Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. What is the meaning of love? Isn't it possible for everyone to truly love? Love is the most wonderful feeling

Love is the most wonderful feeling, the most amazing and the most powerful that only a person can experience in his life. Once you felt powerful currents in your heart love feeling, you will remember them for the rest of your life, knowing that you did not live this life in vain.

Love it! And you will certainly be loved and will never experience the bitterness of loneliness. And remember the main thing: when we let love into our lives, we thereby touch the source of the greatest power, due to which life continues on our Earth.

“The property of love is precisely that it gives benefit to those who experience it,” Leo Tolstoy believed. And for good reason: love, among other things, is a powerful painkiller. Love heals both soul and body. When we are in love, we “force” our body to produce certain substances. Some have, for example, antidepressant and stimulating properties (dopamine, norepinephrine). Others are mood lifters, while others are natural pain relievers, like endorphins. A powerful release of these substances occurs during intense experiences, but does not last very long. In general, it is healthier to experience not passion, but quiet, calm, clear love. The feeling that lives inside us has unique healing properties.

Love - and be healthy!

Love is the most strong remedy recovery. Irritation, depression, fear of loneliness and death - nothing can resist true deep feeling. Cardiologists say that love improves heart function. The World Medical Organization, which deals with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, made a statement that love treats stress, depression and anxiety - three main psychological factors leading to heart disease. “One in three deaths in the world today is caused by cardiovascular disease, which is six times the number of deaths from AIDS,” says Philip Poole-Wilson, honorary president of the World Heart Federation.

What is the healing power of love? How and what does it treat? When you experience strong feeling, the number of immune bodies in the blood increases three times, neurotic disorders are cured (for example, fear of the dark, the subway, and so on), ulcers are scarred, mild forms of diabetes disappear, and efficiency increases (although lovers sleep very little). Loving is useful: by getting to know the interests of another person, one’s horizons expand, thinking is activated and intelligence develops; men become more sensitive and insightful, women become more open and attentive. Subtlety of perception appears. And it doesn’t go away, but remains as an experience.

A kind word is good for a rabbit too

In the 70s, Americans studied the effect of diet on the development of various diseases. The experiments were carried out on rabbits. To study atherosclerosis, they were fed a fatty diet containing large number cholesterol, which caused a sharp increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and the development of atherosclerosis. However, there was one exception: some of the animals showed significantly less vascular damage than the rest.

The reason for this was soon discovered. It turned out that the young assistant, who was entrusted with caring for a group of rabbits, usually took the animals out of their cages before feeding, stroked them and affectionately ruffled their ears. This was enough to largely neutralize the destructive effects of the unnatural diet. Dr. L. Dossey, who described this case, comments on it as follows: “Touching, stroking, affectionate speech served as a mitigating factor in the development of a disease from which many of us are probably destined to die someday - atherosclerosis.” In other words, protection from lethal doses cholesterol served... love!

Quantum theory

From literature, and from everyday life, we can give many examples of the positive impact of love on the human body. Let's remember one of them.

At the age of 74, Goethe fell passionately in love with 19-year-old Ulrike von Levetzow, a charming girl in the full bloom of her feminine beauty. This love returned his youth. He spent all his time with the girl and danced like a young man. “I readily admit,” he wrote to his son, “that I have not enjoyed such health of soul and body for a long time...”

Lovers fly on wings, they succeed in everything, they are always cheerful, and rarely get sick. I think everyone has experienced the healing power of this feeling at least once. But not everyone can explain this phenomenon.

American doctor D. Chopra explains the healing effect of love quantum theory, known to physicists. That's the essence of it. Our “quantum bodies” constantly exchange signals, but we often do not allow them into consciousness, since we are accustomed to reacting to rougher, less deep levels of reality. Yet these quantum signals are perceptible. We know them and give them names: love, hope, sympathy, mercy. For all their elusiveness, these impulses are very important for us and have considerable power. Thus, love restores that special channel through which the connection of consciousness with the body is carried out. And this channel runs through the quantum field.

Common roots

We can try to explain the positive effects of love in other ways. In the 80s, American biologists and doctors studied the influence of the quality of food consumed on the human body. The first group followed a regular diet, the second a vegetarian diet, and the third group combined vegetarianism with regular meditation. The final results of the research are as follows: in the first two groups there were no significant differences, but in the third group, health indicators were significantly better than those of other participants in the experiment. What is the reason? How does meditation affect the process of digesting food? And, most importantly, how is meditation related to love experiences?

Meditation is “mental contemplation,” but contemplation must have an object. Accordingly, the first thing to do in this action is to pay attention to something. But the object in itself does not determine and does not cause any reactions. It serves only as an excuse for the soul to come to an “unnatural” (or perhaps just to the most natural) state. Indeed, after all special attention pay attention to something only to stop paying attention to everything else. This is the essence of meditation. But this happens to lovers too! Love selects one person from the mass of people, jerks him closer to itself and gigantically increases his significance. In the center of our attention, riveted to the object, is only the image of a loved one, everything else loses its significance.

It turns out that love and meditation have common roots, and that they are two mental states, are similar in many respects, although there are many differences between them. But let’s not go deeper into this, especially since such a path is not the only one that explains unique opportunities love feeling. Perhaps someone will give their interpretation of the above-mentioned phenomena.

One thing is certain: love has a positive effect on the physical and mental health person. Lonely people, as well as those who are unable to love, not only lose the feeling of fullness of life, but are also more susceptible to various diseases. In addition, everyone knows that, according to statistics, the life expectancy of married people is always higher than that of single people. Of course, on the condition that there is love in marriage, otherwise the result is exactly the opposite.

Dante believed that love moves the Sun and other luminaries. So, really, she won’t be able to move the barometer of our health and well-being from “cloudy” to “fine, sunny weather”?

Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us do rash actions: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth. Each of us has seen a person in love, perhaps been in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in a moonless night sky... The gait becomes light and weightless: wings, unfortunately invisible to others, have grown behind the back... A person in this state discovers previously unknown abilities and talents. One awakens a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too full of emotion to remain silent. But those who had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely differently. Their hearts are breaking with pain and anguish. Life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if the one I love most in the world is not nearby?” Thoughts about taking his own life visit the unfortunate man more and more often. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after some time does the pain subside, leaving a deep wound in the heart. Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heartbreak will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity in, -lom, they will talk about love for it. But all these are just empty words... Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than specific person. This love does not require daily confirmation, nor any costs - material or mental. All of humanity will not be able to make claims over trifles, will not argue and quarrel with or without reason. True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. And even if the phrase “Love your neighbor” is banal, it does not seem to us something unrealistic and supernatural: great love begins with small things. Love is not easy beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to always be there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers vow to be together “in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy.” Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years. It is interesting that couples who had been married for 40-50 years named these qualities as the main rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, of course, responsibility for each other and to each other. There is no way to do without this. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible. But to learn all this, you need to see your “soul mate” in a person. You must learn to restrain your emotions if something irritates you about your loved one: it is better to calmly tell him about it. Working on yourself is the most difficult thing in love. But here it is also important not to “go too far”: you should not humiliate yourself or grovel before a person. True love such sacrifices are completely unnecessary. Of course, it's easier not to start serious relationship if you don't want to work. But years later, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart aches painfully from the days spent aimlessly. No wonder they said wise people: “Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep...”

Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us do rash actions: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth.

Each of us has seen a person in love, perhaps been in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in a moonless night sky... The gait becomes light and weightless: wings, unfortunately invisible to others, have grown behind the back... Being in this state, a person discovers previously unknown talents in himself. One awakens a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too full of emotion to remain silent.

But those who had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely differently. Their hearts are breaking with pain and anguish. Life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if the one I love most in the world is not nearby?” Thoughts about taking his own life visit the unfortunate man more and more often. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after some time does the pain subside, leaving a deep wound in the heart.

Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heartbreak will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity as a whole, they will talk about love for it. But all these are just empty words...

Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require daily confirmation, nor any costs - material or mental. All of humanity will not be able to make claims over trifles, will not argue and quarrel with or without reason.

True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. And even if the phrase “Love your neighbor” is banal, it does not seem to us something unrealistic and supernatural: great love begins with small things.

Love is not just beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to always be there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers vow to be together “in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy.” Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.

It is interesting that couples who had been married for 40-50 years named these qualities as the main rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, of course, responsibility for each other and to each other. There is no way to do without this. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible.

But to learn all this, you need to see your “soul mate” in a person. You must learn to restrain your emotions if something irritates you about your loved one: it is better to calmly tell him about it. Working on yourself is the most difficult thing in love. But here it is also important not to “go too far”: you should not humiliate yourself or cower in front of a person. True love has absolutely no need for such sacrifices.

Of course, it’s easier not to start a serious relationship if you don’t want to work. But years later, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart aches painfully from the days spent aimlessly. It’s not for nothing that wise people said: “Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep...”

Love is the most beautiful feeling that gives people wings and brings them warmth and positive emotions. People in love simply radiate happiness... Unfortunately, not everyone is given the gift of truly loving.

Increasingly, love becomes mutually beneficial or based on the physical level. Therefore, for many, the existence of true, sincere love is simply a myth. But the good news is that real love still occurs in our lives.

What is the meaning of love

Why does a person need love? What is its meaning? These eternal questions concern every person. Finding the answer to these questions is not so easy. After all, everyone has their own definition of love and understanding of its meaning and necessity.

There are no patterns in love. All thoughts and words come from the heart. Love represents sincerity, which should not be limited by anything. It combines spiritual, sexual, social and individual aspects. Allows a person to improve and get closer to another person.

It has its own vast and rich world. Every person at least once in their life has experienced this wonderful feeling or something close and similar to love. And each person loves in his own way, experiences different experiences. The point is that these experiences give us valuable experience, we become stronger and wiser.

The meaning of love is in itself

What is the meaning of love? By rejecting this tender feeling, you give up the opportunity to feel, and therefore live. Without this feeling, a person cannot experience the fullness and beauty of life. Without love, life is faceless and limited.

People in love are capable of creating. It was this feeling that gave us the geniuses whose works and inventions we use and are proud of today.

The meaning of love is that it gives a person the happiness that everyone in the world dreams of. Everyone wants to fall asleep and wake up in the arms of a loved one, for whom you can give your life. Everyone wants to look into the happy eyes of their loved one when solemn speeches and congratulations are heard in the registry office. Everyone wants to live together, knowing that, having returned home and cuddled up to each other, all problems and difficulties will fade into the background. After all, this world is yours.

Love is the most beautiful and magical feeling that a person can experience. It is unpredictable and multifaceted, and always brings only positive things. Everyone will search for the meaning of love for themselves. So don't be afraid to open your heart to this feeling and it will bring you happiness and make you feel like you are living life to the fullest.