Strong psychics of the world. Battle of Russian psychics: who is the strongest? Helen Duncan, who knew how to communicate with the other world of the dead

The scientific and the unknown still coexist next to each other, and sometimes it is very difficult to draw the line between scientific accuracy and what is difficult to prove, but also quite real. Therefore, most of those whom we call magicians were seriously engaged in science, but many are still considered great mystifiers.

1. Cassandra

"Cassandra." Frederick Sandys

Trojan seer who predicted most of the events of the Trojan War, including the infamous treacherous horse with a squad of warriors inside the statue. According to myths, Cassandra predicted the tragic role of Paris and Helen the Beautiful in this war, her death and the death of her beloved Mycenaean king Agamemnon. However, the drama was precisely that no one believed the girl - such was the revenge of Apollo, from whom Cassandra received her gift. To some extent, everyone who has superpowers has to deal with mistrust.

2. Nostradamus

Researchers are still trying to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus, but each new generation finds in his quatrains all new events taking place in world history. This is what makes his quatrains amazing. According to possible calculations, his predictions are designed for events up to the middle of the third millennium, that is, approximately another 150 years from this point in time. Despite the fact that the poems are presented very figurative language, many of the events and personalities in them seem very recognizable. You can recognize Hitler, Napoleon, atomic explosions in Japan and even the September 11 terrorist attack in New York.

3. Cagliostro

Cagliostro is more of a deceiver than a magician, but the way he managed to mislead a huge number of intelligent people of his time is certainly worth attention. He was persecuted by the police for most of his activism, but at the same time he convinced monarchs and the rich of his exceptional abilities. Some of his tricks were quite successful for him - he increased the amount of gold, simulated resurrection from the dead, read minds. And he miraculously aroused people’s sympathy and attraction to his personality.

4. Mesmer

Mesmer was a doctor and, to put it modern language, used unconventional methods of treatment, trying to harness some kind of energetic force. According to his theory, it had different properties - from clairvoyance to translucency of bodies and objects. He had his own explanation for how it worked, but it was very far from science. However, he was essentially the first to try to study hypnosis and is still of serious interest to doctors.

5. Edgar Cayce

The American medium spoke in a trance state, making diagnoses and prescribing treatment, talking about the past and the future. Most of these reports were confirmed in reality, but the Cayce phenomenon was never studied. At the same time, predictions were also unsuccessful, so it is impossible to say that the Cayce effect was not the result of popular rumor and random hits.

6. Messing

A recognized Soviet psychic who successfully acted during periods of active atheism and materialism, which in itself small miracle. Wolf Messing was considered an artist and they tried not to delve into the nature of his abilities. However, he could read and suggest thoughts, and, according to him, participated in solving crimes and advising leaders Soviet state for making decisions about the fate of the country. Much of this is criticized and not confirmed.

7. Vanga

The Bulgarian blind woman could only predict, but she did it better than all known contemporaries in the foreseeable past. In addition, she could retell her visions more or less clearly, which made it easier to understand and decipher the events. Vanga was open to the majority ordinary people and is ready to help almost anyone who had enough desire to get to her. There is no need to list them, but today they are some of the closest to reality.

8. Castaneda

Writer and esotericist explored human nature through the shamanic teachings of the Mexican Indians. The life, work and even death of this mystic are still shrouded in mystery. Whether his experiments were reality or the author’s fiction is still under debate. However, he has many followers who are trying to implement all his ideas into real life. The teachings are based on the ability to control a person’s energy body, change one’s own perception of reality, influence one’s destiny, and take a person’s abilities far beyond currently possible boundaries.

9. Sai Baba

A Hindu miracle worker, considered by his fans to be the incarnation of God. He actually created quite a complex religious doctrine with theory and practice, rules and laws. For the general public, Sai Baba conducted demonstrations of all possible types of miracles - mind reading, healing, prophecies and even the materialization of objects. Critics consider him a fraud, fans consider him an absolute magician. However, who he really is still remains a mystery.

10. Juna

During the heyday of interest in esotericism and paranormal phenomena. She was involved in healing, astrology, social activities and even politics. Juna's biofield was measured using instruments, identifying a certain radiation emanating from her hands. Juna's personality is also surrounded by many myths and blind spots. Juna treated with the help of this gift, but how effective her treatment was - opinions were divided. But in esoteric circles they speak of her as a highly spiritual person who tried to bring goodness and the ideals of her high destiny to people in this world.

3.03.2019 at 17:30 · VeraSchegoleva · 48 540

10 most powerful clairvoyants in Russia from the “Battle of Psychics”

The show “Battle of Psychics” started on Russian television in 2007, immediately attracting millions of viewers in front of the screen. At the end of 2018, the program has 19 released seasons and the same number of strong finalists who have proven their psychic abilities viewers and skeptics.

We will talk about the brightest winners of the “Battle of Psychics”, find out interesting details their biographies and find out what kind of future awaited the finalists after the end of filming the program.

10. Vitaly Gibert

Vitaly Gibert became the winner of the 11th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” winning the hearts of all television viewers. Vitaly practices healing, and during the program he has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to hypnotize.

Gibert won by a large margin over his rivals: 90% of all viewers of the program voted for the esotericist.

Charm and incredible charisma seemed to have an effect on everyone except Vitaly’s rivals, who did not like their strong competitor.

9. Lilia Khegai

Lilia participated in season 5 of “Battle”, but, unfortunately, she did not reach the top three finalists. Rivals on the show believed that Khegai was blocking information for them and preventing them from passing tests fairly; Liliya herself denied this slander.

The woman’s abilities manifested themselves back in childhood, and when the girl experienced clinical death, she learned to use the gift to its full potential. Now Khegai can remove the evil eye, damage and clearly see the past and possible future of other people.

On the project, the girl really helped the son of the famous hockey player Valery Kharlamov, Alexander. Alexander was amazed by the information he heard about last hours father's life. And to this day, Kharlamov’s son maintains good communication with the clairvoyant.

8. Victoria Rydos

The winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” and a strong witch. She, too, like Liliya Khegai, was suspected by her rivals of blocking information, citing their failures as the result of Raidos’ dishonest fight.

Almost nothing is known to the general public about Victoria’s biography; the psychic keeps information about her family and close friends under lock and key.

The woman conducts courses where you can meet her in person and learn fortune telling using Tarot cards. Victoria herself was taught to tell fortunes on cards by her grandmother, passing on to her granddaughter all the magical knowledge that she herself possessed.

However, Raidos did not stop at the knowledge she gained: the girl has several official diplomas that indicate completion of esoteric schools.

7. Alexander Litvin

During the filming of season 6 of “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander’s wife died. After the funeral, Litvin could not stay in hometown and even more so in the apartment, he said that he was afraid of going crazy from melancholy. He took his sons and moved to Moscow, and then the final episode of the 6th season was broadcast on television, in which Alexander became the winner.

A line immediately lined up for consultations with Litvin, and years later this line has not thinned out at all. Alexander, thanks to his inner charm, makes a pleasant impression, which is why so many people reach out for a consultant.

Many Russian pop stars even consult Litvin about accepting difficult decisions and the things that worry them. Alexander himself says that he is able to find out everything about a person if he just shakes his hand.

6. Alexander Sheps

Alexander’s abilities manifested themselves in childhood, but he was finally convinced of the existence of the supernatural after a trip to the cemetery to his grandfather’s grave.

That day, Alexander heard a stern cry ordering the boy and grandmother to leave his grandfather’s grave. The voice frightened Alexander so much that he followed the demand, moving aside with his grandmother. A moment later, lightning struck the place near the grave where Sheps and her grandmother were standing. Since then, Alexander has no doubt about the presence of the other world.

Sheps became the winner of season 14 thanks to the souls of the dead, whose voices he still hears clearly and distinctly. And for better contact Alexander uses various magical attributes, such as tarot cards or a pendulum.

5. Roman Fad

Roman took part in the 4th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, coming to the project after his father, Alexey, who participated in the 3rd season. Both were finalists and finished second among the participants.

Roman calls himself a hereditary sorcerer, because abilities in their family are inherited from man to man. Alexey Fad “accepted” his abilities at the age of 5 from his great-grandfather, but Roman became a sorcerer at the age of 18, having received approval from his father.

On the project, Roman made an ambiguous impression: outwardly he was a very modest and quiet guy, but when he got involved in work, he began to emanate strong energy, which attracted and repelled at the same time.

After the show, Roman and his father conducted consultations and magical practices, and after the death of Alexey Fada, Roman continued this work on his own.

4. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

Mehdi is originally from the city of Tehran, and at the age of about 20 years old he went to Moscow to obtain a medical education. As a result, the psychic has three diplomas in medical specialties: therapist, dentist and psychologist.

The boy’s ability to predict appeared already at the age of 6, they manifested themselves in the form of disturbing prophetic dreams.

The boy often warned others about impending dangers, but, of course, no one listened to the child. Even when the boy’s sad predictions came true, he was only accused of casting a spell of misfortune on a person.

But, despite the rejection of the gift by those around him, Mehdi’s abilities developed. And in the end, the psychic became the winner of the “Battle” in the 3rd season. The victory brought the man popularity and recognition.

Mehdi focused on studying psychology, realizing that the purpose of his life was to help people with their psychological illnesses.

3. Marilyn Kerro

Marilyn participated in as many as three seasons of “Battle,” but she failed to achieve the long-awaited first place, for which the girl returned every time. Marilyn was a finalist in all three seasons with an honorable silver place, that is, second.

The girl is from Estonia, and inherited the gift from her great-grandmother. Marilyn always had abilities, but the girl stubbornly did not believe in them until she was visited by the spirit of her late great-grandmother, who was during her lifetime strong witch. After the “conversation” with the spirit, Kerro believed in her abilities and began to develop them.

Marilyn says she can feel the pain and emotions of other people, communicate with the dead and see the past.

2. Mohsen Norouzi

Mohsen became the winner of the 10th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” having repeatedly surprised viewers with his abilities. He saw the past accurately, could predict the future, and was especially good in tests related to searching for people.

Mohsen explains that during predictions, strange symbols are visualized in his head, which Norouzi pronounces to other people as words that they understand.

1. Natalia Vorotnikova

Natalya is the winner of season 1 of the “Battle of Psychics”. The woman positions herself as a psychic, healer and clairvoyant, and strong energy emanated from Natalia back in the days when she was a child. Even then, Natalya began to predict misfortunes for her acquaintances and family friends, for which the girl was nicknamed a witch.

With age, Natalya learned to control her powers and began to predict joyful events, concentrating less and less on the negative. The woman believes that the purpose of her life is to help people, so Natalya first became a qualified doctor, and then immersed herself in the study of healing practices.

What else to see:

The profession of a psychic has been in demand and popular at all times, since people have always been interested in their future. There are many mediums and predictors in the world, but there are only a few of the most powerful. Vanga is a world famous Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. Juna is a famous Russian fortune teller, according to various means mass media, treated prominent personalities and politicians in the USSR, however, there is no written confirmation or documentary evidence. Wolf Messing is a sensational psychic who has captivated an audience of millions with his superhuman abilities.

Famous psychics of Russia and the world

  1. Juna

Juna's real name is Evgenia Davitashvili. Country of birth: USSR. Received the gift of foresight when early age fell into the well and spent a lot of time there before she was pulled out.

The real popularity of the clairvoyant came in the 80s, when rumors about a young girl treating cancer tumors bare hands and without surgical interventions, she reached the Russian capital from Georgia. After a series of experiments and tests of her unique abilities, she was considered one of the strongest psychics in Russia.

Juna could predict future events, healed seriously ill people, moved objects with her hands and revived sperm that were already dead.

Evgenia did not consider herself a psychic, since she could not prevent the death of her own child, although she knew in advance about the date of his death.

  1. Vanga

Full name - Vangeliya Gushterova. Country of birth: Macedonia.

Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12 due to a natural disaster, which she miraculously managed to survive. After the girl went blind, she began to predict the future.

She predicted the American terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. Vanga prophesied to America that a lot would be shed because of the steel birds. human blood, that's what happened.

Vangelia predicted that in 2010 a world famine would begin due to the use of nuclear weapons all animals and plants will die, Europe will be empty, and the Muslim people will begin the Third world war. However, this prediction, fortunately, did not come true.

  1. Messing

A native of Poland, years of life - 1899 - 1974. He could read the thoughts of any person through his insight and amazing mental abilities. Wolf Messing became one of the most popular illusionists. He predicted the start and end date of the Great Patriotic War, predicted the death of Joseph Stalin on a Jewish holiday - the leader died on March 5 on the day of Purim (the liberation of the Jewish people living on the territory of the Persian Empire from extermination).

TV show winners

Natalya Vorotnikova, the first psychic of the Russian project, showed herself brilliantly in all the tests of the “Battle of Psychics”, received the gift of prediction after two clinical deaths at a young age.

Zulia Radjabova, one of the strongest Dagestan healers, began using her abilities as a small child. Zulia predicts the future, prevents bad events and heals seriously ill people.

Tursunoy Zakirova is a Tajik clairvoyant who received her gift due to a strong shock - the death of her mother. Tursunoy independently recovered from breast cancer thanks to constant prayers. Soon her legs became paralyzed, but she managed to stand on them again when she realized her calling and began healing other people.

Juna. She doesn't consider herself a psychic. However, in Russia this is what they call it. She the only person, whose supernatural abilities were investigated in a scientific institution. True, refusing to experiment on herself would cost Juna her life... When Evgenia Davitashvili (they began to call her Juna later) was little, she fell into a deep well. They got her out only after 25 minutes. The girl miraculously turned out to be alive and unharmed. After this incident, Zhenya realized that she was able to predict the future and heal people.

In the Soviet Union they learned about June in the mid-eighties. Information has reached Moscow from Tbilisi: a girl works in an ordinary hospital who cures cancer with her hands. A state commission from the capital came to study Zhenya Davitashvili. Before the eyes of scientists, the girl performed miracles. Then she was summoned to Moscow - that’s what the KGB officers wanted. The test site for the experiment was set up at the Serbsky Institute. Leaving Tbilisi, Juna was sure that she was going to her death. She said goodbye to her five-year-old son and left the keys to her apartment with friends. Upon arrival in Moscow, Juna met the wife of one of the party bosses. She promised that if something happened, the clairvoyant would be spared from suffering by giving a lethal injection. During the experiments, Juna managed to change the patient’s blood pressure. Guess what a certain person in America will do the next day. Revive dead sperm. At the Serbian Institute, Juna was not tortured to death. On the contrary, after research she began working in her own center, money and fame came.

And yet, Juna does not allow himself to be called a psychic. She believes that a psychic is someone who is able to protect their loved ones. She failed. A few years ago, Juna's son died in a car accident. She knew about the tragedy in advance, but could not do anything. Today Juna is working to return her only child. She revives sperm and develops immortality technologies. Only Juna no longer believes in extrasensory perception.

Wolf Messing. In 1975, Wolf Messing left his front door for the last time. He said to the concierge sitting at the door: “Goodbye, I won’t come back again.” The woman just nodded her head. She knew: Wolf Grigorievich is never mistaken. famous psychic country died in poverty and loneliness. Although in Soviet times he was one of the legal millionaires. He knew exactly when he would die. But knowing the future did not relieve him of fear. On the contrary, it turned life into a nightmare.

Wolf Messing discovered his unusual abilities when he was three years old. Then he boarded a train for the first time in his life. Suddenly the controller entered the carriage. Little Wolf didn't have a ticket. The boy was terribly scared and hid under a bench. The controller pulled him out and asked him to show his ticket. Wolf strained all his strength and, handing him an ordinary piece of paper, repeated to himself: “This is a ticket. This is the ticket. This is the ticket." Imagine his surprise when the ticket inspector punched a blank piece of paper, as if it really were a train ticket. And he also said: “Boy, why did you climb under the bench, sit here - this is your rightful place.”

Having matured, Wolf Messing insisted on a personal meeting with Stalin. The psychic persistently recommended that he put pressure on his son so that he would not fly by plane in the near future. And as it turned out, the flight from which Stalin’s son was taken off crashed. Died large number people. After this, Stalin brought Wolf Messing closer to him. There was a lot going on in the life of the clairvoyant. Messing accurately predicted back in 1943 when World War II would end. Hitler put a reward of 200 thousand marks on his head. Wolf toured all over Soviet Union. People believed him. He guessed how many brothers and sisters a person had. Without looking, he made a diagnosis. He predicted disasters and the birth of children. He coded a person with the power of thought - hardened alcoholics stopped drinking forever. But there wasn’t much money left after the tour; it had to be shared with the authorities. When the famous psychic did not want to share, he was briefly imprisoned for prevention.

Once on tour, Messing encountered a man who claimed that he had figured out all his tricks. It was a young scientist Vladimir Svechnikov. He concluded: Wolf Messing has hypersensitivity, but not the ability to read minds. Messing knew the basics of hypnosis and could give orders. But this had nothing to do with clairvoyance. Observation was the main weapon of the main Soviet psychic. However, Svechnikov did not prove anything and did not publicly denounce Messing. He shared his thoughts with the press only after the death of this great man.

Vanga. She is credited with foreseeing the sinking of the Kursk submarine. They say she guessed fate ordinary people. And she kicked Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev himself out of her house...

On a clear day in 1923, the sky suddenly darkened and a hurricane hit a small Bulgarian village. The whirlwind picked up a 12-year-old girl and a few minutes later hit the child on the ground. She was found only a day later. She saw almost nothing. And a month later she became completely blind. But, having lost her sight, Vangelia Gushterova, now known to the whole world as Vanga, became clairvoyant. In a low, chesty voice, Vanga spoke about the large, universal events that she foresaw. And when it came to personal matters, visitors heard the voice of an ordinary old woman. Vanga never spoke directly to a person about death. For example, one day a woman, Lyudmila, came to her asking her to tell her what happened to her daughter. Vanga immediately realized that the child had died. But Lyudmila only said: “You urgently need to give birth to another child.” The old lady understood that new baby will give a woman an incentive to live on after she learns about the death of her daughter.

In order to make a prediction, Vanga needed the personal presence of a person and some of his things. Most often, before visiting, Vanga asked to hold a piece of sugar under the pillow and then give it to her. She said that somehow a person’s personality remains in sugar crystals. Some researchers believe that this sugar is just an entourage. And that Vanga did not have any supernatural abilities. Only iron logic. And a whole staff of spies - drivers, waiters, cleaners in hotels. They met with people who were on their way to Vanga, in a casual conversation they extracted stories of their lives and passed them on to the old woman.

Visitors did not visit Vanga for free. For example, a reception for foreigners cost $60. Every day the clairvoyant received up to 200 people. But she never became rich - her relatives took absolutely everything.

The profession of a psychic has been in demand and popular at all times, since people have always been interested in their future. There are many mediums and predictors in the world, but there are only a few of the most powerful. Vanga is a world famous Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. Juna is a famous Russian fortuneteller, according to various media outlets, who treated prominent personalities and political figures in the USSR, however, there is no written confirmation or documentary evidence. Wolf Messing is a sensational psychic who has captivated an audience of millions with his superhuman abilities.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    Famous psychics of Russia and the world

  1. 1. Juna.

Juna's real name is Evgenia Davitashvili. Country of birth: USSR. She received the gift of foresight when she fell into a well at an early age and spent a lot of time there before she was pulled out.

  1. 2. Vanga.

Full name - Vangeliya Gushterova. Country of birth: Macedonia.

Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12 due to a natural disaster, which she miraculously managed to survive. After the girl went blind, she began to predict the future.

She predicted the American terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. Vanga prophesied to America that a lot of human blood would be shed because of the steel birds, and so it happened.

Vangelia predicted that in 2010 a world famine would begin, all animals and plants would die due to the use of nuclear weapons, Europe would become empty, and the Muslim people would start the Third World War. However, this prediction, fortunately, did not come true.

  1. 3. Messing.

A native of Poland, years of life - 1899 - 1974. He could read the thoughts of any person through his insight and amazing mental abilities. Wolf Messing became one of the most popular illusionists. He predicted the date of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, predicted the death of Joseph Stalin on a Jewish holiday - the leader died on March 5 on the day of Purim (the liberation of the Jewish people living on the territory of the Persian Empire from extermination).