Kidnapping, divorce and “raider takeover” of the theater: what happens to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Why did they seize Bolshaya Moskovskaya? Blog Armenian group seized Dzhigarkhanyan theater

The head of the literary department of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, Natalia Aleksandrovna Korneeva, in an interview with VM, spoke about what is happening in the theater today.

How are things going in the building now?

The people who two weeks ago took Armen Borisovich to an unknown direction do not let him out of their hands and continue to pursue their goals. True, they do not voice their demands. But these people - friends of Dzhigarkhanyan, led by Arthur Soghomonyan, ensured that the theater director Vitalina Tsymbalyuk (Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, with whom he came into conflict and who turned out to be the owner of all the property of the elderly actor - “VM”) wrote a letter of resignation from the theater at will. Late yesterday evening they brought Armen Borisovich to the theater, and he spent the night there under the supervision of a nurse. Armen Borisovich is trying to manage the theater, and these people also interfere in the activities of the theater, although they are not connected with the theater in any way. These people control Dzhigarkhanyan’s actions and do not allow those who were on Vitalina Viktorovna’s team to approach him. Yesterday, after my speech on Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” a man called me with threats, and his voice was similar to the voice of Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan.

How were you threatened?

This man said that I was behaving ugly and should not support Vitalina Viktorovna. True, I did not listen to him to the end - I interrupted the conversation. Arthur behaves like a theater owner. If threats against me are repeated, of course, I will contact the police.

Nobody fired you from the theater. Do you go to work?

Yes, I was at the theater all day and am only now returning home.

Some media reports say that today the theater was raided. Was force used? And, excuse me, if this is so, where are the police looking?

Despite the order “Keep outsiders out” issued in the theater, Arthur and his people are in the theater.

Why did Vitalina Viktorovna write a letter of resignation from the theater of her own free will? Not on any show, and there were many of them, did she comment on this act?

Vitalina Viktorovna wrote a statement of her own free will, because she did not want to make the theater hostage to her family drama. But it didn't help. Strangers - Arthur and his team - occupied the theater. Vitalina Viktorovna satisfied the wishes of Dzhigarkhanyan’s friends, but this did not solve the problem.

We live in a rule of law state. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater - state-owned budgetary institution, which operates on taxpayers' money. You understand that seizing a government agency is tantamount to seizing the telegraph in 1917. This is illegal and in principle it cannot be in the center of Moscow?

I understand your question. We do not know the position of the Moscow government. Of course, the Department of Culture of the Moscow Government is aware of our problem. But the government has not yet intervened.

Please answer the question: “Are there law enforcement officers in the theater?”

Don't know. There is security at the theater. Someone saw the police, but not today, but earlier. The district police officer in our district is aware of the situation - he came to the theater.

If a police officer controls everything, why are you talking about a raider takeover of the theater?

One thing I can say is that this is all wildness. And all this is just the beginning of the drama. I never thought that I would become an unwitting participant in this disgrace.

On the afternoon of October 25, a representative of the actor’s wife, Elina Mazur, told the 360 ​​TV channel that there had been a raider seizure of Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater by an “Armenian group.” According to her, “the beaten Armen Borisovich is sitting locked in his office without telephones,” the entire management of the theater has been removed, and the accounting department has been seized. But Mazur did not go into details.

The press secretary of the institution, Natalia Korneeva (under Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, she was in charge of the literary department at the theater), shed light on what is happening in the “Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan” for the portal “”. She said that the theater was seized by armed people - they broke into the premises and confiscated documents. According to her, the employees are being threatened; she herself is on the raiders’ radar because she openly spoke about what was happening between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife in Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast” program. Korneeva reported that the people who invaded the theater "from time to time bring and take away Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. But, obviously, he does not decide anything there."

Immediately after the news appeared about what happened in Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater, journalists from the Zvezda TV channel website managed to contact the head of the troupe, Vyacheslav Dyachenko. He called the reports of a raider seizure nonsense and said that there was no attack on the theater, there were no searches, and no one even saw armed people. According to him, the theater continues ordinary life- the previously announced play “The Lonely West” is underway. And in the afternoon there really was a working meeting with Armen Borisovich.

However, the 360 ​​TV channel eventually reported that today's performance began as scheduled, the box office was open, and the artistic director and chief director himself, whose name the cultural institution bears, was supposed to arrive at 19:00 - the start of the performance.

According to the channel’s source, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya has been instilling in Dzhigarkhanyan the idea for four years that different people they want to take over his theater. The result of these slander was the dismissal of several leading actors and employees.

The scandal that broke out in the “noble family” is growing like a snowball. Today it continued with Dzhigarkhanyan reporting the theft of his passport on the theater premises and filing a statement with law enforcement agencies. The day before, as soon as he left the hospital, the actor filed for divorce from his young wife. Before this, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was fired from the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.

Earlier, on October 10, the 82-year-old actor was admitted to the hospital. He stated that his 38-year-old wife caused him “a lot of pain” and he was not ready to forgive her. Later he called her a thief and accused her of taking all his property and the theater into her hands.

On October 26, it became known that searches were being carried out at Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater. According to unconfirmed reports, the artist was allegedly hypnotized by old friends who want to take possession of his property. The police claim that the search is connected with the theft of Armen Borisovich’s passport - the artist himself reported his loss. What is happening in Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater and where it all began - in the material “360”.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Andrey Alexandrov

Divorce and mutual accusations

On October 15, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya reported the kidnapping of her husband. The woman claimed that after an argument, the artist allegedly left with his friends in an unknown direction. She did not see Armen Borisovich again - only after some time she learned that he was in the hospital due to an exacerbation of diabetes. The artist forbade Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to be allowed in. She associated Dzhigarkhanyan’s behavior with outbursts of anger, which often occur due to illness.

It soon became clear that such a reaction was not related to the artist’s changeable mood: he nevertheless decided to divorce his young wife. Dzhigarkhanyan was not satisfied with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s approach to the management of his theater, State Duma deputy Oksana Pushkina. There the woman dealt with legal and financial issues. Upset, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, without waiting for her official dismissal, left Moscow, as if to treat her health.

A few days after discharge, Dzhigarkhanyan himself gave the first one. He stated that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was trying to take over his property, and even called his wife a “monster.” Moreover, the pianist allegedly persuaded the artist to have a child. “Only an adventurer can take such a step,” Dzhigarkhanyan believes.

Such accusations by Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya seemed insulting. Without thinking twice, the woman decided to teach her husband a lesson and planned to file a libel suit. The pianist also agreed to the divorce. Moreover, she hopes that the divorce will happen as quickly as possible. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya left the theater of her own free will. Soon the entire “Vitalina team” will be fired from there, Nation News reported.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgenia Novozhenina

Lost passport or raider takeover?

On October 26, it became known that searches were being carried out at Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater. According to unconfirmed reports, the artist was allegedly captured by raiders, and the entire management was removed. The theater itself denied these rumors - the box office and theater employees are working as usual. The same information was confirmed to 360 by representatives of the theater troupe.

Theater actress Natalya Korneeva gives another version of what is happening. She stated that Dzhigarkhanyan is “hypnotized” by his old friends. The artist is allegedly a hostage in the hands of a group from the 90s and lately behaved inappropriately.

Soon the reason for their visit to the theater was the police themselves. It turned out that the searches were being carried out as part of a criminal case involving the theft of Dzhigarkhanyan’s passport. The artist himself reported the loss of documents to law enforcement officers. He stated that his passport was stolen right in the theater between October 1 and October 10.

At the same time, personnel changes in the theater have already begun: the acting director is Elena Gilvanova, the Department of Culture of the capital told “360”. Previously, she worked as chief financial officer and deputy general director.

In Moscow, searches came to the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. As explained in the press service of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is due to the investigation of a criminal case about the theft of a passport from a People's Artist of the USSR. The day before, reports appeared in the media about a possible raider takeover of the theater. However, later Dzhigarkhanyan personally denied this information. The hype around his name has not subsided since the moment he announced his intention to divorce his wife. Because of this, the fate of the theater itself was under threat.

The police entered the building of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater around noon, reports. The purpose was soon explained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a criminal investigation was underway under the article “Theft or damage to documents.” Allegedly, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s passport has disappeared. Its press secretary, Natalya Korneeva, voiced her version of what was happening in the theater.

“There was a raider seizure of the theater. The Armenian group, which captured Armen Borisovich on October 9, in whose hands he has been for the third week, today swooped in from the “mask show” and seized documents from the accounting department,” says the theater’s press secretary, by phone Natalia Korneeva.

On October 10, the 82-year-old artistic director was hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics and spent two weeks there. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself immediately linked the deterioration of his condition with the rude treatment of his wife and theater director, 38-year-old Vitolina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In response, two days ago she filed a lawsuit for libel against her husband, and also declared her readiness to file for divorce and left her position. On Thursday, when the police came to the theater, Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya made another statement through her representative.

“Yesterday, a criminal case was falsified regarding the theft of Armen Borisovich’s passport, which he had been safely using for the last 10 days. In any case, on the basis of this document, he called a notary to his place, drew up contracts, and so on. However, he told me It seems like the day before yesterday that his passport was stolen from the theater premises,” the statement says.

The previous administration and the current press service unanimously claim that the theater is being “smashed and destroyed.” But there are no obvious signs of change in theatrical life.

The repertoire of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has been compiled and published for October and November. There are no announcements about the cancellation of performances. Moreover, the doors of the ticket offices are open - this is where most of the journalists are on duty during the day."

The artistic director himself could clarify what is happening - there is every reason to believe that he is now in the theater building on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. In the middle of the day, a man appeared near the service entrance who introduced himself as a friend of the people's artist. At first he refused to make detailed comments, but a few hours later he assured journalists that everything was fine with the master and the theater staff.

At these moments, searches are underway in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan theater. Perhaps this is due to the ones that appeared the night before. The media reported that a group of unknown persons allegedly broke into the theater building and removed the management from management. Armen Borisovich himself spent the whole night in his office. What's happening in the theater now?

The press secretary of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan theater announced that now all the theater employees who are currently within these walls have been detained. Half an hour ago, a bus pulled up to the building, people in camouflage got out and entered the theater through the back entrance. It is unclear what is happening inside now, since journalists are not allowed there.

Earlier, three police officers entered the theater through the service entrance. The employees began to check their passports, explaining that some investigative actions were underway. They did not explain why or who contacted them. This is probably due to information about the raider seizure of the theater. Although they said in the morning that the theater was operating as normal.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself spent that night in his office. A nurse was on duty next to him. Closer to the morning, the artist left, and now he is not in the theater. Theater employees also said that those people who are now accused of raider takeover are simply old, good friends Armen Borisovich.

- Was there a raider takeover?

- No, there was no seizure, the theater is operating as normal.

- Is it possible to get to Armen Borisovich?

- He's not there.

- Who is Airapet Oganesyan, who came out to us, is he a friend of Dzhigarkhanyan?

Information about the raider takeover was disseminated yesterday by the theater's press secretary and a representative of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife. They said that allegedly unknown people came to the theater in the evening. They seized the accounting department and began to confiscate documents. Armen Borisovich could not influence the situation, because he was locked in his office. Let's listen to the version about the raider takeover.

“There are strangers in the theater, they are constantly present, they have gained access to the actual management of the theater and access to the financial documents of the theater. And financial documents theaters are owned by these people. Moreover, somehow these people took upon themselves the responsibility, not being employees of the theater, to make statements on behalf of the theater,” Elina Mazur, a confidant of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, said the day before.

It is curious that no one called the police yesterday. Law enforcement officers arrived just now.

For the second week now, fans have been worried about their favorite artist. First, Dzhigarkhanyan was taken to the hospital. There he accused his wife of theft. After the scandal, the wife refused the inheritance.

Now there is a new round of scandal surrounding the raider takeover. The bus that brought people in camouflage left the theater empty.