How to attract flies using feminine energy. Feminine energy - a skillful influence on men

Get some privacy so that no one disturbs you. Create peace and quiet and disconnect from the outside world. Sit comfortably, calm down and relax. Tune in to the fact that you will now listen to the voice of your intuition. Now try to imagine the feelings that a beloved man would bring into your life: a feeling of peace of mind, warmth and security. Bask in these feelings, enjoy them and remember them, this is the key to success! Then imagine that the person who could give you all these feelings already exists, he lives in this world, and this is really so! Now start calling him. For example, imagine that you send him radio signals, and he picks up and receives them.
Mentally say:
“My dear, betrothed,
Destined for me by fate!
Where are you? Answer me!
Can you hear me?
Yes, you can hear me!
I know it, I feel it!
A connection is being established between us!
We are attracted to each other
We are rushing towards each other!
We're getting closer!
We'll meet soon!
So be it!”
Now tell your betrothed about yourself: what your name is, what you look like, where you can be met, etc. Understand: the man whom you are now “calling” and with whom you are trying to establish mental contact already exists in reality! Just think: he lives in this world, he walks on this earth. It is even possible that he is next to you, but you are still unfamiliar with him. For God's sake, do not consider that you are sending your signals “to nowhere,” into airless space. Nothing of the kind! You are sending them to a specific, living person, you just don’t know him yet, that’s the whole difference. Perhaps while performing this ritual, different pictures will begin to appear before your inner gaze (however, they may not appear). Let these pictures come on their own, against your will. Don’t invent anything yourself, don’t strain your imagination. Just try to passively observe, contemplate these pictures, as if you were watching a silent movie. Don't interfere with the images that appear before your mind's eye, just remember them. It is possible that they contain some hint of what fate has in store for you.

We do it at night.

We establish an invisible relationship with the future chosen one.
It has long been known that you can “dream” of a loved one, and then meet him in real life...One of the most striking examples is Assol from the story “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. The girl dreamed of a “charming prince,” and he finally appeared to her in the guise of Captain Gray. A dream come true! And Pushkin's Tatiana! She saw Onegin, “and her heart said: here he is!” Actually, why look for examples in literature? There are enough of them in real life. World famous violinist Vladimir Spivakov, before meeting his future wife Sati, I accidentally saw her photo among friends. And when he looked at her, he heard inner voice, who told him: “This is your wife!”...The same thing happened in the life of the famous composer Vladimir Shainsky. When he first saw his future wife Svetlana, he was amazed that she fully corresponded to the ideal of a Beautiful Lady, which he mentally pictured for himself in his youth! We all know that every woman dreams of great love. If such a fateful meeting has already taken place in your life, then you can only be envied. And if not, then you would probably like to meet a person with whom you would have a warm, sincere relationship, full of love and mutual trust. But for this you need to meet your “soul mate”, that is, the person destined for you by fate itself. How to meet him? Sit and wait until fate itself brings him to you? Or maybe it’s worth bringing this meeting closer yourself? Now I’ll tell you how you can establish an invisible connection with your future chosen one, even if you don’t know anything about him yet...

It’s difficult to call this ritual a love spell; there is no appeal to spirits, no interactions with the egregor. But still, if you are confident and sincerely desire, then everything will work out.
The ritual is best performed late in the evening or at night. Seclude yourself and light a candle, here it is necessary. Place or place in front of you a photograph of your loved one and start looking at it. Focus on it, but at the same time do not tense up. Now try to feel that there is a pulsation between you and the image warm energy love: she touches the photo, then instantly returns to you, then back to the photo, then back to you, and so on. Let the energy of love pulsate between you for a while... After a while, you will feel that you only see a photograph, and everything else that surrounds you has faded into the background and become barely visible. You will feel that a stable energetic connection has formed between you and your loved one. If you concentrate well, your loved one’s gaze in the photograph will become alive. You will have the feeling that your loved one sees you and perceives your message! Now say the words that you would like to tell him. For example, these:
“I radiate love! I attract you!
You are drawn to me! You constantly think about me!
You want to be with me!
We love each other! We are one!
We enjoy our love!
We are happy!
So be it!”

The duration of this ritual should be short, 7-10 minutes is quite enough. As soon as the energetic contact between you and the object of your affection begins to weaken (you will feel it), calmly complete the ritual and go to bed. And then fate itself will do everything. You just have to be patient. His Majesty Chance is already on his way to you!

Who is stopping you from changing toilets, if not in reality, then at least mentally? Give free rein to your imagination, because it has enormous creative power!
Take a break, sit down and relax. Now imagine yourself walking down the street in a fabulous new outfit. You look great, people look at you with pleasure, men turn around after you. Enjoy this feeling!
Now imagine that you are walking along the beach in a chic swimsuit. You are fit, you have an elastic, confident gait, your figure looks amazing!
Or imagine that you are wearing a low-cut evening dress, sparkling necklace, expensive fur cape. Or imagine that you won a beauty contest, and now a crown is shining on your head - why not? Be extremely bold and frank in your dreams, who is stopping you? After all, no one can penetrate your imagination, so there is nothing to be ashamed of, everything is in your power!
However, if other images are closer to you, then draw the look that is more consistent with your character and taste. The main thing is that the imaginary image gives you pleasure and that you feel absolutely confident in it.
Now mentally say:
“I radiate charm!
I am charming and irresistible!
I attract people
People are drawn to me
They love me!
They like me
They want to be near me!
Everything is fine!
So be it!”

If you constantly carry out this ritual, then gradually you will develop an image of yourself as a woman with irresistible charm. Thanks to this, you will begin to behave differently in reality, in real life. You will truly become irresistible, you will radiate this message and people will feel it! By the way, Alla Pugacheva mentioned in her interviews that every morning, going to the mirror, she says to herself: “How beautiful I am, how beautiful I am, how beautiful I am!” Truly a wise woman...
Gradually, you will get into the habit of thinking of yourself as an attractive, charming person worthy of all attention. Your posture, gait, and facial expression will change. And you will truly become the woman that men don’t let pass by!
By the way, along with performing “personal magic” rituals, it is useful to actually try to improve your appearance. It is useful, for example, to tidy up your figure, hair, nails, teeth, etc. In general, let's take care of ourselves, be always well-groomed, fit, elegant. When we try to look beautiful and spare no effort to do so, we thereby express our respect for others and show them that we want to be liked. And people appreciate and notice it. This is reflected in the fact that they constantly compliment us!

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. After reading the title of the article, you might think that manipulation methods will be presented here that will teach you how to keep a man near you, even against his will.

I can only tell you right away that I am against manipulation and violent actions, since in the end it will all turn against us.

Today we will talk about how to keep your beloved man with the help of feminine energy. I will give you psychological tips and several techniques that will help you unlock this energy and become a magnet for men.

So, let's start with psychological tips.

No matter how much you like a young man, no matter how much you fall in love and want intimacy, do not agree to intimate relationships after several meetings. Now I will explain why.

The fact is that men are designed in such a way that they need to “hunt” a woman, to conquer her. And if in the first few meetings you agree to an intimate relationship, then all his interest will disappear, and he will go looking for a new “victim”.

In addition, each of us must remember that during sex an invisible connection is established between a man and a woman, which is very difficult to break. And it’s good if you and this guy stay together all your life, but what if not? If you break up with him after 3-6 months, what then? Then it will be very difficult for you to emotionally wean yourself from this person, and it may be difficult to build other relationships.

Only when you avoid sex, do it tactfully, so as not to offend young man. For example, it is not recommended to immediately invite him to visit; it is better to meet on neutral territory, where there are a lot of people. I also do not recommend visiting him. Well, if you are still alone and he wants to persuade you to have sex, then come up with something to escape.

Other men should look after you

Men love to compete and win, and a woman should give them that chance. In addition, if you have no fans, then this can make the guy think, “If no one wants her, why do I need her?”, and then his ardor will subside.

Therefore, in the first stages of dating, do everything possible to make him understand that you have a lot of fans, even if you don’t actually have them.

So, for example, if you are going on a date with him, then arrange with someone to call you. If you don’t want to involve anyone in this, then put ringing music on your alarm clock and set it at the time you want. When it rings, pretend that it is one of your friends - fans. Of course, this method may seem childish, but it really works.

Just don’t “talk” for a long time on the phone, just tell them to call you at another time.

You can also buy flowers for yourself, and the man himself will figure out who could give them to you.

In a word, you need to create the illusion that other men are courting you. Just please don't overdo it and don't forget to emphasize that your boyfriend comes first for you.

Find out as much as you can about him

On first dates, talk less about yourself and learn more about him. You need to understand whether this person is right for you, and also create an atmosphere of a little mystery. If you talk incessantly about yourself, the man will lose interest in you. But you don’t need to remain silent like a partisan either, just try to get him to speak more.

Try to ask him about his hobbies, work, and plans for the future - this is very important. If a person, especially a man, does not make plans, he has no goals, then you need to think carefully before starting a relationship with him.

I wrote the entire list of what it is desirable to know about a man, so I won’t repeat myself and let’s move on to other aspects.

Just remember one thing: first dates should be perceived as interviews in which you decide whether a person is right for you or not. This may sound cynical, but nothing can be done about it, because you don’t want to spend priceless years of your life on the wrong person.

WITH psychological advice We figured it out, now let's move on to energy practices.

Energy practices

Queen's fortune

For a man to be attracted to you, you must feel like a queen - a woman who is simply a pleasure to be around. But remember, the queen should not be arrogant, cynical and arrogant. She must have powerful energy, good manners and behave with dignity.

Therefore, before meeting your lover, try to devote a few hours to yourself: take a bath with rose petals or aromatic oils that you like and put you in a romantic mood. You can give yourself a massage and other treatments that give you true pleasure and make you feel simply gorgeous.

If you can’t get into a certain mood using these methods, then perform a technique that will help you feel like a queen.

So, sit back, relax. Imagine a large, beautiful, light-filled hall. There is a beautiful throne in the center of the hall, and on both sides of the throne there are people waiting for their queen. And then the courtiers open the doors, and you enter - beautiful, with straight posture, head held high and a friendly smile. They put a robe over your shoulders and lead you to the throne.

You sit on the throne, everyone smiles at you, and you feel independent and free. A man comes up to you and puts a beautiful crown on your head. Feel its heaviness, feel how your posture has become beautiful and even, how you hold your head evenly, slightly elevated.

Then you are given the scepter and orb. Do you feel empowered and empowered? How does everyone start to worship you? Feel it well.

Now slowly open your eyes, but do not lose this state of power.

And remember, you don’t always need to be a queen with a man, then you definitely need to become a girl, and only then a mistress. But that's a completely different story.

"Flower" technique

If you want to attract a man sexually or arouse deeper feelings in him, then it is recommended to use the “Flower” technique.

Before a date, imagine that a beautiful, delicate flower exuding a pleasant aroma is blooming in your uterus or chest (depending on how you want to attract a man). Feel its warmth. And when you meet a man, imagine that a ray of energy emanates from this flower and is sent directly to his heart or sexual chakra.

First of all, dear women, you should remember simple thing- on the question of how to seduce a man so that he spends time and money on you, you need to listen not to women, but to men. Because only the victim herself can reliably tell what she personally enjoys and what she is willing to pay for. Of course, there are exceptions, but how do you determine which of the hundreds of women's trainings conducted by women will actually produce results?

In this article I will tell you a couple of real secrets about using feminine energy in the difficult task of conquering a man. The man has become petty today - he needs to be conquered. Although, in fact, women's charms today and a thousand years ago were, are and will be the main weapon for winning male attention. After all, if for a woman the main male virtue is... intelligence, then for a man the main female virtue is her sincere admiration.

In previous articles, I wrote that a person gives energy mainly through attention. And as you know (or maybe not...), the release of energy is often accompanied by pleasure. Just remember for yourself - you talked with interesting person, he told you something smart, and you listened and looked into his mouth. The conversation is over, some time has passed, and you feel like a squeezed lemon. And he was a good man, and he spoke to the point, and it was interesting, but he had no strength. All because you gave energy through attention. Moreover, it is not so important due to what attention or emotion the energy is lost - rage, anger, joy, admiration - all this eats up a person’s energy. That’s why, by the way, all ascetics are so unemotional, let’s say, dry—they save their energy.

Therefore, if you set out to conquer a man, you must remember the main thing - a man wants to give his energy and get pleasure from it. The limit of physical pleasure is orgasm. Well, the ultimate spiritual pleasure is admiration. Naturally, yours in relation to him. Why do you think a man gets “stuck” so easily when unknown girl on the street he says something like - "Oh, thanks for helping! You're so strong!". Although outwardly he can be anything - skinny, fat, clumsy. And he did a seemingly nonsense thing - well, just think, he carried the box from the car to the entrance. And he feels indescribably pleased. Through this feeling he gives a lot of energy and gets pleasure.

Now I’ll tell you in more detail how to use weapons - powerful and extremely effective. First, a little theory - the world is dualistic. It is not for nothing that there is a Yin-Yang symbol, showing us the duality of the world. The world is both material and immaterial, dense and transparent, understandable and at the same time unknown. And what is important is that there is transparency in density, and there is spirituality in matter. Therefore, admiration also has reverse side- contempt.

With these borderline states, when used skillfully, a woman can work wonders. Feminine energy directed towards the right direction can subjugate any man and get whatever he wants from him; attention, love, money, passion. Naturally, borderline states have shades, and you need to be able to use them in life. Here women are great craftsmen - it’s in their blood, as they say.

It is very important not to let a man be in one state. Carrot and stick - that's exactly what it's about. A man invites you to an expensive restaurant, gives you a chic bouquet, treats you to exquisite wine - well done, deserves admiration. What might this look like? Yes, just like that - you really like it, so you just turn on a little feminine magic and, looking with admiring eyes, say - "Such a magical place... you have great taste!". You probably noticed that you are praising him, and not saying that you have never eaten such a delicious beef tenderloin. The man is the main one in this show! He has excellent taste, he knows about restaurants, food, wine, flowers and generally everything in the world.

And at the same time, sometimes praise and admiration should be alternated with slight contempt or annoyance - to keep you on your toes. Therefore, if you take a good person to a restaurant, great job. But if after the first date he invites you to go to him, that’s a reason to pull back. But not rudely, but in such a way that he understands the absurdity of his proposal and retains hope; Yes, I was stupid, but next time I’ll do it! She had never seen anything like this!

I think it will be no secret to you that the first thing a man thinks about is sex, especially on a date. He also enjoys receiving admiration from a woman, he just doesn’t think about it. But he thinks about sex. And, of course, he expects to receive this reward someday. They will not give specific advice; you must decide for yourself and according to the circumstances. I’ll just say that if after the fifth or sixth date nothing happens, and all attempts by a man are refused, the chance of a happy ending is reduced by geometric progression. Anticipating the sighs of those who seek the spiritual unity of two halves - this is simply not your model of behavior. There are other men for you, with their own troubles (who, by the way, are not prevented by their “spirituality” from pestering young students and getting acquainted drunkenly on the subway).

So, to skillfully treat a man you need to know two simple things; first, a man wants admiration. And secondly, admiration and contempt must be alternated so that each time he tries to win the princess. What to do at the next stage of the relationship, when you are already dating and there is a prospect of life together, I will tell you in the following articles.

I wish that everything works out for you, and that men lie at your feet. To tell the truth, many people already want this, they’re just afraid to say it...

From childhood we are taught many things: how to eat, how to sit, how to walk, how to take care of our body. But for some reason, no one thinks of teaching a girl the basic techniques of seducing men, or, more accurately, attracting them. But this is no less important for achieving happiness and prosperity in life.

How many unpleasant moments a woman experiences just because she doesn’t know how to attract (interest) the man she likes. We have to be content with those who choose us. But it also happens that this does not happen at all, and then disappointments in life cannot be avoided!

We decided to try to fix this annoying misunderstanding and bring to your attention a topic that we hope will help you achieve what you want.

A little information

We have already talked about the existence of female power (energy) in articles on our website in the Psychology section. There are also levels feminine power. There are only seven of them. Now we will list them: physical power, sexual power, money power, emotional power, space-time power, and the last power is spiritual.

How to accumulate attracting energy

At the first level, a woman has physical power - the ability to attract. She receives it at birth. And to a greater extent it depends on external data. Although there is an opportunity to improve the situation here too. There is a certain energy practice aimed at accumulating energy to attract men. Here it is:

Energy technology attracting men

Stand up straight and, inhaling, join your hands at chest level, as if to pray. As you exhale, raise your arms up to your sides and clasp your palms together. Enter the energy flow.

Then we inhale again and at the same time lower our joined hands to chest level, hold our breath and lower them to a level below the navel by four fingers. We focus the energy here, while moving our palms apart, leaving our fingers together, and we get a kind of triangle.

Exhaling, we open the funnel, raise our arms up, slightly bending them at the elbows. Then we begin to rotate around our axis clockwise. The minimum number of turns is 3, the maximum is 108 times. It all depends on what level of man you want to attract.

There are six levels for men. For the first one, three turns are enough. For the second - seven turns, for the third - seventeen, for the fourth - thirty-four, for the fifth - seventy-two. And for the most high level- one hundred and eight turns.

It takes twenty-eight days for your cells to move from one level to another. Remember this.

After the practice, do not forget to close the space (funnel) and be sure to thank him.

Let us immediately note that the first level is not decisive. The determining factor in the art of attracting men is the second level – sexual power.

How to light a fire

As you know, sexual energy has the greatest attractive force. A man feels it in his inviting gaze, alluring smile, timbre of voice and sensual touch. But in order to light a fire of desire in a man, you must first of all burn yourself.

Will help to activate sexual energy intimate muscles. It only takes ten to fifteen vigorous squeezes to feel the fire of a fire inside you.

The magic of a look

This fire will immediately fill your eyes with a unique sparkle, your pupils will involuntarily dilate, giving your gaze a mysterious look. And if you mentally say the following phrase: “Love is amazing, I am amazing, you are amazing,” the man will simply be amazed by your gaze.

Such a withering gaze should last no more than seven seconds. This is enough to ignite a spark. Then you should, as if reluctantly, lower your eyes.

The magic of a smile

Having cast the next glance towards the man and noticing that he is looking at you, make a second gesture towards him. Send an inviting smile.

In such a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the corners of the lips are slightly raised, and the eyes glow with passion.

If a man doesn’t answer, don’t be upset. Most likely, he has his own reasons for this.

But if he turns on, he will definitely try to get closer to you under any pretext.

The magic of voice

Your next step will be any spoken phrase. The main thing is for the man to hear her. If you don't know what to say, find a reason to ask him for help. It is noticed that normal men gladly respond to calls for help.

In general, act according to the situation. If it is appropriate, you can speak with admiration about his perfume or some detail of clothing. This is no longer important. It is important that your voice comes from within at low vibrations, sensually and bewitchingly.

The magic of touch

The final step in the seduction process is, of course, your touch. It is this that is the final conductor that ignites the spark of passion. But before that, you must fill your palms with fire sent from the center of your feminine power.

You can always find an innocent reason to touch a man - as if accidentally running your hand along his back while passing by, or touching him while asking about something. A slight sigh will help to strengthen the force of the touch.

We hope that these methods of seducing men will help you achieve what you want and teach you how to attract those representatives into your life. strong half of humanity, whom you choose.

This practice is extremely powerful as you will be making your request to the Creator of all things for 10 days. Before the ritual, you need to write and clearly imagine, tuning into your heart, what kind of partner you would like to attract into your life. Describe your future man the way you want him to be: what qualities he has, how he will treat you - everything that you really want to embody in your life. Attention! After this ritual, men will be attracted to you, but only one of them will be your soul mate. Be careful and don't compromise. Continue until you find someone who truly matches your heart and all that you have manifested in this ritual.

So let's start the practice. Take your list with the qualities of your partner in your hands; you will need it during the ritual. Sit on a chair: hands on your knees, feet firmly planted on the ground. Close your eyes, relax. Center yourself, gather your attention inward. Take a deep breath and exhale into your legs. Feel how you connect with the energy of the earth. Feel the energy of the earth begin to fill your entire body and gather above your head in a bright, shining ball of energy. There is so much energy from the earth that as it moves through your body, it gathers into a bright shining ball above your head. This is the ball of your consciousness. See the color of this ball, in it we will rise to the seventh plane. Release the ball of your consciousness upward, see how it easily and freely flies upward beyond the boundaries of the Universe, past bright lights, past dim light, past bright light, past the rainbow glow of the laws of karma. There you see the pink light of the Creator's compassion, there you see the window through which the ball of your consciousness enters the bright white shining light of the Creator. Feel how the ball of your consciousness dissolves in the bright white shining light of the Creator. Your soul is on the seventh plane.

From here the Creator hears you and is ready to help you in your desire. Let's turn to the Creator with a request. Say out loud or mentally: “Creator of all things, may it be your will to bring into my life a man for family, sexual and romantic relationships with these qualities.” Now mentally or out loud say all the qualities of your chosen one written on your sheet.

Fine. Now say: “Thank you, it’s done, done, done. Show me!". Now see the step of your desire in which you will create your future. See how your hand penetrates the ball of energy and you first create yourself for your chosen one. Your light body and all energy centers are now being activated to call upon your beautiful partner. See yourself in this ball, feel how the divine light comes from above onto your body and opens all energy centers from top to bottom. The Sahasrara chakra, which is located at the top of the head, opens to accept the divine will and light of the Creator. You see violet golden light pouring into the top of your head, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive divine light for myself and my chosen one. I am ready to give and receive divine light for myself and my chosen one.”

See how the stream of light descends further, and the third eye area lights up with blue light, the Ajna chakra is activated, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive spiritual support from my man, understanding each other. I discover a clear vision in myself to give and receive spiritual support and help from my chosen one in a timely manner. I attract my chosen one, a person spiritually close to me.”

The stream of light descends further onto your body. And the throat area, the Vishuddha chakra area, lights up with a bright soft blue light, and you say: “I am ready to give inspiration to my man and accept his support in my creativity and feminine flowering.”

The stream of light descends lower, and your heart lights up with a warm greenish glow. You radiate energy from the area of ​​your heart and you say: “I am ready to give and receive the love of my chosen one, to spread and receive harmony and the light of love.” And you see how the divine radiance from above goes to the solar plexus area, the Manipura chakra region, and it is filled with a golden radiance, and you say: “I am ready to support it in abundance and accept its abundance, and be the guardian of this abundance.”

And then the light of the Creator fills the area of ​​the lower abdomen, and the radiance of orange warm light radiates from you, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive love through sexual relationships, and to be pure in relationships, and by mutual desire to be a continuator of the family.”

And then you see how the light of the Creator descends and fills the image of your tailbone with red light. Muladhara chakra lights up bright shine, and you say: “I am ready to support my man so that he stands firmly on the path that he has chosen. I am ready to feel respect and accept his entire family. “I am ready to accept stability and all the earthly blessings that he gives to me and our family.”

And now see how all your chakras have lit up, and especially feel your heart now, and we will begin to call your chosen one. Feel how butterflies begin to flutter in the lower abdomen, and you feel strong desire attract your man. Feel how your heart sings the melody of love, calling your chosen one from space. And now you will hear a magical song. Sing it with me or listen to it, calling your chosen one for your happy relationship.

You see your chosen one with the same glowing chakras as yours. This is your soul mate, and you meet each other halfway, and see how you energetically connect with him.

And when you see this, say three times: “So be it.” So be it. So be it!” Release the ball of your desire upward, where you and it are. Release the ball of your desire into the hands of the Creator for its full realization in the best and highest way, for you.

Again see the ball of your consciousness high above your head. See how he is bathed in the bright white shining light of the Creator. Take a deep breath and through the top of your head, exhale, draw the ball of your consciousness into yourself: inhale - exhale. Feel how this wonderful ball of your consciousness, filled with divine light, dissolves in your heart.

Take a deep breath and exhale into your legs again. We ground ourselves, we take roots, we return to our beautiful body. Take a deep breath, exhale, open your eyes, smile. You have performed an amazing ritual to attract your chosen one. Perform this ritual for 10 days in a row without missing a single day. If on any day you forget to do the practice, start the ten-day cycle again.

Note: In the evening you perform the ritual, and in the morning do not forget, when you wake up, open your eyes, remember that you are attracting your chosen one, and mentally imagine that you already have him, and what you do right in the morning, when your man is already with you. This is also an important part of the ritual. In the evening you manifest your partner, in the morning you imagine your action when you have him. I wish you good luck and happiness. May your beautiful intention to be come true in your life happy woman in relationships and love. Don't compromise, choose your soulmate, and your life will be filled with happiness, mutual understanding, abundance and love.

So be it!