Hollow foundation concrete block. Concrete blocks for foundations - types and specifics of application

Even when building a small country house made of brick or wood, the financial costs will be considerable. Foundation work requires approximately one-fifth of the total construction cost. In the case of a foundation made up of foundation blocks, this includes the purchase of material, payment for the work of builders, and the cost of special equipment. Some of the costs can be reduced, or even eliminated, if you prepare the materials for construction yourself, that is, make the blocks yourself. To do this, you will need to perform preliminary calculations, as well as stock up on materials.

A foundation block made independently is not inferior in quality to a block purchased at a construction site.

Work on the construction of the foundation for which the blocks were made with your own hands can be done in this way: the prepared formwork is installed in place, the mixture is poured into it. After the composition has hardened a little, the formwork is removed and rearranged further. The process is repeated. One formwork is used repeatedly in this way. But the described method may not always be convenient, even if several formworks are used. More often, blocks are made separately with your own hands and stored.

In terms of reliability and strength, concrete blocks made by hand are not much inferior to those purchased using building materials. They are quite strong and reliable, and as for the manufacturing technology at home, it is not so complicated. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions most suitable for the future cement product. Its length should be such that it is easy and without sawing to lay the product into the foundation. When making calculations, you need to select the dimensions in such a way that you can move the blocks with your own hands or with assistants, without the use of special equipment.

Tools and materials for work

To work you will need:

  • collapsible formwork into which cement composition will need to be poured;
  • coarse sand, fraction 1.5 mm;
  • crushed stone fraction 10 mm;
  • Portland cement M300;
  • shovel;
  • water;
  • construction trowel;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric drill.

To make your own formwork, you need to select the following materials:

  • boards or moisture-resistant plywood;
  • steel sheet 1 mm thick;
  • metal rod with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • M12 nuts – 2 pcs.

The boards must be selected or processed so that their width is equal to the height of the block. The length should be equal to the length of the block, to which another 20 cm is added. One side of each board should be well planed and painted with waterproof paint. On the side that is painted, step back 10 cm from the edge on each side and make two transverse cuts - they should go 5-6 mm deep. Between these cuts the distance corresponding to the length of the future product is obtained. On the sides, in the middle of the distance between the cut and the edge, holes should be drilled for tightening the formwork with a diameter of 14 mm.

You need to cut two rectangular parts from a steel sheet. Their purpose is to cover the sides of the formwork being constructed. On one side of the rectangle the length should be equal to the height of the block, on the other it must be calculated by adding 10 cm to the previous value. Prepare the rods - they will be needed for tightening. Their length should be 80-90 cm greater than the width of the blocks. There should be a thread at the end of each rod - if you can’t do it yourself, contact a workshop.

The formwork is assembled as follows. The prepared boards are installed side by side, their side edges should be parallel to each other. In this case, the painted surfaces must be turned inside the assembled product. Insert tie rods into the holes made. Insert rectangular metal elements into the grooves of the notches - these will be the ends of the formwork. Place the nuts on the rods, but do not tighten them all the way yet. First, you need to place special wooden inserts nearby - they are needed to fix the width of the product.

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Making cement blocks

When making foundation blocks, it is better to use concrete grade M200 and class B15. If the technology is followed correctly, this strength is enough to support a building about two floors high. The higher the grade of cement used, the stronger the foundation blocks. To make good concrete, you will need M300 Portland cement, sand and crushed stone. You can make stronger blocks with your own hands if you reinforce the products with metal wire.

Concrete wall blocks are one of the most popular materials used for the construction of basements and basement construction. This economical and durable material is suitable not only for the foundation (concrete blocks 20x20x40 cm), but also for the construction of house walls. Only in this case is it necessary to use additional thermal insulation, since concrete blocks have insufficient insulation.

Available transport:

Type of vehicle Load capacity (t) Body dimensions (m) Transported volume (cub.m.)
manipulator 6 tons 2,2*5 10.08 cubic meters (7 pallets)
manipulator with trailer 20 tons 2*(2,45*6,2) 28.8 cubic meters (20 pallets)
manipulator 7 tons 2,4*5,8 11.52 cubic meters (8 pallets)
manipulator 10 tons 2,3*9,5 14.4 cubic meters (10 pallets)
manipulator 10 tons 2,45*6,1 17.28 cubic meters (12 pallets)
manipulator 10 tons 2,45*7,4 20.16 cubic meters (14 pallets)
KAMAZ (on-board) 10 tons 2,4*6,1 14.4 cubic meters (10 pallets)
Semi-trailer 11m (flatbed) 21 tons 2,38*11 25.92 cubic meters (18 pallets)
Semi-trailer 13.6m (flatbed) 21 tons 2,45*13,6 31.68 cubic meters (22 pallets)

The company "PENOBLOK.RU" offers blocks made using various recipes. From us you can buy concrete blocks for walls produced in accordance with GOST, according to technical specifications and according to the so-called Armenian recipe. If you do not go into detail and do not consider the features of the granulometric composition, then the main difference is the amount of cement. The cost of wall hollow blocks also depends on the amount of cement. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better and what is worse, because each type of work has its own requirements. In general, for the construction of low-rise housing (up to four floors), the characteristics of concrete blocks for walls made according to our specifications are sufficient. Blocks in accordance with GOST may be needed when organizing foundations in particularly moist soils. But in our opinion, in such places it is better to use monolithic concrete.

But for the construction of the basement floor of a large multi-story building, it is recommended to use material in accordance with GOST.


The company "PENOBLOK.RU" produces hollow and solid blocks, which you can buy with delivery.

    Hollow. Through voids are used for laying utilities and reinforcing nodes. Products can have a corrugated or smooth surface.

    The hollow concrete block is lightweight and has a high degree of thermal insulation due to the presence of holes in the structure. It has voids inside - through holes, or voids with partitions.

    Popular sizes

    A hollow block of 20x20x40 cm is manufactured in accordance with GOST 6133-99 and is in great demand in the construction of low-rise buildings. The frost resistance of F200 allows the building material to be used in harsh climates, since it can maintain its strength even with sudden changes in temperature for many decades.

    Scope of application

    Hollow concrete blocks have many advantages: they are durable and strong, made from environmentally friendly material, significantly reduce construction time, and have good adhesion to plasters and putties.

    Thanks to the precision of masonry and easy installation, hollow concrete blocks have a wide range of applications.

    1. Construction of low-rise residential buildings.
    2. Construction of utility and utility premises.
    3. Creation of partition structures during the construction of multi-storey buildings.
    4. Construction of industrial buildings.

    Installation Features

    Laying hollow concrete blocks is done using cement-sand mortar. When laying blocks for walls, the mixture should be applied to the longitudinal ribs and end faces. The structure, if necessary, can be reinforced in vertical and horizontal directions.

  1. Full-bodied. Solid concrete block is a rectangular building material without voids. Can be made from different grades of cement. The main advantages of this building material:

    • high strength indicators;
    • low moisture absorption;
    • frost resistance.
  2. By contacting the company PENOBLOC.RU, you can buy the most popular size of the product - 20x20x40 cm. The price for foundation blocks of this type depends on the technical parameters and brand of cement.

    Scope of application

    1. Creating a reliable and durable foundation for load-bearing walls of a construction site.
    2. Construction of columns for fences and fences.
    3. Construction of the foundation.
    4. Arrangement of ground floors and basements.
    5. Construction of underground parking lots.

    Before placing an order, keep in mind that the price for solid foundation blocks 20x20x40 cm is higher than the cost of hollow products.


Product name Specifications Type of stone

Hollow concrete wall stone

Stone strength grade M200,
frost resistance F200
GOST 6133-99

Thermal conductivity 0.46 W/m 0C (for hollow)

Solid concrete wall stone

Hollow expanded clay concrete wall stone

Stone strength grade M100,
frost resistance F100
GOST 6133-99

Thermal conductivity 0.31 W/m 0C (for hollow)

Solid expanded clay concrete wall stone

How to choose concrete blocks for walls

  1. When choosing hollow blocks, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the outer walls and internal partitions, because the strength of the products depends on it. The outer walls of the block should be thicker than the inner ones, since they bear the main load and it is on them that you will subsequently hang your shelves and TVs. They can have a strength of 50 to 100 kg/cm².
  2. An extremely important indicator for choosing concrete blocks for basement walls in the Russian climate is frost resistance. Poor quality material may not withstand alternating freezing and thawing. The frost resistance of the blocks offered by PENOBLOC.RU ranges from F50 to F200. For each individual case, it is necessary to make an individual decision about the possibility of using blocks with one or another frost resistance.
  3. When choosing concrete blocks for walls, you need to pay attention to the accuracy of their dimensions. All blocks must be the same in length and width. There shouldn't be any difference at all. And in height they should not differ by more than 10 mm from each other. If the difference is greater, they are not recommended, since the difficulties in fitting and selection will not justify the savings.
  4. Concrete blocks for walls are available in various sizes; for each individual construction, you can choose the most suitable one. The larger their size, the higher the construction speed, but it is worth considering that special equipment must be used to lay large blocks. If this is not so practical, it is worth choosing smaller building materials.

Concrete blocks for basement walls

It is during the construction of the basement that the most widely used materials are concrete blocks for the foundation 20x20x40 cm. There are several reasons for this:

  • Concrete blocks are very strong and reliable, as well as fire resistant.
  • The speed of building construction increases significantly compared to brick.
  • They show excellent results at high groundwater levels.
  • Concrete blocks are a good soundproofing material.
  • Resistant to fungi, mold and other microorganisms.
  • Combines perfectly with other building materials.

To properly arrange basement walls made of concrete blocks, you should follow the technology and operating features:

  1. At the bottom of the finished pit, it is necessary to prepare a “cushion” using sand and crushed stone. This layer must be wetted and compacted thoroughly to minimize the possibility of shrinkage.
  2. Then a cement layer up to 10 mm thick is applied.
  3. Next, waterproofing is installed. You need to select materials for waterproofing in accordance with the groundwater level.
  4. Then the entire basement area is covered with a frame made of reinforcement.
  5. It is better to install the formwork with an overlap.
  6. Only now are the foundation solid concrete blocks being laid. The slabs need to be installed staggered, tying the external and internal walls.
  7. Afterwards, the walls are erected and covered with waterproofing.

This method will allow you to build a reliable, dry basement and a solid foundation of 20x20x40 concrete blocks for a house even with several floors. There will be no problems with shrinkage in the future.

Concrete blocks at PENOBLOC.RU

  • Our company offers products that fully comply with the declared quality.
  • We are ready to accommodate regular and wholesale customers and offer discounts on hollow-core wall blocks and other materials.
  • We can take care of the delivery of ordered materials to the construction site. Depending on the volume of products purchased and the distance to which the building materials need to be delivered, we will select the most convenient and economical delivery option.

When buying concrete blocks for a foundation of 20x20x40 cm and other sizes from the company "PENOBLOK.RU" in Moscow, you can count on a free consultation from experienced specialists who will advise which blocks to use correctly in each specific case.

Why is it cheaper to build with our blocks?
The price per square meter of a house wall consists of: the cost of the blocks, the cost of masonry mortar, the cost of plaster and putty. Experience shows that when buying cheaper blocks, people are faced with such a problem as a large number of blocks falling apart during delivery on the way to the construction site.

Comparison of various technologies for producing foam concrete.
There are several technologies for producing foam concrete. By and large, they can be divided into two groups.

How to determine the quality of a block by external signs?
The new material, made of porous concrete, has proven itself from the best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter owners save up to 30% on heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks...

The relationship between foam block production technology and ecology.
We are interesting creatures - PEOPLE. We try not to eat low-quality food, do not buy rotten, falling apart cars, and are interested in the environmental conditions in the area of ​​the acquired plot of land on which we are going to build a house.

Foundation building blocks allow you to build reliable and durable foundations for a wide variety of structures. Standing out against the backdrop of monolithic structures in terms of convenience and speed of construction, foundations made of FBS blocks have deservedly become popular in the areas of single-story and multi-story construction.

The following guide will allow you to understand the technology of arranging from building blocks and carry out the necessary activities yourself.

Basic information about block foundations

FBS-9-3-6t88 30 58 350
FBS-9-4-6t88 40 58 470
FBS-9-5-6t88 50 58 590
FBS-9-6-6t88 60 58 700
FBS-12-3-6t118 30 58 460
FBS-12-4-3t118 40 28 310
FBS-12-5-3t118 50 28 390
FBS-12-5-6t118 50 58 790
FBS-12-6-3t118 60 28 460
FBS-12-6-6t118 60 58 960
FBS-24-3-6t238 30 58 970
FBS-24-4-6t238 40 58 1300
FBS-24-5-6t238 50 58 1630
FBS-24-6-6t238 60 58 1960
FBS-12-4-6t118 40 58 640

The design of the block base is extremely simple. It consists of a reinforced cushion, block walls and waterproofing. If necessary, an upper armored belt is installed. This will be discussed separately below.

The only significant drawback of such a foundation is the need to use a crane to lift the blocks. Of course, you can build a winch and try to place the blocks manually, but the labor costs in this case will be inappropriate.

Otherwise, even a beginner will not have any difficulties with arranging a foundation from FBS blocks.

In terms of rigidity and strength, block foundations are inferior to their monolithic counterparts, but outperform them in cost, simplicity and speed of construction.

Block foundations are best suited for soils with a predominant sand content. In areas with crumbly and soft soil, it is better to refrain from constructing such a foundation - the structure may simply sag, which will lead to significant deformations or even complete destruction of the building erected above it.

Block foundations normally withstand the effects of soil heaving forces. Under conditions under which a monolithic strip concrete structure could rupture, the blocks will bend at most. This property of the block base is ensured precisely by the absence of its solidity. The design contains seams, which provides the necessary mobility and flexibility of the masonry.

Also among the advantages of blocks is the possibility of laying them even in snow or rain. Concrete cannot be poured under such weather conditions.

Prices for building blocks

Building blocks

Foundation Construction Guide

The procedure for arranging a block base is reduced to the sequential implementation of several technological stages. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

The first stage is preparatory

First, let's get acquainted with the features of the blocks themselves, and also study recommendations for their selection and overall work planning.

Foundation blocks are produced using the vibrocompression method and are used advantageously for the construction of supporting structures. Also, such blocks are suitable for laying walls of basement floors.

Before starting work, it is necessary to create a project for the future foundation. To do this, open any computer program with the appropriate functions and draw the layout of our blocks. This way we can thoroughly understand the order of their installation and bandaging. If you don’t have the skills to work with such programs, we draw the masonry the old fashioned way on paper.

Most often, the width of the first row of a block support is maintained at 400 mm. For the next two rows this figure is reduced to 300 mm. Knowing the required dimensions of the structure and the required number of blocks, you can go to a specialized store to purchase them. As a rule, such stores offer services for the delivery and installation of building materials, which is very convenient.

Important! You must decide in advance where utility lines will be installed and select blocks taking these points into account. Masonry elements with pre-drilled holes are available for sale. If you forget about this event, holes will have to be drilled in the future, which will require additional time, labor and financial costs.

Stage two – excavation work

Study the construction site carefully. Think about where it will be most convenient to place the crane, what might interfere during operation, etc. If possible, eliminate any existing interference. Next, the work is performed in the standard manner.

First step. We determine the corners of the future structure and drive pegs into them. We stretch ropes between the rods, and then place intermediate marking elements in the places of future arrangement of external and internal walls.

Second step. Digging a pit. According to the standards, the depth of the pit should be equal to the freezing depth increased by 20-25 cm. But in some regions, the freezing depth can reach two meters - the costs of arranging such a foundation will be inappropriate. Therefore, a value of 80-100 cm was taken as the “golden mean”. We stick to it. Additionally, it is recommended to remove the top fertile soil layer (10-20 cm) around the perimeter of the remaining space of the site.

The third stage - arrangement of the sole

There are 2 options for arranging a block base: on and on a concrete base. The second type of support is suitable for unstable soils, however, pouring a concrete base significantly increases the cost of effort, time and money for construction.

Until the moment of arrangement of the compacted sand cushion, inclusive, the procedure for constructing both types of foundation is the same. The actual process of constructing a foundation structure on a concrete support begins with the stage of installing formwork and laying reinforcement.

We first prepare crushed stone of 20-40 fractions, sand and reinforcement. Next we work in this sequence.

First step. We level the walls and bottom of the pit to arrange the sole.

Second step. We fill the hole with a 10-15 cm layer of sand, spill it with water and compact it thoroughly.

Third step. We fill the sand cushion with a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone and compact it again.

Stage four – installation of formwork and reinforcement

For assembling the formwork, a 25 mm thick edged board is suitable. We fasten the formwork boards in a suitable manner. Typically self-tapping screws are used for this. We place the formwork along the walls of the pit and be sure to check the evenness of its installation using a level.

For this we use steel rods with a diameter of 12-14 mm. We will tie them into a mesh with cells 10x10 cm (15x15 cm is possible) using flexible wire. As a rule, reinforcement is performed in 2 layers, with the lower and upper mesh placed at approximately the same distance from the crushed stone and the top of the future fill, respectively. To attach the mesh, we first drive vertical reinforcement bars into the base. If necessary (for example, if the construction of a large and massive building is planned), the number of reinforcing layers can be increased.

Fifth stage - filling the pillow

We fill the entire structure below with concrete. Pour slowly, in an even layer. In several places we pierce the filling with fittings to remove excess air. Carefully level the surface of the pillow.

We leave our structure to gain strength for 3-4 weeks. In hot weather, concrete must be periodically moistened with water to prevent it from cracking.

Stage six - laying blocks

To lay FBS, as noted, you will need to call a crane. The equipment will lift heavy building elements. You and your assistants will need to correct the blocks and place them in the designated places.

For masonry you will need concrete mortar grade M100. On average, the installation of one block takes about 10-15 liters of this solution.

First, we place the blocks in the corners, for better orientation we stretch a rope between them and sequentially fill the spans with blocks according to the level. Fill vertical seams with mortar. We lay the next rows of blocks on the solution in the opposite direction. We gradually move from corners and external masonry to internal partitions. We regularly check the quality and correctness of the work performed using a level.

Seventh stage - waterproofing

For waterproofing it is most convenient to use. We carefully coat the internal and external walls of the foundation with an insulating compound.

Prices for mastics

Eighth stage - armored belt

Often, to strengthen the base structure, a reinforced concrete belt 200-300 mm thick is cast along the top row. For reinforcement, 10 mm reinforcement is used. In the future, it is on this belt that the floor slabs will be laid.

Experienced builders may dispute the need for arrangement, arguing that the slabs already distribute incoming loads fairly evenly; they just need to be laid correctly. However, as practice shows, it is better not to ignore the stage of arranging the armored belt - it certainly won’t make things worse.

The structure is erected as follows:

  • formwork is installed along the perimeter of the foundation walls;
  • reinforcing mesh is placed in the formwork;
  • concrete is poured.

At this point, the foundation of FBS blocks is ready. The technology is labor-intensive, but not complicated. Having done everything according to the instructions, you will receive a safe, reliable, strong and durable foundation, while spending relatively little money on its construction.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself foundation from FBS blocks

For the quick and high-quality construction of supports for buildings and structures, concrete foundation blocks have recently been increasingly used. These are durable and dense structures with high load-bearing capacity, which are more convenient and reliable to use than a self-poured foundation.

Foundation concrete blocks - parameters and features

Before buying concrete blocks for the foundation, it is important to find out their main characteristics and features. The design of concrete products is somewhat different than that of hollow wall blocks. They do not have voids and are called solid. Foundation concrete blocks are produced with a large consumption of cement, which leads to their higher cost. However, due to their excellent performance characteristics, the demand for these products does not decrease. Among the parameters that are valued by customers are:

    strength M100, typical for heavy concrete;

    high frost resistance (up to 50 cycles);

    low moisture absorption.

We offer the best concrete foundation blocks

Timely purchase of concrete blocks for the foundation at a very affordable price is an opportunity that the 1001Blok.ru company offers its clients. We always have certified building materials for a variety of uses in stock. Our products are distinguished by the fact that only high-quality equipment is used in the production process and control is carried out at all stages.

Please note that the relatively low price of building blocks for foundations does not mean that the products we sell are of poor quality. Each unit has an ideal geometry because it is made in a special metal mold. During the production process, a mixture of sand, gravel, cement and water is subjected to repeated volumetric vibrocompression, which minimizes the number of pores, strengthens the material, and reduces the water absorption coefficient.

The assortment includes various types of products - solid ones for foundation masonry and hollow concrete blocks used for masonry walls. This material is a modern alternative to brick walls and foundations, while the characteristics of the blocks make it possible to simplify and speed up the construction of any facility.

What determines the cost of concrete blocks?

If you compare the cost of the concrete blocks we present with the price of other materials with similar characteristics, it becomes clear that the use of blocks is much more profitable. The relatively low cost of this material allows us to maintain an affordable price for finished products.

Partnerships with leading factories allow us to keep selling prices for materials at a level accessible to most clients.

How much do building blocks cost?

The answer to this question depends on various factors. For example, hollow products are cheaper because their production requires less cement than the production of monolithic solid foundation materials. The following are built from hollow blocks:

  • walls;
  • load-bearing structures;
  • interior partitions;
  • fencing.

Solid products are used for foundations, basements, and basements. They are much stronger and more reliable, but are more expensive. Also, the price of concrete blocks is influenced by the dimensions of the products, wall thickness, strength parameters, frost resistance, etc. All products we offer have a high strength class corresponding to heavy concrete and frost resistance of 50 cycles, which makes them reliable building materials.