Higher education teacher as a teacher and researcher. To register for the program, you must fill out the registration form, and we will contact you as soon as possible Educational program higher school teacher

The Faculty of Pedagogical Education (FPE) of Moscow State University implements two additional educational and professional programs and, the purpose of which is comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and information technology preparation for teaching activities in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Students from Moscow State University and other Moscow universities who wish to obtain, in addition to their main specialty, a pedagogical qualification as a secondary school teacher are enrolled in the “Teacher” program. Training for secondary school teachers is also possible.

The program "Higher School Teacher" is designed to prepare undergraduates, graduate students (adjuncts) for teaching activities, as well as to improve the qualifications of specialists who have higher professional education and conduct scientific and pedagogical work.

The standard labor intensity of the “Teacher” and “Higher School Teacher” programs is 1400 hours and 1080 hours, respectively. Training takes place according to a modular system in accordance with the individual plans of students and lasts at least four semesters. Leading specialists from Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Education and other universities are invited to deliver lecture courses. In addition to the required disciplines, students have the opportunity to independently choose several additional psychological, pedagogical and general education courses.

The flexible structure of training allows you not only to consciously approach the choice of disciplines studied, but also to improve your general educational and professional level, and therefore become more competitive in the labor market.

Training is carried out in the evening in the second academic building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills. Those who successfully complete the curriculum and defend their final thesis receive a state diploma of additional (to higher) education with the qualification “Teacher” or “Higher School Teacher”.

Faculty address: Leninskie Gory, 1, building 52, 2nd academic building, room 5-A (2nd floor, entrance from the northern lobby)
Tel. 939-42-76, 939-32-81

The curriculum of the educational program "Teacher" (for students) includes the following disciplines:

  • Mandatory psychological and pedagogical courses
    • Pedagogy
    • General psychology
    • Developmental psychology
    • Social psychology
    • Educational psychology
    • Methodology and technology of training
    • New information technologies in the educational process
    • Organization of people's behavior in extreme situations
  • Required special subjects
    • Methods of teaching (subject)
    • History and methodology (of the subject)
    • Scientific foundations of a school course (subject)
    • Workshop (by subject)
  • Additional psychological and pedagogical disciplines (optional)
    • Fundamentals of Instructional Technology Design
    • Psychology of innovative learning
    • Introduction to ecopsychology and ecopedagogy
    • Culture of thinking in the pedagogical process
    • Directing in the pedagogical process
    • Gender education
  • General education and elective disciplines (optional)
    • History and methodology of science in the context of world history
    • Cultural studies
    • Religious Studies
    • The Art of Public Speaking
    • Intensive foreign language courses (English, French and German)
    • Social Forecasting
    • Mentality and speech etiquette
    • Methodological foundations of translation from foreign languages
The curriculum of the educational program "Higher School Teacher" includes the following disciplines:
  • Human psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • History, philosophy and methodology of science (according to the minimum candidate program in the pedagogical branch of science)
  • Information technologies in science and higher education
  • Pedagogy and psychology of higher education
  • Technologies of professionally oriented training
  • Methodology and technology of teaching in higher education
  • Forms and methods of enhancing educational and research activities*
  • Foreign language (according to the minimum candidate program of the relevant branch of science)
  • Modern methods of scientific disciplines*
  • Training of professionally oriented rhetoric and discussions
  • Critical thinking in the context of higher professional education*
  • Organizational foundations of the higher education system
  • Methods of education and techniques of pedagogical influence in the student environment*
* Discipline of the choice of the faculty within the above cycle.

Target Audience:teachers of higher educational institutions implementing higher education programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Professional retraining under the program “Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education” (520 hours) provides the opportunity to master the competencies of a higher school teacher and receive a standard diploma with the qualification “higher school teacher”, necessary for carrying out teaching activities in educational organizations.
In accordance with current legislation, professional retraining is necessary for those who occupy a position in a public organization that does not correspond to the specialty indicated in the diploma. In addition, professional retraining with the qualification of a “higher school teacher” will be useful to everyone who has a diploma of professional retraining, which gives the right to conduct a new type of activity in the field of education, and wants to have the qualification of a “higher school teacher” in order to increase their competitiveness in the field of education. labor market.
Professional retraining under the program “Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education” (520 hours) is addressed to:

  • Teachers of higher educational institutions who do not have the appropriate qualifications.
Issued document: Diploma of professional retraining with qualification.
  • Section 1. Pedagogy
    • Pedagogy as a science
    • Development and formation of personality
    • The problem of the content of education in the pedagogical process
    • Innovations in education
    • System-activity approach in education
    • Education in the pedagogical process
    • The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the sociocultural environment of education
  • Section 2. Psychology of vocational education
    • Psychology of vocational education: general characteristics
    • Age and professional development of personality
    • Psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational education
    • Psychology of vocational training, education and development
    • Psychology of activity and personality of a professional school teacher
  • Section 3. Psychodidactics
    • Psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Classification of research methods used in psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Education and cognitive development of the individual, taking into account genotypic and environmental characteristics
    • Diagnosis of personality creativity
    • Modern concepts of education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: types, types of training, technologies
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Education: technologies of developmental education
    • Innovations in education: experimental models and practical implementation
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 4. Methodology of teaching activities
    • Education as a phenomenon and process
    • Object, subject and tasks of pedagogical science. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy
    • Scientific research in pedagogy
    • Pedagogy in the system of human sciences
    • Methodological culture of the teacher
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 5. Organizational foundations of vocational education
    • Concept of management in education
    • Humanitarian methods of management in the educational process
    • State-public education management system
    • Functions of pedagogical management
    • Program-targeted approach in managing the educational process
    • Systematic approach to education
    • Educational organization as a pedagogical system and object of management
    • The student body as an object of pedagogical management. Student government
    • Teaching staff from a management perspective
    • Managerial culture of teachers and leaders
    • Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems
    • Advanced training and certification of teaching staff: Federal State Educational Standards requirements
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 6. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as a science
    • Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Psychometric requirements for diagnostic methods
    • Visualization of data and conclusions of psychological and pedagogical research
    • Psychological and pedagogical personality diagnostics
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of interpersonal relationships and communication abilities
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 7. Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education: design and organization of the educational process
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education; Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and Federal State Educational Standard 3++)
      • Lesson 1. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education; Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and Federal State Educational Standard 3++).
      • Lesson 2. Standard of professional activity “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education.”
    • Specifics of the work of the curator of a group (course) of students in higher education programs
      • Lesson 1. Supervision as a type of professional pedagogical activity of a teacher.
      • Lesson 2. Regulatory and methodological support for labor actions of a curator in the activities of teaching staff of higher education organizations.
      • Lesson 3. Social and pedagogical support for students in higher and secondary vocational education programs in educational activities and professional and personal development.
    • Design of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
      • Lesson 1. The main educational program of higher education: modernization based on the integration of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education with professional standards.
      • Lesson 2. Features of taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education as a regulatory document when developing additional professional programs.
      • Lesson 3. The student body as an object of pedagogical management. Student self-government.
      • Lesson 4. Working with gifted students: individual educational route, research work, exhibitions, competitions.
    • Organization of the educational process in the vocational education system
      • Lesson 1. Organization of the educational process in the system of higher professional education.
      • Lesson 2. System of extracurricular work to develop professionally significant competencies of students.
      • Lesson 3. Organization of student research activities using information technology.
    • Independent work of students
      • Lesson 1. Psychological support for the professional activities of a teacher at a higher educational institution.
  • Section 8. Innovative models and technologies in vocational education
    • Theoretical foundations of innovative processes in vocational education
    • Innovative technologies in vocational education
    • Innovative educational projects, criteria for assessing their effectiveness
    • Classification of pedagogical technologies in vocational education
    • Modeling innovative processes in vocational education
    • Features of the formation and development of innovative educational systems
    • Implementation of innovative technologies in the educational practice of a professional school
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 9. Conflict Management
    • Methods for diagnosing conflict situations in public organizations
    • Conflicts in OO: models for solving situational problems
    • Raising a tolerant personality in an educational organization
    • Conflict resolution in OO: models, principles, methods and techniques
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 10. Legal norms of pedagogical activity
    • Legal aspects of state policy in the field of education
    • Features of legal regulation of labor relations in the field of education
    • Legal regulation of property relations in the education system
    • Legal regulation of management relations
    • The concept and features of legal regulation of the activities of an educational institution
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 11. Information technology
    • Introduction to information technology and its evolution
    • Information technology hardware platform and software
    • Basic information processing capabilities in the MS Word word processor
    • Advanced information processing capabilities in the MS Word word processor
    • Processing and formatting information in the MS Excel word processor
    • Analysis of information in the word processor MS EXCEL
    • Creating presentations using MS PowerPoint
    • Network technologies for information processing. Internet
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 12. Workshop on solving professional problems
    • Professional task in the educational process. Types and types of professional tasks
    • Psychological-pedagogical interaction as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems
    • Technology of pedagogical support for children of different ages as a condition for successfully solving professional problems
    • Designing professional self-development and self-education of a teacher
    • Forecasting and designing the educational process. Organization of the educational environment to solve the pedagogical problem
    • Professional personality deformations and psychotechnologies for overcoming them
  • Section 13. Inclusive education at university
    • Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of distance educational technologies in the practice of inclusive education of higher educational institutions
      • Lesson 1. Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of distance educational technologies in the practice of inclusive education of higher educational institutions
    • Psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive higher education for students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 1. Psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive higher education for students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 2. General and specific features of the educational process for students with various pathologies in the implementation of federal state educational standards of higher education
    • Development of adapted educational programs for higher education
      • Lesson 1. Development of adapted educational programs for higher education
    • Independent work of students
      • Lesson 1. Strategies, forms and methods of rehabilitation of students with disabilities and disabilities mastering basic professional educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
      • Lesson 2. Features of organizing educational activities for persons with disabilities (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education)

Course Description:

We invite teachers, lecturers and other teaching staff who want to gain new competencies, and other interested parties to master the new specialty “Higher School Teacher”.

Higher education in the narrow sense refers to educational institutions that implement higher education programs. According to Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, these include training programs for bachelors, specialists, masters, as well as training of highly qualified personnel in graduate school, postgraduate study, internship, residency and assistantship training. Its task is to train qualified personnel for all sectors of the economy, scientific and technical activities and the cultural sphere.

Higher education is the transfer to students of systematized knowledge and practical work skills based on the latest scientific, technical and cultural achievements, which in the future should allow them to solve the tasks assigned to them at a high professional level. It also contributes to the formation of an active and free personality, thus being one of the most important channels of social development. The basis of training in higher education is the educational standards of the appropriate level of study.

Specialized training of teachers to work in higher educational institutions involves the formation of their competencies in the methodological justification and implementation of all types of educational, scientific and educational work, the use of pedagogical skills to mobilize the independent work of students, the development of sustainable learning skills, research work and creative thinking in students . In addition to the direct implementation of educational programs, higher education teachers must contribute to the creation of new knowledge, the development of sciences and arts, advanced training, retraining and additional training of specialists.

According to the professional standard approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 8, 2015 No. 608n, and the qualification characteristics, a teacher of an educational organization of higher education must have a higher education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines he teaches. In the absence of pedagogical education, it is advisable for him to undergo professional retraining in the field of pedagogy.

Contents of the educational program of professional retraining for higher education teachers

The professional retraining program for higher school teachers meets the qualification requirements and takes into account the requirements of educational standards of higher education in pedagogy.

The content of the course includes the study of the theoretical foundations of pedagogy and psychology of higher education, pedagogical skills and technologies of professionally oriented training, regulating the activities of regulatory legal acts, obtaining skills in developing and conducting theoretical and practical classes, using information technologies for scientific, pedagogical and educational work, analysis common errors and solutions to emerging problems.

Advantages of distance professional retraining courses at CHTA

The professional retraining course for higher school teachers is conducted remotely. Residents of any region of Russia can take it without visiting the academy; all they need is a computer and Internet access.

Distance technologies make it possible to apply an individual approach to each student, to supplement the course with special disciplines, taking into account his professional needs and the required volume of training hours. Due to the ability to successfully combine training and main work, he can quickly apply new competencies in practical activities.

Training is possible in a mode convenient for the listener. Access to educational and methodological materials is provided around the clock on the academy’s educational portal. If necessary, consultations with leading specialists can be conducted via video conferencing. Interim and control tests are carried out online, and the diploma is sent to your home by courier service.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not indicate the form of study (full-time/correspondence).

Admission conditions:

Studying in the direction of “Higher School Teacher” provides the opportunity to receive a retraining diploma. Also, for certain areas and specialties, the issuance of additional documents is provided if they are required by departmental regulations: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student at the academy, you must meet several requirements and complete certain actions:

  • Have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education in your specialty
  • Submit an application for training in a professional retraining or advanced training program in the field of “Higher School Teacher” in electronic format:
    - by email,
    - using the feedback form on the website,
    - or call the toll-free 24-hour phone number;
  • Provide documents confirming your identity and level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete the distance learning course;
  • Pass the final test and receive a diploma of retraining or a certificate of advanced training in the “Higher School Teacher” program.

Higher education pedagogy includes educational methods and psychological approaches to teaching in higher education institutions. The quality of education received by students largely depends on the pedagogical level and qualifications of the teaching staff. A higher education teacher must not only master the subject, but also create conditions in which student learning will occur in the most effective way. Regular advanced training for teachers helps to optimize the educational process in educational institutions of any level, and at the same time improve the competence of graduates of these institutions.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) offers for teachers and teachers. Training is conducted in a completely remote format. The programs of pedagogical courses at MADPO fully comply with the standards Federal State Educational Standard. Employees of educational institutions permanently residing in Moscow or any other region can receive additional education. Upon completion of the course you will be issued certificate of advanced training (standard form).

MADPO courses accept specialists with completed higher or secondary specialized education engaged in the field of higher education pedagogy, therefore The duration of the training program varies from 72 to 140 hours. The training course includes general and highly specialized disciplines, depending on the level of the institution and the nature of the student’s activity:

  • Fundamentals of higher education pedagogy;
  • Pedagogy of higher education in the education system of the Russian Federation (FSES);
  • Teaching methods in higher educational institutions;
  • Organization and planning of classes and other educational events;
  • Pedagogical and general psychology;
  • The role of scientific work in the education of students;
  • Ethics of a higher education teacher;
  • Pedagogical communication;
  • Occupational safety and labor legislation in education.

The advantage of additional pedagogical education at MAPSC is the ability to independently create your own educational schedule and take a unique course that fully meets your professional goals.

Distance learning courses

  • Registration for courses is made on the basis of documents confirming the availability of secondary specialized or higher education. There are no entrance tests.
  • MADPO offers training remotely, using the academy’s own development - an educational portal containing dozens of training programs for teachers and pedagogues, with interactive tests for self-testing. At all stages of training, students are assisted by highly qualified teachers of the academy.
  • Students who successfully complete the training are issued a certificate of advanced training in the established form.
  • The cost of courses depends on the number of modules included in the program. Other payments after the conclusion of the contract and completion of the educational cycle are excluded.