Design of metal structures - stages, features. Research and development of methods for automated creation of metal structures for containers Design of metal structures km

Modern construction begins with a well-composed and effectively developed project. Preparation of technical documentation requires a professional approach and extensive knowledge in the field of modeling metal structures. After all, designing buildings from metal structures is the basis of the future structure, the key to its reliability and durability.

Step-by-step design and calculation of metal structures

  1. Preparation and collection of information about the climatic conditions of the zone, geodetic and geological data, and the characteristics of the region. Analysis and selection of technology capable of solving the tasks.

  2. The development of CM - working drawings of metal structures - includes the collection of data on statistical and dynamic loads, general data on the supporting frame, technological features and architectural details of the structure. At this stage, a package of drawings, calculation documentation, etc. is prepared. General information about the project should contain information about the brand, composition and marking of the metal used.

  3. KMD development – ​​detailed metal designdesigns is based on CM data. A more accurate calculation of all assembly components is made, including seams, bolts and fastening elements of the structure.

Design of steel structure construction at RSM Group

  • We offer constructive and effective solutions to production and construction problems;
  • Own production opens up a lot of opportunities for the implementation of non-standard and daring projects;
  • We guarantee minimal metal consumption thanks to high-quality project calculations and optimization of frame dimensions;
  • Our professionals develop highly accurate and detailed drawings using modern computer technology;
  • The most reasonable prices in Moscow.

Design is the first step in the production of various types of metal structures. Without a preliminary plan according to which the process of manufacturing this or that product, and especially their complex, will take place, there is no need to talk about any quality results. Modern design of metal structures includes the following drawing packages:

  • Metal structures (KM);
  • Metal detailing structures (CMD).

We will talk about them, their features and distinctive characteristics today.

Metal structures

Drawings from the KM group are developed by specialists from design departments, working in close contact with technologists and architects. Based on the work done, KMD drawings are subsequently generated, and an estimate is drawn up for a certain range of work. This documentation includes everything necessary for the start of events and their logical completion.

The basis of the CM is the technical specifications submitted by the customer. This can also be an approved sketch. It reflects all those points that may arise when forming options for the arrangement of individual structures, as well as methods, the use of which can ensure their coordination with other components of the object being built.
KM drawings include:

  • General information about drawings;
  • Data on the planned loads and the impact that the structure will experience;
  • Data on the load on the foundation;
  • Positions of individual components within the structure;
  • Drawings of individual units and components;
  • Features of the rolled metal used;
  • General drawing of the entire structure - as needed.

Metal structures detailing

The development of such documentation is carried out in the design department, taking into account not only the requirements presented in the technical specifications, but also the specifics of a particular rolled product, namely: its nomenclature, weight, dimensions, grade, production features. This also includes the manufacturer’s requirements for the design documentation that is provided to him.

KMD drawings are a completely independent set, on the basis of which all metal structures are formed and erected. Such drawings contain everything necessary for the manufacture, processing, welding of products and their installation, as well as data for monitoring how well the work is done.

KMD drawings include:

  • Title, which contains basic information about the object;
  • Drawings of shipping components, individual components and wiring diagrams;
  • A number of additional drawings - as needed.

Among other things, KMD drawings must include diagrams for the transportation and storage of components, taking into account all the features of the transport infrastructure involved at the site. It is important to understand that the largest dimensions of shipping marks depend both on construction needs and on the method of organizing their transportation, as well as the lifting equipment used.

Design timeframe

As for the estimated time frame, it depends on the complexity of the project and its volume. The deadline is agreed upon individually for each specific object. The project, the total tonnage of which exceeds 200 tons, provides for the possibility of stage-by-stage submission of documentation, which makes it possible to minimize the period before the start of production of metal structures.

The period for developing KMD and CM is approximately equal, the shortest period of time for development is 7 days. From the moment the design is completed, up to 14 days pass until the design is transferred to the plant.

Our plant provides metal structure design services. For their subsequent production we use sheet, shaped and long-rolled metal products.

Types of designed metal structures

Our specialists carry out custom design of several types of metal structures:

  • Stationary. These are disposable products, the design of which is not changed after production.
  • Collapsible. Designed for reusable use.
  • Transformable. Reusable products; their design can be changed during assembly and disassembly.

Documents developed during the design of metal structures

When designing metal structures, a set of design documentation and manufacturing technologies are developed. In addition, two strength calculations are performed:

  1. Design. Determines the main dimensions of metal structures.
  2. Check. Determines the safety factor, permissible load and service life of metal structures.

How to order metal structures design

You can order the design of metal structures in Moscow at a low cost in one of the following ways:

  1. By email.
  2. By phone:

Development of project documentation

Currently, metal structures are widely used in the construction of buildings and structures for industrial purposes.

This is due to a number of reasons:

  • high load-bearing capacity of metal structures;
  • reliability of operation of metal structures when bearing various loads;
  • the ability to create universal structural forms when designing metal structures;
  • absence of construction waste on the site during construction and installation work;
  • the building is carried out by a team of installers of 6-8 people;
  • speed of building construction.
Our services Design of metal structures in our company is a professional approach to work, which guarantees the development of design documentation in accordance with the Customer's requirements.

At design of metal structures The designer is faced with the task of minimizing metal consumption, which is achieved by rational layout of the load-bearing metal frame, and selecting and developing optimal interface units for the load-bearing structures of the building frame. A well-designed structural solution for the building is aimed at achieving maximum structural efficiency.


The designers of the Arkada-M company have extensive experience in designing metal structures. Maximum efficiency of the metal frame is achieved by a number of design solutions:

  • optimization of the load-bearing frame design;
  • use of metal structure connections with high-strength bolts;
  • combination of enclosing and load-bearing functions in one element.

The main cost of the metal frame of a building consists of the following components: the cost of designing metal structures, the cost of material (rolled metal) and production of metal structures at the factory, transportation of finished products to the construction site, construction and installation work.
The cost of metal accounts for up to 75% of the total cost of a construction project; therefore, special attention should be paid to design solutions using the least weight of metal structures.

The main tasks of designers when developing a metal structures project:

  • compliance of design solutions, technological processes in production, aesthetic, functional and operational characteristics of the designed building;
  • development of design solutions that provide the required load-bearing capacity of the designed metal structures, with a minimum weight of the metal structures used;
  • design solutions should ensure the least labor intensity in the manufacture and installation of metal frame structures of the building;
  • ensuring minimum installation time for the supporting frame and the cost of construction and installation work.


The building is carried out in two stages: development of a detailed design of metal structures (KM stage - metal structures), and development of detail drawings of metal structures (KMD stage - metal structures, detailing).

The CM stage is developed by the design organization and contains the structural diagram of the designed building, the selection of rolled metal sections, the main junction points of the load-bearing structures of the metal frame, the calculation of metal structures is carried out, as well as the preparation of specifications for rolled metal and a sheet of steel consumption.

The KMD stage, as a rule, is developed by the manufacturing plant of metal structures and contains detailed drawings used in the workshops for the production of shipping assembly marks.
Design solutions for metal structures of a building must be unified, design solutions must strive to use the least amount of rolled steel grades according to the assortment and have standard components of building structures.
The use of metal structures is economically beneficial when designing long-span hall frames for public and industrial buildings (sports facilities, exhibition halls, hangars, warehouse buildings, etc.).
However, the use of metal structures often justifies itself in the construction of buildings for small businesses (car service stations, cafe buildings, temporary structures).
When reconstructing a building, the design of metal structures allows for the construction of superstructures, verandas, and winter gardens.

Stages of designing metal structures

Design of building metal structures is the process of developing the documentation necessary to create a metal structure. At the design stage, the main parameters of the structure and its design features are determined, which affect the cost and timing of construction of a building made of metal structures. For example, the execution of assembly units of metal structures using bolted connections or welding, the use of rolled carbon steel (St3, S345) or low-alloy steel (09G2S).

The design of metal structures is carried out in two stages:

The first stage is the development of design documentation for the CM stage (metal structures). At this stage, constructive solutions for the load-bearing frame of the building are determined, they are linked to the architectural, technological solutions of the designed building, and to the design solutions of reinforced concrete structures. At the same stage, as shown in Figure 1.1, the collection of loads, statistical and dynamic calculations are carried out, an explanatory note, drawings, wiring diagrams are performed, and a technical specification of the metal is drawn up, shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1 - Design documentation of the CM stage

Figure 1.2 - Technical specification of metal

The second stage is the development of working documentation for the manufacture of building metal structures - KMD (structure metal detail drawings). Figure 1.3 shows drawings of the CMD stage.

Figure 1.3 - Design documentation of the KMD stage

KMD stage drawings are made on the basis of the KM stage design, taking into account the technological features, equipment and capabilities of the metal structure manufacturer's plant.

Steel Design Systems

Currently, it is impossible to imagine the design of metal structures without the help of modern computer programs, since Advance Steel, KOMPAS-3D, AutoCAD with the SPDS GraphiCS application, the use of design software systems has a number of advantages:

Development speed;

Construction of visual spatial models;

Automatic creation of drawings, specifications, etc.

To develop the product, a top-down method was used: from the assembly structure to three-dimensional models of its components, then to the development of design documentation (CD), engineering calculations, and then to the development of technological documentation (TD).

For more productive work with the structure, its frame representation was used, which is included in the assembly, defines the structure, spatial requirements and restrictions, the joining of elements and other characteristics of the structure, which will later be used in the development of its components. The wireframe model can also be used to analyze the movements of components in an assembly, setting references for their placement to the model.

Drawings for assembly units and parts, as well as specifications, are generated automatically based on pre-created templates.

Creating drawings of parts and assembly units in full compliance with the ESKD is included in the basic capabilities of these CAD systems. Data is entered for each design component, linked by a bidirectional associative link with assembly models, parts and drawings. Additional data not associated with the 3D model can be added, such as material information, specifications, etc.

Specifications, automatically generated using the selected template, are also linked to models by a bidirectional associative link. The template editor allows you to create both a specification according to any version of GOST, and your own types of reports.

In the process of preparing for production, it is often necessary to make changes to the design of the product, and therefore to the technological equipment, molds, CMD, and control programs for CNC equipment necessary for its production. The optimality of the change processes directly affects the timing and quality of the design. The scheme for making changes to the 3D model and to the design documentation coincides with the scheme for product development: data changes occur from the layout to the three-dimensional model, then to the design documentation, to the calculation results and to the technological documentation. The principles of top-down design used in the work provide a high level of automation of changes.

Metal structures are often the basis of a structure, which must support all loads acting on the object. If stresses arise in the elements of metal structures that exceed the yield strength of the metal, they collapse. Such cases sometimes happen. Destructions of metal structures sometimes even lead to death. That is why the design of metal structures is a very important stage, at which standard safety margins are laid down.

The project is created on the basis of GOST and SNiP standards, and not only the calculation of metal structures is carried out, but also, as a rule, the design of the architectural and construction part. During the work at all stages, the project must be agreed upon with the customer in order to avoid possible errors and misunderstandings. Work on creating a project also includes the preparation of all necessary documents, including for regulatory authorities. In addition, drawings of metal structures must be created taking into account the technological capabilities of the contractor. The right approach will allow you to find the optimal price-quality ratio through the use of inexpensive materials that will have all the necessary characteristics. The quality of the final product often depends on how the metal structures were designed, and not on the price of the materials.

It doesn’t matter what purpose the metal structure serves, whether it is the frame of a building or a simple fence, without a competent design there is a high risk of getting a low-quality product. That is why the calculation of metal structures should be performed by professionals who have extensive experience in this field. Only with this approach can their reliability and durability be guaranteed.

To design metal structures, specialized computer-aided design systems are used:

1. Graitec's Advance Steel automated steel structure design system can be successfully used to develop AC/CM stage drawings of complex spatial structures. The advantages of the program are the automated receipt of a set of drawings and statements of AS/KM grades, integration with engineering analysis systems (including the popular Robot Structural Analysis, SCAD and Lira systems in Russia), eliminating repeated data entry, as well as the ability to exchange data with other systems for construction and industrial design: Autodesk Revit, AVEVA PDMS, Intergraph SP3D and PDS, CEA Plant 4D, etc., for the development of drawings of the KMD stage of any structures, for single-stage design (KM / KMD) of building metal structures of any complexity.

The advantages of the program include the automated receipt of a set of drawings and statements of the KMD brand, the automated receipt of data for the preparation of control programs for CNC machines, integration with control and production planning systems.

Advance Steel features:

Variable section profiles - a new tool with which you can create objects with a variable section, taking into account additional conditions on each segment (fixed or variable length, parallelism of flanges, etc.); modernization of existing parametric units to work with profiles of variable cross-section; special statements and DSTV files;

Cutting edges for welding for straight profiles, including those with processing, including round and rectangular sections;

New node storage with a new user interface, improved node grouping, ability to save frequently used nodes to favorites;

Improved ergonomics - a customizable palette of tools with the ability to save frequently used commands in favorites, convenient work with collisions and search results using a filter, a new palette of tools for processing and speeding up the design of buildings; improved model browser;

Setting up the main view for the shipping mark allows you to more flexibly control the orientation of objects in the drawings;

New parametric nodes and improved macros for stairs and railings;

Improved work with custom components, including added support for special parts;

Localization - symbol of nodes in drawings in accordance with GOST 21.1101-2009, styles of KM and KMD drawings have been improved;

Data exchange - improved BIM interface (IFC, Revit); new advanced data exchange mechanism with SCAD++.

Advance Steel was designed specifically for CAD professionals, and if you are looking for a powerful, easy-to-use BIM tool, Advance Steel is the tool for you. The program can fully automate the process of creating working drawings, statements and specifications for grades KM and KMD in accordance with the requirements of GOST, as well as data for CNC machines. Advance Steel will significantly improve productivity and drawing quality while significantly reducing the risk of errors. Advance Steel is part of the GRAITEC Advance BIM complex.

Advance Steel allows you to speed up the design process (both in single and collective mode) and for this, the engineer is provided with the necessary set of building structure elements, parametric intelligent nodes and special tools for designing staircases, enclosing and other types of structures.

Advance Steel automatically generates drawings of KM and KMD grades and they will contain all the necessary views and sections, as well as dimensions and markings. Advance Steel is part of a comprehensive GRAITEC solution based on BIM technology, which allows you to automate the entire construction design process - from calculation to fabrication of the structure.

Building an accurate model is very important, since Advance Steel will subsequently create all the necessary documentation based on this model (working drawings, statements and specifications, NC files, etc.).

At the first stage, Advance Steel provides the user with an extensive library of structural elements and modeling functions:

Standard frames, connections, purlins, etc.;

Rolled metal profiles;


Steel structures (stairs, railings, stepladders, etc., including components);

Bent plates (including conical and twisted);

Welded profiles, bent profiles, variable section profiles;

Plate editing tools.

Depending on user preferences and the type of structure being modeled, Advance Steel can operate in 2D or 3D mode. The program supports all basic CAD functions (copying, moving, snapping, etc.).

At the second stage, Advance Steel offers the user a library of customizable automatic nodes, examples of which are presented in Figure 1.4. This will significantly increase the speed and efficiency of connection design.

Figure 1.4 - Automatic nodes from the Advance Steel library

Advance Steel produces automatic element numbering. Through dialog boxes, the user can set the numbering prefix, method, starting number and increment. After this, Advance Steel proceeds to the final check: checking for mutual intersections of elements (collisions), availability of tools during installation, consistency of element numbering (manufacturing, delivery and assembly). Figure 1.5 shows that Advance Steel includes new adaptive technology that automates and greatly speeds up the assembly process.

Figure 1.5 - Creating nodes in Advance Steel

When creating a connection, Advance Steel analyzes the internal environment and if it recognizes that a similar situation has occurred before, it proposes the optimal connection in a given category, taking into account its structural integrity.

Advance Steel can now automatically calculate the most common types of joints. To design a connection, the user only needs to specify the forces and Advance Steel will quickly perform the calculation. At the same time, the correct types and numbers of bolts, plate thicknesses, etc. are automatically inserted into the model. and a report on the calculations performed is displayed.

Advance Steel is the only steel design software that makes working with sheet metal easier. Just two clicks are enough to create an element, for example a conical surface between two 3D CAD objects (circle, rectangle, etc.) or between two pipes of different diameters.

Advance Steel provides an efficient and reliable multi-user tool:

Increased performance when working with large models (all users work with one DWG file;

Visual control (a tool to display only selected elements);

Flexibility (the ability to create a node between elements modeled by different users);

Reliability (an element borrowed by one user cannot be edited by another at the same time);

Awareness (real-time messages about changes in the model);

Multi-user mode is available in the Advance Steel Premium package.

Once the model is complete, AdvanceSteel offers a wide range of automated functions for creating wiring diagrams and plans, mark drawings, general views and detail drawings. The user has a ready-made set of templates in all necessary formats (from A4 to A0). Drawings are created as separate DWG files linked to the model, and are automatically dimensioned and labeled. The required design of drawings can be customized according to user requirements using the drawing style manager, the dialog box of which is shown in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 - Manager window

Drawings of the KM brand:

Automatic creation of isometric views based on the model with extensive labeling capabilities;

Drawings of general views (plans, sections, views, fragments) with the possibility of automatic sizing and marking;

Function for automated creation of individual views in a number of special cases (complex parts, column support, etc.);

Flexibility in choice of display controls

KMD brand drawings:

Creation of drawings of individual parts and sending elements, as shown in Figure 1.7;

Automated drawing creation using processes;

All elements are automatically measured and marked according to user requirements;

Dimension lines can be relative (from a common base), sequential (in a chain) and ordinate;

Functions for creating sweeps;

Automatic creation of the necessary cuts.

Figure 1.7 - Drawing of the shipping mark and individual parts.

Advance Steel has functions for checking the correctness of constructing a model of a metal structure: searching for mutual intersections of model elements (collisions), checking the parameters of Advance Steel objects.

Table 1.1 - Sequence of creating a 3D model of Advance Steel

Table 1.1 shows an approximate sequence for creating a 3D model of Advance Steel.

Advance Steel accelerates the design process (in single and collective mode) by providing the engineer with the necessary set of building elements, parametric intelligent components and special tools for designing staircases, enclosures and other types of structures.

Advance Steel automatically generates drawings of KM and KMD grades with all necessary views and sections, as well as dimensions and markings. Advance Steel is part of a comprehensive GRAITEC solution based on BIM technology, which allows you to automate the entire construction design process - from calculation to fabrication of the structure.

The entire set of tools ensures fast and efficient modeling. Building an accurate model is very important, since Advance Steel subsequently creates all the necessary documentation based on this model (working drawings, statements and specifications, NC files, etc.).

In the first stage, Advance Steel provides the user with an extensive library of structural elements and modeling functions.

In the second stage, AdvanceSteel offers the user a library of customizable automatic nodes (more than 300 nodes).

Once the model is complete, AdvanceSteel offers a wide range of automated functions for creating wiring diagrams and plans, ship mark drawings, general views and detail drawings. The user has a ready-made set of templates in all necessary formats (from A4 to A0). Drawings are created as separate DWG files linked to the model, and are automatically dimensioned and labeled. The required design of drawings can be customized according to user requirements using the Drawing Style Manager.

Automatically create isometric views from a model with extensive labeling capabilities. Drawings of general views (plans, sections, views, fragments) with the possibility of automatic sizing and marking. Function for automated creation of individual views in a number of special cases (complex parts, column support, etc.). Flexibility in the choice of display controls.

2. KOMPAS-3D - computer-aided design system

KOMPAS is a system for computer-aided design of project documentation, as well as its execution in accordance with the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD). Developed by the Russian company ASCON.

Available in one of two versions KOMPAS-Graph and KOMPAS-3D, this system is intended for two-dimensional drawing and spatial design, respectively.

KOMPAS-Graph can be included in KOMPAS-3D as a module for working with sketches and drawings, or can be used independently, fully performing the tasks of two-dimensional design and creating relevant documentation.

The system fully supports ESKD standards, while all associative types of spatial models (including sections and sections, as well as various types - local, with a gap, along an arrow, etc.) are automatically generated by KOMPAS-Graph, and all changes in the model are automatically changed to drawing. Template views are created automatically in the projection link by the program. All drawing data (such as geometric dimensions, name, weight, etc.) are completely synchronized with the data of the three-dimensional model. The huge number of object libraries included in the system automates the execution of all kinds of specialized tasks.

Designed for constructing three-dimensional associative models of both isolated assemblies and complete assembly units, KOMPAS-3D, in addition to the original ones, contains standardized structural elements. Based on a prototype designed once, you can quickly create models of a wide variety of standard products.

Based on the original core developed by ASCON, the KOMPAS-3D system makes it possible to:

Import product geometry into external calculation packages;

Transfer geometry to control program packages of various CNC equipment;

Import or export created models thanks to support for SAT, IGES, XT, VRML, STEP formats.

You can model products in KOMPAS-3D using ready-made components (“bottom-up”), or creating components in the context of structures (“top-down”), or combining these two methods. This approach provides easy modification of the resulting models.

The system is characterized by functionality that has become standard for all CAD systems of this level:

Boolean operations with standard mass elements;

Construction of surfaces of any type;

Associative assignment of element parameters;

Creation of various auxiliary elements, creation of sketches and all kinds of spatial curves (all kinds of spirals, broken splines, etc.);

Design of stiffeners, chamfers, holes, roundings, thin-walled shells and other structural elements,

special features that facilitate the construction of various casting molds (casting slopes, parting lines, cavities);

A set of all the necessary tools for creating various parts and their elements from sheet material, as well as bends, holes, stampings, blinds, collars, various cutouts, closing nodes, and, in addition, makes it possible to perform developments in the created sheet body with the ability to form it associative drawing;

Construction of almost any arrays for assembly components,

creating custom libraries or inserting them into a model from an existing ready-made set;

Mutual placement of parts included in the device, as well as modeling of the entire assembly;

Applying all kinds of mates to assembly elements, and the ability to automatically overlay them can significantly increase the speed of building an assembly;

Rapid detection of interpenetrating parts;

Special tools that simplify working with large structures;

The ability to quickly edit not only individual parts, but also the entire project as a whole using characteristic points;

A change at any design stage in the parameters of an element, causing immediate reconstruction of the entire model;

Creating tables of variables in graphic documents and models.

To perform calculations and analysis of created products, the following modules can be used by the KOMPAS 3D system:

Cables and harnesses 3D is a CAD application KOMPAS-3D, the main purpose of which is to automate the process of 3D modeling of electrical cables and harnesses, as well as the creation of documentation for these products.

The system can be used in the following areas:

Instrumentation (both inter-instrument and intra-instrument installation), including space or aviation instrumentation;

Mechanical engineering (installation of various types of circuits - power, control and others), including the automobile and tractor and shipbuilding industries;

Creation of buildings and structures (for wiring various cables inside them).

The system has the following capabilities:

Formation in automatic or semi-automatic mode of routes for spatial installation of cables and harnesses in designed products;

Automated arrangement of cable parts of connectors according to their block or instrument parts;

Automated creation of three-dimensional cable models, taking into account the number and diameter of conductors laid along the routes;

Automated creation of various roundings at the turning points of the route, while the program automatically calculates the nominal diameter of the cable branch of the bundle;

Automated creation of assembly drawings of a harness or cable;

Automated creation of clarifications to drawings with calculation of the length of all conductors, as well as the amount of various materials;

Automated placement of all positional designations on the finished drawing;

Automated creation of specific objects of the “assembly unit” type for any types of harnesses or cables.

The database for wires and cables can be special text files included in the application or imported from the library of materials and assortments. The dimensions indicated in the drawing correspond to the dimensions of cables or harnesses, measured according to the coordinates of their models. In this case, the total length of all conductors is additionally taken into account, including reserves for installation or sagging, specified by the user during the process of forming the routes.

Both the created document and the three-dimensional model are KOMPAS-3D documents and can be edited or modified manually by the user. For opening and editing, these documents can be transferred to workstations where the 3D cable and harness system may not be installed.

Pipeline design is possible both manually and in automatic or semi-automatic modes. In manual mode, it is possible to construct individual pipes with segments, or a continuous pipe with specified bending radii at pipe turns.

In automatic mode, construction occurs along routes that combine several highways, each of which can combine several trajectories at once. Using this mode allows you to automatically build pipelines along trajectories included in routes, install tees and bends, and also cut corners at selected pipe joints.

In semi-automatic mode, the pipeline is constructed along trajectory segments. In this case, it is possible to arrange bends, as well as to cut the corners of selected pipe joints.

Using the library provides the following capabilities:

Placing elements, assigning each of them a specific type of pairing;

Construction of various types of tie-ins on pipes;

Performing cutting of corners of selected pipe joints;

Rearrangement of pipe ends;

Editing the diameter and wall thickness of constructed pipes.

3. KOMPAS-pring - a system for calculating and designing elastic elements.

The use of the KOMPAS-Spring module makes it possible to perform both design and test calculations of all types of cylindrical helical springs in tension and compression. In addition, it is possible to perform similar calculations for torsion springs and disc springs. The calculation results can immediately be translated into graphical form, creating drawings of springs containing not only the appearance, but also technical requirements, force and deformation diaphragms, and also be presented in volumetric form.

Despite the fact that the calculation is performed with a minimum amount of initial data, the program guarantees that all the parameters necessary for the developer are obtained with a minimum mass.

During the calculation, it is possible to vary the spring parameters in order to obtain the best option. Given a specific set of initial data, a variety of spring options are offered that match the required strength criteria as closely as possible and satisfy the initially specified conditions. The calculation results can either be saved or printed.

When creating spring drawings, you can also select types of hooks, automatically apply dimensions to them, and also automatically build various detailed views, as well as all kinds of diagrams.

Pros and cons of KOMPAS-3D.

The advantages include the following properties:

The program is very easy to learn;

It is an “electronic drawing board”;

This program was developed in our country;

Convenient preparation of drawings of any complexity in accordance with the standards established by the ESKD;

There are built-in tools for routing pipelines, electrical cables, and harnesses;

There is a built-in module for creating electrical circuits;

The system has extensive capabilities for parameterizing objects;

Availability of an improved 2D module;

Support for calculation of elastic parts;

Availability of a certificate;

Easy and quite convenient interface.

Among the disadvantages are noted:

Difficult retraining to other, especially “heavy” similar systems;

Although drawing is quite easy, designing is much more difficult;

Lack of kinematic, strength, temperature and frequency analysis;

The specification system is not fully thought out;

Extremely slow development of the system;

There is no possibility to perform ergonomic calculations;

Very modest capabilities for creating photorealistic images;

The complexity and high cost of modifying the system to suit your own needs;

Weak surface modeling system;

Lack of tools for volume reservation;

Some problems when importing models from other CAD.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that Compass is an excellent solution for automating the process of creating drawings. As practice shows, this system, compared to analogues, is quite simple to learn, even if the user has previously only used a drawing board in his work.

Designing metal structures is a difficult and knowledge-intensive process that requires highly qualified engineers.

To design metal structures, you need to have a lot of knowledge. In order to create design drawings, there is a staff of specialists who have extensive practice and specialized education, which allows them to use the maximum capabilities of these technologies. When designing, the smallest details of each individual element and the entire system as a whole are taken into account. Much attention is paid to the reliability of fasteners and strength, because the safety of people depends on this.

When designing, computer technologies CAD/CAM/CAE are used, which allows us to achieve maximum product quality control at all stages - from production to installation of metal structures.

However, design is not only about creating standard and standard solutions for which there are already ready-made sets of documentation. It is possible to design a non-standard design.

4. AutoCAD with the SPDS GraphiCS application. The abbreviation "SPDS" stands for "design documentation system for construction."

There is GOST R 21.1001-2009 and it contains rules for the preparation of design and working construction documentation.

After installing GraphiCS SPDS, a toolbar appears on the AutoCAD workspace, allowing you to perform functions such as:

Drawing of individual coordination axes, orthogonal and polar arrays;

Placement and alignment of level marks;

Drawing of various types of callouts (positional, comb, multilayer, etc.) with the ability to specify special characters in the callout text, such as rolled metal, weld leg, slopes, uppercase and lowercase letters of the Greek alphabet;

Labeling types, sections, sections;

Indication of technical requirements and characteristics;

Drawing linear, curvilinear lines of breaks and breaks with hiding part of the torn or torn geometry;

Drawing of boundary shading, thermal insulation, waterproofing and soil boundaries;

Placement of permanent connections and drawing of welds of various types (angular, butt factory and assembly);

Setting the area of ​​the room with automatic determination of its value along a closed contour; marking of premises with the possibility of obtaining explication of premises;

Drawing of ready-made formats and tables according to GOST with the ability to edit them and create custom formats and tables; converting AutoCAD tables.

Based on the results of the analysis, we can conclude that GraphiCS SPDS is one of the best solutions for designing KMD drawings, the drawings become neat and correct, and working with this application is simple and convenient.