Christmas slides. Presentations on the topic of the Nativity, free download for class and extracurricular activities

Presentation prepared by:

GPD teacher MAOU Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 20 Ulyanovsk Kanunnikova Yulia Alexandrovna

God created the heavens and the earth.

He created man and gave him the blessings of heaven. But man sinned and walked away from God.

God, however, did not destroy man,

but promised to send the Savior.

This Savior is Jesus Christ.

Holy Virgin Mary made a promise never to get married, but to devote her life to serving God.

The priests handed it to the 80-year-old widower Joseph, who was Mary's father.

One day the Archangel Gabriel appeared at Joseph’s house and said to Mary:

"You will give birth to a son and name him Jesus,

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High,

and the Lord God will give him a throne..."

In those days came a decree from Caesar Augustus

make a census of the whole earth.

And everyone went to register in their own city.

Likewise, Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary set out from the city of Nazareth, where they lived,

to the homeland of our ancestors -

to Bethlehem.

There they stopped outside the city, in a cave.

At night, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a baby - the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Mary swaddled him and put him in a manger,

where do they put feed for livestock?

On the eighth day after the birth of the Child, Joseph and Mary gave him the name Jesus, which means “Savior.”

In that country there were shepherds in the field tending their flock.

Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them,

who announced the Nativity of Christ.

And the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see

what happened there, what the Lord told them about.

They hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph,

and the Child lying in the manger.

When they saw it, they told about what happened

announced to them about the Child.

Meanwhile, the wise men arrived in Jerusalem, studying the stars.

They saw a new unusual star appear in the sky

and realized that the expected Messiah had been born.

The same star walked across the sky before the Magi,

showing them the path led just there,

where the baby Jesus was born.

Mary and Joseph had already moved by this time

from the cave to the city.

The Magi entered the house and saw the mother and baby.

They bowed to Jesus to the ground and presented gifts: gold, like a king, incense, like God, and myrrh, like a man.

The child grew and became stronger in spirit,

filled with wisdom

and the grace of God was upon Him.

For God so loved the world,

that he gave his only begotten Son,

so that everyone who believes in Him

did not perish, but had eternal life.

Christmas- a great, bright and wonderful holiday for believers all over the world.

Icon of the Nativity of Christ tells about the birth of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary, whom we have since called the Mother of God.

Icon "Nativity of Christ"

Icon “The Virgin and Child”

  • Most countries in Europe and the USA celebrate Christmas
  • By Gregorian calendar- December 25,
  • and Russia – according to Julian – January 7 .

the Russian people fasted until late in the evening,

just before the star appears.

It has long been a quiet and peaceful holiday.

But the next day the fun and revelry began - Christmastide .

HOLY TIME- holy days or holy evenings, 12 days from the Feast of the Nativity of Christ to the Feast of Epiphany (Epiphany).

Favorite folk entertainment at Christmas time is dressing up and caroling. Teenagers and children sang the Christmas troparion,

spiritual songs, carols... Jan., celebrated Orthodox. in honor of the baptism of Christ


once in the Bethlehem cave,

The Nativity of Christ is constantly taking place in human hearts,

bringing joy, peace, happiness .

The birth of the Savior is a great miracle revealed by God to the world.

Let us accept the Lord into our hearts and give Him

Faith, Hope and Love!


Olga Berdova
Presentation “The Nativity of Christ”

Presentation« Christmas»

(captions for slides)

Target: introduce the origin Christmas holiday.

Tasks: To stimulate interest in the study of history holiday. Enrich children's vocabulary. Continue to develop a respectful attitude towards Orthodox traditions, domestic culture, the culture of other peoples.

Slide number 3

On the occasion of the census, the Roman emperor ordered everyone to come to Bethlehem. The Blessed Virgin Mary also went with Joseph to Bethlehem, she waited birth child and when night came they could not find a rookery anywhere, because all the houses were crowded, and then at the end of the city they saw a cave in which there were shepherds. The son of God Jesus was born in this cave Christ, Mary swaddled him and put him in a manger, because there was no other place.

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At night, the shepherds saw an Angel in front of them in all the splendor of heavenly radiance. They were afraid, but the Angel told them said: “I proclaim to you great joy, in this city Jesus the Savior was born, you will recognize him by finding a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

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The shepherds entered the cave and bowed to the Baby, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Child.

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Christmas family holiday, at the Divine Child Christians ask for all sorts of blessings for family and friends for a year, to holiday prepare gifts for each other, godparents visit their godchildren and give them gifts.

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The night before Merry Christmas songs are sung, children dress up and go from house to house and congratulate the owners on Merry Christmas, wishing them a fruitful year and all the best.

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Christmas is bright in my soul

Holiday Holy sun has risen

The skies are so clear, white day in the night;

Then the star sends rays to the baby in the manger!

The word became flesh for our troubles;

Nativity of Christ Eternal life light!

Publications on the topic:

“January 7 - Nativity of Christ” Today will be Christmas, The whole city is waiting for the mystery, It is dozing in the crystal frost And waiting for the magic to happen.

Synopsis of the NOD “The Nativity of Christ” Program content: 1. Consolidate with children knowledge about winter holidays (New Year, Christmas, baptism, carols); about their main symbols.

Event in elementary school. "Nativity of Christ" EVENT “THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST” Objectives: 1. To acquaint students with the history of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ in Russia. 2. Cultivate feeling.

Purpose: 1. To acquaint children with elementary ideas about the religious Russian holiday of the Nativity of Christ; 2. To educate morals.

Feast of the Nativity of Christ In the Church, besides Easter, there are 12 major holidays. They are called the Twelve and the most important among them.

Entertainment "Christmas" Christmas entertainment. Goal: To create conditions for a positive emotional mood in children through an introduction to the cultural tradition of celebration.

Scenario for the holiday "Christmas" Scenario of the Christmas holiday Attributes. Glowing stars. White scarves. Mummers' costumes. Felt boots. 2 snowballs. Star of Bethlehem.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Nativity of Christ Teacher of history and social studies MBOU Kamenskaya Secondary School Kalaichidi Tatyana Savelyevna

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Christmas is considered one of the main holidays of Christians, second after Easter. On this day believers celebrate most important event- the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ, who came to earth to give salvation to our souls. On holidays orthodox churches decorated with fir branches. In the evening, and in many churches at night, the Christmas all-night vigil is celebrated. On the day of the holiday it is solemnly served Divine Liturgy, at the end of which the clergy and the people sing the troparion and kontakion of the holiday.

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In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity in the 10th century. It occurred at a time when the ancient Slavs celebrated their multi-day winter holiday - Kolyada. Many Christmas rituals and customs have been preserved in the Christmas celebration.

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Before the birth of the Messiah, the Roman Emperor Augustus, in whose power the then conquered Judea was, gave the order to carry out a nationwide census on the territory of his vast empire, according to which all subjects were to be registered each in their ancestral city. The Virgin Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, a city of Galilee, but since both of them came from the family and house of David, whose city was Bethlehem, located in the land of Judah, they went to their homeland. This journey was not easy, since the Blessed Virgin carried the Son of God in Her womb

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The flightless baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was laid in a manger, that is, in a cattle feeder, covered with fragrant hay, but the Divine glory of the Infant God was not hidden either in the darkness of the night, or in the den and manger, in these first images of His humility and humiliation. The birth of the Savior was announced to both the simple and the wise, the shepherds of Bethlehem and the eastern sages. In the field, near the den in which the Savior was born, the Bethlehem shepherds grazed their flocks. An angel appeared to them and told them: “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-) The flightless baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was laid in a manger, that is, in a cattle feeder, covered with fragrant hay, but the Divine glory The Infant God was not hidden either in the darkness of the night, or in the den and manger, in these first images of His humility and humiliation. The birth of the Savior was announced to both the simple and the wise, the shepherds of Bethlehem and the eastern sages. In the field, near the den in which the Savior was born, the Bethlehem shepherds grazed their flocks. An angel appeared to them and told them: “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a Child wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-)

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Delighted by this news, the shepherds hurried to the cherished nativity scene, where they found the Infant Lord lying in a manger and, bending over Him, the Ever-Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph. Having given the Savior due worship, they announced to Mary and Joseph everything that they had seen and heard. “Nativity of Christ”, icon by Andrei Rublev

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Having made a multi-day and unsafe journey, these sages presented their gifts to the Divine Infant - gold, incense and myrrh. Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci "Adoration of the Magi"

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Christmas in Russia The day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve or Sochevnik. Christmas Eve comes from the word “sochivo”, which literally means “vegetable oil”. Sochivom was also called porridge with vegetable oil and vegetables. On the eve of Christmas, people were supposed to only sleep and not eat any food all day until dusk, that is, until the Star of Bethlehem appeared. After all, it was under this star that Jesus Christ was born.

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It was customary to celebrate Christmas Eve good deeds: help the suffering and the poor, give alms. In the morning, on Christmas Eve, the ceilings and walls of the huts were washed, the floors were scraped, and they were rubbed with juniper. Then they steamed in a hot bath. The table and benches were covered with straw or hay, which symbolized familiarization with the place and time of the Savior’s birth. You weren't supposed to work on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, a kutya and a candle were placed on a table covered with straw and a tablecloth on top of it. When the first star appeared in the sky on Christmas Eve, the traditional meal could begin. Before it began, a lamp was lit near the icons in the hut, lighted candles were placed near the icons, and the household, led by the owner of the house, read prayers

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At Christmas, the table was decorated in a special way: a bunch of hay or straw was placed under the tablecloth as a reminder of the manger in which Christ lay. An iron object was placed under the table, and everyone sitting at the table took turns placing their feet on this object. There is a sign that this way you can maintain your health throughout the year - after all, iron is considered a symbol of strength. Christmas is a holiday when the whole family gets together for common table. The table was prepared richly: pancakes, fish dishes, aspic, jelly from pork and beef legs, suckling pig stuffed with porridge, pig head with horseradish, homemade pork sausage, roast, honey gingerbread, sbiten and, of course, roast goose.

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For festive table everyone congratulated each other, and then began to give gifts. This tradition, which annually reminds people of the gifts that were brought by the Magi to Mary, on the day when she gave birth to an uneasy man, and the son of the Lord - Jesus Christ

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Christmas night is a common holiday accompanied by festivities. The tradition of going from house to house with songs and choruses has been preserved. But the content of the songs became Christian. A new word appears - “Christoslavs” - those who glorify Christ. Children walk around with a star made with their own hands from scrap material. This star is also reminiscent of the Star of Bethlehem. In addition to the glorification of Christ, the rite of sowing or sprinkling is described. The narratives about this rite are almost completely identical to the description of the rite of glorifying Christ, the difference is observed only in the verbal part of the rite (during the glorification of Christ, children sing “The Nativity of Christ”, and when sowing they pronounce the well-wishing formulas of the carolers).

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During Christmas time (from Christmas to Epiphany, from January 7 to January 19), everyone, both children and adults, had Christmas holidays.

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Spruce - a symbol of Christmas According to an ancient legend, spruce became a symbol of Christmas at the request of the heavenly powers. When the Savior was born in Bethlehem, in a wretched cave, a new light was lit in the dark sky accompanied by the singing of angels. bright star. Heeding the divine sign, not only people, but also animals and plants hurried to the cave. Everyone tried to show the newborn their sincere joy and bring some gift. Plants and trees gave the Baby their fragrances, flowers, fruits and leaves.

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Slides: 30 Words: 239 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Christmas. Christmas Kachlavova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher English language highest category, methodologist. Valentine's Day and Easter (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter). It's no secret that the most popular holiday all over the world is Christmas. The selection of material and the creation of a script for the holiday are undertaken by the oldest - 7th grade. But everyone else, without exception, participates in the performance, be it a song, a dance or a skit, which are fragments of the overall performance. Fairy tales are taken as the basis of the script: “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “. Snow Queen", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", etc., but traditional Christmas characters, songs and poems are invariably included in the scene. - Christmas.ppt


Slides: 63 Words: 2045 Sounds: 0 Effects: 82

Wonderful and unusual events are associated with the Birth of Jesus Christ. Massacre of the innocents. Icon of the "Bethlehem Infants". In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated in the 10th century. Christmas has long been a quiet and peaceful holiday. The last day of Lent was especially difficult. Previously, the long Christmas service began late at night. Christmas Eve, New Year(old style) and Epiphany. Immediately after Christmas the so-called scary evenings. Fortune telling on mirrors. The shepherds and wise men bow to the baby. Fortune telling using a rooster was very common. A story about Christmas for my son. Merry Christmas! - Christmas 1.ppt

Christmas gifts

Slides: 20 Words: 679 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

What is Christmas? Stocking for gifts. Hanging stockings by the fireplace for gifts. The British were the first to decorate the house. Holly, mistletoe, ivy, poinsettia... Holly has become a recognized symbol of Christmas. Mistletoe (Mistletoe). Christmas Carols. The British consider carols to be the most important Christmas tradition. Christmas Candy Candy. Cookies for Santa. The Christmas candy resembles the letter J, which is the beginning of the name Jesus. Candle. Every Sunday a new red candle is lit. Christmas Tree. - Christmas 2.ppt

Holiday Christmas

Slides: 16 Words: 383 Sounds: 10 Effects: 10

The carol has arrived - open the gates! Listen to “The Way Kolyada Was Going.” From the east with the wise men the star travels with precious gifts to bestow upon Christ. We came to glorify Christ and congratulate you on the holiday. For fun for you, and for nuts for us. Listen to “Children's Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky: "Morning Prayer". Listen to the song “Lullaby” performed by the Rainbow ensemble. For the holiday you will need mummers' costumes. Masks were made from paper, some would make a blue nose, some would make a red one. Bring forth, O God, every kind of spring wheat. There is goodness in the house, There is grain in the field. There is pie in the house. In the field it’s spiky. - Holiday Christmas.ppt

Christmas celebration

Slides: 21 Words: 2518 Sounds: 2 Effects: 2

Christmas. Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Exact date birth. Divine baby. Event. Magi. Selma Lagerlöf. Sheep. Grandmother. Shepherd. Santa Claus. Christmas Eve. New Year. Christmas in Switzerland. Christmas. Classical music. - Christmas celebration.ppt

Holiday of Christmas

Slides: 9 Words: 468 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Christmas. History of the holiday. The first mention of the celebration of Catholic Christmas is found in chronicles of the 4th century. Christmas. According to tradition, the Christmas Eve fast ends with the appearance of the first evening star in the sky. On the eve of the holiday, Old Testament prophecies and events related to the Nativity of the Savior are remembered. Traditions of the Nativity of Christ. Gifts for Christmas. Symbols of the Nativity of Christ. - Holiday Christmas.pptx

Orthodox holiday of Christmas

Slides: 26 Words: 1795 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Christmas. Christmas Events. Purpose of the study. Stages of work. Angel. Events of the Nativity of Christ. Gospel of Matthew. Stars. The Savior was born. Magi. Holy Church. King Herod. Christ. Dates of celebration in various churches. Orthodox Christmas. Divine service on the Nativity of Christ. Forefeast. Eve of the Nativity of Christ. Holiday traditions. Christmas Eve. Christmas evening. Yuletide fortune telling. Celebration at school. Traditions of celebrating Christmas. - Orthodox holiday of Christmas.ppt

New Year and Christmas

Slides: 14 Words: 370 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Where did New Year come from? Questions. -When was the New Year celebrated for the first time? -The symbolism of the New Year... Purpose of the study: From ancient origins. New Year's holiday the most ancient of all existing ones. New Year's Eve was the first day of January. The New Year in medieval England began in March. New Year in Russia. History of the Christmas tree. Christmas. It’s gratifying that Advent, Holy Week and Christmas were successfully combined. There was a custom of giving gifts to children before Christmas. Gifts (gingerbreads, sweets) were hung on the Christmas tree as decoration. New Year in my family. New Year is the best, most favorite holiday in our family. - New Year and Christmas.ppt

Christmas story

Slides: 16 Words: 618 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

History of the holiday. Birth of Jesus Christ. Nativity of the Savior. Christmas. Star of the East. Gifts of the Magi. Frankincense, gold and myrrh. Holiday traditions. Christmas time. Caroling. Christmas tree. Legend. - History of Christmas.ppt

The Night Before Christmas Lesson

Slides: 19 Words: 812 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"The Night Before Christmas" - encyclopedia folk traditions, beliefs, rituals. Lesson objectives. Project typology. Preparatory stage Group creation and formulation problematic issues. Independent work in groups: presentation of terms. Structuring information. Good Evil. Crap. Vakula. Oksana. Solokha. Patsyuk. Discussion of hypotheses for resolving problematic issues. The witch pursues her own selfish goals (to seize Chub's wealth). Systematization and generalization of the obtained theoretical and practical data in accordance with the problems raised. 2nd group Christmas traditions and rituals. - The Night Before Christmas Lesson.ppt

Games for Christmas

Slides: 23 Words: 349 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Christmas game. Complete several tasks and you will find out who you can meet at Christmas. From which direction did the Magi come? From the north. From the south. From the east. From the west. Right! Which of the animals helped people the most during the Birth of the Savior? Where is the icon of the Nativity of Christ? Collect letters with the following numbers and you will find out the name of the sorcerer: 2, 3, 7, 10, 12, 16. Which piece of the icon is missing? Why did the holy family have to flee soon after their birth? Volcanic eruption. Meteor shower. The wrath of King Herod. Where did the holy family go? To China. To Egypt. To Japan. -