Maksakova Maria spicy. Intimate photos of young slut Maria Maksakova have surfaced

An active discussion has begun on social networks of photographs which, as users believe, depict Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, who suddenly fled to Ukraine, in her youth at the start of her opera career. And as they show known facts— youth was truly stormy and fickle.

Maksakova's biography is complete unexpected turns and stories. The media have repeatedly mentioned reports about her unformed alliance with the head of the fraternal organized crime group, Vladimir Tyurin, from whom she later successfully disowned. Later, in 2012, Maksakova, also according to a number of media reports, was in civil marriage with Jamil Aliyev.

Having had plenty of fun, she married the notorious Denis Voronenkov - this is how the first in Russia was formed love union traitor deputies. The photos also demonstrate the character of the freedom-loving Maksakova at the dawn of her career. Users of social networks actively comment on previously unpublished photographs of the young Maksakova, calling her in particular a deputy with reduced social responsibility and sympathizing with another ex-State Duma deputy - Maksakova-Igenbergs's husband, who also suddenly realized what dictatorial country he lived in, only after he His parliamentary immunity ended, and law enforcement agencies began to have serious questions about him.

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Perhaps the most talked about person in February 2017 was the opera singer Maria Maksakova together with your spouse.

1. The high-profile departure of the spouses

If the singer had decided to arrange such PR during her artistic activity, it would obviously not have been successful. And here, in political career, and even associated with the betrayal of the Motherland, and many fellow party members perceived her departure together with her communist husband to Ukraine, and even at the very time when Poroshenko literally threatening war and pulling forces to the border, it was like an explosion. In any case, their inter-factional marriage, Maksakova (“ United Russia") and Voronenkov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) did not create such a stir. And they didn’t do anything in their parties that would make them talk so much. As deputies, the couple also did not distinguish themselves at all. True, in Ukraine the couple’s arrival was immediately passed off as political persecution of both by the Russian authorities. But in fact, Voronenkov, having lost his parliamentary immunity and not getting into the Duma for a new term, had to run away somewhere. No less than he was accused of stealing a house in the center of Moscow, and such things are not joked about, even if your wife is a world-class opera diva.

Interest in Maksakova was also fueled by the appearance of her “naked” photos on the Internet. An active discussion has begun on social networks about candid filming, in which Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs allegedly demonstrates her charms in her youth, at the very beginning of her opera career. The singer’s youth was indeed eventful. Much has been written about her affair with the head of a fraternal organized crime group. Vladimir Tyurin, which she later flatly refused. Later, in 2012, Maksakova, also according to newspapers and magazines, was in a civil marriage with Jamil Aliyev, whom she herself called a jeweler from Baku.

In general, Maria Maksakova had a stormy youth, and no less stormy maturity.

Victoria Bonya and businessman Alex Smerfit (Photo: Alexandra Mudrats/TASS)

2. Bonya is not the wife of an oligarch

Victoria Bonya forced to admit that she is no longer the oligarch’s wife. Before this, in fact, there was no marriage as such. Although they raised their common child as mom and dad, they are a millionaire Alexey Smerfit so he didn’t take Victoria to the registry office. And after her beloved posted a photo online of him kissing a stranger, Bona had to show all her cards and announce that she had separated from her common-law spouse. Smurfit's girlfriend turned out to be a model Katya Aleshkina from Rostov. As she is described, she is a hunter of the rich. However, the same description could be given to Bona herself. And Smurfit could be called a model collector. Before that, he was credited with an affair with a model TaylorHoward. Alexey and Taylor traveled around the islands together Caribbean Sea and he, without hesitation, then posted the photo on social networks.

Bonya is trying his best to save face. Although the end of their union was quite expected. They met when he was already the owner of a European chain of hotels and pastry shops, the son of a millionaire, and she made her living either as a waitress or as a participant in the dubious Dom-2 project. Another fairy tale about Cinderella didn’t work out, and it hardly could have worked out, even despite having a common daughter...

Olga Buzova (Photo:

3. Inhuman suffering Buzovoy

For Olga Buzova These are truly difficult times. Now she breathed a sigh of relief. She was nevertheless invited to Grozny to attend a fashion show of the Firdaws fashion house, which belongs to Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat. Before this, there was news that Buzova’s anti-fans managed to convince Kadyrov that the girl from Dom-2, showing off her underwear, could not equally well be a model for strict Muslim fashion. Then Buzova happily announced that she had received an invitation. And one can only imagine how much the poor guy had to go through, especially when a video of the Firdaws fashion house appeared on Instagram. Nyusha and with comment Aishat Kadyrova: “I decided not to torment you with anticipation... Singer Nyusha is one of our invitees dear guests and she conveys to you, our beloved subscribers, a video message and sends her greetings.” In general, the danger that the Kadyrovs would prefer Nyusha to Buzova scared her seriously, it seems even more than a divorce from her husband, a football player Dmitry Tarasov. And one can only guess why the host of “House-2” is so attracted to trips to Grozny.

Larisa Guzeeva and Euclid Kyurdzidis (Photo:

4. Presenters “Let’s get married!” shook up the old days

First I decided to shine Syabitova. This lady, not very pleasant in all respects, whose image even if you really want, you can’t come up with, because shameless rudeness must simply be in the blood. And then the matchmaker, without betraying her bad traditions, decided to run into Anna Sedokova, who, having two children, announced that she was going to have a third. Then Syabitova said that Anna is “recyclable material”, a mother of two children, which is why she is no longer invited down the aisle.

Sedokova retorted that she was actually going to give birth to five children. Syabitova herself is definitely not capable of such a feat, having celebrated her 55th birthday, beaten by her husband, she can only take out her anger on younger, prettier and more talented people.

Suddenly Larisa Guzeeva following Syabitova, she created a precedent so that they would start talking about her. She suddenly announced that she had left her husband Igor Bukharov after 19 years of marriage. But not only that, after that there were reports that she was seen in company with the actor EuclidKyurdzidis. So Guzeeva decided to show that she can give a head start to young people on her own, rather than calling someone out of spite a recyclable.

5. Boycott Eurovision in Kyiv

Two domestic stars immediately came up with a proposal to boycott Eurovision. About Philip Kirkorov We already wrote that since last year he has been walking around offended that his pupil Sergey Lazarev did not win the competition. But then Kirkorov repeated himself again:

“What is the point of participating in a competition in which they are simply settling scores with our country? Why go where we are not expected?” - asks the singer.

Following him, he said about the need to boycott Eurovision in an interview with KP Oleg Gazmanov. He is outraged by the very fact that Russian artists have become prohibited from entering Ukraine; this is generally genocide, according to the singer. Therefore, Gazmanov proposes to slam the door loudly and hold his own competition.

However, it seems that everything is heading towards a boycott. None of the serious contenders for the competition have yet been identified. And those who were offered it were flatly refused. Maybe while Maksakova is in Kyiv, offer her to sing for Russia so that she doesn’t waste her time? They proposed in the State Duma to send a deputy there Joseph Kobzon, Maksakova could have been involved. As a singer, she definitely won’t let you down, and she’s not prohibited from entering Kyiv.

Maria Maksakova // Photo: Social networks

Maria Maksakova has been living in Ukraine for almost two years now. She refuses to visit Russia, believing that it could be dangerous for her. After the murder of her husband Denis Voronenkov, the inconsolable widow spoke of endless love and devotion to the father of her youngest son. However, it has now turned out that the singer has already managed to get married again.

As it turned out, the artist married a certain Dalkhat Khalaev on July 12. Her feelings for her chosen one were so strong that Maksakova transferred an apartment on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment to her chosen one. But the newly-minted spouse decided that he could dispose of the gift at his own discretion, and therefore put the property up for sale.

Shocked by the betrayal, the artist filed a lawsuit demanding that the property be returned to her. The defendant in the case was Dalkhat Khalaev himself and the buyer of the property, Murat Merzhoev.

Maria's representatives, in a conversation with StarHit, did not refute the information about the wedding. However, they refrained from commenting on the celebration. Now Maksakova is trying to figure out how to return the property, because the case is being considered in a Russian court, and the opera diva has been refusing to visit her homeland for two years.

It is not yet known where Maria met her current chosen one, and how long their relationship has been going on. Apparently, the star was quite disappointed with her husband’s decision to sell her gift.

By the way, when news appeared about legal proceedings involving Maksakova, many fans came to the conclusion that the artist was trying to win back the inheritance of the murdered Voronenkov. The ex-deputy was the owner of several luxury apartments, country house And office building. However, all this property, according to the opera diva, was illegally transferred to relatives ex-wife Julia's politics.

In 2017, Maria already sued Voronenkov’s relatives over real estate. Then the politician’s daughter Ekaterina sold an apartment on Tverskaya Street for 120 million rubles, which did not suit Maksakova. She was sure that a certain Denis Panaitov had deceived Voronenkov’s heiress by forcing her to put on the market an apartment that supposedly belonged to the opera diva. Then the proceedings continued for several months, but both sides preferred not to talk about their progress.

However, it has now become clear that the trial is much more personal in nature. Of course, Maksakova’s fans were shocked by her unexpected marriage. And yet, many of them came to the conclusion that a secret wedding could take place, because the artist’s love of love has long been legendary. It remains unclear what decision the court will make, and whether the outcome of this strange case will affect Maria’s relationship with Dalkhat Khalaev.

November 14 at the beautiful and prominent politician Maria Kozhevnikova's birthday. One of the most attractive deputies, and in the past – the star of the film series “Univer”, turns 29 years old.
As you know, there are many women in domestic politics, of which we have chosen the 7 sexiest for this material.

1. Maria Kozhevnikova
The general public became acquainted with Maria thanks to the role of the sexy blonde Allochka in the TV series “Univer”, and by the way, according to Maria’s friends, the image of Allochka was very difficult for the aspiring actress. It was so difficult for a metropolitan princess with a European upbringing to play a cunning and dull provincial girl that she had to go to restaurants and meet “oligarch seekers” there. She adopted their gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking (apparently, Allochkin is “kick-ass”) and dressing. As a result, she succeeded so well in the role of the beautiful fool that many still do not believe that Maria Kozhevnikova is “completely different” in life.
But in fact, for several years now, Maria has been showing herself not only as an extremely sexy, but also a very serious politician: in 2011, she joined the Young Guard of United Russia, became a member and “confidant” of the All-Russian Popular Front, then was elected as a deputy State Duma VI convocation from United Russia. Of course, the actress is a member of the State Duma Committee on Culture.
But for those who want to claim the hand and heart of the beauty, we have sad news - for some time Maria met with a young man who, in her words, “has nothing to do with show business, or politics, or sports,” and in September of this year they got married in Nice, France.

2. Masha Malinovskaya
The political career of the real, without exaggeration, sex symbol of the early 2000s, Masha Malinovskaya, was bright, but short-lived: on the set of the reality show “Empire” she met the leader of the LDPR V.V. Zhirinovsky, and he persuaded her to join the ranks of the party . In 2005, Masha became a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma. However, already in October 2008, the LDPR coordination council expelled her from the party, to which Malinovskaya responded with an event under the motto “I’m no longer a member, but I have a mandate!”

3. Alina Kabaeva
Seductive representative of United Russia, once multiple World champion and medalist Olympic Games in gymnastics, in the last couple of years, for reasons unknown to us, and to our great regret, she completely disappeared from television screens. But we hasten to inform you that Alina successfully continues to serve her Motherland, attending State Duma meetings as a people’s deputy and taking an active part in legislative work.

4. Svetlana Khorkina
The cute blonde Svetlana Khorkina was also once a successful athlete, and now she is an equally successful and effective deputy. Of course, from the “party in power”, which always successfully wins Duma elections. The photo shows Svetlana working at long parliamentary sessions. On top of that, in October 2012 she was appointed as a reviewer Control Department President Russian Federation, whatever that means.

5. Maria Maksakova
Another blonde, sultry beauty Maria Maksakova is a Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano), soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. Deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from the United Russia party, member of the State Duma Committee on Culture, one of the authors of the bill on the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet.

6. Oh, how difficult it is for male representatives to work among such colorful and sensual colleagues!

7. Elena Mizulina
We included Elena Borisovna in this selection not so much because of her external attractiveness (which leaves no doubt), but because of the deputy’s passionate, all-prohibiting initiatives, which are entirely of a sexual nature. There is a fear that this woman really knows absolutely everything about sex. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that her desire to send us back to the Union, where there was “no sex” at all, looks strange and incomprehensible, and not to Belgium, for example, where her son lives and works well, and where, as you know, there are plenty of gays and other extremely dangerous citizens.

8. Valentina Aleksandrovna Petrenko
Prominent Soviet and later Russian statesman, member of the Federation Council since 2001. Member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
She found herself in the selection thanks to our sincere sympathy for her activities in the highest government body - the Federation Council, and her appearance, which resembles something “sexy-mysterious-alien”.



Apparently, the pictures were taken many years ago: Maksakova, captured in the photographs in very revealing poses, looks quite young and looks like a typical student from a wealthy family. How materials of such intimate content fell into the hands of Mercury remains unknown.

Users of social networks reacted unequivocally to the publication - they called the pictures vulgar and vulgar and attacked the fugitive ex-State Duma deputy with criticism. “So she worked part-time as a porn actress in Germany?” – one of the commentators asks. “It’s clear why she ended up in Ukraine. The voice of mentality called,” another caustically remarks.

“Well, nature, as is well known, must rest one day...” continues another user social network. In total, the post received more than two dozen negative comments.

It is noteworthy that after the publication of the photographs, Mercury reported threatening calls from Maksakova. Make fun of opera singer netizens managed to even comment on this post. "On language ( Ukrainian – Approx. ed) did she at least threaten?" - one of those who was deeply impressed by what they saw jokingly asked. Later, a call came from Maksakova’s angry husband Denis Voronenkov.