How to subjugate a man to control him? Several simple methods of manipulation. How to subjugate a man and control him - Psychology Where do women get the desire to obey

Despite the fact that every person, and especially a man, is unique and unique, in some cases, for the successful development of relationships, it is necessary to suppress his own “I”.

Of course, you initially choose the young man who suits you, along with all the advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, as we know, during the period of falling in love, we simply do not notice many of the disadvantages of our partner, and after a certain time, it is these character traits that do not allow us to live in peace and build a happy and strong family. If you want to eradicate the shortcomings of your spouse, you need to subjugate him and do it in such a way that he does not suspect anything.

Submission and control of a representative of the opposite sex is a complex branch of psychology, and it will take a lot of time to master it. In this article, we offer you some simple tips and recommendations from professional psychologists, with the help of which you can figure out how to subjugate a man and what to do so that you can manage him in the future.

Useful psychological techniques on how to subjugate a man

To manipulate and control a person of any gender, you need to know personal characteristics and individual character traits. Understanding what and how can specifically influence your young man will allow you to persuade a man to do any action that is completely uninteresting to him.

Using certain tactics, you must put some truths into your partner’s head that will automatically make him obey you.

There are several simple and, at the same time, effective methods of manipulation, which almost always work flawlessly if used correctly:

How to subjugate a man spoiled by his parents?

Spoiled men, or "mama's boys", this is a special category of citizens who believe that in family relationships it is enough for them to lie on the couch and only occasionally perform men’s duties, but women need to please their beloved in everything. It will be very difficult for such a young man to find a girl who would share this point of view on the topic of family life.

All representatives of the stronger sex, who were loved too much by their parents and raised incorrectly from childhood, are manipulators.

After some time of living together, such a man will definitely try to subjugate you, and if you do not immediately give a tough rebuff, this will be much more difficult to do in the future. However, each of us can unexpectedly fall in love with any man, and when meeting the next gentleman, there is every chance of not understanding what exactly this person is like. In a few days, weeks or months, you will no longer be able to refuse the one you like so much, but you also won’t want to exist with him on such conditions.

In such a situation, something will have to be changed immediately.

The following advice from professional psychologists will tell you how you can subjugate a manipulative man and prevent him from controlling you:

In all other respects, a manipulator should be directed in the right direction in the same way as other representatives of the stronger sex. Do not forget that all of the above methods work exclusively in combination with positive aspects, that is, like "carrot and stick".

Having scolded your spouse once, be prepared to have to praise him and encourage him in every possible way for several days.

Only with the help of such tactics will you be able to achieve effective control over a man and subjugate him to yourself.

When we are dominated, we have five alternatives: fight, run, hide, call for help - or try to appease the dominant. If the dominant one is too strong and there is no point in fighting him, if there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and no one to call for help, all that remains is an attempt at pacification. At such moments, subordinate behavior comes to the fore. Passive submission in a person manifests itself in groveling and begging for mercy.
Of course, this is a heartbreaking sight, and this is the incapacity of a person in this situation - for the sake of survival and survival.
The submissive individual tries to relax his muscles as much as possible, he slouches, looks at the floor, his arms are spread to the sides, his voice is weak and thin. In all cases, body size is a symbol of a dominant person. Therefore, a very important aspect of submission is an attempt to appear smaller than you really are. In this way, the subordinate extinguishes all threatening signals from the dominant by giving him signs: “There is no need to treat me as an opponent.”
The submissive achieves this in two ways: by cowering and bending over so as to give up below the dominant.
With the chronic nature of subordination, a servile person is a wretched person, an eternal depressive sufferer.
The subordinate tries to fully admit his stupidity and low intellectual status to the dominant. Through flattery, jokes and self-criticism, a person’s subordinate behavior helps to pacify the dominant.
Consciously following submissive behavior can work wonders in disputes and conflicts. but such an experience is very painful.
Tycoons, godfathers of the mafia. great actors, commanders in chief and despotic politicians are surrounded by a special aura that destabilizes our self-control mechanism and puts us in a trance state. The surest remedy against such influence is irreverence and disrespect. Any person who loses self-respect risks being humiliated and insulted and even an outcast.
There is also exaggerated subordination: everyone wants to appear smaller and lower than the other.
If you study the history of submission from ancient times to the present day, you will notice how quickly servility disappeared. Simply put, people demeaned themselves less and less.
Only God retained his ancient status of worship and reverence.

In the movie "The Night Porter" there is dominance and submission.
Material Wikipedia
1957 A former Nazi and a former concentration camp prisoner accidentally meet in a Vienna hotel. The awakened memories of both the executioner and the victim kindle between them a strange, unnatural attraction, which a psychoanalyst would call sadomasochism. As the two try to rekindle their relationship, the Nazi's comrades who served with him in the SS begin to pursue them.

« Fifty Shades of Gray"(English) « Fifty Shades of Gray» ) is an erotic novel by British writer E. L. James, written and published in 2011. The novel tells the story of the relationship between entrepreneur Christian Gray and university graduate Anastasia Steele; The book contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature, including BDSM.
Quotes from the book " Fifty Shades of Gray»:
“I don’t have my own philosophy as such. Well, perhaps the guiding principle is from Carnegie: “He who is capable of complete mastery of his mind will master everything that is rightfully his.” I am a purposeful and self-sufficient person. I like to be in control of everything: myself and those around me.
- So you like to own?
- I want to earn possession, but in general - yes, I like it.
- Are you a super consumer?
- Exactly.
- I have rules, and I want you to follow them - for your benefit and for my pleasure. If I am pleased with you, you will receive a reward. And if not, I’ll punish you, and you’ll remember,” he whispers.
These are the rules. They can be changed. They are included in the contract that we will conclude. Read them and let's discuss.

The Submissive immediately and unconditionally obeys all orders of the Dominant. The submissive agrees to any actions of a sexual nature that are acceptable to the Dominant and gives him pleasure, except for those designated as unacceptable (Appendix 2), and participates in them with enthusiasm.
The submissive should sleep at least eight hours a night when not spending time with the Dominant.
In order to maintain health and well-being, the Submissive must eat regularly and according to the list of recommended foods (Appendix 4). It is forbidden to snack between meals with anything other than fruit.
During the term of this Contract, the Submissive agrees to wear only clothing approved by the Dominant. The Dominant provides the Submissive with a certain amount of money, which she undertakes to spend on clothes. The dominant has the right to be present when purchasing clothes. During the Contract period, the Submissive agrees to wear jewelry and accessories selected by the Dominant at any time specified by him.
Four times a week, the Dominant provides the Submissive with a personal trainer for one-hour training sessions, the time of which is determined by the trainer and the Submissive by mutual agreement. The Trainer reports to the Dominant on the Submissive's progress.
Personal Care/Beauty:
The submissive agrees to keep the body clean at all times and regularly shave and/or wax. The submissive visits a beauty salon of the Dominant's choice at the time appointed by him and undergoes procedures that he deems necessary. All expenses are borne by the Dominant.
Personal safety:
The submissive agrees not to drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs or expose himself to unnecessary risks.
Personal qualities:
The Submissive agrees not to engage in sexual relations with anyone other than the Dominant. The Submissive behaves modestly and respectfully, recognizing that her behavior has a direct impact on the Dominant. The Submissive is responsible for his misdeeds, abuses and violations of discipline committed in the absence of the Dominant.
Violation of any of these rules is followed by punishment, the nature of which is determined by the Dominant».

This work touches on one of the important aspects of women's life - the subordination of women, and that "awareness - and even acceptance - of this fact should not be a cause of shame."
If the dominant can “punish” the main character, then this is a complete lack of character and self-esteem in this subject.
We all ask the question, “For whom, especially women, can free will become a burden?”
"Fifty Shades of Gray has been blamed not only for causing an increase in fire brigade calls to free handcuffed people, but also for the rise in sexually transmitted diseases among people over 45."
Andrea Reicher stated that “being in a subordinate role in a sexual relationship does not necessarily mean that a person is being abused or a victim” and that in doing so, one “does not lose power or equality in the relationship.”
In fact, E. L. James's book encouraged older people to "explore" in the bedroom."
The popularity of this book testifies to crisis of feminism.
The plot of the book tells about innocent girls and their love experiments; What's innovative about this book is that here the woman exercises her own will rather than being the passive party in the relationship.
Erotic passions are " locked in bodies"Today's women of Balzac's age are yesterday's teenagers striving to " in the flashy false glamor to see all the shades of your shameful girlish feelings».
Of course, there is an opinion: adult women who read this publication are more likely to suffer from binge drinking, they are more likely to have more than five sexual partners in their lives, they are more likely to suffer from an eating disorder; In addition, their partners are more likely to abuse them.
The book contains descriptions of the monstrous essence of the Dominant.
Book " Fifty Shades of Gray"(English) « Fifty Shades of Gray» ) - “a story about a girl who voluntarily decided to become sex slave the main character, which turned into a manifesto of cruel games between men and women.
He is not a sadist, he is a dominant
"Are you jealous of Anastasia Steele?" - on one of the popular women's forums, the heroine of the most scandalous novel of recent times, “50 Shades of Grey,” was hotly discussed.
How did this story about a girl who voluntarily decided to become the protagonist’s sex slave suddenly turn into an erotic bestseller, and why is this manifesto of cruel games between a man and a woman dangerous for us in the first place?
The author positions the book as an easy read for women who want to feel loved and desired. But Erica Leonard James leads her readers to these feelings not in a traditional way, but in a Freudian way: through humiliation and torture. It was Freud who believed that the genesis of sadism and masochism goes back to childhood, and later their manifestations are found in recurring fantasies of violence and submission that visit both women and men. But Freud assigned a special, not the most “comfortable” place to women in his research: he justified a woman’s submissiveness to a man and the lack of initiative on her part as an inferiority complex. In the love sphere, the famous psychoanalyst saw a woman as a kind of “disabled person” or a creature who chooses a defeatist dependent role for herself and tries to get some kind of pleasure from it - exactly like the heroine of the book “Fifty Shades of Gray” Anastasia Steele.
Anastasia Steele in reality
But if you look around, it turns out that in one form or another “Anastacia” exists not only in books, but also in reality. As before, you will find many couples in which the girl submits to the man and gives him control over her life and over making key decisions, and even after breaking up she is not disappointed in such a vertical model of dependent relationships, but, on the contrary, subconsciously or even consciously seeks a repetition of this the same role distribution schemes.

So was Freud right in his pejorative analysis of female nature, or are there other reasons for this inequality?

Let us note that in everyday practice there is a desire to “normalize” such asymmetrical unions: in the subordination of a girl to society, there seems to be both a Freudian search for pleasure in submission, and a banal “substitution” of a father who was absent in the family by a strong, powerful man. But modern psychoanalysts have learned to see the reason in something else: in the initial gender inequality of roles in the family, which projects onto the girl’s future relationships a scheme with mandatory subordination to a man.
American psychoanalyst Jessica Benjamin, in her book “Love Affairs,” criticizes Freud for the fact that behind the birth of girls like Anastasia Steele, he did not see the influence of modern family culture, which, through the family, is responsible for the primary formation of values ​​in a person. Benjamin sees the origins of subordination in early childhood: a girl chooses the family member with whom she needs to associate herself, from whom she needs to “reflect” in order to begin to form her identity, and the first choice logically falls on her mother. But at the moment when independence and autonomy are formed in the child, in a patriarchal family structure, where the subordination of women and the dominance of men are considered the norm, the girl realizes that the mother has neither independence nor autonomy at the level at which a man has them, and secretly begins to reach out to him as a source of power. The girl idealizes her father as the owner of the power that she is not destined to have - power over others and over her own life, the selfish ability to express her desires openly and without fear. The image of a dominant man becomes a kind of beacon for her, to which she strives all her life, but she can only establish relationships with him through subordinate relationships.

Subordinate connections
What are the dangers of playing Anastasia Steele?
What's wrong with such an albeit unconscious search for a real, strong and strong-willed subject who will be able to lead the family? Dominant relationships in books can easily turn into a kind of exciting game from which anyone can quit at any time. Not a winner, but at least alive and well. But in life, asymmetrical unions for women contain many dangers, and the most destructive of them is domestic violence. In the relationship between the dominant and the submissive, the latter is very often forced to experience, if not physical attacks, then humiliation and attempts to suppress the personality. The dominant subject needs to strengthen his position, legitimize his power over the “subordinate” and make him dependent and helpless. This is achieved primarily by repeating the “mantra” “You can’t live without me,” and the subject (girl) is actually unable to afford an independent life, having lost a constant income (for example, after leaving work to give birth to a child), separate living space, comfortable environment (when moving to another place of residence, changing social circles, etc.)...

Mantra "You can't live without me"
Psychologically, the atmosphere of dependence of the submissive object is supported verbally: the girl is often told that she is not capable of making decisions, that she is nothing, that she will not survive without support - self-esteem suffers from this, willpower decreases, but “love” does not go away, because, firstly, a man can “heat up” the degree of passion, at times replacing anger with mercy, and secondly, the girl herself, in her derogatory subordinate position, does not see anything abnormal, explaining this state of affairs with the true essence of marriage - building the ideal of family life through suffering. As a result: not having gained the independence and strength in the family that was mentioned above, the girl is not able to pass it on to her daughter. What's happening? The circle closes. A new Anastasia Steele is born and cannot escape her “subordinate” calling.

In many cases, a man’s desire for equal relationships is perceived as a man’s subordination to a woman. This is due to low expectations for the position of women in society and, to a large extent, high expectations for the position of men. In a number of issues related to areas that society considers the responsibility of men, the opposite may be true. It can also be noted that many of the privileges of men are illusory given the reality of discrimination and oppression of women.

Equal relationships can be perceived as women's privileges by patriarchal sexist men, including the men's movement. Discrimination against women in paid work and restrictions on women's sexuality in matters of desire and satisfaction, which reduce women's sexual activity compared to men, are the reason why sex and relationships are often seen as a way for women to obtain various benefits. Patriarchal women, who tend to place material and moral responsibility in a number of areas on men, in many cases losing their rights, may consider a man inclined to equal relationships to be subservient to women, have a negative attitude towards such men and avoid relationships with them. Or, on the contrary, consider him not fulfilling “male” duties, but with the same result. This also applies to some women who call themselves feminists, but talk about equal rights without equal responsibility. But the norms of men's responsibility in a number of areas inevitably lead to violations of the rights of women as a group, being a reason for discrimination against women in the public sphere, including paid work, and for ignoring the rights of women in personal, including domestic and sexual relationships.

Submission to a woman can be considered the specified behavior of a man that corresponds to the norms of traditional masculinity in traditionally male areas of responsibility. Despite the fact that such norms follow from gender inequality and support it, this does not exclude the possibility of benefits here and now for a particular woman and infringement of interests or injury for a particular man. Society often approves of these expectations of women for men, but condemns them more often than they do for men's expectations of traditional gender roles, such as women doing housework and raising children or adhering to appearance standards. In a society in which the situation of women is worse than that of men, those phenomena that are disadvantageous for men and may be beneficial for specific women here and now are more noticed and condemned, which supports the myth that gender inequality is beneficial for women. Most areas of the men's movement support strengthening male privilege while rejecting those phenomena where gender inequality disadvantages men. The tendency to support rights without responsibility in the men's movement is much stronger than in feminism or in the movements that consider themselves to be part of it. Equal rights without equal responsibility are impossible for either women or men.

Despite the lower social status of women as a group, and stereotypes that the man in a couple should be superior to the woman on a number of criteria, there are individual differences between people and differences in social status, and the situation may be different in a particular couple. A particular woman may be more inclined to be a leader or to take the lead on certain issues than a particular man. There are also cases of violence by women against men, although physical and sexual violence is much less common than by men. Both men and women can engage in psychological violence. Leadership to a greater extent by one of the partners without clearly infringing on the interests of the other partner and without violence against her or him is normal, and one should not be guided by ideas about the superiority of men. BDSM relationships, where power is often exercised by men and submission by women, but sometimes vice versa, are considered by a number of feminists to be a problem of inequality in power, but not everyone supports their ban. Some men seek material or other benefits from relationships, sometimes expecting the woman to have more rights in some matters, but such behavior is more frowned upon than in women, and there are fewer opportunities for men to find such relationships.

In some cases, a situation where women's interests are put first can have a positive effect until equality is achieved. For example, in sexual relationships, where social gender inequality is strongly expressed, as a result of which many women find it more difficult to obtain sexual satisfaction than men. In such a situation, a man’s attention may be justified primarily to the woman’s pleasure, and the woman’s to her own pleasure.

Do you think it’s an accident that now many celebrity women enter into relationships with men much younger than themselves? Let's remember Pugacheva and Galkin, Babkina and Gore, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and many other couples.
There are no coincidences here, but a natural trend. Now I’ll tell you what it is.

One of my friends has been living for permanent residence in Germany for many years. She is 45 years old, divorced, works as a programmer, and has an adult son.
From time to time she goes on dating sites. And I discovered an amazing thing there. It turns out that dominant women who are older than them are now very popular among men.

A friend discovered this completely by accident. When advertising for acquaintance, she wrote that she was used to dominating in relationships. God, what started here! Letters poured in from men eager to meet her.

She began meeting with them and spending time. Previously, she did not even suspect that now there are so many men who want to unconditionally obey a woman, “to be her slave,” as they themselves say: kiss shoes, kneel, endure command and get great pleasure from it.
Men crave for the “mistress” to take the initiative, be strict, demanding, and dictate to them what to do. In short, so that she rules in relationships, and, first of all, in sex. And the harsher she commands, the happier they feel.

A friend says that she was amazed that all these men belonged to fairly high strata of society. These are bank employees, top managers, and highly qualified specialists. They are well off, make great money, dress expensively, have prestigious cars and other signs of social success.
They are generous, ready to spend money on a woman, give her expensive gifts, take her to good restaurants. In short, for the sake of “their mistress” they are ready to do anything.

Over the twenty years of living in Germany, a friend of mine had relationships with men (there were even two civil marriages). But ordinary representatives of the stronger sex often became greedy, became poor, and tried to save money on a companion.

But lovers of dominant women, on the contrary, are ready to throw everything at the feet of their “mistress.” There is no talk of greed; on the contrary, sheer generosity.

As I said, my friend is a programmer by profession. Previously, she dressed quite modestly and simply, nothing pretentious, in general, as programmers like.
And now she had to update her wardrobe. She bought high black stiletto boots, a leather suit - a tight leather skirt and a tight jacket. She bought metal jewelry: chains, a belt with rivets, etc. Her new fans really like these clothes, they go crazy about her image. And she herself is interested in feeling herself in a new role, completely different from the previous one.

A friend said that she had already received a marriage proposal and was considering whether to decide to marry. The fan has already introduced her to her parents and friends. In a normal environment, he behaves quite normally and adequately. Submission to “your mistress” and taking on the role of “slave” begins only behind the closed bedroom door.

I thought and thought about all this and came to the conclusion that such a change in the roles of men and women is quite natural in modern society. Everything was leading up to this.

Previously, there was a stereotype in the public consciousness that a woman should be quiet, passive, soft, compliant and should obey a man. Such ideas have reigned since time immemorial, and are still alive.

But reality has changed dramatically over the years! Judge for yourself: modern women are strong, independent, they know how to earn money, get settled in life, and often do it better than men. Women now actually dominate, and men are often in secondary roles.

In addition, many men were brought up in single-parent families, they were raised only by women. At home, in kindergarten, at school, they are accustomed to the fact that a woman is always in charge, that she is in charge, commands, and must be obeyed. Men have learned this role arrangement and feel quite comfortable in it.

This inevitably had to affect personal, sexual relationships as well. After all, the stereotypes that reign in female-male relationships reflect what is happening in society. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Of course, it’s difficult to break stereotypes in your heads. Many independent, self-sufficient and, in fact, dominant women feel unhappy and shed a tear, saying, “Oh, how I want to lean on a strong man’s shoulder.”
Is this really so? Maybe it’s sweeter and more common to command, lead, take initiative and force a man to do everything his own way - first of all, in bed?

It seems that Europe has already come to this. We are also gradually moving towards this. As always, the tone is set by the “pioneers” - celebrities.
It seems to me that similar views may spread among us over time.
What do you say?

Even strong women, who can subjugate any average man to their will, secretly want to meet a male whom they can happily submit to.

Of course, it goes without saying that he must be persistent, purposeful, firm and at the same time affectionate towards his woman, and also have a bunch of other useful qualities. How to subjugate a woman?

Show your best side

You must be moderately persistent and persistent in achieving your goal. Do not deviate from your beliefs when a woman wants to force her point of view on you., is trying to manipulate you. Show that you are the boss of the house. And this should be expressed not so much in the fact that no one should dare to disobey you, but in the fact that you can always be relied upon and that you can be trusted.

Remember that even an independent and self-sufficient woman needs a man who can subjugate her. But he must certainly be just as independent and self-sufficient. And don’t think that two independent people cannot love each other. As they say, one does not interfere with the other.

Don't give a woman too much

What do you mean by the word “extra”? These can be both words and actions that in one way or another can offend another person, that is, you in this case. If a woman has harmed your self-esteem with carelessly thrown words, take measures to ensure that this does not happen again. There is no need for rudeness or barbs in response, just calmly explain that this behavior greatly upsets you. This way you have more chances that your companion will understand you and meet you halfway. By doing this you can gain respect for yourself. And if a woman respects you, she will happily submit to you.

It's easier with believing women

If a woman is a Christian, remind her that according to Christian canons she is obliged to help her man in everything and obey him. Sometimes this argument alone is enough. However, if you are an atheist or profess a different religion, it is better not to talk about this topic with the lady. Otherwise, it will turn out to be something like a deception: you call to observe Christian customs, although you yourself do not think of observing them, because you profess a different religion or do not believe in God at all.

Make her love you

If a lady falls in love with you, consider that she has already submitted to you. Do things that would prove that you are a real gentleman. Give your woman pleasant surprises, give gifts more often, inexpensive ones, so that it is convenient for her to accept them. You see, expensive gifts are obligatory, so they are not always joyfully accepted. But small souvenirs, soft toys, flowers are always welcome.

In addition, you must always keep your promises and help the woman so that they have an opinion of you as a responsive and kind person. Do not hesitate to help - your relationship will become stronger with each act of help. However, do not forget that strength of character and masculinity also need to be shown when necessary.