What is thin lavash made from? Homemade thin Armenian lavash baked in the oven, recipe with photo

I haven't met it yet. Thin pita bread I have already prepared with the addition of yeast, this option is even simpler: flour, water, salt! I don’t know how long it lasts and for how long, because I only made 7 pieces. for dinner (and then I only fried 4, the rest of the dough is in the refrigerator until tomorrow), because unexpectedly the family wanted shawarma 🙂

So, a recipe for Armenian lavash at home!

Recipe: (for 7 pita breads the size of a frying pan, diameter 28-30 cm)

  1. Flour – 300 gr.
  2. Hot water (boiling water, cooled for 3-4 minutes) - 150-170 ml.
  3. Salt – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Pour flour into a bowl and make a well
  2. Dissolve salt in very hot water (not warm, but scalding hot water) and pour a little at a time into the flour.
  3. Stir constantly with a mixer. *It will seem like a lot of flour, but give yourself time to knead
  4. After pouring in all the water, place the dough on the table and start kneading.
  5. In a couple of minutes we get a bun *Pockmarked all over
  6. We put it under the film and let the dough rest for about 30 minutes. After half an hour it will become soft and smooth
  7. Divide the dough into 7 parts
  8. Roll each part into a thin transparent cake 1-2 mm thick. and slightly larger than a frying pan *Dust the rolling pin and flatbread with flour to make it easier to roll

Frying: *No oil! Everything in a dry frying pan!

  1. Heat up the frying pan on medium heat*It is very important to catch the temperature here. If the fire is too strong, then the cakes will burn instantly, if it is weak, then there will be no bubbles, so most likely the first cake may not turn out beautiful))) The first pancake is lumpy.
  2. We lay out the cake and if the temperature is good, then after 30 seconds it begins to bubble and grow. *On the first flatbread, adjust the heat
  3. We fry all the lavashiki this way. They will all be in bubbles :)
  4. Place on a damp towel and fry the next one. Fold in a stack sandwiched with a damp towel *Towel-lavash-towel-lavash
  5. By the time you finish frying the last one, the first ones are ready for rolling!

The example of shawarma shows that they do not break. They turn out very tasty and most importantly fresh! By the way, get ready

From this material you will learn how to properly make delicious thin pita bread at home with your own hands according to the classic recipe. You will also find here the best recipes for making pita rolls with crab sticks and other delicious fillings.

Actually, what is lavash? This is a white thin bread flatbread, a traditional pastry in the Caucasus. Freshly prepared hot pita bread has a soft texture, but before you know it, the dough hardens and breaks in your hands. From this flatbread it is convenient to make “wrapped” sandwiches (the popular shawarma with pieces of chicken fillet, for example) or rolls - you just need to choose your favorite filling. Traditionally, real lavash is baked in a tandoor - a special oven that has several names among different peoples. The inside of the oven is very hot and ideal for this.

A quick way to make thin pita bread at home:



Classic recipe:

Ingredients: sifted flour (up to 3 glasses), dry yeast and salt (a teaspoon each), vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and one glass of not hot water.

Yeast must be previously diluted in water. Mix flour with salt and yeast, gradually adding water to the mixture. Knead flexible soft dough. Take a large bowl, grease it with vegetable oil and leave the dough in it for 60 minutes, be sure to cover it with a towel.

When the dough has risen, you need to divide it into five equal pieces. To make small pita breads, cut the dough into more pieces. We make balls from the resulting pieces, wrap them in cling film for 5 minutes (thanks to this, the cakes will turn out very thin).

Then he rolls out the dough, be sure to sprinkle it with flour during the process (you shouldn’t skimp on flour). You should get large cakes, with an approximate thickness of one and a half millimeters.

We heat a large baking sheet on a gas stove, then set a small flame and move each piece onto a completely dry baking sheet with a rolling pin. We do not recommend leaving the stove at this moment; everything will be ready within a minute.

As soon as the dough turns white with a couple of blush spots, turn it over. You need to be able not to overcook the pita bread on the fire so that it does not become too dry and so that you can make rolls with filling from it.

Carefully place the finished baked goods on a towel. Near which stands a glass filled with water. The cakes should be lightly sprinkled with water on top and bottom, then immediately covered with a towel. Let the cakes cool slightly.

Homemade lavash prepared according to this recipe will be thin, very tender, soft and not dry. If you are not going to use it immediately, then place it in a plastic bag. This way it will stay fresh for several days. And on occasion, you can treat unexpected guests with magnificent homemade rolls, which will serve as an excellent snack. We highly recommend making rolls with crab filling - you will lick your fingers!!!

We told you in detail about how you can quickly prepare delicious homemade pita bread. But making a flatbread is half the battle. We need to make delicious dishes, rolls with different fillings.

Now you know how to prepare a delicious lavash roll and what the best fillings for lavash are. With the help of our recipes, you can easily prepare a wonderful delicacy at home for the whole family and guests - rolls with crab sticks, chicken, cheese, and vegetables.


The taste of golden-brown lavash is appreciated in many parts of the world. A ruddy fluffy flatbread replaces bread. It is served with meat, vegetables, and eaten as an independent dish. The hot flatbread is especially tasty when served hot. Restaurants of Georgian and Caucasian cuisine have made this bread the calling card of their establishments. As they say, as many hands as there are so many recipes. Every baker and cook brings their own twist to the preparation of lavash, but today we will try to understand the basics of the recipe.

Preparing lavash, at first glance, is not at all difficult. Traditionally, only flour, water and salt are used for this. Do not confuse thick, soft Georgian flatbread with thin Armenian lavash. Georgian bread has several names and varieties. “Puri” is a fluffy round flatbread. “Madauri” is a round-shaped bread with an elongated pointed end.

Bread is baked in large clay ovens called tone, which are more like wells. A fire is lit below, which heats up the walls of the round oven. Raw cakes are molded onto hot clay. They bake quickly. There is an art to sticking a raw cake to the vertical hot wall of the oven, and then removing the baked bread without dropping it. Due to the high, uniform temperature, the bread bakes quickly without having time to dry out. Place the finished cakes under a clean cloth to keep them soft.

Homemade Georgian lavash

In a modern kitchen, it is impossible to follow all the rules for preparing Georgian bread, but in the oven or bread maker it will turn out no less tasty and aromatic.

Several recipes for making lavash at home:

Lavash from bread machine dough

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg of wheat flour;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of water;
  • 1 tsp salt without top and the same amount of pomegranate juice.


It is impossible to bake a flatbread in an electric appliance, but it will help us prepare bread dough.

  1. To knead, pour kefir into a container, add flour, and add all ingredients.
  2. We start the “dough” mode and wait for the readiness signal.
  3. We remove the resulting mass from the bowl, divide it into three equal parts and roll them into balls.
  4. Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes under a damp towel.
  5. Then roll each bun into a rounded layer 2-3 cm thick.
  6. Place the pieces on the sheet and let them stand for another fifteen minutes. Despite the fact that the composition does not include yeast, the dough becomes fluffy.
  7. Fry the tortillas in a very hot oven for 15 minutes.

Cooking pita bread in the oven

Any housewife who at least occasionally makes yeast dough can cope with the task. Homemade bread will replace store-bought loaves, and your household will not want other baked goods. To knead the dough you will need the following list of products:

  • Premium wheat flour – 0.5 kg;
  • Clean drinking water - half a glass;
  • Baker's yeast – 25 g;
  • Sugar and salt - 1 tsp each;
  • Deodorized vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing Georgian lavash:

  1. In water heated to 36C, dilute the yeast until completely dissolved, add sugar to the water and leave the solution until bubbles appear. You need to take a little water, half the norm. A lush foam cap should appear above the water.
  2. Sift the flour through a fine sieve so that it is saturated with air.
  3. Pour salt into it (salt cannot be added to yeast, it will not rise!).
  4. Combine flour and yeast, adding the remaining water.
  5. Knead the soft dough until it comes off easily from your hands.
  6. Add vegetable oil and knead the dough again.
  7. We form a lump out of it and cover it with cellophane film.
  8. Place the container in a warm place so that the dough rises well. After 1 hour it will approximately double in volume.
  9. Divide the mass in half and roll out two thick cakes. They should be placed on a greased sheet or baking sheet and left to proof for 20-25 minutes.
  10. While the cakes are rising, heat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the dough in it for half an hour.
  11. Remove the browned pita bread from the oven and cover with a napkin to soften it.

Yeast-free lavash in the oven

The original composition of puri did not contain yeast. The splendor and rise of the dough was achieved during baking in tone. Since it is impossible to create such conditions, it is necessary to add fluffiness to the dough with special additives. Let's try to do without yeast when baking flatbreads. Let's replace them with another “dough lifter” - a combination of kefir and baking soda.

Believe me, if you follow all the subtleties of the recipe, you will get no less fluffy bread.

Required Products:

  • Medium fat kefir - half a glass;
  • Premium quality wheat flour – 230g;
  • Soda and salt - 0.5 tsp each.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Sift the flour until it becomes airy. This flour will make the dough fluffy.
  2. Mix flour with salt and soda, pour in kefir. First you need to mix with a spoon, and then start kneading the dough with your hands. To prevent it from sticking to your fingers, grease your hands with sunflower oil or moisten them with water.
  3. When the dough becomes plastic and homogeneous, cover it with cling film. Soda combined with lactic acid gives activity similar to yeast, making the mass fluffy and soft.
  4. While the dough is rising, heat the oven to 230 C.
  5. Sprinkle the pie board or table with flour and place our dough on the surface. It will be more sticky than yeast, so don’t skimp on flour.
  6. Using a long rolling pin, roll out a flat cake with a diameter of 25 cm and a thickness of 2-3 cm.
  7. You need to make punctures on top with a toothpick or fork so that the dough does not swell with bubbles during the baking process.
  8. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the flatbread on it.
  9. Let the dough stand at room temperature for a few minutes and place in a hot oven.
  10. Fry pita bread for 5-7 minutes on each side.

If you don't have an oven, Georgian bread can be fried in a thick cast-iron frying pan.

There is no need to lubricate it with oil so that there is no burning on the cake and in the air. Heat the pan well and reduce the heat. Fry the flatbread for 7-10 minutes over very low heat on both sides. Homemade bread is delicious with onions, feta cheese, and fresh sour cream.

Cornmeal baked goods

Mchadi - Georgian flatbread made from corn flour. You can prepare the dish in your kitchen without any difficulty. This is a surprisingly simple and delicious dough. Wheat flour is not used at all. Prepare bread as follows.


  • 4 cups cornmeal;
  • 2 glasses of water, salt.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Knead the dough from the listed products. It will turn out viscous and soft. It is not baked in the oven, but fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
  2. You need to moisten your hands with water, divide the mass of dough into small portions, roll them into balls and flatten them a little. You can make blanks in the form of sausages.
  3. Pour some oil into a heated frying pan and place the flatbreads on it.
  4. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with red wine, salad or cheese. This delicious crispy bread will please your household.

You can diversify the recipe for unleavened dough by adding flavoring additions - crushed garlic, chopped herbs or allspice.

An ancient recipe for making flatbreads in tone

In ancient times, people did not know yeast, but the bread turned out no worse than modern bread. No chicken eggs were added to it. The time-tested ancient recipe included water, flour and salt. The starter was old dough, which was saved from previous baking and specially fermented. Bakers mixed it into a new batch, as a result of which the dough bubbled, rose, and the cakes became fluffy. But still, the main role in the taste of bread according to the ancient recipe was played by the baking method in hot clay ovens.

Cooking Georgian madauri bread

Soft, airy madauri is traditionally served with goat cheese. This delicious pastry can be prepared at home. Madauri has a special shape. One side is thick and round, the other has a sharp thin end.

Product set:

Step-by-step preparation of the dish:

  1. You need to dissolve the yeast in 1/3 of the water. The water should be warm.
  2. Add flour and salt to the yeast and knead the dough. Place the container in a warm place and cover the top with a towel to allow the dough to “breathe.” Let it rise for 20 minutes.
  3. While the dough is rising, prepare the baking sheets - coat their bottoms with vegetable oil.
  4. Let the oven heat up. By the time the cakes are baked, the temperature should be as high as possible.
  5. Sprinkle cornmeal on the surface on which you will roll out the tortillas.
  6. Divide the dough into parts, turning each of them into a layer 2-3 cm thick in the form described above.
  7. Before baking, brush the flatbreads with beaten egg and olive oil.
  8. Madauri is baked for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

How to cook Georgian khachapuri

The classic recipe speaks for itself. Translated from Georgian, khachapuri is curd bread, rather cheese. But in each locality it is prepared differently. Marl flatbreads are round, sprinkled with cheese on top. Adjarian - have an elongated, in-depth shape with an egg in the recess. Somewhere they add vegetables and herbs to khachapuri.

But the classic recipe is flatbread with Imeretian cheese. The butter dough is kneaded with kefir or matsoni.

Let's consider the method of preparing Adjarian khachapuri. They have an unusual boat shape. The top is left open. After cooking, release 1 egg into the cavity and place the baking sheet in the oven for 1-2 minutes so that the white hardens. The yolk should be runny, like soft-boiled eggs. Pieces of pie are dipped into it.

For preparation you will need:

  • 450 g of soft pickled cheese - Imeretian, Suluguni, Adyghe;
  • 250 g sour cream or matsoni;
  • 2.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 60 g cow butter;
  • Salt and soda - a pinch each.

Cooking method:

  1. Add small pieces of butter, soda, salt, sour cream (or matsoni) to the flour and knead into a soft dough. To make it plastic and homogeneous, you need to knead it for at least a quarter of an hour.
  2. Then put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. Crumble the cheese with your hands or a masher. Add an egg and chopped herbs to it. If the cheese is lightly salted, you can add salt to the filling.
  4. Remove the finished dough from the refrigerator and divide into 8 parts.
  5. Roll out 8 flatbreads and place the filling on top of each one.
  6. Pull out the edges of the cake so that it looks like a boat.
  7. You can roll the opposite edges into rolls towards each other, not completely.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  9. You can put butter or egg in hot boats.

Shotis puri with spices

Bread flatbreads with seasoning have an exquisite, unique taste. You can try making this wonderful bread yourself.

Prepare products:

  • Express – yeast – 20 g;
  • Half a glass of water and milk;
  • 40 g onion;
  • 75 g sunflower oil;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 kg flour.

Preparation progress:

  1. Place a dough of water, yeast and 4 tablespoons of flour.
  2. Finely chop the onion, mix it with salt, butter and hot milk.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with the dough and add flour to it gradually. The dough should be elastic, but not tough.
  4. Divide the dough into small balls, roll each one thinly and bake on a sheet in a hot oven for 10 minutes.

The finished cakes should be covered with a cloth to allow them to sweat a little.

A savory appetizer made from thin Georgian lavash

For snacks, thinner lavash cakes are baked or purchased. They are filled with fillings of vegetables, meat, and cheese. Let's try to prepare one recipe.


  • 1 pita bread;
  • 1-2 tomatoes;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • One fresh and one pickled cucumber;
  • Green;
  • Ham, smoked chicken breast;
  • Sausage cheese;
  • Mayonnaise.


  1. Finely chop all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.
  2. Place the filling on the pita bread and roll it up.
  3. Brush the top of each tube with beaten egg and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

You will find a step-by-step recipe for preparing real Georgian lavash in the following video:

Georgian lavash is an excellent dish for the everyday menu. Be sure to treat yourself and your loved ones to one of the recipes we offer.

I have several recipes for Armenian lavash to prepare at home, but I want to offer my favorite - the simplest yeast-free one. The most popular is thin Armenian lavash, and besides the fact that lavash is used instead of bread, it is easy to prepare quick snacks from them, for example, for.

I think everyone is familiar with dishes made from Armenian lavash, all kinds of rolls stuffed with pate, caviar, sausage; thin Armenian flatbread without yeast serves as the basis for making lasagna, . You can wrap any filling in a thin pita bread, a yeast-free flatbread. The composition of Armenian lavash is universal and is essentially a thin bread flatbread. The dough for pita bread in a frying pan can be kneaded with water, as in this recipe, or with kefir, without using yeast.

You can bake Armenian lavash according to this recipe in a frying pan, on a baking sheet in the oven or in a special oven. But, for home cooking, I like to bake thin pita bread in a non-stick frying pan - it’s very easy and quick to do at home.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Any unleavened dough, including Armenian lavash, after kneading, you need to let it sit for a little time, then the dough becomes more elastic and easier to roll out, and bakes faster.

Ingredients for preparing Armenian, homemade thin lavash without yeast

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • hot water – 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Recipe for Armenian lavash at home in a frying pan

  1. Dissolve salt in hot water.
  2. Pour flour into a deep bowl and pour salted water into the well in small portions.
  3. Knead the dough with your hands until it is homogeneous and does not lag behind your hands.
  4. Cover with a damp cloth and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Heat a dry frying pan over medium heat.
  6. Pinch off a piece the size of a chicken egg from the dough, roll it into a thin flat cake and place it in a frying pan.
  7. After bubbles and dark spots appear on the surface, turn the cake over to the other side.
  8. Then fry the pita bread in a frying pan in the same way on the other side.
  9. Next, remove the cake with a spatula and transfer it to a wooden board. Sprinkle with cold drinking water and cover with a clean towel.
  10. In the same way, bake all the pita breads from the remaining dough and stack them on top of each other, like pancakes.

You can immediately serve hot lavash to the table with soups, main courses or in the form.

Friends, if you liked the recipe for thin Armenian lavash and cooking it in a frying pan turned out to be simple and quick, leave your feedback in the comments to the recipe for this simple dish!

I’ve been meaning to try making Armenian lavash at home for a long time, and now the moment has come. Now I will share with you a recipe without yeast lavash, and soon a version with yeast. As always, we choose what we like best. I have already baked golden brown cakes several times. They are absorbed by household members very quickly, just have time to fry them.

From the indicated quantity, approximately 10 to 13 pieces are obtained. The thinner the flatbread, the better the pita bread, so we will hone the skill of thinly rolling out the dough together. Each time the cakes turn out thinner, and the result is better.

What to strive for?

We need to make thin Armenian lavash, which a) is completely baked, b) has a layered structure, c) has nothing to do with rubber.

Therefore, the dough must be kneaded very well, without using additional flour. The specified amount in the recipe is quite enough. We try to roll out a thin, thin cake, they fry quickly, so first we made the preparations, and only then we started frying. If everything is done correctly, when lavash is fried in a frying pan, it swells into one large ball or many small bubbles, this is what you need. This means that then we will get a thin layered cake.

Note: Initially, you need to make all the blanks and ensure that they do not become windy or stick together. To do this, dust each pita bread with flour and you can stack it one on top of the other. Flour will prevent the dough from drying out and the cakes from sticking together. Before sending the pita bread to fry, shake off the flour a little.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash


  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Hot water – 1 tbsp
  • Salt - half a teaspoon


Before the start... My glass is 250 ml, now let's get started.

A budget option for bread made from practically nothing. I wonder if it can be considered a healthy diet? No yeast, no fat, even frying in a dry frying pan? Okay, let's move on to the recipe. This worries me, after all, this moment, who can tell me, huh? This will be useful for us who are losing weight.

Initially, I suggest putting the kettle on to warm up. In the meantime, take your work bowl and sift 3 cups of flour into it, make a well.

Meanwhile, the water has already boiled, pour it into a glass, add salt and stir. Let it sit for 3 minutes, cool a little, we need hot water, but not boiling water.

Now pour water into the flour and stir with a spoon at the same time. The dough begins to form, we don’t try too hard to knead it with a spoon, but immediately onto the work surface and begin to assemble it with our hands and knead it very well.

Stretch the dough with your hands and roll it into a roll. Knead again and stretch again. With these simple steps we saturate the dough with air, which is only good for it. Don't add extra flour, that's enough! The dough behaves perfectly and does not stick to your hands or work surface. This procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Afterwards, cover the dough with a bowl, film or napkin and go drink tea; don’t go near the dough for half an hour.

The rested dough becomes elastic and pliable, making it a pleasure to work with. Divide it into about 10-13 parts and roll out the cakes. I take the bowl in which I made the dough, turn it over, dust it with flour and put my Armenian lavash on it. Don’t forget – we use flour for each flatbread.

All the ingredients are ready, let's start frying.

Heat the frying pan; we don’t need any oil. What I want to say about the frying pan, do not use a ceramic one for this purpose - then it will be difficult to wash it from small brown stains from lavash. I used an old pancake maker for this purpose and it worked perfectly!

The pita bread is fried very quickly, put the flatbread on and watch, bubbles should appear. As soon as beautiful brown (precisely beautiful brown, not burnt) dots or spots appear on one side, immediately turn it over.

Fry the second side in the same way as the first.

Prepare a clean towel and water in advance. We removed the pita bread from the pan and onto a towel, sprinkled it with water and covered it with the second part of the towel. We fry everything according to the same scheme.

Let the pita bread cool and rest in a towel, and then you can eat it, just like that, or make rolls and snacks.

This is how simple and tasty homemade Armenian lavash is, I recommend making it, you won’t regret it. Soon there will be many recipes using it, tasty and healthy. When you get tired of baking thin lavash, you can try to make it easier, but of course the taste is different. Easy work and bon appetit.

Sincerely, Margarita Sizonova.

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