV project about renovation is that viewers see the entire process of remodeling an apartment, while the owners are completely unaware of what is happening in their homes until the very end. At the end of each episode, program participants return and accept work. Their emotional reaction is the “highlight” of the “Housing Question” program.

"Repair School"

Source: Instagram

The premiere of the program “School of Repair” took place on the TNT channel. A distinctive feature of this project is that none of the members of the repair team, including foreman San Sanych, are professional builders - they are all actors. The role of San Sanych is played by artist Alexander Grishaev - he helps the program participants prepare a surprise for their family members. TV people take on redecorating an apartment or a separate room without carrying out any serious work related to redevelopment. Alexander Grishaev lives in an apartment renovated in Italian style. The TV presenter loves Italy very much, so when choosing the design of his home, Alexander chose a design typical of apartments in which Italians live.

People often encounter repair work, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly and efficiently.

Do the exterior and interior decoration of the house, change the design of the apartment and its layout - all this can be done with your own hands. TV conversion, the official website will definitely help with this.

What is a TV conversion site?

The official website of peredelka tv is an excellent repair assistant for people who wish to carry out repair work in their home themselves.

The site presents not only master classes by professionals in various fields, but also episodes of two well-known television programs: transfer of housing issueand a dacha answer.

Thanks to the work of the masters, the homes and cottages of the show participants are transformed into real works of art.

Everyone can get acquainted with useful tips in the field of the following types of repair work: repair of the roof, facade, thermal insulation, waterproofing and laying the foundation. Each tip is accompanied by sequential instructions and a photo report. This will allow a person to better understand the important issues of the masters.

What TV programs is the TV remake website based on?

The bulk of the tips and videos posted on the site are the works of directors of two television projects:

  • housing problem - a TV show about renovations, showing the viewer how you can transform an apartment or house beyond recognition with your own hands;
  • dacha answer - a program showing how famous masters transform the dachas of show participants.

Each of the programs has high ratings on television. But people don't have much free time and often have to skip them.

You can now view this or that episode, missed for various reasons, by going to the page peredelaka ru official website. All episodes of the TV shows Dacha Answer and Housing Question will be posted on this page.

Viewers of the show can watch their favorite episodes several times. The site also features an online store where people can purchase various decorative items used in each episode of the show.

What TV channels show these programs?

TV projects dacha answer andhousing issue on NTVchannel airs on weekends. The first one can be seen on Saturday, and the second one on Sunday. Every week, talented architects and designers work on the homes of the project participants. They transform their houses, apartments and dachas beyond recognition. These shows are very popular on Russian television. The latest issue of the housing issue project is posted on the website.

Similar projects of the first channel, created with the support of the site, were “School of Repair”, “Fazenda” and “Ideal Repair”. Every viewer who wants to start making repairs in their apartment can watch the housing issue on NTV and gain some skills in this matter.

TV project “Housing Issue”

The “Housing Question” program is published weekly and shows viewers new ideas from professional builders, architects and designers. The Housing Issue is a unique project that makes people’s dreams come true and turns their homes into cozy and stylish spaces. Each issue is dedicated to the renovation of one of the rooms of the project participants.

The main goal of the program is to show the viewer how to quickly and efficiently make repairs with your own hands. In a housing project, the kitchen, living room, bedroom or other room can be remodeled.

Many people cannot independently redesign their apartment into a comfortable space. For this reason they turn to this show . It’s easy to become a participant in the program - you just need to go toofficial websitetransfershousing issue on NTVand apply for participation. Those wishing to apply must first fill out a form and add a few photographs of the room in need of renovation.

Important! In addition, the application can be sent to: [email protected].

TV show “Dachny answer”

Every Sunday, the NTV channel delights the viewer with a demonstration of a unique and useful show “Dachny Answer”.

Various people turn to the project for help who want to change their dacha, but do not know how, or cannot due to lack of material resources. Anyone can apply to participate in the project.

To do this, you need to go to the official website of the dacha answer project in the application for participation tab. Having filled out the proposed questionnaire, as well as attaching a photo of the dacha, casting participants can send an application and expect results. You can also send your application to the project mailbox.

Cost of participation in projects

People become participants in projects completely free of charge. The organizers of the program themselves choose the people who become them. In order to become one of these lucky ones, you need to fill out a form on the official TV conversion website. Restrictions for participants are:

  • the apartment or house should be located no further than 50 km. from MKAD;
  • all communications must be connected in the house;
  • show participants will have to leave their homes for 2 - 2.5 months.

Housing Issues in Contact daily posts new advice from experts and video TV programs. The dacha answer and housing question on VK allow a person to constantly stay up to date with all the news from the TV show. The most interesting design solutions are published on this page.

Useful video: release of the housing issue

Programs about apartment renovation on TV are a unique opportunity for people not only to receive important advice on renovation, but also the opportunity to become participants in a television show and the owner of high-quality repairs.

Programs that carry out renovations have no shortage of people who want to participate in them. But the chances are only for homeowners in Moscow and the near Moscow region, whose houses have a freight elevator, and they themselves are ready to leave their apartment while the work is going on. And finally, the last, but perhaps most important: the heroes of the program are always sociable, positive people who do not shy away in front of television cameras - modesty in showing emotions is not encouraged here.

Over the 11 years of its existence, the “School of Repair” (TNT) has made over 500 repairs through the hands of construction teams and designers. Some people had their living room upgraded, others got a more functional version of the kitchen, and others got a shabby chic (“shabby chic”) style bedroom.

During this time, only one family took part in the program twice.People with many children living modestly, who captivated the entire film crew with their charm and sincerity, first remodeled the living room, and two years later they renovated the kitchen. In gratitude, the heroes arrived on the set with two pots of... borscht.

But it also happens differently. The chief editor of the program, Tatyana Sashina, recalls how the “School of Repair” worked in the apartment of a married couple - intelligent academicians. They renovated the old kitchen: they made it in the spirit of a French salon, which was what the owner had always dreamed of. In front of the camera, the couple expressed gratitude in every possible way, but two days later the editorial office received a call from a woman: “I want to tell you that now I will take an ax and chop in the kitchen everything that your designer has sculpted!” The concerned editor urgently went to the site of the possible “cutting down” and found out that the lady had recently been visited by friends who, over a cup of tea, gave a verdict: “It’s beautiful, of course, but it looks more like a salon, not a kitchen!” Plus, the designer cut off the rope from the ceiling, on which the intelligent housewife was used to drying clothes.

But most often the neighbors of program participants are unhappy. Some also start repairs in retaliation, others create scandals, and still others call the police without unnecessary noise and dust.

“The police are our old friends,” says the host of the “School of Repair” Alexander Grishaev (San Sanych). “They come, take pictures with us and leave.” (Laughs.) We always warn the heroes: please take it upon yourself to sort things out with your neighbors. But I have a favorite story. On the last day of work, around midnight, the designer remembered that he had not hung 16 paintings on the wall, and therefore 16 holes were needed for them. The foreman picks up a drill... And then

we count each hole drilled and guess at which one the neighbors will knock on the door. Well, we apologize, we explain to people that we are filming, these inconveniences are temporary...

Grishaev himself moved three times in 11 years and renovated his home the same number of times. When you see a renewed interior every week, ideas on how to improve your own home constantly appear.

“You know, sometimes you come to a new facility, see cracks in the ceiling or wallpaper that has long come off, and you think: “Perhaps people have just moved in and haven’t had time to change anything yet,” the TV presenter continues. - But no, it turns out they live like this for years. Because there is a stereotype: renovation is something major, expensive and always lasts for centuries. And now it’s not at all difficult to refresh the interior, and on your own. If you don't know how to glue wallpaper evenly, paint the walls. There is no money for expensive parquet - there are plenty of budget coverings. For example, good old linoleum, which will look like wood. By the way, the new brands have a natural composition - in one of the programs I even ate linoleum made from wood flour and linseed oil. You can easily find an inexpensive version of furniture, and sometimes it’s enough to throw away excess trash - and it turns out how spacious it has become!

The host of the popular program “Ideal Renovation” (Channel One), Natasha Barbier, is sure that the main thing in renovation is a sense of proportion. And he advises: a floral ornament, especially if it is expressive, should be the only one in the interior. If you use it in wallpaper, it is better to make the upholstery and curtains monochromatic, matching in color. If roses are already visible in the decoration and draperies, then you should not add lilies of the valley to the company. And there is no need to be afraid of bright and dark colors: there is nothing more boring than everything “light and beige.”

The program “Ideal Repair” (Channel One) visiting Inna Makarova and her daughter Natalya Bondarchuk. Second from left is presenter Natasha Barbier. Photo: From the personal archive of Natasha Barbier

Bulb for bulldog

Film crews working at the dachas of program subjects face other difficulties. An airplane flying in the sky, the hum of an electric train, the barking of a neighbor's dog - all these and many other natural noises lead to a defective sound. The host of the “Fazenda” program (Channel One) Roman Budnikov can list the nuances of summer filming for a long time. It happens that his 15-second monologue

Half an hour is recorded in front of the camera. The wind is ready to ruffle your hair in the frame or twist a scarf around your neck, the sun will blind you, and there’s no need to talk about rain.

But there are also mistakes that cannot be blamed on the weather.

“We once filmed a story about paint from one of the manufacturers,” the TV presenter recalls. — To clearly demonstrate the product, the cans were placed on a stepladder, and I had to say a short text nearby. I don’t remember for what reason, but suddenly one of the cans fell down - the lawn that had been mowed the day before, the stepladder and, of course, my jeans were covered in paint of a pleasant pistachio color! (Laughs.)

After the broadcast, viewers ask questions: where to buy such a lampshade? where can I get such a sofa? And the host of the “Fazenda” (Channel One) program, Roman Budnikov, was asked where he bought... a shirt. Photo: Press service of Channel One

Now “Fazenda” is in real trouble: someone is building a long-awaited gazebo, someone is getting a veranda, and a landscape designer is working his magic on someone’s property.

“Not so long ago we were doing renovations at the dacha, whose owners live with a bulldog, a powerful dog,” says Budnikov. — I myself, being the owner of a cat, am partial to animals. So, the dog had a banal bed, and our designer made a house for him (we can’t even name it)

booth) under the stairs - with lighting. When the dog enters there, the light automatically lights up. I hope the four-legged hero was satisfied.

Viewers of such programs happily discuss each broadcast on forums and sometimes besiege the presenters with questions: where to buy the lampshade that flashed in the twentieth minute of the program? How did the designers find a cute polka dot sofa for a young couple?

“One day a young man wrote to me on all social networks at once and really wanted to know where I bought the shirt that I was wearing in one of the programs,” recalls Roman Budnikov. “I answered him and named a store located in another city. After some time, he sent me a photo of himself - in exactly the same shirt, surrounded by balloons and with a birthday cake: the guy looked happy.

One day, the designers of the Hacienda program designed and built a “house” for the owner’s bulldog - with electricity and a designer bed. Photo: Press service of Channel One

I would kill you!

But project designers receive not only compliments: “This couple should be burned at the stake and deprived of their diplomas!”, “How can you use such a dark blue color in the kitchen?! It’s clear that white would be more appropriate”, “Toilet stalls instead of wardrobes, and a tree made of polyurethane foam above the bed - it would kill!” — caring viewers are indignant.

Sometimes it is only towards the end of the program that it turns out that the participants and the designers were originally talking about different things. This happened to Irina Muravyova and her husband Leonid Eidlin. In 2007

The renovation was done by the program “Housing Question” (NTV). The star couple was left perplexed: the “Russian-style kitchen with a cozy fireplace” looked completely different from what they had imagined...

“The sight we saw shocked us,” the actress’s husband, Leonid Danilovich, later told reporters. “Our far from small kitchen was turned into a dark closet, dangerous to life.” The only thing my wife could say was the word “Horror!” Instead of the promised fireplace, we received a dummy with a built-in electrical monster that blocked half the space. My priceless tiles (made in real Dutch ovens in 1902) were simply stuck on the walls mixed with four other types of modern tiles. The floors were raised a whole level. This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Our ceiling, to be honest, has become like a floor. By the way, as we were later told, the builders far exceeded the program budget.”

One of the pioneers of the TV repair business is the “Housing Question” program (NTV). Svetlana Nemolyaeva and program presenter Natalya Maltseva. Photo: Press service of NTV channel

When Oksana Kozyreva became the host of the “Dachny Otvet” (NTV) program, she was able to experience all the “delights” of the renovation. The TV presenter had just begun to arrange her home. Despite the opportunity to take advantage of her official position, that is, the advice of the program designers, Oksana clearly decided to rely solely on her own ideas. The master she found through an advertisement did not share most of them; the desire for minimalism seemed to him a mistake.

“The foreman kept repeating that “architecture is frozen music,” so the rush to repair is completely inappropriate,” Oksana recalls, laughing. - By the way, I didn’t tell him that I was hosting a program on TV (I was afraid that the price for services would suddenly rise), but one day the master saw her and shared his impression: “Look at you, so repairs are a hit and miss, and everything is in good order!” He hinted at how clean our builders in the frame are - always in beautiful overalls. Of course, we do not show viewers the whole underside of the work: it is already clear that repairs are a rather troublesome and dirty business.

The project team works on each apartment for one or even two months. The owners do not see how the work is going on.

“We film the reaction of the heroes returning home from the first take,” says Kozyreva. - That's the whole point! Often the faces reflect a range of emotions, but most often - surprise. People don’t realize that from a small room to which they have long been accustomed, they can do something fundamentally different. It happens that they want to bring to life a picture from a magazine about interiors, but in reality they have no idea how to then live in this space. And here a lot depends on the professionalism of the designers.

Most TV viewers do not believe that participation in such projects is free. But that's true.

Firstly, a certain budget is always laid down, and secondly, producers actively cooperate with advertisers.

— Often, even in the finale, when everything is filmed, the hero whispers in my ear: “Do I owe you something?” — says the presenter of the program “Clean Work” (REN TV) Egor Pirogov. “And when you explain once again that it’s absolutely free, people literally cry with joy.” Of course, they try to show their gratitude: “Oh, at least take a jar of jam, guys!” Or: “Well, tell me, what should you pack for the road? Why do you eat so little, my God!” (Laughs.) In the three television seasons that the program has existed, the worst thing for me is when the owners see the premises after renovation and say: “Egor, we have no words!” And that's all! I think this is due to the peculiarities of our mentality: we are quite closed and afraid to express emotions. But when the camera stops filming, people relax and start clapping their hands, jumping for joy - they say, it was indecent to do this on camera, otherwise what will people think?!

The host of the “Clean Work” program (REN TV), Egor Pirogov (left), spent three years renovating his own house. Photo: Press service of the REN TV channel

And the neighbors of Clean Work are surprisingly understanding.

“They are always keenly interested in what is happening,” continues Pirogov, “they are not shy about asking for advice or asking for something: “Orcas, help a lonely grandmother nail a shelf, huh?” Well, how can you refuse?! I myself never refuse advice from friends and acquaintances on where to start renovating a nursery or how to remodel a living room. I can already give a lecture on this topic. Moreover, he spent three years renovating his own house.