Looks like England. Typical Englishmen: character, appearance, lifestyle

England is a stunningly beautiful country, with a rich history and special traditions, many of which have become household names throughout the world. Every place, a beautiful village, valley, park, castle or city is full of purely English charm and flavor. It can take a lifetime to discover all the beautiful, interesting or significant places in England.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey in London is one of the symbols of England. The monastery was founded by Archbishop Dunstan in 960. From the very first days of its existence, the Abbey came under the special protection of the monarchs of England.

Most of the buildings are from the 13th century, but throughout its history the abbey was rebuilt and completed many times. In the second half of the 20th century. A complete restoration was carried out, new monuments and stained glass windows were installed in the Church of the Virgin.

One of the most beautiful places in the abbey is the Church of Our Lady or the Church of Henry VI, which in England is considered one of the man-made wonders of the world. This is where the coronation ceremony takes place.

One of the chapels of the church has been converted into a royal tomb, in which many English monarchs are buried. Another place of interest to descendants is the “poets’ corner”, where many famous poets and writers are buried.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is one of the symbols of London and England. The decision to build a bridge across the Thames, which would complement the architecture of the Tower, was adopted by the English Parliament in 1872. The design of the bridge in the Gothic style was developed by the architect Horace Jones, who created a unique creation - it combined the traditional masonry of a stone bridge with an adjustable mechanism.

The bridge is decorated with two towers connected by pedestrian crossings, which are raised 34 m above the roadway and 42 m above the water. From the height of the passage, viewers are treated to the most beautiful views of London.

Buckingham Palace

Another remarkable place in England is Buckingham Palace, the permanent residence of the royal family. This mansion was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham; it was purchased by King George III.

For several centuries now, this has been the largest palace in England and the world (it has about 600 rooms); on its territory of 17 hectares there are beautiful gardens and parks, a lake with a family of flamingos, its own post office, police department, and cinema. The royal family occupies the northern wing of the palace, the rest of it has been turned into a museum.


Stonehenge is the most mysterious place not only in England, but throughout the world. For many years now, scientists have been struggling with the mystery of its construction and purpose. The name of this stone monument literally translates as “Hanging Stone”.

Stonehenge consisted of 30 huge stone blocks weighing 25 tons each, placed vertically in a circle and covered with other stones like lintels. There were 5 more pairs of boulders with stone crossbars in the circle. Currently, the stone complex is missing several blocks.

The construction of Stonehenge began about 40 centuries ago and took more than one century. The stones of the outer circle were cut in quarries and transported by portage or by river, while the blue stones of the inner circle, to which the monument owes its magical powers, were brought from the Prezelian Mountains, located 200 km away.

According to different versions, the creators of the stone miracle were the ancient Druids, the wizard Merlin, or aliens who left many more mysterious stone geometric structures on the territory of the British Isles. Another version says that Stonehenge is an observatory of ancient people.

Lost Gardens of Heligan

The British love for traditions and their history allowed them to preserve and revive a unique and beautiful place called “The Lost Gardens of Heligan” in Cornwall.

This unique garden was laid out in the park area of ​​the Tremaine family estate at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. for growing tropical fruits and flowers. According to the landscape fashion trends of that time, the garden was divided into several areas with a characteristic design: a garden for growing vegetables, a park for walking, a tropical jungle for growing exotic fruits (pineapples were even grown here).

During the First World War, the garden and estate, like many others in England, fell into disrepair. This almost lost place was discovered 50 years later by Tim Smith, a park art enthusiast who, together with like-minded people, restored Heligan Gardens. When cultivating and cultivating a garden, currently only technologies and devices that were in use 100 years ago are used, which clearly reflects a truly English approach to preserving traditions.

A distinctive feature of Heligan Gardens is 2 amazing and beautiful sculptures (“Head of a Giant” and “Sleeping Girl”), which are unique compositions made of stone and living plants.

Castles of Scotland

The whole history of Scotland is a constant struggle of indomitable spirit and proud highlanders. Their characters and architecture reflect the rugged beauty of these places. Endless mountain slopes covered with heather, icy mountain lakes, magically beautiful stone landscapes on the coast perfectly frame the ancestral castles of the Scots, of which, according to experts, there are at least 3000! Most of the family castles of leaders and aristocracy are residential, these are harsh impregnable fortresses, although there are softer and more beautiful places.

The most famous place in Scotland and the symbol of its castle architecture is Edinburgh Castle on Castle Rock in the center of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The beginning of its construction dates back to approximately the 11th century; at different periods it was destroyed, completed, rebuilt and restored.

The impregnable fortress of Edinburgh is protected on three sides by steep cliffs, and the fourth side is an esplanade where military parades are currently held.

Other historical places are no less impressive - Scone Palace, where the kings of Scotland were crowned in ancient times, Holyrood Palace, which was once owned by Mary Stuart, is currently the official royal residence of the British ruling family. Eilinn Donan Castle is considered one of the most beautiful places in Scotland, and Urquhart Castle is the most mysterious, as it stands on the shores of Loch Ness.

You can safely move on to discussing the fair half, or rather, English women.

There is an opinion that girls in England not particularly beautiful. This is a stereotype, as they say, to each his own, some like Russian looks, others like English ones. And there are many beauties among them. – the article is just to make sure of this. But they clearly share beauty among themselves, believing that the higher your social class, the more beautiful you are, accordingly. But the lower strata of society are not very complex about this.

They don't particularly like makeup, preferring a natural appearance.

Like any representatives of the fair sex, Englishwomen love sales and look forward to them. English rationalism also plays a role here - why buy expensive branded items if they are much cheaper on sale? Compared to many other countries, girls do not go to beauty salons very often. Firstly, they are brought up this way, and secondly, English salons are an order of magnitude more expensive, for example, American ones.

Without focusing on their waistline, English women will not refuse a pastry or cake; they can often be found in fast food cafes.

When it comes to clothing, Englishwomen primarily prefer comfort and convenience. They rarely wear heels and a dress, only if they go to a festive evening, an elite party or to a restaurant. The rest of the time they can be seen in comfortable jeans or trousers, sweaters or shirts without a deep neckline, and flat shoes. A sort of combination of classics and comfort. You can read about women's ones separately.

By nature, English girls are quite confident in themselves, they are ambitious, and in some ways even self-sufficient. They are always ready to pay their bill on a date. When in society, they constantly smile welcomingly, because this is what they are taught from childhood. They are quite practical and thoughtful, especially in terms of everything related to the household. In general, English women make quite good housewives; they love to spend time at home and take care of their garden.

English women will never violently express their emotions, there will be no scandals with breaking dishes and leaving home - again, features. This is even good, because it’s easier to save relationships without arguing about every issue.

By the way, one bad trend is now being noticed - English women have begun to drink a little more alcohol than before. Perhaps in this way they are trying to establish themselves as feminists, it is increasingly possible to see girls in British pubs drinking on an equal basis with men.

Marry women in England usually they are in no hurry, they search for a long time and meticulously for the same one, by analogy with our prince on a white horse. On average, they start a family only at the age of about thirty. This is a little late for having children, but the expensive living conditions in England are such that before giving birth, you must first be completely confident in your chosen one.

English women - not particularly emotional, but sincerely loving, wearing jeans, but going out in full dress - they are contradictory and mysterious, it’s difficult to understand them, but it’s worth it.

I knew that foreigners, including the British, admire the beauty of Ukrainian (Slavic) women. But I thought this was more of an attempt to “play up” than a real statement of fact. Living within our own country, we don’t think that somewhere out there, thousands of kilometers away, things might be completely different. In addition, I always thought - well, it doesn’t happen that somewhere there are only scarecrows, and somewhere there are solid princesses, look around - both in Ukraine and in Russia, both men and women are very different. Again, beauty is a subjective concept; all markers have different tastes and colors. I thought so until I moved to England.

At first it seemed that maybe I was just unlucky, and I didn’t meet beautiful people along the way. But the further I went, the more I began to understand that they simply weren’t here. I’m used to the fact that in Kyiv sometimes you can stare at a beautiful girl and accidentally miss your stop. And not because I love women more than men, it’s just that real beauty is mesmerizing, it gives inspiration and strength, like nature. But here, in England, architecture and park art are all that can be nourished, because for some reason people here don’t work out with faces and style.

I'm a princess

For us, who grew up with the attitude that a woman should be beautiful first of all (and only then smart, successful, economical, etc. - whoever was raised), it is very strange to observe the absence of a cult of beauty. The British deliberately reject glossy stereotypical beauty, they almost despise it. This is a very comfortable position for a nation suffering from obesity. Where the Ukrainian woman hides her couple of extra kilos and mentally curses herself for the dessert she ate yesterday, the English woman, without a shadow of a complex, puts shorts on her hundred-kilogram butt and calmly chews fish and chips.

The main trends that I see every day in Brighton:

– lack of makeup, shabby appearance, unkempt appearance;

– too bright, untidy makeup, leggings, fat on display;

- early aging, at 16 - girls look 25, at 27 - 35, and at 40 - 50 with a tail, the skin ages very early (dry, with many wrinkles).

And I’m trying to understand where the legs are coming from here.

Remember school. We have always treated overweight children cruelly. On average, there were a couple of girls per class initially with a tendency to be overweight.

The only bargaining chip in adolescence is the face and who will grow breasts first. We didn't like our appearance until others noticed it. We didn’t know if we had a beautiful body until some boy said that it was, yes, shiny. “Take care of your daughter’s waist,” my mother told me from the age of nine. No, it’s not like find a rich husband and bat your eyelashes, but we all still understood that attractiveness is what helps to win people over.

In addition, we constantly compare ourselves with others; one way or another, there is constant competition between women in our country. We buy mountains of magazines, create our own style, and God knows how much money we spend on beauty treatments. And we like it, this is our life - it’s good to be beautiful, that’s our concept, that’s all.

Now it is difficult to find out why everything is the way it is, either the Second World War and the absence of men did their job, or we have not yet moved so far from the times when a woman was just an ornament in a man’s house.

Probably both, Europe nevertheless began the path to emancipation earlier and this is how far it has become emancipated.

Imagine that in your class everything is the other way around, only two girls are of a normal weight category, and everyone else, well, let’s say, is a little larger. Among the types there is not a single pretty one. Long face, sharp features. In another version, the features are small, inexpressive, blurred. For the most part, English women are large, plump, and fat. A double chin at 12 is common. Will these girls feel like outcasts? No, because the majority is the norm. Most likely, those two skinny girls will feel ugly, who knows, maybe they will even start eating more to gain weight! It probably wasn’t always like this, but now in England – beautiful faces, neat style, normal weight – you can search and search, and eventually find some Spanish woman, Indian woman or, again, Ukrainian woman.

The main thing is the soul

What's wrong with that if you can be happy, having any appearance, and not be afraid of remaining a lonely old maid? The British still need to marry someone, but apparently from childhood they have been set to look not for beauty, but for character. Know that if a man is with you, then he appreciates the entire depth of your depths, and not your butt and legs. This is a dream! This is what each of us would probably want. To love yourself as you are, with a big nose, thin hair, imperfect toes, too big or too small breasts. It seems wonderful to be free from stereotypes, but this is also an extreme.

Between being obsessed with your appearance and ignoring it, there is a golden mean, that state when you see an objective picture: yes, my nose is a little big, but I love it, and I’ve gained a little over the summer, but I’ll go to the gym and lose it - a balance between accepting that what you cannot change and work on what you can fix.

It is much easier for us, Ukrainians, to find ourselves in this harmonious, and at the same time allowing us to improve ourselves, feeling - we are more honest with ourselves and those around us.

For example, if my friend gains weight or stops taking care of herself, I will carefully tell her about it and stimulate her. The British will never make such a remark, they will not even show it, because for them it is extremely impolite.

Rather, they will assure a doubting friend that she is a goddess and looks beautiful. Who knows, maybe it was this manner of politeness and not noticing the elephant in the room that brought them into the world of equally ugly women.

But this is not all for us to laugh at them! FOR

The sad difference is that English women look happy, wrapped in shapeless rags, with clumps of mascara on their eyelashes and cellulite covered in pseudo-leather leggings. Equally unattractive, bald and often fat, men hug them tenderly, and three or four children run around. And our girls, unfortunately, look sad or angry in their super looks, with “penelopycruz” faces, legs from the ears and carefully and expensively dyed roots.

English women wear little makeup and prefer comfort to style when it comes to clothing. It is a common occurrence in the morning to see women rushing to work in the City, dressed in a business suit, but with sneakers and a backpack on their back. Heels are usually worn only to a club or restaurant, sometimes as replacement shoes in the office, but rarely... a woman in high heels is already considered sexy. On my feet, in addition to sneakers, are the ubiquitous ballet flats - all year round. In winter you can see women wrapped in a scarf, a warm coat and ballet shoes... on bare feet. Also ugg boots, or their cheap analogues, which are also worn all year round.

In general, the clothing style is unisex: jeans, sneakers, sports jackets, dark coats.

There is another wardrobe item that is desperately loved in Britain: leggings and skinny jeans. If in the 80s leggings were worn with a long T-shirt or miniskirt, now they are worn as pants. Few people have complexes about their appearance.


Among aristocrats, the appearance is quite typical with an elongated face, an unpronounced chin, long teeth, thin lips and a long nose.
English women from the middle class and upper middle are quite pretty and pleasant in appearance.

During the Edwardian era, the most photographed actress, Lily Asley, embodied this type.

Actresses whose appearance is typically English and pretty.

Now the examples are not exactly “good style”.

- Towie These are girls from Essex County, essex girls. This is a version of "hard English glamor". Imperial splendor dazzles with rhinestone shine and amazes with silicone scope. Fake tan, silicone, whitened teeth, Botox equanimity, extended nails/hair/eyelashes, bright dress are required. The acronym towie comes from the name of the staged "reality" show The Only Way Is Essex, which is very popular in Britain.

A typical example of towie girls on a Friday night in any British city (even in sub-zero winter temperatures). Despite the fact that girls try to look as rich as possible, they are quite unpretentious in relation to men.

Episode from the show:

- Scouse girls. Scouser is a rather contemptuous name for a resident of Liverpool. Every year horse races take place in Liverpool, where local fashionistas and real ladies flaunt themselves.
The pictures speak for themselves:

- Northern lasses.

- Chav girls- not the working class, who have been on benefits for generations. The women's clothing style is sporty, they have a cigarette in their teeth, and they often push a stroller with a baby, who has lost count. Pregnancy is always in trend, because the state allocates living space for children. But despite the lack of work, they buy branded items.

Now a few examples of what is considered stylish and fashionable here.

About family.

Three quarters of English women consider understanding, tact and foresight to be the most important things in the family. The author of the book "English Character" Geoffrey Gorer cites the following survey data: 33% of English wives most value understanding in their husbands, 28% - caring, 24% - humor, 23% - honesty, 21% - fidelity, 19% - generosity, 17 % - tolerance and only 14% - love. Treason is not a reason for ridicule, but an outrageous fact of encroachment on someone else's property. The unique tolerance of the British is, first of all, non-interference in the lives of others, as inviolable as the boundaries of private property.

Meanwhile, no one ever prepared a dowry for the “little English princesses.” The English mother puts character at the forefront. The English family does not put pressure, no one reminds the girls that their friends have been married for a long time. Growing up, “princesses” do not count on the support of relatives, but they also do not feel excessive responsibility towards them. “If a lone tree survives, it grows strong,” Churchill liked to say.

Foggy Albion, Saxony, Great Britain, England - how different and unusual it is. Anyone who visits this great country cannot leave without a photo of England!

There are so many amazing places here that you can admire continuously. The famous educational cities of Cambridge and Oxford attract with their respectable ancient universities, where great minds have received knowledge for many centuries. Photo of the English mysterious place Stonehenge “must have” on the tourist list of attractions. The monument consists of huge stones arranged in a circle and this is one of the most famous places in the world! Your “piggy bank” of photos of England will not be complete without the spa city of Bath. Here are the only natural thermal springs in the UK. For centuries, the British came here to relax and receive treatment.

You can take a photo of England at any time of the year, but most tourists and guests of this country prefer the warm season, so that they can walk longer, see the sights, and take bright and sunny photos of England.