Exercises to straighten a stoop. Exercises to correct slouching

Slouching is unsightly: the shoulders are rounded, the height becomes visually smaller, in girls the breasts seem saggy, the tummy sticks out. And it seems like nothing, it’s just a matter of appearance, but incorrect posture also harms health, deforming internal organs, worsening the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are many reasons for this disease: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But don’t worry, in most cases everything can be corrected with exercises for stooping, even at home.

Checking the condition of the spine

The simplest test is to stand near a wall. If there is a baseboard under the wall, stand by the door or find another option. Press yourself against a vertical surface so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head simultaneously touch it.

  • If it works, and you can fixate yourself like this for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct your posture you just need to do special gymnastics and learn to control yourself.
  • If you cannot touch some part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, it is better to consult a doctor, possibly take an x-ray and choose a special treatment.

Why does stooping occur and what to do about it?

In this paragraph we will not touch upon congenital causes: if a person has different leg lengths, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, or abnormal muscle development, exercises cannot correct this, or they are too specific. Let's talk about acquired disease.

As a child

In children, stooping usually appears after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when the child leans towards the screen, or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If you don’t notice anything, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and daily 20-minute exercises are enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It is useless to shout “Don’t slouch!” if the reason is fear, uncertainty, or emotional tightness. In this case, in order to remove stoop, it is better to do exercises (gymnastics) together, or to understand the causes of internal tightness.

During adolescence

A young body begins to grow quickly, and sometimes bones develop faster than muscles. That is why a teenager should be sent to swimming or introduced to some kind of sport, this will help make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their height and cannot stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if you take it in time, everything can be fixed.

In adults

The problem here, most often, is a sedentary lifestyle or work where you need to bend over a table, machine, equipment, etc. Exercises, special exercises for stooping, and constant monitoring.

  • To a man It is often more comfortable to work out in the gym, where he pumps up the muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • To the girl Most likely, home gymnastics will do. Women by nature are more flexible, they walk with pleasure, they try to maintain their posture so that their tummy does not stick out and their breasts seem more attractive.
  • In older people problems with posture often arise against the background of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without strain can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and arching the spine will be effective. You can create your own set of exercises to eliminate slouched back, or perform those suggested by us daily.

Forward facing bends

This is a simple warm-up exercise that is great even for older people. The idea is to support yourself with your hands, take a long step and slowly bend forward. Start doing this from the wall, then you can do it with a chair, leaning on the back. Stretch, opening your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 approaches.

From a lying position

This is how we correct not only problems with posture, but also with intervertebral discs and clamps. Lie on the mat on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, tense your legs and do the “Boat” (Superman), arching at the lower back and lifting your palms and feet.

For those over 50, lifting your legs may be difficult, in which case you should try doing a backbend with a chair. Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on both sides, approximately in the middle of the seat. Bend over, raise your arms, place them on a chair and stretch. Fix your body for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Sitting on my knees

The most effective exercises for slouching are sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grab your feet with your hands and try to stretch, starting from your shoulders. Bring your shoulder blades together, bend, lower your arms lower. You can return to the starting position, or simply sway while sitting like this.

On all fours

One option is the “Cat” exercise. Bend as if trying to crawl under a low obstacle. We start forward, bend the thoracic region, then move the body a little forward and bend at the lower back, raising the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against slouching is to lift your straight leg up in the same position, throw your head back, and stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times is enough to start with, then increase the repetitions.

With a stick

Not everyone has gymnastic sticks, but that doesn’t matter. For example, a mop handle, a vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of water pipe or something similar will do. Place it behind your back and hold it with bent elbows as you twist from side to side.

By the way, one of the reasons why a person slouches is simple forgetfulness to keep his back straight. If you don’t know how to stop slouching, sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will put pressure on your spine. Typing this way is not very convenient, but watching TV series or using the mouse is fine. This will help you become accustomed to the correct posture.

You can, of course, buy a clamp or, but a stick is much cheaper.

Finally, we’ll tell you about another way to learn to walk upright without slouching.: Put an old notebook (or a book, if you don’t mind) on your head and walk around the house like that. If you drop it, it means that without noticing it, you are slouching. Try to maintain the correct position.

Try to see what happens if you make this set of exercises your daily exercise. Many people note that after just a couple of weeks they began to hunch much less, and after a month their back became noticeably stronger.

Watch the video to do the exercises correctly, start small, and control the sensations. Soon you will become much more flexible, and it will become easier to keep your back straight. Stooping can and should be corrected at any age!

Slouching in an adult is an excessive curvature of the thoracic spine. Initially, changes in posture occur due to fatigue or prolonged work at a computer or machine. In the absence of corrective measures, the process becomes permanent.

Slouching is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle; in rare cases, it is a congenital pathology.

Slouching in an adult or elderly person can be treated, but work must be done to restore the correct posture. Is this phenomenon considered a disease and let’s take a closer look at effective corrective measures.

Why is slouching dangerous?

Stooping cannot be considered an independent disease, but its treatment is important to improve a person’s quality of life. Good posture gives you a feeling of confidence and helps maintain a good mood. For most, this does not matter and poor posture remains unattended until the first symptoms of complications appear.

If stoop is left untreated, an adult may develop the following pathologies:

    degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia);

    systemic pathologies (osteoporosis, rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis).

Each disease has its own symptoms and affects the patient’s well-being to varying degrees.

Poor posture

Violation of posture is discussed when changes recorded instrumentally (x-ray) are detected. Before changes in bone and cartilage tissue, the curvature is functional in nature and completely disappears in the supine position or when the muscles rest.

Poor posture can cause pain in the spine and stiffness of the thoracic region.

Possible manifestations:

    impaired sensitivity and decreased strength in the legs, less often in the arms;

    difficulty in movement: with advanced curvature, there is a complete restriction of mobility in the thoracic region;

    feeling tired and back pain;

    difficulty in blood circulation;

    displacement of the vertebrae relative to their axis;

    poor circulation creates the preconditions for the occurrence of or;

    development of diabetes.

The absence of measures to correct stooping in an adult leads to further progression of the pathology. Due to the depletion of nutrition of bone and cartilage tissue, degenerative changes begin that can cause disability.

Complications of degenerative changes

Destruction of the intervertebral disc leads to pinching of nerve fibers, which manifests itself in severe pain. Over time, pain is accompanied by various symptoms, from changes in sensitivity to loss of muscle strength in the limbs. The most serious disorders begin with a long chronic course and can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life and even shorten its duration.

Slouching can cause osteochondrosis.

Signs of a complicated course of destructive changes:

    Poor circulation in the cervical region leads to dizziness, headaches, decreased memory, vision, and hearing.

    Disorders in the functioning of internal organs: shortness of breath, palpitations, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Severe pain can become permanent.

In advanced cases, all internal organs and systems suffer. To prevent a disastrous outcome, the disease should be treated at the very beginning, in this case at the stage of stoop formation.

Is it possible to cope with slouching in an adult on your own?

You can correct stooping in an adult at home with the help of the correct selection of furniture and daily gymnastic exercises.

Morning exercises and physical therapy are the main method in treating the back. Slouching in an adult can only be corrected by physical exercise. This method of therapy is available to everyone and does not require special devices.

Physical development goals for stooping in adults:

    strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks;

    dosed stretching of the thoracic muscles and intervertebral discs;

A properly selected table, chair for work and mattress for sleeping helps maintain good posture and is the best prevention of slouching.

Treatment of stooping in adults is more effective under the supervision of an orthopedist. The doctor can select additional therapy methods that will speed up the correction of the curvature and consolidate the result.

The arsenal of a modern specialist includes the following methods:

    therapeutic exercises, morning exercises, walking, running, swimming, yoga, qigong, gym classes, sports games;

Let's take a closer look at each method separately.

Therapeutic gymnastics

You can do it yourself at home or enroll in a health group and practice under the supervision of a specialist. At first, it is advisable to practice every other day to correct your posture; once the muscle balance is normalized, once a week is sufficient. It’s good to add other types of physical activity to gymnastics:

Swimming has no contraindications. You can exercise at any age and even at the time of exacerbation of back pain. When doing water gymnastics with an experienced instructor, the therapeutic effect increases 3 times.

    It is enough to visit the gym 2 times a week. However, it is worth remembering that strength training while slouching will have the opposite effect. In the gym, you should pay attention to working out all muscle groups and stretching the spine.

    A universal exercise that can restore slimness and beauty with minimal time. When correcting stoop in an adult, this is an ideal exercise. You should start with a few seconds and gradually increase the load. Before starting training, read the contraindications, or better yet, consult an orthopedist.

Exercises to correct stooping come in a wide variety. To increase the effectiveness and variety of exercises, you can use gymnastic sticks, balls, jump ropes and expanders.

You can exercise in the gym, in the park or at home. The set of exercises is also selected individually.

Wearing a corset

A posture corrector helps get rid of slouching. Use only as directed by a doctor.

Or an orthosis for stooping is prescribed by a doctor. Constantly wearing a corrector or an incorrectly selected corset can have a negative impact on the back muscles. Therefore, corsets should be equated to medications and used strictly according to indications and according to the regimen selected by the doctor.

Important. Wearing a corset when stooping must be combined with exercise therapy and, if possible, massage.

Massage and manual therapy for stooping

An experienced chiropractor is able to correct the position of the vertebrae in several sessions; however, without the appropriate muscle corset, the problem will return again. After realignment of the spinal column, it is necessary to undergo a massage course to consolidate the effect and pay attention to physical training.

Massage is indicated in courses of 10-20 days at least once a year. During increased physical activity, massage procedures can be performed additionally to avoid overwork of individual muscle groups and eliminate possible spasms.

Massage and manual therapy improve blood circulation, which contributes to adequate nutrition of the spine and is the best prevention of destructive processes.

Drug treatment

Treatment of stooping is carried out without the use of drugs, however, in the presence of pain, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and analgesics are prescribed. The doctor decides which group of the drug (or combination of several groups) to use.

When food is depleted of nutrients, vitamins or calcium are prescribed.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is used only for severe curvature of the spine. Treatment of stoop is completely conservative.

Slouching is a precursor to serious spinal diseases. Ignoring the problem at first can lead to constant pain, muscle weakness and loss of flexibility. Timely treatment allows you to completely get rid of the stoop of an adult. Getting rid of stoop in old age is much more difficult, but doing therapeutic exercises or yoga will help maintain posture and prevent the development of hyperkyphosis.

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Correct posture is not only beautiful: it speaks about the health of the spine, about the absence. But a straight back has its first enemy - stoop.

This problem arises in the early stages of human development: in childhood. Curvature of the spine at the desk, then in front of the TV or computer. Having matured a little, young people often lower their shoulders, slouching, thereby spoiling their posture and spine. This is followed by a sedentary lifestyle, which improves posture health.

So, stoop is a problem with the upper spine, characterized by its curvature and often accompanied by scoliosis. Stoop (functional) – curvature of the spine without changing the vertebrae themselves.

A healthy person has natural curves of the spine: the thoracic spine, with a convexity back, and the lumbar curve, with a convexity forward.

If a person leads an active lifestyle and the back muscles are strong enough, then a muscle corset creates ideal conditions for maintaining the correct position of the spine.

If the muscles are weak, then the natural curves of the spine take on even more curved forms and all the signs of a stooped person appear: a convex belly, a rounded back with strongly protruding shoulder blades, a lowered head and raised shoulders.

The first manifestations of stooping can be noted at school age, and if measures are not taken, then the initial stage (changes in the muscles) can turn into changes in the spine: the discs wear out, compressing the spinal nerves, which in turn leads to headaches and blurred vision.

Reasons why your back becomes slouched

The appearance of stoop has a number of reasons, which can be divided into two types:

  • physical;
  • psychological.

Physical deformities in most cases occur due to a lack of habit of monitoring one’s posture, as well as poor lifestyle choices. Most often manifested due to:

But even if a person is physically healthy, there are problems psychologically - this may be one of the main reasons for stooping. Complexity, feelings of guilt, lack of self-confidence and strength - this is what can lead to functional kyphosis.

A person who cannot cope with the burden of problems that has fallen on him lowers his head and raises his shoulders, thus, trying to hide from the outside world, like a snail in a shell, can become a “victim” of stoop and then scoliosis.

How to identify a violation yourself

It is very important for parents not to miss the very initial stage - the emergence of a problem. Often adults can attribute a child’s malaise to his capriciousness or pretending. In fact, even mild discomfort can be a sign of developing stoop. One of the main symptoms is fatigue: the child cannot sit or stand straight for a long time.

Slouching is always accompanied by painful sensations, which, unfortunately, are often attributed to overwork and emergency measures are not taken to eliminate the problem.

So, painful sensations in the first stages go away even after a short rest, but the further you delay treatment, the stronger the pain will be, and the less rest will help. A person may even wake up after a night's sleep.

The most striking symptoms of stooping:

  • head tilted forward;
  • protrusion of the abdomen, uncontrollable by the person;
    rounded back;
  • shoulder blades, clearly protruding;
  • the chest is narrowed;
  • knees are half bent.

You can distinguish a stoop from a real one at home. To do this, you need to place a person against a wall and ask him to lean against the back of his head, heels, shoulder blades and buttocks. The same can be done on a flat surface in a lying position. If the curvature disappears, then the kyphosis is functional (correctable) and should be treated.

Making a diagnosis

In order to accurately diagnose stoop, eye tests are not enough. To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to do.

If this study does not provide comprehensive answers, it is worth undergoing a computed tomography scan.

Only after diagnosis can treatment begin.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Traditional medicine, after diagnosis, can offer several options for correcting crooked posture:

  • physical exercise;
  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • manual therapy;
  • prescribing painkillers and calcium-rich drugs;
  • wearing a corrective corset;
  • surgical treatment.

What does alternative medicine offer?

As for alternative medicine, the main emphasis is on performing a number of exercises, using yoga asanas, regular swimming classes, psychological training and, most importantly, self-discipline!

How to get rid of stoop: a set of exercises

The main rule of beautiful posture is physical exercise in reasonable quantities, so that the muscle corset can hold the spine is in the correct position.

If it so happens that the stoop was once overlooked, you should start correcting it, and the sooner you do this, the better.

The most popular and effective:

Exercises with weights

The most effective:

  1. One of the most popular and proven over the years exercise with books on your head. Take a fairly weighty book and place it on your head. After this, walk around the room with this load for several minutes (start with five). Complicate the exercise every day by adding squats, for example.
  2. To straighten your posture you can use a backpack that holds cargo(it should stimulate the muscles, but not overstrain them). You need to walk around like this for a while (until you feel slightly tired). After regularly performing this exercise, your shoulders will straighten on their own.
  3. Starting position: lying on the floor face down. Put a load on your shoulders(women 0.5 kg, men 2 kg). Stretch your arms above your head and take another load in them. Raise your arms with the load about 10 times. Do the exercise slowly, tensing the muscles of your arms, back, and neck as much as possible.

Exercises against slouching:

Wellness yoga

Yoga helps a person to improve the health of the entire body, so there are a number of asanas that help correct stoop:

Using massage

To more effectively treat stoopedness, it is important to combine different methods. One of the components is massage. Already after the first session, a person can feel significant relief: spasm will decrease, the muscles themselves will strengthen, blood circulation and lymph outflow will improve.

To begin with, a person needs to take a comfortable position and relax as much as possible. Only after this can the massage therapist begin work. Hands and back are lubricated with massage oil.

Movements should be smooth and very soft. Particular attention and accuracy should be shown in areas with curvature.

Basic movements when performing a massage:

  • tapping;
  • tingling;
  • rake-like movements with fingers;
  • pulling;
  • trituration.

A back corset for stooping is also a solution

Features of working out in the gym with a stoop

Physical training of a person must be done from a very early age.

By teaching the baby to exercise, parents not only take care of his health, but also the development of self-discipline in the future.

If it so happens that the moment was missed and slouching is already taking place, it is necessary to begin correcting it immediately.

It is important to remember that when performing exercises, the following rules play an important role:

  • training should be regular;
  • if there are any other problems with the spine, be sure to consult a doctor, who will indicate the exercises that can be performed based on health restrictions;
  • in the first months after the start of implementation, training should take place daily, then every other day;
  • all exercises are performed strictly as directed;
  • Lesson duration is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours;
  • any of the exercises is performed 6-10 times;
  • weights exceeding 5 kg for men and 3 kg for women cannot be used;
  • It is strongly recommended not to use exercises to strengthen the chest muscles;
  • The main emphasis is on strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, buttocks - to maintain a muscular corset and beautiful healthy posture.

We have a special approach to our children.

In order to solve the problem of stooping in children, the approach must be special. Taking into account children's activity and treatment should be unique:

What does this mean?

The results of neglected stoop may be:

Slouching is a fixable problem. The sooner you tackle it, the faster this process will be. At the first sign of a problem, you should start doing simple exercises, which will correct the muscle corset and improve your posture. The most important thing in achieving success is self-discipline.

Proper nutrition, morning exercises and an active lifestyle - this is the formula for a healthy, beautiful person, confident in himself and his abilities!

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In the modern world, a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that most of humanity has problems with posture. A slouched person does not look very aesthetically pleasing; in addition, it is harmful to health: the functioning of the digestive system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system worsens, and over time, pain occurs in the neck, back, and lower back.

In this article we will look at:

  • Causes of stoop
  • Benefits of a corset for the back
  • How to remove a slouched back at home
  • Exercises against slouching
  • Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for the spine
  • Poor posture in children: causes and treatment methods

Causes of stoop:

  • congenital (the spine does not fully develop, resulting in various defects)
  • acquired (sedentary, sedentary lifestyle; spinal injuries; diseases – rickets, flat feet).
  • psychological causes of stooping (act at the subconscious level, so it’s better to solve the problem from the inside, starting from its roots, in combination with gymnastics for stooping).

An orthopedic specialist will tell you how to get rid of stoop, he will determine the degree of the disease, select the right treatment (physical therapy, corset, massage, swimming), which will help cure and remove the curvature of the spine, which will return you to beautiful posture. You can cope with this disease at home.

Benefits of a corset for the back

A corset (bandage) helps to straighten the spine in case of poor posture.

The corset fixes a certain area of ​​the spine, thus unloading the thoracolumbar region, normalizing the tone of the back muscles, ensuring the rotation of the shoulders and gradually correcting poor posture.

A posture belt with magnets helps to straighten your posture, relax your back muscles, and is also used to prevent back pain. Magnets, in turn, provide additional blood flow.

It is important to remember that a corset is an additional method of treatment, and the main one is therapeutic exercises.

How to fix slouching at home?

Performing exercises daily to prevent a slouched back can help maintain the spine in the correct position. You can also wear a corset after consulting a doctor. In some cases, to get rid of poor posture, it is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress, without a pillow.

Exercises to correct slouching

Repeat this procedure while at home as often as possible, and it will be much easier to keep your back straight.

Stooping set of exercises on the horizontal bar

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar. As you inhale deeply, tighten your back muscles, and as you exhale, relax your entire body. Perform for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. Holding the horizontal bar with your hands, swing straight legs left and right.
  3. Holding the horizontal bar, rotate your body left and right (around your axis) as much as possible, keeping your legs straight together.

How to get rid of stoopand back pain using the Bubnovsky method

The set of exercises according to the Bubnovsky method is not his author’s. To eliminate back pain, relax and strengthen muscles, the professor adapted well-known physical exercises, elements of Pilates and yoga, and also developed a multifunctional exercise machine. Gymnastics can be used to prevent diseases of the spine, and provide assistance in the presence of certain diseases, such as scoliosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for the spine

  1. Relaxing your back

I.p. Get on all fours and relax your back.

  1. Muscle stretching

I.p. Get on all fours. As you exhale, slowly arch your back, while inhaling bend over slowly. Perform 20 times.

  1. Stretch step

I.p. Get on all fours. Sitting on your right leg, bend it at the knee, at the same time stretch your left leg back and your left arm forward. Extending your right leg forward, lower yourself as low as possible. Exhale at the end of the exercise.

Change position: sit on your left leg with your right leg stretched back and your right arm forward.

Perform stretches smoothly 20 times for each leg.

  1. Leveling up

I.p. Standing on all fours, stretch forward as much as possible without arching your back, leaving emphasis on your palms and knees.

  1. Back stretch

I.p. Get on all fours. As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower your shoulders to the floor. Inhale. As you exhale, straighten your arms while sitting on your heels. Do it 6 times.

  1. Abdominal stretch

I.p. Lying on your back, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Pressing your chin to your chest, bend your back and try to lift your shoulder blades off the floor and reach your elbows to your knees. While performing the exercise, it is advisable to achieve a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.

  1. Pelvic lift

I.p. Lying on your back, bend your knees, heels on the floor, arms along your body. As you exhale, raise your pelvis as high as possible, and while inhaling, lower it. Perform 10-30 times.

Violationposture in children

A child’s posture is formed during the process of growth from a very young age, changing from living conditions, physical activity, sitting at a desk and computer. Inconvenient furniture, improper organization of play and work space, poor eyesight can cause curvature of the spine, which in turn negatively affects the functioning of the internal organs and the appearance of the child.

Very often, stooping is observed in children during periods of rapid growth. In actively growing teenagers, the back muscles do not have time to stretch in proportion to the growth of the skeleton. In addition, many are embarrassed by their height, and hiding it, they slouch.

If you do not fight stoop, it can lead to kyphosis of the spine (backward curvature), or it can develop into scoliosis (lateral curvature).

How to treat stoop in children

To correct poor posture in children is a treatment complex consisting of:

  • therapeutic exercises to correct stoop and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle
  • massage
  • swimming
  • if necessary, an orthopedic doctor may prescribe wearing a corset

Slouching without treatment leads to serious complications; it must be treated regularly and the older the person, the longer the treatment.

Why do some people become slouched? The occurrence of stooping is most often associated with working at a computer, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, incorrect posture while writing, reading, etc.

Children are usually taught from early childhood how to sit correctly at a desk, so that later there will be no problems with the spine (scoliosis).

The most common disease among schoolchildren is scoliosis. This is a lateral curvature of the spine. In addition, lateral tilt may be accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae. According to experts, scoliosis is most common in women.

Possible causes of scoliosis: stoop, heavy bag, excessive physical activity. In some cases, scoliosis occurs due to improper development of the spine during the embryonic period. Finally, scoliosis can occur against the background of another disease of the nervous or muscular system. Treatment of the disease depends on many factors. Angle of curvature, patient’s age, gender, presence or absence of other diseases. If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis, then it is better to get treatment.

It is worth noting that stooping is not scoliosis. Stooping can be observed in many modern people, even in some athletes. How to correct your posture? First, it's important to recognize that you're slouching. And your back is not happy about it.

The main causes of stoop in adults

Slouching can appear in childhood at school age, which is usually associated with poor posture while sitting at a desk. If you do not pay attention to this, then in the future, stooping can lead to the development of scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

I want to tell you about one of my friends whose back has been like a wheel since adolescence. You could tell she had a slight hump on her back, even though she was a teenager. According to her, she did not sit crookedly at her desk, but simply tried to be smaller all the time. Her height was 175 cm, and she seemed like a giant among her classmates. Even in physical education, when all the students were lined up, and she was put first, as the tallest, she slouched. Thus, it is worth noting that stoop may appear due to some complexes.

A friend of mine had a stoop until she was 28–30 years old. According to her, her spine never hurt, and some men even liked her stoop.

Recently I met her with absolutely straight posture, like a ballerina. She is already 37 years old and she doesn’t even remember that she was stooped, one might say, hunchbacked. The fact is that all her complexes disappeared, she began to pay more attention to her appearance, health, beauty, and also performed various physical exercises. There are a number of different exercise machines in her house.

My experience of correcting stoop

For several years now I have been suffering from stooping, i.e. I’m not suffering, but I just don’t like her. Of course, my back doesn’t hurt or bother me, but slouching spoils my appearance. My parents claim that I did not have such a problem as a child. And now it appears due to sedentary work and lack of exercise. I, of course, agree with them. Many experts say that slouching is not as safe as it seems. After all, it can lead to a number of diseases of the spine, weakening of muscles, problems in the functioning of internal organs, muscle pain, etc.

How did I start to improve my stoop? Half a year ago I went to the clinic, where I was diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis. I don’t know if this is related to stooping or not, but we’ll assume it’s connected. I was prescribed exercise therapy and procedures with the Darsonval apparatus.

I want to say that exercise therapy is a thing. Just two weeks of proper exercise can make a person walk straight and not slouch. I think that if you do them constantly, your back will be like that of a ballerina. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember all the exercises, but I can give you some. Consistency is probably also important. My advice: if you have a stoop or other problems with the spine, it is better to consult a doctor.

Exercise No. 1 I called it “Fish”: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, then raise your arms and legs as far as possible for 2 seconds, then lower them. Do not strain too much, do the exercises without much effort, gradually. Repeat several times.

Exercise No. 2: stand with your feet together, bring your palms together at chest level, then press your palms closer to each other, alternately: weaker, stronger. This way you will feel a slight tension in your shoulders. This exercise also helps for breast growth.

Exercise No. 3: get on all fours, stretch your right arm forward, right leg up and back as far as possible; then do the same with your left leg and left arm. Repeat 10 times.

After the exercises, I tried to walk upright, but my work and lifestyle still led to me stooping. Today I use a posture corrector when I walk. I think it helps solve the problem.

Experts say that stooping occurs due to a decrease in muscle strength. In other words, they don't have the strength to maintain proper posture.

Try to keep your head level, because... when stooping, it is slightly tilted forward. Imagine that you are being pulled up by a string. Slouching should not be corrected by any harsh or aggressive methods. It’s better to gradually, over the course of several months to a year, try to pay attention to your back, perform special exercises that will force you to hold your back correctly. Exercises should be performed in the morning and evening. It is important to set a goal for yourself, and this way you will achieve results. If pain occurs, reduce the amount of exercise. The number of exercises should be increased gradually.