How Evgeny Osin lives now. Evgeniy Osin is in very serious condition

Singer Evgeny Osin, popular in the 90s, admitted to journalists from the publication StarHit that his legs gave out due to problems with his spine. "I live alone, I have difficulty moving around the apartment. I feel like I’m crawling around sharp knives.

In addition, my shoulder is broken - I hit it unsuccessfully concrete wall last month. I can’t hold a guitar, and I’ll have to completely forget about hour-long performances on stage. It’s sad, fans are used to seeing me as a cheerful guy in bell-bottoms, but now there’s nothing left of him,” said the 52-year-old performer of the hits “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine,” “Tanya Plus Volodya,” and “The Eighth of March.”
The artist says that he needs several operations, but there is no money for them at all: “The last savings were taken by television people who promised to film a story about me and assured that they would send them abroad for treatment. I let them into the apartment. I fed them for several weeks, spent my time, but they deceived me... In trouble, no one supports me, I do everything myself.” According to Osin, daughter Agnia and ex-wife Natalya completely forgot about him.
“I don’t have a job, and I don’t have royalties either. All I can do is ask people for help,” the singer laments. In an interview with, he confirmed information about health problems. He also noted that he had already been to four hospitals. The doctors' prognosis is disappointing.
“They said that my legs might fail. Some doctors said that my legs might even be amputated,” said the musician. Meanwhile, singer Natalya Sturm reported on her Instagram page that Osin urgently needs help, but not the kind he is asking for.
“My friend Zhenya Osin is very sick. He urgently needs help. But not the kind he asks for - Zhenya needs to be treated for many years of alcoholism. Let him be offended by these words, but I’d rather write than bury him. The problem is that he does not admit his illness.
And if you give him money now to treat his legs, he will drink it. He must be treated by force - there is no other way. All means have been tried. It’s a shame, he’s a wonderful musician,” the artist said. “Thanks to everyone who is worried about Zhenya. Today was a difficult day, the doctors and I tried for 8 hours to persuade Zhenya to go to the clinic for examination.
And he already agreed, if not... I’ll tell it like it is: an army of journalists surrounded the house in the hope of getting fried facts. TV crews are cutting off his phone number, promising fees, but not to help with treatment, but to use the sick artist for one-time filming and throw it away as waste material.
“Friends” called, who were ready to rush to “rescue” me from the doctors. Even the house security was on our side, cooperating as much as possible.

One thing I don’t understand: why deceive fans, viewers, readers, if you don’t need to treat your legs, you, Zhenya, just need to buy a bottle??
I brought doctors, everything is paid for, a single room is ready in private clinic- My wife just had to get to the elevator and get into the car with us... do you know how much money his fans sent him for “pseudo-treatment”? All only 200 rubles! So they heard me!
Know that this money is not for treatment, but for death. The doctor’s diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver and not only...", Sturm wrote in another post.

The performer of the hits “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine” Evgeniy Osin is urgently rescued at a rehabilitation clinic for alcohol and drug addicts in Thailand. Details of his stay were reported by TV presenter Dana Borisova, who herself was treated at this center.


“I was told that Zhenya had barricaded himself in the apartment, had been drinking for five days, and wasn’t letting anyone in,” recalls Dana. “I called him and began to convince him to go to the center where I was being treated. Like, now a person will come to him from me and take him away. Zhenya was drunk at that time, he only mumbled in response."

"Zhenya found himself in a very in serious condition, continues Borisova. “He couldn’t walk, he only crawled.” It was white, some kind of green. Osin refused food and complained of numbness in his limbs. He has the 3rd – last – stage of alcoholism.

Now Borisova intends to send several star colleagues to a clinic on Koh Samui. And she even hinted who she meant. “I threw out a cry in our show business that we need to save two blondes - a famous TV presenter who is insane and whose hair has come out, and a dancer-ballerina,” Dana said in an interview with the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel.

According to him, the cost of 6 months of stay in the rehabilitation center is 700 thousand rubles. But Dana assures that finding money is not a problem. The main thing is to save sick colleagues.

Arose from alcohol addiction, which developed after a divorce, which put an end to his relationship not only with his wife Natasha, but also with his beloved daughter Agnia, in whom he literally doted.

And on August 18, Evgenia Osina’s sister contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of the singer and a request to establish his whereabouts.

On the evening of August 18, 2017, information appeared that the singer was in a rehabilitation center, where his friends had taken him.

Where is Evgeny Osin now?

Previously, the media had already reported about the singer’s problems arising from alcohol addiction, which developed after a divorce, which put an end to his relationship not only with his wife Natasha, but also with his beloved daughter Agnia, in whom he literally doted.

Trying to get the opportunity to see his daughter, Evgeniy Osin got a job as a music teacher at the school where she studied. But gradually the daughter moved away from him, which led to depression and attempts to drown out heartache alcohol.

Last year, a sensational program on the NTV channel “Degree of Despair” was aired, which presented material filmed by the channel’s employees over several days of communication with the singer.

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Looking at these shots, it’s difficult to recognize Zhenya Osin, who was once such a cheerful, young and lively joker.

The audience saw a flabby, drunken man who lives, giving up on everything around him, in complete isolation from reality, waking up every day only to drink his dose of alcohol again and pass out.

Finding the former idol of all the girls in our country in such a state, the television crew called ambulance, who took him to a detoxification clinic.

Many famous artists, speaking live on the “Let Them Talk” program, promised their help to the drunken artist.

And on August 17, on the air of Channel 1, Dmitry Borisov reported that they wanted to invite Evgeniy to the next program, but again they found him in a state of complete blackout.

And on August 18, information appeared that Evgenia Osina’s sister contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of the singer and a request to establish his whereabouts.

On the evening of August 18, 2017, information appeared. that the singer is in a rehabilitation center where his friends took him.

We will monitor developments.

I would like to hope that everything will turn out well for the singer, beloved by several generations, and that he will find the strength to cope with addiction and find peace of mind to delight us with your songs again.

Not long ago, the public stirred up complicated story life of Evgeniy Osin, in fact, this artist was on the verge of death due to his completely uncontrollable alcoholism. There are four stages of this disease in total, and apparently Evgeniy Osin is in the third. Initially, this whole story didn’t hurt me at all, because known fact– not all singers who became famous in the last century were able to bear the burden of their fame, some became drunk, some went into circulation, some were unable to take into account the interests of the new generation and were unable to retain their audience. Anyone who did not change and did not keep up with the times is now out of work. And this is a sad fact. In the 90s, these stars packed the halls, fans devoted themselves to them, fans of their work were on duty in the entrances, listeners were ready to carry their idols in their arms, it seemed that this popular love would last forever. Where can she disappear to? And then everything disappeared overnight. Once beautiful singers and singers have become flabby, swollen, fat, bald, looking at them, the audience feels nothing but pity and regret. Evgeny Osin was no exception. To be honest, it seemed to me that I was not familiar with his work, only the song “The girl is crying in the machine gun” popped into my head, but still, before writing this article, I still listened to large number songs of this artist and realized that many of them were very familiar to me, moreover, I realized that Evgeniy Osin’s voice is really very good, rich, sonorous, this guy sang better than most of those who are now squealing on our stage. Unpretentious in appearance, short, but talented, punchy Evgeniy Osin decided to take yard songs to the stage. These were exactly the kind of lyrics and melodies that the public needed – sincere, sincere. I thought that in all the photos Evgeny Osin would be gray and dull, but it turned out to be completely different, almost all of his photos are very bright and sunny. Pay attention to the jackets, shirts, and trousers this singer is wearing. Evgeny Osin brought a holiday to people, such songs are sung at weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, such texts are easy and pleasant to sing while drunk. But what is Evgeny Osin’s life like now? Your wife Natalya has left for someone else and won’t let you see your child? No, I don’t believe it. Evgeniy Osin worked as a music teacher at his daughter Agnia’s school for many years, organized a creative group there, and practiced vocals with his child and her friends. If the mother had been against it, she would have done everything to transfer her daughter to another school. It seems to me that one of the reasons for the divorce could have been Evgeniy Osin’s incipient alcoholism; the woman could not stand it and left. And then, after all, Osin himself once stole Natalya from her husband, a teacher Spanish. Then Natalya dumped Osin. What to be offended by? First you stole a woman from your rival, then another male stole your prey from under your nose. Evgeny Osin says that Natalya went to his friend because she was thirsty luxurious life. It’s in vain that this guy is slandering the mother of his child to the whole country.

In this whole situation, I feel very sorry for Evgeniy Osin’s daughter, young Agnia, Agnieszka. Once popular throughout Soviet Union Dad is an alcoholic, he is shown on talk shows, the whole country is talking about him, but he could continue to be on everyone’s lips, but not thanks to his drunkenness. If Evgeny Osin had not taken to drinking, it is unlikely that he would now only sing his old songs; to stay afloat you need to constantly come up with something new. What worked once may not bring success today. But it seems that Evgeniy Osin has new material. It is possible that this guy will come to his senses and we will hear about him again, but not as an alcoholic, but as a talented musician and singer.

I found about sixty various photos Evgenia Osina, these photos are really interesting to look at. And so let's get started.

With Lena Perova.

Little Evgeny Osin with his parents. His dad was a trolleybus driver. Discord in the family began when the head of the family became a sectarian - a Seventh-day Adventist.

In this photo, Evgeny Osin is with his parents and his little daughter Agnia.

With his wife Natalya.

With daughter Agnia.

In this photo, Evgeny Osin with his wife Natalya.

With Alena Sviridova.

With his wife Natalya.

With my grown daughter.

Agnia Osina is a very beautiful and talented girl.

As journalists from found out, 51-year-old performer and musician Evgeny Osin went to the capital’s hospital a few days ago. After a thorough examination, the doctors issued a disappointing verdict - cirrhosis of the liver. The disease developed due to alcohol abuse. The condition of the once popular artist is assessed as serious.


Back in December, Evgeny Osin complained about feeling unwell, although he assured reporters that he was struggling with alcohol addiction. "IN lately I don’t feel very well, I’m very sick, a doctor comes to see me every day and puts on IVs. Pancreatitis and pancreatic problems. I recently broke my arm and didn’t even bother putting a cast on it. It's hard to play the guitar. I fell into a situation of hopelessness. I’m not a poor person, I have a lot of things, but I don’t have women or happiness. My daughter has not wanted to communicate with me for two years now. I suffer a lot from this. I would like to get married again, but I can’t put such a burden on myself, because I feel like I’m going to die soon,” Evgeniy said in a recent interview.

Osin lives alone in a four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. Women he knows help tidy up the actor’s home. “I have such a mess in my apartment because there is no one to clean: there is no wife, no housekeeper. Sometimes friends come: it so happens that I have more female friends than male friends. They help a little with the housework, they say: “Zhen, come on, go get some sleep, we’ll clean and wash everything here,” Osin shared.

Once upon a time, Evgeny Osin was extremely famous, and his hit “The Girl is Crying” broke records for popularity. However, at some point the artist suddenly disappeared. As it turned out, Evgeniy preferred the stage and popularity to working at school as an ordinary music teacher. The artist did this in order to meet his daughter Agnia, whose mother the singer divorced.