Magic signs and symbols. The Most Influential Symbols in Human History

The article gives answers to the most pressing questions that are directly related to magic symbols and their possible interpretation today.

Magical protection of your home from thieves

One of the powerful conspiracies, which will last for a year. Put a candle in each corner of the room, as soon as they burn out to half, read “Sword, fire, spear, prick a pitchfork, burn, chop the enemy, my envious, the thief that comes into the house. It is better not to go to the thief in my house, so as not to know trouble, so that health does not become worse, so that life does not become bad. The road to my house is guarded by angels, these angels stand in the corners. Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel, Angel Uriel, Angel Jehudiel. No one will be allowed into the house, who with evil intentions will come with this and leave. Amen".

What is magical protection?

A method of protecting a person with the help of magic, conspiracies, rituals from various harm.

Magic symbols of white magic and their meaning

There are a huge number of different symbols in white magic. The main ones are:

— Pentagram. One of the main protective signs. A shield that reflects evil spells, turning them to those who wished evil. Helps white mages deal with black mages by closing their powers in a trap. Allows you to acquire the strongest power.

- Talisman of Venus. With its help in white magic, it is possible to achieve harmony and love in relationships. Gives beauty to women to attract men.

- Yin Yang. Ancient symbol. A symbol of harmony, the existence of which can be maintained thanks to two elements, Yin and Yang. The masculine and feminine origins are laid in this sign.

- Celtic cross. It helps to connect the worlds, in a difficult situation it will help to cope with trouble.

- Crystal ball. Used by magicians as a guide to another world.

- A circle. Symbol of unity and integrity. For many white magicians, this sign represents the forces of Mother Earth.

Enoch's magical signs, symbols and their meaning

The Seal of Enoch can hide people from demons.

Magic signs of the Celts and their characteristics

— Valknut. Symbol in the form of an interlacing of three triangles. Symbolizes the transitions between the worlds.

- Celtic knot of protection. The name speaks for itself, protects from all sides from evil spirits, black magic.

— Brigid's knot. Brigit is considered the main female deity of Ireland. First of all, it is a female talisman. It carries a powerful charge of positive energy.

- Hammer of Thor. It symbolizes a lightning strike, a sun wheel. Used for protective purposes.

Magic signs that are drawn on the body, hand and their meaning

The dolphin will bring good luck to its owner.

The spider will protect against diseases, improve health.

Lotus helps to reach great heights.

The sign of infinity will bring financial independence to its owner.

The star will help make life more favorable, bring good luck.

The all-seeing eye is drawn by those who want to have power over the whole world.

Barhomet is a satanic sign.

Magic signs of love, good luck, amulets, objects of black magic and their meaning

The Christian symbol of the trinity, the Sign of Perun, the Seal of Lao Tzu will bring good luck.

The talisman of Venus will bring true love to the life of the owner.

Lunnitsa is a symbol of life and fertility.

The wedding man is a guardian of the newlyweds for a long and happy life.

In black magic, natural parts are most often used, such as hair, clothing, nails, photographs.

Magical protection for the home and yourself, children, witches

Such protection is placed on the threshold, near the windows. Speak water “Clean water, protect, save from evil eyes, tongues. May all evil be reflected from you. Amen". Spray the threshold, door, windows with this water.

Magic signs for attracting money and good luck, losing weight, bringing wealth

Runa Fehu, a frog with a coin in its mouth will bring wealth and good luck.

Runa Isa-Kano-Dagaz will help you lose weight, stick to a diet.

Magical protection after removing damage

Magic signs of protection from evil, dark forces and in the form of a swastika how to put, make and how it works

A circle containing the heads of two wolves.

Symbols Algiz and Nautiz have protection from evil.

You can make amulets that will be constantly nearby.

Or choose the option with a tattoo, these include: the catcher again, the eye of the mountain, the black sun.

Magic symbols of the angels of the moon

Every day has its own angel, each angel has its own symbol.

Avdala, Valsar, Cardo, Fupres, Rapel, Lovkor, Fezhala, Dytola, Yumas, Yanas, Norot, Dorol, Pagrus, Musaf, Kovas, Zenor, Nedo, Fel, Somen, Malara, Fersas, Gibera, Tiba, Rosalya, Anvar, Saden, Mater, Vashet, Vydash.

Magic protection reiki sign

The sign of Cho Ku Rei has the magical power of protection. This is the first symbol of Reiki. With the help of this symbol, you can both clear space and pump it with strength.

Magic symbols of the ancient Slavs, Slavonic Aryans

The altar is a symbol of the unity of the Light families.

Belobog is a symbol of good luck, goodness, unity.

Veles is a symbol of prosperity, wealth.

The star of the cross is a symbol of good luck, the path to success, the intended goal.

Magic protection bottle with iron

The so-called Witch's bottle is a bottle filled with various ingredients, including an iron-filled variant. With the help of various spells, you can achieve some success.

Magic protection with blackout

Take a candle, light it on both sides. Rotate around its axis along with a lit candle, the wax will drip onto the floor. Say 5 times “I close my eyes to my enemy, I hide, I close. I put a cover of impenetrability, I close myself from any enemy, an evil person. Amen".

Magic protection of pets

To protect the animal from the evil eye, cut off the hair from the head and the hair from the tail. Roll into melted wax. Hide this ball in the house so that no one can find it.

Magic signs triangle in a circle

Triple Tau - represents the line beyond which holiness ends, and within is the spiritual center.

Seal of Solomon - a symbol of power over matter, Gives you the opportunity to dodge over the genies.

Barhomet - an inverted pictogram symbolizes involvement in Satanism.

Magic protection of the workplace

Best done on a Sunday evening. After filling a transparent glass with water, sprinkle some salt. “Angel save my soul, save my body. I urge you to help me, to take away the evil eye, damage from me. So that in this place there was only a career. Amen".

What is the Gebo rune and who needs it You can always carry it with you. More often they are worn around the neck, like a pendant or put in a pocket. It is not necessary to disturb her and ask her for something, because she would ...

19.08.2013, 23:47



Many modern people surround themselves with various anti-Christian or directly satanic or magical symbols without even knowing it. Many believers do not realize that they are going to a church with a symbol, such as "churches of Satan"; on the shirt. Young people are surprised when they find out that certain fashion icons are a symbol of the struggle against Christ and the Church, a sign of devil worship. Understanding the limited knowledge on this topic, I will try to tell you about the most common in modern pop culture mystical and magical symbols, and understand their meaning.

Varies with time and culture the meaning of mystical and magical symbolism.

1. RING OF ATLANTS (Sign of Atlantes)
This is most often the ring of the Atlanteans - a metal ring with poured images of rectangular geometric shapes. The sign consists of three rectangles located in the center. On the sides of these figures are three smaller rectangles, as well as isosceles triangles that complete the whole composition.
The history of this Atlantean ring comes from Egypt. In 1860, the French Egyptologist Pierre d'Agrain found a ring with a similar image during excavations, but this symbol did not correspond to Egyptian culture, then the researchers began to attribute it to the mythological civilization of the Atlanteans, whose heirs they considered the ancient Egyptians.
According to ancient Greek legends, the mythical Atlantis was located on the sea islands and was completely flooded as a result of an unknown natural disaster. This performance has always attracted the attention of lovers of magic and seekers of secret knowledge. The ring and symbol of the Atlanteans immediately became popular among esotericists and psychics (Roger de Lafforest, de Belizal), who began to explore it and "discover" miraculous properties. But in order for this item to take effect, it is necessary to perform special magical rituals. After the appropriate performance of all the rites, the person cannot pass the ring on to others, it is, as it were, "tied" to it.
The modern fashion for Atlantean rings is associated with the active work of esotericists, in line with the well-known ideology of the New Age (New Age), which seeks to unite all beliefs, religions and magic, subordinating them to some kind of magic worship of the forces of nature. Obviously, the ideology of the New Age is in conflict with Christianity and other world religions, which believe that a person who wears this Atlantean ring and accepts the New Age violates God's first commandment, rejecting Christ as the only Savior and Guardian of man.

2. PACIFIC (Nero's Cross; Chicken's Paw; Broken Cross, Peaceful, Peaceful)
One of the most popular symbols in the modern world. He imagines
a circle divided by a line passing through the middle to the center of the circle, where it branches into two lines that go to the sides at right angles. Researchers claim that the Pacific came to us from ancient India. The cross broken in the form of an inverted "Y" (Om and Aum) has a deep esoteric meaning. This sacred sign for Hinduism, Buddhism and Brahmanism symbolizes Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - as the divine embodiment of the rudiments of the creative, preserving and destroying. It is with Om that many prayers and spells begin. Szandor LaVey, the founder of the modern Church of Satan, began to use this symbol in the rites of the black mass, orgies, and also to decorate the devil's altar. He claimed that the "sign of the pacific" has always been the beloved symbol of the Satanists. The ritual of admitting new members to this community involves the public breaking of the cross, as a sign of breaking all ties with Christianity. After that, a broken cross is hung around the recruit's neck as a sign of reconciliation with Satan.
In the history of Europe, a similar sign of the Pacific can be found among the symbols of the ancient Celts, as well as the symbols of runic writing (the Algiz rune). The sign of the cross with branches depicted upwards symbolized a person (raising his hands to the sky), and inverted - the kingdom of the dead, the lower worlds. In medieval sources, this pacific symbol was called a chicken paw or a witch's foot. This sign also adorned Muslim banners during their attack on Spain in 711.
In general, the spread of the pacific, in the modern world, is associated with the name of the philosopher B. Russell (B. Russel), an activist of the "Communist Teachers League of England" and the Masonic lodge "Fabian Society", at his request in the 1950s, the lawyer Gerald Holtom should was to invent a sign that would become a symbol of all the "left" fighters for peace. Geralt Holt used the cross of Nero, after which the American movement (hippies), generously funded by the Soviet Union, began to promote this symbol under the slogan: "make love, not war!" (Make love, not war) Especially this sign began to be identified with pacifism after a loud demonstration at the British center for the development of atomic energy (Aldermaston, 1958), pacifists say that this symbol means the composition of the letters "N" and "D" as the slogan of the struggle for nuclear disarmament (nuclear disarmament) , and the circle symbolizes the world. Hippies saw in this sign a rose or a fist that breaks weapons. Interestingly, the activation of the pacifist movement, the development of the hippie subculture, was accompanied by a passion for Satanism. LaVey was a guru for many hippies as a fighter for sexual freedom, extreme hedonism and anarchism.
The example of a pacific sign shows how an esoteric or satanic sign can be disguised as a symbol of the struggle for peace. Some argue that this particular cross was used by Nero as a symbol of the persecution of Christians (hence one of the names of this symbol), but there is no historical evidence for this.

3. CROSS WITH A LOOP (ANK, Onk, Ankch, Egyptian cross, ankh)
This ankh sign is so similar to the Christian cross that many people mistake it for the sign of Christ the Savior. In fact, the ANC has its origins in ancient Egypt, where this hieroglyph was considered a symbol of life, fertility, and reincarnation. This is a symbol of the god Ra (the god of the Sun), whose worship was expressed in sexual orgies - a symbol of fertility (the sun as a source of fertility). Therefore, the ANC is often called the "Egyptian cross of life." The horizontal line of the symbol, forming a loop, means the rising sun, and the vertical line means the rays. These lines are also interpreted as a symbol of the elements of the male (the vertical line is a phallic sign) and the female (the horizontal loop-line is a symbol of female fertility). The combination of these two elements is interpreted as a symbol of the regeneration of life through conception, birth and reincarnation.
The ankh is also a symbol of sexual promiscuity and contempt for virginity. Many contemporary occult groups use it as a talisman. The sign of Ankh can be seen on Tarot cards, on images of Egyptian pyramids and mummies, as a symbol on the cover of albums of some rock musicians.

4. SCARAB BEETLE (holy beetle, kheper)
In ancient Egyptian mysticism, the dung beetle was a symbol of reincarnation. "Heper" means "to be", "to be realized". The very graphic form of the scarab beetle was considered divine by the Egyptians. They believed that he multiplied from himself. Hence the belief in his divinity. According to beliefs, an amulet with a scarab helps a person to be reborn to eternal life.
In occultism, the scarab beetle has become a symbol of Beelzebub (Satan) - the lord of the flies. To wear a scarab means to have strength, to be protected from other bad, occult forces.

8. YIN AND YANG (Ying Yang)
This is an ancient Chinese symbol, meaning the metaphysical (absolute) dualism of reality.
Splitting into black and white parts, separated, as if by an inverted letter "S", means the opposite of the primary elements of the Universe, which differ, but at the same time mutually complement themselves to unity. The black element (yin) symbolizes femininity, the passivity of reality, and the white (yang) symbolizes its masculine, dominance. Yin and Yang are considered two energies that circle around two poles, passing from one to the other. This variability of the opposite elements of the universe is seen as a continuous source of movement, life, fertility, change.
The duality of the elements of nature was known to many ancient cultures, contributing to the development of medicine, physics, and esotericism. The doctrine of the dualism of the universe is one of the fundamental principles of the teachings of the New Age. Proponents of this doctrine argue that the complementarity of opposite elements ascends from the simplest elements to the highest spheres, where Everything merges into Everything. New Age, striving for a synthesis (mixing into one) of all religions, teaches that God and Lucifer are complementary, are just manifestations of the same Divinity. Good and evil are only vibrations of the same field. This teaching is well known in history as Neoplatonism and its offshoots. Christian teaching considers belief in the dualism of reality absolutely unacceptable. There is only one absolute (mandatory) element - God, and the devil is just a creation, a secondary element, optional.

9. PENTAGRAM (five-pointed star, star of Solomon, star of Pythagoras, star of Isis)
The pentagram is one of the most important symbols of the occult and Satanism. It's a five pointed star
inscribed in a circle. The secluded end of the star symbolizes the spirit directed to heaven (up) or hell (down). Other edges symbolize the presence of man in the natural world. The four ends of the star are the four main elements: wind, fire, earth and water. The full star symbolizes man (generally) who balances between heaven (upper end) and earth-nature (other 4 ends). Some see a human figure in a five-pointed star (the 4th end of the star is the arms and legs of a person, and the upper end is the head). The circle around the star is interpreted as a mystical, defensive shell of a person.
This is one of the most common symbols in human history. The oldest pentagrams found in ancient Ur (the center of the Mesopotamian civilization) are dated 3500 BC. BC. It is believed that this symbol was used as a royal seal. The five-pointed star can be found in pagan, Hebrew, ancient Christian symbolism. Currently, this symbol is widely used in magic, the occult, satanism.
Among the ancient pagans, this symbol was known as the symbol of the goddess Kori, the apple, as the fruit of this goddess, divided in half, contains a "pentagram" in its core. The ancient Pythagoreans considered the pentagram a symbol of perfection, being carried away by the proportions of this sign. They used this symbol as their identification mark. The ancient Celts considered the pentagram a symbol of the goddess of the dungeon - Morgan. The symbolism of the number "5" was very much inscribed in the Celtic and, later, Irish culture.
Among ancient Christians, the five-pointed star was known as a symbol of truth and mysticism. This symbol was often identified with the Star of Bethlehem or the Star of the Three Kings. Christians saw in the star, a symbol of the five wounds of Christ (on the pierced arms, legs and side). Some researchers say that King Solomon used the pentagram as a weapon from evil spirits. It is also believed that Emperor Constantine used this symbol as a seal and a defensive sign from evil spirits. And medieval knights saw in the star a symbol of the five knightly virtues: generosity, courage, worship of the lady of the heart, courage and piety.
Researchers say that the attitude of Christians to the pentagram began to change under the influence of the Inquisition. This symbol was considered a symbol of the Templars, who, in addition to the Inquisitors, used the pentagram as a symbol of the demon Baphomet.
In the symbolism of magic and the occult, the pentagram has a very rich content. A star without a circle means internal decay, conflict, struggle. The five ends of the star are a symbol of: 1) the five bodily senses of a person; 2) five worlds (physical, aesthetic, astral, mental and spiritual); 3) five Chinese elements (4 natural elements and the spirit that controls them). In the neo-pagan cults of Wicca ("Wicca" (ch.) means "sorceress"), especially in its Gardnerian tradition, an inverted pentagram in a circle is considered a symbol of a high level of secret initiation. This is one of the most important symbol of magic, the embodiment of the earth, matter, as well as the gate to the astral world (window of demons). The star in the latter meaning is used by various energy therapists, psychics, warlocks, etc.
The pentagram is considered one of the most important symbols of the Freemasons. According to Masonic beliefs, the five-pointed star symbolizes a person (adam-eve) who is reborn (a symbol of pagan initiative humanism). Some call the regular pentagram the symbol of the "good Lucifer" and the inverted pentagram (Baphomet) the symbol of the "bad Satan" (samael-lilith). The transition from one form of the pentagram to another occurs through a rotation of 33 degrees. In Masonic symbolism, the number "33" crosses all levels of initiation. Freemasons use the pentagram in occult practices, ceremonial magic, and also as a symbol of social struggle (communist star). Leon Trotsky - Bronstein, a member of the Great East Masonic Lodge, who knew well the esoteric meaning of the pentagram, proposed it as a symbol of communism. Modern Freemasons often associate the pentagram symbol with the symbolism of the "G" monogram.
This sign is also used by many rock musicians (Motley Crue, Danzig, Morbid Angel, etc.), as well as in computer games, trendy films and shows.
From the point of view of Christianity, the five-pointed star itself does not carry absolute negative symbolism.

10. BAPHOMET (star from the head of a goat)
This is the most important symbol of Satanists. Represents the head of a goat inscribed in a circle.
The five extreme points of the head form a downward pentagram. Sometimes various runic symbols or words are written in these points or in a circle. The two upper ends of the star (horns of the goat) symbolize the eternal dualism of the universe: good and evil. The separate end of the star, pointing down, points to hell and expresses the essence of Satanism: denial, objection, inversion (opposition to Christianity). The circle in the symbol expresses protection from the influence of other demons, as well as power and eternity. In many magical or satanic rituals, participants must be inside the circle. Both the pentagram and the baphomet are used among the main symbols of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star (MOES). This sign is used by various musicians (Venom, Slayer, etc.), as well as by anyone who sympathizes with Satanism.

11. SWASTIKA (twisted cross)
An equilateral cross with ends bent (intertwined) at a right angle to the left was common in ancient Hindu and Celtic cultures, symbolizing the sun and fire. The intertwined ends of the cross meant four winds, four seasons, four directions of the world. The very name "swastika" is translated from Sanskrit as "bringing happiness." Some believe that this term was synonymous with the word "talisman". The oldest images of the swastika date back (about 100,000 years ago). Different nations have their own swastika names: "gammadion", "croix", "Hakenkreuz", fylfot;…...
The swastika, twisted ends to the right, seems to repeat the movement of the Sun and symbolizes solar (solar) cults. As a symbol of pagan gods, she was considered a symbol of fertility, happiness. The swastika, twisted to the left, is a symbol of the night, magic, the bad goddess Kali (India). I must say that the swastika belongs to those symbols, the meaning of which has changed greatly depending on time and culture.
The oldest Indian swastikas date back to 3.5 - 2.5 thousand years BC. To this day, they adorn Hindu sacred books. After the emergence of Buddhism, the swastika was also called "footprints of the Buddha." The swastika was used by ancient American tribes as a solar sign. Ancient Jewish synagogues in Africa and Palestine also had a swastika in their ornaments. Among the ancient Slavs, this symbol was known as "svarytsa" (from the god Svarog) or "cycle" and was associated with solar cults. The Germanic tribes had a three-pointed swastika (triskelion). It can still be found among ornaments, for example, in Sicily.
However, to modern man, the swastika is most associated with Hitler's Nazism. It is believed that the Nazi swastika originates from German Masonic organizations. In 1914, this symbol was first publicly used by the youth organization "Wandervogel" as a symbol of German nationalism. In 1918, the German organization "Thule" arose (the name is associated with an island discovered in the North Sea in the 4th century BC, which Ptolemy considered the end of the world). It was the Bavarian lodge of the old Russian Freemasons of the Order of the Germans. This organization was led by "baron Sebottendorf" (real name - Adam Glauer), a German businessman and traveler, an honorary citizen of Turkey, "master of the Rosicrucian Order". This man, by the way, financed the development of German gas weapons, which were used in the 1st World War. The organization he controlled used the swastika as a special sign. In 1920, Dr. Friedrich Krohn, a member of Thule, a well-known occultist, proposed the swastika to Hitler as a symbol of National Socialism. The swastika in a white circle on a red background symbolized the idea of ​​movement (red - society, white - nationalism, swastika - the victorious struggle of the Aryans). Interestingly, according to the Kron project, the swastika was traditionally broken (to the left), but Hitler ordered its ends to be turned to the right, which symbolized protest, spiritual death and black magic. In 1946, after the defeat of the Nazis, the swastika was banned. But to this day it is used as a symbol of racists and Nazis.

12. Symbol TRIANGLE
Multi-valued symbol. In some sense (necessarily directed upwards) is used by Christians as a symbol of the Virgin. Trinity. In other meanings, it is popular among Freemasons and occultists. A triangle pointing up is a symbol of masculinity, and pointing down is a symbol of femininity. Accordingly, these signs are considered symbols of fire or water, good or evil spirits. When two opposite triangles are connected, a Hexagram appears - a new and rich symbol in meaning.

13. HEXAGRAM (Six-pointed star; Seal of Solomon; Star of David)
One of the most important symbols of the occult, which is widely used to summon demons. Occultists pay attention to the fact that this sign consists of two triangles turned in the opposite direction. This combination of triangles symbolizes the interaction of opposites for the sake of continuing life. The hexagram, as the "seal of Solomon", was used by the Jews, but had no occult meaning. This symbol acquired magical or occult meaning under the influence of Kabbalah. Like many other symbols mentioned here, the hexagram is used in tarot cards and other subjects of the occult. By Soona
The symbol "Eye of Horus" (Horus) was borrowed by occultists from the religion of ancient Egypt. The right eye of Horus symbolized activity and the future, while the left eye symbolized passivity and the past. The combination of these two symbols symbolizes omniscience and omnipotence. Both in ancient Egypt and in the occult, the Eye of Horus is advertised as a protector from bad influences, a restorer of health and a new vision of life. However, in fact, the eyes of Horus mean a special "window"; for dead souls (the channel of their contact with the world) and the gate of reincarnation. Modern occultism sees in the symbol Lucifer - the ruler of the underworld. His half-closed Eye signifies that despite the erroneous opinion of some that Satan does not see them, he is watching everything intently.

This symbol was borrowed by occultists and satanists from ancient Germanic mythology, where it meant a sacrificial goat. Researchers also associate this symbol with the Templars, who allegedly used it. Some associate this symbol with the widely used Baphomet head symbol. Satanists see it as a mockery of Christ's sacrifice, the Paschal Lamb.
This is clearly a satanic symbol.

The left palm with folded fingers (little fingers and forefinger) in the form of goat horns is a sign of welcome among Satanists and occultists.
The use of the left hand means: 1) negativism, opposition to goodness (the right hand is a symbol of kindness and reconciliation); 2) a free right hand means readiness to fight, strike. Some in this symbol see an imposition on the symbols of the "Goat's Head"; and Baphomet. On the cover of the satanic bible with this sign is a photo of ASLaVey (the founder of the satanic church). The horned palm is widely used in the symbolism of various music shows, especially heavy metal, as a sign of promoting negativism. Often this sign in the form of an image or photo can be found on clothes, youth shirts.
For Christians, this sign is absolutely unacceptable, as it has an unambiguous satanic and occult meaning.
In the Christian environment, some use the sign of the right palm with the index and middle fingers extended as a symbol of Christ's victory over death and Satan. Horned fingers form the letter "V" ("victoria" (lat.) - victory). These two fingers, folded (closed), are also used as a symbol of the dual nature of Christ-God and Man.

17. WINGED DISC (solar ball; twisted horns of a ram; twisted snakes; winged ball)
It is a symbol of occult power. It is known in ancient Egypt as a symbol of the sun god - Ra. Often this sign is combined with the sign of the falcon (the solar symbol of the god Horus). For the Egyptians, falcon wings symbolized the Earth in the solar system. Interestingly, in the Hebrew language "ra" is translated as "to turn good into nothing." The winged ball is used in tarot cards, magical practices, as well as on the covers of music albums of groups associated with the occult or satanism.

It is a symbol of sexual freedom and promiscuity. Widely used by New Age propagandists, as well as feminists who are fighting for the abolition of gender differences. According to symbolism, the rallying of two horns into one means the complete erasure of the differences between men and women. Therefore, it is used by propagandists of feminism, homosexuality, promiscuity and deviation.

Known until recently as a symbol of Islam, it has recently gained a strong satanic meaning. Satanists and occultists use this sign in spells of various types as a symbol of Diana (goddess of the moon) and Lucifer (morning star).

20. PYRAMID WITH A FALCON'S HEAD (Messenger of Lucifer)
This symbol is common among occultists, Freemasons and Satanists. The sign combines many elements of old pagan symbols (pyramid, falcon). Carries the meaning of the Masonic "universal god".
According to Christian traditions, wearing means discarding faith in God, the Bible (with all the ensuing consequences) and confessing faith in the "universal god" invented by the Freemasons, whose cult often hides the cult of Satan.

The symbol is often found in the mysticism of the ancient East. Widely used by modern occultists and Satanists, who use this sign under the influence of the biblical story of Satan "falling from heaven like lightning." It is a symbol of the power of Satan the destroyer. Under the influence of the occultists, this sign was used by Nazi punishers ("SS" death departments). Now this symbol is widely used by skinheads, musicians (KISS, Black Sabbath, AC / DC, etc.)..

22. SIGN OF THE BEAST (666; F; three rings)
Four different symbols encoded for the "Mark of the Beast" known from the biblical book of Apocalypse. According to the symbolism of the Holy Scriptures, the number "6" means incompleteness (in contrast to "7" - a symbol of perfection). The use of the symbol "F" is due to the fact that in the Latin alphabet it is the sixth letter in a row. The use of three paired wheels (rings) means a combination of rounded three sixes.
The book of the Apocalypse says that people will wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads and on their hands. This is, as it were, a contrast to what the Bible says about God's sign, which will also be on the forehead and on the hand. The researchers explain the sign of God on the forehead as the acceptance of a certain type of thinking (devotion to God), and the sign on the hand as a practical implementation of the way of thinking. Likewise, the same meaning will be reversed on those who take the mark of the beast (in thought and action).
Concerning the very figures "666"; researchers (eg Wallace) note that from the point of view of translation accuracy, this sign should be understood not as a symbol of man, but of humanity (the human race). But this argument can be weakened by the thesis that "humanity"; in this context, it can express a certain person (the best representative of the human race). Unfortunately, sensationalists throughout history have used this symbolic number for profitable interpretations.
To dispel the unhealthy fear of this figure, it is worth noting that many researchers point to the oldest manuscripts of the Apocalypse (for example, the manuscript "C"), where the number "616" is written, and not "666". Interestingly, with a certain interpretation algorithm, both the number "616" and "666"; can be translated from old Gabreyan as "Caesar Nero". For some scholars, this is a sufficient argument to argue that Nero was a type of the future Antichrist. But other researchers criticize this as a stretch, where instead of a clearly symbolic understanding of the number, attempts are made to interpret it literally. This position is supported by an argument from the further text of the book, where John draws attention to the need for the mind and wisdom to comprehend the number, which would mean the need for spiritual discernment, not calculation (Michaels, Hendricksen).
History and research show that attempts (in this case) to translate digital symbols into letter correspondences are absurd and interpretive exaggerations. It is enough to turn on the imagination and you can compose hundreds of words and phrases, which, as a result of arbitrary juggling with Greek, Latin or Hebrew, will “reveal the real name of the Antichrist” to you.
"Mark of the Beast"; turned out to be an ideal symbol for expressing protest or hatred against Christianity. Therefore, this sign in modern culture is perceived unambiguously as anti-Christian. You can not exaggerate its meaning (it's just a symbol). But one should also not play along with those who use any excuse to show their disrespect for Christ.

According to the occultists, this symbol expresses an infinite and lasting unity with the forces of the cosmos. Due to its occult nature, possibly associated with evil spirits, the sign should not be worn by Christians.

One of the main symbols of "New Age". As a caterpillar twists into a cocoon, transforms and emerges from there like a butterfly, so, according to the belief of the New Era, humanity passes from a past era into a new one. This means that the butterfly is a symbol of the new humanity of the future, which will live according to the principles of the "New Age", and the caterpillar is a symbol of the old, bad, traditional humanity.
The symbol of a stylized moth is often found in films, books, jewelry.

25. UDYAT (all-seeing eye)
This is the all-seeing eye of Lucifer - the ruler of the underworld. An eye that is not completely closed means that it sees everything and follows the person. Often a tear is drawn on the eye, which symbolizes the cry of an evil spirit over those who do not want to succumb to it. It is promoted by various musicians associated with magic, the occult or Satanism. This symbol can be found in various films, magazines, album covers and publications for children.

A symbol of rejection of any principles and laws.
Initially, this sign was used among anarchically inclined fans of "punk rock" and then - "hard rock". Now it is a ubiquitous symbol of supporters of the ideology of anarchy.

This is the symbol of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. Recently, it has been promoted by supporters of Satanism all over the world, among which there are many rock musicians (for example, Duran, Seven and the Ragged Tigen, etc.)..

28. TOLERANCE (religious tolerance; tolerance)
A symbol that is used by Freemasons and supporters of the "New Age" movement to express their teachings about religious syncretism (mixing), the alignment of all religions, in order to create a super religion of the New Age, where all differences will be erased, and a new, undefined faith will arise. This symbol adorns the Grand Masonic Lodge of Israel.


Due to the fact that Freemasonry is a very heterogeneous and ambiguous ideological movement,
Let's look at just a few of the most common:

1. The cord is a sign of Masonic unity.
2. Triangle and compass - a symbol of the ability to manage people.
3. Hammer - a symbol of power, will, action. Masonic meetings begin and end with a hammer blow.
4. Hammer and chisel - a symbol of the face processing process.
5. Eye in a triangle ("Delta", "Logos", "Principle of Creation", "Great Architect of the Universe") - in contrast to the Christian symbol of "God's Providence", Masons use a similar symbol as a sign of God the Architect, or - in the case satanic Masons - as the eye of Satan, which controls everything (Adam Weishaupt; Sanctification lodge, etc.).
6. Compasses - a symbol of humane love, the union between the mind and knowledge (exact sciences).
7. Compasses and square - the symbolism of the tie to the sign of the hexagram (two triangles).
8. A dot (point) in a circle (circle) is a symbol of the temporary limitation of the Freemason, as well as a sign of a phallic cult.
9. A fiery star is a symbol of free thought.
10. Acacia, as well as the Lebanese cedar - a symbol of immortality, the Masonic desire for light.
11. The letter "G" is a symbol of the great deity, as well as geometry and perfection. This is a monogram of symbolic terms: geometry, genius, generation, gravity, gnosis. All of these five symbolic terms are often framed by Freemasons in the form of a five-pointed star. For Scottish Freemasons, this symbol means the Masonic god.

Presented here are some of the currently popular symbols that show how careful people should be about signs and jewelry worn by…

Symbols are the most international and timeless language. We see them every day and roughly know what they mean. However, symbols in the course of their thousand-year history could change their meaning to the opposite.

Yin Yang

Appearance time: According to the well-known Russian orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexei Maslov, the yin-yang symbolism may have been borrowed by the Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries: “they were attracted by Buddhist drawn symbols - and Taoism had its own“ mandala ”: the famous black and white“ fish "yin and yang".

Where used: The concept of yin-yang is the key to Taoism and Confucianism, the doctrine of yin-yang is one of the foundations of traditional Chinese medicine.

Values: In the Book of Changes, yang and yin were used to express light and dark, hard and soft. In the process of development of Chinese philosophy, yang and yin increasingly symbolized the interaction of extreme opposites: light and darkness, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, and so on.

Initially, "yin" meant "northern, shady", and "yang" - "southern, sunny slope of the mountain." Later, "yin" was perceived as negative, cold, dark and feminine, and "yang" as positive, bright, warm and masculine.

Being the main (fundamental) model of everything that exists, the concept of yin-yang reveals two provisions that explain the nature of Tao. First, everything is constantly changing. Secondly, opposites complement each other (there can be no black without white, and vice versa). The purpose of human existence, therefore, is the balance and harmony of opposites. There can be no "final victory" because there is nothing final, there is no end as such

Magen David

Appearance time: It is authentically known that the hexagram was widely used in the Bronze Age (end of IV-beginning of III millennium BC) on a vast territory: from India to the Middle East.

Where used: In ancient India, the hexagram was called Anahata or Anahata-chakra. The six-pointed star was known in the ancient Near and Middle East. In the Islamic tradition, in Mecca, the main Muslim shrine - the Kaaba - is traditionally covered with a silk coverlet, which depicts hexagonal stars.
They began to associate the six-pointed star with Jewry only in the Middle Ages, and in medieval Arabic books the hexagram is found much more often than in Jewish mystical works, and for the first time images of the hexagram appear in Jewish sacred books in Muslim countries, only in the XIII century reaching Germany. The six-pointed star is found on the flags of the Muslim states of Karaman and Kandara.

There is an assumption that the hexagram was a family symbol of the family of David al-Roi, who lived in Iran, one of the contenders for the role of Mashiach. This is sometimes used to explain the origin of the accepted name of the hexagram: Magen David, or "David's shield".

The Rothschild family, having received the title of nobility, included Magen David in their family coat of arms. Heinrich Heine put a hexagram instead of a signature under his newspaper articles. Subsequently, it was adopted as a symbol of the Zionist movement.

Values: In India, the Anahata hexagram symbolized the attic chakra, the intersection of the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) principles. In the Middle and Near East, the hexagram was a symbol of the goddess Astarte. The six-pointed star is included in the symbolism of Kabbalah: two triangles superimposed on each other are considered as a visual symbol of the Sefirot.

In the twenties of the twentieth century, Franz Rosenzweig interpreted Magen David as a symbolic expression of his philosophical ideas about the meaning of Judaism and the relationship between Gd, man and the universe.

The connection of the six-pointed star with the Jews was finally established as a result of Nazi policy in Germany. Yellow Magen David has become a symbol of the Holocaust.


Appearance time: The exact time of appearance of the caduceus is unknown. Obviously, this is a very ancient symbol. It is also found on the monuments of Ancient India and Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia and Sumer, Ancient Greece, Iran, Rome and even Mesoamerica.

Where used: Caduceus - and today one of the most common symbols in heraldry. In the form of a caduceus, there was a rod of heralds among the Greeks and Romans (the rod of Hermes). When they were sent to the enemy camp, the caduceus was a guarantee of their immunity.

In the occult, the caduceus is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death.

Since the 19th century, the image of the caduceus has often been used in a number of countries (for example, in the USA) as a symbol of medicine, which is the result of a common mistake due to its resemblance to the staff of Asclepius.

The image of the caduceus as an attribute of the god of commerce is traditionally used in the symbols of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in a number of countries around the world, including Russia.
Before the revolution and in several periods after it, crossed caduceuses were used as a customs emblem.

Today, the caduceus, crossed with a torch, is included in the emblem of the Federal Customs Service and is one of the heraldic symbols of arbitration courts, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Since September 2007, the caduceus has been used in the emblem of the Russian Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
In heraldry, the caduceus was used in the historical emblems of the following cities of the Russian Empire: Balta, Verkhneudinsk, Yeniseisk, Irbit, Nezhin, Taganrog, Telshev, Tiflis, Ulan-Ude, Feodosia, Kharkov, Berdichev, Talny.

Meaning: The stem of the caduceus is symbolically associated with the tree of life, the axis of the world, and the snakes are with the cyclical rebirth of Nature, with the restoration of the universal Order when it is violated.

The snakes on the caduceus indicate a hidden dynamic in what is outwardly stable, they symbolize two multidirectional flows (up and down), the connection of heaven and earth, God and man (the wings on the caduceus also indicate the connection of heaven and earth, spiritual and material) - everything that is born on earth comes from heaven and, after going through the path of trials and suffering, gains life experience, must rise to heaven.

It is said about Mercury that with his staff - which has since been considered a symbol of peace, harmony - he separated two fighting snakes. Fighting snakes are a mess, chaos, they need to be divided, that is, to distinguish, see opposites and unite, overcome them. Then, having united, they will balance the Axis of the world, and around it from Chaos the Cosmos, harmony will be created. Truth is one, and in order to arrive at it, one must follow the straight road, which is symbolized by the axis of the caduceus.

Caduceus in the Vedic tradition is also interpreted as a symbol of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini. Wrapping around the central axis, the snakes are connected at seven points, they are associated with the chakras. Kundalini, Serpent Fire, sleeps in the base chakra, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Shushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals - Pingala (this is the right, masculine and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).


Appearance time: It is not known for certain, but researchers suggest that even during the life of the apostles, that is, in the 1st century. This symbol has been found in Christian tombs since the 3rd century AD.

Where used: The most famous use of the symbol is on the labarum, the state banner of imperial Rome. The symbol was first introduced by Emperor Constantine the Great after he saw the sign of the cross in the sky on the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312).

The labarum of Constantine had a chrysm at the end of the shaft, and on the very cloth there was an inscription: lat. Hoc vince The first mention of the labarum is found in Lactantius (d. c. 320).

Values: Chrism is a monogram of the name of Christ, which consists of two initial Greek letters of the name (Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΌΣ) - Χ (chi) and Ρ (ro), crossed with each other. The Greek letters α and ω are often placed along the edges of the monogram. They go back to the text of the Apocalypse: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and was and is to come, the Almighty."

A number of later researchers saw in the letters P and X, enclosed in a circle, the ancient pagan symbol of the Sun. For this reason, Protestants generally do not recognize the labarum as an original Christian symbol.

Appearance time: The symbol itself appeared during the formation of the syllabic alphabet of the Devanagari letter (“divine city letter”), that is, in the VIII-XII centuries.

Where used: "Om" as a symbol denoting the sacred sound "Om" is used in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Shaivism, Vishnuism, yogic practices. Currently, "Om" has already become part of pop culture, it is applied as a print on clothes, tattoos are made. "Om" is featured on George Harrison's albums, the mantra "Om" is used in the chorus of The Beatles' "Across the Universe" and in the soundtrack to the movie "The Matrix" in Juno Reactor's "Navras"

Values: In the Hindu and Vedic tradition, "Om" is a sacred sound, the original mantra, the "word of power." Often interpreted as a symbol of the divine triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
In Hinduism, "Om" symbolizes the three sacred texts of the Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, in itself is a sacred mantra from the very beginning, symbolizing Brahman. Its three components (A, U, M) traditionally symbolize Creation, Maintenance and Destruction - the categories of the cosmogony of the Vedas and Hinduism.

In Buddhism, the three sounds of the word "Om" can represent the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, the Three Bodies of the Buddha (Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya) and the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha). However, the buddhologist Yevgeny Torchinov noted that the syllable "Om" and similar syllables ("hum", "ah", "hri", "e-ma-ho") "do not have any dictionary meaning" and pointed out that these syllables, unlike from other syllables of mantras represent "sacred untranslatability" in the Mahayana tradition.


Time and place of origin: Images of the acronym ΙΧΘΥΣ (from the Greek. Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior) or the fish symbolizing it first appear in the Roman catacombs in the 2nd century. The widespread use of this symbol is evidenced by the mention of it by Tertullian at the beginning of the 3rd century: “We are small fish, led by our ikhthus, we are born in water and can only be saved by being in water.”

Where used: The acronym Ichthys began to be used by the first Christians, since the images of Christ were unacceptable due to persecution.

Values: The symbolism of the fish was associated in the New Testament with the preaching of the apostles, some of whom were fishermen. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew called his disciples "fishers of men", and the Kingdom of Heaven likened "a net thrown into the sea and capturing fish of every kind." Ichthys was also associated with Alpha from the words of Jesus Christ: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."

At the end of the 20th century, ichthys became a popular symbol among Protestants in different countries, and opponents of creationism began to parody this sign by sticking a fish sign with the word "Darwin" and small legs on their cars.

Chalice of Hygiea

Time and place of origin: Ancient Greece. III-I millennium BC

Where used: Hygeia in Greek mythology was the goddess of health, the daughter or wife of the god of healing Asclepius. From her name came the word "hygiene". Often she was depicted as a young woman feeding a snake from a phial bowl. The snake was in Greek mythology also a symbol of the goddess Athena, who was often depicted as Hygea and vice versa.

Values: In ancient Greece, Hygiea personified the principle of a just war for health as light and harmony on all planes. And if Asclepius began to act when the order was violated, then Hygieia maintained the order-law that reigns initially.

The snake in ancient traditions symbolized death and immortality, good and evil. They were personified by her forked tongue, and the poisonousness of her bites, along with the healing effect of the poison, and the ability to hypnotize small animals and birds.

The snake was depicted on the first-aid kit of a Roman military doctor. In the Middle Ages, the combination of images of a snake and a bowl on the emblem was used by pharmacists in the Italian city of Padua, and only later this private pharmaceutical symbol turned into a generally accepted medical sign.

A bowl with a snake in our time is considered a symbol of medicine and pharmacy. However, in the history of medicine in different countries, a snake wrapped around a staff was more often considered the emblem of healing. This image was adopted in the middle of the WHO at the UN at the First World Assembly in Geneva in 1948. Then the international health emblem was approved, in the center of which is placed a staff entwined with a snake.

wind rose

Date of occurrence: The first mention is in 1300 AD, but scientists are sure that the symbol is older.
Where used: Initially, the wind rose was used by the sailors of the Northern Hemisphere.
Meaning: The wind rose is a vector symbol invented in the Middle Ages to help sailors. The wind rose or compass rose also symbolizes the four cardinal directions along with intermediate directions. Thus, she shares the symbolic meaning of the circle, the center, the cross and the rays of the sun wheel. In the XVIII - XX centuries, sailors stuffed tattoos depicting a wind rose as a talisman. They believed that such a talisman would help them return home. Nowadays, the wind rose is perceived as a symbol of a guiding star.

Wheel with 8 spokes

Date of occurrence: about 2000 BC
Where used: Egypt, Middle East, Asia.
Meaning: The wheel is a symbol of the sun, a symbol of cosmic energy. In almost all pagan cults, the wheel was an attribute of the solar gods, it symbolized the life cycle, constant rebirth and renewal.
In modern Hinduism, the wheel means endless perfect completion. In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes the eightfold path of salvation, the cosmos, the wheel of samsara, the symmetry and perfection of dharma, the dynamics of peaceful change, time and destiny.
There is also the concept of "wheel of fortune", which means a series of ups and downs, the unpredictability of fate. In Germany in the Middle Ages, an 8-spoke wheel was associated with Ahtwen, a magical rune spell. At the time of Dante, the Wheel of Fortune was depicted with 8 spokes of opposite sides of human life, periodically repeating: poverty-wealth, war-peace, obscurity-glory, patience-passion. The Wheel of Fortune is included in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, often with an ascending and falling figure, like the wheel described by Boethius. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card continues to depict these figures.


Date of occurrence: the first images of the ouroboros date back to 4200 BC, but historians believe that the symbol itself arose much earlier.
Where used: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Mesoamerica, Scandinavia, India, China.
Meaning: Ouroboros is a serpent devouring its own tail, a symbol of eternity and infinity, as well as the cyclical nature of life, the alternation of life and death. This is how the ouroboros was perceived in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

In Christianity, the symbol changed its meaning, since in the Old Testament the snake symbolized evil. Thus, the ancient Jews established an equal sign between the ouroboros and the serpent from the Bible. In Gnosticism, the ouroboros personifies both good and evil at the same time.

Hammer and sickle

Date of occurrence: in the state heraldry - 1918.
Where used: USSR and various communist parties of the world
Meaning: The hammer has been a craft emblem since the Middle Ages. In the second half of the 19th century, the hammer became a symbol of the European proletariat. In Russian heraldry, the sickle meant harvest and harvest, and was often used in the coats of arms of various cities. But since 1918, these two signs have been combined into one, acquiring a new meaning. The hammer and sickle became a symbol of the ruling working class, the union of workers and peasants.

The moment of the creation of the symbol was described by Sergey Gerasimov, the author of the famous painting “Mother of the Partisan”, as follows: “Eugene Kamzolkin, standing next to me, thoughtfully said: - What if we try such symbolism? - At the same time, he began to walk on the canvas. - This is how to depict a sickle - it will be the peasantry, and inside the hammer - it will be the working class.

On the same day, the sickle and hammer were sent from Zamoskvorechye to the Moscow City Council, and all other sketches were rejected there: a hammer with an anvil, a plow with a sword, a scythe with a wrench. Further, this symbol was transferred to the state emblem of the Soviet Union, and the name of the artist was forgotten for many years. They remembered him only in the post-war period. Yevgeny Kamzolkin lived a quiet life in Pushkino and did not claim royalties for such a quoted symbol.


Date of occurrence: in heraldry, the lily has been used since 496 AD.
Where used: European countries, especially France.
Meaning: According to legend, the king of the Franks Clovis was given a golden lily by an angel after he converted to Christianity. But lilies became an object of reverence much earlier. The Egyptians considered them a symbol of purity and innocence. In Germany, they believed that the lily symbolizes the afterlife and the atonement of sins. In Europe, before the Renaissance, the lily was a sign of mercy, justice and compassion. She was considered a royal flower. Today, the lily is a well-established sign in heraldry.
Recent research has shown that the fleur-de-lis, in its classic form, is actually a stylized image of the iris.


Date of occurrence: approximately 3500 BC
Where used: crescent crescent was an attribute of almost all lunar deities. It was distributed in Egypt, Greece, Sumer, India, Byzantium. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Muslims, the crescent became strongly associated with Islam.
Meaning: In many religions, the crescent moon symbolizes constant rebirth and immortality. Christians revered the crescent as a sign of the Virgin Mary, and in Western Asia they believed that the crescent of the moon is a sign of cosmic forces. In Hinduism, the crescent was considered a symbol of mind control, and in Islam - divine patronage, growth and rebirth. The crescent with a star meant heaven.

double headed eagle

Date of occurrence: 4000-3000 BC
Where used: Sumer, Hittite kingdom, Eurasia.
Meaning: In Sumer, the double-headed eagle had religious significance. He was a solar symbol - one of the images of the sun. Approximately from the XIII century BC. e. the double-headed eagle was used by various countries and principalities as a coat of arms. The double-headed eagle was minted on the coins of the Golden Horde; in Byzantium, it was a symbol of the Palaiologos dynasty, which ruled from 1261 to 1453. The double-headed eagle was depicted on the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire. To this day, this symbol is the central image of the emblems of many countries, including Russia.


Date of occurrence: the first images date back to 3500 BC.
Where used: Since the ancient Sumerians, this sign has been used by almost every civilization
Meaning: The five-pointed star is considered a sign of protection. The Babylonians used it as a talisman against thieves, the Jews associated the five-pointed star with the five wounds on the body of Christ, and the magicians of medieval Europe knew the pentacle as the "seal of King Solomon." The star is still actively used both in religion and in the symbolism of different countries.


Date of occurrence: The first images date back to 8000 BC.
Where used: In Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, pre-Columbian America. Extremely rare among the Egyptians. Among the ancient monuments of Phoenicia, Arabia, Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Sumer, Australia, Oceania, the swastika was not found.
Meaning: The word "swastika" can be translated from Sanskrit as a greeting and a wish of good luck. The swastika, as a symbol, has a great many meanings, but the most ancient of them are movement, life, the Sun, light, well-being.
Due to the fact that the swastika was used in Nazi Germany, this symbol began to be firmly associated with Nazism, despite the original symbol of the sign.

All-seeing eye

Date of occurrence: 1510-1515 AD, but in pagan religions, a symbol similar to the all-seeing eye appeared much earlier.

Where used: Europe, Asia, Oceania, Ancient Egypt.
Meaning: The all-seeing eye is the sign of the all-seeing and all-knowing god who watches over mankind. In ancient Egypt, the analogue of the All-Seeing Eye was Wadjet (the eye of Horus or the eye of Ra), which symbolized various aspects of the divine structure of the world. The all-seeing eye, inscribed in a triangle, was a symbol of Freemasonry. Freemasons revered the number three as a symbol of the trinity, and the eye, located in the center of the triangle, symbolized the hidden truth.


Date of occurrence: approximately 4000 BC

Where used: Egypt, Babylon, India, Syria, Persia, Egypt, North and South America. After the birth of Christianity, the cross spread throughout the world.

Meaning: In ancient Egypt, the cross was considered a divine sign and symbolized life. In Assyria, a cross enclosed in a ring was a symbol of the sun god. The inhabitants of South America believed that the cross drives away evil spirits.

From the 4th century, the cross was adopted by Christians, and its meaning has changed somewhat. In the modern world, the cross is associated with death and resurrection, as well as with salvation and eternal life.


The combination "A in a circle" was used as early as the 16th century by European alchemists under the influence of Kabbalistic magic as the first letters of the words: "Alpha and Omega", the beginning and the end.

In the modern tradition, it was first used in the Spanish section of the 1st International as a designation for the catchphrase of the famous anarchist J. Proudhon "Anarchy is the mother of order" in capital letters "l'anarchie" and "l'ordre".


The famous symbol was developed in 1958 in Britain at the height of the movement against nuclear war as a combination of the symbols of the semaphore alphabet "N" and "D" (the first letters of the phrase "nuclear disarmament" - nuclear disarmament). Later it began to be used as a symbol of universal reconciliation and the unity of mankind.

Card suits

In the classic (and most modern) French deck, the symbols of the suits were four signs - hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs, in the form in which they received mass use.

The oldest European deck - Italian-Spanish, which passed directly from the Arabs, depicted coins instead of tambourines, instead of a spade - a sword, instead of a red heart - a cup, and instead of a clover - a club.

Signs of suits came to the modern look by gradual euphemization. Thus, tambourines denoted money as metal rattles (before, tambourines were rhombic in shape), clover was previously an acorn, the shape of a spade resembled leaves, which was reflected in the German deck, and the goblet underwent a complex evolution from the image of a rose to a heart. Each suit symbolized the feudal estates: the merchants, the peasantry, the knights and the clergy, respectively.

16. Anchor

Appearance time: the first centuries of our era.

Where used: Everyone knows the symbol of the anchor as a marine emblem. However, in the first centuries of the new era, the anchor was closely associated with Christianity. For the early Christians, who saw in it the hidden form of the cross, the anchor personified the hope of salvation with caution, security and strength.

In Christian iconography, the anchor, as an emblem of security, is the main attribute of St. Nicholas of Myra - the patron saint of sailors. Another meaning should be attributed to the anchor of the semi-legendary Pope Clement (88?-97?). According to church tradition, during the period of persecution of Christians, the pagans hung an anchor around the Pope's neck and drowned him in the sea. However, the sea waves soon parted, exposing the temple of God at the bottom. In this mythical underwater temple, the body of the holy champion of the faith was allegedly discovered.
Values: There are several anchor values. The anchor is a sacred object to which sacrifices were made, because it was often the only salvation for sailors. On the coins of Greece, Syria, Carthage, Phoenicia and Rome, the anchor was more often than others depicted as a symbol of hope.

In the art of ancient Rome, the anchor symbolized the joy of returning home after a long journey. On the graves of the 1st century, the image of an anchor was associated with the image of the church as a ship that carries souls across the stormy sea of ​​life.

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrews compared hope to a safe and strong anchor. The Greek word "ankura" (anchor) was associated with the Latin expression "en kurio", that is, "in the Lord.
In the visual arts of the Renaissance, the anchor also means an attribute of hope. The allegorical emblem, which depicts a dolphin with an anchor, was especially popular in Renaissance painting. The dolphin symbolized speed, and the anchor - restraint. At the bottom of the emblem was the inscription: "Hurry up slowly"

Olympic rings

Appearance time: The Olympic emblem was first introduced in 1920 at the 8th Summer Olympic Games in Antwerp.
Where is used: One of the most recognizable symbols in the world consists of five rings, the uniqueness of the emblem lies in the simplicity of execution. The rings are arranged in a W-shaped order, the colors are arranged in a strict order: blue, black, red, yellow and green.
What were the meanings: There are several theories about the origin and interpretation of the emblem of the Olympic Games. The first and main version says that the Olympic rings symbolically depict the unity of the five continents, which was invented by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913.

Until 1951, there was a belief that each color corresponded to a separate continent. Europe was indicated in blue, Africa in black, America in red, Asia in yellow, green in Australia, but in 1951 they decided to move away from this distribution of colors in order to move away from racial discrimination.

Another version says that the idea of ​​five multi-colored rings is taken from Carl Jung. During the period of enthusiasm for Chinese philosophy, he connected the circle (a symbol of greatness and vitality) with five colors, reflecting the types of energies (water, wood, fire, earth and metal).

In 1912, the psychologist introduced a new image of the Olympic competitions, because in his opinion, each participant in the Olympic Games had to master each of the five sports - swimming (water - blue), fencing (fire - red), cross-country running (land - yellow), equestrian (wood - green) and shooting (metal - black)
The emblem of the five rings hides a deep meaning that reveals the essence of the sport. It contains the idea of ​​popularizing the Olympic movement, the equality of each participating country, fair treatment of the athlete, healthy competition.

Compasses and Square

Appearance time: Henry Wilson Coyle, in The Masonic Encyclopedia, states that the Compass and Square in weave appeared on the seal of the Aberdeen lodge in 1762.
Where is used: Using a compass and a square, you can draw a circle inscribed in a square, and this is a reference to the seventh problem of Euclid, squaring the circle. But you should not assume that the Compasses and the Square necessarily refer you to a mathematical problem, rather they symbolize a person’s desire to achieve harmony between spiritual and physical nature.
Values: In this emblem, the Compasses depicts the vault of heaven, and the Square - the Earth. The sky is symbolically connected with the place where the Great Builder of the Universe draws his plan, and the Earth is the place where man does his work. The compass, combined with the Square, is one of the most common symbols of Freemasonry.

Values: The name "dollar" has more than just meaning. Its name contains the word ... "Joachimstaler", a 17th-century coin that was minted in the Czech city of Joachimsthal. For convenience, the name of the currency was shortened to "thaler". In Denmark, due to the peculiarities of the language, the name of the coin was pronounced as “daler”, and in the UK it was transformed from the more familiar “dollar” to us.

If everything is clear with the name, then the origin of the $ icon is still a mystery. The following version is considered the most similar to the truth: the Spanish abbreviation "P" s, which once denoted the currency of Spain, the peso. The letter P presumably left a vertical line, this allowed to increase the speed of writing, and the letter S remained unchanged. There is also a conspiracy version, along which two lines are the Pillars of Hercules.

Mars and Venus

Appearance time: The well-known sign of Mars ♂ and Venus ♀, borrowed from astrology, was introduced by the botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1751 to indicate the sex of plants. Since then, these two characters are called gender.
Where is used: The symbol of Venus ♀ denotes the feminine and is used to denote a woman, a female. Accordingly, the symbol of Mars ♂ personifies the masculine principle.
What values A: The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared in antiquity. The female sign of Venus is depicted as a circle with a cross pointing down. It is called the "Mirror of Venus", this sign symbolizes femininity, beauty and love. The male sign of Mars is depicted as a circle with an arrow pointing up and to the right. Mars means the power of the god of war, this symbol is also called the “shield and spear of Mars.” The combined symbols of Venus and Mars mean heterosexuality, love between members of different sexes.

Everything on Earth is filled with signs and symbols. It is worth asking a question, finding out something, even if not consciously - and the forces of the Universe give signs, hints. You just need to be able to figure it out, to see in a simple and ordinary solution to the complex issues of life and the mysteries of being.

The science of signs is called semiotics. The French philosopher and semiotician Roland Barthes gives the following definition: “Semiotics seeks to include any system of signs, regardless of their essence and limitations; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and their complex interactions that shape ritual content, norms, or social representations. Thus, semiotics is a means of considering any objects as symbols and signs and their systems.

But in order to be aware of an object as a sign, to understand its essence and meaning, it is necessary to think of it as a sign, to perceive it as a sign.

In this regard, semiotics is close to magic, to an altered state of consciousness, to a special vision of the world. After all, magic is the desire to see the hidden; the desire to know the essence of things and the secrets of the world. Revealing secrets, the magician creates his picture of the world in accordance with his will. By knowing and changing the world, he knows and changes himself. After all, by acting on an object, you yourself are exposed to the effect. As the magician affects the world, so the world affects the magician.

Therefore, in symbols and signs, everyone sees something of their own, personal; transfers a part of his soul, his thoughts and desires to the meaning of the object.
And if the descriptions of the symbols in this article do not coincide with your opinion, that's fine.

I see the symbols from my point of view, and you from yours. The more differences, the more complete the picture of the world.

Vesica Piscis, yoni, mandorla

Vesica Piscis (Latin for "fish bladder" or "fish eggs") is formed when two circles intersect.

Vesica piscis is an ancient synonym for yoni, "jagat yoni", or vulva. Denotes the female creative force, the spirit of the Great Mother, who gave life to the world and the gods. The yoni sign was intended to convey the shape of the female external genitalia, which the ancients clearly identified as the source of female sexual power. In ancient Indian texts, the paradise island of Jambu had a "form like a yoni". On it grew a sacred, life-giving tree with roses and apples, and there was a “diamond seat” (vajrasana), which clearly represented the cosmic clitoris, the center of the creative spirit of the Goddess.

Since ancient times, the female primordial power has been worshiped, it has been deified as a source of life. Why, then, in later times, a woman became a creature of the lowest grade, and not only the images, but also any mention of the genitals became shameful?
For a long time, the feminine principle was suppressed, women were told that it was a shame. They said that the feminine is destructive, they opposed it to the creative masculine. Even today, a woman is internally depressed and oppressed by the realization of this. She constantly feels guilty simply because she was born a woman. In the New Eon, a woman must gain true freedom, return to natural principles, and cognize the deep creative power of the Primordial Woman.

Yoni also symbolized the original waters, which were transformed into the waters of the sea, the ocean. What more strongly symbolized the beginning of life on Earth than the waters of the primordial Ocean? And what more than fish eggs could symbolize fertility?
It is in this aspect that the ancient Great Mother was associated with fish, sea shells, sea water, salt, ships and fishermen. She often appears as a mermaid with a fish tail or even two tails, like a medieval siren. In her honor, fish was eaten on Fridays, which was her official day, named after Freya, her Scandinavian incarnation. The ancient Romans called Friday the day of Venus.
The original symbolism of the yoni as a feminine principle was later decently replaced by various similar symbols.
An example is the images of the god Indra. Initially, his entire body was covered with many yoni marks due to the fact that he perceived the power of the fertility of the Goddess.

In later portraits, the yoni were replaced by eyes similar to them, so that Indra became known as the "watcher" or "thousand-eyed", more like the Greek Argus.
Oh Indra, thousands in the body of Yoni,
Thousand eyes on your skin

Each finger of the hand in action,
Every body is in force too. - Poems of Guru Shivaissa, "Adoration of Indra".

In the Jewish tradition, the open symbolism of the yoni was replaced by the mandorla - "tonsil (Italian)".

We find mention of almonds in the Bible: the tabernacle was made using the image of almonds (“And on the stalk of the lamp there were four cups like an almond flower with apples and flowers”, Ex. 37:20), and Aaron’s rod brought almonds as a sign of the great power of fertility (“ The next day Moses [and Aaron] entered the tabernacle of revelation, and, behold, Aaron's rod, from the house of Levi, blossomed, budded, gave color, and brought almonds.” Numbers 17:8).
Although the original meaning of this sign was well known in the ancient world, it had such magical overtones that Christian artists appropriated it to frame the figures of saints or Christ. Christian mystics interpreted the mandorla as arcs of two circles, left for female matter, right for the male spirit. Even God and the saints are depicted on icons in an inappropriate frame of female genitalia.

The mandorla is sometimes piously interpreted as a gate or entrance to heaven. And it is always depicted vertically (traditions are traditions, even if the original meaning is forgotten). There are many explanations for the mandorla in later Christian tradition. The union of opposites, the dualistic unity of Heaven and Earth, life and death, the symbol of eternal sacrifice, the cloud of ascension, the halo-light emanating from the deity are some of the meanings. There is an image of a mandorla, composed of seven doves and meaning the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

If we continue the two halves of the arc, we get the famous Christian symbol of the fish.

In Christianity, fish means baptism, immortality, resurrection (the sign of Jonah). The church fathers called believers pisciculi (“little fishes” in Latin), and the apostles were “fishers of men.” The fish represented Christ in the Roman Christian church. The reason for this is the interpretation of the Greek name of the fish "ichthys" - as an abbreviation for the formula "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior." And not only because six of the 12 apostles, according to legend, were fishermen. It is possible that the meaning of the yoni, converted into the image of the purity of the Virgin Mary, was partly superimposed here.
In the interpretations of Christian mystics, the fish was interpreted as a kind of analogue of kundalini, rising creative energy, the power of the divine spirit. Also, the symbol of the fish is a symbol of the spiritual world, hidden under the waters of the illusion of the material world. The mystical symbol of fishing is the extraction of unconscious elements from deeply hidden sources of the soul, the search for hidden secrets within one's "I".

Three images of yoni form a triquetra or triquetra (it is interesting that depending on whether the sign symbolizes the ancient female or Christian male trinity, the gender of the name also changes):

The triquetra symbol is often depicted with a circle. Possible values ​​are Life. The three wombs that give rise to life on earth, in the seas and in the air, respectively, are connected by the circle of the Earth into an inseparable unity.
There are also interpretations of the triquetra as an ancient symbol of the female trinity, personifying youth, maturity and wise old age of the Great Mother; the unity of the three parts of the world - land, sea and sky; trinity of mind, body and soul.
The sign was very common among the northern peoples of Europe - the Celts, Frisians, Scandinavians. In general, the trinity of images was characteristic of the Celts, therefore, all trinity is traditionally called "Celtic". After the Celts adopted Christianity, the triquetra became the Christian symbol of the Trinity.

Cross formed by triquetras (Carolingian Cross).

In modern popular culture, the triquetra symbol indicates Norse or Celtic paganism.
Naturally, this symbol was exploited by Christian mystics as a sign of the male trinity, so its originally inappropriate female form was interpreted in this spirit. And the old original meanings were dissolved in Christian symbolism ...
In Wicca, the triquetra represents the three aspects of the goddess (the virgin goddess, the mother goddess, and the wise crone).
Some researchers cite the meanings of this symbol as the movement of the Sun, the three phases of the luminary - at dawn, at zenith and at sunset. But it seems to me that this is more typical of dynamic symbols like the swastika, triskelion, etc. But more on that in another article.

When connecting three circles, we get the Borromean Rings.

The figure is based on a symmetrical arrangement of overlapping rings in such a way that when any ring is removed from the structure, the remaining rings are open. The meaning of the symbol is brotherhood, strength in unity.
As a symbol in Italy, rings with stones were used (in the meaning of a product, and not a geometric figure).
The name of the Borromeo rings comes from the surname of the aristocratic Italian family Borromeo, on whose coat of arms this symbol is depicted. In the family's palace in northern Italy, many examples of the famous emblem can be found:

This symbol was also used by the Medici and Sforza families.

Medal of Cosimo Medici from rings with diamonds:

Botticelli's painting "Pallas and the Centaur", written for the Medici family, with images of Borromean rings on clothes:

Windows in the Palace of Ludovic Sforza in Milan. Ludovic Sforza is known as the patron of Leonardo da Vinci from 1482 to 1499. Leonardo lived and worked in this palace for some time:

In Japan, the Borromean Rings symbolized the unity of the three worlds - heaven, earth and the underworld of the dead. Images of three intertwined rings are known both on the heraldic coats of arms of noble families, and on one of the oldest Shinto shrines on Mount Miwa. The word "miva" itself consists of two hieroglyphs - "mi" means "three", and "wa" - "ring", "circle". According to legend, the mountain itself is the body of a kami - a sleeping deity or spirit.

Borromean rings on a Shinto shrine on Mount Miwa:

Heraldic symbols of Japan:

Today, Borromean rings can be found in various logos. The most famous is the Ballantyne beer logo.

In Christianity, the Borromean rings, like everything trinity, were a symbol of the trinity.

Drawings from a manuscript of the thirteenth century (municipal archive of Chartres, France). In the first drawing, the "God of Life" is surrounded by the "Father", the "Son" and the "Holy Spirit". On the middle "God exists" surrounded by "Life", "Light" and "Word". In the right figure, two phrases are distributed along the rings - “Trinitas Unitate” (“three in one”) and “Unitas Trinitate” (“one in three”):

A figure similar to the Borromean rings is the coat of arms of Diane de Poitiers (1499-1566) - the favorite of the French king Henry II.

What is the reason for such a magical image of crescents on the coat of arms of the Duchess de Valentinois, the actual queen and ruler of France during the reign of Henry II - history is silent. Never before has a favorite had such power as Diane de Poitiers. This secret was explained by magic and sorcery. Like the secret of Diana's unfading beauty...
The symbol with the union of crescents was designed by the architect Philibert de l'Orme.
Philibert de l "Orme is an architect, the author of an essay on architecture, where he gives elements of rectangular projections. He built a castle in Anet for Diane de Poitiers, took care of the restoration of the royal castles of Fontainebleau and Saint-Germain. According to some reports, he was the confessor of Henry II.

Crescents of Diane de Poitiers:

Standard of Diane Poitier. Solemn entry of Henry II into Rouen October 1, 1550 Soldiers carry the standard of Diane de Poitiers. Library of Rouen, N 112-6 fol. 25:

Symbolic language is a universal language, not tied to any one nation, culture or religion. As E.I. Roerich in his work “Cosmological Records”: “Symbols are necessary for drawing the System of Evolution of the Power of the World. The symbols are revealed as milestones in the growth of the consciousness of earthly mankind. When looking at the sacred signs from the depths of the past, from the ancient memory of the ancestors, ancient meanings appear in a vague fog. Of course, in the process of human development, the meanings of symbols changed, new concepts were added. And each person is individual. Everyone looks at the world through the filter of their habits, character, morals, etc. For many people, this filter is so thick and cloudy that they are unable to see anything but their own fears and prejudices. But walking along the path of knowledge of Light, Life, Love and Freedom; those who are able to rise above their nature are able to discard this filter or wipe it clean. And see the real beauty and grandeur of the world...

They can be presented in the form of ordinary plants: rose, orchid, clover leaf. Or, for example, act in the form of mythical animals: a dragon, a unicorn. Can be signs: a magic knot of luck, a sign of infinity. It does not matter in what form the magical power of the symbol appears before us, what is important is the impact that the symbol has on a person's life. Let's get to know some of them.


Turtles are the most popular feng shui symbol in practice. It is believed that the turtle gives strength, endurance, longevity. She is a symbol of stability and constancy. The turtle is a traditional, family talisman that guards peace and tranquility in the house.

In order to protect their child from the evil eye and the negative impact of others, mothers put on him a talisman in the form of a turtle. Thus, they, as it were, give the child under the protection and patronage of their kind. There may be one turtle, or the talisman may consist of three turtles representing three generations of the family together. For a children's talisman, it is best to use, first of all, eye quartz, which are traditionally considered amulets. Falcon, tiger, bull and cat's eyes will be reliable protectors of your child. You can also use: rose quartz, amethyst, jasper, turquoise. A figurine carved from stone, or a product made of natural stones decorated with a metal pendant in the shape of a turtle can serve as a talisman.


Fish in Feng Shui symbolize wealth. They are used to bring prosperity and abundance to a home or office. A fish looking up promotes career advancement, guarantees high achievements, recognition and fame.

Most often, carp, goldfish, and also a dragon fish are used as a talisman. A goldfish with a coin in its mouth brings good luck in business and is a symbol of wealth. A fish jumping out of the water symbolizes the growth of prosperity.

A figurine of a fish carved from stone is well placed in the house in the area responsible for finances. These figurines can also be used as a keychain. Traditionally, rhodonite is considered to be a stone for attracting money, which helps a person gain self-confidence and gives the ability to focus on the main thing. Whoever wears it becomes more purposeful and, as a result, his financial situation increases. The bull's eye will be your assistant in a time-consuming and lengthy project. He will give you the strength to finish what you started and make a profit, despite the difficulties. The tiger's eye amulet will help to defeat ill-wishers, and the carnelian will provide an opportunity to clearly assess the current situation.

The Dragon

The dragon is one of the four celestial animals and is an important and powerful symbol in feng shui. The dragon creates positive chi energy that brings good fortune to its owner's homes. The figurine of the dragon is a symbol of success, power and high social status. The dragon sector is in the east direction, the talisman placed in this zone brings good health and longevity. Usually, to attract good luck in the manufacture of dragon figurines, stones such as aventurine, agate, carnelian, jasper are used.


Dolphin is a symbol of health. Whoever wears a dolphin pendant around his neck will always be protected from evil spirits and deadly ailments. Since ancient times, the dolphin has been the personification of selfless love for a person, so it has become a symbol of friendship.

The dolphin personifies the power of the sea, speed, devoted love, salvation, transformation. The meaning of this symbol is directly based on the natural kindness, intelligence and playfulness of this mammal. It is a symbol of the sea element. In some religions, this cute mammal means joy, unpredictability and playfulness. A creature that lives in two elements, sea and air, is a link between the earthly and heavenly, the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people. He is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that depict him as a friend of man.


In Feng Shui, the horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, speed and endurance. A symbol of life, optimism, diversity of feelings and perpetual motion. The horse carries the wind of change, forces that renew nature, eliminate cold, stagnation and bring positive changes to human life. In the East, the Horse is considered a friend of man and a protector from evil spirits. She is also considered a manifestation of the spiritual principle and patronizes gifted people - artists, poets, musicians. The horse helps to reach the heights of the spirit and immortality. The horse is the speed of thought, the brightness of fantasy, giftedness and creativity.

A talisman made in the form of a figurine of a horse brings success in a career and business, and helps to create the image of a powerful and dynamic person. It is not for nothing that horse figurines carved from stone are presented as a gift to the heads of enterprises, thus emphasizing the status and high position of the boss. Onyx, sardonyx, jasper are often used as a material for making a talisman.


A cat in feng shui attracts money luck, prosperity and new opportunities. A cat's raised paw for money means an increase in wealth and profit. A sacred animal in many nations, the cat symbolizes cunning, developed intuition, clairvoyance, sensual beauty, and the ability to reincarnate. The figurine of a cat is a symbol of independence, grace and strength.


The rooster in feng shui is a symbol of good luck and great monetary gain. A figurine in the form of a rooster contributes to the acquisition of wealth. Usually such figures, carved from stone or made of metal, are presented as a gift to people for the fulfillment of desires associated with large sums of money. To attract prosperity, you can also wear a talisman in the form of a pendant in a piece of jewelry.


In Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, longevity, and stability. The talisman in the form of an elephant figure helps to make the right decisions and emerge victoriously from a difficult situation with dignity. The elephant personifies support and protection, teaches patience and worldly wisdom, which says that every difficult task in life is given to us along with the strength to implement it. The elephant is also considered a good family amulet. He keeps peace in the family by preserving and increasing the love of spouses for each other. For these purposes, it is best to purchase an elephant figurine made of carnelian or jasper.


The Chinese believe that the unicorn has a sacred power with which it brings good to people. The Chinese unicorn or Qi Lin symbolizes longevity, luxury, festivity, splendor, happiness and joy. In Chinese mythology, it is believed that the unicorn loves loneliness. And he always appears at the moment when a sage is born or when an outstanding ruler rules the country.

The unicorn talisman in Feng Shui has two strong functions - it is to attract wealth and eliminate negative impacts.

There are no special rules for placing a unicorn. The main thing is to place him so that he faces the door, no matter where he stands, in a room or in a corridor.


Eagle in Feng Shui represents wisdom, knowledge, freedom and power. This majestic bird symbolizes the path of enlightenment and enlightenment. A figurine in the form of an eagle carved from stone will help its owner in revealing spiritual powers, will influence the clarity of thinking, and will help to clearly understand one's true goals and intentions. Such a talisman should be purchased and worn to activate your creative, intellectual and physical potential when you start a new business or project. Recommended stones: falcon, bull and tiger's eye, onyx, sardonyx, rock crystal, serpentine, agate, jasper.


Butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection. It symbolizes the ability to transform, to transform, as this beautiful winged creature is born, transforming from a small crawling caterpillar. The butterfly carries a creative beginning, helps to easily perceive the surrounding reality, coloring gray everyday life with its iridescent colors. Butterfly figures help to gain lightness, independence, creativity. This is a symbol of creative people: artists, writers, poets, musicians. This talisman will also help those who want bright changes in their lives.


In all traditions, the ladybug acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness and forgiveness.

It is believed that the Ladybug acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of the living and the dead. That is why different peoples have a custom to ask the most intimate questions about life and death, about weather and harvest, about marriage to this insect.

For the Dutch, a ladybug sitting on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that a found ladybug brings good luck. The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune, warn of danger. For these purposes, you can use pendants in the shape of a ladybug, placing them in a bracelet or putting them on a chain as a pendant.


This exquisite and beautiful flower is considered in feng shui as a symbol of the pursuit of perfection in everything. Orchids are the personification of tranquility, beauty and inner harmony. In China, they are still symbols of luxury, elegance, patronage and fertility. The living flower itself, its images or pendants made in its shape have become a symbol of abundance, spiritual growth, beauty and purity. No wonder orchids are such popular houseplants.

the Rose

Roses are a very ancient symbol. In the practice of Feng Shui, the rose symbolizes love and beauty, romance and passion. According to feng shui, roses are considered a good choice for the bedroom, as they promote harmony and tenderness, creating an atmosphere of romance. The rose brings good luck and promotes love in the family.


In Feng Shui, the lotus is considered one of the most powerful talismans for attracting happiness and romance into your life. An image or carved stone figure in the form of this flower placed in the southwest of the room will provide favorable luck for the house and its inhabitants.

four-leaf clover

As you know, clover has a leaf consisting of three parts (trefoil). The quatrefoil is very rare in nature. Therefore, it is considered a symbol of good luck. At the same time, the first leaf means faith, the second - hope, the third - love, and the fourth - good luck. In Irish culture, the 3-part clover (shamrock) symbolizes the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If a four-leaf clover comes across, then the 4th leaf means God's grace.


An acorn is just the fruit of an oak tree. However, it is a symbol of prosperity, youth, strength and good luck. The Scandinavians believed that oak protects against lightning, therefore, in order to protect yourself from lightning entering the house, an acorn should be placed on the windowsill. Even at the time of the conquest of England by the Normans in 1066, the English carried dried acorns in their pockets, hoping that trouble would bypass them. And today, the acorn is endowed with both protective properties and the ability to attract good luck and long life.

The acorn symbolizes strength, power and energy. A talisman in the shape of an acorn can help in the implementation of long-term projects. It contributes to the correct and harmonious distribution of one's forces on the way to the goal, helps to see the true state of affairs. It is good for these purposes to use it in the form of a key ring, or wear it in jewelry on the body.


Orange symbolizes fertility, splendor, love. Orange blossoms are an ancient symbol of abundance used in brides' wreaths. This tradition existed for a long time in Christian countries, but meant chastity. The orange color of oranges is associated with fire and luxury, except in Buddhist countries, where the orange robes of monks symbolize humility. It is customary to eat oranges on the second day of the Chinese New Year as a guarantee of wealth and success.


One of the three trees that bloom in winter is an oriental symbol stamina, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth. Bamboo was an attribute of the compassionate bodhisattva Guan-ying and noble people in general. Its tubular, ringed stem has been associated in the East with stages of initiation; it could also symbolize the Buddha himself.

tree of happiness

In feng shui, the tree of happiness is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The talisman is an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman, its roots actively absorb the negative Sha energy, and the branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual person or his seven leaves of the tree are made from a certain type of stones, depending on the tasks of the talisman. You can use the talisman tree of happiness made in the form of a pendant, then the stones are selected according to the owner's horoscope.


The pyramid is a powerful tool for creating and balancing positive energy. By using pyramid crystals, we use our own hidden powers to achieve a better future and create good feng shui.

The feng shui pyramid is a practical tool for harmonizing the mind, body and spirit with the environment.

magic knots

Magical or mystical knots are called knots connected in this way, when neither the beginning nor the end of this figure is visible, therefore the main idea of ​​such knots is that they symbolize the infinity of the process. The number of elements or knots that make up the figure itself can be different, and the knot itself can be knitted from a thread, ribbon, metal wire, or simply drawn on paper. The mystical knot is a popular element of carving, embroidery, patterns of doors, vases, and furniture.

In the literature, you can find different names for this figure: the mystical knot, the knot of happiness, the endless knot, the knot of luck, the eternal knot. The mystical knot is not a symbol invented by feng shui, it is simply used in the practice of feng shui to reinforce an idea. It is popular in many cultures in both Asia and Europe. In fact, this is a traditional Buddhist symbol of good luck, symbolizing the idea of ​​the infinity of life, the idea of ​​reincarnation - the idea of ​​the continuous rebirth of a person from one body to another. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols of the Buddha.

In Feng Shui, the mystical knot also symbolizes the idea of ​​continuity, but not the process of rebirth, but the processes of obtaining good luck, achieving happiness and prosperity. In Feng Shui, there are many symbols that bring good luck in a particular area of ​​​​life. If the mystical knot is tied up or simply attached to any symbol or amulet, this symbolizes the endless duration of the process that the amulet itself symbolizes. If the amulet is for money, then the knot means an influx of money that is endless in duration. If the symbol is for love, then the knot means endless love. If the symbol is for health and longevity, then the knot means a very, very long life.


The horseshoe is one of the oldest symbols of good luck. It is believed that she is able to avert the "evil eye". Since the horseshoe protects the horse's hooves, people may have thought that it would protect them too. Horseshoes are forged by blacksmiths, and they, in turn, are considered the creators of happiness, because they work with one of the main elements - fire. Some theories claim that the shape of a horseshoe resembles a horned month, and this is also a symbol of good luck. If the horseshoe is hung upside down, great luck awaits you. People usually hang horseshoe-shaped magnets over doors hoping to attract good luck.

sacred number 7

The number 7 is the number of completeness, completeness, perfection of eternity, infinity, space and time. In Scripture, the number 7 is of extreme importance. It can be viewed in two ways: as 6 + 1 or as 4 + 3.

In the first case, its symbolic meaning is determined by the story of the creation of the world. In 6 days God created heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested from his works. On the other hand, the number 4 is an image of the world: 4 angles, 4 winds, 4 verses and 3 is the image of the Holy Trinity. Thus, 4 in conjunction with 3 represent the world united with God, a creation reunited with its Creator. Thus, seven is the cherished number, expressing harmony, unity, perfection and peace. Seven rays of light, seven colors of the rainbow, seven tones of sound, seven days in a week.

sacred number 9

As a triple triad, the number nine is of exceptional importance in most cultures. In China, it is considered the most auspicious number and the most powerful and effective in the context of the yin-yang philosophical system; the number nine was the basis for calculus, both in architecture and land use, and in Taoist religious rituals. In mysticism, "nine" is considered a tripartite synthesis of thought, body, and spirit.

This number was a Jewish symbol of truth and a Christian symbol of order within an order, hence perhaps the division of angels into nine ranks or choirs. Nine heavens were present in many traditional ideas about the structure of paradise.

The number nine has been a key element in shamanic rituals in North and Central Asia. Nine days and nights, during which the Scandinavian god Odin, who pierced himself with a spear, hung nailed to the world tree Yggdrasil, symbolized the period required for his magical restoration and rejuvenation.

Eye of Horus

Egyptian symbol, a painted image of an eye with a spiral line under it, reminiscent of the coloring of some types of falcons - the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of his all-seeing power, the integrity of the universe. The right eye is considered a symbol of the active and solar principle, the left - passive and lunar. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after the victory of Horus in this battle, it grew again. This myth has become the reason for the extreme popularity of the eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil.

The Eye of Horus personifies the Sun and the Moon, symbols of light and the victory of wisdom over darkness, taking away pain and suffering. This amazing amulet attracts good luck and protects from misfortune.

Eye of God

For Christians, the eye is a symbol of God the Father (triangle with an eye inside - the emblem of the Divine Trinity). Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability to intuitive vision.

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the "eye of the heart", symbolizes spiritual vision, which in various religions is associated with different concepts: in Hinduism, with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power of fire; in Buddhism with inner vision; in Islam with supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead is also called the inner eye.

Medusa Gorgon, whose gaze turned people to stone, was a symbol of the "evil eye". Perseus used a mirror, reflected in which, Medusa's gaze killed her herself. This myth was the reason why the eye talisman is considered to ward off evil, and its image is still placed above the doors of a house in Turkey.

Infinity sign

On the one hand, it is a simple mathematical symbol, and on the other hand, it has a deep symbolic and even magical meaning.
The sign of infinity means the eternity of being, innumerability and the impossibility of knowing this world. The sign of infinity is a symbol of a person's desire for everything perfect and ideal.
The sign of infinity was used in Tibetan rock engravings. He was depicted as a snake biting its own tail. According to legend, this serpent, named Ouroboros, tried to eat its tail, but over time it grew again and this went on forever. Therefore, it began to denote the beginning and the end, and their connection in natural cycles.
The meaning of the symbol of infinity in paired bracelets and jewelry expresses the desire of lovers to be together forever, and at the same time is a symbol of fidelity to each other.
Also, infinity is the desire to live without boundaries and restrictions, because the sign of infinity itself was conceived as a symbol indicating the impossibility of indicating boundaries, numerical or quantitative measures.


Cross with a noose, a symbol of immortality - corresponds ancient Egyptian symbol of life, or soul. The most sacred cross of the Egyptians is a sign of the living, oath, covenant, which was held in the hands of their gods, pharaohs. Perceived by the Christian Church as a sign of eternal life in Christ. Its form can be interpreted as a rising sun, as the unity of male and female principles or other opposites, and also as a key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.


WHEEL- a figure symbolizing the solar path.

The wheel symbolizes perpetual motion. In a spinning wheel, movement repeats itself. The wheel is a sign of the solstice.

In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes a continuous chain of rebirths. In addition to the "wheel of life", in Buddhist semiotics, the "wheel of the law" - karma - was popular.

The wheel also acts as a symbol of Fortune, a happy occasion, testifying at the same time to life's impermanence. In the drawing, popular in the Middle Ages, four royal persons were placed near the Wheel of Fortune. According to the dynamics of the wheel, their mottos are: "I will reign", "I reign", "I have reigned" and "I have reigned".

The wheel is a sign of dynamic life, eternal continuous movement. It is the emblem of speed.