What awaits the lioness woman in the year. Physical and psychological health

The astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the Leo sign. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign Leo, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Leo horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

In 2018, Jupiter will be in Leo in the 4th house until November 9th. 4 Home is the area of ​​tradition, parents and home. Jupiter then moves to the 5th house - the house of play, entertainment, excitement, sex and children.


In 2018, Leos can count on full help and support from parents and older family members. But they themselves will have to repay their filial duty more than once, remain devoted to their family and observe the traditions of the family.

This will contribute to success, a comfortable life without hassle, in love and prosperity. Relations with relatives will be trusting and prosperous, and it is likely that you will take ownership of the family nest. All this with positive aspects of Jupiter.

During conflict transits to Jupiter, on the contrary, Leos will resist the will of their parents in every possible way, often showing increased aggressiveness, and intra-family feuds and disputes are likely to arise, mainly concerning issues of inheritance. The Leo horoscope for 2018 predicts that the family will reproach him for squandering their property and behaving frivolously. Representatives of this sign will have to take on most of the care for their family. Relatives will impose many restrictions of a moral and religious nature. However, Leos themselves will adhere to them, of their own free will.

In 2018, Leos will have to accept the philosophy that their family lives by and accept it. And it doesn’t matter what they really think, the main thing is that Leos behave properly, perceiving their family as a single team in which they are only one of the players. And not even the most basic. This will give them many additional opportunities, including personal safety. This behavior will be especially important if Leos belong to a family that occupies a prominent place in society and has a high status.

Love, creativity and play

Starting from November 2018, Leos will be interested in all grandiose creative projects. They themselves will try to behave accordingly - willingly take part in various competitions and contests, invest money in financial transactions, sometimes quite risky, flirt left and right - and they will be surprisingly lucky in everything. Starting from love affairs and ending with gambling.

The 2018 horoscope for Leo reports that representatives of this sign will perceive life itself as one big game, striving to win the main prize in it. However. they will be more interested not in the prize itself, but in the process of competition, from which Leos will be completely delighted. During this period, Leo may have a new partner, well-off and occupying a prominent position in society. They will be extremely lucky in love; Leos will be simply irresistible to members of the opposite sex.

During this period, Leos will radiate good nature and optimism, successfully combining wisdom and aplomb in one bottle. They will very subtly feel what kind of behavior others expect from them and without any difficulty, playfully adapt to their requirements, simply in order to please themselves and others. It is not surprising that Leos will be popular and loved during this period.

This affects all areas of their lives, but especially sexual ones. As written in the horoscope for 2018, Leos will receive great satisfaction from the pleasure they give to their partner. Perhaps they will not experience truly deep feelings, treating sex also as a game in which they can win one of the prizes. Therefore, Leos will be quite indiscriminate in choosing a partner - the physical sensations that they receive and can give will be important to them.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo: difficulties and trials

In 2018, Saturn will be in Leo's 6th house - the house of work and health. It is this area that you will need to pay special attention to.


According to the horoscope for 2018, Leos will take work very seriously and, thanks to their hard work, will be able to achieve significant success here. This is especially true for those representatives of the sign who are employed in the public service, in the field of mathematics and natural sciences. Sometimes it will seem to them that there is no one to replace them, and therefore they will devote all their energy to work, which may not have the best effect on their condition and health. Working conditions will also be quite tense and uncomfortable.

Very often, Leos will think that they are underestimated, that they are too invisible and deserve more. If this is your case, try to learn to admit your own mistakes, not repeat them, and demonstrate your best qualities.

Perhaps Leos will need to go to school in order to improve their professional level and take their rightful place in the team. Perhaps they will need to abandon conservative methods of work and try some innovative methods. If Leos are disappointed and want to change jobs, it is better to wait until more favorable times.

This will not be easy to do in 2018, in particular due to overwork and worsening health problems. And although in 2018 Leos will move towards their goal with considerable difficulty, in small steps, if they are not lazy, then by the end of the year they will be able to achieve significant and lasting results in their work. Patience and work will grind everything down - this is the Leo motto for this year in the professional field.


Saturn's presence in the area of ​​health will require constant monitoring of your well-being. The Leo 2018 horoscope says that various chronic diseases may worsen. Leos will have to learn to provide themselves with the necessary help - perhaps for this they will need to study some traditional methods of treatment, strictly and regularly take the medications prescribed by the doctor. You should not experiment and try some new, untested drugs; you should also avoid advertised miraculous methods that promise instant and complete healing.

During this period, Leos will need to be wary of various infectious diseases, as well as seasonal colds and ailments. It is also possible that the disease of representatives of this sign will be caused by heavy physical labor or harmful working conditions.

Leo horoscope for 2018: surprises and surprises

Until May 15, 2018, Uranus in Leo will be in the 9th house - the area of ​​the distant environment, philosophy and travel. It then moves into the 10th house - the house of personal success, power and career.


The presence of Uranus in the 9th house will endow Leo with outstanding adventurous aspirations. They will deny all sorts of dogmas and enjoy various adventures. As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, if Leo plans to travel, it will be to some little-explored exotic country. If the energy of Uranus is used incorrectly, a penchant for adventure can cause Leos a lot of trouble, including legal proceedings.

During this period, representatives of the sign will awaken an interest in all new trends, especially in the field of philosophy, politics, natural sciences, upbringing, and education. New methods of work and learning will seem unusually progressive to Leos in 2018; they will be happy to reform the old system and move away from the usual traditional views that were characteristic of them until recently. In their imagination they will have the most rosy pictures of the future; it is possible that, despite their utopianism, many of these fantasies will turn out to be prophetic. And Leos themselves will be keenly interested in all kinds of prophecies and predictions.

As for the past, Leos will really like to collect materials about various mysteries of history, archeology, and perhaps they will start collecting antiques and artifacts. The horoscope for Leo for 2018 indicates that many representatives of this sign will be carried away by reading science fiction literature or watching relevant films.

Success in work awaits Leo people engaged in the field of invention, travel, healing, design, and various research. Extrasensory abilities may awaken completely unexpectedly. If the planet is defeated, Leos will need to be especially careful in all their experiments and adventures, which may turn out to be not very pleasant for them.

During this period, Leos will test the limits of their strength. trying to go beyond their limits and see what was not yet available to them. This position of Uranus favors revolutionaries and reformers who are actively breaking the usual foundations of both their lives and the life of society as a whole.

You just need to remember that destruction should not be an end in itself; you must really try to create something new and advanced to replace what was destroyed, otherwise you can remain in ruins. Leos will need to boldly follow the flight of their mind, which will lead them to areas where they can brilliantly demonstrate all their outstanding abilities.


The transition of Uranus to the 10th house on May 15, 2018 will bring a logical continuation of the reform activities of Lviv in the previous period. They will continue to actively move towards their goal, changing the outdated model of life structure. This position of the planet will be especially favorable for those Leos who are involved in political activities.

They will be able to take leadership positions and captivate the broad masses of the population with their ideas. During this period, Leo will not be inclined to follow someone himself; all Leos will question any authority, which, if the planet is defeated, can result in a senseless and causeless rebellion.

The presence of Uranus in the 10th house will also have a positive impact on the careers of those representatives of the sign. who work on various research, technology testing, in the field of natural sciences, computer science, electronics, and also engage in any unusual activities, such as esotericism, astrology, and the occult.

Successful career advancement will be facilitated by the introduction of progressive innovative technologies in the workplace. According to the Leo horoscope of 2018, this is a period when many Leos may unexpectedly come into conflict with their immediate management and change their place of work. Representatives of this sign will have great ambitions, they will be characterized by increased ambition and the desire to achieve recognition at any cost. Due to the inconstancy of Uranus, their career will experience both ups and unexpected downs in 2018, with the defeat of the planet - right up to complete oblivion. Leos will be burdened by everyday responsibilities and routine, avoid responsibility and try to gain complete freedom of action.

They will have their own point of view on everything, which will seem to them the only true and unique one. During this period, any restrictions for Leo will be unacceptable. It is not surprising that they will not find understanding either from their superiors or from their own subordinates. Both will actively oppose such voluntarism, as a result of which the emergence of many conflicts will become inevitable. Which will become one of the main events in Lviv’s professional career in 2018.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo: mysterious and spiritual

Throughout 2018, Neptune will be in Leo's 8th house - the house of death, conscious fears, other people's money and extreme situations.

The presence of Neptune in any house brings into this area various illusions, unclear vision of the picture, mirages, and a tendency to take wishful thinking.


In 2018, Leos will need to be especially careful in everything that concerns the management of other people's money, otherwise, under the influence of this unclear planet, they can very easily become victims of financial swindlers. It will be necessary to refrain from dubious transactions that promise quick enrichment.

On the other hand, it is possible that representatives of this sign will make a profit in some strange and unusual way - for example, they will be left an unexpected inheritance, a long-forgotten debt will be returned, or there will be an insurance payment. Business or life partners will turn out to be unreliable and wasteful, so Leos will have to take the management of the joint budget into their own hands.

But Neptune also awakens intuition and psychic abilities. Many Leos during this period will see rather strange dreams that are difficult to explain. Meanwhile, if you work through them, they will bring rich material for reflection. Leos can feel an interest in spiritual practices, the occult and show good results there.

The study of the subtle world and the knowledge obtained in this way can become one of the sources of their financial income. On the other hand, in the wrong light of this planet, everything will seem different to Leos than it really is, so they can easily fall under the influence of others or become a victim of targeted suggestion, for example, by a professional hypnotist.

When the planet is damaged, there is a high probability of the emergence of unfounded phobias, neuroses, and various types of addictions, for example, from drugs and alcohol. Also, if Neptune's energy is used incorrectly, Leos can waste their inheritance or receive significant losses from financial transactions with other people's money.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo: major changes

Pluto will be in Leo's 6th house throughout 2018 - the house of work and health.

In 2018, Leos will need to be very conscientious about their work, otherwise serious complications will arise not only with immediate management, but also with the law. On the other hand, with a proper attitude towards their responsibilities and diligent work, representatives of this sign will be able to make a good profit and not think about their financial situation.

Managers born under the sign of Leo will have to devote a lot of time to monitoring the work of their subordinates and approach the selection of specialists for each project with great responsibility. Manifestations of gullibility and excessive idealism, both in relation to subordinates and superiors, will be fraught with the emergence of various kinds of unpleasant situations, disputes, and conflicts. Disruptions and problems at work can cause not only a lack of self-confidence or professionalism, but also serious health problems.

Most of the diseases that will arise according to the horoscope for Leo in 2018 will not be physical, but psychological in nature. If Pluto's energy is used incorrectly, representatives of this sign can fall into deep suspiciousness and hypochondria. Suspecting that they have a whole bunch of unexplained diseases, they will go to different medical offices, without being able to find out the true reason for their poor health. In fact, it will lie in the depths of their subconscious. And as soon as Leos forget about their illnesses, all the symptoms that worry them will immediately disappear.

In 2018, Leos need to protect themselves from infectious and colds. As a preventative measure, it is advisable to carefully follow the usual rules of household hygiene and, if possible, lead a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo: vectors of your destiny

During the year, the ascending Northern Lunar Node will be in Leo's 1st house - the house of personality. Accordingly, the descending South Node of the Moon will be in the 7th house - the area of ​​marriage and personal relationships.

This placement of the Lunar Nodes suggests that in 2018 Leos will need to pay more attention not to partnerships, but to the formation and development of their own personality. This applies not only to the soul, but also to the body. Leos will need to devote more time to education and self-education, their health, and sports.

In all matters and problems, they will have to learn to rely only on themselves, on their own experience and knowledge. Try to maximize your self-esteem through self-development. As for relationships with partners, they will develop on their own. Your participation should only be limited to consistently defending your own interests in them.

Under no circumstances should you sacrifice yourself to please your partner. It is possible that in some cases, in order to achieve success in 2018, Leos will have to completely abandon their partnership and remain alone for some time.

Horoscope for Leo for 2018

Element- Fire
Ruling planet- Sun
Metal– gold
Male sign

In 2018, Leo You will have to become participants in very important events, influence the mood prevailing in society, and even, perhaps, get closer to power. You will become an authoritative person at work, in your family and circle of friends. This year, your characteristic concern for loved ones will be restrained by excessive severity and increased demands on them. Until September, you can count on special support from the stars in financial matters. Profit is possible even where such a chance would seem to be minimal. There is only one condition - the sources of income must be honest and not cause losses to other people.
In spring your intuition may let you down. Base your conclusions only on proven facts and do not believe premonitions.
An upsurge is expected in your personal life. You should only show more attention to your partner and generously give him warmth.
This year you will meet interesting people, new knowledge, and major acquisitions. In any situation, you can count on the understanding and support of your relatives.

Leo's career and finances in 2018
At the beginning of 2018, work will become a panacea for Leos for all troubles and problems. Your co-workers will treat you with great respect.
New people will join your team in February. Some of them will try to challenge your success and abilities. Controversial situations are possible, in these cases you should listen to the opinion of the team. During this period, disruptions in business and plans are likely, but old friends and relatives will support you.
Conflicts behind your back will continue in March, but parallel to this flow, your success, both personal and business, will increase. Business trips will lead to successful deals.
Until the end of May you will have to work tirelessly. Management will make excessive demands on you.
In the summer, active growth in free activity will open. The first brilliant successes are expected in June. You will enjoy great authority among your colleagues, and things will work out. Until the end of August, interesting trips, business trips, and successes away from home are expected. This is the time for successful and profitable offers.
Autumn will pass in the flow of personal success. There is a lot to do, your position at work is strengthened. During this period, you may become interested in new knowledge that will expand your horizons. However, learning may come with obstacles. The acquired knowledge and skills will be useful to you in December.
As for finances, in 2018 generous Leos will spend a lot, and not only on themselves. Stylish clothes, designer jewelry, expensive interior items, luxurious gifts for loved ones - these are the main expenses in the coming year. Fortunately, the income promises to be considerable, so there will be enough money to satisfy all desires.
January and early February are not suitable times for serious spending. For these few weeks, it is better to introduce a saving mode, and you will be able to avoid purchasing expensive but completely unnecessary things.
Do not make any, even the smallest, debts from February to April. You will have enough of your own funds for basic needs, but it is better to postpone expensive entertainment and purchases for the soul until the end of spring.
In the summer, a salary increase at your main place of work is likely. Perhaps this will be associated with an offer to take on a new position with a higher salary or it will be a large bonus.
Plan expenses related to home improvement for July-August. Think over the interior design, buy beautiful things, make small repairs.
Good luck in gambling awaits you in October-November. The income will not be very large. But what is happening will entertain you and make you believe in your lucky star.

Leo's personal life in 2018
In 2018, a significant role in the sphere of personal life of Lviv Relationships with relatives, people from the environment, as well as acquaintances and friends, distant and close, will play a role. The circle of acquaintances will be replenished with a variety of people.
At the beginning of January, representatives of the Leo sign may have problems with their family. You are successful, and this can irritate your faithful. Listen to your loved ones, any situation can be smoothed out with affection and attention.
From mid-January and February the situation will begin to change. Be careful in personal relationships, avoid dubious acquaintances. Away from home, success, attention and popularity await you.
In the spring, try to turn to your previous ideals and feelings. Then mutual understanding with your loved ones will come. May will bring a new flow of desires. You will become interested in youth ideas and companies. On this basis, conflicts with the other half are possible.
In the summer, a period of personal success will open for Leo. You become more and more interesting to others. In June-July, a marriage proposal may be made to you (or you). But it can also be a civil marriage. In these relationships, your partners will be your guardian angels, and you really need such support.
In the fall there will be more worries. During this period, pregnancy or conception is possible.
The trends of personal success and attention to your person will continue, the circle of acquaintances will change.
This period is characterized by strong relationships with loved ones. Senior close relatives will support and help you in everything.
In November, children's affairs will please them, but illnesses, mistakes, and deceptions may upset them. Take care of your children and loved ones.
In December, you may become infatuated with older people, but this infatuation will not last long and will end in disappointment.

Leo health in 2018
Leos will feel very good in 2018. Temporary ailments will not affect your performance and attractiveness in any way. And yet, during the periods February-March, August-September, November-December, proper rest should be ensured. In spring it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
From late January to February, try to take fewer medications. At this time, traditional medicine recipes will be much more effective. If tablets are still necessary, strictly follow your doctor's instructions.
It is necessary to strictly monitor your weight from March to May 2018. You shouldn't go hungry at this time. A light diet and regular exercise will help you achieve a slimmer figure.
In May there is a risk of colds. However, if you take timely measures, you will recover within a few days.
Summer is a favorable period in terms of health. It will last at least until the beginning of October. The energy will be overflowing. Do not neglect sports activities at this time and do not indulge in heavy food.
In the fall, begin to prepare your body for winter. Moderate hardening and means aimed at strengthening the nervous system will be required. Give preference to yoga. It will help you calm down, relax and boost your immunity.

The Leo horoscope for 2018 will tell you what awaits you in the near future - the astrological forecast will tell you about career and business, love and family matters. Find out what prospects open up for representatives of your zodiac sign in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Horoscope of health, love and finance.

The year of the Yellow Earth Dog will not leave fearless and proud Leos without pleasant surprises! In the winter months, your financial sphere will “go uphill”, and with the onset of spring and the awakening of nature, many opportunities for flirting and love affairs await you. In the summer you can find time to relax and gain strength, and the fun begins in the fall! We won’t reveal all the cards in advance, but the horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Leo claims that dramatic changes will occur in your life in the fall!

However, if your path is covered with roses, you need to keep in mind that some of them may have thorns. For example, success at work may make some colleagues jealous, and you will have to do something about it. Well, or put up with slander and anonymous messages addressed to you. Try, if possible, not to advertise your own successes and not to provoke envious people.

Horoscope for 2018 for the sign Leo (female)). The proud “mistress of the savannah” in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is not inclined to compromise! You clearly make it clear to those around you that you are ready to take only the best from life! However, such perfectionism has its negative sides - constantly trying to “raise the bar” can get very tired and alienate some people. However, you never tried to start relationships with weaklings, did you?

Horoscope for 2018 for the sign Leo (male)). The stars predict a favorable period for you, both in terms of work and finances, and in terms of building personal relationships. However, the horoscope for the Leo zodiac sign warns that in 2018 a person will appear in your environment who will become a source of constant problems. You will make your life much more enjoyable and simpler if you keep your contact with him to a minimum.

Love horoscope for the Leo sign for 2018

The stars say that unsurpassed and charming Leos and Lionesses will shine, striking the attention of numerous admirers! Unmarried representatives of your zodiac sign have good opportunities to find a worthy couple for themselves. Who knows - maybe even New Year's Eve will be the beginning of a romantic adventure, because you are used to acting quickly and decisively!

Keep in mind that not all the fans (or admirers) that interest you will turn out to be unrelated by marriage. The horoscope advises checking this circumstance, especially if you are interested in a serious relationship and not a short affair. In addition, you need to take into account that the deceived spouse of your candidate for “soul mate” can make your life simply unbearable. In a word, look for a free pair.

For family Leos who remain faithful to their other half, the Yellow Earth Dog will give them a calm and measured year. No scandals or squabbles are expected in the near future. Perhaps the time has come for you to expand your family? The stars say that now is a very suitable period for this!

Finance, business and career in 2018

During the winter months, do not make large purchases - there is a high probability that you may need finance to solve unforeseen problems. But spring will fully reward you for economical budgeting. Whether it will be an influx of customers, winning the lottery or a generous quarterly bonus - who knows? The horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Leo only says that, starting from March-April, you will not experience a lack of finances!

Leo entrepreneurs in 2018 of the Yellow Dog should focus on their core activities. Attempts to open additional branches or reach a new level should be postponed for a while - there are still a lot of promising and untapped opportunities in your segment. Also, do not rush to renew your staff this year - it often happens that the old team copes with their work better than young professionals.

Leo employees in the spring of 2018 will have the opportunity to distinguish themselves and earn a reputation as a competent professional in their field. And such a reputation is worth a lot! After all, in fact, this is the first step towards a brilliant career and the opportunity to subsequently occupy a leadership position. However, as mentioned earlier, try not to advertise your successes so as not to become a victim of false denunciations from ill-wishers.

Physical and psychological health

The Leo horoscope for 2018 states that the Yellow Dog is ready to provide you with many opportunities for personal and professional development. But even positive, dramatic changes in life are often accompanied by severe stress. Therefore, it is very important for representatives of your zodiac sign to take care of their nervous system and avoid unreasonable overload. A moderate diet and healthy sleep will help you maintain strength for all future achievements.

Some people develop the habit of “eating” stress with sweets, as well as various fatty and unhealthy foods. This approach brings some moral relief, but has a negative impact on the figure and overall well-being. Come up with another way for yourself to “let off steam” - for example, go jogging or play sports.

Talismans for the Leo sign for 2018

For representatives of your zodiac sign in the year of the Yellow Dog, healthy, restful sleep is of great importance. An amulet designed to ward off bad dreams will protect your peace at night. Of course, you can purchase such a talisman in a specialized store, but talismans made by yourself are considered the most powerful. To make a dream catcher, you will need bird feathers.

Family Leos who want to protect their home from adversity and troubles can use a special one for these purposes. This amulet in the form of a simple thread doll protects against conflicts in the family and brings material well-being to the home. In addition, the protective doll resists witchcraft and the machinations of evil spirits.

Invariably, every year a new eastern sign comes to power. In 2018, the place of the bright Fiery Red Rooster will be taken by the friendly one. What will she give each of us and how will the year pass under the auspices of this interesting sign? Astrologers say that a Dog cannot bring sorrow and sadness with it, since it is a very devoted and cheerful animal. As a symbol of the year, the Dog will not change the nature of its character and will remain the same reliable and unconditionally loyal creature.

In this article we will tell you about horoscope for Leo for 2018. Knowing some useful and necessary information from leading astrologers, you can always evade a dangerous situation, directing your forces where the stars recommend to you.

Despite the support of the owner of 2018 to all Leos and Lionesses, from the very beginning of January a difficult period will begin, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry. As it turns out a little later, the vanity will be empty, and the reasons for the worries are so insignificant that you will still laugh at yourself. From the end of January until April, luck will smile again on the representatives of the sign. Amazing prospects will open up before you, both on the personal front and in the professional arena. Don't try to grab everything at once - show some caution and focus on one thing.

The last month of spring and the very beginning of summer will be more than stressful. At this time, it will be difficult for you to get to the bottom of the problem and find the only correct way to solve them. It will be possible to take a break from the frantic pace in July - the business activity of Lviv will moderate its ardor and provide an opportunity to take a break. A good period for relaxation somewhere in the country or in nature.

With the arrival of August, a series of upheavals will burst into your life, especially in the work environment. The stars advise each representative of the Leo zodiac sign to show their best sides and never let their guard down. In September you may be criticized unnecessarily. Ignore the expression of someone else's opinion and try to calmly react to ill-wishers. In October, a truly white streak will begin, which will last until the end of 2018.

Leo Man

Financial and professional issues will require lightning-fast reactions, so courageous Leos will need to be able to get to three places at once and immediately resolve issues that come up.

To prevent everything from going to hell, you must not miss an opportune moment. Intuition will become your best ally, listen to it and act as you see fit. If things don’t go well from the very beginning, step aside and temporarily become more of a creator than a creator of the situation.

Issues related to the image and appearance of Lviv will come to the fore in 2018. Be sure to pay attention to the impression you make on the people around you. Try to look good in front of your business partners. Your main ally in any matter will be the lion’s prudence; use it as a weapon against difficulties.

Leo Woman

Representatives of this majestic sign should listen to their inner voice. Actually, it is intuition that can lead Lionesses to amazing results and give them success. In personal relationships, there may be small problems that you will be able to overcome if you manage to maintain composure and self-control.

Throughout the year, you simply need to avoid rash actions and thoughtless words. It is better to discard the cunning, freeing resignation and simplicity. At the same time, Leo women need to keep their mouths shut and keep all their secrets to themselves.

The Year of the Dog encourages creativity, invention and small and large experiments. Make sure that your actions do not harm anyone. Otherwise, the likelihood of making enemies in the person of influential people will increase.

What will Leo's health be like in 2018?

Representatives of the sign should avoid stress and overexertion. Walk outdoors more often. The strength accumulated over the past year will protect energetic Leos from the influence of negative factors, but you should not forget about maintaining immunity at the proper level. The heavenly bodies recommend spending your vacation mainly in a tropical climate.

The period from July to August is the most favorable for saying goodbye to bad habits once and for all. Take measures to prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases. In the summer there will be a chance to completely get rid of this or that disease. Lead a healthy lifestyle, sign up for a swimming pool or yoga class - and you will always be full of strength and energy.

Forecast for family life

You should spend more time with your partner. Do not bury yourself in work matters, because then a crack may arise between you and your significant other, which will not be so easy to mend with a simple hug. All efforts should be devoted to cultivating trust between you. Don't let your relationship fall apart. Leos need to pamper their relatives more, arrange surprises for them, and invite them to a joint vacation.

The year is conducive to major renovations or relocation. Lviv in marriage expects complete understanding and love. Good news may be news of a new addition to the family.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2018

You know how to impress the opposite sex, and you use it skillfully. Single representatives of the sign are expected to create strong relationships that can lead to marriage. There is a high probability of meeting your destiny during a big holiday or travel.

“Busy” Leos can dramatically change their priorities in love relationships. The stars do not recommend being distracted by fleeting hobbies. Keep all the good things between you and your partner. Try to specify all your desires, and not rely on the understanding and insight of others.

Career and business

The vast majority of Leos will not encounter any obstacles on their way to building a stable business or successfully climbing the career ladder. To do this, you must be flexible and hardworking. A creative approach to everyday tasks or more complex difficulties will help you become noticeable to management.

Even in the most tense situations, when any step could be regarded as an attempt to escape or a personal insult, remain cool. Representatives of the sign should be more careful with colleagues - individual ill-wishers can interfere with work and openly cause mischief, which will lower Lviv to a lower working level.

Financial horoscope

In the year of the Dog (), you cannot borrow money, and it is also not approved to lend it yourself, even to a friend. Loans are also prohibited. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of the heavenly bodies in the form of big financial problems. The best solution in a difficult financial situation is to find a new or second source of income and stick to saving where it will not greatly affect your standard of living.

What did Leos not prepare for on the eve of the Year of the Dog? Wayward, representatives of this sign feared that the new patron would not show favor to them. Therefore, Leos expected anything from the horoscope for 2018. Meanwhile, forecasts for the period of dominance of the Earth Dog will surprise them. The horoscope for 2018 for Leo will help you find out about the most important events of the future.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo

Exciting events await Lviv in 2018. The horoscope warns representatives of the sign to be mentally prepared for the fact that they will have to give up rest. There will simply be no time to think about fatigue. As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, all their free time will be taken up by work, everyday chores and urgent matters. The stars will give people born under the sign of Leo very little time for reflection. That is why the year will pass quickly and productively. The horoscope for 2018 predicts quarrels and even scandals for Leo. People of this sign will find it difficult to restrain their emotions when communicating with others. In 2018, Leos will be able to quarrel with almost all their loved ones. The horoscope also predicts quick reconciliation, but in some cases it will become impossible due to mutual grievances. At the end of the year, Lviv will have great luck. What exactly it will be expressed in is not yet clear. But it is already known that for people born under this sign, all matters will go wrong, and work will literally burn in their hands. During such a period, representatives of the Leo sign should not become arrogant. In the year of the Earth Dog, such abilities should be perceived as nothing more than the temporary favor of the stars.

Romantic horoscope for 2018 for Leo

On the romantic front, things will be far from clear for Leo in 2018. The Year of the Dog does not promise representatives of this zodiac sign cloudless happiness and euphoria from mutual feelings. People born under the sign of Leo will face disappointments and long separations. The horoscope for 2018 recommends that they not give up and continue to build personal happiness with their chosen one, despite the difficulties.
The year will be successful for Leos who have not yet met their soul mates. Representatives of this sign will be lucky enough to meet and start relationships with worthy people. Those people who are planning a wedding for the Year of the Dog will have even more luck. Fate will give people of this sign a chance to become truly happy, regardless of whether the celebration takes place. An unenviable fate awaits unfaithful Leos in the year of the Earth Dog. For your betrayal, you will never be forgiven by your loved one. This horoscope forecast for 2018 should encourage Leo to work on their desires and feelings.

Financial horoscope for Leo for 2018

Despite temporary difficulties, Leos have always been able to maintain an optimal level of financial solvency. Will representatives of this sign manage not to feel an acute need for money during the period of the Earth Dog's dominance? The financial horoscope for 2018 will help answer this question.
People of this zodiac sign will need a large amount of money at the very beginning of the year. The horoscope predicts that they may fall into debt due to this. In 2018, Leos can take out small amounts on credit, but if it comes to huge loans, then it is better to look for other ways to get out of the situation. In the second half of the year, the horoscope predicts an increase in wages. For people of the Leo sign who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, luck will smile on them in the summer. Horoscope 2018 predicts profit for them due to business expansion and increased demand for the goods or services offered.

Career Lviv in 2018

Leos should not have high hopes for 2018, expecting a promotion up the career ladder. The only exceptions are those representatives of the Zodiac sign who dedicated their lives to military service and saving human lives. The horoscope for 2018 for Leo teachers contains forecasts about improving the quality of work. Your work will definitely be noticed and appreciated. The year will also be successful for those employed in the trade sector. Even if they don’t take the place of bosses, they will definitely be included in the personnel reserve for leadership positions.
Leos will have successful business affairs in 2018. The only drawback will be the machinations of competitors. Some difficulties are predicted for Leo in 2018 because of them, but they will be able to cope easily and without financial losses. People of this zodiac sign will be able to open their own business and begin to develop it successfully, even if they have not previously been involved in entrepreneurship. The career horoscope for 2018 for Leos, who have never worked anywhere, predicts very interesting events. People of this sign will be able to find something they like, the fruits of which will be appreciated. The business horoscope promises: Leos will no longer be bored.

Health of Lviv in 2018

The horoscope for 2018 promises Leo a rather calm period. The risk of injury for representatives of this sign is minimal. The horoscope recommends traveling less by plane. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to prefer trains and buses that are safe for Leo this year. The 2018 horoscope for Leo contains predictions about urinary tract diseases. They will not affect men under 36 years of age. The rest of Leos are recommended to use preventive measures.
The horoscope for 2018 was successful for Leo people planning to have a child. People of this sign will be lucky enough to conceive a child in the first half of the year. Particularly lucky Leos will be able to experience the happiness of parenthood already in October-December, and children conceived and born in the year of the Dog will be under the special protection of the element of Fire. The horoscope for 2018 contains predictions about headaches. Representatives of the sign should focus their attention on this. If the pain appears periodically and passes intensely, then Leos should immediately consult a doctor. The horoscope for 2018 also warns of some likelihood of nervous system disorders.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo women

Women born under the sign of Leo will plunge headlong into business. They will not have enough time to take care of their family and children. The 2018 horoscope for Leo women contains predictions about stress. It is not surprising that there will be a lot of nervous shocks, because active Lionesses will not want to look for any outlet in their work. Leo women had practically no important tasks for 2018. But the horoscope for 2018 assures that plans will take shape in the first months of the new period. Representatives of this sign will have to make a lot of efforts to manage to implement them before the end of the year.
The horoscope for Leo women for 2018 contains successful predictions regarding hobbies and sports. Representatives of this sign will achieve unprecedented success in their studies. Leo women will have a wide potential for creativity. The horoscope encourages them not to miss the opportunity and to realize their even very fantastic ideas. It won't be without its downsides. The horoscope for Leo girls contains predictions about conflicts. Over the course of the year, the fair half of the sign will get the impression that everyone without exception wants to quarrel with them. The stars recommend being above this and trying to look for peaceful solutions.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo men

For many Leo men, luck will smile on them in almost all areas in the new period. The stars will be able to help them achieve success. The horoscope for Leo is filled with positive events in the form of interesting meetings, pleasant evenings, and unexpected surprises. Leos will be able to shine in all their glory in almost any society. They will be noticed and admired. But there is also the other side of the coin - representatives of the sign, blinded by success, will not be able to recognize their weak points in time, which opponents and competitors will not fail to take advantage of. Therefore, Leos should be on their guard, despite the obvious favor of the stars and the patron planet.
The only failure will be quarrels with loved ones. You will notice disagreements at the beginning of the period, and by the summer the tension will reach its climax. Leos should work on self-control and try not to take liberties by offending family and friends. In the fall, Leo men will have the opportunity to go on vacation abroad. All doors will be opened for them to travel and realize long-standing plans. However, the Earth Dog encourages Leos to celebrate the New Year with their families.