Jumper's Day in kindergarten notes. Physical education leisure in the senior speech therapy group “Jumper’s Day”

Venue: gym

Equipment and inventory: tape measure, racks, stopwatch, plank, mats, jump ropes, flag.

Musical arrangement: Russian anthem, sports march.

Participants: 4 teams of 7th-8th grades. Each team has 10 people (5 boys and 5 girls).

Panel of judges: Healthy, Run-up, Take-off, Flight, Landing, Roulette.

(To the sounds of a sports march, the participants of the holiday come out into formation. Zdoroveyka and his assistants go ahead, who at the end of the march stand in front of the line of participants.)


Hello guys! We are starting our “Jumper's Day”. Today they help me in carrying it out: Run-up, Take-off, Flight, Landing, Roulette.

(Everyone, hearing their name, takes a step forward.)

Team captains! March to raise the flag of the Russian Federation!

(Captains and teams run to the flagpole. Everyone turns in that direction. The Russian flag is raised to the sounds of the Russian anthem. At the end, the captains take their places.)

Today we are celebrating “Jumper’s Day,” which includes representatives of many sports that involve jumping and jumping actions. In athletics, jumping is a separate type of competition where the athlete fights gravity.

Earthly gravity has power over people. A person lives, dreaming of interrupting it at least for a moment. Disobedient to this power, he makes jumps. He trains hard, strengthens his muscles.


After all, the distance and height of the jump depends on its muscles. He, like a bird, rushes to the heights, He has a sports soul. Choose jumps according to your liking - High or long, And push left, right Tear the silence of space.

The essence of all jumps is similar: There is a run-up, a push, a flight, The landing sums up, How long did this take-off last. If you run quickly, push off quickly, then consider the jump a success, fly bolder.


Strive with all your soul to lengthen the moment of flight. Your result will be greater if you can take your time. In regular training, develop speed, strength and, of course, flexibility and agility. Be sure to improve!


Today at our holiday you guys will demonstrate your jumping abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

The first type of competition is standing long jump.

All teams line up in a column one at a time in random order along a common line. The first numbers perform a standing long jump, pushing off with both legs at the same time. The measurement is taken at the heels of the first contact with the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing place of the first, etc. The places of the teams are determined by the distance of the marks of the last (10th) participants.

(After the task is completed, the results are announced.)


The teams jumped excellently, setting a high tone for our competition. Repulsion is carried out by the second type.


My task involves 2 boys and 2 girls from each team. Everyone jumps a triple jump from a place: taking off with two legs from a place - landing on any one and pushing off with it - landing on the other and pushing off with it - landing on two legs on a gymnastic mat, frozen on the heels. The team counts the sum of the results of all four participants. (After this event, its results are announced.)

In the next task, two more boys and two girls each take part from the teams. They will compete in pairs jumps. A pair of boys, standing sideways to each other, on one leg - closest to the partner, - with their hands on each other's shoulders, supporting the other leg by the shin with their free hand, jump at a distance of 15 m for a time. Girls jump in the same way at 10 m .

The places of the teams are determined by the sum of the times of pairs of boys and girls.

(After the jumps, the places of the teams are announced.)


What coordination of movements, well done!

The last team members, a boy and a girl, compete in standing jumps. A member of each team stands against a wall marked upward starting from 2 meters in centimeters. He squats and jumps up, trying to touch the mark on the wall with the fingers of one hand as high as possible. The height of the participant is subtracted from the achieved result; the result obtained goes towards the team. Out of three attempts, the

the best. The sum of the boy's and girl's results is added up.

(After completing the task, its results are announced.)


Thanks guys. And now a short pause, during which one of the long jump participants will read us his poem.

(One of the guys recites the poem “Fighting Gravity.”)

Run-up, push, flight and landing -

Characteristics of the jump.

And even if just for a moment,

But gravity breaks

My kick leg!

ABOUT! How much training do you need?

To extend this short moment.

I must be both fast and dexterous,

To lengthen your flight.

There is a struggle for centimeters,

For the right to reach the finals.

I'm lucky! With a fair wind

I jumped on the pedestal!


Yes, a fair wind in our business is a useful partner. And we continue to climb to the podium. The next type of our program is relay races. Landing:

First relay. Teams compete in pairs. The winners of the pairs compete for 1-2 places, the losers for 3-4 places. Full teams stand at the starting line in a column, one at a time, in random order. In front of them, at a distance of 12 meters, are two racks with a bar at a height of 70 cm, and gymnastic mats at the landing site. The first numbers run, jump over the bar, touch the mark behind the mat with their hand, run back in a straight line, run around their team, touch the hand of the second participant and stand at the end of the column. The second one runs, etc. The team whose last member is the first to cross the team line wins.

(This type of competition is followed by the announcement of the results.)

Second relay. Teams participate in full squads. Boys opposite girls at a distance of 12 m. On the command “March!” The first numbers of boys on one (any) leg jump to the column of girls, pass the baton to the participant in front and stand behind the girls. She moves sideways (any way) to the column of boys, passes the baton to the one in front, stands behind the boys, etc. Places are determined by the finishing order of the last girls.

(After the end of the relay race, its results are announced.)


Now boys and girls will have different tasks.


All the girls are jumping rope. The number of jumps in 1 minute is determined. The results of all five participants are summed up.

At this time, the boys squat on one (either) leg, holding onto the support with one hand. The team counts the sum of the places of the boys' team and the girls' team.

(After completing the task, its results are announced.)


A short rest for the teams, but an active rest. A sports quiz conducted by our panel of judges.

(Teams are given envelopes with questions that are the same for everyone. After 6 minutes, written answers must be submitted to the judges.)

Quiz questions

1. List jumping types of athletics.

Long run, triple, high, with a pole.

2. Soviet athlete, three-time Olympic champion in the triple jump.

Victor Saneev.

3. List ways to jump high.

Stepping (“scissors”), “wave”, “roll”,

"flop" and "fosbury flop".

4. The legendary Soviet high jumper, Olympic champion of the XVIII Games in Tokyo, who returned

got into big sports after a car accident.

Valery Brumel.

5. Multiple

world and European champion

pole vaulter, the first person in the world to vault

Sergey Bubka.

(Teams answer questions and hand over envelopes to the judges.)


While the panel of judges sums up the results of the quiz, one of our high jumpers will read us his poem.

(One of the guys reads the poem “Height.”)

I've been delirious about heights since childhood,

She beckoned me.

Oh! How beautiful is the “change-over” -

It has grace and strength!

And “Fosbury” - a spectacular style -

The movements are perfected.

Run, push - and I soared up,

I break the bonds of attraction.

I have a feeling of the bar,

I can feel her breathing. And I, holding my breath, climb higher and higher. Where is the ceiling of that height that I cannot conquer? And my dreams take me upward, And my soul strives upward!


And now we’ll see what the height ceiling of our “high-altitude workers” is.


We are starting a high jump blitz tournament. All team members compete in it. Boys and girls compete separately. The starting height for girls is 90 cm, for boys 1 m. One attempt at each height. Anyone who knocks down the bar is eliminated from further competition. Team places are determined by the sum of the results of all participants.

(A blitz tournament is held and its results are announced.)


The blitz tournament was a great success. It is believed that the height ceiling of our participants will steadily rise after further training.

Unfortunately, our holiday has come to an end. Word from the panel of judges.

(The full panel of judges stands in front of the line of participants. The places of the teams are announced. Awards are given in the team and individual competitions.)


Team captains! Run to the flagpole!

(Team captains run to the flagpole. Everyone turns in that direction. The Russian flag is lowered to the sounds of the Russian anthem. At the end, the captains take their places.)

Guys, I wish you successful starts in all competitions, of which you will have many more ahead.

Goodbye! See you again!

(To the sounds of a sports march, everyone leaves the gym in an orderly manner.)

Description of material: Summary of thematic physical education entertainment in the senior group (5-6 years old) called “Jumper’s Day.” The material will be useful for educators and physical education instructors. It is possible to vary the proposed tasks for children, taking into account the skills and capabilities of students in a particular group. Entertainment can be carried out both in the hall and on the sports ground or area.

Summary of physical education entertainment in the senior group “Jumper’s Day”

(integration of NGOs “Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Music”)


Formation of children's need for a healthy lifestyle.


Strengthen skills in performing various types of jumps;

Develop agility and reaction speed.

Create conditions for the manifestation of positive emotions.


Improve jumping skills.

Improve teamwork skills.


2 jump ropes, 6 hoops, 2 flags, 2 racks, rope (string), 6 pins, 4 soft balls.

Progress of entertainment:

The teacher greets the children:

To the sports ground

I invite you, children.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

(Children march in a circle and stop)

Educator: Today is “Jumper’s Day”. What do you think we will do today? Yes, we will jump in many different ways. Are you ready?

Don't be lazy early in the morning

Get ready to warm up.

(Warm-up in a circle - jumping in place with a turn around, jumping legs together - apart, forward in a circle - back out of the circle, random jumps in a circle one after another)

Educator: Have you warmed up, guys? Aren't you tired? Do you want to continue?

We walk and play.

The sun warms us all.

Became athletes -

Success awaits us ahead!

Game exercise “Jump over the stream” (two jump ropes)

(performed using the flow method, an option is to use additional jump ropes - “streams” of different widths, children have a choice of which “stream” to jump through)

Educator: Well done guys, everyone jumped over the stream. Nobody got their feet wet?

Do you want to continue? Then the next task awaits you. But to complete it, we need to split into two teams (the division can be done in different ways).

Jump forward quickly

And the team will take the prize.

Relay "Jumpers"

(jumping from hoop to hoop, running back to the team, passing the baton - clapping the transmitter’s palm against the recipient’s palm)

Educator: Well done, both teams did great. Not tired: Are we waiting for the next task?

We are not champions yet,

We are still preschoolers.

We are all growing up as athletes,

We are friendly guys!

Relay race “We are athletes”

(high jump from a place - jumping over a rope, back to the team - running, passing the baton - clapping)

Educator: great, well done everyone. But that's not all. Let's move on to the next task? Are the teams ready?

Here, guys, are the balls for you, -

Train dodgers.

Who will report it faster?

He will bring a prize to the team.

Kangaroo relay

(The ball is hidden under clothes on the stomach. Holding the ball with your hands, you need to jump forward, going around the pins, back to the team - run, passing the baton - clap)

Educator: Well done guys, both teams completed the task quickly.

And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

I suggest playing a game of your choice.

An outdoor game of children's choice.


That's all you guys are today.

They were clever and brave

And you showed yourself

From the very best side.

And that's why now

You receive prizes.

(prizes awarded to all participants)

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children take a “lap of honor” and leave the playground.


« RUNNER'S DAY» Developmentla: teacherIqualification categoryYurchenko O.A., MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 26 "Yagodka"G.TOamen - on - Obi

Goal: – organize leisure time for children; – satisfaction of children’s natural needs for movement; – promote the joyful emotional unification of children in joint activities; – strengthening and maintaining health.

Tasks :

Improve your running skills.

Develop speed, agility, endurance.

Increasing the functionality of body systems.

Develop strong-willed qualities, the desire to win and self-confidence.

Develop character, the ability to manage emotions, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work:

Preparation of sports equipment for relay races.

Invitation children of all age groups.

Making medals.


2 presenters , poetry readers (children).

Materials and equipment:

Sports equipment (relay batons, 16 cones, 2 flags, 2 stands, 2 hurdles, whistle).

Progress of the event:

The teams line up along the court and music plays.

1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and guests. We are glad to see you at our sports festival. Today, children from all over our kindergarten take part in sports competitions. It is here and today that we will find out who learned to run correctly and quickly from us.

2 Presenter: On the wall of the Forum in Hellas it was carved: “If you want to be strong, run, if you want to be beautiful, run, if you want to be smart, run.” The validity of this saying has been proven by many studies. That's why today we celebrate Runner's Day.

1 Presenter : Guys, what do you know about running?

Running is one of the ways in which people and animals can move. Running differs from walking in its “flight phase.” While running, at some point both legs come off the floor. We can say that a person can “fly” (shows a picture).

2 presenter: Man has always been able to run, otherwise he would not have survived. In ancient times, people had to run away from predators and use running to hunt fast animals. (shows a picture)

And over time, people noticed that those who run more than others become agile, strong and resilient. And so people began to run specifically in order to train all these qualities in themselves. Previously, people often died while hunting, because the animals that served as food were much stronger and faster than humans. The stronger and more resilient a person became, the more successfully he hunted and defended his homes from enemies.

Do you know that in sports there are different types of running: short, medium and long distances. The longest distance is called the marathon and is 42 km 195 m. There are also hurdles and relay races.

(shows a picture)

1 Presenter: Guys, do you know which animal runs fast?

Children's answers.

2 presenter: The fastest running animal is the cheetah. It can reach speeds of up to 110-115 km/h, the ostrich up to 70 km/h.

1 presenter: Attention! Attention! But before you start the competition, you need to get acquainted with the rules. So, the rules of the competition.

Listen carefully to the proposed task. If you don’t understand, be sure to ask the presenter again.

Do not start a task if the participant in front has not completed it.

The participant who completes the task stands at the end of his team.

Complete all tasks correctly and quickly.

Be cheerful, perky, joyful throughout the holiday.

Do you accept these rules?

1 Presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition!

A MICROB appears.

Microbe: No attention.

There will be no competition for you.

I am a famous MICROB

And I’ll tell everyone – STOP SPORTS.

Well, why do you need to harden yourself?

Well, why compete?

It's better to be frail, thin,

Sad and sick.

Hide more from the sun in the shade.

You were too lazy to swim or sunbathe.

Let the germs eat you

And they will infect you with the disease.

1 Presenter: Where did you come from in our kindergarten?

Microbe: I come from where there are dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables, where there are diseases.

2 Leading: What are you doing – you want to scare us with your viruses and diseases? You won't succeed. Our children wash their hands with scented soap several times (the germ begins to tremble). They eat only washed fruits and vegetables (the microbe trembles more strongly), and drink only boiled water.

We are not afraid of anything! Children say NO to all diseases, YES to sports! Sun, air and water are our best friends!(say the words together with the children).

Microbe: Oh, water, wow!

I'll teach everyone a lesson now

I, I - now...

2 Presenter: Children - let's stamp our feet

Let's clap our hands,

You better go away, microbe

Don't meet on the way (the microbe gets scared and runs away).

1 Presenter: The guys will tell you what needs to be done to prevent the microbe from coming to visit us.

1st child: To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical exercise,

We need to study!

2nd child: Sports, guys, are very necessary.

We are very friendly with sports,

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game

Let's say physical education - Hurray!

3rd child: If you want to be skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks,

Never be discouraged!

Run, jump and gallop!

4th child: In order to become an agile athlete, we will hold a relay race. Let's run fast, together. We really need to win!

1 Presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition!

Relay race "Relay race". (f2 pcs.relay. sticks 2 pcs.)

On command, children run to the flag and back, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the distance first wins.

Relay "Hurdle". (f2 pcs. barriers 2 pcs.)

On command, children run to the barrier, jump over it, reach the flag and run back in a straight line, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the distance first wins.

Relay race "Snake Run". (f2 pcs. cones 16 pieces.)

On command, children run like a snake between the cones to the flag. Back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the distance first wins.

Relay "Steeplechase".(flags 2 pcs..OBruchi 2 pcs. barriers 2 pcs.)

On command, children run to the barrier, step over it, run to the hoop, climb through it, run to the flag and run back in a straight line, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the distance first wins.

1 Presenter: The next type of our competition is long-distance running. To be strong, agile and resilient, you need to exercise more. And I invite all the guys to take part in the track and field cross-country race called “Friendship”.

You need to run around the kindergarten. But the winners will be the guys from the team who finish together together. And we will give a start to each group separately.

2 presenter: We invite our youngest participants – the kids from the “Strawberry Strawberry” group – to be the first to start. Ready, attention, march!

We invite the middle group “Strawberry” to the start. Ready, attention, march!

We invite the middle group “Ryabinka” to the start. Ready, attention, march!

We invite the senior group “Ezhevichka” to the start. Ready, attention, march!

We invite the “Malinka” preparatory group to the start. Ready, attention, march!

Leading: Well, our children passed all the tests. We congratulate the winners and present everyone with well-deserved medals!

And I thank you all for our joyful holiday,

I give my gift of vitamins for health to everyone!

(Fruits are distributed)

Vaichikauskas Alexander Antonovich physical education teacherhighest category GKS(K)OU No. 33 of the city of Stavropol.

Place of work: GKS(K)OU No. 33 of the city of Stavropol,

st. Mayakovsky, 16.

Extracurricular Scenario

sporting event

"Day of the Jumper"

At our school, it has become traditional to hold a holiday of health and sports - Jumper's Day.The main indicator of the effectiveness of this holiday is mass participation, entertainment and emotionality. Children always look forward to it, because it will reveal the most dexterous, the bravest and the strongest.

I propose a scenario for holding an extracurricular sports event “Jumper’s Day”.

Goal and objectives:

    promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    popularization of athletics;

    testing and training the physical qualities of participants;

    variety of leisure activities


the gym is decorated with statements about sports: “Sport and movement are life”, “Sport is health”.


    gymnastic mats, high jump racks, plank;

    diplomas, medals, prizes;

    audio equipment.

Progress of the event

(To the sounds of a sports march, participants and spectators enter the gym)


Good, good, good afternoon!
Why are there shadows on their faces?

1 student:

We don't moan, we don't get bored
Let's start the sports festival!

2nd student:

Oh sport! You are a delight!
You generously give the joy of life,
We must know him from birth
And always do it!

1 student:

How many athletes are there in the hall?!

Let the game rage here.

Courage, endurance and agility

It's high time to show everyone.

2nd student:

Everyone will try very hard,

They will play sports.

Right, guys?! But first,

Speaking without further ado,

One desire is not enough

Everyone should be healthy.

Leading: The doctor will tell us if the guys are healthy and ready to compete. Where is he?

(looks for the doctor in the hall)

1 student:

Look, he's in a hurry to come to us
Good Doctor Aibolit.

(doctor appears)


Hello, here I am!

Do you recognize me, friends?

Children: Yes! We found out.


Yes, I am that same Aibolit,
That will heal everyone, will heal.
But that’s not why I came to you,
To set thermometers for everyone.
Katya, Lena, Sasha, Vova
Here? Hope everyone is healthy?

Children: Healthy!

2nd student:

Doctor, all these guys

Candidates for champions.

We ask you to answer:

Is everyone ready or not?


Yes, yes, yes, let's check now

I ask everyone to stand up straight

And execute the commands:

Everybody breathe deeper, deeper,

Inhale and exhale on command.

Don't breathe, wait!

It's okay, rest.

Raise your hands together

Rock it, Wave it,

Shake it, twist it,

Perfect! Lower it!

Bend over, straighten up,

Turn right, turn left

And smile at each other!

Well done!

Yes, I'm pleased with the inspection

None of the guys are sick.

Everyone is cheerful and healthy,

Ready for the competition!

Host: Thank you, Doctor Aibolit! Then we begin our school-wide sports festival.


Sorry, I can’t stay at your celebration.

Because I guys

I'm in a hurry to go to Africa.

And I wish you victories, to identify the bravest, the most dexterous, the strongest. Goodbye!

(Dr. Aibolit leaves)

Leading: Goodbye, Doctor Aibolit! Guys! And we continue our sports festival “Jumper’s Day”. Today, everyone can compete in agility, speed, strength and resourcefulness.

1 student:

Sports, guys, are very necessary.
We are close friends with sports.

2nd student:

Sport is a helper!
Sport – health!
Sports - game
Everyone: Physical education – hurray!

(competition participants prepare for jumps, fans sit on the benches)

Competition participants

All interested students in grades 5-10 (boys and girls), who have been cleared by a doctor, can take part in the competition.

Dates and venue

Competitions are held in the school gym.


Competitions are held in three age groups:

    5-6 grades.

    7-8 grades.

    9-10 grades.

Competition management

The general management of the organization and conduct of the holiday is carried out by the school administration. Direct supervision is assigned to the physical education teacher and judges.

Determination of winners, awards

The winners are determined based on the best results and are awarded a medal, prize and diploma.

The sports festival ends with the awarding of competition winners.

Leading: Congratulations to the competition winners! Guys! Despite the results of today's competition, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood! Remember: “Sport and movement are life.” Do physical exercise and sports every day and you will be healthy! See you again on the sports fields!

(Competition participants and fans leave the hall to the sounds of a sports march)

Ternovskaya Anastasia
Scenario of the event “Jumper’s Day”

teamwork, foster a sense of teamwork

in games and relay races

Inventory: balls, hoops, rope

Progress of entertainment:

The teacher welcomes children:

I invite you to the playground, children.

The holiday of sports and health begins with us.

Children march in a circle and stop.

Educator: Today is a holiday in our kindergarten - « Jumper's Day» . We

turn into funny people jumpers. What do you think we will do today? LESSONS FOR PHYSICAL ENTERTAINMENT « JUMPER'S DAY»

For children of primary preschool age.


Strengthen and improve skills in performing various types of jumps

Develop agility and reaction speed.

Improve skills

Yes we will jump in a variety of ways. Are you ready? Then we'll do a warm-up.

Don't be lazy early in the morning

Get ready to warm up.

Warm up in a circle to fun music. At the end of the warm-up, do different types jumping: jumping in place, jumping legs together - legs apart, free jumps.

Educator: Have you warmed up, guys? Aren't you tired? Do you want to continue?

We walk and play. The sun warms us all.

We became athletes - success awaits us!

Let's split in two teams: Cornflowers and Rainbow.

The teacher divides the children into two teams. Children line up one after another.

1 task « Jump over the stream» (run to the stream, jump with two feet,

run to the chip, back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next player)

Educator: Well done guys, everyone jumped over the stream, no one got their feet wet.

Do you want to continue? Then the next task awaits you.

Jump hurry up and the team will take the prize.

2 task « Jumpers» (Jumping from hoop to hoop, hoops laid out

one after another)

Educator: Well done, both teams did great. Looking forward to the next task!

We are not champions yet, we are still preschoolers.

We are all growing up as athletes, we are friendly guys!

Here are the balls for you guys - train dodgers.

Whoever reports it faster will bring a prize to the team.

3 task "Kangaroo"(Hold the ball in your hands in front of you jump forward on two legs to the chip and back)

Educator: Well done guys, everyone jumped like real kangaroos! And now we will catch balloons.

4 task « Jump up to the balloon» .

There is a cord on the playground. Balls are tied to it so that they are above the child’s outstretched arms. The teacher offers the children jump and hit the ball with your hands. The teacher ensures that children bouncing, touched the ball with both hands

Educator: Well done jumpers. All jumped to the ball. And now we will play with you

5 outdoor game "Cucumber"

At one end of the playground there is a teacher "trap", in another there are children. children approach the trap by jumping on two legs while the sentence is pronounced teacher:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, and the trap catches them.

Educator: Ours has come to an end « Jumper's Day»

All of you guys were great today,

And you showed yourself at your best.

And that’s why now you get prizes!

Presentation of awards to all participants.

Publications on the topic:

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