Why do you dream about an unfamiliar guy: is a new romance coming? I dreamed about an unfamiliar girl, what does this mean according to dream books.

If you look at an unfamiliar girl in your dream, then real life you will have to resort to a little lie. If you saw a beautiful young stranger in a dream, this dream foretells joy, good luck, success in business, and a series of pleasures. If a stranger is from...

What does a dream about a pregnant stranger mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Changes (readiness for something new or longing for change).

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

When in men's sleep a stranger appears, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer’s personality. This, on the contrary, is true for women who dream of male strangers. These strangers quite rarely have sexual desire towards the dreamer,...

What does the dream portend: Stranger, stranger

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For seven days you should beware of some kind of accident.

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Stranger dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A stranger woman in a dream is a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness, the image of your soul, her appearance reflects the state of your soul, her mood is your true attitude towards your own actions and plans. Seeing a woman in a dream is unclear - to...

Stranger, stranger - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Meeting a stranger can be a harbinger of both good and evil events. It all depends on what impression the appearance of these people makes. The appearance of a stranger is pleasant - a good dream; if the gentleman you meet is ugly and gloomy - expect trouble. Stranger, but...

Dream Interpretation: Why does a Woman dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an ugly and old woman means sadness, melancholy and gossip are coming. Seeing an old woman in a dream means illness. Seeing a woman in a dream and arguing with her about something important is a sign of cunning plans. Seeing the image of a woman unclearly means...

Stranger - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An unfamiliar woman dreams of anxiety and various kinds experiences. If it was an old woman, then in reality you will be faced with grief, since you will have to defend your good name from gossip. A young stranger dreams of joy and numerous acquisitions, and we are not talking about...

Seeing a Woman in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself with a beard in a dream is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. A man sees a naked woman in a dream...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Stranger?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

May show a shadow phase of self-discovery. Fighting with a stranger is the embodiment of everything unknown and uncertain. A stranger in a woman’s dreams is an imaginary rival or lover in homosexual fantasies.

Dreaming of "Strangers" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Sister

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To meet your sister is to feel someone’s care or to find yourself in circumstances from which only family ties with someone can help you get out of them safely. If your sister a stranger appears in a dream; in reality, one of the relatives will get married. Perhaps...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Death?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In dreams, death appears in different forms- this could be a feeling of death or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both terrible and joyful. The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Sex?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreams about sex and the search for sexual connotations are something of a pastime for interpreters. Often you don’t even need to search for long. Sexual satisfaction, love, flirting, attraction and nightly rendezvous are very often present in the bizarre interweaving of dreams. Searching for sexual innuendo during...

The mysterious image of a stranger we meet in a dream has great attraction for us.

In women's dreams, an unknown man can personify a Guardian Angel, a tempter demon, or an Animus (the masculine principle of the soul). You need to understand what the stranger is dreaming about, and in all guises, in order to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream.

Main roles of the stranger

The male part of the soul

According to the theory of Carl Jung, the soul of each person is based on the female and male hypostases - Anime and Animus. In dreams, we get the opportunity to interact with the male version of ourselves, manifesting in the form of strangers.

Their actions towards us can be either friendly or hostile - differences in behavior are directly related to our self-esteem and level of mental development.

Such dreams are ideal educational material and provide enormous information for self-knowledge. As the dream book says, a stranger will tell you about many hidden aspects of your soul!

Man's behavior - what to expect in reality?

The interpretation of a dream involving a stranger depends on what actions and phenomena accompany it. Questions will help you understand the dream: “What does he want from me? How does he treat me? How do I react to his actions or presence?

Man in love

In a dream, does a stranger confess his love to you? Does recognition make you irritated, distrustful, or accompanied by ridiculous incidents?

Then take a closer look at your fans in reality - intuition warns that you should not blindly trust them. They are probably trying with all their might to charm you, but all hidden shortcomings will instantly come out upon closer communication.

If he confessed beautifully and caused a lot of bright, positive emotions- Expect to meet a worthy person.

For married women such dreams have a broader meaning - in the near future you will receive confirmation of your own achievements from significant people. Possible career advancements and raises wages, acquisition of higher social status.

Sexual partner

Did you dream about a lover who started kissing you from the first minutes of meeting? Such a dream foreshadows the receipt of many small gifts and pleasant surprises from various sources.

Does a guy kiss like a brother? Business trips, pleasant trips and extraordinary leisure are possible. In the near future, it is worth visiting outside the home more often in order to expand your circle of contacts with new faces (cooperation with them will be extremely promising).

If a man continues to kiss you in a dream, despite protests, or the touch of his lips is unpleasant to you, it means that in reality you have closed your heart to love and stopped accepting help from other people.

Perhaps in lately you often had to cope with a lot difficult situations? As a result, you developed the position: “No one can cope with the problem better than myself.” Such a dream means that a difficult period is over - allow yourself to be “kissed”, i.e. receive well-deserved rewards from life!

  • Does a lover not only kiss, but also hug? The dream foreshadows a successful solution to difficult situations.
  • Does the guy hug too tightly, to the point of pain or the desire to run away? You may have committed yourself to long-term commitments or promises that you are now burdened with.
  • Does the guy hug you too coldly or weakly, and doesn’t even kiss you? Pay attention to the accumulated grievances and claims in love or friendship in reality - this is a good time to resolve conflicts and strengthen significant relationships.


In a dream stranger guy turned out to be your fiance? Expect unexpected developments in your personal life. Have you long suspected that someone is in love with you? You will soon have a pleasant romantic date!

Did you dream of the groom in a beautiful suit? Unmarried girls You should expect serious proposals, for example: starting a relationship, living together or getting married.

Did you dream of a groom publicly declaring his love? Beware of superficial relationships and men who date girls to maintain their own image. Do you communicate with such a gentleman? Don’t be disingenuous with yourself and honestly answer the important question: “Does he love me?”

If the groom made a confession in the house, and even immediately began to kiss passionately, the development of relations with a real man is going well, try not to force things and enjoy every minute of communication.

See how future husband kisses you during the wedding? Expect to receive awards or cash rewards for completing your projects.

Does the groom in a dream only hug, but not kiss? This means that there are always a lot of people around you who are ready to support you. Have you begun to take other people's help for granted? The time has come to “give” - now your friends need your care and love.

Aloof man

Does the stranger in your dream seem like a shadow or a ghost? You rush to kiss him, but you pass through his body? It will start coming to you soon large number conflicting information. Try to remain calm and do not rush to respond - it will be important to show feminine wisdom in time.

Do you dream of an elderly stranger who kisses your hands, wraps you in a cloak (blanket), covers you with an umbrella, or takes you home in a car (carriage)? In the near future, you will be able to have a good rest and enjoy the results of your work - life will delight you with pleasant surprises and financial stability. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

According to dream books, a stranger you saw in a dream reflects the dreamer’s worldview. This is exactly what you should start from when trying to understand what such a plot might mean in a dream. Such a dream provides an excellent opportunity to look at yourself from the outside - to find out your strengths and weaknesses, get rid of hidden fears and solve internal problems.

Was the stranger you saw in your dream very handsome? You have nothing to worry about, the dream book reassures. But if the appearance of the night guest was only repulsive, you should pay more attention to this vision. It is these features that personify the secret fears of the sleeper. If the sleeping person is indecisive, the dream may well suggest the direction in which to move.

When you see a stranger in a dream, take a closer look at him. Maybe he reminds you of someone? The dream book believes that you see your own inner self. It, unlike you, can do whatever it pleases, and even what you really don’t dare to do.

A dream in which a stranger finds himself in your house is frightening and alarming. Moreover, his sudden visit does not allow own home feel safe. According to the dream book, in reality you experience fear of the world around you, feeling defenseless.

Family and relationships

Love with a stranger in a dream has a very simple explanation. The dream book interprets such a plot as fantasies of an erotic nature, which are characteristic of every person.

Did you dream of a stranger in love, but his feelings were not directed in your direction? Perhaps in reality you are jealous or envious of other people's well-being. But such a dream also has one more interpretation - there is a great possibility of a meeting for which you have been waiting for a very long time.

Does a stranger confess his love to you in a dream? In this way, you are trying to assert yourself, the dream book explains, considering a love affair as an opportunity for promotion. social status. You are not so much afraid of loneliness, the dream book explains, as you are afraid of being unnecessary to others.

Do you have a dream in which you yourself fell in love with a stranger? According to the advice of the dream book, take a close look at this person - this will play a significant role in explaining the dream. If he was sad, great joy awaits you in reality. Taunted you? Get support. And if you yourself were ironic with him, your marriage will be strong and very happy.

What might you dream about on a date with a stranger? You will be pretty surprised, Miller’s dream book explains. Someone from your environment will turn out to be completely different from the person you are used to thinking about. This knowledge may not always be pleasant.

A wedding with a stranger promises unexpected news that will shake you to the core and force you to reconsider your position in life. Not much will change around you, but your attitude towards it all will undergo fundamental changes.

If you dreamed about an unfamiliar groom the night before the wedding, the bride is nervous and worried about the upcoming event. It may also be that she is not sure of her choice, or sincerity own feelings to my future husband. Listen to the dream book and calm down - similar thoughts visit every bride on the eve of such an important event.

A married woman has a dream in which she marries a stranger? According to the dream book, relationships in her family will change in better side. Quarrels and dissatisfaction with each other will be far behind, spouses will trust each other more and become more sincere.

And what does the same dream promise for a lonely young girl? Her personal life will be pleased with pleasant changes. It is quite possible that she will soon put on her wedding dress herself and start her own family.

Intimacy with a stranger

What does it mean to dream in which someone hugs you? stranger? The explanation of this plot is very symbolic. According to the dream book, in this way you hope to get rid of internal prohibitions that in reality do not allow you to move towards your desired goals.

According to the Erotic Dream Book, what you dream about having sex with a stranger does not bring anything good. There is a possibility that an incubus has appeared in your dream - a demon whose main goal is to seduce and draw out vitality. It is likely that the morning after such a vision you will feel weak.

Did you dream that you were kissing a stranger? In reality, be cool-blooded and do not lose vigilance, the dream book advises. Such a dream may indicate deception to which you will be subjected. Try not to trust people you just met.

The dream in which I happened to kiss a stranger also has a literal interpretation. If a lonely person saw something like this, there is a high probability that she will soon meet a pleasant man. The relationship will begin to develop very quickly and will be quite strong.

Does a stranger kiss you while you sleep? Analyze your feelings and remember - how did you see him? If this person was attractive, good news awaits you in reality. And the unpleasant appearance of the kisser only brings problems and hardships.

What else a stranger might kiss in a dream is explained in dream books as impending changes. They will affect the professional sphere of the sleeper. Maybe you will find profitable partners, a reliable source of investment, or implement successful projects.

This dream has one more interpretation, and it promises quick adventures of a loving nature. Romances will follow each other and will end only when you realize that you are tired of this situation and dream of a strong, stable connection.

A dream with a kiss from a stranger can also be a harbinger of a new relationship. They will completely captivate you, and although they will not last long, they will leave behind many vivid memories.

It is not always necessary to interpret from an erotic point of view what a stranger dreams about. This dream may mean that you will receive support from a side you never expected. There is another interpretation - you will receive information that is present moment simply necessary.

The appearance of an unfamiliar man in a dream can also be considered a kind of warning. It is quite possible that they are trying to warn you against a mistake that could cost a lot. According to the advice of the dream book, try to remember the dream in the smallest detail - this will help you do the right thing.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

    I dreamed about it unknown man. At first he sat next to an unfamiliar girl and they talked, as if she was interviewing him. Then time went back and I saw him going to meet this girl. In his arms he carried a girl - his daughter. He put the girl down, exchanged words with the girl and headed to leave. Then the picture changed. He was alone with me. He hugged me and kissed me on the lips. I also hugged him by the neck and kissed him back. He lifted me slightly and carried me a meter. He lightly touched the genitals along the top of his clothing. He smiled and asked something, I answered. I felt his interest and felt calm and confident in him

    • Pleasant romantic communication that will come as a surprise to you. You will simply charm your interlocutor with your femininity.

    An unfamiliar man stood next to high-rise building and threw something up. In response, something fell at him from above and he fell, then got up and did the same

    • Unsuccessful attempts to do something. Do something else.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was with some man, alone in a room. In general, I’m in some kind of palace, where it’s full of people, and it’s like a carnival, many are wearing masks. And then with this man, who himself brought me into the room. We are standing and talking next to a large old-style bed. So, this man wants me, but he can’t. He half-undressed me and began to caress my breasts. Then he let me go and gave me, what I especially remember, a carnival mask and some object that looked like an amulet. And he said that with these items I can go everywhere while I’m in this palace, it’s like I’m the chosen one and I’ve been given a special honor. And he also told me when he touched my chest that I had a sign there that seemed to go like an arrow to the top, and went almost under the armpits, that this was a very good and successful sign. Please help me figure out what my dream means. Thanks in advance!

    • A man is interested in your femininity. But if you want to get it, you will have to play a role that is not yours: your own character and inner world he, alas, is not interested.

    I was in the apartment where I grew up, but I haven’t lived there for a long time. Something started to hurt under my right rib. An ambulance was called. The doctors arrived: a woman and a male assistant. The woman made some preparations for surgery on my rib or lung. She was supposed to come another day and have a full operation. Then she gave me three chocolates (dark chocolate). These chocolates were medicinal, they were supposed to help me. It seems that I ate a piece or several pieces of one chocolate bar, but I don’t remember how I ate it. Then the next day I was expecting her, she was late. I was sitting in the kitchen. Finally the doctors came. Mom went to open the door. But three male doctors entered. I was stripped to the waist. I no longer had any pain and I told them that I no longer needed surgery. Attention was paid to my breasts, I saw them, and I was pleased with this attention. They gave me some kind of compliment. Then one of the doctors said that I had recovered, so I no longer needed chocolates. I went after them to give them back. At the same time, I took a piece of chocolate and ate it. I brought the rest of the chocolates to the doctor. He counted the number of chocolate bars in the chocolate he started and said that one was missing. I quickly swallowed it and said that I had eaten it. I was a little afraid that he would be angry. But he took it calmly, as it should be. Then the picture changed and I saw in the same kitchen my mother was putting water in a Turk on the stove to boil. At the same time, she said that it’s good when you’re healthy, you can do everything yourself. At the same time, I felt confident and calm

    • Your need for love, male attention. Something is upsetting you. The dream recommends talking with a loved one and not accumulating bad emotions in yourself.

    It was like this, I was sleeping, when suddenly I heard a rustling, I decided to turn on the flashlight and look, when I turned on the flashlight and began to turn the flashlight towards the door, I saw in the doorway a half-hearted man who was killing me, at that moment my mother screamed, that’s when I woke up, turned on the flashlight, looked at no one it happened, after that I was very scared, I would like to know what it was for?)

    • The dream warns you not to sort things out in the near future: this way you will turn a person away from you.

    Hello. I had a dream that ex-husband and the current one was killed. Being in my parents’ house, which was almost empty, I was waiting for some invention to be completed, and then go to my parents and tell about the trouble. Suddenly I heard a weak knock on the door. I open the doors on a chain, and there is a bald man who persistently asks to come in. I refuse and he tells some man to pull the doors. I hold these doors, and they try to break in, and I know that it’s not good. At the same time, he threatens: “Make sure your lights are turned off at night!” I woke up sweating and couldn't fall back to sleep. I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday. Thanks for the answer

    • Someone wants to get closer to you (to get acquainted, to make friends), but you “hold the line.”

    I was sitting in a large auditorium at a lecture. There were two seats behind me. A man was sitting on one. Another unfamiliar man came into the audience and I liked him. He passed through the tables to sit in another place and forced me down. For some reason I felt uncomfortable that he would see my naked back. But I seemed to be dressed. It's kind of strange. He walked to that place and then carried a bouquet of flowers to the lecturer. I thought that I was worrying in vain, he didn’t even notice me

    • Feeling of defenselessness, need for support.

    I'm married, I dreamed about my wedding day with a stranger. Getting ready at home, my acquaintances, friends, mother are there. For some reason, my friends smeared green cream on my legs, and then I went into the room, my mother was sitting at the table and crying that I wouldn’t have time to get ready and we’d be late. I calmed her down and went to put on the dress, but I didn’t see myself in it. When I got dressed and went into the room, there was a stranger there, whom I supposedly was marrying. But then my real husband came and there was a fight. And I woke up. Please explain my dream. Thank you.

    • Changes in life will face resistance from you or your loved ones.

    Good afternoon, tell me what the dream could mean. I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday (28 hp). I'm leaving some house. It's summer and sunny outside. In front of me I see an unfamiliar young handsome man. He is leaning against a beautiful black car and smiling at me. I know that this is his car. He has a bouquet in his hands. I also smile at him and go to him. At this point the dream was interrupted.
    Thank you.

    I dreamed about an unfamiliar man and woman. Like the story of their relationship. Moreover, this was accompanied by a male voice who told this story. The point was that the man doubted whether to stay with this woman or not. I don't remember a clear picture. I remember that they had a conversation and he agreed that she was right and accepted final decision stay with her. I saw them together, it seems they were lying hugging each other. I felt calm at the same time

    • A situation of choice when a conversation with a loved one will help you make a final decision.

    I was in the house of a man unknown to me in my life. We talked, he told me something, answered my questions. At the same time he was doing some housework

    • You are interested in someone else's personal life, but you could spend this time for your own benefit.

    She stood on the street and looked somewhere. A woman and an overweight man were sitting behind me. In the dream we knew each other, but in life I don’t know them. A boy ran up to the man. The man hugged him. Another unknown man was walking towards them. I remember that he was wearing a white high warm hat

    • To implement your plans, you will need help or at least a hint; for this, try to communicate and offer your own services first.

    She was walking somewhere. All the time, an unfamiliar man followed me, accompanied by a girl. At some point, I even went up to them to check if they would leave. They didn't leave, they also continued to follow me

    • Intrusive help, advice.

    I dreamed that something broke in the yard and we called a repairman, he came. Then I went to the shower at some point shared apartment, not mine, the door remained open. This same master comes to me, scatters and climbs into the shower. I'm a little shocked, but I don't mind. He starts watching me wash, then hugs me from behind, I turn to face him and start kissing him, while I feel excited. At some point a woman comes in and the moralist starts saying what are you doing here, what a shame. At the same time, I pretend that it’s nothing to do with it at all, I move away from the man, but he doesn’t let me go, I’m trying to show that I kicked him out from the very beginning. I don't remember how it all ended. A man 10 years older than me

    • Your openness will help you find support during an unexpected lack of money.

    Good afternoon, I had a dream about how I was looking closely at an unfamiliar man, he is older than me, I feel his sympathy and kindness of heart. And I look out the window, I observe that something is actively happening on the street, a column of soldiers is forming, and I am in the room, looking at a man, inner voice prompts “trust, hug”, and when I hug him, I feel security, calmness and gently touch my lips.

    • Need for protection and support.

    Once I had a dream - a young man introduced himself as my brother, on my father’s side, and extended his hand. I believed him. my brother is dead, he asked about him. and 2 years ago, I also lived with a new brother in a new house and even with a new father! and I was happy! In real life, my father is alive, he has no children outside of his family, I don’t miss my brother, he’s been gone for 20 years. Who are these brothers in my dreams? Thank you

    • Very unexpected support, which will come in handy.

    Yes. that's how it is... I'm collecting grievances

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar man and as if we had a relationship with him (although I’m married, but for some reason this did not appear anywhere) we walked with him, went on dates, and then he had to leave for two years, there was a very difficult breakup, I I hugged and cried and was afraid that he would stop loving me and not return.

    • Temporary loss of support and comfortable position.

    Kind. I dreamed that I was collecting urine from men. they bring jars. I wet myself a little. At the same time, I sell in a store. I’m lonely in life and have financial difficulties. THANK YOU

    • Either you yourself accumulate grievances and bad emotions, or there is someone leading you into a state of depression and hopelessness.

    Good morning, left the company with a stranger in order to make my ex-husband jealous, I was not interested in the man - he is young, blond, frivolous, not local, etc. I am very hungry, I ask to buy his beer and a sandwich, but it’s all in vain, then the store if it closes, then it’s sick, I’m freaking out, I have no money... thank you, by the way, I have problems with work, with money... will everything be even worse?

    • The dream speaks of the surprises of fate, when everything does not turn out the way you would like. Now it is important to calm down and philosophically accept what is happening, this is the only way you can get on the path you need.

    I came to another country by bus for work matters. I went into the office. Several unfamiliar men were sitting there. I was wearing a short white dress with red stripes (I have this in my life). Instead of a chair, she sat on a table, taking it for granted. This man helped me with the papers. Then he and I went somewhere on a metro train. Then they returned. I had already sat down on a chair near his desk. I don’t remember what I was wearing. We discussed something else with the papers. Then I went into another office to see his boss. He signed the documents. Then there were other people in his office. I left. I spoke with another man. He said that he was the one who talked to me on the phone and heard me discussing his car with someone. I replied that he was mistaken. In another country I don't talk on the phone

    • Go straight to the goal, using feminine tricks.

    I was sitting at a table with two unfamiliar men. They were talking and during the conversation it turned out that one of them (the dark-skinned one) had the same buttons on the sleeves of his shirt. We compared them and discussed it

    • The buttons were big. It’s as if he and I were separately abroad and bought these buttons there

      It’s unexpected to discover common views with a colleague on some work issues.

    The train I was on stopped. I had a travel backpack hanging in front. I was about to go down. An unfamiliar man approached the train. The level of the train from the ground was high. This man helped me down. Then someone told me something about that man and this situation on the train. I saw a photograph of myself before I got off the train. Something either surprised me or scared me. There was this expression in the photo. But the face was very beautiful and bright in general, the lips were also bright. The whole photo was very bright. It seems I saw how I got off the train again and that man helped, but I’m not sure what I saw the second time

    • The lipstick was either bright pink or crimson. She and her face did not look vulgar, but very beautiful

      You forgot something important. Remember and solve the problem now, while there is someone to help.

    Hello, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, help me interpret it. In a dream, I was driving with my mother in a car, I saw a recent burial next to the church, people who came to the funeral, among them an unfamiliar man, I wanted to talk to him, it felt very loved one, approached him, he stood at the entrance not to the church, or to the cemetery, said hello, said that I wanted to talk to him, he smiled, put a gold bracelet in his palm, they called him and he left, the dream caused a very pleasant feeling. Thank you

    • You are moving away from the person with whom you could have a strong, reliable relationship.

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed of autumn, I somehow found myself in an unfamiliar entrance, I called the apartment, a handsome middle-aged man lives there (I know this in a dream), but his son opens the door, they have a dog that I take care of, I enjoy their company, I take the dog out for a walk, but I almost lose it, but everything is fine, I return it home. I remember the feeling that it was great that the owner of the apartment was not married, he was interesting and pleasant to me. Afterwards I go for a walk with friends, as if my friend has a father whom I like (this is in a dream, in life he is a completely different person, already elderly and I have no interest in him). In the dream, my friend’s father is dressed in a black leather jacket, dark-haired, youthful, but he is embarrassed by my clothes, for some reason I am dressed in a transparent dress, I am wearing transparent underwear and my friend’s father follows me, covering my shame with his jacket, I am very pleased with him care, the feeling that everything is just beginning. All the men in this dream were dressed in dark leather jackets, but one was brown-haired and the other was brunette. I don’t know these people and have never seen them in my life.

    • Your frank behavior provokes the male sex, both to defend itself and to “dark thoughts.” The dream warns: be careful - don’t get too carried away.

    Was in unfamiliar apartment. There were also many other people there, both men and women. At some point we came to front door apartments. It seems that some enemies have arrived. There was movement near the threshold. These enemies took someone away. Then at some point I looked up outside the apartment, and there the escort was leading an unfamiliar man. He had a naked torso, I think his legs were also there, but I don’t remember clearly. The torso was tanned, pumped up, and overall very beautiful. But the motor-like sensation arose from the fact that there was a huge depression in the left side of the torso. I thought that he was tortured like that and that part was cut out, but there was no scar there. Then I was in some room. A lot of people gathered there. Everyone was sitting at tables and discussing something. This man was also there. Here he belonged and took an active part in the discussion. His torso looked the same

    • Don't be too gullible now. There will be help, but not as significant as you expect; try to get by with small funds.

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar man older than me. He showed me something, told me something. I was going somewhere, so he instructed me like that. Overall I was worried that everything would go well for me.

    • It is worth listening to unexpected advice.

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar man who was packing not his (but my) things, as if we were moving.

    • Someone cares about you, says good things.

    In the dream, an unknown young man loved me very much, cared for me and kissed me many, many times.

    • Your need for love.

    There were a lot of people. When everyone began to disperse, an open hatch became visible in one place. An unfamiliar man came up and covered it with a lid.

    Good afternoon. Please tell me what it means this dream. I dreamed from Sunday to Monday at 27 pm.
    I am on the seashore in a company of unfamiliar men and girls. Moreover, I only see men, but I just know about girls. The sea is calm. It's night outside, fires are burning. A feeling of celebration. I am invited to join the fun, but I am somehow wary of this, look around and say that I’ll watch for now.
    In life, I also cannot immediately join in the fun with strangers.
    Thank you

    • Unexpected pleasures. Have a good time.

    In a dream, an unfamiliar man asked me to take something from him and give it to another woman. At first I didn’t want to take it, then I took it and looked at this ring. Then several women came to me and demanded what I had in my hand, but I didn’t want to give it back. And for this the women wanted to beat me, but I beat them all myself. I had the ring and I woke up.

    Good morning! This is my first time writing, but I really liked your answers... I need help. I’m 43, single, at the moment I’m looking for a job. Today, on the 27th lunar day, I had a dream - I chose the place of work that I had previously refused in reality for many reasons (schedule - 24 hours, female coll.) and here I am there... a man comes in, let’s get acquainted. Here you are. everything is worthy. We are talking, I’m going home, he asks if you’ll come? Perhaps... we discussed a new film, 3D format, for some reason I told him that my husband took all the equipment after leaving, which is not typical for me, and then he suddenly bares his BACK in front of me . and there on the right there are wet ulcers in the form of geographical islands, and he asks if I can help him? I look at them, they are green inside, I say - everything is very bad! and I think how does he work at a dairy enterprise? probably the boss. When asked if there was anyone to help, the wife laughed. and his mistress. It’s understandable...WHY did he go to accompany me, they sat down at the bus stop, it was getting dark, the snow was falling, it started pestering, and the conversations...we can’t stop talking, they laughed and joked, I said that the back is a map for pirates, I need to decipher it) he answered - my sister is taking me to church. Then he tried to kiss me, I got excited... and woke up. EVERYTHING was as if in reality. and I behaved as in life, I remember he was offended by the refusal, I hugged him and thought about the wounds on my back. So the question is, should I go there again tomorrow, because I couldn’t find anything better, all that worries me now is work, if there is space left - should I agree...??????? And who is this man? Will I have problems there? gossip? I would recognize him in reality. thank you, sorry for the long letter, but this is important to me. Yes, it’s easier for you to answer.

    • If you are sure that the dream is about work, then the interpretation will be that you should not count on help and support, although there will be those willing to provide it. IN in a general sense the dream can be deciphered as: your vulnerability at the moment, the lack of a strong shoulder that you so need.

      thanks for the answer. albeit late. That's how it turned out - no help, no support new job. Hazing. hellish work and a health hazard. I felt the vulnerability in full and left with resentment after 2 days. And in the dream everything was so encouraging...

    First, an unfamiliar older man approached me. He verbally compared me to another girl. According to him, I won. He left because... didn't want to offend me, his goal was only to test me. Then a younger man touched my genitals. As if studying. It seemed to him that there was some kind of infection there. I wiped off the white droplets with a napkin or cotton wool several times. Then he left because... it scared him. I just watched all this without really understanding what was happening.

    • Lack of support in cases due to inaccurate, fabricated information.

      Thank you. Tell me, please, is it clear from the dream that I am providing inaccurate, contrived information, or does someone have inaccurate, contrived information, which leads to a lack of support?

    Good afternoon And I dreamed that some unfamiliar man began to show signs of attention to me. Before that, I thought that he was indifferent to me, but it turned out that this was not so. He and I were in a room that was unfamiliar, and there was another woman with us. And in front of her, he leaned my head against him, then began to stroke my hair and tie a red satin ribbon on my head. And then, I was already sitting on a chair, and he came up from behind and began to caress my breasts. I was pleased, but decided to answer him when we were alone...What does my dream mean? Thank you!

    • Someone will be inflamed with passionate feelings for you.

    From Saturday to Sunday. I dreamed that I was doing something there, I don’t remember the topic of the dream at that time, in general, I saw a stranger who was passing by on a bicycle, he said something to me, but I don’t remember this, after some time I I met him again and, for some reason, got scared and started running away, and then, on the contrary, sort of flirting, but not half-rubbing, and there was something connected with the sea. A very bright fragment. I am standing on some rock and looking at the shore, my feet are in the water, because there were small waves on the sea. Somehow, I don’t remember, this is a dream, I ended up at a rock on the shore and he took me by the hand. I realized that I had fallen in love with him on the rock, but it was as if I was testing his sincerity. Then there was some kind of date, but I don’t remember it, but there is another bright moment. I “lay down” on him, in the sense of leaning on him. I don't know how to say it. In general, he stands, and it’s as if I’m lying on him and he’s my support. It was so warm, calm and good, I’ve probably never experienced such calm in my life. What's all this for? I didn't find all the answers.

    • It is not immediately clear who you can rely on, who is worthy of your trust; it will take some time.

    A stranger hugged me with both hands, I don’t see him. But I felt so good and calm and didn’t want to go anywhere. And when I woke up, I felt this tenderness of touch in reality.

    • You can count on unexpected support.

    I dreamed about what I wanted to do beautiful photo but accidentally fell into a swamp, which is being sucked in. A stranger saves me. After which we talk for a long time and I feel that I like him and he likes me too.

    • You need urgent help from loved ones. Perhaps you yourself do not notice how you are succumbing to bad influences.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was with a former young man (remained good friends) I went to the registry office to submit an application, but there was some kind of commotion there, but in the end I didn’t understand whether the application was registered or not, since neither the date nor the time was reported. For some reason I ran away from there and hid with a hole I had dug (made of snow) in some area, climbed in there, began to fall through and get out, then I found paper money in my hands, and an unfamiliar young man pulled me by the hand and pulled me out of the hole, why then he said that I took the money from his safe, but I smiled and kissed him, then we held hands and ran somewhere and there was a feeling that there would be a wedding with him. And I woke up. I’m lonely but I don’t even think about marriage, although maybe somewhere deep down in my heart😁

    • Only when you realize your previous mistakes, which dragged you into the present situation, will you be able to get closer to your goal, and you will even find helpers.

    I was on the site with exercise equipment. Exercise machines are similar to swings. There were people. Also unknown men. I wanted attention from them (or from one of them) to me. At first one of them was with me. And then each man worked out on different machines with children. They didn't pay attention to me. Then everyone moved away from the exercise equipment. I took off my black fur coat and threw it aside (I have one like that in my life). I went to the gym. Everyone paid attention to me

    • The simulators themselves and everything around were white. I don’t remember clearly what the men and children were wearing, but everything was light.

      Stop thinking about money, and you will be able to realize your plans.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was boarding some small ship or boat. And three men came after me, attacked me and wanted to rape me. Of course, I was scared, but somehow I was able to wriggle out and turn the situation into my own self-interest. Somehow we came to an agreement, they let me go, and then we sat and talked peacefully. And one of them then became seriously interested in me, one might say, fell in love! He accompanied me everywhere, took care of me and protected me...

    • They will try to force you to do something that will not be beneficial to you. However, if you show patience and perseverance, you can turn the situation to your advantage. The main thing is not to get confused.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed about this strange dream. From Sunday to Monday. Please help me understand what it means.
    Something really upset me in my dream and I cried a lot. An unfamiliar man approached me, but I didn’t see what he looked like. He began to console me, and then asked: “Do you want me to give you a ring? I did it myself. Let’s go, you can choose for yourself.” I followed him and saw six rings on the ground on the canvas. I don't even know what they are made of, but not metal. Rings of three intertwined stripes of different colors. Mostly dark colors. I didn’t like these rings and I left the man.
    Thank you.

    • Feel relieved to get rid of an unwanted suitor.

    … 5

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

See a Stranger in a dream

  • The fat stranger is all sorts of joy, fun, the image of your soul busy “digesting itself,” your inability to confidently surrender to the flow of life. A thin, emaciated person - various troubles, the appearance of your soul, insufficiently nourished by good feelings.
  • Sad stranger - sadness. Joyful – variable luck. Many joyful people - joy awaits. A sad or joyful stranger in a dream can also symbolize not events, but your everyday position, your attitude towards life. Seeing a crying person means sudden help and support. Laughing at him is a strong union.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Stranger?

  • Meeting a stranger can be a harbinger of both good and evil events. It all depends on what impression the appearance of these people makes. If the stranger's appearance is pleasant, the dream is good; if the gentleman you meet is ugly and gloomy, expect trouble. If you dream of a stranger, but you understand that in fact it is you, you will have to solve some strange questions.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Stranger

  • If someone sees a young man unfamiliar to him in a dream, then in reality he will have an enemy.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See a Stranger in a dream

  • Meeting strangers can be a sign of both good and evil. It all depends on what impression the appearance of these people makes on you. If the stranger’s appearance is pleasant, then the dream promises good things; if he is ugly and gloomy, then expect trouble. If you dream of a stranger, but you understand that in fact it is you, then in reality you will have to solve rather strange problems.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

See a Stranger in a dream

  • Primary elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, water.
    Elements - wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold.
    Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.
    Organs - kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and all their projection zones on the face.
    Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
  • All strangers and unfamiliar faces in a dream are images of the person himself, his hidden emotions, dreams, possibilities and limitations still unknown to him: weakness or potential strength. Own faces can alarm, frighten, anger, delight, and even cause sharp hostility. This is natural: in reality, a person creates some kind of image, a mask, and behaves accordingly and imagines himself to be similar to the mask. In order to realize to the maximum all the possibilities given to him by nature, a person must know them and be able to use them. To do this, we must first, if possible, reconsider and discard everything that is artificial and fetters them. A vague feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and the artificiality of the environment gives the subconscious the opportunity to imagine one’s own masks in the form of strangers - the dreamer’s strangers/their own faces. Reflections in the masks of the recesses of one’s own soul can be frightening, but it is always healing, because it liberates consciousness, removes energy blocks and heals. This is what children from wealthy families like to tell each other scary stories about coffins, murders and other horrors that allegedly happened to them. Artistically imagined fear frees children from the possibility of the present and teaches creative behavior in the most difficult situations. An adult is a child in the face of Space and nature: they also show him terrible stories in their faces, created by their own adult actions and behavior. And this cleanses and gets rid of everything bad. The very possibility of such a theatrical and multidimensional dream speaks of great creative potential.
  • To see/look at someone else's unfamiliar face/a stranger in a dream is a yang state of receiving information from the outside. With the circulation of all emotions (all colors of the rainbow): from horror to joy, having passed through the spectacle of other people’s faces/own reflections in a dream, the dreamer is freed from all the roles imposed on him by life and by himself. The dream is healing and favorable: its consequences will be calmness, confidence and unlimited opportunities for obtaining information for creativity with the favor of nature and the Cosmos. A clear vision of the motives for the actions of others will relieve you in the future from the need to artificially direct the situation, which will also save a lot of energy.
  • To be frightened by your reflections, to wake up from the reluctance to participate in the performance means a reluctance to any changes and energy blocks: including blocking creative potential and the choice of everyday conveniences, peace and real estate in return. This is an irreparable error life path.
    The dream is unfavorable, especially if repeated: distortions of the reflection will multiply and destroy the self, the personality (see the article Evil Spirits).

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stranger

  • Strangers in dreams can present quite a difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are simply faces and images taken from a list of persons whom we know by sight and name (sometimes they represent our own INNER ESSENCE or INTERNAL ENTITIES). Images of strangers can open our eyes to how we perceive the world. Various theorists offer numerous explanations for who these characters are and how they entered our souls. To interpret any dream, it will be useful to organize the list of participants in the action.
  • The inner being/inner beings are like strangers. CARL JUNG theorized that in the Self there is a feminine complement to the masculine PERSONALITY and a masculine complement to the feminine personality. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When a stranger appears in a man’s dream, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer’s personality. This, on the contrary, is true for women who dream of male strangers. It's quite rare for these strangers to have SEXUAL desire in relation to the dreamer, although, in principle, this is possible. More common is intimate friendship. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially members of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.
  • The second aspect of such a character embodying the inner self/s is the desire to express what we probably cannot express in real life. Women in their dreams can see a character personifying their inner essence, who, as compensation for feelings that he cannot show in real life, shows terrible ANGER. Likewise, men may have characters who embody their inner selves and cry from the pain that life has caused them, a manifestation of emotions that they do not consider it possible to express in reality. These strangers are often benevolent towards us: they can provide assistance, protection, or information to solve problems. If they cause trouble, it is often because they act in ways we ourselves would like to be able to act.
  • Displaced strangers. In this case, your dream moves the person from one type of relationship with you to another. Example: good famous celebrity becomes your brother or sister. A more common example is a boss or teacher as a parent. In addition to personal roles, emotions can shift. This especially applies to cases of anger or sexual desire that are repressed in real life.
  • Strangers personifying an incubus/succubus (male and feminine). These are strangers-lovers who appear in a dream to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent extremes sexual experience. These are either idealized lovers, emotionally and physical sense, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from doing what you think is bad for you in reality.
  • Shadow strangers are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer, who have the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often, these negative qualities are presented in extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits, which we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop negative objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of base sides of our PERSONALITY. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

Why do you dream about the Stranger?

  • A handsome stranger you meet in a dream promises changes for the better in your personal life and intimate relationships. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected pleasant meeting.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: dream book of happy omens, Azar's dream book, new family dream book, dream book of Nostradamus, Italian dream book Meneghetti, psychotherapeutic dream book, Freud's dream book, noble dream book N. Grishina, psychoanalytic dream book V. Samokhvalova, Chaldean dream book, dream book of the Wanderer, dream interpreter (1829), dream book of Cleopatra, dream book of Vanga, dream book of Schiller-Shkolnik, dream book of Denise Lynn (detailed), Slavic dream book, dream book of love, Russian dream book, Chinese dream book Zhou-gun, ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, Vedic dream book Sivananda, Tsvetkov’s dream book, gypsy dream book, and others.