Turkish pastries made from phyllo dough. The most delicious baked goods from Greece using phyllo dough

I have prepared Greek stretched thin phyllo dough for you to make at home, and see the recipe with step-by-step photos below. The name of this dough is beautiful, but it itself is thin and delicate. You can make puff pastries, pies, baklava and other puff pastries from this.

But first you need to knead it and here you need to know a few secrets of making phyllo dough, which I would like to tell you about. If you don’t follow the basic rules, then the dough won’t work out and the baked goods won’t be as tasty. So read and remember!

Secrets of the Pull Dough

  1. In production, phyllo dough is intensively kneaded by a machine, which beats and stirs in all directions for about 10 minutes. At home, you will have to knead vigorously with your hands for about 20 minutes. During this time, the mass will become elastic and viscous. This will be easy to work with and the layers of the finished product will be translucent.
    If you have a bread machine in your kitchen, then the “Dough Kneading” program can greatly help you. Just 10 minutes of using this technique and everything will be ready. Please note, no problems or physical labor.
  2. Warm water is used to knead the dough. Not room temperature, but warm water that will need to be heated. Otherwise, nothing will work out (!).
  3. The finished phyllo should be placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Moreover, this should be the coldest place near the freezer. It will sit for just 1 hour and you can work with it.
  4. Experience. It takes experience to stretch the dough to the thickness of tissue paper. Not everyone succeeds the first time, but it’s worth trying, as baking from phyllo dough turns out excellent.

For cooking you need the simplest and most affordable products that are available in any kitchen.


  • 1 egg
  • 240 ml warm water
  • 6 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • about 3 cups flour
  • additional vegetable oil for stretching

How to make phyllo dough - recipe with step-by-step photos

  1. First you need to decide who will make the dough: you or the bread maker. I have this assistant in my kitchen, so I trust her with the most difficult work. If you don’t have a bread machine, then knead thoroughly by hand, but twice as long as a machine does. Mix the egg, salt, warm water 50 degrees and warm vegetable oil. Add wheat flour.
  2. Now knead the dough using the “Dough Kneading” program for 10 minutes until you get a bun. If we work with our hands, then we need to spend 20 minutes beating the dough on the table and kneading vigorously.
  3. Wrap the dough in a bag and place it in the refrigerator under the freezer. We leave it there for 1 hour to rest thoroughly.
  4. Next, divide the bun into pieces and roll out one of them with a rolling pin.
  5. Then grease a thin flat cake with vegetable oil and stretch it in your hands until the dough becomes very thin and transparent. If you can read a book through it, then you did everything right. The finished stretch dough can be frozen by rolling it together with baking paper, or you can immediately start preparing something from it. I like the second option.

Filo dough - video

Baking made from yeast-free phyllo dough, which resembles the thinnest and almost weightless sheets of papyrus, is popular in Greek, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Albanian cuisine. And now we prepare such dough too. Eastern chefs shared their secrets, and it turned out that even a novice housewife can make filo!

Filo dough - what is it?

The history of phyllo pastry begins at the end of the 4th century AD, when ancient Roman cookbooks contained recipes for pies with layers of the finest unleavened dough, and they were filled with chicken, goat cheese and pine nuts. Filo is similar to transparent sheets of paper because it is rolled out and stretched out as much as possible during the cooking process. When phyllo is cooked correctly, you can read a book through the sheet! It vaguely resembles puff pastry, which is fattier and less thin. The undoubted advantage of phyllo is its fresh and neutral taste, thanks to which it can be used to prepare both sweet and savory dishes.

How to make your own phyllo dough

To knead the phyllo dough, you will need warm water and vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, which can be slightly warmed. You will also need an egg or yolks, salt and sifted wheat flour. Sometimes apple or wine vinegar is added to the dough. It is best to mix the ingredients in a bread machine using the “Dough Kneading” mode or in a food processor. If you prefer to do this by hand, you need to knead very intensively and twice as long as using kitchen gadgets.

The dough turns out soft, and you need to beat it on the table about 50 times to make it more elastic and elastic. After this, the dough is wrapped in cling film and left for an hour at room temperature.

Then pieces are plucked from the phyllo, which are rolled out very thinly, then greased with vegetable oil and stretched until they become thinner than paper.

Secrets of making phyllo

Every housewife has her own secrets for making phyllo dough. Some mix it only with warm water, vinegar and always egg yolks, while others need enough water at room temperature and regular eggs, without any vinegar. One recipe recommends rolling out the dough in one layer, while another may suggest rolling out several layers at once. Sometimes recipes contain advice to sprinkle the layers of dough with starch when rolling. After kneading, some people put the “bun” in the refrigerator, while others leave it on the table, covered with film. There are as many recipes as there are chefs. However, there are general tips that will help you prepare wonderful thin dough. You may not be able to read books through it, but you can definitely see the letters!

After kneading, the dough should be soft, smooth and not sticky, and to achieve this, add flour not immediately, but gradually. You may need less flour. It all depends on its properties and the size of the egg.

It is important to stretch the dough as much as possible so that it becomes very thin. If the dough breaks a little, do not despair, because in multi-layer pies or strudel the crack will hardly be noticeable. And remember that phyllo dries very quickly, so work with it quickly and cover the finished layers with cling film or a towel.

Filo dough: a simple step-by-step recipe

Do you want to learn how to make filo dough using a simple recipe at home? This way you will diversify the menu and be able to pamper your loved ones with new dishes and delicious pastries.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix warm water, vegetable oil, salt and egg.
  2. Add flour to the liquid.
  3. Knead the dough in the bread machine for 10 minutes, turning on the “Dough Kneading” program. You can also use a food processor with a dough attachment. Drop the dough onto the counter several times to firm it up.
  4. If you knead by hand, you will need 20 minutes for this. After kneading, drop the dough on the table 50 times.
  5. Wrap the phyllo in film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. Divide the bun into pieces and sprinkle the table with starch.
  7. Roll out each piece with a rolling pin until the dough is very thin.
  8. Grease the layer with vegetable oil and stretch it directly on the table until transparent. You will be surprised how soft and pliable it is!
  9. Trim the edges with a knife to make an even rectangle. Cover the dough with a towel.
  10. Do the same with the other pieces of dough.

If you want to freeze the phyllo, cover each layer with parchment paper, roll it up, and place it in the freezer. It stores well, and baked goods from it are as amazing as fresh dough.

Green inside!

If you have 8-9 layers of phyllo dough the size of store-bought “cakes”, you can make a tender spinach pie.

Using your hands, crush 200g feta, 200g cottage cheese and 80g mozzarella directly into a bowl. Boil 1 kg of fresh spinach for 5 minutes and squeeze lightly. Heat 50 ml of olive oil in a frying pan and fry 1.5 finely chopped medium onions until golden brown. Chop the spinach, add to the onion and fry for another 3 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and add cottage cheese and cheese to the pan. Lightly beat 2 eggs and pour them over the future filling. Mix well and remove from heat.

Brush a sheet of phyllo dough with butter using a brush and place a strip of filling along one edge. Roll into a loose roll, which in turn twist into a spiral. Do the same with the next sheets, continuing to increase the size of the “snail”.

Place the pie in a baking dish or on a baking sheet, and grease the top with oil as well. Bake the pie for about 45 minutes at 180°C. You can make the filling to your taste and decorate the pie with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

"Bags" with a secret

“Bags” made of the thinnest and most delicious phyllo dough, filled with mushrooms, cheese and garlic, are an excellent appetizer for any buffet or banquet. However, this dish can be prepared at least every day with different fillings.

For this you will need phyllo dough, frozen butter, mozzarella, garlic and all kinds of seasonings. Fry 400 g of thawed mushrooms along with chopped garlic - about half a head. It is garlic that gives mushrooms their sharpness and piquancy. Salt the mushrooms and season the filling with your favorite spices. Separately, grate 120 g of mozzarella and melt 100 g of butter in the microwave.

Place a sheet of phyllo dough on the table, brush with butter, cover with another sheet and brush again - there can be from 5 to 10 such layers. The more there are, the crispier and more refined the “bags” are. Cut each leaf into 4 parts and place a little mushroom filling in the middle of each, sprinkling cheese on top. Gather the dough to form pouches and bake them in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. As soon as the “bags” are browned, take them out of the oven, brew tea or pour a cup of aromatic broth and enjoy the unusual taste of filo pastry!

With pepper

Do you know how it turns out on phyllo sheets? Tender, buttery, flaky and melts in your mouth... Eight sheets will be enough. You will also need 6 tbsp. l. butter, 8 tbsp. l. chopped parmesan, 100 g grated mozzarella for pizza, 3 tomatoes, a can of olives and half a small chili pepper.

Grease a rectangular pan, line the phyllo dough, brush with butter and sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. parmesan Do this with all layers of dough, and top with sliced ​​tomatoes, olive slices, shredded mozzarella and finely chopped chili.

Bake the pizza at 190°C until crispy. This will take you about half an hour. Then leave the pizza to cool for 5 minutes, and then cut it with a very sharp knife, as it crumbles easily.

You will see that filo dough is like it was specially created for pizza!

Juiciness and sweetness

Baklava is a dessert for those who do not like cloying sweetness. And the most delicious baklava is made from filo dough!

Grind a glass of walnuts in a blender, although you can use a rolling pin or knife for this purpose. Melt 150 g of butter in the microwave and grease a rimmed mold with it.

Lay out a sheet of dough, brush with melted butter, cover with another sheet, brush with butter again - and so make six layers. Place the nuts on the sixth layer of dough, then lay out the phyllo sheets again and brush them generously with butter. Cut the resulting “cake” into diamonds or squares, pour in the remaining oil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40 minutes.

While the baklava is baking, prepare a syrup from 3 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar. Stir the syrup constantly until it thickens after 20 minutes. Pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove the finished baklava from the oven and pour syrup over it. Let the baked goods sit and soak well - this way it will become tender, juicy and very tasty!

Working with phyllo dough is a pleasure! You can make pies, rolls, strudels based on it, or come up with many of your own dishes. Such pastries will look good on the holiday table. In general, fantasize and try new dishes, surprise your loved ones!


Filo dough- unleavened stretched sheet dough, very common in Greece and the Balkans. Crispy bureks, pies, pies, baklava and even strudel are prepared on its basis.

Making Greek phyllo dough at home is no easy task. The fact is that it is very difficult to roll out, and not everyone can do it correctly the first time (you need to “get better at it”). That's why most housewives prefer to buy ready-made phyllo in the store.

However, you must agree that no store-bought dough can compare with homemade dough. So it’s worth trying to make your own filo puff pastry. And our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you with this, in which the whole process is described in detail. Let’s say right away that this is not the easiest option for preparing filo, but it is the most effective. The dough according to this recipe turns out surprisingly thin and tender and is suitable for the most delicious baked goods.

Now be patient and start cooking.


  • (5 tbsp.)

  • (2.5 tbsp.)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (5 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

Cooking steps

    Sift through a 4.5 tbsp sieve. flour, add salt, and then little by little pour in water combined with vegetable oil and lemon juice (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar). Knead the dough thoroughly until smooth. If, in your opinion, it is a little dry, add a little more water.

    Divide the finished dough into five parts, from which we form balls. Sprinkle them with flour, wrap them in cling film and put them in the refrigerator for ½-2 hours.

    Now cover the table on which the dough will be rolled out with a natural cloth to absorb excess liquid, sprinkle it generously with flour (and your hands too, and don’t skimp on the flour) and knead the balls again, and then leave them to “rest” for another 10 minutes. After this you can start rolling out. For this you will need a long, thin rolling pin. You need to roll out the balls as thinly as possible. When you achieve an acceptable result, wrap one end of the rolling ball around the rolling pin, roll the dough, and then unfold it, pressing it to the surface of the table. Do this until the thickness of the layer is less than 3 mm.

    Now we take the layer in our hands, lift it and begin to rotate from the center to the edge, stretching the dough so that it becomes thin until transparent. If you can’t stretch by rotating, proceed as follows: grab the layer by the edge of the working surface and gently pull with your fingers until the thickness of the dough reaches 1 mm. We do this with each ball.

    We lay the finished layers on top of each other, cut them into rectangles and use them immediately. Keep in mind that phyllo dough dries out very quickly in air, so the finished layers must either be carefully greased with oil or covered with film or a damp cloth. If you are going to store phyllo in the freezer for some time, each layer should be sprinkled with starch, then first wrapped for 10 minutes in natural fabric, and then in parchment and put in the refrigerator. Homemade phyllo dough makes excellent sweet and savory baked goods: pies, cheesecakes, pies, etc.

    Bon appetit!

Filo dough recipes.

Filo is a fresh, very thin, stretchable dough, sold in layers of 10 layers. Used in Mediterranean cuisine. The Greek word Phyllon means "leaf". The layers of dough can be paper thin or several millimeters thick.

Filo dough is widely used in Greek and Turkish cuisines in both sweet and savory dishes. In Turkish cuisine, baked goods made from this dough are called borek or boregi, in Albanian cuisine - byrek, and in Austrian-German-Hungarian cuisine the dough is called blatterteig (strudel is baked from it). Paper-thin phyllo pastry sheets contain less fat than all other types of pastry. When cooking, each layer is brushed with melted butter or olive oil to achieve a crispy result.
Filo dough can be purchased frozen or simply refrigerated. The size of the sheets varies by manufacturer, but for most recipes they can be cut or rolled to fit your pan.
Filo dough is stored only in the freezer, since it defrosts in the refrigerator in about 8-9 hours (before preparing the pies, the box of dough should be removed from the freezer and placed in the refrigerator overnight), and only in a closed box, since it is exposed to air. The dough immediately begins to dry out, becomes crusty and loses its elasticity. Because of its last feature, it is recommended to work with the dough quickly and smoothly. Before you take it out of the refrigerator and expose it to the air, you should prepare all the necessary accessories for making pies: melt the butter, take a brush for greasing from the shelf, preheat the oven to the desired temperature, sprinkle the table or board on which you will lay out the layers of dough, flour, grease the baking dish and, of course, prepare the filling in advance. If you need to take a break while layering, cover the dough with a damp towel to prevent it from drying out.

Since the layers of phyllo dough are very thin, pies with such dough bake very quickly, so the filling for such pies should already be ready. Raw meat or vegetables are never wrapped in this dough! The filling for such pies should not be wet, as the escaping steam can easily break through the thin layers of dough.
Cook pies at a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees for no more than 30 minutes. If you cook the filo pastry pie over low heat for a longer time, it will not cook through and will be soggy.

And the final touch to the portrait of filo dough. Since the dough loves to be frozen, you can prepare it in advance and store it in the freezer for up to six months. At the same time, you can freeze not only the dough, but also ready-made pies and pies. Even already baked pies can be frozen. Cooking frozen pies does not require pre-defrosting at all. You can place the frozen pie directly into a hot oven, but you will need to increase the baking time slightly. Already baked frozen pies are heated in the oven at 160 degrees for several minutes until the pies are hot.

Handle the phyllo dough with care. It dries quickly and becomes brittle, so after taking a sheet, cover the remaining sheet with cling film or a damp towel.

Filo dough
5 cups sifted wheat flour;
5 tablespoons of olive oil;
2 1/2 cups water (approx);
2 tablespoons vinegar (4.5%)
Leave a little flour (no more than 1/2 cup), we will need it for adding when rolling out the layers. Mix the rest of the flour, olive oil, salt, water and vinegar into a soft dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap the dough in a bag and place it in the refrigerator, in the coldest compartment, for example, on a shelf under the freezer, for one hour. After an hour, sprinkle the surface on which you will roll out the dough layers with flour, remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 20 equal parts. Roll each part into a thin sheet, approximately 2-3 mm thick. When rolling out the next part, cover the already rolled part with a damp towel, and put the pieces of unrolled dough in a bag and keep it in the refrigerator.
If desired, the recipe can be slightly modified by adding two raw eggs to the dough and reducing the amount of water to 1 1/2 cups. This “butter” dough is best suited for pies with vegetable fillings.

Sweet apricot pies made from phyllo dough

Filo dough
- vegetable oil
- thick jam (in my case apricot)


Cut the dough into strips 5-7 cm wide. Coat two of these strips with vegetable oil and place one on top of the other. Then put a little jam on one end and roll it into a triangular pie.

- 40 sheets of phyllo dough
- honey
- sugar
- nuts (to your taste)
- vegetable oil
- rose water (optional)
- lemon


Cut the dough to fit the mold. Then place the dough in the mold in the following order:

Grease one layer of phyllo dough with butter, sprinkle it with sugar and cover with a second layer of dough, again grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar... Repeat this until 10 layers of phyllo dough are laid
- then sprinkle these ten layers with ground nuts and sugar (their quantity depends on your taste)
- on the layer with nuts we again place ten layers of phyllo dough, greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar.
- put ground nuts and sugar on the dough again
- and repeat this until the last 10 layers of dough are on top.
- cut the resulting pie into diamonds to the middle (do not cut all the way through!) Decorate each diamond with nuts.
- put in the oven and bake at 200-220 degrees until browned

While the baklava itself is baking, prepare the syrup. To do this, cook the syrup 1:1 - water:sugar (I usually take a glass of sugar and a glass of water). You can cook it with honey, but it is not recommended to heat treat honey and therefore we will add honey at the very end of cooking the syrup.
- So, put 1 glass of sugar + 1 glass of water in a saucepan, boil for 3 minutes, then add honey (to taste) and boil for another 2 minutes. You can add rose water to the syrup.
- Cool the syrup and add the juice of half a lemon to it. The lemon syrup must be cooled (since cold syrup should be poured into hot baklava)

Meat pies made from phyllo dough
300g boiled meat
1-2 carrots (you can do without them)
fresh herbs
1 pack of phyllo dough (phyllo)
olive oil or butter for greasing the dough - about one cup
1 egg for greasing
1 tbsp sour cream for greasing

Scroll the boiled meat through a meat grinder, fry finely chopped onions and carrots, add the meat and fry. Let cool a little and add fresh herbs, you can chop a few more green onions if you like. Spices (any favorite, salt, pepper, vegeta). I had leeks and cilantro, or maybe parsley. This is all to taste too.

Pie dough:
Remove the pre-thawed dough from the package, take one thin sheet, grease with butter (for dietary purposes I prefer olive, but it’s correct to use butter, previously melted). Place a second sheet on top, grease, and place a third sheet. Then cut it into transverse strips (in total you get 3-4 strips from the sheet, if the pies are larger then 3, smaller - 4). Place a heaping tablespoon of the mixture on the edge and wrap it in the shape of a triangle. Then wrap it in a triangle again. And continue this way until the strip ends. And so on for the entire package of dough.
Since this dough dries out very quickly, to prevent this from happening, cover the dough you are not working with with a damp towel.
Place the filled triangular pies on parchment paper and on a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 400F (200C).
Brush the tops of the pies with a mixture of one egg yolk and one tablespoon of sour cream (or melted butter). Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until they are golden brown.
Eat warm, but you can also eat cold.

canned pitted cherries – 470 g
3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs
50 g melted butter
3/4 cup ground walnuts
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon

6 sheets of phyllo dough
60 g melted butter

1. Place the cherries in a colander to drain the juice. (Save the juice - it can be used to make an excellent sauce for strudel or pancakes.)

2. Mix bread crumbs with melted butter. Separately, mix the nuts with sugar and cinnamon. Combine the nut mixture with the bread crumbs and mix thoroughly with your fingertips.

3. Place a sheet of phyllo on the work surface, cover the remaining sheets with a damp towel so that they do not dry out. Brush a sheet of dough with melted butter, cover with a second sheet, and brush it with butter. Do the same with the remaining sheets. The last, sixth sheet does not need to be greased with oil.

4. On the sixth sheet, about 4 cm from the long edge, place half the mixture of bread crumbs and nuts, place the cherry on this layer, cover it with the remaining mixture of crumbs and nuts. Fold the short edges inward and roll the roll lengthwise.
5. Transfer the strudel to a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Make several diagonal cuts on top with a sharp knife and grease with butter. Place in the oven, preheated to 210 degrees, and bake for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 25-30 minutes or until crispy brown. Serve warm or cool with whipped cream and cherry sauce.

400 – 500 g nectarines or peaches
1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
zest of 1 lemon
freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon or orange
1 tsp. brandy
2 tbsp. l. butter
3 sheets of phyllo dough

1. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.

2. Melt the butter.

3. Cut the nectarines into slices, place in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, add zest, juice and brandy. Stir and place in an ovenproof dish with a capacity of about 4 cups.

4. Cut the phyllo layer into squares, grease each with butter. Crumple into a square and place on top of the nectarines in the pan. Do the same with the next squares - and so on until all the slices are covered with crumpled dough. You can crumple up a whole layer at once, which is faster, but squares (or scraps left over from another type of product) are more convenient to crumple.

5. Place the pan on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Reduce heat to 180 degrees and bake for another 5-10 minutes, until the fruit is soft*. Serve warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Filo dough pockets with salmon and shrimp
8 wallets.
- 500 g salmon tail, boneless, skinless, cut into small pieces;
- 250 g of boiled peeled shrimp;
- lemon juice for sprinkling;
- 250 g package of thin phyllo dough;
- 60 g butter, melted;
- butter for greasing;
- salt and black pepper;
- lemon slices and dill sprigs for decoration;
White wine sauce
- 100 ml dry white wine;
- 300 ml double cream;
- 1 tsp. chopped fresh dill.

Cooking method:
1. Place salmon and shrimp pieces together. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
2. Cut the phyllo dough into sixteen 18cm squares. Using a pastry brush, brush 2 squares with melted butter, covering the remaining squares with a damp tea towel. Make a wallet out of phyllo. To do this, place one-eighth of the salmon and shrimp mixture in the middle of one buttered filo square. Fold two parallel sides of phyllo dough over the mixture to form a rectangle. Take 2 open ends and fold one over the filling and the other inside the fold. Place this packet on the second filled square of dough and lift the edges, connecting them together. Repeat the operation to make 8 wallets.
3. Grease a baking tray. Place the filo patties on it and lightly brush with the remaining melted butter. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes until the wallets are crispy and golden.
4. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: pour the wine into a saucepan and simmer vigorously until the volume is reduced to about 3 tablespoons. l. Add cream and boil until a loose consistency is obtained. Remove from heat, add dill, and salt and pepper to taste.
5. Pour the sauce into a small bowl and garnish with a sprig of dill. Garnish the wallets with lemon slices and dill sprigs and serve with warm sauce.

Filo pastry baskets with crab meat
phyllo dough
1 can crab meat
1 egg
100 grams of butter
1 handful of chopped parsley
1 handful of white bread croutons

Melt the butter. Cut the phyllo dough into squares so that they fit the size of the existing molds. Place three squares of dough (in one layer each) crosswise into the molds, brushing each square with melted butter. Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown (I didn’t measure the time, about 20 minutes, I think).
While the baskets are baking, mix the remaining butter, crab meat, crackers, parsley, lightly beaten egg, salt and pepper. Place the mixture into the baked baskets, bake for another 5 minutes and 2-3 minutes under the grill. Serve hot.

Kulebyaka with salmon and filo dough rice
For 8 servings:
2 eggs
450 g baby spinach
pinch of nutmeg
400 g salmon fillet without skin
juice and zest of 1 lemon, plus 1 sliced ​​lemon for garnish
200 g risotto rice
2 tbsp chopped dill
4 tbsp creme fraiche
9-10 sheets of phyllo dough
1 tbsp olive oil

For the sauce:
150 g natural yoghurt
2 tbsp chopped dill
1 tsp liquid honey

1. Boil the eggs for 7 minutes, drain, break the shells and cover with cold water. Then peel and chop coarsely.

2. Wash the spinach, place it in a colander and pour boiling water over it to wilt the leaves. Drain, squeezing out as much water as possible, then chop, season with nutmeg, salt and pepper and leave to cool.

3. Place salmon in an ovenproof dish in a single layer. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season and cover with cling film. Pierce the film several times with a knife and microwave for 6 minutes until the salmon is cooked. Alternatively, heat 2cm of water in a wide saucepan, add salmon, lemon juice and season. Cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and let cool.

4. Pour the rice into a saucepan and add water. Shake and add salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 12-15 minutes until tender. Drain and let cool. When the rice has cooled sufficiently, transfer it to a bowl and add lemon zest, dill, crème fraîche; season. Mix.

5. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C. Place two sheets of phyllo dough on a greased baking sheet, stacking one on top of the other so that they are 32 cm long. Grease lightly with olive oil. Place two more sheets of phyllo dough on top, across the first two sheets. Brush with a little olive oil and place two more sheets of dough on top.

6. Place the filling in the middle of the dough in a 10 cm area, not reaching 3 cm from the edge. Start by placing half the rice in the middle, then a layer of half the spinach, then place the salmon on top, leaving it in large chunks but spreading it out so that it completely covers the spinach. Place the chopped eggs on top of the salmon, then top with the remaining spinach and remaining rice. Place three more sheets of phyllo dough on top, brushing them with olive oil.

7. Fold the short edges of the dough up to cover the filling, then fold in the long sides. Scatter the lemon slices on top and bake for 25-30 minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden.

8. For the sauce, mix 2 tbsp dill with 1 tsp honey, add yogurt and season. Slice the pie and serve with sauce.

Light apple pie with phyllo dough
sour apples - 2-3 pieces
nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts) - 40 grams
lemon juice
phyllo dough - 4 sheets
sugar (brown) - 40 gr
water - 120 ml
How to Cook
Grate the apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Crush the nuts.

Place 2 sheets of filo in a small form, some apples on top, sprinkle with nuts, cover with a layer of dough, again apples and nuts.
So, using all 4 sheets of phyllo and alternating layers, lay out all the filling.
Fold the overhanging edges of the dough up, you can grease it a little with kefir, sour cream, egg or milk so that the dough browns in the oven.
Place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
At this time, boil the syrup with sugar and water.
Soak the finished pie in syrup.

1 pack of Philo dough
300g cheese
500g fresh spinach
Sort the spinach, wash and blanch for 2-3 minutes. Drain and chop. Grate the cheese and mix with spinach. Salt and pepper. Place sheets of dough on the table. Mix vegetable oil with water (a little) to form a white emulsion. Lubricate the top of the laid out sheets of dough with emulsion. Place the filling along the edge. Wrap 3-4 sheets into a roll shape and place on a greased baking sheet. Prepare all the dough in this way. Brush melted butter on top, adding a little water. Bake over medium heat in the oven.
The filling can be anything.

Triangles with vegetables from phyllo dough
110 g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 leek, finely chopped
450 g carrots, peeled and finely chopped
3 tsp cumin seeds
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tsp fresh or dried dill
110 g feta cheese (or feta cheese), crumbled
50g almonds, toasted and finely chopped
8 sheets of phyllo dough

Carrots and nuts add a nice crunch to these snacks.

1. Heat 50g of butter and olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pan, then fry the leeks with a pinch of salt for a few minutes.

2. Add carrots, cumin and garlic, cover and cook slowly until vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes. If the vegetables start to stick, add a tablespoon of water. Set aside and let cool slightly, then add the dill, feta and almonds.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Melt the remaining butter, place 1 sheet of phyllo dough on a board, brush it with melted butter, place another sheet of dough on it. Cut into equal strips lengthwise (cm below) approximately 5 cm thick.

4. Place 1 teaspoon of mixture in the right corner of each strip and fold diagonally to form triangles. Grease with butter and place on a baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough until all filling is used. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Pears stuffed with cheese and baked in phyllo dough
For pears:
- 4 peeled pears with a tail
- 1 bottle of red or white wine
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 black peppercorns
- 5 English peppercorns
- 2 bay leaves

Bring the spiced wine to a boil, add the peeled pears and sprinkle with lemon, adding water if necessary to cover the pears. Cook for 10 to 20 minutes until the pears are soft but not falling apart.
Cut off the top and tail of the chilled pear, carefully cut out the core, fill the pear with cheese, for example a mixture of Camembert and a little Roquefort, and cover with a lid.

Grease three sheets of phyllo with butter or vegetable oil, cut into 4 squares, put the dough in muffin tins, put a pear in the resulting basket, bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, the phyllo should be toasted.

Bastilla with chicken
5 chicken legs; 1 onion; 1 tbsp. almonds; 8 sheets of phyllo dough (30x60 cm); 5 tbsp. l. ghee; 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon; powdered sugar; 1 tsp. paprika; a pinch of saffron; cardamom seeds (from 5 capsules); a bunch of cilantro; 1 tsp. lemon juice; salt, black and cayenne pepper

Cut the legs at the joint, fry with a spoon of butter over high heat on all sides until golden brown. Add finely chopped onion, cook over medium heat until soft, increase heat, add spices ground in a mortar (dry a little in a dry frying pan first), after a minute add water (just to cover), bring to a boil, cook covered over medium heat for 30 minutes. . Meanwhile, boil the almonds in boiling water for a couple of minutes, cool in cold water, peel the skins, fry in a dry frying pan over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, grind to the size of peas (once it cools down). Remove chicken meat from the bones, cut into pieces, salt, pepper, add cinnamon, lemon juice, reduced stewing sauce, stir. Place 8 sheets of dough on top of each other on a greased baking sheet (brush each with oil), then cut the sheets in half crosswise (you will get 2 squares 30x30 cm). On one square of dough sheets (place a flat plate) in the center, place half of the meat filling (so that there is 5 cm left to the edge of the dough), then lay out a mixture of finely chopped cilantro and nuts, then the second half of the meat filling. Cut the dough with scissors from the edge to the center every 3-4 tbsp. Close the filling, folding the dough up (overlapping each other), grease with oil. Cover with the second square, then with a flat plate, turn over, remove the plate, cut the dough, wrap and grease (as the first time), turn over again and place the pie on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 180C, then remove, cover with a towel, and let stand for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar, slice and serve.

Roses with peppers and cheeses
phyllo dough – 6 sheets
butter – 100 g

For the filling:
cream 38%
from "Chef Lavan" – 125 ml (1/2 cup)
eggs – 3 pcs.
soft curd cheese 5% – 250 g
cheese crumbs – 200 g
cheese "Piraeus bulgarit" – 250 g
baked red pepper – 9 pcs. (remove the skin, cut the pepper into strips)
grated parmesan – 100 g
Cooking method

1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Melt the butter and brush the filo sheet with it. Cover with a second sheet, brush with oil, cover with a third sheet and cut into 9 squares. Place the squares - each separately - in cocotte makers, or in disposable foil molds, or in the recesses of a muffin tray.
3. Remove the skin from the baked peppers and cut them into strips. Crumble the cheese. Mix cream with eggs and cheeses (except Parmesan).
4. Put the filling in each “rosette” and add 2 strips of pepper; sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes until the filling is set and the pastry is lightly browned.

Fruit brushwood

4 sheets of phyllo dough
5 apricots (or prunes)
4 teaspoons low margarine
fat content
50 g sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
Halve the apricots, remove the pits and
fill with slices.
Cut the dough into twelve squares with sides
18 cm. Cover with a kitchen towel to prevent the dough from rising.
dried out.
Grease one square with melted margarine. Polo-
live another square on it, crush them with your fingers so that
folds have formed. Do the same with the rest.
new blanks.
Place some fruit slices in the folds of the dough, sprinkle
burn with sugar.
Place the brushwood on a baking sheet. Bake at temperature
190 °C for 8-10 minutes until it is browned. Rearrange
Use a spatula to remove the brushwood from the baking sheet onto the wire rack. Sprinkle sugar-
no powder.

Spinach cake
3 sheets of phyllo dough 30*30 cm,
300 g fresh spinach
1 small shallot
1 small clove of garlic
150 g smoked salmon
250 g ricotta
2 tbsp. grated parmesan
1 tbsp. (incomplete) flour
1 large egg
a little melted butter
handful of pine nuts

Chop the onion and garlic very finely and sauté in olive oil without changing color. Add spinach, simmer everything together for a couple of minutes, add salt and pepper. Place in a sieve to allow some liquid to drain.

Cut the salmon into thin strips.

Mix ricotta with yolk and Parmesan, add flour. Season with salt and pepper, either cayenne pepper or crushed dry hot pepper. Gently fold in the whipped whites into a stiff foam.

Place the sheets of dough on top of each other, brushing with melted butter. oil Place the filling in this order - spinach, salmon, ricotta. Sprinkle pine nuts on top. Bake for 20 minutes at 180C. Fast and easy.

Tunisian cigars with almonds

250 g almond paste;
1 lightly beaten egg;
1 tbsp. a spoonful of rose or orange water;
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
1/2 teaspoon almond essence;
8-12 sheets of phyllo dough;
melted butter for greasing the dough;
powdered sugar and ground cinnamon;
mint tea or black coffee for serving.

1. Knead the almond paste until soft. Place it in a bowl and add the egg, flower water, cinnamon and almond essence. Stir. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

2. Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet. Place a sheet of phyllo dough on baking paper and brush it with melted butter. Cover the remaining dough with a damp towel.

3. Form from 2-3 tbsp. spoon filling into a cylinder and place it on the edge of the dough. Cover the filling with dough and then roll the cookies into a cigar shape. Place on a baking sheet. Make another 7-11 “cigars” using the same method.

4. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cigars are golden brown. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon and serve with tea or coffee.


You don’t have to sprinkle the “cigars” with sugar, but soak them in syrup. Dissolve 250 g sugar in 250 ml water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook until thickened. Add some lemon juice and a few drops of rose water. Pour this mixture over the “cigars”. The syrup should be absorbed into them, after which serve the delicacy to the table.

Balkan cheese casserole with spinach
Filo dough - 250 g (8 sheets)

For the filling:
olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
finely chopped onion – 1 pc.
washed fresh spinach leaves – 1 kg.
curd mass – 500 g (1 package)
coarsely grated “Collage Kashkaval” cheese – 150 g
salt, black pepper

For the sauce:
butter – 100 g (1 package)
natural flavored yoghurt – 200 ml (1 jar)
milk – 1/2 cup
eggs – 3 pcs.
salt, black pepper
Cooking method

1.Pour a little olive oil into a frying pan. Fry the onion until it becomes soft and transparent
2. Melt 100 g of butter in a small saucepan. Pour into a bowl. Add milk and a jar of yogurt. Season this sauce with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Add three eggs to the cooled sauce.
3.Add a kilogram of washed spinach leaves to the pan with the onions. Season with salt and black pepper. When the spinach is tender, turn off the heat but leave the pan on the stove. Crumble the Canaan curd mixture over it. Grate Collage Kashkaval cheese over the frying pan. Take a sample, add salt and pepper (to taste).
4. Place the first and second layers of dough in the mold so that the edges hang over the sides. It is important that the dough is completely defrosted. Take another sheet of dough, fold it, dividing it into three parts, and place it in the mold. Then pour one or two tablespoons of sauce and shake the pan slightly. Do the same with the second form. Fold the sheet again and lay another layer. Divide the filling between two casseroles. Cover the filling with a pre-folded sheet of dough. Fold the edges of the dough over. Place both forms on a baking sheet. Divide the remaining sauce between two casseroles. Shake lightly so that all edges of the dough are coated with sauce.
5.Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 170-180 degrees, for 35-45 minutes. The top should rise and become golden and shiny.
6.Run a knife between the casserole and the sides to make it easier to pull out. Cut the casseroles into thick slices.

Spaghetti "Silva"
phyllo dough (this is a very thin dough that you can buy in the store),
50 g each pork, beef and veal tenderloin,
230 g tomato sauce,
40 g cream,
30 g onions,
salt, pepper, garlic, tobasco

To begin, cut 3 types of tenderloin into small cubes and fry with finely chopped onion for 3-4 minutes. During the frying process, you need to add cream and tomato sauce. You can either buy tomato sauce or prepare it yourself, for which you will need blanched tomatoes cut into small cubes, spices, and onions. The above ingredients are mixed, and the resulting mixture is brought to a boil, after which it is cooked for another 10 minutes. Next, boil the pasta until aldento, that is, the pasta should be slightly undercooked. While the pasta is cooking, take any dish, grease it with oil, put phyllo dough and put it in the oven for one minute at a temperature of 250 degrees. When everything is ready, you need to mix the meat with the pasta and put it in the dough, which during frying will take the shape of a dish, garnish with basil

Spanakopita – traditional Greek spinach and feta pie
phyllo dough
400 g fresh spinach (can be replaced with a pack of freshly frozen) 200 g feta 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 2 tbsp. l. pine nuts olive oil a little flour sesame seeds.

Wash the spinach, cut off the stems, coarsely chop the leaves and place in a frying pan under a lid over low heat for 3-4 minutes. We don’t add water – the water left on the leaves after washing is enough. When the spinach has wilted, remove it from the pan to cool slightly. Mash the feta, mix with spinach, onion fried in olive oil, crushed garlic and pine nuts. You can add finely chopped herbs to the filling - parsley, green onions, and season with nutmeg.
Cut the defrosted square of dough into two rectangles, connect them lengthwise and roll them out on a table sprinkled with flour into a narrow and long, very long ribbon. Spread the filling evenly along the entire length of the ribbon. Firmly pinch one edge of the ribbon to the opposite side, but not to the very edge - so that the dough “grabs” the filling and there is an edge on one side. Lubricate the “pipe” along the seam with olive oil and tightly place the free edge of the dough on top.
We transfer the “gut” to a baking sheet generously greased with olive oil, roll it in the same oil and roll it in a circle, like a snail, so that the oiled rings fit tightly to each other. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes until browned.
Best served warm. Moreover, it can be cut in sections, across the rings, or divided into segments.

Baklava Ingredients
Servings: 18

200 g butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 glass of water
1 cup sugar
1 lemon (squeeze juice)
1/2 cup honey
Cooking method
Prep:1h › Cook:50min › Total time: 1h50min
Make syrup: Boil water with sugar until sugar dissolves. Cool. Add lemon juice and honey, stir. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes (do not boil!). After this, cool and put in the refrigerator.
Toast the nuts in the microwave or oven. Mix with cinnamon. Set aside.
Grease a refractory baking dish (a 22x33cm rectangular one will do). Melt the butter. Lay out a sheet of puff pastry and brush with melted butter (preferably with a brush). Place the next sheet on top. In this way, spread out and grease 1/3 of all sheets. Apply the oil in a thin layer, then the baklava will be more gristly. Next, lay out layers one by one, grease and sprinkle with nuts until you have the last 1/3 of the dough left. Then proceed as in the beginning - brush the sheets of dough with melted butter.
Cut the baklava into squares or diamonds (cut BEFORE baking), cutting the dough all the way to the bottom.
Preheat the oven to 160C. Bake for 50 minutes until the baklava is crisp and golden.
Remove the baklava from the oven and immediately pour the syrup over it (a little at a time with a spoon). Refrigerate. Do not cover when storing, otherwise the baklava will no longer be crispy.

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Fresh salmon - 800 gr.,

Leek - 1 pc.,

Salt - to taste

Filo dough - 5 sheets

For filling:
Cream 10% - 100 ml.,
Eggs - 4 pcs.,

How to do:

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Fish pie with salmon and spinach in phyllo dough


Fresh salmon - 800 gr.,
Frozen spinach - 200 gr.,
Leek - 1 pc.,
Butter - 50 gr. + 3 tbsp. for sauteing,
Fresh thyme, a couple of sprigs - only leaves
Salt - to taste
Ground black pepper - to taste,
Filo dough - 5 sheets

For filling:
Cream 10% - 100 ml.,
Eggs - 4 pcs.,
Hard cheese (grated) - 100 gr.,
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to do:

In the evening, remove the phyllo dough from the freezer and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to defrost. The next day the dough will defrost completely properly.
(If you have unused sheets of phyllo dough, wrap them in cling film and freeze them back, the dough will remain the same suitable for further use)
1. Cut the white part of the leek into thin rings.
Defrost the spinach (in the microwave, for example), squeeze out excess water, and chop finely.
Heat 2 tbsp in a saucepan. butter, saute the leeks for a couple of minutes, add chopped spinach, fry for another 3-5 minutes, remove from heat.
2. In another saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. butter, put salmon cut into small cubes there, fry for about five minutes until the fish is cooked (until it turns white). Salt and pepper the fish, sprinkle with thyme leaves and mix.
3. In a bowl, beat 4 eggs with a fork, add cream, grated cheese, mix, salt and pepper.
4. Assembling the pie. Melt 50 gr. butter.
Place one sheet of filo in a round baking dish d=24 cm, grease it with butter, put a second sheet on top - grease it with oil, and so on for all four sheets of dough.
Place sauteed spinach on the dough, and fish on top of the spinach.
Pour the egg-cheese mixture evenly over the entire filling. Cover the top with the fifth sheet of phyllo dough. Gather the dangling ends up onto the pie. Brush the top sheets of dough with the remaining butter.
Place the mold in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove the pie from the oven, let stand for ten minutes and serve.


A puff pastry dessert popular in Turkey and other Arab countries. Sticky, sweet and crunchy at the same time. Truly finger licking good! The recipe uses thin ready-made filo pastry.

For the recipe you will need:
(Servings: 18)

1 package thin puff pastry (phyllo)
3 cups finely chopped nuts (walnuts or pistachios)
200 g butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 glass of water
1 cup sugar
1 lemon (squeeze juice)
1/2 cup honey

Cooking method
Preparation: 1 hour | Preparation: 50 min

1. Make syrup: Boil water with sugar until sugar dissolves. Cool. Add lemon juice and honey, stir. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes (do not boil!). After this, cool and put in the refrigerator.

2. Brown the nuts in the microwave or oven. Mix with cinnamon. Set aside.

3. Grease a refractory baking dish with oil (a rectangular one 22x33cm is suitable). Melt the butter. Lay out a sheet of puff pastry and brush with melted butter (preferably with a brush). Place the next sheet on top. In this way, spread out and grease 1/3 of all sheets. Apply the oil in a thin layer, then the baklava will be more gristly. Next, lay out layers one by one, grease and sprinkle with nuts until you have the last 1/3 of the dough left. Then proceed as in the beginning - brush the sheets of dough with melted butter.

4. Cut the baklava into squares or diamonds (cut BEFORE baking), cutting the dough to the very bottom.

5.Preheat the oven to 160C. Bake for 50 minutes until the baklava is crisp and golden.

6.Remove the baklava from the oven and immediately pour the syrup (a little at a time with a spoon). Refrigerate. Do not cover when storing, otherwise the baklava will no longer be crispy.

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Fish pie with salmon and spinach in phyllo dough


Fresh salmon - 800 gr.,
Frozen spinach - 200 gr.,
Leek - 1 pc.,
Butter - 50 gr. + 3 tbsp. for sauteing,
Fresh thyme, a couple of sprigs - only leaves
Salt - to taste
Ground black pepper - to taste,
Filo dough - 5 sheets

For filling:
Cream 10% - 100 ml.,
Eggs - 4 pcs.,
Hard cheese (grated) - 100 gr.,
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to do:

In the evening, remove the phyllo dough from the freezer and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to defrost. The next day the dough will defrost completely properly.
(If you have unused sheets of phyllo dough, wrap them in cling film and freeze them back, the dough will remain the same suitable for further use)
1. Cut the white part of the leek into thin rings.
Defrost the spinach (in the microwave, for example), squeeze out excess water, and chop finely.
Heat 2 tbsp in a saucepan. butter, saute the leeks for a couple of minutes, add chopped spinach, fry for another 3-5 minutes, remove from heat.
2. In another saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. butter, put salmon cut into small cubes there, fry for about five minutes until the fish is cooked (until it turns white). Salt and pepper the fish, sprinkle with thyme leaves and mix.
3. In a bowl, beat 4 eggs with a fork, add cream, grated cheese, mix, salt and pepper.
4. Assembling the pie. Melt 50 gr. butter.
Place one sheet of filo in a round baking dish d=24 cm, grease it with butter, put a second sheet on top - grease it with oil, and so on for all four sheets of dough.
Place sauteed spinach on the dough, and fish on top of the spinach.
Pour the egg-cheese mixture evenly over the entire filling. Cover the top with the fifth sheet of phyllo dough. Gather the dangling ends up onto the pie. Brush the top sheets of dough with the remaining butter.
Place the mold in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove the pie from the oven, let stand for ten minutes and serve.

Unsweetened baked goods: cheese muffins with kefir
Ingredients: hard cheese - 150 g, egg - 1 pc., kefir - 200 ml. (1 cup), flour - about 5 tbsp, soda - 0.5 tsp, green onions or other greens - to taste. You can also add chopped garlic to the dough if you want spicier muffins, as well as cumin, hot pepper, etc.
Preparation: grate the cheese, preferably on a fine grater, but you can also grate it on a coarse one. Add the egg to the cheese and mix them together. Next, pour in the kefir, add chopped herbs (I used frozen dill) and mix everything well again. Now add flour and soda, but it is better to add flour in parts until the dough is like medium thick sour cream.
Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes, but if you are in a hurry, you can skip this step.

I always add bran along with flour, thereby increasing the usefulness of baked goods and reducing its calorie content. In this case, I added 1 tbsp. bran.
Pour the batter into muffin tins or one pie pan. I baked cupcakes in silicone molds: it is very convenient, there are no problems with removing them when finished. Muffin tins should be filled halfway with dough, since the dough rises during baking and then fills the entire volume. Makes about 10-12 cupcakes.
Bake the cupcakes at 200C for about 30 minutes until golden brown, then wait for them to cool, remove them from the mold and serve.

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"Gul-berek" - Turkish pastry
Anyone who has visited Turkey at least once probably knows the local pastry: böreki. Börek is a pie made from thin dough - yufki - with various fillings. Böreki are baked with leeks (pyrasa in Turkish), spinach, minced meat, mashed potatoes, and cottage cheese.

You can also prepare börek at home.
In Turkey, yufka is sold in all stores and supermarkets. It is almost never found in Russia, but it can be replaced with thin lavash. Watch carefully: the pita bread should be fresh and very thin.

For börek you will need: 2 sheets of yufka or pita bread, 3 leeks, 1 onion, 4-5 tablespoons of any vegetable oil, salt, red hot pepper.

For filling: egg, half a glass of milk, half a glass of natural yogurt.

First, peel and finely chop the onion. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom, add the onion and fry over medium heat. While the onions are frying, peel and cut the leeks into small half rings.

Add leeks, salt, pepper to the half-finished onions and simmer the filling over low heat for 15-20 minutes. When cooked, leeks have a slightly sweet taste. If you add more red pepper, the taste of the filling will be piquant and unusual.

The finished filling must be cooled.

Cut the yufka (lavash) sheet diagonally into 4 parts. You will get triangles. Grease each part with a small amount of vegetable oil. Place 2-3 tablespoons of filling on the wide part of the triangle and roll the triangle into a tube. Then roll the tube into a snail shape and place it on a greased baking sheet. Snails need to be packed tightly.

Beat egg, milk and yogurt. Pour the resulting mixture over the bereks. Let stand for 1 hour, then place in the oven and oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

When the börek is ready, it will look like a rose, so the Turks called it “gül-börek” (“gul” means rose in Turkish).

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Avocado salad with shrimp and strawberries in phyllo dough baskets
Ingredients for 2 servings:
2 avocados
shrimp 10-12 g boiled-frozen medium-sized shrimp
10 strawberries
a few basil leaves
2 tbsp. homemade sour cream
1 tsp lemon juice
freshly ground pepper mixture
Filo dough baskets
several sheets of phyllo dough
piece of butter
How to make phyllo dough baskets
Thaw the finished phyllo dough. Melt the butter.
One sheet of standard size makes 2 baskets; excess dough should be put back into the packaging and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Alternatively, you can make many baskets at once and store them in an airtight box until needed.
Cut the sheets into squares with a side of 10-12 cm. Grease each of them with melted butter, this is conveniently done using a silicone brush. Place one square of phyllo dough in the baking dish and place a second layer on top, moving it 45 degrees to form an 8-pointed star. Make a well in the center, giving the dough a basket shape.
I bake phyllo dough baskets in special silicone molds, but you can use muffin tins or other convenient containers for this.
Preheat the oven to 200C, bake the baskets for 5 minutes. The edges should be golden and very crispy. Let cool and remove from molds.
How to Make Avocado, Strawberry and Shrimp Salad
Thaw shrimp at room temperature.
Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into small cubes. Pour lemon juice and stir gently until the juice covers the entire surface of the avocado. This is necessary so that its flesh does not darken.
Peel the strawberries. Cut large berries into slices, small ones - in half.
Cut the basil into thin strips.
In a salad bowl, combine strawberries, shrimp, avocado and basil.

Mix sour cream with salt and pepper, season the salad with avocado and shrimp, and place it in crispy phyllo dough baskets.

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Cake "Creme Brulee"

-sugar-1 glass
- butter - 1 tbsp.
- sour cream - 1 glass
- flour - 3 cups
-cocoa-2 tbsp
-soda-half tsp, quenched with vinegar
-500 ml milk
-1 egg
-1 glass of sugar
-3 tablespoons flour
-200 g softened butter
-2 tbsp cocoa

Grind sugar with softened butter, add sour cream, flour and soda, knead the dough. Divide the dough into 2 parts, add cocoa into one. Divide the entire dough into 6 parts, roll out the cakes (3 white and 3 chocolate) and bake at high temperature for 5 -10 minutes.

Mix everything except the butter and cocoa and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Then cool the cream completely.
Beat softened butter with cocoa. Continue whipping, add custard in small portions.
Grease the cake layers and sides. Decorate as desired.
Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Filo baskets with spinach and feta
christmas recipe
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 tablespoon honey
1 onion large bunch of spinach
150 grams ricotta
100 grams feta
3 sheets prepared filo puff pastry
salt and pepper
How to prepare the recipe for Filo Baskets with Spinach and Feta:

Thaw the phyllo by placing it in the refrigerator from the freezer.
After removing, cover with a damp cloth.
Finely chop the spinach, scald with boiling water, squeeze and mix with ricotta, add salt.
Cut into Filo squares and place in muffin tins.
Coat each sheet with oil.
Place the ricotta and spinach mixture into the baskets.
Place diced feta on top.
Place in a preheated oven at 170 C for 25 minutes.
Fry the onion in half rings, add marjoram and a spoonful of honey.
Place the onions on top of the cheese in the prepared baskets.

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Baklava with coffee syrup
For the test:
wheat flour - 2 - 2 1/2 cups
olive oil - 30 grams
wine vinegar or lemon juice - one tablespoon
butter - three tablespoons
salt - 1/2 teaspoon
For the filling:
chopped nuts - 100 grams
powdered sugar - three tablespoons
For the syrup:
strong black coffee - five tablespoons
powdered sugar - 110 grams
ground cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
cloves - 2-3 buds
ground cardamom - 1/4 teaspoon

Method for preparing Baklava recipe with coffee syrup

1 For baklava, you can buy ready-made phyllo dough, or you can make it yourself.
2 Sift the flour, mix with salt, put it in a mound and make a well in the center. Pour in about 1 cup of warm water 1/2 (you may need a little more), oil, vinegar or lemon juice. Using a fork, stir the flour into the liquid until a ball begins to form around the fork. Next, knead the dough with your hands for at least 10 minutes. If necessary, add a little more flour or water. The result should be a smooth, elastic dough.

3 Cover the dough with a napkin or towel and let it sit at room temperature for an hour. Pour the dough into 10 small balls, roll each into a thin translucent sheet.

Lightly dry the resulting sheets by placing them on a cloth.

4 If you are using store-bought phyllo dough, make sure that the sheets you are not currently using do not dry out. To do this, attach them with a damp cloth while you oil and lay the next sheet.

5 Place 4 sheets on a greased baking sheet, brushing each with melted butter. Next, add half of the nuts mixed with powder. Cover with three sheets greased with melted butter, lay out the rest of the filling, and place sheets of dough on top, brushing each with butter.

Press the resulting base along the edges, and use a sharp knife to make diamond-shaped cuts on the surface. Bake the baklava for 20–25 minutes at 180°C.

6 For the syrup, combine all the ingredients, heat, then remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes under the lid. Strain the syrup, then heat it again.

7 Remove the baklava from the oven, pour in coffee syrup, cut along the score lines, and cool. When serving, place the baklava on a plate.

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Chicken and vegetable pie made from phyllo dough
2 tablespoons flour
butter - 2 tablespoons
250 grams of ready-made, thawed filo puff pastry
1 glass of milk
1 cup broccoli, cut into florets
1/2 cup green peas
250 grams chicken breast with skin
1 onion
Finely chop the onion and fry in butter.
Cut the chicken breast into cubes and fry with the onion for 5 minutes.
Add flour, mix well and pour in milk.
Let it boil.
Add broccoli and peas to the chicken.
Mix everything.
Place sheets of filo in a deep dish, covering the bottom and edges.
Place the filling on top.
Cover with the remaining sheets, rolling them as desired.
Bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 C degrees, on the bottom shelf.

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Filo wraps with feta and shrimp
Filo wraps with feta and shrimp:

6 sheets of phyllo
2 cloves garlic
butter - 3 tablespoons
180 grams feta
120 grams boiled shrimp
salt and pepper
How to prepare the recipe: Filo Envelopes with Feta and Shrimp:

Finely chop the cooked shrimp.
Mix feta with shrimp, salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic.
Coat 6 sheets of phyllo measuring 50 cm x 35 centimeters with melted butter.
Cut the sheets into 12 squares.
Lay out 6 squares one by one, alternating the direction of the corners.
Place a teaspoon of filling in the middle of the dough.
Fasten it in the form of a bag, raising the corners up.
Preheat the oven to 200 C and bake for about 10 minutes.

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100 grams dry-cured ham cubes
For the sauce:
Four chives
100 milliliters cream
200 grams of fresh peas
Four sprigs of dill

Blanch the peas in salted water for two minutes, carefully drain and cool. Carefully lay out a sheet of phyllo dough, brush half with butter and fold in half. In the middle of the sheet, put (it can be cut into a square or left rectangular) a quarter of peas, a quarter of ham and a quarter of cheese, add a little salt and pepper and form a neat knot, connecting all the edges of the dough. Tie a knot with the stem of the chives. In the same way, you need to prepare the remaining knots, place them all on a baking sheet and grease everything with the remaining oil. Bake for ten to twelve minutes at 220°C. Then you can start preparing the sauce: to do this, boil the peas in 100 milliliters of water with a pinch of salt for about five minutes, remove from the heat and puree everything with a submersible mixer. Put it on the fire again, pour in the cream and bring everything to a boil, then remove from the heat, pepper, salt, add dill and puree everything. The nodules should be served warm along with the prepared sauce.

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Tutmanik is a dish of Bulgarian cuisine. According to the original recipe, it is prepared with feta cheese. If someone doesn’t like feta cheese, you can replace it with regular cheese; if there is no feta cheese, you can safely use suluguni cheese or salted cottage cheese. I wanted to make these buns sweet, so I took sweet cottage cheese and nuts - it turned out great! I think it will be delicious with cinnamon and sugar, or you can try it with jam.


3 eggs
-0.5 cups sour cream
-1 tsp soda
-0.5 cups of milk
-1 packet of dry yeast
-1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
-1 tsp salt
- flour - 500 -700 gr. or how much he will take
-100 gr. butter
-350 gr. feta cheese/cheese/sweet cottage cheese


Dissolve the yeast in water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, wait until the “cap” rises. Mix all the ingredients (except the filling) into a dough and leave to rise for half an hour. After half an hour, knead the dough and divide it into 3 parts. We roll each part into a layer in the form of a rectangle. Generously grease with melted butter, sprinkle with grated cheese (or whatever you like) and roll into a roll.
Next, take a baking dish and grease it with oil. We cut the roll into pieces of 2-3 cm (I did 4-5 cm) and place it vertically in the mold. It is better to place them not tightly to each other; during proofing they will increase in volume. Leave to proof for 20 minutes, then brush with egg and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. After removing from the oven, spray our tutmanik with water, cover with a towel and leave for another 15 minutes. Well, then you can break off a piece and eat it. Very tender, airy buns, a great addition to a glass of kefir or a cup of tea!

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Filo pastry pie with chicken, cranberries and Brie cheese

Very tasty gourmet pie. Instead of boiled meat, you can use the leftover meat from baked chicken or turkey, so in just 25 minutes you will have an elegant dinner ready. Instead of a pie, you can make three-cornered or knotted pies.

~450 g cooked chicken (~2 chicken breasts), diced
1 cup Brie cheese, diced
4 -5 tbsp. cranberry sauce
2 tbsp. chopped parsley
~9 sheets of phyllo dough
2 tbsp. butter, melted

Preheat oven to 400F/200C.
Combine chicken, cheese, 2 tbsp. cranberry sauce, and parsley in a cup. Season with salt and pepper.

Place 4 sheets of phyllo in a small ovenproof dish (15*23 cm), brushing them with melted butter.


Filo pastry with mozzarella
crispy, delicious... I think you know what phyllo is!

Ingredients for Filo Pies:
Mozzarella - 500 g
Butter (melt) - 100 g
Filo dough (thawed) - 1 pack.

Recipe for "Filo Pies":

Defrost the dough.
Melt the butter.
Cover the table with cling film.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Grease the baking sheet well with vegetable oil.
take a silicone brush or a simple shaving brush.

Print out the dough, flatten it and cover with a wet napkin.
Do not remove the napkin during the cooking process: take the dough and cover it again.
Take one sheet of dough, grease it well with melted butter, put the second one on top, and butter again.
On one side we put the filling and roll the pies into a triangle, place them on a baking sheet and grease them with oil.
We do all this with the rest of the dough.

Bake in an oven preheated to 175*C for 15 minutes.

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1 sheet filo paste
2 large raw shrimp
1 large mussel
2 mango slices
salt, black pepper, soy sauce, half a clove of garlic, 1 tsp. olive oil, parsley...
Grease a sheet of phyllo paste with oil (on the outside)...

Place in a round (square) metal mold....

Place peeled shrimp, mango and mussel in the middle.

Season with salt, lightly sprinkle with pepper, finely grated garlic and chopped parsley...

Pour 1 tsp. butter and 1 tsp. soy sauce and close...

Bake in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. - 10-12 min.

Serve with soy sauce....

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